- Grant Adam
- lead visual effects animator: Iloura
- Jan Adamczyk
- digital compositor
- Lindsay Adams
- compositing technical director: Animal Logic
- Steve Agland
- lighting artist: Animal Logic
- Alicia Aguilera
- compositor: Photon VFX
- Ben Aickin
- compositor: Framestore
- Simon Alberry
- scanning and recording supervisor: EFilm Australia
- Antony Allen
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Belinda Allen
- digital matte painter: Rising Sun Pictures
- Casey Allen
- senior flame artist
- Justin Alvarez
- compositor: FSM
- Elana Andersen
- support engineer
- Steve Anderson
- pre-vis supervisor
- Tate Arbon
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Majorique Archambault
- surfacing artist: Animal Logic
- Zoran Arizanovic
- matte painter: Framestore
- Spencer Armajo
- flame artist
- Brent Armfield
- digital asset manager
- Katrin Arndt
- visual effects production manager: Rising Sun Pictures
- Joe Arnold
- tracking: Animal Logic
- Vaughn Arnup
- roto and tracking supervisor: Animal Logic
- Jaume Arteman
- compositor: Photon VFX
- Nicole Ashford
- visual effects production assistant: Fuel VFX
- Myles Asseter
- modeller: Framestore
- David Aulds
- compositor: Framestore
- Jarrod Avalos
- matchmove artist
- Adam Azmy
- compositor: Framestore
- Jörg Baier
- compositor: Fuel VFX (as Joerg Baier)
- Mike Bain
- cg supervisor: Fuel VFX
- Robert Baird
- visual effects artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Garry Baker
- purchasing & asset management officer
- Heath Baker
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Shamus Baker
- modeler: Animal Logic
- Viv Baker
- visual effects
- Mark Bakowski
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Manjusha Balachandran-Hall
- render coordinator (as Manjusha Balachandran)
- Leandro Balan
- software development: Animal Logic
- Valdimar Baldvinsson
- animator: Framestore
- Scott Balkcom
- lead compositor: Hydraulx
- Jakob Baltzersen
- animator: Framestore
- Terence Bannon
- animator: Framestore
- Aaron Barlow
- animator: Rising Sun
- Matthew Barnett
- systems engineer: Framestore (as Matt Barnett)
- Suzette Barnett
- digital artist: Hirota Paint Industries
- Jenny Basen
- visual effects coordinator
- Tom Baskaya
- compositor: Framestore
- Jason Bath
- visual effects executive producer: Fuel VFX
- Jonathan Batson
- systems administrator: Rising Sun
- Scott E. Baxter
- paint & roto artist: Rising Sun (as Scott Baxter)
- Dominic Bean
- compositor: Photon VFX
- Billy Becket
- visual effects producer
- Paul Beilby
- lighting supervisor: Framestore
- Darren A. Bell
- compositor: Iloura (as Darren Bell)
- Mannix Bennett
- matte painter: Animal Logic
- Niki Bern
- compositing supervisor: Rising Sun pictures
- Xavier Matia Bernasconi
- shader writer
- Christophe Bernaud
- pipeline engineer: Rising Sun
- Annalyn Betinol
- roto artist
- Chris Betteridge
- compositor: Iloura
- Carl Bianco
- lighting: Framestore
- Dudley Birch
- matte painter
- James Bishop
- support engineer
- Matthias Bjarnason
- animator: Framestore
- Michael Blain
- r&d developer
- Emmanuel Blasset
- cg supervisor: Animal Logic
- Kevin Blom
- fx technical director: Animal Logic
- Zachary Bloom
- scanning and recording: Framestore
- Alexandra Bolton
- lead digital matte painter: Complete Post
- Chris Bone
- head of research & development: Animal Logic
- Mark Boorer
- data technician: Animal Logic
- David Booth
- visual effects compositor / visual effects supervisor
- Andrew Borscz
- lidar scanning technician
- Guy Botham
- visual effects executive producer: Lola Visual Effects
- Xavier Bourque
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Romain Bouvard
- paint & roto artist: Fuel VFX
- Maria Bowen
- texture artist: Framestore
- Paul Braddock
- digital artist
- Dan Breckwoldt
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Chris Breeze
- cgi animator: Postmodern Sydney
- Michael Breymann
- technical director: Evil Eye Pictures
- Aaron Briggs
- cgi animator: Postmodern Sydney
- Justin Bromley
- compositor
- Ronan Broudin
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Andy Brown
- visual effects supervisor: Animal Logic
- Dan Browne
- production staff: Evil Eye Pictures (as Daniel Browne)
- Erik Bruhwiler
- 2D supervisor: Hydraulx
- Ben Bryan
- animator: Iloura
- Luke Bubb
- matte painter: Fuel VFX
