- Roger Allers
- animator
- Beth Auman
- ink and paint artist
- Margaret Bailey
- ink and paint artist
- Keith Bambury
- assistant animator (as Keath Bambury)
- Brad Bird
- animator
- Richard Blair
- background artist
- Sara Bleick
- animation checker
- Susan Allison Bomzer
- ink and paint artist
- Jeanne Bosari
- ink and paint artist
- Melissa Bourgois
- ink and paint artist
- Mary Burney
- assistant animator
- Judi Cassell
- ink and paint artist
- Michael Chandler
- ink and paint artist
- Steve Chorney
- animator
- Wendy Copple
- ink and paint artist
- Cathy Crum
- ink and paint artist
- Sharon Dabek
- ink and paint artist
- Raynelle Day
- ink and paint artist (as Raynell Day)
- Carol Dobson
- ink and paint artist
- Kathryn Does
- ink and paint artist
- Robin Draper
- ink and paint artist
- Mary Earley
- ink and paint artist
- Gloria Estrada
- ink and paint artist
- Rich Fernalld
- graphic animator
- Gina Gallo
- animation checker
- Colene Gonzales
- ink and paint artist (as Margaret Colene Gonzales)
- Chuck Harvey
- animator
- Dan Haskett
- animator
- Kirk Henderson
- background artist (1980) / background artist (as K.W. Henderson)
- Joan Hurley
- ink and paint artist
- Sean Joyce
- assistant animator
- Stephanie Kaplan
- ink and paint artist
- Nancy Katona
- ink and paint artist (as Nancy Thompson)
- Amy Koch
- ink and paint artist
- Bill Kroyer
- animation director / animator
- Peggy Matz
- ink and paint artist
- Kathleen McManus
- ink and paint artist
- Linda Mellen
- ink and paint artist
- Die Modlin
- ink and paint artist
- Laura Moroney
- ink and paint artist
- Peter Mueller
- background artist
- Amy Myers
- ink and paint artist
- Bonny Nardini
- ink and paint artist
- Norma B. Newman
- ink and paint artist
- John Norton
- animator
- Eileen Ridge
- ink and paint artist
- Darrell Rooney
- assistant animator
- Maria Rosetti
- assistant animator (as Maria Ramocki)
- Harriette Rossall
- ink and paint artist
- Gloria Runne
- ink and paint supervisor
- Neva Savath
- ink and paint artist
- Paul Schulenburg
- ink and paint artist
- Martha Sigall
- ink and paint artist (as Martha Sigal)
- Mary Sime
- ink and paint artist (as Mary L. Norris)
- Tom Sito
- assistant animator
- Steven Smith
- ink and paint artist
- David Stephan
- assistant animator (as Dave Stephan)
- Auril Thompson
- ink and paint supervisor (as Auril Thompson-Pebley)
- George Tilton
- ink and paint artist
- Jayne Tobin
- ink and paint artist
- David Virgien
- assistant animator
- Cynthia Ward
- assistant animator (as Cynthia Swift)
- Denise Wethington
- ink and paint artist
- Arnie Wong
- animator / designer: underwater sequence
- Ronald Wong
- assistant animator (as Ron Wong)
- Bruce Woodside
- animator
- Beverly Zlozower
- assistant animator
- Kitty Schoentag
- ink and paint (uncredited)
- Henry Selick
- animator (uncredited)