Cast & Crew

Directed by

Don Bluth
Gary Goldman

Writing Credits

Stu Krieger
Don Bluth
(story) and
Gary Goldman
(story) and
John Pomeroy
(story) and
T.J. Kuenster
(story) and
Stu Krieger


Dom DeLuise
Cloris Leachman
Charles Nelson Reilly
Jonathan Pryce
Hayley Mills
Phillip Glasser
Tawny Sunshine Glover
Neil Ross
Generic Pansy
Will Ryan
Pat Musick

Produced by

Don Bluth
Russell Boland
associate producer
Gary Goldman
John Pomeroy

Music by

Robert Folk

Editing by

Fiona Trayler

Casting By

Harvey Kalmenson

Production Design by

David Goetz
(as Dave Goetz)

Art Direction by

Don Moore

Production Management

Helene Blitz
post-production supervisor
Cathy Goldman
production supervisor
Gerry Shirren
production manager
Olga Tarin-Craig
production supervisor
Susan Vanderhorst
assistant production supervisor: Los Angeles (as Susan Van Der Horst)

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director

Moya Mackle
assistant director
Nuala O'Toole
assistant director

Art Department

John Alvin
poster artist
Scott Caple
storyboard artist
Jim Finnegan
storyboard artist (as James Finnegan)
William H. Frake III
storyboard artist (as Bill Frake)
Kevin Gollaher
storyboard artist
Dan Kuenster
storyboard artist
Sergio Pablos
graphic designer
Rick Saliba
storyboard artist
Mark Swan
storyboard artist
Rowland B. Wilson
storyboard artist (as Rowland Wilson)
Dick Zondag
storyboard artist
Ralph Zondag
storyboard artist

Sound Department

Bruce Bell
foley mixer
John Brunnick
stage engineer: Skywalker Sound
John K. Carr
supervising sound editor
Jesse Dodd
machine operator: Skywalker Sound (as Karol Dodd)
Jim Fleming
dialogue editor
Nerses Gezalyan
foley recordist (as Nerses Gezalyn)
Ellen Heuer
foley artist
Bob Hile
machine operator: Skywalker Sound
Robin Johnston
machine operator: Skywalker Sound
David Jose
machine operator: Skywalker Sound
Warren Kleiman
dialogue engineer
Gregg Landaker
re-recording mixer
Patricio A. Libenson
machine operator: Skywalker Sound (as Pat Libenson)
Steve Maslow
re-recording mixer
Tom Mgrdichian
dialogue engineer
Dan Molina
sound editor
Nikki Moss
dialogue editor (as Thomas V. Moss)
Dan O'Connell
foley artist
Greg Orloff
foley mixer
Brion Paccassi
recordist: Skywalker Sound
Gerard Phillips
assistant dialogue editor
Jackson Schwartz
dialogue engineer
Alicia Stevenson
foley artist
Gretchen Thoma
assistant sound editor
Marco Streccioni
sound engineer (uncredited)

