- Rosie Ahern
- character clean-up artist
- Jackie Anderson
- xerography processor
- Jane Anderson
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Peter Anderson
- assistant animator
- Tamara Anderson
- character clean-up artist (as Tamara A. Iba)
- Barry Atkinson
- key background artist
- Fionnuala Ballance
- character clean-up artist
- Matthew Bates
- additional character animator
- Richard Bazley
- character animator
- Jared Beckstrand
- character clean-up artist
- Linda Bell
- cel painter
- Doug Bennett
- character animator
- Richard Bentham
- background supervisor (as Rick Bentham)
- Amy Berenz
- layout artist
- Sharon Blake
- cel painter
- Marie Blanchard
- assistant animator
- Gillian Bolger
- paste-up artist
- Alan Boon
- paint lab mix and match
- Ken Boyer
- additional character animator
- Mary Boylan
- cel painter
- Tommy Brennan
- character clean-up artist
- Sandra Breslin
- final check coordinator
- Scott Brutz
- character clean-up artist
- Maureen Buggy
- scene planner
- Ben Burgess
- character animator
- Adam Burke
- character clean-up artist
- Majella Burns
- color stylist
- Anne Byrne
- paint lab color distributor
- Christine Byrne
- additional ink artist
- John Byrne
- layout artist
- Mark Byrne
- layout artist (as Mark T. Byrne)
- Mark Byrne
- cel painter
- Annette Byrne-Morel
- character key clean-up artist
- Michael Carey
- character key clean-up artist
- Nancy Carrig
- additional character animator
- Michael Carroll
- cel painter
- Yvonne Carthy
- cel painter
- Gerry Carty
- scene planner (as Gerard Carty)
- Mick Cassidy
- character key clean-up artist
- Vincent Clarke
- scene planner
- Louise Cleary
- mark-up
- Sandro Cleuzo
- character animator
- Eimear Clonan
- cel painting administrative assistant (as Ãimear Clonan)
- Billy Colgan
- xerography processor (as Billie Colgan)
- Kevin Condron
- cel painter
- Nicholas Connolly
- paint checker
- Mary Connors
- character key clean-up artist
- Eileen Conway
- supervising character clean-up artist
- Dave Coogan
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist (as David Coogan)
- David Corbally
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Jackie Corley
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Phaedra Craig
- background artist (as Phaedra Finnegan)
- Nollaig Crombie
- character key clean-up artist
- Eoin Cullen
- paint lab filterization (as Ãoin Cullen)
- Theresa Cullen
- character clean-up artist (as Theresa Pettengill)
- Pearse Cullinane
- xerography processor
- Finula Cunningham
- character clean-up artist
- Shana Curley
- character clean-up artist
- Mary Cuthbert
- color stylist
- Robert D'Arcy
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Alan Dalton
- ink artist
- Anne Marie Daly
- final check librarian (as Anne-Marie Daly)
- Donnachada Daly
- additional character animator (as Donnacha Daly)
- Marcelo Fernandes De Moura
- assistant animator (as Marcelo Moura)
- Piet De Rycker
- directing animator (as Piet Derycker)
- Dean DeBlois
- layout artist
- Murray Debus
- additional character animator
- Rogerio DeGodoy
- character clean-up artist
- Sean Dempsey
- scene planner (as Séan Dempsey)
- Chris Derochie
- character animator
- Claudia Dickerson
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- John Dillon
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Joshua Dodson
- assistant animator
- ValentÃn Doménech
- additional character animator
- Peter Donnelly
- character key clean-up artist
- Gary Downey
- xerography checker
- Colm Duggan
- character animator
- Eileen Dunn
- character clean-up artist
- Michael Dunne
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Noirin Dunne
- color stylist assistant (as NoÃrÃn Dunne)
- Karen Dwyer
- ink artist
- Ricardo Echevarria
- character clean-up artist
- Ty Elliott
- line tester
- Tom English
- mark-up
- Martin Fagan
- character key clean-up artist
- Maria Farrell
- mark-up supervisor
- Andy Fitzgerald
- xerography checker (as Andrew Fitzgerald)
- Linda Fitzpatrick
- blue sketch artist
- Shane Fitzsimons
- xerography checker
- Stefan Fjeldmark
- additional character animator
- Alan Fleming
- assistant animator
- Sam Fleming
- character animator
- Christine Fluskey
- animation checking assistant supervisor
- Des Forde
- character key clean-up artist
- Brian Forsythe
- cel service (as Brian Forsyth)
- Robert Fox
- character animator
- Kevin Fraser
- character key clean-up artist
- Donal Freeney
- journeyman color stylist
- Greg Fulton
- cel painter
- Martha Furley
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Frank Gabriel
- character animator
- Sean Gallimore
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Michael Garry
- character clean-up artist (as Micheal Garry)
- Mary Gavin
- inking assistant supervisor
- Tim George
- assistant animator
- Greg Gibbons
- additional background painter
- Bill Giggie
- additional character animator
- Miguel Gil
- additional background painter
- Damien Gilligan
- assistant animator
- Gerard Gogan
- character key clean-up artist
- Debbie J. Gold
- layout coordinator (as Debbie Gold)
- Edison Goncalves
