- Andrea Aceto
- compositor
- Neil Alford
- compositor: Milk VFX
- Antony Allen
- digital compositor: double negative
- Craig Allison
- head of technology: Nviz
- Juan Alonso
- digital compositor
- Rajat Amin
- visual effects line producer
- Sneha Amin
- digital compositor / lead compositor
- Anbarasu
- matchmove artist
- Christopher Anciaume
- senior visual effects artist: double negative
- Kanika Andrew
- digital compositor: double negative
- Anita.Dabas
- bodytrack artist: Double Negative
- Austin Aplin
- visual effects line producer
- Prasad Narahari Apte
- digital matte painter
- Alfredo Octavio Arango
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Javier Argente
- visual effects artist
- Luke Armstrong
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Joe Arnold
- visual effects artist: milk-vfx
- Adam Arnot
- compositor: Double Negative
- Pradeep Arya
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Jessica Atkinson
- visual effects editor: milk vfx
- Vaishali Awaghade
- visual effects artist
- Tom Balogh
- visual effects editor: Nviz
- Balu V
- matchmove and rotoanim artist
- Keith Barton
- technical support: Milk Visual Effects
- Sebastian Becker
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Sara Bennett
- visual effects supervisor: Milk Visual Effects
- Damien Bent
- assistant colourist: visual effects
- Olivia Beresford
- digital compositor
- Ian Berg
- data i/o: Double Negative
- Dheeraj Bhadani
- research and development lead
- Uttham Bhalaykar
- roto/key artist
- Thomas Biller
- cg sequence supervisor: double negative
- Moti Biran
- lead compositor: Nvizible
- Jonathan Bird
- creature technical director
- Eduardo Bivar
- visual effects artist: double negative
- Preetham Tej Boddu
- prep supervisor
- Nastasia Bois
- texturer: Milk-vfx
- Michael Bovberg
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Peter Bowmar
- effects technical supervisor: DNeg
- Hayley Brazelton
- digital compositor
- Scott Brindley
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Nik Brownlee
- compositing sequence supervisor: double negative
- Daniel Caffrey
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Daniel Cairnie
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Moray Caldwell
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Huseyin Caner
- prop scanning supervisor
- Keanan Cantrell
- lighting lead
- Freddy Chavez Olmos
- lead sequence vfx compositor: double negative
- Ishwar Chougule
- roto artist
- Ann Chow
- visual effects line producer
- Dan Churchill
- digital compositor
- Sam Churchill
- visual effects lead artist: Nvizible
- Carlos Ciudad
- visual effects producer: Double Negative
- Richard Clarke
- visual effects supervisor: NVIZ / visual effects supervisor: Nvizible
- David Connely
- scanning technician
- David Cordon
- visual effects line producer: Double Negative
- Juan Francisco Correa Diaz
- creature td: Double Negative
- Roel Coucke
- generalist technical director: Double Negative
- Andy Cuthbert
- pipeline td: DNEG
- Sonia D'Costa
- visual effects coordinator
- Viviane Dall'Agnol
- visual effects artist
- Radhakrishnan Damodaran
- environment artist: double negative
- Robert John Davies
- pipeline lead
- Amy Denny-Guerin
- visual effects artist
- Jerome Dewhurst
- color scientist: VFX
- Rod Dimayuga
- animator
- Lisa Theresa Downey-Dent
- vfx production assistant
- Curro Doyagüez
- prep artist: double negative
- Ben Duncan
- visual effects coordinator
- John Durney
- compositor
- Paul Edwards
- visual effects producer: double negative
- Amin Eftekhar
- visual effects
- Tamer Eldib
- senior 3d artist
- Tosh Elliott
- modeller: double negative
- Marco Aurélio Engelmann Santos
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Stephen Enticott
- head of animation: Double Negative
- Rahul Narayan Erla
- Roto Anim & Matchmove artist: Double Negative India
- Finella Fan
- visual effects artist