Visual Effects by

Eric Alley
special effects inbetweener
Leslie Aust
special effects assistant animator
Jan Carlee
director of computer animation (as Jan Carlée)
Michael Casey
special effects technician
Christine Z. Chang
computer technical director (as Christine Zing Chang)
Conor Clancy
special effects assistant animator
Bob Cowan
special effects animator (as Robert B. Cowan)
Mark Cumberton
additional special effects animator
Joan Doyle
special effects assistant animator
Colbert Fennelly
special effects inbetweener
John Finnegan
computer production coordinator
Martine Finucane
special effects animator
Conánn Fitzpatrick
additional special effects animator
Michel Gagné
special effects animator
Claire Gallagher
special effects administrative assistant supervisor
Natalie Garceau-Turner
special effects assistant animator (as Natalie Garceau)
Joseph Gilland
special effects animator
Leonard F.W. Green
additional special effects animator (as Len Green)
Aidan Heffernan
apprentice color special effects artist
Bruce Heller
special effects animator
Ray Hofstedt
special effects assistant animator
Gillian Hunt
special effects assistant animator (as Gillian Hunt-Cunningham)
Tom Hush
special effects supervising animator: Los Angeles
Susan B. Keane
special effects technician (as Susan Keane)
Noel P. Kiernan
special effects animator (as Noel Kiernan)
Diann Landau
special effects directing animator
David Lyons
special effects assistant animator
Rosanna Lyons
special effects assistant animator
Orla Madden
additional special effects animator
Greg Maguire
computer animator
Shirley Mapes
supervising color special effects artist (as Shirley 'Sam' Mapes)
Petula Masterson
assistant color special effects artist (as Petula Masterson-O'Reilly)
Peter Matheson
special effects directing animator
Joanne McSherry
apprentice color special effects artist
Brian McSweeney
special effects animator
Rolando Mercado
special effects assistant animator
Debbie Middleton-Kupczyk
special effects animator (as Debora Middleton-Kupczyk)
Stephen B. Moore
special effects directing animator
Paul Morris
special effects assistant animator
Michael Oliva
special effects assistant animator (as Mike Oliva)
Janette Owens
special effects animator
Debra Pugh
special effects assistant animator (as Debbie Pugh)
Bob Quinn
special effects inbetweener
Deirdre Reynolds
special effects assistant animator
Jonathan Ridge
special effects inbetweener
Conor Thunder
special effects animator
Dave Tidgwell
special effects supervisor
Jeff Topping
special effects animator
Dan Turner
additional special effects animator
Declan Walsh
special effects animator
Garrett Wren
special effects animator
Daryl Carstensen
special photographic effects (uncredited)
Tracey Meighan
special effects assistant (uncredited)

Camera and Electrical Department

Emmet Doyle
animation camera operator
Paddy Duffy
animation camera operator
Gary Hall
animation camera operator
Fiona Mackle
animation camera operator
Jeannette Maher-Manifold
animation camera operator (as Jeannette Maher)
Ciaran Morris
production camera supervisor (as Ciarán Morris)
Keith Murray
apprentice camera operator
John O'Flaherty
animation camera operator
Peadar O'Reilly
animation camera operator (as Peadár O'Reilly)
Derek Reid
apprentice camera operator
Eric Ryan
production camera assistant supervisor

