- Benjamin Aguillon
- lighting lead: SPI (as Ben Aguillon)
- Jose Alcarde
- stereoscopic compositor: In-Three Inc.
- Jesse Andrewartha
- look development support: SPI
- Elaine C. Andrianos
- visual effects senior editor: SPI (as Elaine Andrianos)
- Chris Antonini
- visual effects data wrangler: SPI
- Daphne Apellanes-Ackerson
- compositor: Matte World Digital
- Steve Arguello
- modeling supervisor: CafeFX
- Hunter Athey
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Neil Atkins
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI
- Natalie Austin
- stereoscopic animation supervisor: In-Three Inc.
- Atal Bacchani
- matchmove supervisor
- Sung Joon Bae
- digital compositor: CafeFX
- Al Bailey
- compositor: SPI
- Tom Baker
- visual effects: CafeFX
- Nick Bali
- technical engineer: SPI
- Jeff Barnes
- executive producer CafeFX
- Joachim Barnreuther
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Hector Barrera
- technical engineer: SPI (as Hector D Barrera)
- Craig Barron
- visual effects supervisor: Matte World Digital
- Lynn Basas
- lighting lead: SPI
- Jenn Bastian
- coordinating producer: Sassoon Film Design
- Matt Baue
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Gavin Baxter
- cloth lead: SPI
- Jean-Paul Beaulieu
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Darren Bedwell
- texture painter: SPI
- Aaron Beebe
- stereoscopic compositor: In-Three Inc.
- Bill Beemer
- stereo camera: SPI
- Krista Benson
- compositor: SPI
- Dimitre Berberov
- effects animation technical director: SPI
- Alfred Berger
- compositor: SPI
- Daniel Besocke
- technician: encodacam
- David Betten
- stereoscopic compositor: In-Three Inc.
- Milan Bhatt
- technical support: SPI (as Milan C. Bhatt)
- V.S.H. Ravi Ram Bhimaraju
- 2d digital artist: SPI
- Theodore Bialek
- cg supervisor: SPI (as Theo Bialek)
- John-Michael Bills
- compositor: SPI (as John Michael Bills)
- Brian Blasiak
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Rob Blue
- interactive compositor: SPI
- David Blythe
- stereoscopic animation supervisor: In-Three Inc.
- Corey Bolwyn
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI
- Christian Boudman
- interactive compositor: SPI
- Tatjana Bozinovski
- compositor: SPI
- Danny Braet
- digital effects supervisor: CafeFX
- Dhiraj Brahma
- 2d digital artist: SPI
- Chris Brown
- executive producer: Sassoon Film Design (as Chris 'CB' Brown)
- Steven Browning
- character & hard surface modeler: SPI
- John Bunt
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Ronnie Bushaw
- texture painter: SPI (as Ron Bushaw)
- Won Young Byun
- character body & facial set-up technical director: SPI (as Won Byun)
- Timothy Michael Cairns
- compositor: SPI
- Dan Camp
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI (as Daniel Camp)
- Aaron Campbell
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI
- Grady Campbell
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Chris Carignan
- character pipeline technical director: SPI
- Lee Carlton
- compositor: SPI
- Gary Carrillo
- production coordinator: In-Three Inc.
- Eric Carter
- matte painter: CafeFX
- Brian Casper
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI
- Jeffrey Castel De Oro
- compositor: SPI
- Joseph Cavanaugh
- effects animation technical director: SPI
- Channi Chaitalli
- stereo depth layout artist: SPI
- Alan Chan
- compositor: SPI
- Andy Chang
- compositor: SPI (as Andy Chih-Jen Chang)
- Kee Chang
- character pipeline technical director: SPI
- Pierre Chastain
- layout artist: SPI
- Jack Cheng
- character pipeline technical director: SPI (as Jack Shao Cheng)
- Jeffrey Chodorow-Doris
- stereoscopic layout artist: In-Three Inc.
- Jeff Chung
- Lighting technical director: SPI
- Gloria Cohen Shomo
- visual effects production assistant (as Gloria Cohen)
- Brian M. Cohen
- technical support: SPI
- Stefaan Contreras
- character pipeline technical director: SPI
- Sean Coonce
- compositor: SPI
- Bertrand Cordier
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Thomas H. Core
- digital coordinator: SPI (as Thomas Core)
- Sean Corzo
- technical support: SPI
- J.D. Cowles
- compositor: SPI (as JD Cowles)
- Ron Crabb
- matte painter: CafeFX
- Doug Cram
- compositor: SPI
- Alan Davidson
- stereo pipeline lead: SPI
- David R. Davies
- effects animation technical director: SPI
- Camila Davila
- texture painter: SPI (as Camila P Davila)
- Dennis Davis
- compositor: SPI
- Don De Castro
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI (as Don DeCastro)
- Francisco De Jesus
- cg supervisor: SPI (as Francisco X. DeJesus)
- Jesus De Santiago
- digital coordinator: SPI
- Lisa Deaner
- interactive compositing lead: SPI
- Matthew DeJohn
- visual effects producer: In-Three Inc. (as Matt DeJohn)
- Vincent DeLay
- rigger/cloth: CafeFX
- Debbie Denise
- visual effects executive producer: SPI
- Greg Derochie
- compositor: SPI
- Mark DeSousa
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI (as Mark E.A. de Sousa)
- S.R. Dheepika
- stereo depth layout artist: SPI (as Dheepika.S.R.)
