- Mimi Abers
- digital compositor / digital compositor: ILM
- Lauren Abrams
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- Ismail Acar
- animator: ILM
- Alia Agha
- 3D camera matchmove artist: ILM
- Jon Alexander
- digital compositor: ILM
- Andrew Anderson
- creature development artist: ILM
- Rob Andrews
- technical supervisor: Nexus Productions
- Leah Anton
- digital compositor: ILM
- Joel Aron
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Carl Assmus
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- Okan Ataman
- digital compositor: ILM
- Erika Bach
- 3D scanning assistant coordinator
- Lance Baetkey
- digital paint & roto artist: ILM
- Kevin Barnhill
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Bill Barr
- stage technician: ILM (as William Barr)
- Trent Bateman
- technical support: ILM
- Charlotte Bavasso
- producer: Nexus Productions
- Chris Bayz
- digital paint & roto artist: ILM
- Dennis Becker
- stage technician: ILM
- Kathleen Beeler
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Andrea Biklian
- film recording engineer: ILM
- Mattias Bjurström
- 3D modeling: Nexus Productions (as Mattias Bjurstrom)
- Duncan Blackman
- lead 3D camera matchmover: ILM
- Aron Bonar
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Scott Bonnenfant
- viewpaint artist: ILM
- Jason Brackett
- stage technician: ILM
- Colin Brady
- animation supervisor: ILM
- Steve Braggs
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Sam Breach
- digital compositor: ILM
- Patrick Brennan
- compositing sequence supervisor: ILM
- Jess Bryden
- visual effects artist
- Jason Bucha
- digital production manager: ILM
- Marshall Candland
- technical support: ILM
- Mark Casey
- sabre artist: ILM
- Sean M. Casey
- still photographer: ILM (as Sean Casey)
- Vanessa Cheung
- digital matte artist: ILM
- Terry Chostner
- lead 3D camera matchmover: ILM
- Eric D. Christensen
- digital paint & roto artist: ILM (as Eric Christensen)
- Patrick Clancey
- digital opticals
- Robbie Clot
- physical effects: ILM (as Rob Clot)
- Dylan Coates
- technical support: ILM
- Andrea Coish
- model/miniature painter: ILM
- Zachary Cole
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Brian Connor
- digital compositor: ILM
- Pat Conran
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Jay Cooper
- compositing sequence supervisor: ILM
- Catherine Craig
- viewpaint artist: ILM
- Don Crawford
- digital compositor: ILM
- Julie Creighton
- senior visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Colin Davidson
- research & development: ILM
- Michelle Dean
- creature development lead: ILM
- Bernie Demolski
- stage technician: ILM
- David Deuber
- digital compositor: ILM
- Bryan Dewe
- lead model/miniature maker: ILM
- Erik Dillinger
- technical support: ILM
- Vicki Dobbs Beck
- digital production manager: ILM
- Preston Donovan
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- Richard Ducker
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Nika Dunne
- digital paint & roto artist: ILM
- Selwyn Eddy
- 3d camera matchmove artist: ILM (as Selwyn Eddy III)
- Robert Edwards
- model/miniature maker: ILM (as Robbie Edwards)
- Sam Edwards
- sabre artist: ILM
- Jenn Emberly
- lead animator: ILM
- Anastasia Emmons
- projectionist: ILM (as Anastasia Eamons)
- Chrissie England
- senior staff: ILM
- Stefen Fangmeier
- visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Scott Farrar
- additional visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Dan Feinstein
- digital paint & roto artist: ILM (as Daniel Feinstein)
- Chris Foreman
- research & development: ILM (as Christopher Foreman)
- Christian Foucher
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Adam Foulkes
- creator: Littlest Elf animated sequence, Nexus Productions
- Alexandre Frazao
- motion capture technician: ILM (as Alex Frazao)
- Saul Freed
- 3D animation: Nexus Productions
- Ron Friedman
- animator: ILM
- Joe Fulmer
- stage technician: ILM (as Joseph Fulmer)
- Bradley Gabe
- creature development lead: ILM
- George Gambetta
- film recording engineer: ILM
- Dawn Gates
- digital paint & roto artist: ILM
- Steve Gawley
- model/miniature supervisor: ILM
- Grantland Gears
- technical support: ILM
- Michael Gleason
- visual effects editor: ILM
- Benjamin Goldman
- layout artist/animator: main titles and credit crawl
- Ludmila Golynski
- digital modeler: ILM (as Lioudmila Golynskaia)
- John Goodson