Animation Department

Rosie Ahern
character clean-up artist
Jackie Anderson
xerography processor
Jane Anderson
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Peter Anderson
assistant animator
Tamara Anderson
character clean-up artist (as Tamara A. Iba)
Barry Atkinson
key background artist
Fionnuala Ballance
character clean-up artist
Matthew Bates
additional character animator
Richard Bazley
character animator
Jared Beckstrand
character clean-up artist
Linda Bell
cel painter
Doug Bennett
character animator
Richard Bentham
background supervisor (as Rick Bentham)
Amy Berenz
layout artist
Sharon Blake
cel painter
Marie Blanchard
assistant animator
Gillian Bolger
paste-up artist
Alan Boon
paint lab mix and match
Ken Boyer
additional character animator
Mary Boylan
cel painter
Tommy Brennan
character clean-up artist
Sandra Breslin
final check coordinator
Scott Brutz
character clean-up artist
Maureen Buggy
scene planner
Ben Burgess
character animator
Adam Burke
character clean-up artist
Majella Burns
color stylist
Anne Byrne
paint lab color distributor
Christine Byrne
additional ink artist
John Byrne
layout artist
Mark Byrne
layout artist (as Mark T. Byrne)
Mark Byrne
cel painter
Annette Byrne-Morel
character key clean-up artist
Michael Carey
character key clean-up artist
Nancy Carrig
additional character animator
Michael Carroll
cel painter
Yvonne Carthy
cel painter
Gerry Carty
scene planner (as Gerard Carty)
Mick Cassidy
character key clean-up artist
Vincent Clarke
scene planner
Louise Cleary
Sandro Cleuzo
character animator
Eimear Clonan
cel painting administrative assistant (as Éimear Clonan)
Billy Colgan
xerography processor (as Billie Colgan)
Kevin Condron
cel painter
Nicholas Connolly
paint checker
Mary Connors
character key clean-up artist
Eileen Conway
supervising character clean-up artist
Dave Coogan
rough breakdown and inbetween artist (as David Coogan)
David Corbally
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Jackie Corley
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Phaedra Craig
background artist (as Phaedra Finnegan)
Nollaig Crombie
character key clean-up artist
Eoin Cullen
paint lab filterization (as Éoin Cullen)
Theresa Cullen
character clean-up artist (as Theresa Pettengill)
Pearse Cullinane
xerography processor
Finula Cunningham
character clean-up artist
Shana Curley
character clean-up artist
Mary Cuthbert
color stylist
Robert D'Arcy
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Alan Dalton
ink artist
Anne Marie Daly
final check librarian (as Anne-Marie Daly)
Donnachada Daly
additional character animator (as Donnacha Daly)
Marcelo Fernandes De Moura
assistant animator (as Marcelo Moura)
Piet De Rycker
directing animator (as Piet Derycker)
Dean DeBlois
layout artist
Murray Debus
additional character animator
Rogerio DeGodoy
character clean-up artist
Sean Dempsey
scene planner (as Séan Dempsey)
Chris Derochie
character animator
Claudia Dickerson
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
John Dillon
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Joshua Dodson
assistant animator
Valentín Doménech
additional character animator
Peter Donnelly
character key clean-up artist
Gary Downey
xerography checker
Colm Duggan
character animator
Eileen Dunn
character clean-up artist
Michael Dunne
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Noirin Dunne
color stylist assistant (as Noírín Dunne)
Karen Dwyer
ink artist
Ricardo Echevarria
character clean-up artist
Ty Elliott
line tester
Tom English
Martin Fagan
character key clean-up artist
Maria Farrell
mark-up supervisor
Andy Fitzgerald
xerography checker (as Andrew Fitzgerald)
Linda Fitzpatrick
blue sketch artist
Shane Fitzsimons
xerography checker
Stefan Fjeldmark
additional character animator
Alan Fleming
assistant animator
Sam Fleming
character animator
Christine Fluskey
animation checking assistant supervisor
Des Forde
character key clean-up artist
Brian Forsythe
cel service (as Brian Forsyth)
Robert Fox
character animator
Kevin Fraser
character key clean-up artist
Donal Freeney
journeyman color stylist
Greg Fulton
cel painter
Martha Furley
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Frank Gabriel
character animator
Sean Gallimore
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Michael Garry
character clean-up artist (as Micheal Garry)
Mary Gavin
inking assistant supervisor
Tim George
assistant animator
Greg Gibbons
additional background painter
Bill Giggie
additional character animator
Miguel Gil
additional background painter
Damien Gilligan
assistant animator
Gerard Gogan
character key clean-up artist
Debbie J. Gold
layout coordinator (as Debbie Gold)
Edison Goncalves
character animator
Patricia Gordan
mark-up (as Patricia Gordon)
Hilary Gough
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Eddie Gribbin
layout supervisor
Alberto Grisolía
additional character animator
Philip Grogan
key xerography processor
David Groome
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Catherine Gurry
character clean-up artist
Jason Halpin
character clean-up artist
David Hancock
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Kevin Hand
paint lab mix and match
Martin Hanley
layout artist
Liam Hannan
paint checker
Michael Helmuth Hansen
additional character animator (as Michael Hansen Helmut)
Dan Harder
additional character animator
Brendan Harris
line tester
Tony Harris
paint lab mix and match
Ilan Hatukah
rough breakdown and inbetween artist (as Ilan Niebuhr)
Joseph Haugh
rough breakdown and inbetween artist (as Joe Haugh)
Karl Hayes
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Karen Heintz
line tester
Karen Hennessy
paint checker
Tom Higgins
supervising rough breakdown and inbetween artist
John Hill
directing animator
Silvia Hoefnagels
character animator
T. Daniel Hofstedt
directing animator
David Hogan
Fiona Hogan
cel painter
Karin Holmquist
inking trainer (as Karin Stover)
Jacqueline Hooks
inking supervisor
Akemi Horiuchi
character clean-up artist
Róisín Hunt
assistant animator
Barry Iremonger
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Joah Jensen
character clean-up artist (as Joah Hagen-Jensen)
Kim Hagen Jensen
additional character animator
Kevin Johnson
character animator
Stuart Johnstone
xerography checker
Carl Jones
background artist
Cathy Jones
directing animator
Michael Cadwallader Jones
character clean-up artist (as Mike Jones)
Chan Woo Jung
character key clean-up artist
Myung Kang
assistant animator
Berenice Keegan
color stylist assistant
Sandra Keely
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Carl Keenan
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Linda Kellagher
character clean-up artist
Brian Kelly
line tester
Paul J. Kelly
assistant animator (as Paul Kelly)
Paul M. Kelly
background artist
Bernie Keogh
animation and storyboard assistant supervisor
Celine Kiernan
additional character animator
Karsten Kiilerich
additional character animator
Ed Klein
character clean-up artist (as Edward Klein)
Pam Kleyman
animation checker
