- Sunshine Adamson
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Sid Ahearne
- animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Amanda Allen
- animation checker
- Silvio Arlenghi
- inbetween artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Nick Ashby
- inbetween artist
- Simon Ashton
- animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Michael Badman
- additional animator / background layout artist
- Jon Baker
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Manny Banados
- animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Yosh Barry
- assistant layout supervisor (as Yoshiko Barry)
- Lisa Battye
- clean-up artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Bob Baxter
- supervising animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Adam Beck
- animator (uncredited)
- Nerida Bennett
- animation checker
- Davide Benvenuti
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Kelly Bergsma
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Ted Blackman
- key layout designer
- Edwin Bocalan
- animator (uncredited)
- Milana Borkert
- additional background artist (as Milana Borkett)
- Eli Braga
- clean-up artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Andrew Brooks
- animator: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Daryl Brougham
- clean-up character lead: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Rodney Brunsdon
- additional inbetween artist (as Rodney Brunsden)
- Tina Burke
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Deborah Cameron
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Mickie Cassidy
- clean-up artist (uncredited)
- Linda Catchlove
- clean-up character lead: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Manuk Chang
- animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Eddie Choo
- clean-up artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Roger Clarke
- additional animator
- Noel Cleary
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Andrew Collins
- supervising animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Tom Collison
- inbetween artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl" (as Tim Collison)
- Michael Comino
- clean-up character lead: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl" / clean-up supervisor
- Kevin Compty
- clean-up artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl" (as Kevin Comty)
- Kristi Connolly
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- David Costello
- animator: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Kristine Cotton
- inbetween artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Debbie Cramb
- inbetween character lead: "Goofy" and "Sylvia" / inbetween supervisor
- Tony Davis
- clean-up artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Danilo De Asis
- key background stylist
- Roehl De Guzman
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Abeth De La Cruz
- layout artist (as Abeth de la Cruz)
- Barry Dean
- background artist
- Manny DeGuzman
- clean-up artist (as Manny A. DeGuzman)
- Lily Dell
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Bernard Derriman
- animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Allan Dicdiquin
- inbetween artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Anna Dimezza
- inbetween artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Zhiqiang Ding
- clean-up artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Dick Dunn
- animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Dave Dunnet
- key layout designer (as David Dunnet)
- Amanda Earle
- inbetween artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Virginia Eastman
- additional clean-up artist
- Peter Eastment
- clean-up artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Martin Ellis
- additional inbetween artist
- Sonny Esquillon
- clean-up artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Brian Estanislao
- clean-up artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Felice Ferrer-Burton
- additional background layout artist (as Felice Ferrer)
- Nicola Flynn
- clean-up artist (uncredited)
- Robert Fox
- animator (uncredited)
- Enrique Gallardo
- inbetween artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Kris Gardiner
- inbetween artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Warwick Gilbert
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Randy Glusac
- animator: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Marilou Gotos
- clean-up artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Stephen Grant
- additional animator / layout artist
- Amy Green
- animation checker
- Max Gunner
- clean-up artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Mark Guthrie
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Rowena Hamlyn-Aspden
- additional animator
- Joel Hancock
- additional inbetween artist
- Gerard Hannigan
- additional inbetween artist (as Gerald Hannagan)
- John Harmon
- key background stylist
- David Harrison
- clean-up artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Gina Harrowell
- additional clean-up artist
- Ian Harrowell
- animation director
- Eva Helischer
- additional clean-up artist
- Anne Henrickson
- additional clean-up artist
- David High
- key layout designer
- John Hill
- additional layout artist / layout artist
- John Horvath
- inbetween artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Michael Howie
- animator: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl" (as Mike Howie)
- Janet Huang
- inbetween artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Lianne Hughes
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Andrew Ice
- key layout designer
- Jeanette Imer
- clean-up artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Miles Jenkinson
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Anna Jukic
- clean-up artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Vicent Jungstedt
- background artist (as Vicente Jungstedt)
- Bill Knoll
- animation and timing director / timing director
- Ian Lacey
- inbetween character lead: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Alan Lam
- additional inbetween artist / animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Marsh Lamore
- animation and timing director
- Dana Landsberg
- lead character designer
- Danielle Latta
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Morris Lee
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Nathan Lee
- background artist
- Sylvia Lee
- additional inbetween artist
- Terry Lennon
- animation and timing director / timing director
- Michael Leske
- clean-up artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia" (as Mike Leske)
- Jerry Liew
- background artist
- Michelle Lindner
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Pieter Lommerse
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Tony Lovett
- additional layout artist
- Rich Lynes
- key background stylist (as Richard Lynes)
- Laura Lyubomirsky
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Conille Macarayan
- clean-up artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Joseph Manifold Jr.