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- Jeff Grebe
- lead environment artist: ILM
- Orin Green
- sabre artist: ILM
- Michael Greenwood
- 3D modeling: Nexus Productions / animator: Nexus Productions
- Dominic Griffiths
- 3D animation: Nexus Productions
- Indira Guerrieri
- CG sequence supervisor: ILM
- Jon Guidinger
- model/miniature maker: ILM (as Jon P. Guidinger)
- Gerald Gutschmidt
- computer graphics supervisor: ILM
- Nelson Hall
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- James Halverson
- visual effects artist
- Stephanie Hamilton
- reference librarian: ILM
- Jon Hasted
- texturing: Nexus Productions
- Jeff Hatchel
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Jack Haye
- digital modeler: ILM
- Todd Hemker
- layout artist/animator: main titles and credit crawl
- Geoff Heron
- lead physical effects: ILM
- Matt Heron
- physical effects: ILM (as Matthew Heron)
- Christophe Hery
- research & development: ILM
- Clark Higgins
- video assist: ILM
- Robert Hill
- visual effects first assistant camera operator: ILM (as Bob Hill)
- Pamela Hobbs
- digital matte artist: ILM
- Robert Hoffmeister
- digital compositor: ILM
- Zain Homer
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Heather Hoyland
- digital compositor: ILM
- Peggy Hrastar
- lead model/miniature painter: ILM
- Roger Huang
- technical support: ILM
- Peg Hunter
- digital compositor: ILM
- Paul Huston
- digital matte artist: ILM
- Cyrus Jam
- technical support: ILM
- Patrick Jarvis
- lead digital paint & roto artist: ILM
- Brad Jerrell
- physical effects: ILM
- Darren Jones
- film recording engineer: ILM
- Edward Jones
- technical support: ILM
- Florian Kainz
- research & development: ILM
- Michael Kennedy
- digital compositor: ILM
- Marshall Richard Krasser
- digital compositing supervisor: ILM (as Marshall Krasser)
- Gregor Lakner
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Donna Lanasa
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Jessica Laszlo
- digital compositor: ILM
- Alison Leaf
- animator: ILM
- Julija Learie
- animator: ILM
- Rich Lee
- previs artist: Proof, Inc.
- Sunny Lee
- creature development artist: ILM
- Victoria Lewis
- model/miniature painter: ILM
- Melissa Lin
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Joshua Livingston
- 3D camera matchmove artist: ILM
- Wayne Lo
- lead environment artist: ILM
- Luke Longin
- 3D camera matchmove artist: ILM
- Michael Dean Ludlam
- computer graphic artist: ILM (as Michael Ludlam)
- Margaret B. Lynch
- plate coordinator: ILM (as Margaret Lynch)
- Michael Lynch
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- Alex MacDonald
- cablecam operator
- Susan Macke
- production accountant: ILM
- Duncan MacLaren
- 3D modeling: Nexus Productions (as Duncan Maclaren)
- Jodie Maier
- 3D camera matchmove artist: ILM
- Ian Mansel-Thomas
- production accountant: Nexus Productions
- Robert Marinic
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Tia L. Marshall
- compositing sequence supervisor: ILM (as Tia Marshall)
- Kevin May
- sabre artist: ILM
- Ryan Mayeda
- visual effects production assistant: ILM
- Jake Maymudes
- digital paint & roto artist: ILM
- Will McCoy
- digital compositor: ILM (as Will Mccoy)
- W. Regan McGee
- digital paint & roto artist: ILM (as Regan Mcgee)
- Noel McGinn
- technical support: ILM
- Robert McIntosh
- animator: ILM (as Robert Mcintosh)
- Tim McLaughlin
- creature development lead: ILM (as Tim Mclaughlin)
- Mark S. Miller
- senior staff: ILM (as Mark Miller)
- Richard Miller
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- Reece Millidge
- head of effects and compositing: Nexus Productions
- Jim Milton
- assistant visual effects editor: ILM (as James Milton)
- Todd Mitchell
- film recording engineer: ILM
- Curt I. Miyashiro
- computer graphic artist: ILM (as Curt Miyashiro)
- Terry Molatore
- lead viewpaint artist: ILM
- Steve Molin
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Richard Moore
- viewpaint artist: ILM
- Mike Morgan
- editorial support: ILM (as Michael Morgan)
- Lauren Morimoto
- digital paint & roto artist: ILM
- Jim Morris
- general manager: ILM
- Kenn Moynihan
- projectionist: ILM
- Martin Murphy
- lead digital modeler: ILM
- P. Jeep Naarkom
- animator: ILM
- Mark Nakahara
- stage technician: ILM
- Marla Newall
- 3D camera matchmove artist: ILM
- Jennifer Maryam Nona
- digital compositor: ILM (as Jennifer Nona)
- Rick O'Connor