- Mark Dietel
- technical support lead: SPI
- B.R. Dinesh
- stereo depth layout artist: SPI (as Dinesh.B.R.)
- Aaron Dixon
- stereoscopic compositing supervisor: In-Three Inc.
- Benoit Doidic
- stereoscopic layout artist: In-Three Inc.
- Matthew Doll
- compositor: SPI
- Brian Doman
- layout lead: SPI
- Ian Doss
- visual effects on set surveyor: SPI
- Christina Drahos
- compositor: SPI
- Willem Drees
- stereographer: In-Three Inc.
- Colin Drobnis
- compositing lead: SPI
- Geer DuBois
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Nika Dunne
- 2d digital lead: SPI
- Nathan Dunsworth
- compositing technical director: SPI
- David Ebner
- senior visual effects supervisor: CafeFX
- William Eckroat
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI
- Chris Endicott
- character animator: SPI
- Jeffrey Engel
- stereo camera: SPI
- Nathan Eriksen
- character pipeline technical director: SPI (as Nathan 'n8' Eriksen)
- JoaquÃn Escandon
- digital compositor: CafeFX
- Jules Eschliman
- animation coordinator: SPI
- Tyler Esselstrom
- lighting lead: CafeFX
- Alexandre Ethier
- cg supervisor: Matte World Digital (as Alexander Ethier)
- Christopher Evans
- digital matte painter: Matte World Digital
- Robert E. Evans
- visual effects producer: CafeFX (as Robert Evans)
- Brian Eyre
- previsualization artist: Nvizage
- Edwin Fabros
- texture painter: SPI
- Craig Feifarek
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Dado Feigenblatt
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Colin Feist
- compositor: Sassoon Film Design
- Patrick Ferguson
- compositor: SPI
- Kevin Field
- associate production manager: SPI
- Patrick Finley
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Ronald A. Fischer
- prevision tracking: SPI (as Ron Fischer)
- Ruben Flores
- lighting lead: SPI
- Crys Forsyth-Smith
- senior visual effects producer
- Kristy Lynn Fortier
- digital coordinator: SPI
- Allen Foster
- layout artist: SPI
- Henrik Fält
- effects animation technical director: SPI (as Henrik Falt)
- Micah Gallagher
- junior compositor: CafeFX
- Javier Gallego
- 3d track and match move: Sassoon Film Design
- Gregory Galliani
- character & hard surface modeler: SPI (as Greg Galliani)
- Vicki Galloway-Weimer
- senior visual effects producer: CafeFX (as Vicki Galloway Weimer)
- Jorge Garcia Castro
- visual effects consultant
- Dawn Gates
- 2d digital artist: SPI
- Pätrick Gehlen
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor (as Patrick T. Gehlen)
- Gabriele Gennaro
- cg artist: Matte World Digital
- Pooya Ghobadpour
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Mike Gilbert
- previsualization artist: Nvizage
- Derek Gillingham
- texture painter: SPI
- Maribeth Glass
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Erik Gonzalez
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Demian Gordon
- mocap tracking: SPI (as Damien Gordon)
- Rich Grande
- compositor: CafeFX
- Kim Grassi
- stereoscopic compositing supervisor: In-Three Inc.
- Orin Green
- compositing supervisor: CafeFX
- Daniel Greenstein
- character pipeline technical director: SPI
- Ben Grossmann
- visual effects supervisor: CafeFX
- John Grotelueschen
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Joshua Grow
- technical support: SPI
- Manuel H. Guizar
- cg sequence lead: CafeFX
- Glen Gustafson
- texture painter: SPI
- Orlando Gutierrez
- stereoscopic compositor: In-Three Inc.
- Va Ha
- cg artist: Matte World Digital
- Kee-Suk 'Ken' Hahn
- cg supervisor: SPI (as Kee-Suk Ken Hahn)
- Kirstin Hall
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Jamie Hallett
- compositor: SPI
- Faraz Hameed
- previsualization artist: Nvizage
- Ãric Hamel
- digital matte painter: Matte World Digital (as Eric Hamel)
- T.C. Harrison
- interactive compositor: SPI
- Jerome Hartman
- compositor: SPI
- Simon Haslett
- compositor: SPI
- Albert Hastings
- cg supervisor: (Stage)
- Nic Hatch
- previsualization supervisor: Nvizage
- Joseph Hayden
- compositor: SPI
- Daniel Hayes
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Chris Hebert
- visual effects reference photographer: SPI
- Christian Hejnal
- digital producer: SPI
- John Helton
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Benjamin Hendricks
- compositor: SPI
- Alex Henning
- compositing supervisor: CafeFX
- Luis Hernandez
- cg artist: Matte World Digital
- Nick Hiatt
- matte painter: SPI
- Jean Ho
- production coordinator: SPI
- Adam Holmes
- layout artist: SPI (as Adam J.M. Holmes)
- Bob Homami
- compositor: SPI
- Andrew Honacker
- cg sequence lead: CafeFX
- Julia Hong
- texture painter: SPI
- Michael Honrada
- compositor: Matte World Digital
- Lyndsey K. Horton
- rigger: CafeFX (as Lyndsey Horton)
- Barry Howell
- 3d environment supervisor: The Third Floor
- Josiah Holmes Howison
- digital compositor
- Chris Hung
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Alwyn Hunt
- texture painter: SPI
- Jessica Amber Hurst
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI
- Hall Hutchison
- operator: encodacam
- Shô Igarashi
- cloth & hair supervisor: SPI
- Katherine Ipjian
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Travis Wade Ivy
- compositor: SPI (as Wade Ivy)
- Andreas Jablonka
- compositing lead: SPI
- Michael G. Jackson
- matchmove supervisor: CafeFX
- Evan Jacobs
- matchmove co-supervisor: CafeFX
- Mike Jiang
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Joseph Jones
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Alyse Joseph
- digital coordinator: SPI
- Brandon Kachel
- matte painter: SPI
- Marcos Caleb Kang
- character & hard surface modeler: SPI
- Moon-Jung Kang
- character & hard surface modeler: SPI (as Moon Jung Kang)
- Yun Geuk Kang
- character & hard surface modeler: SPI
- Jon Karafin
- visual effects line producer: In-Three Inc.