- Paul Buckley
- lead visual effects animator: Iloura
- Romain Buignet
- visual effects animator: Fuel VFX
- Lukasz Bukowiecki
- render support
- Paul Burke
- scanning and recording: Framestore
- Shannan Burkley
- visual effects art director
- Jess Burnheim
- media operations: Animal Logic
- Glenn Burton
- lead previs artist
- Melissa Cabrera
- visual effects producer: Hirota Paint Industries
- Angus Cameron
- visual effects supervisor: Photon VFX
- Warwick Campbell
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Simon Carlile
- tracking: Framestore
- Lorna Carmichael
- visual effects assistant editor
- Helen Carr
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Ronan Carr
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Huey Carroll
- paint & rotoscoring artist: Rising Sun
- Paul Chandler
- matte painter: Framestore
- Paul Chapman
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Daniel Chavez
- visual effects coordinator: Hydraulx
- Marco Checa Garcia
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Astan Chee
- render wrangler: Animal Logic
- Lei Chen
- modeller: Framestore
- Jeremy Cho
- paint/roto artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Sam Chynoweth
- media operations: Animal Logic
- Martin Ciastko
- compositor: Photon VFX
- Wes Cilldhaire
- render wrangler: Rising Sun
- Bodie Clare
- tracking: Animal Logic
- Trent Claus
- flame artist
- Rebecca Clay
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Stephen Clout
- software development: Animal Logic
- Luke Cole
- software developer: FUEL VFX
- Sam Cole
- compositing supervisor: Fuel VFX
- Tony Cole
- visual effects supervisor: The LaB Sydney
- Andrew M. Collins
- camera tracking: Hydraulx (as Andrew Collins)
- Bill Collis
- visual effects editor: Rising Sun
- Glenn Cone
- visual effects artist
- Sean Coonce
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Chris Cooper
- software developer: Animal Logic
- Boon Cotter
- shot technical director: Photon VFX
- Daniel James Cox
- visual effects concept and matte artist: Animal Logic
- Ed Coy
- CG artist: Fuel VFX
- Dean Cranney
- data manager: Photon VFX
- Felix Crawshaw
- visual effects producer: Fuel VFX
- Michael Crippin
- surfacing artist: Animal Logic
- Nicholas Cross
- CG artist: Fuel VFX
- Paul Cross
- visual effects compositor: EFilm Australia
- Michael Currell
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Jessica Curtis
- cgi animator: Postmodern Sydney
- Dave Dalley
- 2D supervisor: Animal Logic (as David Dally)
- Alexandra Daunt Watney
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Dexter Davey
- lead compositor: Animal Logic
- Chris Davies
- compositing lead: Fuel VFX / digital compositor
- Mark Andrew De La Garza
- lighting artist: Animal Logic
- Stephanie De Wealth
- visual effects coordinator: Fuel VFX
- Jonathan Dearing
- layout artist: Animal Logic
- Zelko Dejanovic
- compositor: The LaB Sydney
- Marie Victoria Denoga
- compositor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Xavier Desdoigts
- director of technical operations: Animal Logic
- Flavia Dias Riley
- visual effects production manager: Photon VFX
- Craig Dibble
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Julian Dimsey
- compositing supervisor: Iloura
- Gareth Dinneen
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Ian Dodman
- cgi animator: Postmodern Sydney / compositor
- Robert Dorris
- paint & rotoscoping artist: Rising Sun
- Ian Douglass
- compositor: The LaB Sydney
- Paris Downes
- render wrangler: Rising Sun
- Christina Drahos
- compositor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Tamira Draz
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Jeff Driver
- Modelling
- Blake Druery
- rotoscope artist: Animal Logic
- Laura Dubsky
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Patricio Ducaud
- animator: Animal Logic
- Andrew Duggan
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Dale Duguid
- facility executive producer: Photon VFX
- Kate Duncan
- matte painter: Animal Logic
- Robert Duncan
- visual effects supervisor: Framestore (as Rob Duncan)
- Sarah Jane Dunlop
- visual effects coordinator
- Brad Dunn
- visual effects compositor: EFilm Australia
- Rebecca Dunn
- digital intermediate supervisor: EFilm Austrakia
- Steve Dunn
- visual effects producer: FSM