- character animator
- Patricia Gordan
- mark-up (as Patricia Gordon)
- Hilary Gough
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Eddie Gribbin
- layout supervisor
- Alberto GrisolÃa
- additional character animator
- Philip Grogan
- key xerography processor
- David Groome
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Catherine Gurry
- character clean-up artist
- Jason Halpin
- character clean-up artist
- David Hancock
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Kevin Hand
- paint lab mix and match
- Martin Hanley
- layout artist
- Liam Hannan
- paint checker
- Michael Helmuth Hansen
- additional character animator (as Michael Hansen Helmut)
- Dan Harder
- additional character animator
- Brendan Harris
- line tester
- Tony Harris
- paint lab mix and match
- Ilan Hatukah
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist (as Ilan Niebuhr)
- Joseph Haugh
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist (as Joe Haugh)
- Karl Hayes
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Karen Heintz
- line tester
- Karen Hennessy
- paint checker
- Tom Higgins
- supervising rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- John Hill
- directing animator
- Silvia Hoefnagels
- character animator
- T. Daniel Hofstedt
- directing animator
- David Hogan
- mark-up
- Fiona Hogan
- cel painter
- Karin Holmquist
- inking trainer (as Karin Stover)
- Jacqueline Hooks
- inking supervisor
- Akemi Horiuchi
- character clean-up artist
- RóisÃn Hunt
- assistant animator
- Barry Iremonger
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Joah Jensen
- character clean-up artist (as Joah Hagen-Jensen)
- Kim Hagen Jensen
- additional character animator
- Kevin Johnson
- character animator
- Stuart Johnstone
- xerography checker
- Carl Jones
- background artist
- Cathy Jones
- directing animator
- Michael Cadwallader Jones
- character clean-up artist (as Mike Jones)
- Chan Woo Jung
- character key clean-up artist
- Myung Kang
- assistant animator
- Berenice Keegan
- color stylist assistant
- Sandra Keely
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Carl Keenan
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Linda Kellagher
- character clean-up artist
- Brian Kelly
- line tester
- Paul J. Kelly
- assistant animator (as Paul Kelly)
- Paul M. Kelly
- background artist
- Bernie Keogh
- animation and storyboard assistant supervisor
- Celine Kiernan
- additional character animator
- Karsten Kiilerich
- additional character animator
- Ed Klein
- character clean-up artist (as Edward Klein)
- Pam Kleyman
- animation checker
- Johan Klingler
- assistant animator
- Robert Koo
- character animator (as Rob Koo)
- David Kuhn
- character clean-up artist
- Dave Kupczyk
- character animator
- Kendra Lammas
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Carlyn Lawlor
- paint checker
- Helen Lawlor
- character key clean-up artist
- Diana LeBost
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist (as Diana Le Bost)
- Patrice Leech
- character clean-up artist
- Larry Leichliter
- character clean-up artist (as Lawrence Leichliter)
- Jørgen Lerdam
- additional character animator
- Pearse Love
- paint checker
- Caroline Lynch
- layout and background administrative assistant supervisor
- Michael Maher
- xerography checker
- Maria Malone
- character clean-up artist
- Paddy Malone
- assistant animator
- Joseph Manifold Jr.
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Craig R. Maras
- character clean-up artist (as Craig Maras)
- Ann May
- cel painter
- Ciara McCabe
- character clean-up artist
- Martina McCarron
- final checker
- Niamh McClean
- cel painting supervisor
- Shane McCormack
- cel painter
- Ann McCormick
- color stylist (as Anne McCormick)
- Joe McDonough
- character animator
- Henry McGrane
- additional background painter
- Brenda McGuirk
- paint lab supervisor
- Margaret McKenna
- character key clean-up artist
- Michele McKenna
- animation checking supervisor (as Michele McKenna-Mahon)
- Violet McKenna
- supervising color stylist
- Ian McLoughlin
- cel painter
- James McLoughlin
- character clean-up artist
- Jane McLoughlin
- character clean-up administrative assistant supervisor
- Mark McLoughlin
- character clean-up artist
- Kevin McNamara
- additional background painter
- Neil McNeil
- assistant animator (as Neil McNeill)
- Yvonne McSweeney
- cel painter
- Lucy Melia
- overseas quality controller: Hungary
- Kate Meredith
- cel painter (as Kate Meredith-Delaney)
- Bob Miller
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Majella Milne
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Brian Mitchell
- character animator
- Anne Marie Mockler
- character key clean-up artist (as Anne-Marie Mockler)
- Bernadette Moley
- character clean-up artist
- Frank Molieri
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Andrew Molloy
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Alan Mongey
- xerography checker
- Jean Morel
- directing animator
- Sharon Morgan
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Fernando Moro
- additional character animator
- Ailish Mullally
