- Lucile Abiven
- vfx line producer
- Owyn Abram
- creature effects technical director: Framestore
- Mike Accettura
- compositor: Gener8
- Jayaraman Adhikesavan
- paint & roto lead: primefocus
- Dean Adjeikum
- roto paint artist
- Jose Gregorio Aguilar
- matchmove artist
- Marisa Ahn
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Vladislav Akhtyrskiy
- compositor at framestore / compositor
- Corbé Alexandre
- lighting td
- Cynthia Allard
- tracking artist
- Pier-Olivier Allard
- animator
- Juan Pablo Allgeier
- matte painter: Digital Domain (as Juan Pablo Allgier)
- Naline Amaral
- visual effects coordinator: Digital Domain
- Sophie Anderson
- visual effects data wrangler
- Fraser Andrew
- previs/postvis artist
- Khari Anthony
- digital compositor
- Nicole Arnell
- roto/paint artist: Digital Domain
- Félix Arsenault
- modeler: Framestore
- Raghuwanshi. Arun Singh
- clean-up/prep artist: @Anibrain VFX Studio
- Artin Aryaei
- compositor: digital domain
- Arsen Arzumanyan
- previs artist
- Paul Ashall
- matchmove artist: framestore
- Nikki Atkinson
- postvis artist: The Third Floor (as Nicola Atkinson) / previs/postvis artist
- Mathieu Aubin
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Murat Ayasli
- stereo compositor
- Amir Azar
- digital production administrator: digital domain
- Adam Bacon
- roto/paint artist
- Amman Bains
- paint & roto artist
- Richard Baker
- stereo supervisor: Disney
- Margherita Balestri
- previs artist: The Third Floor / previs/postvis artist
- Carlos Balila
- environment artist: Digital Domain
- Balu V
- matchmove and rotoanim artist
- Pierrick Barbin
- lighting artist
- Maxime Baril
- Groom TD
- Neill Barrack
- Compositor: Framestore
- Manuel Barrero
- compositor: Framestore
- John Barrigar
- cfx artist
- Andrew Barry
- compositor
- Scott Bartels
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Dan Bartolucci
- flame artist: Lola visual effects
- Katrina Barton
- VFX Interim Production Manager
- Lee Baskerville
- texture artist
- Maxime Bastonnais
- visual effects artist
- Daniel Batt
- paint and roto: framestore
- Claire Baudean
- texturing artist
- Aaron Baudin
- effects technical director: framestore
- Ines Baumgartner
- previs/postvis artist
- Mélanie Beaunoyer
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Manoranjan Behera
- production coordinator: Prime Focus
- Nathan Behmlander
- stereoscopic compositor
- Alexis Belanger
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Catherine Belanger-Gagnon
- visual effects coordinator: digital domain
- Martin Belleau
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Georgia Benjamin
- visual effects PA
- Nadir Bennac
- witness camera operator
- Jean Bennamias
- visual effects artist: framestore
- Prabir Bera
- lead stereoscopic compositor
- Emma Berkeley
- texture artist: Framestore
- Jeremy Berruel
- modeller
- Jonathan Berry
- facial performance capture artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Kate Berry
- producer: main + end title sequences
- Guillaume Berthoumieu
- matte painter
- Lorene Bettker
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Udit Bhardwaj
- compositing: visual effects
- Sameer Bhoyar
- creative producer: stereo conversion, PFW
- Prasanjit Biswas
- Paint
- Michelle Blok
- lead pre-visualization artist
- Claire Blustin
- visual effects artist
- Martin Boksar
- matte painter: Method Studios
- Ricardo Bonisoli
- visual effects artist
- Loganathan Boopathy
- visual effects artist
- Swapnil Borawake
- creature fx td: framestore
- Mateusz Borkowski
- visual effects: matchmover: framestore
- Kevin Bouchez
- compositor
- Florian Boury
- rigger: framestore
- Mikaella Bouzaglo
- visual effects coordinator
- Jason Bowers
- compositing supervisor: Prime Focus
- Matt Bowler
- cyber scanning capture coordinator: Clear Angle Studios
- Mounika Boyapati
- visual effects
- Sreekanth Boyapati
- Visual Effects Production Manager / visual effects
- Jason Bradbury
- facial performance capture artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Sebastien Brazeau
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Ben Breckenridge
- stereoscopic supervisor
- Greg Breitzman
- previs artist
- Christine Breuninger
- roto/paint artist: Digital Domain
- Simon Brown
- lightning td
- Steven Browning
- cg modeller
- Tom Bruno
- postvis artist
- Bragi Brynjarsson
- compositor
- Marc Brzezicki
- stereo supervisor: Prime Focus World
- Nathan Budarick
- senior rigger: Digital Domain
- Duncan Burbidge
- previs producer
- James Burr