- Katherine Durant
- compositor: Framestore
- John Durney
- digital compositor
- Chris Dwyer
- visual effects assistant: Iloura
- Simon Dye
- compositor: Postmodern Sydney
- Soren Dyne
- compositor: Postmodern Sydney
- David Edwards
- compositor: Postmodern Sydney
- Dustin Edwards
- production assistant: Hydraulx
- Julia Egerton
- compositor: Iloura
- Dadi Einarsson
- lead animator: Framestore
- Kane Elferink
- lighting artist: Fuel VFX
- Luke Emrose
- pre-vis artist
- Selcuk Ergen
- visual effects technical director: Framestore
- Grant Everett
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Alan Fairlie
- compositor: Iloura
- Bryn Farrelly
- compositor: The LaB Sydney
- Marco Fiorani Parenzi
- compositor
- James D. Fleming
- digital compositing artist: Framestore
- Prue Fletcher
- visual effects producer: The LaB Sydney
- Brad Floyd
- compositor: Fuel VFX
- Lianne Forbes
- tracking: Animal Logic
- Peter Forson
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- John Fotsyth
- IT systems: Photon VFX
- Marissa Fraering
- visual effects: [hy*drau"lx]
- Rogier Fransen
- crowd system research & development: Rising Sun
- Chris Fregoso
- compositor
- Chris French
- lighting artist: Fuel VFX
- Matthew French
- compositor: Photon VFX (as Matt French)
- Katey Freyburg
- visual effects editorial & i/o: Fuel VFX
- Alex Fry
- lead compositor: Animal Log:
- Eric Gambini
- camera lead
- Demitre Garza
- paint artist / rotoscope artist
- Lára Garðarsdóttir
- animator: Framestore (as Lara Gardarsdottir)
- Paul Gehrig
- compositor: Iloura
- Peter D. Georges
- software developer: Animal Logic (as Peter Georges)
- Sotiris Georghiou
- visual effects technical director: Framestore
- Daniela Giangrande
- visual effects coordinator: Animal Logic
- Paul B. Gibbs
- visual effects accountant (as Paul Gibbs)
- Jason Gilholme
- animator: Iloura
- Diana Giorgiutti
- visual effects producer
- Lucinda Glenn
- visual effects coordinator
- Victor Glushchenko
- visual effects artist
- Chris Godfrey
- visual effects supervisor
- Julien Goldsbrough
- compositor: Framestore
- Leo Gomez
- scanning and recording: EFilm Australia
- Avi Goodman
- lead visual effects animator: Iloura
- Kyle Goodsell
- compositor: Framestore
- Brian Goodwin
- massive technical director: Framestore
- Katie Goodwin
- visual effects editor
- Mai Gray
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Miles Green
- visual effects technical director: Rising Sun
- Matt Greig
- lead compositor: Animal Logic
- Ron Gress
- matte painter: Animal Logic
- Matthew T. Griffin
- digital compositor (as Matthew Griffin)
- Guy Griffiths
- director of research & development: Animal Logic
- Jon Grinberg
- visual effects editor
- Kathy Gruzas
- systems engineering team leader: Animal Logic
- Aevar Gudmundsson
- animator: Framestore
- Alex Guri
- compositor: Photon VFX
- David Gurrea
- senior digital artist: Animal Logic / surfacing artist: Animal Logic
- Eddie Gutierrez
- paint/roto artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Jad Haber
- visual effects compositor: EFilm Australia
- Kate Hagar
- digital effects producer
- Brian Hajek
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Scott Hale
- compositor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Richard David Hall
- compositor: Photon VFX (as Richard Hall)
- Fergus Hally
- digital colorist: Complete Post
- David Hansen
- animator: Animal Logic
- Mick Harkin
- compositor: Postmodern Sydney (as Michael Harkin)
- Mark Harmon
- rotoscope artist: Animal Logic
- Mathew Harrington
- visual effects coordinator
- Luke Harris
- assistant technical director
- Geoffrey Harvey
- lead lighting artist: Animal Logic (as Geoff Harvey)
- Louise Harvey
- visual effects coordinator
- Makoto Hatanaka
- cgi animator: Postmodern Sydney
- Jason Hawkins
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Edwina Hayes
- visual effects producer: Animal Logic
- Karsten Hecker
- film mastering engineer
- Joey Hegarty
- software development: Animal Logic
- Andrew Hellen
- animation director: Fuel VFX
- Dominic Hellier
- compositor: Iloura (as Dom Hellier)
- Keith Herft
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Matthew Hermans
- lead technical director: Fuel VFX
- Danielle Hession
- compositor: Fuel VFX
- Frederic Heymans
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Richard Hirst