- YiMin Fan
- pipeline td
- Emanuele Farnesi
- 3d artist
- Amy Felce
- matchmove artist: Milk VFX
- Cranston Fernandes
- roto prep artist: Double Negative
- Marco Fiorani Parenzi
- digital compositor
- Martin Fischer
- digital compositor: double negative
- James Fisher
- assistant visual effects editor: Double Negative
- Federico Frassinelli
- fx supervisor: double negative
- David Frylund Otzen
- modeller
- Borja Fuste
- digital artist
- Akash Gade
- bodytrack artist
- Nathan Gardner
- prep supervisor: double negative
- Alec Geldart
- lead matte painter
- Daniel Gilligan
- bodytrack artist
- Daniel Giron
- matte painter: double negative
- Melissa Goddard
- compositor
- Ana Gomes
- compositor: Dneg
- Moises Gomez Gonzalez
- matchmove artist
- Chris Gooch
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Namita Gotephode
- Visual Effects Artist Manager
- Oded Granot
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Jake Green
- visual effects artist (as Jacob Green)
- Alastair Grimshaw
- visual effects editor
- Jack Grundy
- digital compositor
- Jonny Gu
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Xian Guan
- fx technical director: double negative
- Sian Gunningham
- studio assistant: double negative
- Connor Guyler
- digital compositor
- Crystal Hadcroft
- visual effects editor: Double Negative
- Pete Hanson
- studio manager: Double Negative
- Keagan Harris
- compositor
- Alyssa Harrison
- visual effects coordinator
- Megan Hayes
- visual effects coordinator
- Chrystian Hebert
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Yasemin Hepguler
- compositor
- Shani Hermoni
- vfx compositor: Union VFX
- Nicolas Hernandez
- cg supervisor: Milk Visual Effects
- Yan Caspar Hirschbuehl
- visual effects artist
- Christopher Hodge
- lead tracker
- Andrew Hogden
- compositor
- Cássio Homa
- fx artist
- Will Howden
- visual effects assistant editor
- Manuel Huertas Marchena
- senior cg generalist: double negative
- Simon Hughes
- visual effects supervisor: Union vfx
- Dhuha Isa
- visual effects editor: Double Negative
- Amit Jaiswar
- visual effects artist
- Zafar Janjua
- visual effects producer
- Gediminas Max Jauga
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Digger Jensen
- layout artist: Double Negative
- Adam Johannesson
- data i/o: DNEG
- Max Johnson
- visual effects artist
- Abhimanyu Joshi
- bodytrack artist: Double Negative
- Vicki Juhasz
- roto/prep: milk-vfx
- Shamintha Kalamba Arachchi
- visual effects artist
- Sean Kalra
- compositor
- Michael Karp
- matchmove supervisor
- Kaydhareswaran
- digital compositor
- Thomas Kayser
- matte painter
- Ciarán Keenan
- vfx producer: Nvizible
- Taskin Kenan
- digital compositor
- Lukas Tiberio Klopfenstein
- roto/prep supervisor: double negative
- Florian Koebisch
- fx technical director: double negative
- Benjamin Krebs
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- E. Suresh Kumar
- matchmove supervisor
- Jaymie Lam
- compositor: Double Negative
- Erin Langford
- visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
- Matthew Lawrence
- title production
- Matthew Leach
- r&d
- Seung-Joon Lee
- digital compositor
- Raphael Legros
- digital compositor
- Benoit Leveau
- head of software: Milk VFX
- Tord Liljedahl Tønnesen
- assistant colourist
- Chew Teng Lim
- matchmove artist: double negative
- Sohee Lim
- paint artist: Double Negative
- Joe Long
- visual effects artist
- Sam Lucas
- modelling lead: MILK VFX
- Rajesh Maan
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Natalie MacDonald
- digital compositor
- Alex James Macieira
- bodytrack artist: double negative
- Garry Maddison
- colourist: Double Negative
- Amir Manavi
- effects technical director
- Josimar Altamirano Marquez
- visual effects lighting technical director
- Bhumika Mayer
- visual effects producer: Nvizible
- Fay McConkey
- visual effects executive producer: Double Negative