- Michael Karp
- layout artist: SPI
- Manickam Kathirvel
- stereo depth layout artist: SPI (as Kathirvel.M)
- Miku Kayama
- look development technical director: SPI
- Sean Kealey
- rigger: CafeFX
- Michael Kennen
- compositor: SPI
- Hannah Kent
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI (as Hannah Lees)
- Sam Khorshid
- effects lead: CafeFX
- Michael Killoren
- lighting coordinator: SPI
- Marvin Kim
- modeling supervisor: SPI
- Nicholas Kim
- compositor: SPI
- Seunghyuk Kim
- effects animation technical director: SPI
- Takumi Kimura
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Pency Kinnard
- stereo compositor
- Ranjith Kizakkey
- stereo depth layout sequence lead: SPI
- Noah Klabunde
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Brian Kloc
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Stephen Kowalski
- senior systems architect
- Anthony Kramer
- digital compositor: SPI
- Harald Kraut
- layout artist: SPI
- Mathew Krentz
- compositor: CafeFX
- Craig Kuehne
- compositor: Sassoon Film Design
- Manoj Kumar
- stereo depth layout artist: SPI (as Manoj Kumar.E)
- G. Kumaragurubaran
- stereo depth layout lead: SPI
- Aaron Kupferman
- compositing lead: SPI
- Joosten Kuypers
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Daniel La Chapelle
- effects animation technical director: SPI
- Joshua LaCross
- compositor: CafeFX
- Jaymie Lam
- compositor: Matte World Digital
- Alex Lampila
- visual effects reference photographer: SPI
- Jessica Laszlo
- compositor: SPI
- Lavanya
- production coordinator: SPI
- Dan Lavender
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Nicola Lavender
- look development technical director: SPI
- Steve LaVietes
- lighting lead: SPI
- Tim LeDoux
- compositing lead: CafeFX
- Brian Lee
- 3d track and match move: Sassoon Film Design
- Jeanny Lee
- digital coordinator: SPI
- Votch Levi
- lighting lead: CafeFX
- Mickey Levy
- digital producer: SPI
- Janice Lew
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI
- Joe Lewis
- encodacam supervisor
- Letia Lewis
- layout artist: SPI
- Christo Libraridian
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI (as Christo Sandro Libardian)
- Kuan Lin
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Noll Linsangan
- compositor: CafeFX
- Seth Lippman
- cg supervisor: CafeFX
- Roger Liu
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Michael Liv
- compositor: SPI
- Laura Livingston
- stereoscopic layout supervisor: In-Three Inc.
- Dave Lockwood
- compositor: SPI
- Chris Logan
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI (as Christopher Alex Logan)
- Timothy Loughran
- associate production manager: SPI
- Jarred Love
- character body & facial set-up technical director: SPI
- Nick Loy
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Stephen Lunn
- lighting lead: SPI
- Wytt Lusanandana
- stereoscopic animator: In-Three Inc.
- Rob MacKenzie
- layout artist: SPI
- Jason Madsen
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Annie Mahlik
- visual effects editor: SPI
- Sarah Maloney
- lighting coordinator: SPI (as Sarah Mihalec Maloney)
- Jeffrey Manchester
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Richard Ivan Mann
- associate visual effects producer: CafeFX (as Richard Mann)
- Kevin Mannens
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI
- Sharon Marcussen
- compositor: SPI
- Marco Marenghi
- supervising animator: SPI
- Veronica Marino
- compositor: CafeFX
- Nicholas Markel
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Stephen Marshall
- effects animation lead: SPI
- Adam Martinez
- senior shader writer: SPI
- Albert Mason
- digital production manager: SPI (as Albert Lawrence Mason)
- Jenna Mateo
- 3d track and match move: Sassoon Film Design
- Seth Maury
- cg supervisor: SPI
- Heather McCann
- stage crew: SPI
- Nathan McConnel
- animator: SPI
- Luke McDonald
- cg/modeling supervisor: CafeFX
- Ryan McDougal
- cq sequence lead: CafeFX
- Kyle McGinnis
- character pipeline technical director: SPI
- Matthew McGovern
- production coordinator: In-Three Inc. (as Matt McGovern)
- Chuck McIlvain
- character pipeline lead: SPI
- Christian McIntire
- digital compositor: CafeFX
- Brandon McNaughton
- stereo paint supervisor: CafeFX
- Dennis Mejia
- stereoscopic layout artist: In-Three Inc.
