- Andy Aaron
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios (as Andrew Aaron)
- Abigail Abbuehl
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- John Addington
- fixed wing pilot
- Marisa Alcaraz
- production coordinator
- Lawrence Andrews
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Jean A. Autrey
- production controller
- Lee Beaupre
- marketing director
- Todd Boekelheide
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Paul Broucek
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- John Calvert
- choreographer: playmate show
- Larry Carney
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- David Carroll
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Robert Carroll
- production assistant
- John Chapman
- production assistant
- Doug Claybourne
- special assistant to producers
- Patti Claybourne
- production assistant
- Denise Cooney
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Pete Cooper
- marine coordinator
- Eleanor Coppola
- documentary supervisor
- Francis Ford Coppola
- presenter
- Russ Corin
- production assistant
- Catherine Craig
- archivist (2001 Redux version)
- Douglas Cross
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Loolee DeLeon
- production coordinator (as Loolee De Leon)
- Brett Dicker
- foreign publicity coordinator
- Tony Dingman
- production assistant
- Richard Dioguardi
- military advisor
- Mitch Dubin
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios (as Mitchell Dubin)
- Shane Edwards
- marine coordinator
- T.S. Eliot
- poem: The Hollow Men"
- Charles Esposito
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Deborah Fine
- production liaison and research: USA
- Wayne Fitzgerald
- titles
- Karen Frerichs
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Dain Fritz
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Jack Fritz
- executive assistant
- Dennis Gassner
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Dan Gleich
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios (as Daniel Gleich)
- Ernst Goldschmidt
- representative: foreign producer
- Paul Gregory
- military advisor
- Doug Hemphill
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios (as Douglas Hemphill)
- Paul G. Hensler
- military advisor (as Paul Hensler)
- Shelley Higgins
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- James Hill
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Kevin Hughes
- production assistant
- Linda Ignacio
- department of tourism: Philippines
- Dennis Jakob
- creative consultant
- J. David Jones
- aerial coordinator (as David Jones)
- Dennis Juban
- military liaison: Philippines
- Peter Kama
- military advisor (as Lt. Colonel Peter Kama)
- Donald Kaufman
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Lloyd Kind
- production assistant (as Lloyd Kino)
- Colin Michael Kitchens
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Julie Kramer
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- John La Salandra
- production executive (as John LaSalandra)
- Cliff Latimer
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios (as Clifford Latimer)
- Gwen M. Lucas
- assistant production controller
- Barbara Marks
- production coordinator
- Melissa Mathison
- executive assistant
- James Miller
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- James T. Mockoski
- restoration supervisor
- Andrew Moore
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Julie Morin
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Katherine Morton
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Dennis Murphy
- marine coordinator
- Anahid Nazarian
- archivist (Redux version)
- Christopher Nedderson
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Sherry Nisewaner
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Valerie O'Conor
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios (as Valerie Koutnik)
- Barbara Parker
- production assistant
- David Parker
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Bob Peak
- movie poster illustration
- Robert Peitso
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Kristine Peterson
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Bill Poplar
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios (as Wm. Poplar)
- Michael Popso
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Phil Radcliffe
- production assistant
- Liz Randol
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios (as Liza Randol)
- Fred Rexer
- military advisor (as Fred Rexer Jr.)
- Francesca Riviere
- production secretary: USA
- Doug Ryan
- military advisor
- Stefan Sekula
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Frank Simeone
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Gabe Sumner
- campaign coordinator
- Nancy Ely Swanson
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios (as Nancy Ely)
- Susan Thistle
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Matt Tomich
- production assistant
- Wayne Wagner
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Krystal Walters
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Norman Webster
- production accountant
- Madeline Lee Werner
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Dick White
- aerial coordinator / military advisor
- David Wirt
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Irwin Yablans
- producer's representative: USA and Canadian
- Teresa Zaleska
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Joseph Zappala
- staff: Omni Zoetrope Studios
- Michèle Abitbol
- press attache: France (redux version) (uncredited)
- Mindaugus Bagdon
- Second Unit Assistant (uncredited)
- Susan Leslie Battles
- secretary to the producers (uncredited)
- Robin Blair-Crawford
- production assistant (uncredited)
- Pete Cooper
- Stand-in: Marlon Brando (uncredited)
- Dan DiPaola
- production assistant (uncredited)
- Gina Ehrlich
- production coordinator (uncredited)
- R. Lee Ermey
- military advisor (uncredited)
- Joe Estevez
- adr performer (uncredited) / stand-in/voice-over: Willard (uncredited) / stand-in: Martin Sheen (uncredited)
- Nancy Jencks
- film chain operator (uncredited)
- Séverine Lajarrige
- press attache: France (redux version) (uncredited)
- Oli Laperal Jr.
- production assistant (uncredited)
- Tony St. John
- electronic cinema (uncredited)
- Michael E. Uslan
- production attorney (uncredited)
- Wynne Wicker
- technical advisor: Vietnam (uncredited)