- Jessica McDonald
- Roto Paint Artist
- Owen McGonigle
- visual effects artist
- Alasdair McNeill
- compositor: union vfx
- Callum Mcnulty
- visual effects
- Himanshu Meena
- senior matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Tobias Meier
- digital matte painter: double negative
- Chad Meire
- compositor: Double Negative
- Rosanna Mennear
- production manager: double negative
- Daniel Mark Miller
- digital compositor
- Gaëlle Minisini
- visual effects
- M.S.M. Mirzhaa
- digital compositor
- Ankur Mishra
- visual effects artist: double negative
- Oliver Money
- Head of production: DNEG
- Alberto Montañés
- digital compositor: Double Negative Vancouver
- Ricardo Montero de Espinosa
- prep artist: double negative
- Vinayak More
- visual effects: texturing
- Victor Morejon
- digital artist
- Allan Morel
- digital effects artist
- Bastien Mortelecque
- lookdev/lighting td: milk-vfx
- Henry Mountain
- 3D Scan Technician/Photogrammetry 3D Scan Artist: Plowman Craven
- Sourabh Mukherjee
- lighting td
- Aj Mulley
- vfx runner: Double Negative
- Chris Munns
- assistant colourist: Double Negative
- Sebastian Munoz Silva
- paint artist
- Sandra Murta
- Layout artist: double negative
- Muruganantham
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Katia Muscariello
- visual effects coordinator: Nvizible
- Jayaraj Muthukumar
- matchmove artist
- Sven Müller
- generalist technical director: Double Negative
- Alessandro Nardini
- visual effects artist
- Garware Narendra
- lighting lead
- Livi Naylor
- visual effects line producer: Double Negative
- Salima Needham
- digital compositor
- Yoon See Ng
- digital compositor: Double Negative Vancouver
- Dillan Nicholls
- senior compositor
- Daniel Nicholson
- build artist: Double Negative (as Dan Nicholson)
- Lisa Nolan
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Clare Norman
- visual effects executive producer: Milk Visual Effects
- Collette Nunes
- visual effects editor
- Mathias Nørgaard
- Digital Artist: DNEG
- Roma O'Connor
- visual effects producer
- Paul O'Hara
- visual effects coordinator
- John O'Lone
- digital compositor
- Noel O'Malley
- Visual effects artist: Union VFX
- Artemis Oikonomopoulou
- cg supervisor
- Jonathan Opgenhaffen
- concept artist
- Mark Orme
- matte painter
- Ben Outerbridge
- digital compositor
- Simon Pabst
- R&D Lead: DNEG
- Oleksandr Panaskevych
- senior visual effects technical director: Double Negative
- Amey Panchal
- senior matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Deepak Panigrahi
- Prep Artist: double negative
- Bintu Kharolia Parjapati
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Sudarson Parthasarathy
- matchmove artist: double negative
- Irshad Patel
- visual effects artist: DNEG
- Marzun Patel
- line producer: Double Negative
- Mitul Patel
- Camera TD
- Nikul Patel
- scanning technician
- Daniel Paulsson
- cg supervisor: Double Negative
- Uppu Pavanrajesh
- digital artist: Double negative / double negative
- Roy Peker
- digital compositor
- Menelaos Peristeridis
- digital matte painter: Dneg
- Thony Perity
- senior systems administrator
- Frank Petit
- digital compositor
- Swanand Phadnis
- Prep Lead
- Pete Phillips
- roto/prep artist: milk-vfx
- Quentin Pianta
- visual effects artist
- Andrew Pinson
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Gabriel Pires
- compositor
- Carlota Primo
- lighting technical director
- Aled Prosser
- digital compositor
- Jakub Pruszkowski
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Giorgia Pulvirenti
- compositor: Double Negative
- Ashwin Raju
- visual effects line producer: Double Negative
- Luke Rawcliffe
- visual effects artist
- Iain Read
- compositor
- Max Rees
- line producer
- Mike Rhone
- effects artist
- Jordan Rice
- 2d visual effects runner
- Tina Richardson
- visual effects editor
- Nicolas Rigaud
- digital compositor
- Charlotte Roberts
- creature td