- Charles Meredith
- compositor: SPI
- Todd Mesher
- interactive compositor: SPI (as Todd B. Mesher)
- Megan Michitti
- production assistant: SPI
- Michael C. Miller
- stereoscopic visual effects supervisor: In-Three Inc. (as Mike Miller)
- Terence Mills
- technical engineer: SPI
- John Monos
- shader lead: SPI
- Leah Montagnino
- visual effects reference photographer: SPI (as Leah Hardstark)
- Sarah Moore
- look development technical director: SPI
- Troy Moore
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Carlos Morales
- compositor: SPI
- Dani Morrow
- layout artist: SPI
- Phillip Moses
- associate visual effects producer: CafeFX
- Frank Mueller
- character body & facial set-up technical director: SPI (as Frank Muller)
- Michael Muir
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Enrique Munoz
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Adil Mustafabekov
- matte painter: SPI
- Chris Nabholz
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Cedric Nairn-Smith
- assistant visual effects editor
- Hee-Chel Nam
- texture painter: SPI (as Hee-chel Nam)
- Todd Napier
- stereoscopic visual effects controller: In-Three Inc.
- Greg Nelson
- compositor: CafeFX
- Gregory Newman
- technical support: SPI
- Jason P. Nguyen
- stereoscopic compositor: CafeFX
- Linh Nguyen
- layout artist: SPI (as Linh Mai Nguyen Chan)
- Vinh Nguyen
- compositor: SPI
- Gregory Nic Nicholson
- compositor: SPI (as Gregory 'Nic' Nicholson)
- Jeremy Nicolaides
- stereoscopic/visual effects supervisor: Sassoon Film Design
- Adrian Tehao Niu
- character technical director (as Adrian 'Hovah' Niu)
- Joshua Ochoa
- mocap tracking: SPI (as Josh Ochoa)
- Maxx Okazaki
- character & hard surface modeler: SPI
- Ellery Ortiz
- stereo camera: SPI
- Viviana Palacios
- cg sequence lead: CafeFX
- Scott Palleiko
- cg sequence lead: CafeFX
- Peter Palombi
- stereo technical director: SPI
- Ivo Panayotov
- technical engineer: SPI
- Jeff Pate
- compositor: Sassoon Film Design
- Cara Paul
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Michael Pecchia
- compositing lead: CafeFX
- Bob Peitzman
- cg supervisor: SPI
- Tom C. Peitzman
- production visual effects producer (as Tom Peitzman)
- Angelica Perez
- compositor: SPI
- Benjamin T. Perkins
- lighting technical director: SPI (as Benjamin Perkins)
- Eric Peterson
- layout artist: SPI
- Robin Petersson
- character & hard surface modeler: SPI
- Aaron Pfau
- character set-up supervisor: SPI
- Sean Phillips
- visual effects supervisor
- Jason Piccioni
- compositor: SPI
- Jason Pomerantz
- senior digital artist (IMAX version)
- Eric Provan
- character & hard surface modeler: SPI
- Philip Quaglino
- stereoscopic compositing supervisor: In-Three Inc.
- Sharina Radia
- visual effects coordinator
- Ken Ralston
- senior visual effects supervisor
- Matthew George Rampias
- lighting technical director: SPI
- R. Ramya
- stereo depth layout artist: SPI
- Andres Rascon
- compositor: SPI
- Donny Rausch
- compositor: SPI
- Satya Reddy
- paint artist
- Donald Reich
- layout artist: SPI
- Shinichi Rembutsu
- visual effects: CafeFX
- Gregory Wade Reynolds
- effects animation technical director: SPI
- Marie Rheinschild-Jordan
- production coordinator: In-Three Inc.
- Radost Ridlen
- compositor: SPI (as Radost Yonkova Ridlen)
- Steve Riera
- visual effects coordinator
- Rebecca Rinn
- digital production manager: SPI
- Terrence Robertson-Fall
- character body & facial set-up technical director: SPI
- Nilo Rodis-Jamero
- art director: CafeFX (as Nilo Rodis Jamero)
- Ken Rogerson
- visual effects producer: Matte World Digital
- Mikki Rose
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI (as Michela D Rose)
- Toby Rosen
- technical support: SPI
- Joseph Rosensteel
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Robert Rossoff
- layout artist: SPI (as Bob Rossoff)
- Matthew Rubin
- character pipeline technical director: SPI
- Michael Rung
- visual effects supervisor: CafeFX
- Mark Sanger
- visual effects editor
- John E. Sasaki
- compositor: SPI (as John Sasaki)
- Minoru Sasaki
- lighting lead: CafeFX
- Tim Sassoon
- visual effects supervisor: Sassoon Film Design
- Atsushi Sato
- character animator: SPI
- Lisa Curtis Saunders
- technical support: SPI (as Lisa Curtis)
- David Schaub
- animation supervisor: SPI
- Christian Schermerhorn
- compositor: SPI
- Jamie Schnakenburg
- stereoscopic layout artist: In-Three Inc.
- Tom Schultz
- stereo camera lead: SPI
- Adrian J. Sciutto
- lighting coordinator: SPI
- D. Seethalakshmi
- stereo depth layout artist: SPI
- Ziad Seirafi
- senior compositor: SPI (as Ziyad Seirafi)
- Vincent Serritella
- effects animation technical director: SPI
- Chirag R. Shah
- senior production coordinator: SPI (as Chirag Shah)
- Scot Shinderman
- effects animation technical director: SPI
- Shoban
- cg supervisor: SPI
- Peter Sidoriak
- compositor: SPI
- Clancy Silver
- compositor: SPI
- Craig A. Simms
- compositing lead: SPI (as Craig Anthony Simms)
- Brad Simonsen
- digital production manager: SPI (as Bradford Simonsen)
- Jessa Sininger
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI
- Ed Siomacco Jr.