- previsualization artist
- Henry Bush
- pipeline technical director
- Jeremy Buttell
- visual effects artist
- Howard Cabalfin
- roto paint supervisor: digital domain
- Gem Ronn Cadiz
- creature fx td
- Nic Camecho
- NCam Lead Operator
- Matt Cameron
- visual effects artist
- Francesc Camos
- visual effects artist
- Alexandre Canniccioni
- lookdev td
- Patrick Canning
- roto/paint: lola VFX
- Marco Cantaluppi
- compositor
- Dan Carpenter
- lead stereo compositor: Gener8
- Caleb Carr
- senior roto/paint: Digital Domain
- Owen Cartagena
- stereo compositor: Gener8
- Claudia Carvalho
- cloth/hair td
- Yeri Casanova
- visual effects coordinator: digital domain
- Dani Cashmore
- digital matte painter
- Tom Castellani
- pipeline technical director
- Myriam Catrin
- senior texture artist
- Sarah Cauchois
- previs production manager
- Tyler Cayce
- cfx artist
- Melissa Cell
- technical director: Digital Domain
- Linda Chaabna
- visual effects coordinator
- Jean-Simon Chabot
- animator: Framestore
- Manjoe Chan
- animator
- Viki Chan
- on-set data integration lead: Digital Domain 3.0
- Matthew Chandler
- environments technical director
- Deepak Chandra
- visual effects artist
- Blandine Chanteur
- lighting artist
- Paul Chapman
- compositor: Digital Domain
- Vikki Chapman
- vfx production coordinator: framestore
- Josh James Chappell
- matchmove td
- Francis Charbonneau
- tracking artist
- Anwei Chen
- visual effects coordinator: Lola VFX
- Ching-Yi Chen
- creature fx td
- Andrew Cheng
- visual effects coordinator
- Derek Cheung
- fx artist
- Vanessa Cheung
- environment artist/digital matte painter
- Annabelle Chevrier
- modeller
- Vamsi Krishna Chilamkurthi
- visual effects artist
- Andrew Hung Chiu
- compositor
- Nicolas Chombart
- lead lighting artist
- Julian Chong
- compositor
- Goby Hsiao Yun Chou
- effects technical director
- Tim Chou
- stereoscopic supervisor
- Zach Christian
- digital matte painter: digital domain
- Marvin Chua
- lighting artist
- Park Yong Chul
- previs artist
- Martin Ciastko
- compositor
- Fabiana Ciatti
- previs artist: The Third Floor / previs/postvis artist
- Carlos Cidrais
- lighting sr. artist: digital domain
- Suzanne Cipolletti
- previs/postvis artist
- Jimi Clark
- lead element artist
- Erik Classen
- digital compositor
- Rachel Hannah Cohen
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Pinar Comezoglu
- visual effects editor: method studios
- Patrick Comtois
- modeller
- Chris Cook
- modeler: Framestore
- Spencer Cook
- Animation Supervisor: Framestore
- Nico Coronado
- digital compositor (as Nicolás Coronado)
- Lydia Cosgrave
- matchmove artist
- Agathe Courtisse
- visual effects artist: creature effect technical director - Digital Domain
- Richard Courtman
- compositor
- Gareth Cowen
- previs artist: The Third Floor / previs lead
- Craig Crane
- lidar supervisor
- Bec Cranswick
- stereo editor
- Brian Creasey
- visual effects artist
- Ruxandra Cristoiu
- paint and roto: framestore
- Wesley Cronk
- digital compositor
- Scott Cullen
- previs and postvis artist
- Geoffrey Côté
- tracking artist
- Adolfo Dalda
- creature effects technical director: Framestore
- David Dame
- cfx artist
- Tobias Danbo
- texture artist
- Leah Darrington
- paint and roto artist
- Philippe David
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Samuel David
- tracking artist
- Christopher Davies
- matchmover: framestore
- Martin Davies
- technical director: Digital Domain
- Steven Davies
- digital compositor
- Lalit Madhukar Dawale
- visual effects
- Alessandro de Cristofaro
- postvis editor: The Third Floor
- Maria Montes De La Rosa
- animator
- Mathieu De Saint Jores
- assistant technical director: Framestore
- Christophe Dehaene
- digital compositor
- Lynn Dekker
- lighting td: framestore
- Michelle Del Rosario
- previs/postvis artist (as Rosario Michelle Del)
- Quentin Delsart
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Dhananajay Deore
- compositor
- David Derwin
- visual effects producer: Method Studios
- Jonathan Desaulniers
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Vincent Deschatelets
- Cfx artist
- David Desplat
- modeler
- Beth Dewhirst
- production coordinator: digital domain
- Thierry Dezarmenien
- animator
- Fabrice Di Cicco
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Natalia Diaz
- digital compositor
- Adam Dicterow
- assistant visual effects editor
- Ian Differ
- editor
- Eric J. Dima-ala
- lead environment artist: Digital Domain
- Eduardo Dioses
- lead fur groomer
- Bhavya Dixit
- stereo supervisor
