- Barbara Affonso
- chief model maker
- Alia Agha
- production assistant
- Jon Alexander
- optical camera operator
- Carl Assmus
- stage construction
- Charles Bailey
- model maker
- Randall K. Bean
- computer graphics
- Kathleen Beeler
- rotoscope artist
- John Bell
- visual effects art director
- Maggie Bell-Corbridge
- visual effects extra
- Tom Bertino
- rotoscope supervisor
- Patricia Blau
- visual effects producer
- Barbara Brennan
- rotoscope artist
- Kim Bromley
- visual effects coordinator
- Gary Caviglia
- model draughtsman
- Lanny Cermak
- camera engineer
- Donald Clark
- optical camera operator
- Michael Cooper
- optical line-up
- Gail Currey
- camera engineering coordinator
- Giovanni Donovan
- model maker
- Jeff Doran
- optical camera operator
- Loring Doyle
- visual effects artist
- Timothy Eaton
- visual effects editor (as Tim Eaton)
- Selwyn Eddy
- vistaglide operator (as Selwyn Eddy III)
- John Ellis
- optical photography supervisor: ILM
- Scott Farrar
- production visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Bob Fernley
- optical processing
- Robert Finley Jr.
- supervising pyro technician
- Jon Foreman
- model maker
- Jack Gallagher
- plate photography coordinator: ILM
- George Gambetta
- optical line-up
- Steve Gawley
- supervising model maker
- Tim Geideman
- optical processing
- Joanne Hafner
- rotoscope artist
- James Hagedorn
- optical camera operator
- Eleanor Harrold
- model maker
- Jack Haye
- model maker
- Rebecca Heskes
- rotoscope artist (as Rebecca Petrulli)
- Sandy Houston
- rotoscope artist
- Tony Hudson
- modeler: ILM
- Peg Hunter
- optical line-up
- Nancy Jencks
- assistant editor: ILM
- Ken Jenkins
- model maker
- Brad Jerrell
- supervising stage technician
- Keith Johnson
- optical camera operator
- Ed Jones
- executive in charge of post-production: ILM
- David Karpman
- optical line-up
- Sandra Ford Karpman
- computer graphics (as Sandra R. Ford)
- Douglas S. Kay
- computer graphics
- Ira Keeler
- model maker
- Bill Kimberlin
- visual effects editor
- Jennifer Knoll
- visual effects coordinator
- Tad Krzanowski
- model mechanical designer
- Brad Kuehn
- optical line-up
- Greg Lake
- model maker
- Jennifer Hall Lee
- optical line-up (as Jennifer Lee)
- Bradford Lewis
- mechanical model design
- James Lim
- optical camera operator
- Keith London
- model maker
- Greg Maloney
- optical line-up
- Michael McGovern
- assistant visual effects editor
- Scott McNamara
- chief model maker
- Richard Miller
- model maker
- Russell Mitchell
- stage construction
- Terry Molatore
- rotoscope artist
- Jack Mongovan
- rotoscope artist
- Mark Moore
- mechanical model design
- Mark Emery Moore
- model mechanical designer
- Rodney Morgan
- model mechanical designer
- Jim Morris
- executive in charge of production: ILM
- Ellen Mueller
- rotoscope artist
- Patrick T. Myers
- effects camera operator
- Lori J. Nelson
- optical line-up: ILM
- Kendall Nishimine
- visual effects
- Buck O'Hare
- stage construction
- Jeff Olson
- model maker
- Dawn Oltman
- editorial coordinator
- Randy Ottenberg
- model maker
- Ken Ralston
- production visual effects supervisor
- Christopher Reed
- model maker (as Chris Reed)
- Carolyn Ensle Rendu
- rotoscope artist (as Carolyn Rendu-Ensle)
- Pat Repola
- optical camera operator
- Scott Ross
- general manager: ILM
- Susan Ross
- model maker
- Thomas Rosseter
- optical line-up (as Tom Rosseter)
- Mark Siegel
- model maker
- Kenneth Smith
- optical camera operator
- Thomas J. Smith
- optical camera operator (as Thomas Smith)
- Douglas Smythe
- computer graphics
- Eben Stromquist
- model mechanical designer
- Eric Swenson
- effects camera operator
- Wes Takahashi
- animation supervisor
- Larry Tan
- model maker
- Pat Turner
- visual effects director of photography
- Wim Van Thillo
- model maker (as Wim van Thillo)
- Lisa Vaughn
- optical coordinator
- Bruce Walters
- effects camera supervisor
- John Whisnant
- optical processing
- Chuck Wiley
- model maker
- Jeffrey Wilkins
- model mechanical designer
- Randy Algoe
- visual effects technician (uncredited)
- Susan Adele Colletta
- post production coordinator (uncredited)
- Peter Daulton
- visual effects cameraman (uncredited)
- Jenny Fulle
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Michael Joyce
- model maker (uncredited)
- Vance Piper
- plate camera assistant (uncredited)
- Kim Smith
- model maker; miniature unit (uncredited)