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI (as Ed Siomacco)
- G.M. Sivakumar
- stereo depth layout artist: SPI (as Sivakumar.G.M.)
- K.S. Sivapriyan
- stereo depth layout artist: SPI (as Sivapriyan.K.S)
- Joseph Slomka
- color technical director: SPI
- Jeff W. Smith
- stereoscopic camera layout artist
- Kevin Souls
- look development technical director: SPI
- Gerrard Southam
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- David Spencer
- match move lead: SPI
- Brian Steiner
- cg supervisor: SPI
- Jason Stellwag
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI
- Joe Stevano
- technical engineer: SPI
- Orde Stevanoski
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Cody Stewart
- stereoscopic layout supervisor: In-Three Inc.
- Joe Strasser
- look development technical director: SPI
- James Straus
- animation supervisor: CafeFX
- Lisa Suzuki
- layout lead: SPI
- Mai Suzuki
- digital restoration artist
- Steve Switaj
- operator: encodacam
- Greg Szafranski
- lighting lead: CafeFX
- Leonardo Szew
- character pipeline technical director: SPI
- Jackie Szymanski
- visual effects accountant: SPI
- Emi Tahira
- layout artist: SPI
- David Takayama
- interactive compositor: SPI
- Suan Ching Tan
- texture painter: SPI (as Suan Tan)
- J. Todd Taylor
- character set-up support: SPI
- Rodrigo Teixeira
- lighting lead: CafeFX
- Mathew Thomas
- compositor: SPI
- Peter Tieryas
- character body & facial set-up technical director: SPI
- Miles Todorof
- effects animation associate technical director: SPI
- Terrance Tornberg
- look development lead: SPI
- Alexis Torres
- stereoscopic compositing supervisor: In-Three Inc.
- Laurence Treweek
- senior shader writer: SPI
- Morgan Trotter
- cg artist: Matte World Digital
- Guerdon Trueblood
- compositor: SPI (as Guerdon S. Trueblood)
- Angel Trujillo
- technical engineer: SPI
- Melanie Rose Tucker
- production assistant: SPI
- Ryan Tulloch
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Cosku Turhan
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Corey Turner
- stereographer: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Trevor Tuttle
- layout artist: SPI
- Beth Tyszkiewicz
- lighting coordinator: SPI (as Beth Tyszkiewicz Nesbit)
- Brad van Bodegom
- digital artist (IMAX version)
- Bert Van Brande
- cg supervisor: SPI
- Marc Van Der Nagel
- coordinator: Sassoon Film Design (as Marc A. Van Der Nagel)
- Gabriel Vargas
- cg sequence lead: CafeFX
- Nooshin Vegh
- associate production manager: SPI (as Nooshin Siadatnejad)
- Darin Velarde
- mocap tracking: SPI (as Darin Andrew Velarde)
- S. Navin Venkatesh
- production manager: SPI (as Navin Venkatesh)
- Jared James Vest
- stereoscopic visual effects supervisor: In-Three Inc (as Jared Vest)
- Carlos A. Vidal
- lighting technical director: SPI (as Carlos Vidal)
- Dan Villarreal
- technical engineer: SPI
- Carey Villegas
- visual effects supervisor
- Joe Viola
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Christina Adia Wang
- interactive compositor: SPI
- Adam Watkins
- cg supervisor: CafeFX
- Imery Watson
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Susan M. Weeks
- compositor: SPI (as Susan Weeks)
- Zack Weiler
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI
- Eric Weinschenk
- compositor: SPI
- Mark Wendell
- compositor: SPI
- Craig Wentworth
- lighting lead: SPI
- Ken Wesley
- cg sequence lead: CafeFX
- Alex Whang
- character & hard surface modeler: SPI (as Alexander Whang)
- Dustin Wicke
- hair lead: SPI
- Guy T. Wiedmann
- visual effects editor: SPI
- Von Williams
- layout artist: SPI
- Tommy Williamson
- stereo supervisor: CafeFX (as Tom Williamson)
- Scott Willman
- compositor: SPI
- Aaron Wilson
- effects animation technical director: SPI
- Jann Wimmer
- associate production manager: SPI
- Robert Winter
- cg supervisor: SPI
- Lauralee Wiseman
- technical support: SPI
- Stephen Wojcik
- production manager: In-Three, Inc.