- Komal Dogra
- visual effects artist
- Matthew Doll
- comp supervisor
- Thomas Dotheij
- assistant technical director: Framestore
- Paz Drimer
- lead digital production administrator: Digital domain
- Jason Du
- lighting td
- Olivier Dubard
- environment artist
- Nicolas Dufort
- technical director: Digital Domain
- Ryan Duhaime
- lighting artist: Digital Domain
- Dave Early
- head of digital matte painting: Framestore
- Bronwyn Edwards
- compositing supervisor
- Camara Edwards
- visual effects coordinator: Method Studios
- Christopher Edwards
- chief executive officer / previs creative supervisor
- Jason Jay Edwards
- senior modeller (as Jason Edwards)
- Richard Edwards-Earl
- witness camera operator
- Christopher Elke
- associate production manager: Digital Domain
- Brent Elliott
- lighting td
- Kate Elum
- visual effects coordinator
- Jack Elworthy
- capture lab td: Framestore
- Selcuk Ergen
- senior fx technical director: Framestore
- Lars Erik Eriksen
- paint & roto artist
- Gizem Ersavas
- environment artist: Digital Domain
- Raggini Eva
- pipeline technical director
- Jack Evans
- lighting artist
- Peter Evemy
- matchmove artist
- Rebecca Fair-Lien
- stereo production coordinator
- Shizan Faisal
- stereoscopic compositor
- Shaikh Faruq
- digital compositor
- Jordan Fast
- lighting artist
- Alessandro Favale
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Federico Favaro
- lead rigger: Framestore
- David Feinsilber
- visual effects production supervisor
- Phylicia Feldman
- visual effects artist
- Sian Fenner
- framestore
- Oliver Fergusson-Taylor
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Daniel Antón Fernández
- environments artist: Digital Domain
- Juan Carlos Ferrá
- compositor
- Jean Nicolas Fidala
- matte painter: framestore (as Nicolas Fidala)
- Spencer Filichia
- previs production manager
- Andrew Fineberg
- stereo editor
- Rob Fitzsimmons
- environment artist: Digital Domain
- Megan Flood
- roto/paint artist
- Carlos Flores Tavitas
- visual effects production assistant
- Nathan Fok
- character effects supervisor
- Lianne Forbes
- tracking artist
- Jérôme Foucout
- compositor / digital compositor: Framestore
- Rachel Fowler
- editor: main and end title sequence
- Andy Fraser
- previs artist
- Gianluca Fratellini
- 3d Senior Animator : Framestore
- Dean Frater
- digital artist / previs/postvis artist
- Janet Freedland
- digital artist
- Nicholas Freeston
- previs/postvis artist
- Julia Friedl
- senior modeller: Framestore
- Carl Frytz
- previs artist
- Mei Fu
- bodytracker/matchmove artist / digital artist
- Ben Funk
- digital compositor
- Lisa Funkel
- compositor
- William Gabriele
- rigging technical director: FRAMESTORE
- Jean-Francois Gagne
- compositor
- Dave Gagnon
- texture artist: Framestore
- Marie-Josee Gagnon
- digital compositor
- Sabrina Gagnon
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Jamil Gali
- pre-vis artist
- Jamil Gali
- previs artist
- Tash Gamper
- ncam operator
- Jason Gandhi
- research and development
- Debrup Ganguly
- Matchmove Artist
- Bryce Gardiner
- stereoscopic editor: prime focus
- Steve Gaub
- production visual effects producer
- Dipak Gaur
- BG prep artist
- Hugo Gauvreau
- lead digital compositor (as Hugo Brunet Gauvreau)
- Saurabh Gavankar
- Rotomation Artist
- Rino George
- compositor
- Christina Georgieva
- environment td (as Kristina Georgieva)
- Laura Quinn Geyer
- concept artist assistant (as Laura Quinn)
- Yogeshwar Ghodake
- prep artist: Gener8
- Benedict Gillingham-Sutton
- senior digital compositor (as Ben Gillingham-Sutton)
- Stefano Giorgetti
- r&d lead: Digital Domain
- Luc Girard
- visual effects artist
- Adrien Saint Girons
- cg supervisor
- Sheila Giroux
- visual effects coordinator
- Simone Giurelli
- paint & roto artist: framestore
- Piotr Glabinski
- digital artist: Method Studios
- Soumitra Gokhale
- senior animator
- Adam Goldstein
- texture artist
- Samuel Gonon
- lighting technical director: framestore
- Nathalie Gonthier
- roto/paint lead artist
- Francisco E. Gonzalez
- previs artist
- Jimmy Gordon
- character effects lead
- Ranjit Gosavi
- compositing supervisor
- Björn Gottwald
- digital compositor: framestore
- Kelsey Gow
- Paint and Roto Artist
- Nalini Goyal
- rotoanim artist
- Victor Grant
- effects artist
- Luke Gray
- pipeline technical director: DNEG
- Nicola Greuter
- paint and roto
- Sabrina Guerin
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Fernando Guerrero Rodriguez
- digital compositor: framestore
- Ivan Andres Guerrero
- cg supervisor: method studios