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Dark Hoffman
- matte painter: Animal Logic
- Eloisa Honrada
- paint/roto artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Michael Honrada
- paint/roto artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Jeremy Howdin
- lighting artist: Animal Logic
- Jessica Hsieh
- compositor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Danny Huerta
- production staff: Evil Eye Pictures
- James Hughes
- compositor: Postmodern Sydney
- Nathan Hughes
- matte painter: Framestore
- Scott Hunter
- opening sequence: Animal Logic
- Nathan Hurlburt
- lead compositor: Hydraulx
- Julian Hutchens
- lead compositor: vfx: Complete Post
- Andras Ikladi
- digital effects artist
- Chris Ingersoll
- flame artist
- Laura Ingram
- compositor: Rising Sun
- John L. Jack
- visual effects producer: Evil Eye Pictures
- Chris Jackson
- paint & rotoscoping artist: Rising Sun
- Myles Jackson
- shot technical director
- Alistair Jamieson
- visual effects data coordinator
- Jean Jardeleza
- roto artist
- Ruheene Masand Jaura
- production staff: Evil Eye Pictrures (as Ruheene Masand)
- Steve Jaworski
- compositing supervisor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Gautam Kumar Jayaseelan
- digital compositor: Complete Post
- Kevin Jenkins
- digital environment supervisor: Framestore
- Mikael Jaeger Jensen
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Samuel Jensen
- animator: Iloura (as Sam Jensen)
- Kevin Blow-Paul Jewell
- shader programmer: Animal Logic
- Paul Jewell
- FX technical director: Animal Logic
- Ingrid Johnston
- visual effects production manager: Animal Logic
- Matt Jones
- fx supervisor: Animal Logic
- Morgan Jones
- rotoscope artist: Fuel VFX
- Timothy Jones
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Jason Jue
- rotoscope artist: Hirota Paint Industries
- Nik Kacevski
- CG artist: Fuel VFX (as Nick Kacevski)
- Brandon Kachel
- matte painter: Photon FX
- Volodymyr Kazantsev
- environment technical director: Framestore
- Gerard Keating
- lighting: Framestore
- Adrian Kennedy
- digital colorist: Complete Post
- Christopher Kerr
- data operations: Animal Logic (as Chris Kerr)
- Dave Kim
- 3D coordinator
- Sue King
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Paul Kirwan
- compositor: Animal Logic
- John Kitching
- compositor: Photon VFX
- Carsten Kolve
- CG supervisor: Rising Sun
- Derek Krauss
- paint/roto artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Heath Kraynak
- compositor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Steve Kreutzmann
- surfacing artist: Animal Logic
- Michal Kriukow
- modeler: Animal Logic (as Michal Kriukow)
- Nicha Kumkeaw
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Ivan La Rosa
- visual effects animator: Fuel VFX
- Nicky Ladas
- IT manager: Photon VFX
- Sabine Laimer
- compositor: Fuel VFX
- Christopher Lance
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Matthew Landauer
- pipeline engineer: Rising Sun
- Phillip Lang
- compositor: Animal Logic (as Phillip Lange)
- Cam Langs
- digital environment supervisor: Framestore
- Martin Larrivée
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Jessica Laszlo
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Aaron Lear
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Jarett Lee
- roto artist: Iloura (as Jarret Lee)
- Sun Lee
- matte painter: Hydraulx
- Steven Lees-Smith
- IT coordinator: Animal Logic
- Simon Legrand
- character modeler: Fuel VFX
- Joseph Leverson
- matchmove artist: Fuel VFX
- Joe Leveson
- camera tracker: Fuel VFX
- Christopher Lexington
- lighting artist: Animal Logic
- John Peter Li
- lighting: Framestore (as John-Peter Li)
- Erik Liles
- visual effects supervisor: Hydraulx
- Nick Lines
- layout artist: Animal Logic
- Daniel Lloyd-Wood
- lead matchmove artist: Framestore
- May Lo
- scanning and recording: EFilm Australia
- Zachary Lo
- compositor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Benjamin Loch
- massive technical director: Framestore
- Peter Logarusic
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Daniel Lopez
- support engineer
- Daniel Loui
- digital compositor
- Ruth-Anne Loveridge
- modeler: Animal Logic
- Peter Luczak
- scanning and recording: EFilm Australia
- Demis Lyall-Wilson
- compositor: Fuel VFX