- Sammy Wong
- layout artist: SPI
- Leah Wouters
- technical support: SPI
- Magnus Wrenninge
- effects animation technical director: SPI
- Tiffany Wu
- associate production manager: SPI
- Yukiko Yamanaka
- technical support: SPI
- Elbert Yen
- texture paint supervisor: SPI
- Bhoopathy Yuvarajan
- stereo depth layout artist: SPI (as Yuvarajan. B)
- Julie Zackary
- stage producer: SPI
- Fabio Zapata
- visual effects on set surveyor: SPI
- Carlos Zappen
- stereoscopic animator: In-Three Inc. (as Carlos Zapien)
- Bjorn Zipprich
- effects animation technical director: SPI
- Nadarajan Usha Abheesh
- digital artist: SPI (uncredited)
- Dave Isaac Santos Abuel
- technical director/compositor (uncredited)
- Mariana Acuña Acosta
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Benjamin Aguillon
- sequence lead (uncredited)
- Christopher Almerico
- 3D coordinator: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Enrico Altmann
- model maker (uncredited)
- Juan Alvarez
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Claudia Amatulli
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Seshadri Anand
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Jason Anderson
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- P.N. Arunkumar
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Erubeth Avila
- stereo compositor: In-Three Inc (uncredited)
- Wenden K. Baldwin
- digital editor/coordinator: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Stanley Balu
- rotomation arist (uncredited)
- Jeff Barnes
- production executive: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Brandon Bartlett
- cg supervisor: With A Twist Studio (uncredited)
- Geeta Basantani
- digital matte painter: Matte World Digital (uncredited)
- Andreas Bauer
- shader writer (uncredited)
- Matt Bauer
- previz animator (uncredited)
- Basel Bazlamit
- digital artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Jeff Benjamin
- effects technical director (uncredited)
- Jason M. Bergman
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Christopher Blasko
- senior visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Greg M. Boettcher
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Randy Bosh
- digital archivist: New Deal Studios (uncredited)
- Solomon Boulos
- rendering consultant (uncredited)
- E.M. Bowen
- visual effects coordinator: New Deal Studios, Inc. (uncredited)
- Mike Bozulich
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Anne Marie Breedlove
- depth aritst: Legend 3d (uncredited)
- Jared Brient
- lighting and compositing technical director: SPI (uncredited)
- Brett Bronson
- render lead: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Eric Bruneau
- visual effects supervisor (uncredited)
- Amy Brunolli
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Mark Burns
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- David Burton
- visual effects supervisor: With A Twist Studio (uncredited)
- Andrew Byrne
- fluid technical director: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Jane Byrne
- lighter: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Justin Callanan
- hair/cloth technical director (uncredited)
- Stephen Candell
- lead character face rigger (uncredited)
- Georgia Cano
- lighter: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Ozzie Carmona
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Mark Carver
- visual effects artist: In-Three Inc (uncredited)
- Anthony Ceccomancini
- production manager (uncredited)
- Bernard O. Ceguerra
- sequence supervisor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Gabriel D. Cervantes
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Chandrasekhar
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Can Chang
- sequence lead: The Syndicate (uncredited)
- Lan-Fang Chang
- senior pipeline technical director (uncredited)
- Ray Chang
- stereoscopic roto artist (uncredited)
- John Abraham Chempil
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Vanessa Cheung
- concept artist (uncredited) / matte painter (uncredited)
- James G. Clark
- data coordinator (uncredited)
- John Clark
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- James Clowater
- keyframe artist: In-Three, Inc. (uncredited)
- Chad E. Collier
- digital intermediate data technician: Company 3 (uncredited)
- Michael Comfort
- previsualization artist (uncredited)
- Matt Cordero
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Laurel Costa
- stereo artist (uncredited)
- Brandon Criswell
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Gene Crucean
- visual effects artist: Oblivion Films (uncredited)
- Will Cunningham
- senior effects technical director (uncredited)
- Glenn Curry
- visual effects artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Jason Cutler
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Brandon Davis
- effects lead: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Chris Dawson
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Manuela Schmidt de Souza
- lighting technical director (uncredited)
- Yoshi DeHerrera
- 3d scanning & modeling (uncredited)
- Eric Deinzer
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Del DePierro
- match move lead (uncredited) / stereo compositor (uncredited)
- Ramya Devi
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Dhananjayan
- rotomation (uncredited)
- Tony Diep
- interactive compositor (uncredited)
- Joseph DiLallo
- senior character rigger (uncredited)
- Greg Dora
- compositor (uncredited)
- Fred Dossola
- stereo production artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Steven Dugaro
- fx engineer (uncredited)
- Moriba Duncan
- modeler: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Frank Dzidowski
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Sam Edwards
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Mike Ek
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Shari B. Ellis
- visual effects coordinator: SPI (uncredited)
- Rob Engle
- stereoscopic consultant (uncredited)
- Daniel Fazel
- lighter: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Brenda Finster
- digital coordinator: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Mike Fischer
- effects technical director: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Omar A. Flores
- stereo conversion artist (uncredited)
- Barbara Ford
- senior pipeline producer (uncredited)
- Adam Francis
- motion control technician (uncredited)
- Philip Fraschetti
- stereo effects artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Carl Frytz
- matchmover: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Martin Furness
- visual effects artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Thomas Furukawa
- production assistant: visual effects (uncredited)
- Brad Gayo
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Adam Ghering
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Deborah Giarratana
- visual effects executive (uncredited)
- Tad A. Gielow
- software supervisor (uncredited)
- Cyrus Jay Gladstone
- stereoscopic art director: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Guenever Goik
- match mover (uncredited)
- Joseph Christopher Gonzales
- stereoscopic animator: In-Three Inc (uncredited)
- Isaac Marcos Gonzalez
- visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- Juan Gonzalez
- layout (uncredited)
- Jim Gorman
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Joanna N. Goslicka
- matchmover: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Monty Granito
- previs animator: Third Floor (uncredited)
- Jessica Grimshaw
- stereo keyframe artist: In-Three Inc (uncredited)
- Larry Gritz
- rendering scientist (uncredited)
- Sarah Brooke Grossmann
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Eddie Gutierrez