Johan Klingler
assistant animator
Robert Koo
character animator (as Rob Koo)
David Kuhn
character clean-up artist
Dave Kupczyk
character animator
Kendra Lammas
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Carlyn Lawlor
paint checker
Helen Lawlor
character key clean-up artist
Diana LeBost
rough breakdown and inbetween artist (as Diana Le Bost)
Patrice Leech
character clean-up artist
Larry Leichliter
character clean-up artist (as Lawrence Leichliter)
Jørgen Lerdam
additional character animator
Pearse Love
paint checker
Caroline Lynch
layout and background administrative assistant supervisor
Michael Maher
xerography checker
Maria Malone
character clean-up artist
Paddy Malone
assistant animator
Joseph Manifold Jr.
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Craig R. Maras
character clean-up artist (as Craig Maras)
Ann May
cel painter
Ciara McCabe
character clean-up artist
Martina McCarron
final checker
Niamh McClean
cel painting supervisor
Shane McCormack
cel painter
Ann McCormick
color stylist (as Anne McCormick)
Joe McDonough
character animator
Henry McGrane
additional background painter
Brenda McGuirk
paint lab supervisor
Margaret McKenna
character key clean-up artist
Michele McKenna
animation checking supervisor (as Michele McKenna-Mahon)
Violet McKenna
supervising color stylist
Ian McLoughlin
cel painter
James McLoughlin
character clean-up artist
Jane McLoughlin
character clean-up administrative assistant supervisor
Mark McLoughlin
character clean-up artist
Kevin McNamara
additional background painter
Neil McNeil
assistant animator (as Neil McNeill)
Yvonne McSweeney
cel painter
Lucy Melia
overseas quality controller: Hungary
Kate Meredith
cel painter (as Kate Meredith-Delaney)
Bob Miller
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Majella Milne
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Brian Mitchell
character animator
Anne Marie Mockler
character key clean-up artist (as Anne-Marie Mockler)
Bernadette Moley
character clean-up artist
Frank Molieri
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Andrew Molloy
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Alan Mongey
xerography checker
Jean Morel
directing animator
Sharon Morgan
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Fernando Moro
additional character animator
Ailish Mullally
color stylist
Joe Mulligan
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Lyn Mulvany
color stylist assistant (as Lyn Mulvaney)
Mary B. Mulvihill
character clean-up artist (as Mary Mulvihill)
Moira Murphy
animation checker
Dympna Murray
cel painter
Michael Murray
xerography supervisor (as Micheal Murray)
Sinead Murray
final checker (as Sinéad Murray)
Anne Murray-O'Craobhach
rough inbetween and breakdown administrative supervisor (as Anne C. Murray)
Jesper Møller
additional character animator
June Myung Nam
character clean-up artist (as June Myung Park)
Yoon Sook Nam
character clean-up artist (as Suk Yun)
Rob Nason
background artist
Jan Naylor
rough inbetween and clean-up supervisor: USA
Tracy Nelson
character clean-up artist
Paul Newberry
character animator
David Nimitz
line tester
Sorcha Ní Chuimín
blue sketch artist
Anthony O'Brien
xerox checking supervisor
Collette O'Brien
Janet O'Carroll
paint lab production assistant
Catherine O'Connor
paint checker (as Catherine Dillon)
Dermot O'Connor
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Hugh O'Connor
paint checker
Siobhan O'Donnell
character clean-up artist
Dympna O'Halloran
character clean-up artist
Kevin O'Hara
assistant animator
Susan O'Loughlin
paint checker
Olivia O'Mahony
character clean-up administrative supervisor
Carol O'Mara
character clean-up artist
Kevin M. O'Neil
key assistant animator (as Kevin O'Neil)
Gary O'Neill
layout artist
Gabrielle O'Regan
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Suzanne O'Reilly
assistant supervising color stylist
Tara O'Reilly
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Barry O'Shea
cel painter
Terry O'Toole
character clean-up artist
Carmen Oliver
pre-production color stylist
Ralf Palmer
directing animator
Hans Perk
additional character animator
Helen Phelan
additional ink artist
John Phelan
scene planning supervisor
Nina Phipps
final checker
Jens Pindal
character animator
John Pomeroy
supervising directing animator: "Stanley"
John Power
character animator
Mark Pudleiner
character animator
Antoinette Rafter
cel painter
Bradley Raymond
assistant animator (as Brad Raymond)
Fred Reilly
layout artist
Frank Richards
key xerography processor (as Frank D. Richards)
Eileen Ridgway
character key clean-up artist (as Eileen Ridgeway)
Tom Roche
background artist
Paul Roy
xerography checking assistant supervisor
Anita Ryan
cel service
Julie Ryan
character key clean-up artist
Neal Ryan
character clean-up artist
Scott Sackett
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Troy Saliba
character animator
Randy Sanchez
key assistant animator
June Scannell
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Jennifer Scudder Trent
line tester (as Jennifer Scudder)
Paul Shanahan
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Hughie Shevlin
animation checker
Mary Shevlin
final check trainer
Len Simon
directing animator
Colum Slevin
overseas coordinator: Hungary
Cormac Slevin
cel painter
Kenneth Valentine Slevin
background artist (as Kenneth Slevin)
Richard Smitheman
character key
Melanie Sowell
assistant animator
Kenneth Spirduso
layout artist (as Ken Spirduso)
Robert Sprathoff
character clean-up artist
Gabor Tom Steisinger
additional character animator (as Tom Steisinger)
Jennifer Stillwell
assistant animator (as Jennifer Marie Stillwell)
Elizabeth Stoll
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Rusty Stoll
character animator
Eric Stover
paint lab mix and match
Melanie Strickland
final checker
Frank Suarez
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Joanne Sugrue
line tester
Sean Sullivan
rough breakdown and inbetween artist
Hugh Tattan
character clean-up artist
David Teague
assistant animator
Carol Anne Thornbury
animation checker (as Carol Thornbury)
Tom Tobey
character clean-up artist
Athanassios Vakalis
character animator (as Nasos Vakalis)
Adam Van Wyk
character clean-up artist
Jeffrey J. Varab
directing animator (as Jeff Varab)
Sally Voorheis
character key clean-up artist
Oliver Wade
character animator
Bill Waldman
character animator
John R. Walsh
character clean-up artist (as John Walsh) / xerography processor (as John Walsh)
Mary Walsh
final checking supervisor
Marcia Watanabe
ink artist
Todd Waterman
additional character animator
Eilish Whelan
paint checker
Kieron White
xerography processor
Konrad Winterlich
assistant animator
Aoife Woodlock
animation checker
Chris Wren
additional background painter
Peter Yamasaki
layout artist
Miri Yoon
character key clean-up artist
Shane Zalvin
character animator
Kent Melton
character sculptor (uncredited)
Helen O'Flynn
animation checker (uncredited)
Jonathan Ridge
layout artist (uncredited)
Ando Roose
assistant animator (uncredited)