- lead animator: ILM
- Buck O'Hare
- stage technician: ILM
- Christopher O'Reilly
- designer: Littlest Elf animated sequence, Nexus Productions (as Chris O'Reilly)
- Jeffrey Odell
- technical support: ILM (as Jeff Srob Odell)
- Maggie Oh
- technical support: ILM
- Jeff Olson
- visual effects producer: ILM
- Hiromi Ono
- digital artist: ILM
- Randy Ottenberg
- model/miniature painter: ILM
- David Owen
- still photographer: ILM
- Erik Pampel
- technical support: ILM
- Julia Parfitt
- production manager: Nexus Productions
- Tom C. Peitzman
- visual effects producer (as Tom Peitzman)
- Benoit Pelchat
- digital matte artist: ILM
- Lorne Peterson
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- Domi Piturro
- supervisor 3D modeling and scanning: Icon Imaging
- Cliff Plumer
- senior staff: ILM
- Darren Price
- head of 3D: Nexus Productions
- Tom Proost
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- Nick Provenzano
- editorial support: ILM
- Daren Rabinovitch
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- Christopher Raimo
- visual effects coordinator
- Steve Rawlins
- animator: ILM
- Philippe Rebours
- computer graphics supervisor: ILM
- Corey Rosen
- creature development artist: ILM
- Martin Rosenberg
- visual effects director of photography: ILM
- Alan Rosenfeld
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Kim Ross
- computer graphic artist: ILM / digital artist (as Kimberly Ross)
- James Rowell
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Laura Russell
- texturing: Nexus Productions
- Barry Safley
- digital compositor: ILM
- Luis San Juan Pallares
- lighting: Nexus Productions / rendering: Nexus Productions
- Mike Sanders
- motion capture supervisor: ILM (as Michael Sanders)
- Bob Santos
- technical support: ILM
- Steven J. Scott
- supervising digital colorist: EFilm
- Paul Sharpe
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Joseph Shaw
- animator: ILM
- Sarah Shores
- physical effects: ILM
- Tom Sindicich
- stage technician: ILM (as Thomas Sindicich)
- Daniel Slavin
- lead environment artist: ILM (as Dan Slavin)
- Colum Slevin
- digital production manager: ILM
- Alan Smith
- designer: Littlest Elf animated sequence, Nexus Productions
- Jason Smith
- creature development artist: ILM
- Ryan Smith
- technical support: ILM
- Sharonne Solk
- animator: ILM
- Tony Sommers
- viewpaint artist: ILM
- Jim Soukup
- 3D camera matchmove artist: ILM (as James Soukup)
- Juliette Stern
- production manager: Nexus Productions
- Eben Stromquist
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- Russ Sueyoshi
- digital compositor: ILM
- Steve Sullivan
- research & development: ILM
- Nigel Sumner
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Henri Tan
- technical support: ILM
- Wilson J. Tang
- visual effects art director: ILM (as Wilson Tang)
- Stephanie Taubert
- lead digital plate restoration artist: ILM
- Dale Taylor
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Eric Texier
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Angela Traeger
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Guerdon Trueblood
- digital compositor: ILM
- Hans Uhlig
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Michael Van Eps
- digital paint & roto artist: ILM
- Bruce Vecchitto
- color timing supervisor: ILM
- Marci Velando
- art department assistant: ILM
- Omz Velasco
- digital modeler: ILM
- Tim Waddy
- animator: ILM (as Timothy Waddy)
- Danny Wagner
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- John Walker
- computer graphic artist: ILM
- Kevin Wallace
- model/miniature maker: ILM
- John Whisnant
- plate matchmove artist: ILM
- Jeff White
- creature development artist: ILM
- Gordon T. Wittmann
- visual effects coordinator: ILM (as Gordon Wittmann)
- Eric Wong
- creature development artist: ILM
- Kevin Wooley
- motion capture technician: ILM
- Keiji Yamaguchi
- creature development artist: ILM
- Dean Yurke
- lead Sabre artist: ILM
- Joel Aron
- technical director (uncredited)
- Lindsay Birmingham
- data operater (uncredited)
- Zachary Cole
- technical director (uncredited)
- Donnie Creighton
- digital intermediate assistant producer (uncredited)
- Richard Ducker
- digital compositor: ILM (uncredited)
- Donna Lanasa
- technical director (uncredited)
- Thomas Mathai
- data manager (uncredited)
- Colette Mullenhoff
- research & development: ILM (uncredited)
- Kokkula SaiPrasad
- visual effects artist (uncredited)