- Miguel A. Guerrero
- Sr Character Artist
- Rohit Prakash Gujar
- visual effects supervisor
- Brahmaji Guntamukkala
- Stereo Compositor: Dneg
- Rahul Kumar Gupta
- paint artist: prime focus
- Vijaypratap Gupta
- visual effects artist
- Charlie Habanananda
- digital grading artist
- Daniel Haffner
- creature effects technical director: Framestore
- James Daniel Haines
- visual effects artist: roto artist
- Betsy Asher Hall
- senior cfx artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Pierre-Loic Hamon
- head of rigging: Framestore
- Nicholas Hampshire
- pipeline technical director
- Pascal Hang
- senior cfx artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Scott Hankel
- previs/postvis artist
- Michael A. Hardie
- facial technical artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Geoffrey Harlos
- lead stereo compositor: gener8
- Rio Harrington
- stereoscopic compositor
- Patricio Harris
- digital compositor: Prologue vfx
- Patrick Haskew
- previs artist
- Bassem Hawili
- tracking artist
- Justin Hebert
- paint & roto artist: framestore
- Joe Henderson
- postvis artist: Digital Domain
- Darren Hendler
- digital effects supervisor: Digital Domain
- Patrick Hernandez
- visual effects coordinator
- Chad Herrada
- digital compositor: Method Studios
- Patrick Heumann
- animator
- William Higgins
- digital production manager
- Leo Hills
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Sebastian Hingston
- matchmove artist: framestore
- Sujit Hiwale
- paint
- Claire Louise Hoey
- paint and roto
- Jeremy Hollobon
- animation technical director
- Tilly Holton
- previs co-ordinator
- Richard R. Hoover
- visual effects supervisor: Framestore
- Rob House
- cfx asset dev/simulation
- Jeffrey John Howard
- visual effects coordinator
- Heather Hoyland
- senior compositor: digital domain
- Yifan Hu
- lighting td, lookdev, shader writing
- Kailas Huljute
- paint
- Karen E.M. Hulse
- lighting artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Jessica Amber Hurst
- creature effects technical director: Digital Domain
- Nicholas Hurst
- digital compositor
- Julian Hutchens
- cg supervisor: framestore
- Ahmed Ibrahim
- visual effects artist
- Manon Ih
- previs coordinator / previs production coordinator
- Pat Imrie
- pre-vis artist (as Patrick Imrie) / previs/postvis artist
- Ludovic Iochem
- environment td
- Hans Olov Alexander Isaksson
- digital matte painter: Framestore (as Alexander Isaksson)
- Jessica Ivey
- digital compositor
- Jessica Ivey
- digital compositor: Method Studios (as Jessica Rayburn)
- Kaya Jabar
- previs artist/simulcam operator: The Third Floor / previs/postvis artist
- David Jackson
- vfx production assistant
- Owen Jackson
- compositor
- Lionel Jacobs
- compositor / digital compositor
- Prashant Jadhav
- rotoscope artist
- Srikanth Reddy Jakka
- compositor / stereo compositor: stereoscopic conversion
- Gabriel Jalbert
- production assistant
- Kishor Sitaram Jat
- visual effects artist
- Peter Tyler Stewart Jensen
- cg artist: credits sequence
- Hanjoo Jeong
- senior effects technical director: Digital Domain
- Viv Jim
- digital compositor
- Jorge Jimenez
- stereo elements qc artist (as Jorge Miguel Jimenez Quintanilla)
- Michael Jimenez
- compositor: Gener8
- Jacqueline Jirka
- previs artist
- Jonathan Jobin
- digital compositor: Digital Domain
- Phil Johnson
- vfx runner
- Marc Joubert-Nederveen
- modeling technical director
- Caroline Journo
- digital compositor
- Marko Jovanovic
- visual effects artist
- Jama Jurabaev
- concept artist: Framestore
- Dana Jurcic
- associate production manager
- Anto Juricic
- senior modeler
- Shannon Justison
- previs/postvis supervisor
- Yuvaraj K
- visual effects artist
- Niels Peter Kaagaard
- modeller: Framestore
- Sagar R. Kadam
- rotomation supervisor: gener8
- Paria Kamyab
- vfx editor: Framestore
- Megumi Kanazawa
- senior compositor: Digital Domain
- Eric Kasanowski
- lead compositor: Digital Domain
- Ervin Kaszap
- creature fx td: framestore
- Nitin Kaushal
- prep artist
- Michelle Kee
- visual effects coordinator: digital domain
- Ryan Keely
- digital compositor
- Thomas Kernan
- senior modeller: Digital Domain
- Shwan Khalid
- facial technical artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Firoj ali Khan
- visual effects artist
- Sith Khay
- matte painter: framestore (as Sithiriscient Khay)
- Rimelle Khayat
- previs/postvis artist
- Yong Kim
- lighting artist: Digital Domain
- Doron Kipper
- integration artist: digital domain
- Anooj Kiran
- integration artist