- color stylist
- Joe Mulligan
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Lyn Mulvany
- color stylist assistant (as Lyn Mulvaney)
- Mary B. Mulvihill
- character clean-up artist (as Mary Mulvihill)
- Moira Murphy
- animation checker
- Dympna Murray
- cel painter
- Michael Murray
- xerography supervisor (as Micheal Murray)
- Sinead Murray
- final checker (as Sinéad Murray)
- Anne Murray-O'Craobhach
- rough inbetween and breakdown administrative supervisor (as Anne C. Murray)
- Jesper Møller
- additional character animator
- June Myung Nam
- character clean-up artist (as June Myung Park)
- Yoon Sook Nam
- character clean-up artist (as Suk Yun)
- Rob Nason
- background artist
- Jan Naylor
- rough inbetween and clean-up supervisor: USA
- Tracy Nelson
- character clean-up artist
- Paul Newberry
- character animator
- David Nimitz
- line tester
- Sorcha NÃ ChuimÃn
- blue sketch artist
- Anthony O'Brien
- xerox checking supervisor
- Collette O'Brien
- mark-up
- Janet O'Carroll
- paint lab production assistant
- Catherine O'Connor
- paint checker (as Catherine Dillon)
- Dermot O'Connor
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Hugh O'Connor
- paint checker
- Siobhan O'Donnell
- character clean-up artist
- Dympna O'Halloran
- character clean-up artist
- Kevin O'Hara
- assistant animator
- Susan O'Loughlin
- paint checker
- Olivia O'Mahony
- character clean-up administrative supervisor
- Carol O'Mara
- character clean-up artist
- Kevin M. O'Neil
- key assistant animator (as Kevin O'Neil)
- Gary O'Neill
- layout artist
- Gabrielle O'Regan
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Suzanne O'Reilly
- assistant supervising color stylist
- Tara O'Reilly
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Barry O'Shea
- cel painter
- Terry O'Toole
- character clean-up artist
- Carmen Oliver
- pre-production color stylist
- Ralf Palmer
- directing animator
- Hans Perk
- additional character animator
- Helen Phelan
- additional ink artist
- John Phelan
- scene planning supervisor
- Nina Phipps
- final checker
- Jens Pindal
- character animator
- John Pomeroy
- supervising directing animator: "Stanley"
- John Power
- character animator
- Mark Pudleiner
- character animator
- Antoinette Rafter
- cel painter
- Bradley Raymond
- assistant animator (as Brad Raymond)
- Fred Reilly
- layout artist
- Frank Richards
- key xerography processor (as Frank D. Richards)
- Eileen Ridgway
- character key clean-up artist (as Eileen Ridgeway)
- Tom Roche
- background artist
- Paul Roy
- xerography checking assistant supervisor
- Anita Ryan
- cel service
- Julie Ryan
- character key clean-up artist
- Neal Ryan
- character clean-up artist
- Scott Sackett
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Troy Saliba
- character animator
- Randy Sanchez
- key assistant animator
- June Scannell
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Jennifer Scudder Trent
- line tester (as Jennifer Scudder)
- Paul Shanahan
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Hughie Shevlin
- animation checker
- Mary Shevlin
- final check trainer
- Len Simon
- directing animator
- Colum Slevin
- overseas coordinator: Hungary
- Cormac Slevin
- cel painter
- Kenneth Valentine Slevin
- background artist (as Kenneth Slevin)
- Richard Smitheman
- character key
- Melanie Sowell
- assistant animator
- Kenneth Spirduso
- layout artist (as Ken Spirduso)
- Robert Sprathoff
- character clean-up artist
- Gabor Tom Steisinger
- additional character animator (as Tom Steisinger)
- Jennifer Stillwell
- assistant animator (as Jennifer Marie Stillwell)
- Elizabeth Stoll
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Rusty Stoll
- character animator
- Eric Stover
- paint lab mix and match
- Melanie Strickland
- final checker
- Frank Suarez
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Joanne Sugrue
- line tester
- Sean Sullivan
- rough breakdown and inbetween artist
- Hugh Tattan
- character clean-up artist
- David Teague
- assistant animator
- Carol Anne Thornbury
- animation checker (as Carol Thornbury)
- Tom Tobey
- character clean-up artist
- Athanassios Vakalis
- character animator (as Nasos Vakalis)
- Adam Van Wyk
- character clean-up artist
- Jeffrey J. Varab
- directing animator (as Jeff Varab)
- Sally Voorheis
- character key clean-up artist
- Oliver Wade
- character animator
- Bill Waldman
- character animator
- John R. Walsh
- character clean-up artist (as John Walsh) / xerography processor (as John Walsh)
- Mary Walsh
- final checking supervisor
- Marcia Watanabe
- ink artist
- Todd Waterman
- additional character animator
- Eilish Whelan
- paint checker
- Kieron White
- xerography processor
- Konrad Winterlich
- assistant animator
- Aoife Woodlock
- animation checker
- Chris Wren
- additional background painter
- Peter Yamasaki
- layout artist
- Miri Yoon
- character key clean-up artist
- Shane Zalvin
- character animator
- Kent Melton
- character sculptor (uncredited)
- Helen O'Flynn
- animation checker (uncredited)
- Jonathan Ridge
- layout artist (uncredited)
- Ando Roose
- assistant animator (uncredited)