- Neil Roche
- rigging lead: Milk VFX
- Sherri Rogers
- paint artist: double negative
- Tom Rolfe
- 2d supervisor: Double Negative
- Katya Ruslanova
- digital compositor
- Ash Ryan
- compositing sequence supervisor: double negative (as Ashley Ryan)
- Vijayakumar S
- matchmove and rotoanim artist (as Vijayakumar.S)
- Mogaveera Sachindra
- visual effects artist
- Anna Samuel
- visual effects artist
- A.K. Saravanan
- matchmove artist
- Mag Sarnowska
- compositor
- Sathishbabu
- Body Track Lead
- Carl Schröter
- digital compositor: double negative
- Sean Schur
- sequence supervisor
- Balasubramaniam Senthil Kumar
- bodytrack artist: double negative
- Cristina Serreli
- roto/prep artist
- Seshaprasad
- head of production: Dneg - India
- Aurora Shannon
- colourist: visual effects
- Kazumasa Shibata
- digital compositor
- Asa Shoul
- digital colourist
- Ricardo Silva
- animator: double negative
- Ganesh B. Singh
- matchmove lead: DNEG
- Korn Singprasong
- data i/o: Double Negative
- Maciej Skoluba
- compositor
- Adam Slater
- animator: Double Negative
- Michael Smith-Kennard
- cg sequence supervisor
- Eliot Speed
- visual effects artist
- Noga Alon Stein
- Visual effects producer: union
- Thomas R. Steiner
- digital compositor
- Irena Steinnagel
- rigging td: Double Negative
- Michael Steward
- visual effects artist
- Jeremy Stewart
- animation supervisor
- Mary Stroumpouli
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Akmal Sultanov
- visual effects artist
- Daniele Tagliaferri
- senior lighting td: Double Negative
- Avadhoot Tambe
- senior matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Ben Taylor
- lead compositor
- Melissa Taylor
- visual effects executive producer
- Gauri Thakur
- lighting td
- Olivier Thibaut
- research and development: Double Negative
- Ebin Thomas
- roto artist: Double Negative
- Craig Tonks
- visual effects artist
- Agnes Toomus
- visual effects coordinator: double negative
- Peter Toufidis
- senior matte painter: Double Negative
- Jorge Trevilla Esquivel
- environment td
- Dominik Trottier
- prep artist: Double Negative
- Michael Tuohy
- visual effects coordinator
- Andrew Van Midde
- visual effects coordinator: Roto/Prep dept coord
- Sumit Verma
- layout td: Double Negative
- Vinayagam
- matchmover: double negative
- Adam Walker
- visual effects artist
- Robin Walsh
- digital compositor
- Andy Warren
- data wrangler
- Hazel Weatherall
- 3d scanning digital artist
- Neil West
- look development artist
- Andrew Whitehurst
- visual effects supervisor
- Stephanie Whitmarsh
- fx artist: DNEG
- Sarah Williamson
- visual effects line producer
- Doug Winder
- digital matte painter: milk-vfx
- Ammann Christine Wong
- digital compositor
- Eric Hp Wong
- lighting td
- Jamie Wood
- head of 2d: nvizible vfx
- Ryan John Woodward
- sequence supervisor: Double Negative
- William G. Wright
- digital compositor
- Phil Young
- senior texture artist: Double Negative
- Michael Zannetou
- release manager, production technology
- Luca Zappala
- cg supervisor
- Cleve Yilun Zhu
- 2D Sequence Supervisor: Double Negative
- Robin Beard
- digital compositor: DNEG (uncredited)
- Alexander Ha
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Rick Harris
- 3D Scanning Artist (uncredited)
- Megan Hutchison
- prep artist: DNEG Vancouver (uncredited)
- Kenneth Jacobs
- system administrator: Nvizible (uncredited)
- Makoto Koyama
- senior animator: DNEG (uncredited)
- Davide Nicolosi
- creature td : Double Negative (uncredited)
- Prakash Pathak
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Jose Alberto Pino
- render manager (uncredited)
- Vijin Ravindran
- Software Developer: Double Negative Visual Effects (uncredited)
- Kathrin Schoeftenhuber
- roto/prep artist (uncredited)
- Vanessa Velasquez
- technology: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Shawna Zegarra
- technical support: Double Negative (uncredited)