- Connor Kitto
- lead matchmove artist: Framestore
- Claver Knovick
- previs associate production manager
- Paco Ramos Koch
- software engineer: digital domain
- Helen Kok
- visual effects line producer
- Franz Kol
- digital compositor / visual effects artist
- Michelle Korczak
- compositor: Digital Domain
- Peter Koss
- digital compositor: Digital Domain
- Aaron Kramer
- lighting artist: Digital Domain
- Slav Kravchenko
- matte painter: framestore
- Aniruddha Kumar
- stereo paint artist: Gener8, Mumbai
- Rajnish Kumar
- visual effects artist
- Nicha Kumkeaw
- compositor
- Roger Kupelian
- digital matte painter / matte painter: digital domain
- Evan Kwan
- digital compositor: Digital Domain
- Melissa Laframboise-Maille
- visual effects artist: paint and roto
- Christophe Lalonde-Lavergne
- paint & roto artist
- Dilip Lalwani
- senior rigger
- Samy Lamouti
- visual effects artist
- Charlotte Larive
- compositor
- David Larochelle
- digital compositor
- Mattis Gaston Larsen
- compositor: Framestore
- Anneli Larsson
- texture artist
- Greg LaSalle
- facial motion capture supervisor
- Julien Lasbleiz
- visual effects artist
- Delphine Laurent
- digital compositor: digital domain
- Asier Hernaez Lavina
- Senior Generalist
- Claire Lawrence-Slater
- creature fx artist
- Allyn Lawson
- creature fx td
- Rickie Leach
- compositor (as Rick Leach)
- Kui-Han Lee
- character modeler
- Phoenix Woung-Bi Lee
- crowd technical director: Framestore
- Sun Lee
- matte painter: Lola VFX
- Christopher Leloup
- paint & roto artist
- Andrew Lema
- senior visual effects modeler: digital domain
- Francis Leong
- creature effects technical director: Framestore Montreal
- Aton Lerin
- rigging artist: framestore
- Chris Lesage
- rigger
- Jimmy Leung
- fx td: framestore
- Zach Lewis
- effects artist: Method Studios
- Alisha Lim
- visual effects coordinator: Digital Domain
- Sungmin Lim
- Intergration Artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Suzi Little
- character effects artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Roger Liu
- previs artist / previs lighting lead
- Patricia Llaguno
- lead compositor
- Brendan Llave
- lead stereo compositor
- Toby Lloyd
- assistant vfx editor
- Nick Lobban
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Simon Loisel
- visual effects artist
- Javier Lopez-Duprey
- previs co-supervisor
- Sylvain Lorgeou
- matte painter
- Geoff Lou
- previs artist
- Lorenzo Lovera
- digital compositor
- Adrian Rivera Lozano
- paint & roto artist
- Thea Luchak
- environment artist: digital domain
- Ben Lumsden
- head of studio: The Imaginarium Studios
- Alison Luong
- visual effects production assistant: Digital Domain
- Francesco Lupo
- groom td: framestore (as Frankino Lupo)
- Matthew Lutes
- stereoscopic compositor
- Jillian Lynes
- visual effects coordinator
- Laura Macfadyen
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Ross MacKenzie
- 3d data integration lead
- Martin Macrae
- art director: vfx
- Brian Magarian
- compositor
- Brett Magnuson
- previs/postvis artist
- Kaushik Mahakalkar
- roto artist: Prime Focus
- Lokendra Singh Mahata
- digital compositor
- Karanveer Mahendru
- Matchmove
- Isabelle Mainville
- texture artist
- Kevin Maliakal
- visual effects coordinator (as Kevin Malaikal)
- Melik Malkasian
- previs/postvis artist
- Christina Mandia
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Zach Mandt
- digital matte painter
- Akash Mangavkar
- visual effects production manager
- Virgil Manning
- previs/postvis artist
- Manohar.Kolla
- compositor
- Michael Mansueto
- stereo artist
- Gergana Margules
- digital compositor: framestore (as Gergana Alexandrova)
- Anthony Mariya
- lead stereoscopic compositor: Prime Focus
- Nicholas Markel
- previs creative supervisor
- Félix Marquis-Poulin
- modeller
- Muhammad Marri
- texture artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Jason Marsh
- anamatronics designer
- David Marte
- rotoscope supervisor: Method Studios
- Dominic Martin
- digital artist / previs/postvis artist
- Graham Martin
- vfx production coordinator
- Thomas Martin
- lead lighting td
- Andy Martinez Calzadilla
- visual effects artist
- Jérôme Martinez
- lead matte painter: framestore
- Claude Martins
- pipeline supervisor
- Riccardo Mascia
- lead paint and roto artist: framestore
- Ray Massa
- facial performance capture artist: Digital Domain 3.0 (as Raymond L. Massa)
- Trevin Matcek
- previs artist
- Shoichi Matsubara
- lighting artist: Digital Domain
- Joshua T.M. Matthews