- Kevin Lynch
- visual effects compositor: EFilm Australia
- Manuel Macha
- lighting artist: Animal Logic
- Martin Macrae
- matte painter: Framestore
- Damien Macé
- matte painter: Framestore
- Ineke Majoor
- visual effects producer: Iloura
- Chad Malbon
- visual effects producer: Postmodern Sydney
- Octavia Mansfield
- visual effects production manager: Iloura (as Octavia Schweitzer)
- David Margolis
- compositor: Framestore
- Brett Margules
- animator: Animal Logic
- Justen Marshall
- software development manager: Animal Logic
- Luke Massingberd
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Gaël Matchabelli
- character animator: Fuel VFX (as Gael Matchabelli)
- Laszlo Mates
- lighting: Framestore
- Nicole Mather
- matte painter: Animal Logic
- Kent Matheson
- technical director: Evil Eye Pictures
- Ian Mathews
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Bruno Mattarollo
- systems administrator: Rising Sun
- Elizabeth Matthews
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Thomas Mawby
- environment technical director: Framestore (as Tom Mawby)
- Morris May
- cg supervisor: Hydraulx
- Kate McCarthy
- digital effects producer
- Andrew McDonald
- asset department supervisor: Animal Logic
- Matt McDonald
- visual effects supervisor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Robert McDougall
- visual effects coordinator: Animal Logic
- Graeme McGirr
- lighting artist: Animal Logic
- Campbell McGrouther
- lighting technical director: Rising Sun
- Declan McGuire
- render support
- Joseph McLamb
- matte painter: Framestore
- Sarah McLauchlan
- data i/o manager: Rising Sun
- Genevieve McMahon
- facility manager: visual effects
- Matt McMillan
- visual effects assistant editor
- Deborah McNamara
- visual effects design artist
- Dan McRae
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Tony Meagher
- visual effects producer: Hydraulx (as Tony MNeagher)
- Alex Meddick
- visual effects editor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Glenn Melenhorst
- visual effects supervisor: Iloura
- Anthony Menasse
- systems administrator: Rising Sun
- Mariano Mendiburu
- animator: Framestore
- Ellie Meure
- compositor: Iloura
- Keith Meure
- roto artist: Iloura
- Yousef Mian
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Paul Mica
- texture artist: Framestore
- Madeleine Milasas
- compositor: The LB Sydney (as Maddi Milasas)
- Jessica Millar
- lighting artist: Fuel VFX (as Jessica Braun)
- Luke Millar
- lighting technical director: Rising Sun
- Steven Miller
- digital clean-up: Hydraulx
- Naomi Mitchell
- visual effects coordinator: EFilm Australia
- Tamara Tai Mitchell
- rotoscope artist: Animal Logic (as Tamara Mitchell)
- John Paul Molloy
- modeler: Animal Logic
- László Molnár
- texture artist: Framestore / visual effects artist
- Carlo Monaghan
- compositor: Fuel VFX
- Thomas Montminy Brodeur
- paint & roto artist: Framestore (as Thomas Brodeur)
- Brad Moore
- compositor: Photon VFX
- Ivan Moran
- compositor: Framestore
- Lauren Morimoto
- paint/roto artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Daisuke Morita
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Dave Morley
- visual effects supervisor
- Matt Morris
- visual effects editor: Photon VFX
- Bryn Morrow
- lighting artist: Fuel VFX
- Blake Muir
- compositor: Postmodern Sydney
- Michael Mulholland
- cg supervisor: Framestore (as Mike Mulholland)
- Norah Mulroney
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Hiroaki Muramoto
- environment technical director: Framestore
- Eoin Murphy
- software developer: Animal Logic
- Nick Murphy
- visual effects editor: Rising Sun Pictures (as Nicholas Murphy)
- Hajime Nakamura
- cgi animator: Postmodern Sydney
- Zareh Nalbandian
- visual effects executive producer: Animal Logic
- Salima Needham
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Dylan Neill
- FX technical director: Animal Logic
- Bruce Nelson
- compositor: Framestore
- Catherine Nelson
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Marco Nero
- visual effects: matte painter
- Liam Neville
- compositor: Fuel VFX
- Kevin Ng
- support engineer
- An Nguyen
- pipeline engineer: Fuel VFX / software development: Animal Logic
- Bruce Nicholson
- compositor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Carlos-Christian Nickel