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Chrissy Habblett
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Brian Hamblin
- editorial technical manager: SPI (uncredited)
- Yasser Hamed
- shader writer (uncredited)
- Pam Hammarlund
- visual effects producer (uncredited)
- Taigne Hammock
- resource administrator (uncredited)
- Wade Hampton
- animator: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Anthony Juno Han
- lighting technical director: CafeFX (uncredited)
- See Hang
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Marlan Harris
- stereo compositor (uncredited)
- Shizue Harrison
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Brian Hawkins
- stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Matthew Hendershot
- CG supervisor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Graham Herbster
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Veronica Hernandez
- digital artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Stefan Herz
- senior pipeline technical director (uncredited)
- Nicholas Hiegel
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Christopher Higginbotham
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Andrew Hofman
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Chris Holmes
- visual effects supervisor (uncredited)
- Julianne Holzschuh
- occluded surface reconstruction (uncredited)
- Meredith Hook
- digital artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Chris Hopkins
- lead matchmover (uncredited) / senior stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Paul Hudson
- programmer: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Wendy Hulbert
- visual effects coordinator: CafeFX (uncredited)
- John Iskandar
- visual effects artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Christopher Ivins
- stereoscopic compositor: Legend3D (uncredited)
- Jeffrey Jasper
- digital artist: New Deal Studios (uncredited)
- Dilipan Jeevanandham
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Llyr Tobias Johansen
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Jeffrey Johnson
- lighter: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Matt Johnson
- roto/depth grading artist: In-Three Inc. (uncredited)
- Alan Jones
- pipeline technical director: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Shahen Jordan
- lead digital matte painter (uncredited)
- Shant Jordan
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Bora Jurisic
- TD Generalist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Tim Kafantaris
- rotomation artist: With A Twist Studio (uncredited)
- Harout Steve Kahwati
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Yun Geuk Kang
- stage crew (uncredited)
- Khader Hayathbasha Kareem
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Nitant Karnik
- stereo compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Patricia Kavanaugh
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Sean Kealey
- character technical director: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Brooke Keesling
- visual effects: New Deal Studios (uncredited)
- Matt Kelly
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Apollo S.J. Kim
- modeler: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Ryan Kirkwood
- lighter: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Noah Klabunde
- lead stereo technical director (uncredited)
- Lu Kondor
- technical documentation (uncredited)
- George Krauter
- digital artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Paul Kulikowski
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- E. Suresh Kumar
- senior matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Praveen Kumar
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Roger Kupelian
- digital matte artist (uncredited)
- Emily Kwong
- intern: New Deal Studios (uncredited)
- Michael La Fave
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Suzanne Labrie
- production infrastructure (uncredited)
- Paul LaFond
- stereo conversion artist (uncredited)
- Otto Lai
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Kenny Lam
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Soyoun Lee
- compositor (uncredited)
- Duncan Lees
- head of 3d services: Plowman Craven & Associates (uncredited)
- Cynthia Lejeune
- visual effects accountant (uncredited)
- Michael Leung
- digital lighting artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Francis Liu
- cg supervisor (uncredited)
- Marc Llorin
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- David Lombardi
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Jacob Long
- rigger/cloth: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Anthony Lopez
- director of it (uncredited)
- Wytt Lusanandana
- stereoscopic compositor: In-Three, Inc. (uncredited)
- Tran Ma
- modeler: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Marc Machuca
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Zach Mandt
- digital artist: CafeFX (uncredited) / matte painter: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Joe Mangione
- lighter: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Kiran Manohar
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Andrew Marquez
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Seth Martin
- depth compositor: In-Three Inc. (uncredited) / rotoscope artist: In-Three Inc. (uncredited)
- Damon Martinez
- dimensionalist: In-Three. Inc. (uncredited)
- Russell McCoy
- stereo compositor (uncredited)
- Jason McDonald
- previz animator (uncredited)
- Doran McGee
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Jim McPherson
- visual development (uncredited)
- Adam Meltzer
- camera operator (uncredited)
- Carlos Mendoza Jr.
- stereoscopic artist: In-Three, Inc (uncredited)
- Anthony Meschi
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Steven Messing
- digital matte artist: SPI (uncredited)
- Justin Mijal
- modeler: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Jacob Curtis Miller
- digital artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Michael Miller
- stereo compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Darren Mortillaro
- pipeline technical director: SPI (uncredited)
- Ricardo Nadu
- character technical director: SPI (uncredited)
- Shoban Narayanan
- cg supervisor (uncredited)
- Daniel Naulin
- effects technical director: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Hector Navarro
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Salima Needham
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Paul Newberry
- animator: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Steve Newburn
- model maker (uncredited)
- Michael C. Newcomer
- stereo compositor: In-Three, Inc. (uncredited)
- Rachel Nicoll
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Vincent Niebla
- stereographer: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Abhijeet Nimbalkar
- stereoscopic Asst Supervisor Paint: Gener8 (uncredited)
- Kevin Noel
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Tony Noel
- paint fix artist (uncredited)
- James P. Noon
- tracking (uncredited)
- Matt Nowacki
- matchmove lead: With a Twist Studio (uncredited)
- Maggie Oh
- technical director: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Chris Olivas
- compositor (uncredited)
- Luke Olson
- effects animator: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Nicholas Onstad
- digital compositor (uncredited) / stereoscopic conversion (uncredited)
- Carolyn Oros
- character setup: facial rigging (uncredited)
- Desi Ortiz
- visual effects editor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Glenn Osgood
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Andrea Lackey Pace
- director of production services and resources (uncredited)
- Peter Pace