- facial performance capture artist: Digital Domain 3.0 (as Joshua TM Matthews)
- Eric Mattson
- matte painter
- Carmen Maxcy
- compositor
- Laurent Maynard
- lighting td
- Brian McCann
- compositor: Gener8
- Samantha McConnell
- facial technical artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Leon McCormick
- visual effects artist
- Michael McCrea
- previs artist: The Third Floor / previs/postvis artist
- Chris McCrowe
- roto/paint artist: Digital Domain
- Kyle McCulloch
- production visual effects supervisor
- Peter McDonald
- previs supervisor
- Pete McGowan
- integration artist
- Declan McGuire
- pipeline technical director
- Mare McIntosh
- visual effects producer: Lola VFX
- Krista McLean
- environments department supervisor
- Donal McMullan
- lead pipeline technical director
- Scott Meadows
- pre-visualization supervisor
- Philip Melancon
- crowd td: Framestore
- Michael Melchiorre
- senior compositor
- Summer Meng
- visual effects (as Meng Shen)
- Lewis Menga
- senior stereoscopic editor: Prime Focus
- Rob Menzer
- sculptor
- Craig Mepham
- previs/postvis artist
- Meredith Meyer-Nichols
- executive producer
- Rahul Mhaskar
- visual effects artist
- Claire Michaud
- visual effects
- Jaymie Miguel
- visual effects artist
- Jacob Curtis Miller
- visual effects artist
- Ron E.J. Miller
- facial modeling supervisor: Digital Domain
- Alexandre Millet
- cg supervisor: Digital Domain
- Jackie Mills
- digital effects artist
- Damon Milman
- cfx lead
- Quay Mims
- visual effects artist
- Scott Minter
- digital compositor: Method Studios / visual effects compositor
- Kara Misenheimer
- marketing producer/awards producer: The Third Floor
- Eric A. Mitchell
- digital compositor
- Kevin Mitchell
- visual effects artist
- Zoran Mladenovski
- rotoscope artist: Method Studios
- Akmal Mlahaili
- rotoscoping artist
- László Molnár
- visual effects artist
- Bappa Mondal
- Stereo Compositor: Stereo D
- Philippe Mongeau
- rigger
- Carlos Montero Sánchez
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Jim Moorhead
- integration artist
- Derek Moorhouse
- visual effects artist: digital domain
- Maxime Moreira
- modeller: framestore
- Danielle Morley
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- James Morrissey
- matchmove artist: framestore
- Henrique Moser
- associate compositing supervisor
- Daniel Moy
- lead cg modeler
- Neeraj Kumar Muduli
- compositor (credit only)
- Kathrin Julia Mueller
- Digital Domain
- Mary Mullan
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Rémi Munier
- senior character effects artist: Digital Domain
- Gayle Munro
- visual effects producer: digital domain
- Jenesta Munro
- texture artist (as Jenesta Smith)
- Daisuke Nagae
- look development: digital domain
- Ashley Nagy
- digital matte painter
- Jim Nagy
- previs artist
- Nishant Narang
- compositor
- Daniel Naughton
- lighting artist
- Pierpaolo Navarini
- effect technical director: Framestore
- Devesh Neema
- stereoscopic team lead
- Bruce Nelson
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Avadhut Nerurkar
- render wrangler/render support: 3D Stereoscopic Conversion
- Jeff Newton
- senior lighting technical director: Framestore
- Vinh Nguyen
- digital compositor
- Zahra Niazi
- modeller (as Zahra Al-Naib)
- Melvyn Nicholls
- visual effects data wrangler: additional photography
- Bruno Nicko
- animation technical director: digital domain 3.0
- Rachel Nicoll
- head of digital matte painting: Framestore
- Kim Alex Nielsen
- character effects artist: Digital Domain
- NikhilKorpad
- visual effects artist
- Motoki Nishii
- asset lead
- Thomas Nittmann
- visual effects producer: Lola Visual Effects
- Sam Nixon
- digital artist
- Joanna Nodwell
- visual effects producer: Development Framestore
- Dominique Noujeim
- visual effects coordinator
- Marion Nove-Josserand
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Benjamin Nowak
- environment artist: Digital Domain
- Angelica O'Brien
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Winfield O'Brien
- environment artist: Digital Domain
- Kate O'Donnell
- previs artist
- Denise O'Neill
- vfx production coordinator: Framestore
- Nora O'Sullivan
- previs/postvis artist
- Ken U. Ogbo
- Roto/Paint Artist: Digital Domain
- Yvonne Oh
- compositor: digital domain
- Erik Ojong
- character fx artist: Digital Domain
- Gerome Oldfield
- modeller: framestore
- Kym Olsen
- compositing look development lead
- Conrad Olson
- compositor
- Dylan Owen
- previs/postvis artist
- Matthew Ozerski
- visual editor
- Stanislas Paillereau
- rigging td