- lighting: Framestore
- Gustaf Nilsson
- compositor: Framestore
- Jamie Nimmo
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Tahl Niran
- compositor: Iloura
- Thomas Nittmann
- visual effects producer: Lola Visual Effects
- James P. Noon
- tracking
- Johan Nordenson
- surfacing artist: Animal Logic
- Maxwell Maxfield North
- digital intermediate conformist: EFlm Australia
- Brian Nugent
- flame artist
- Joshua Nunn
- lighting artist: Animal Logic
- Rodney O'Sullivan
- support engineer: Fuel VFX
- Matt Omond
- compositor: Iloura
- Michael Orbing
- CG artist: Fuel VFX
- David Orman
- data i/o operator: Post Modern
- Premamurti Paetsch
- FX technical director: Rising Sun
- Amanda Pamela
- paint & rotoscoping artist: Rising Sun
- Oleksandr Panaskevych
- visual effects technical director: Framestore
- Bruno Parenti
- digital artist: Hydraulx
- Simon Park
- support engineering team leader: Animal Logic
- Clark Parkhurst
- flame artist
- Steve Parsons
- compositor: Framestore
- Matthew Pascuzzi
- compositor: Iloura
- Vishal Patel
- visual effects technical director: Framestore
- Wilfred Patriarca
- digital compositor: Complete Post
- Alex Pattinson
- visual effects production assistant
- Adrian Paul
- software developer: Animal Logic
- Alex Payman
- compositor: Framestore (as Alexander Payman)
- John Peck
- compositor: Framestore
- Tom Pegg
- compositor: Framestore
- Dylan Penhale
- systems administrator: Fuel VFX
- Francesco Pepe
- digital matte painter: Rising Sun
- Matt Perry
- visual effects editor
- Davide Pesare
- shader programmer: Animal Logic
- Kilou Picard
- visual effects producer: Fuel VFX
- Nick Pill
- digital matte painter: Rising Sun
- Caroline Pires
- digital paint and roto artist
- Nick Pitt-Owen
- modeler & texture artist: Rising Sun (as Nicholas Pitt-Owen)
- Bertrand Polivka
- compositor: The LaB Sydney
- Adele Pollitt
- visual effects co-coordinator: Complete Post
- Sebastien Potet
- rigger: Framestore
- James E. Price
- visual effects supervisor
- Jeremy Pronk
- shader programmer: Animal Logic
- Aled Prosser
- compositor: Framestore
- Howard Protheroe
- compositor: Framestore
- Eugene Purugganan
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Michael Ralla
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Lee Rankin
- scanning and recording: Framestore
- Dane Rapaport
- paint & rotoscoring artist: Rising Sun
- Nicholas David Reed
- tracking: Framestore (as Nicholas Reed)
- Will Reichelt
- 3D supervisor: Animal Logic
- Angus Reid
- visual effects producer: Postmodern Sydney
- Sam Remfry
- modeller: Framestore (as Samuel Remfry)
- Jeff Renton
- lead layout artist: Animal Logic
- Anthony Reyna
- production staff: Evil Eye Pictures / visual effects editor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Colin Rhodes
- compositor: Iloura
- Alessandro Riberti
- lighting artist: Animal Logic
- Tania Richard
- visual effects concept artist
- Grover Richardson
- roto/paint artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Kurtis Richmond
- senior matte painter: Fuel VFX
- Kim Rickard
- recruitment supervisor: Animal Logic
- Andrew Ritchie
- layout artist: Animal Logic
- Sandra Roach
- compositor: Photon VFX
- James William Roberts
- paint & roto artist: Framestore (as James Roberts)
- Andrew Robinson
- visual effects executive producer: Postmnodern Sydney
- Dave Robinson
- systems engineer
- Loren Robinson
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Max Robinson
- compositor: Postmodern Sydney
- James Robison
- animator: Iloura
- Victor Rodriguez
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Garrett Rogers
- digital clean-up: Hydraulx
- James Rogers
- visual effects supervisor: Postmodern Sydney
- James Rose
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Michelle Rose
- visual effects coordinator: Animal Logic
- Daniel P. Rosen
- visual effects supervisor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Simon Rosenthal
- visual effects executive producer: Iloura
- Simon Ross
- animator: Iloura
- Justin R. Rotolo
- massive technical director
- Tim Rowlandson
- crowd & rigging technical director: Animal Logic
- Morten Rowley
- opening sequence: Animal Logic
- Rajat Roy
- compositor: Framestore
- Johannes Saam
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Abe Saleh
- digital artist
- Nicole Samarron
