- Lauren Abrams
- model set painter: ILM
- Susan Alegria
- model maker: ILM
- Gianni Aliotti
- digital artist: PDI
- Christian Alzmann
- concept artist: ILM / storyboard artist: ILM
- Will Anielewicz
- digital artist: ILM
- Stephen Aplin
- digital model development: ILM (as Steve Aplin)
- Barry Armour
- computer graphics supervisor: ILM
- Joakim Arnesson
- computer graphics sequence supervisor: ILM
- Lori Arnold
- visual effects plate coordinator: ILM
- Matt Baer
- digital artist: PDI
- Al Bailey
- compositor: ILM
- Michael Baltazar
- digital artist: ILM
- Bill Barr
- stage crew: ILM (as William Barr)
- Carol Bauman
- model maker: ILM
- Dugan Beach
- CG creature developer: ILM
- Jean-Paul Beaulieu
- digital artist: ILM
- Kathleen Beeler
- digital artist: ILM
- Mike Bienstock
- first assistant camera: ILM
- Duncan Blackman
- 3D matchmove artist: ILM
- Nick Bogle
- model maker: ILM (as Nicholas Bogle)
- Matt Bouchard
- digital artist: ILM (as Matthew Bouchard)
- Ronald Bouma
- senior modeler
- Steve Braggs
- digital artist: ILM
- Sam Breach
- digital artist: ILM
- Daniel Brimer
- associate visual effects producer: PDI
- Eric Bruneau
- compositing supervisor: PDI
- Jill Butler
- digital artist: PDI
- Brian Cantwell
- 3D matchmove artist: ILM
- Tami Carter
- compositing supervisor: ILM
- Evan Cecil
- visual effects production assistant: ILM
- Eric D. Christensen
- digital paint and roto artist: ILM (as Eric Christensen)
- Marc Chu
- animator: ILM
- Tom Cloutier
- stage crew: ILM (as Thomas Cloutier)
- Kingston Cole
- visual effects production assistant: ILM
- Michael Conte
- compositor: ILM (as Mike Conte)
- Julie Creighton
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Sean Curran
- animator: ILM
- Lorelei David
- editorials: ILM
- Gabe de Kelaita
- Production support: ILM
- Bernie Demolski
- stage crew: ILM (as Richard Demolski)
- Lindy DeQuattro
- digital artist: ILM (as Lindy De Quattro)
- Tom Dilligan
- software developer: ILM
- Matt Edwards
- cg technical support: ILM
- Vicki L. Engel
- visual effects associate producer: ILM (as Vicki Engel)
- Jeff Ertl
- digital artist: ILM
- Scott Farrar
- production visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Dave Fogler
- senior model maker: ILM (as David Fogler)
- Jon Foreman
- model maker: ILM
- Warren Fu
- lead concept designer: ILM
- Todd Fulford
- digital artist: ILM
- Philip R. Garrett
- editorial assistant: PDI (as Phil Garrett)
- Steve Gawley
- model supervisor: ILM
- Brian Gee
- digital artist: ILM
- Tim Geideman
- negative lineup: ILM
- Robert Gianino
- cg technical support: ILM
- Bill Gilman
- compositor: ILM
- Michael Gleason
- visual effects editor: ILM
- Ludmila Golynski
- digital model development: ILM (as Lioudmilla Golynskaia)
- Bridget Goodman
- viewpoint artist: ILM (as Bridget Goodman)
- Justin Graham
- digital paint and roto artist: ILM
- Nelson Hall
- model maker: ILM
- David Hanks
- 3D matchmove artist: ILM (as Dave Hanks)
- Jonathan Harb
- digital matte artist: ILM
- Aaron Haye
- senior model maker: ILM
- Jack Haye
- digital model development: ILM
- Lesley Headrick
- animator: ILM
- Andy Hendrickson
- on-set visualization: ILM
- Hal T. Hickel
- animation supervisor (as Hal Hickel)
- Robert Hill
- first assistant camera: ILM
- Peggy Hrastar
- model set painter: ILM
- Tony Hudson
- digital model supervisor: ILM
- Les Hunter
- visual effects producer: PDI
- Robbin Huntingdale
- viewpoint artist: ILM
- Grant Imahara
- senior model maker: ILM
- Erich Ippen
- rebel unit artist: ILM
- Jon Jarvis
- editorials: ILM
- Erik Jensen
- model maker: ILM
- Keith Johnson
- 3D matchmove supervisor: ILM