- texture painter: CafeFX (uncredited) / visual effects designer (uncredited)
- Tharanipathi Padmanabhan
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Saurabh Patel
- match move artist (uncredited)
- Bethany Pederson Onstad
- stereo compositor (uncredited)
- Van Phan
- animator (uncredited)
- Sandy Phetchamphone
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- John Pierce
- stereoscopic compositing supervisor: Sassoon Film Design (uncredited)
- Glenn Porter
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Pavan Kumar Potluri
- senior digital compositor (uncredited)
- James Prola
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- The-Hung Quach
- texture painter (uncredited)
- Balaji Ramakrishna
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Vinoth Ramalingam
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Sandesh Ramdev
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Tina Rangel
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Adrian Ratley
- on-set matchmover (uncredited)
- Eric Reinhard
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Analeah Ricchetti
- stereo compositor: In-Three Inc (uncredited)
- George Richman
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Caprice Ann Ridgeway
- visual effects coordinator: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Ruben Rodas
- paint/roto artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Bernardo Rodriguez
- visual effects editor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- In-Ah Roediger
- previsualisation artist (uncredited)
- Ryan Romans
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Ariane Rosier
- visual effects coordinator: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Amanda Roth
- visual effects coordinator: Legend Films (uncredited)
- Jeya Ruban
- compositor: Imageworks, India (uncredited)
- Anthony Ruey
- visual effects coordinator: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Renato M. Ruiz
- stereoscopic compositor: In-Three Inc (uncredited)
- William Ruzicka
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Theresa Ellis Rygiel
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Richard Sachar
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Ari Sachter-Zeltzer
- 3D pipeline technical director: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Toshihiro Sakamaki
- modeler: Asylum (uncredited)
- V. Samundeswari
- digital compositor: Imageworks India, Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)
- Sina San
- stereo compositor: In-Three Inc (uncredited)
- Christian Sanchez
- environment modeler: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Daniel Sandoval-Guillen
- stereo compositor: Legend 3 D (uncredited)
- Suresh Sarangapani
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Larry Sauceda
- visual effects editor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Frederique Schafer
- environment modeler: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Brad Schaider
- lead compositor: Lumeni Productions (uncredited)
- Erick Schiele
- lighter: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Jamie Schnakenburg
- keyframe artist: In-Three, Inc. (uncredited)
- Andrew Schwartz
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Charles Schwartz
- matchmove and stereo integration artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Alex Scollay
- lighter: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Candice Scott
- interactive compositor (uncredited)
- John Christopher Scott
- stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Michael Scott
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Panneer Selvam
- compositor: Imageworks India (uncredited)
- Alessandra Serrano
- visual effects coordinator: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Den Serras
- stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Steven S. Shapiro
- pipeline research & development: 3D (uncredited)
- Dan Sheerin
- senior technical animator (uncredited)
- Rick Shick
- senior Flame artist (uncredited)
- Pedram Shohadai
- environment modeler: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Prateep Siamwalla
- tracking (uncredited)
- Brian Smallwood
- compositor (uncredited)
- Geri Smith
- lighting artist (uncredited)
- Todd R. Smith
- compositor: Matte World Digital (uncredited)
- Roland So
- matchmover: CafeFX (uncredited) / stereoscopic camera layout artist (uncredited)
- Brian Sorbo
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Joseph Spadaro
- character rigging supervisor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Michael Spitzmiller
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Jason Stansell
- senior animator: SPI (uncredited)
- Marc Steinberg
- modeler: CafeFX (uncredited)
- James Steller
- visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- John Stewart
- lead compositor: Asylum (uncredited)
- Erik Strauss
- technology producer (uncredited)
- Frederick George Stuhrberg
- 3d scanning (uncredited)
- David Sudd
- tracking supervisor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- D.J. Summitt
- stereo conversion compositor (uncredited)
- Daniel Sunwoo
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Lubos Gerardo Surzin
- matte painter (uncredited)
- Chris Sutherland
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Frank Synowicz
- stereo conversion artist (uncredited)
- Emerick Tackett
- 3D tracking: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Michael Taflove
- render manager (uncredited)
- Aaron Tankenson
- manager recruiting: SPI (uncredited)
- Bryan Taylor
- 3d digital compositor (uncredited)
- Scott Tessier
- lighter: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Saravanan Thanikachalam
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Neil Thompsett
- digital stereoscopic artist (uncredited)
- Alexander Tirasongkran
- matchmover: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Nicholas Tocco
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Ted Trabucco
- stereoscopic artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Marcus Trahan
- environment modeler: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Chris Treichel
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Ryan Trenhaile
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Allie Vella
- stereo coordinator: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Anu Vijayan
- stereo depth artist (uncredited)
- Wendy Mashburn Vizard
- digital production management: SPI (uncredited)
- Jaikishan Vyas
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Damian Wader
- production executive (uncredited)
- John B. Wallace
- look development / texture painter (uncredited)
- Martin Toby Watson
- render wrangler/render support (uncredited)
- Vivian Wei
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- John Welborn
- software engineer (uncredited)
- M. Alexander Weller
- matte painter: Matte World Digital (uncredited)
- Kelly Wescott
- stereoscopic animator: in-three (uncredited)
- Adam Will
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Brian C. Williams
- stereo compositor: In-Three Inc (uncredited)
- Kevin J. Williams
- visual effects artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Stephen Wilson
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Sam Winkler
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Brian Wolf
- compositor: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Tyquane Wright
- lighting and compositing: SPI (uncredited)
- David Wu
- rotoscope artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Tou Yeng Xiong
- rotomation artist (uncredited)
- Xye
- tracking (uncredited)
- Casey Yahnke
- stereo compositor: In-Three, Inc. (uncredited)
- Colin Yu
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Riccardo Zanettini
- lighter: CafeFX (uncredited)