- compositor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Joe Sambora
- production staff: Evil Eye Pictures / visual effects production assistant / visual effects
- Sean Samuels
- matte painter: Animal Logic
- Elsa Santos
- digital matte painter: Rising Sun
- Robin Saxen
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Richard Scarlett
- compositor: Framestore
- Ron Schab
- render wrangler
- Julian Scheid
- pipeline engineer: Rising Sun
- Carla Schwam
- digital effects producer
- Chris Schwarze
- visual effects supervisor: Complete Post
- Kerri Schwarze
- visual effects producer: Complete Post
- Denis Scolan
- lead compositor: Animal Logic
- David Scott
- visual effects art director: Animal Logic
- James Sdrinis
- visual effects coordinator: EFilm Australia
- Nicolas Seck
- animator: Framestore
- Alex Serrano
- visual effects coordinator: Animal Logic
- Amir Shachar
- lighting: Framestore
- Aatesh Shah
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Rasha Shalaby
- compositor: Photon VFX
- Cameron Sharp
- visual effects production assistant: Fuel VFX
- Betty Shaw
- systems administrator: Rising Sun
- Roger Sheng
- digital matte painter: Complete Post
- David Shere
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Gregory Shimp
- paint & rotoscoring artist: Rising Sun (as Greg Shimp)
- Toshi Shiozawa
- visual effects technical director: Rising Sun
- Evan Shipard
- matte painter: Animal Logic
- Prateep Siamwalla
- tracking
- Arnþruður Dögg Sigurðardóttir
- visual effects producer
- Josh Simmonds
- animator: Iloura
- Richard Skelton
- matchmove artist: Fuel VFX
- Murray Smallwood
- lead compositor: Animal Logic
- Andrew Smith
- data wrangler: Postmodern Sydney
- Anthony Smith
- compositor: Framestore
- Eric So
- compositor: Rising Sun
- Olivier Soares
- lighting: Framestore
- Jean-David Solon
- modeller: Framestore
- Tim Sotiri
- lighting artist: Animal Logic
- Sarah Sparnenn
- digital compositor
- Marc Spicer
- additional photography
- Peter Spinaze
- 3D animator: The LaB Sydney / previsualization: The LaB Sydney
- Christoph Sprenger
- crowd system research & development: Rising Sun
- Kevin Spruce
- animation supervisor: Framestore
- Marcin Stangel
- system engineer: Framestore
- Davi Stein
- compositor: Framestore
- Kim Stevenson
- opening sequence: Animal Logic
- Robert Stollar
- visual effects compositor: EFilm Australia
- Trevor Strand
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Grant Street
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Phil Stuart-Jones
- visual effects supervisor
- Max Stummer
- lead compositor: Fuel VFX
- Hayley Sullivan
- visual effects production assistant (as Hayley McInerney)
- Richard Sur
- lighting artist: Animal Logic / lighting technical director: Animal Logic
- Lubos Gerardo Surzin
- matte painter: Animal Logic
- Sandy Sutherland
- visual effects technical director: Framestore
- Andy Sutton
- character animator: Fuel VFX
- Takahiro Suzuki
- visual effects compositor: EFilm Australia
- David Swift
- digital environment supervisor: Framestore
- Chris Swinbanks
- post services manager: Animal Logic
- Kat Szuminska
- visual effects supervisor: Rising Sun
- Nick Tabet
- compositor: The LaB Sydney
- Jeffrey Tan
- data operations: Animal Logic
- Ben Tanti
- scanning and recording: EFilm Australia
- Jonathan Taranto
- digital matte painter: Postmodern Sydney
- Mark Taylor
- matte painter: Framestore
- Paul Taylor
- media operations: Animal Logic
- Damien Thaller
- matte painter: Animal Logic
- Daniel Thompson
- character technical director: Rising Sun
- Tony Thorne
- animator: Rising Sun
- Joe Thornley
- visual effects technical director: Framestore
- Alex Timbs
- head of it: Animal Logic
- Evann Tjokrosetio
- digital artist / visual effects
- Daniel C.J. Todd
- matchmove artist: Fuel VFX (as Daniel Todd)
- Kire Tovski
- pipeline engineer: Fuel VFX
- Matt Town
- supervising visual effects editor
- Mark Tremble
- compositor: Photon VFX (as Mark Tran-Tremble)
- Guy Trevers
- scanning and recording
- Matthew Trivan
- visual effects artist
- Adam Trowse
- rotoscope artist: Fuel VFX
- Emily Tucker
- layout & matchmove supervisor: Fuel VFX
- Mark Tudor-Williams
- tracking: Framestore
- Bram Tulloch
- media operations: Animal Logic
- Louis Turcot
- compositor: Photon VFX
- Ben Turner