- Michael Kaelin
- digital artist: PDI
- Mel Kangleon
- digital artist: PDI
- Ira Keeler
- model maker: ILM
- Shawn Kelly
- animator: ILM
- Stephen Kennedy
- compositor: ILM (as Steve Kennedy)
- Greg Killmaster
- digital artist: ILM
- Genevieve King
- visual effects coordinator: PDI
- Henry LaBounta
- visual effects supervisor: PDI
- Gregor Lakner
- digital artist: ILM
- Jeroen Lapre
- digital artist: ILM
- Jennifer Leo
- visual effects editor: PDI
- Bradford Lewis
- concept artist
- Victoria Lewis
- senior model maker: ILM
- Gregory D. Liegey
- compositor: ILM (as Greg Liegey)
- Wayne Lo
- visual effects production assistant: ILM
- Alan Lynch
- model maker: ILM
- Michael Macias
- digital artist: PDI
- Jeff Mann
- senior staff: ILM
- Tia L. Marshall
- compositor: ILM (as Tia Marshall)
- Tom Martinek
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Aaron McBride
- concept artist: ILM / storyboard artist: ILM
- Scott McNamara
- model maker: ILM
- Andrew McPhillips
- digital artist: PDI
- Mark S. Miller
- visual effects executive producer: ILM
- Richard Miller
- model maker: ILM
- Todd Mitchell
- film recording engineer: ILM
- Curt I. Miyashiro
- computer graphics supervisor: ILM (as Curt Miyashiro)
- Terry Molatore
- viewpaint artist: ILM
- Rodney Morgan
- model maker: ILM
- Jim Morris
- senior staff: ILM
- Katie Morris
- lead digital paint and roto artist: ILM
- Wendy Morton
- model maker: ILM
- Dennis Muren
- visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Stephen Murphy
- digital artist: ILM
- David Nakabayashi
- visual effects art director: ILM
- Patrick Neary
- digital artist: ILM (as Pat Neary)
- Ben Nichols
- senior model maker: ILM
- Ken Nielsen
- digital artist: ILM
- Michael Olague
- stage crew: ILM
- Randy Ottenberg
- model maker: ILM
- Mayur Patel
- digital artist: ILM
- Robert Perri
- model maker: ILM
- Alan Peterson
- model maker: ILM
- Lorne Peterson
- senior model maker: ILM
- Philip Peterson
- software developer: ILM (as Phil Peterson)
- Tony Preciado
- model maker: ILM
- Bonnie Pritzker
- production accountant: ILM
- Tom Proost
- model maker: ILM
- Philippe Rebours
- digital artist: ILM (as Phillippe Rebours)
- Joshua Rosen
- lead concept designer: ILM
- Martin Rosenberg
- visual effects director of photography: ILM (as Marty Rosenberg)
- Seth Rosenthal
- on-set visualization: ILM
- Krzysztof Rost
- digital artist: PDI (as Krzysztof Rostek)
- Jesse Russell
- digital paint and roto artist: ILM
- Barry Safley
- compositor: ILM
- Steve J. Sanchez
- compositor: ILM (as Steve Sanchez)
- Mike Sanders
- on-set visualization: ILM (as Michael Sanders)
- Steve Sauers
- 3D matchmove artist: ILM
- Adam Savage
- model maker: ILM
- Eric Schafer
- software developer: ILM
- Frederic Schmidt
- digital artist: ILM
- Stacey Shear
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Mark Siegel
- model maker: ILM
- Mark Siew
- digital artist: PDI
- Douglas Smythe
- visual effects associate supervisor: ILM (as Doug Smythe)
- Alan Sonneman
- digital artist: PDI
- Michael Steffe
- model maker: ILM
- Eben Stromquist
- model maker: ILM
- David Sullivan
- digital paint and roto artist: ILM
- Daniel Sunwoo
- digital artist: ILM
- Pat Sweeney
- visual effects director of photography: ILM (as Patrick Sweeney)
- Joe Takai
- production engineering supervisor
- Wilson J. Tang
- lead concept designer: ILM (as Wilson Tang)
- Angela Taylor
- digital artist: ILM
- Chad Taylor
- lead sabre artist: ILM
- Ginger Theisen
- visual effects producer: ILM
- Paul Theren
- digital model development: ILM
- Kim Thompson
- animator: ILM
- Bill Tlusty