Editorial Department

Dale E. Grahn
color timer (as Dale Grahn)
Colin Ives
negative cutter
Gary Keleghan
assistant editor
Aran O'Reilly
assistant editor
Shannon Scudder-Pudleiner
assistant editor (as Shannon Scudder)
Mary Beth Smith
negative cutter
John Stanborough
color timer
Annette Stone
assistant editor

Music Department

Chris Boardman
additional orchestrator
Audrey Collins
orchestra leader
Robert Folk
Vic Fraser
music copyist
Joel Iwataki
music mixer
Mary Kettle
assistant engineer: music recording
Jon Kull
additional orchestrator (as John Kull)
Douglas M. Lackey
music editor (as Douglas Lackey)
Brian Masterson
music recording engineer
Eoghan McCarron
first engineer: music recording
Louise McCormick
second engineer: music recording
Linda O'Carroll
music room assistant
Dennis S. Sands
music mixer (as Dennis Sands)
Peter Tomashek
additional orchestrator
Bill Whelan
scoring supervisor
Tom Boyd
musician: oboe soloist (uncredited)
George Doering
musician (uncredited)
James Thatcher
musician: French horn (uncredited)
Mark Watters
orchestrator (uncredited)

Script and Continuity Department

Freddy McGavin
continuity assistant (as Fred McGavin)
Cindy Nason
continuity assistant
Carla Washburn
production continuity supervisor