- animator
- David Martin
- key layout designer
- Robert Mason
- animator: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Alex McCrae
- key layout designer (as Alexander McCrae)
- Beverley McNamara
- background supervisor
- Amy Mebberson
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Burt Medall
- animation and timing director
- Mamie Miao
- inbetween artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- June Micu
- key background stylist
- Ashanti Miller
- character designer
- Linda Miller
- character animation test
- Rod Millichamp
- inbetween artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Mac Monks
- layout artist
- Christopher Morley
- key layout designer
- Adam Murphy
- animator: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Sarah Newall
- clean-up artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Alex Nicholas
- layout director
- Jenny North
- color stylist
- Ryan O'Loughlin
- animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Kathie O'Rourke
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Dan O'Sullivan
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Terry O'Toole
- clean-up artist (uncredited)
- Polina Omelchuk
- additional background artist
- Zarina Osiana
- clean-up artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby" (as Zarina Orbon)
- Richard Pace
- inbetween artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Stuart Packwood
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Nicole Papax
- background layout artist
- Shane Parker
- additional background artist
- Suk-Hee Parkes
- clean-up artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby" (as Suk Hee Park)
- Donny Pattenden
- inbetween artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Michael Pattison
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Ernie Pava
- supervisor: digital background color correction (as Ernest Pava)
- Kevin Peaty
- supervising animator: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Bruce Pedersen
- layout artist (as Bruce Pederson)
- Shane Petroni
- inbetween artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Rene Pfitzner
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Nick Pill
- assistant layout supervisor
- Stephane Portal
- layout artist
- Tony Quelch
- additional inbetween artist / animation checker
- Kristina Reay
- animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Sara Rivers
- inbetween artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Di Rudder
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Sophia Ruo Liu
- clean-up artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Simon Ryder
- inbetween artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Nilo Santillan
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia" (as Nilo Santillon)
- Gie Santos
- animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Toby Schwarz
- animator (as Tobias Schwarz)
- Tom Schyvens
- inbetween character lead: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Piero Sgro
- assistant background supervisor (as Peter Sgro) / assistant background supervisor
- James Shah
- additional background layout artist
- David Skinner
- background layout lead
- Robert Sledge
- character designer
- Adam Smith
- inbetween artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Mark Sonntag
- background layout artist
- Robert St. Pierre
- key layout designer
- Alexs Stadermann
- animator: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Aaron Stannard
- clean-up artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Mike Stapleton
- additional animator
- Sean Steinmuller
- additional inbetween artist / character animator
- Jill Stirdivant
- lead color stylist
- Myke Sutherland
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia" (as Mike Sutherland) / animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Brenda Sutton
- animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Jozef Szekeres
- additional animator
- Sue Tanner
- clean-up artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Richard Trefry
- clean-up artist: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Steve Trenbirth
- supervising animator: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby" (as Steven Trenbirth)
- Jason Trevenen
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Weylen Tseng
- layout artist
- Leesa Tynan
- clean-up character lead: "Max", "P.J." and "Bobby"
- Rizaldy Valencia
- animator: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Olena Vigovska
- additional background layout artist
- Charlotte Walton
- inbetween artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- Mike Ward
- inbetween artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Tim Warren
- additional inbetween artist
- Frank Wessing
- background layout artist
- Ida Wilson
- clean-up artist: "Bradley", "Gammas" and "Beret Girl"
- Andrew Wolf
- layout artist
- Kevin Wotton
- animator: "Goofy" and "Sylvia" / layout artist
- Nicole Zarubin
- clean-up artist: "Goofy" and "Sylvia"
- José Zelaya
- character designer (as Jose Zelaya)
- James Zheng
- background artist
- S.J. Zheng
- additional background artist (as S J Zheng)
- Andrew Battye
- inbetween artist (uncredited)
- Lin Hua Zheng
- additional key background artist (uncredited)