- Palmarsson Palmar
- previs artist
- Guo Kun Pan
- render/data support: Framestore
- Ashutosh Pandey
- compositor
- Shailendra Kumar Pandey
- compositor
- Thibault Pansiot
- animator
- Niomie Papatens-Rochon
- tracking artist
- Rachelle Paquin
- compositor: Digital Domain
- Praveen Kumar Sharma Parasnath
- visual effects artist prep artist
- Tom Partridge
- visual effects editor
- Annsh Patel
- stereo production manager
- Amit Patidar
- prep artist
- Matthew Patience
- compositor: Framestore
- Guillermo Paz
- lead paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Luca Pelegatta
- digital compositor: framestore
- Peter Pelisek
- rotomation supervisor
- Guillaume Pelletier
- animator
- Miriam Pepper-Parsons
- previs/postvis artist / senior matchmove artist: The Third Floor
- Alexis Peraste
- compositor
- Raul Perez
- fx td
- Kalle Peterson
- compositor
- Sébastien Petit
- digital compositor (as Sebastien Petit)
- Sébastien Petit
- digital compositor
- Dennis Petkov
- lead groom td: Framestore
- Viktor Petrov
- assistant technical director
- Andrea Peverelli
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Long-Hai Pham
- postvis artist: Digital Domain
- Allan Phan
- previs artist
- Raphael Phillips
- previs/postvis artist
- Dawrath Phoue
- roto/paint artist: Digital Domain
- Diego Piccinato
- lead compositor: Digital Domain
- Rémi Pierre
- visual effects artist
- Melvin Mathew Pillai
- paint & prep artist: anibrain (as Melvin Pillai)
- Andrew Pinson
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Navin Pinto
- character effects artist: Digital Domain
- David Piombino
- visual effects supervisor: Method Studios
- Milen Piskuliyski
- texture artist
- Sabrina Poirier
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- John Polyson
- visual effects editor: Lola VFX
- Ipyana Ponder
- compositor
- Lee Chan Popo
- paint and roto artist / visual effects artist
- Kelly Port
- production visual effects supervisor
- Joana Powell
- visual effects coordinator
- Ashutosh Prajapati
- visual effects artist
- Kukkala Prakash
- compositor
- PrakashS
- visual effects artist
- Alekhya Pramanik
- visual effects artist
- Koli Pratik
- Stereo roto artist
- Glen Pratt
- visual effects supervisor
- Steve Preeg
- animation supervisor
- Richard Pring
- senior view-d editor: prime focus
- David Pritchard
- previs/postvis artist
- Stewart Probert
- production manager: Clear Angle Studios
- Christopher Puchta
- effects technical director: Framestore
- Simon-Pierre Puech
- digital compositor: framestore
- Srikanth Pullamsetti
- matchmove & rotoanim artist
- Francis Puthanangadi
- compositing supervisor: Digital Domain
- Rémi Pécout
- tracking artist
- Martin Pélissier
- visual effects artist
- Darren Quah
- matte painter: Digital Domain
- Paul Patrick Quinn
- stereo producer
- Peter Rabel
- technical director
- Chris Radcliffe
- visual effects artist
- Yoran Radecker
- environment artist: Digital Domain
- Sharina Radia
- Visual Effects Coordinator: Walt Disney Studios
- Sinisa Radosavljevic
- senior digital compositor: Digital Domain
- Magdalena Radziuk
- visual effects production coordinator
- Tina Rangel
- digital compositor
- Ranjith
- prep/paint artist
- Bhavesh Rank
- lead stereoscopic compositor
- Sambasiva Rapeti
- digital artist: prime focus india
- Chetan Rathod
- matchmove/layout/rotoanim: Gener8
- Adrian Ratley
- lead data wrangler
- Arka Ray
- roto artist
- Florent Razafimandimby
- previs artist / previs/postvis artist
- Robert Reategui
- stereo compositor
- Leo Recompsat
- animator: framestore
- James Rees
- stereoscopic supervisor
- Siân Rees
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Egbert Reichel
- senior compositor
- Mario Reitbauer
- cfx artist
- Lin Ren
- animator: framestore
- Marc Rice
- compositor / lead compositor
- Thomas Rich
- assistant technical director: Framestore
- Christopher Rickard
- lighting artist: Digital Domain
- Geoffroi Ridel
- digital matte painter
- Dominic Ridley
- cyberscanning/photogrammetry services: Clear Angle Studios
- Mnandi Ridley
- visual effects artist: Clear Angle Studios
- Carrie Rishel
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Oscar O. Rivera
- digital production administrator
- Clarence 'Boola' Robello
- senior character animator (as Clarence Robello)
- Bjarni Robert Bragason
- 2d sequence lead: Framestore
- Paul Roberts
- assistant technical director
- Stephen Robertson
- digital compositor
- Philip J. Robinson
- lead creature effects technical director
- Sari Rodrig
- cg artist: Method Studios