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Les Turner
- animator: Rising Sun
- Nowell Valeri
- technical director: Evil Eye Pictures
- Shereena-Lee van de Berkt
- visual effects producer: Photon VFX
- Leigh van der Byl
- texture artist: Framestore
- Gerard Van Ommen Kloeke
- senior character rigger
- Gerard Van Owen Kloeke
- character rigging artist: Fuel VFX
- Jean Frédéric Veilleux
- compositor: Animal Logic (as Jean Frederic Veillux)
- Randy Vellacott
- visual effects art director: Photon
- Eric Vidal
- lead compositor: Animal Logic
- Jessica Vines
- visual effects production assistant: Photon VFX
- Radu Vintila
- lead systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Andres Vitale
- compositor: Photon VFX
- Pragti Wadhwa
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Maggie Walby
- paint & roto artist: Framestore (as Margaret Walby)
- Ben Walker
- matte painter: Animal Logic
- Tim Walker
- compositor: Fuel VFX
- Ben Walsh
- opening sequence: Animal Logic
- Jordan Walsh
- animator: Iloura
- Tim Warnock
- lead matte painter: Animal Logic
- Kento Watanabe
- visual effects assistant editor
- Mark Webb
- visual effects associate producer: Rising Sun
- Peter Webb
- compositing supervisor: Iloura
- Tim Webb
- digital effects artist
- Jeremy Webber
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Ryan Weston
- render wrangler: Animal Logic
- Adrian White
- digital compositor
- Nick Whiteley
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Philip Whiteley
- digital matte painter: Rising Sun
- James Whitlam
- visual effects executive producer: Rising Sun
- Trevor Wide
- texture artist
- Ruth Wiegand
- character technical director: Rising Sun
- Stephen Willey
- senior systems engineer
- Edson Williams
- visual effects supervisor: lola visual effects
- Robert A. Willis
- visual effects artist: Hirota Paint Industries
- Stuart Willis
- visual effects coordinator: Animal Logic
- Corrina Wilson
- compositor: Framestore
- Kate Windibank
- compositor: Framestore
- Bernard Winter
- roto artist: Iloura
- Martin Wiseman
- visual effects producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Phil Wittmer
- lead visual effects technical director: Animal Logic
- Steven D. Wolff
- digital artist
- Gemma Wood
- visual effects coordinator: RSP (as Gemma James)
- David Woodland
- digital matte painter: Rising Sun
- Alan Woods
- massive technical director: Framestore
- David Worley
- visual effects producer: Fuel VFX (as Dave Worley)
- Michael Wortmann
- effects technical director: Animal Logic
- Matthew Wynne
- compositing lead: Fuel VFX
- Xye
- tracking
- Yoshiya Yamada
- lighter: hydraulx
- Chris Qi Yao
- technical director: Evil Eye Pictures (as Chris Yao)
- Kareem Yassih
- render wrangler: Animal Logic
- Henry Yekanians
- scanning and recording: EFilm Australia
- Dylan Yeo
- animator: Rising Sun
- Tim Young
- compositor: Framestore (as Timothy Young)
- Luca Zappala
- senior technical director: Framestore
- Ryan Zuttermeister
- associate visual effects producer: Lola Visual Effects
- Kaspar Zwirner
- senior compositor
- Nacho Barahona
- modeler: Animal Logic (uncredited) / render wrangler: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Matt Chance
- additional compositor: Cutting Edge for BAZMARK (uncredited)
- Emma Clifton
- additional compositor: Cutting Edge for BAZMARK (uncredited)
- Ian Cope
- visual effects coordinator: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Matt Crump
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Clym Dodds
- render support: Framestore (uncredited)
- Carlos Fuensalida
- systems engineer (uncredited)
- Rudi Holzapfel
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Todd Isroelit
- visual effects executive: Fox (uncredited)
- Adam S. Jones
- visual effects compositor (uncredited)
- Stewart Jones
- character technical director (uncredited)
- Dave Kelly
- Chief Operating Officer: Fuel VFX (uncredited)
- Richard Lambert
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Max Liani
- shader writer (uncredited)
- Christophe Meslin
- head of systems (uncredited)
- Daniel Powter
- data services technician: Animal Logic (uncredited)
- Jessica Clare Smith
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Meg Strange
- visual effects producer: Postmodern Sydney (uncredited)
- Ian Watson
- matchmover (uncredited)