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Christopher Townsend
- computer graphics sequence supervisor: ILM
- Emerito Trevino
- cg technical support: ILM
- Chris Trimble
- digital artist: PDI
- Yusei Uesugi
- digital matte artist: ILM
- Michael Van Eps
- digital paint and roto artist: ILM (as Mike Van Eps)
- Bruce Vecchitto
- digital timing supervisor: ILM
- Lauren Vogt
- model maker: ILM
- Danny Wagner
- model maker: ILM
- Mark Walas
- senior model maker: ILM
- Melanie Walas
- senior model maker: ILM
- Steve Walton
- viewpoint artist: ILM
- Jonathan Wank
- digital artist: PDI
- Peter Ward
- cg technical support: ILM
- Harold Weed
- digital model development: ILM (as Howie Weed)
- Colie Wertz
- rebel unit artist: ILM
- John Whisnant
- 3D matchmove artist: ILM
- Michael Wick
- model maker: ILM
- Chuck Wiley
- model maker: ILM (as Charles Wiley)
- Erik Winquist
- digital artist: PDI
- Sylvia Wong
- technical animation supervisor: ILM
- Elbert Yen
- lead viewpaint artist: ILM
- Amy Allen
- visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- Negin Bairami
- model maker (uncredited)
- Don Bies
- model maker: ILM (uncredited)
- Liz Borges-Herzog
- production assistant: PDI (uncredited)
- Mark Casey
- sabre artist (uncredited)
- Aric Cheng
- set designer: ILM (uncredited)
- Zachary Cole
- technical support: ILM (uncredited)
- Begonia Colomar
- digital color timer (uncredited)
- Michael Cordova
- film scanning and recording supervisor (uncredited)
- Ken Dackermann
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Matt Davis
- spydercam rigger technician (uncredited)
- Tim Drnec
- spydercam coordinator (uncredited)
- Steven Emmert
- optical compositor: THDX (uncredited)
- Brad Falk
- pre-visualization (uncredited)
- Brent Gilmartin
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Kenneth Gimpelson
- technical assistant: ILM (uncredited)
- Ned Gorman
- vfx creative consultant (uncredited)
- Jeff Grebe
- technical support: ILM (uncredited)
- Cam Griffin
- digital paint and rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Bryan Haynes
- model maker (uncredited)
- Lloyd Hess
- technical support (uncredited)
- Stewart Lew
- digital modeler: ILM (uncredited)
- Neil Lim Sang
- animator: ILM (uncredited)
- Stuart Lowder
- manager: digital production resources, ILM (uncredited)
- Marlon Montgomery
- animation technology (uncredited)
- Mark Moore
- concept artist (uncredited)
- Marc Ostroff
- visual effects assistant accountant: ILM (uncredited)
- Evan Pontoriero
- previsualization artist: ILM (uncredited)
- George Sakellariou
- production engineering: ILM (uncredited)
- Todd Semmes
- Spydercam coordinator/rigging (uncredited)
- Jay Shindell
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Kim Smith
- model maker; miniature unit (uncredited)
- Stephen Sobisky
- virtual effects project manager (uncredited)
- Sam Stewart
- digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Jeff Sutherland
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Doug Swam
- computer systems engineering (uncredited)
- Catherine Tate
- digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Bryan Taylor
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Tristan Tom
- digital matte technical support: ILM (uncredited)
- Trevor Tuttle
- model maker (uncredited)
- Aron Warner
- visual effects studio head (uncredited)
- Paige Warner
- motion control and digital integration: ILM (uncredited)
- Earl Wiggins
- aerial effects supervisor (uncredited)
- Mark R. Wilkins
- additional technical supervisor: PDI (uncredited)
- Ronnie E. Williams Jr.
- digital compositor (uncredited)