Transportation Department

Paul Monks
Peter Morgan

Additional Crew

Jackie Anderson
crew: live action reference
Owen Binchy
group financial controller
M.J. Boggan
live action reference model
Adam Breadan
live action reference model
Karl Bredendieck
supervising systems engineer
Anna Burbridge
accounting assistant
Conor Butler
live action reference model
Fiona Byrne-Morris
assistant: Gary Goldman (as Fiona Byrne)
Romaine Byrne-Thompson
assistant: Frank McCourt
Fionnuala Carpendale
executive assistant: Ireland
George Carrick
studio executive: USA
Veronica Carroll
Daryl Carstensen
crew: live action reference
Martin Coffey
assistant: Don Bluth
Margaret Connell
accounting assistant
Annabelle Conway
senior personnel officer
Donal Cooney
live action reference model
Fergal Cooney
live action reference model
Oisin Cooney
live action reference model
Shane Cooney
live action reference model
Ann Costello
accounts secretary
Yvonne Costello
training administrator
Fred Craig
scene reduction supervisor
Lynda Diaz
production accountant: USA
Bernadette Dowling
payroll master
Vanessa Dowling
assistant legal executive
Lee Dunne
crew: live action reference
Wayne Farrar
facilities operative
Nora Farrell
international recruitment
Andrew Fitzpatrick
studio executive: Ireland
Warren Flanagan
crew: live action reference (as Warren Flannagan)
Alan Fleming
live action reference model
William H. Frake III
live action reference model (as Bill Frake)
Fiona Gallagher
accounting assistant
Caroline Gaynor
black and white film laboratory supervisor and optical technician (as Caroline Gaynor-Walsh)
Pamela Godfrey
marketing executive
Karen Gormley
international recruitment assistant
Séamus Grogan
B&W Film Laboratory: Process Technician
Liam Halpin
Margaret Hehir
assistant personnel officer
John Henry
facilities manager
Bob Howell
human resources manager
Candace Howerton
assistant: Pamela Godfrey
Tom Jacobsmeyer
studio general manager: USA
Fiona Keating
information systems manager
Neil Keaveney
engineer (as Neil J. Keaveney)
Graeme Kelly
information systems manager
Kevin Killebrew
production assistant
Karen King
administrative assistant
Antoinette Kinsella
accounting assistant
Edel MacGinty
personal assistant: producers
Nuala Macklin
studio news
Anna Manahan
live action reference model
Siobhan Mangan
crew: live action reference
Sheri Sedlik Margolis
assistant: John Pomeroy (as Sheri Beth Sedlik)
Johnny Martin
crew: live action reference
Frank McCourt
studio general manager: Ireland
Marie McGrath
accounting assistant
Kieran McInerney
cost analyst (as Ciaran McInerney)
Alan McKeogh
crew: live action reference
James Molina
production assistant
Naomi Moore
crew: live action reference
Deborah Morgan
crew: live action reference (as Debbie Morgan)
Janet Morgan
purchasing officer
Rebecca Morgan
live action reference model
Pat Moroney
crew: live action reference
Brendan Morrissey
live action reference model (as Brendan Morrisey)
Angela Mullen
studio crafts services
Aileesh Mulligan
senior purchasing officer
Damian Murphy
Paula Murray
information systems administrator
Nancy C. Nolan
employee services supervisor
Mary Noonan
legal executive
Siobhan O'Brien
receptionist (as Síobhan O'Brien)
Alison O'Grady
crew: live action reference
Mary O'Halloran
live action reference model
Gerard O'Keeffe
facilities assistant
Gerard O'Rourke
financial accountant
Bonnie O'Sullivan
production secretary
Edward Oliver
overseas personnel and security officer
David Palmer
director of publicity
Paul Pickhard
studio technician (as Paul Pikhart)
Carol Raikes
assistant: John Pomeroy
Siobhán Rock
publicity assistant
Thérèse Rofe
Róisín Ryder
assistant human resources manager
Richard Schulman
accounting assistant
Jeb Seibel
Gráinne Shankey
personnel administrator
Tara Sheridan
production assistant
Robert Sidis
production assistant
Morris F. Sullivan
studio executive: USA
Caralyn Warren
assistant: George Carrick
Noel Williamson
crew: live action reference
All Filters