- Cesar Rodriguez Bautista
- senior paint artist
- Justi Romero
- previs/postvis artist
- Andrew Romine
- character effects artist
- Jacqueline Rosado
- Digital Artist Manager: Digital Domain
- Philip Rosado
- senior integration
- Michelle Ross
- visual effects artist
- Steve Ross
- digital compositor
- Steven Roste
- stereo editor
- Marc-Olivier Rouleau
- pipeline technical director
- Sean Rourke
- editor
- Samuel Rousseau
- paint & roto artist
- Jean-Paul Rovela
- senior lighting technical director
- Rajat Roy
- global technical supervisor
- Randy Ruan
- compositor
- Ryan Rubi
- creature effects technical director: Framestore
- Brian Rust
- digital compositor
- Vijayakumar S
- matchmove and rotoanim artist (as Vijayakumar.S)
- Kinga Sabela
- visual effects coordinator
- Rafe Sacks
- character fx pipeline supervisor: digital domain
- Dhumal Sagar
- digital compositor
- Rajeev Sahu
- visual effects supervisor
- Arnaud Saibron
- lighting td: framestore
- Nischal Raaj Saini
- prep artist
- Azhar Salim
- digital artist
- Jorge Sanchez Fresno
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Jan-Willem Sanderman
- visual effects coordinator: framestore
- Steven Sandles
- creature effects technical director
- Sur Sanjoy
- visual effects artist
- Matteo Sanna
- previs artist: The Third Floor
- Victor Sanz Fernandez
- senior texture artist
- Sabin Sasidharan
- lead stereoscopy compositor: DNEG
- Chandrika Kumar Saw
- Paint
- Rahul Saxena
- stereoscopic artist: Rotomation Artist
- Brad Schaider
- supervising technical director: Lumeni Productions
- Casey Schatz
- virtual production supervisor
- Brian Scherbinski
- lighting td: framestore
- Paul Schmitke
- visual effects artist
- Karl Schudeck
- previs/postvis artist
- Petra Schwane
- sequence lead: Framestore
- Will Seaborn
- previs artist
- Jacopo Sebastiani
- previs artist: The Third Floor / previs/postvis artist
- Sebinsaji
- Roto artist: Bot vfx (as Saji Sebin)
- Oliver Seemann
- matte painter
- Antoine Seigle
- lighting & lookdev td
- Jason Selfe
- compositor
- Luca Serafini
- digital compositor
- Sorya Sean Serei
- facial capture performance artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- David Serrano
- paint compositor: Gener8
- Derrick Sesson
- character modeler: digital domain
- Manesh Shafiei
- media systems: Digital Domain / systems engineer: Digital Domain
- Virendra Kumar Shah
- visual effects artist
- Samsher Shaikh
- rotoanimation rtist
- Rommel Shamoun
- compositor: Digital Domain 3.0
- Ainsley Shannon
- Studio Support: Digital Domain
- Carolyn Shea
- visual effects production assistant
- Kerry Shea
- previs executive producer / previs producer
- Craig Sheppard
- visual effects editor: DD
- Terry Shigemitsu
- post-visualization artist / previs/postvis artist
- Jeszen Shih
- senior crew manager
- Sachin Suryabhan Shirsath
- roto/paint artist
- Ahmed Shoaib
- roto/paint artist
- Ehsan Shokrgozar
- technical director
- Sneha Shukla
- character effects artist
- Ben Shupe
- pre-visual artist: digital domain
- Erik Shveima
- previs artist (as Eric Shveima)
- Luke Sikking
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Ben Simonds
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Amarjeet Singh
- stereo paint artist
- Danny Singh
- visual effects editor
- Vinay Pratap Singh
- stereo compositor
- Niraj Kumar Sinha
- Stereoscopic SME: Prime Focus
- Tomos Sion
- digital compositor: framestore
- Ali Ashif Sk
- stereoscopy element artist
- James Skilbeck
- visual effects artist (as James Skillbeck)
- Stephen Sloan
- technical director: Digital Domain
- Matthew Smart
- pre-visual artist / previs/postvis artist
- Edmond Smith III
- visual effects lead artist
- Laurel Smith
- lead texture artist (as Laurel A. Smith)
- R. Matt Smith
- digital effects supervisor: Digital Domain
- Eric So
- digital compositor
- Bongkee Sohn
- character effects artist: Digital Domain
- Jeongyeon Son
- effects artist: Method Studios
- Joseph Spadaro
- visual effects artist
- Joseph A. Spano III
- digital compositor
- John C. Sparks
- visual effects artist: Digital Domain
- Reina Sparks
- visual effects artist
- Robyn Spencer
- integration artist: tracking
- Sonal Srivastava
- Rotomation Artist
- Christophe St-Pierre Paradis
- lead animator: Framestore
- Brett Stapleton-French
- digital compositor
- Mark Stern
- visual effects executive producer: Lola Visual Effects
- Penn Stevens
- creaturefx td: Framestore
- Alastair Stevenson
- matchmove and rotoanim artist
- Tim Stevenson
- creature fx td
- Masaya Sugimura
- fx td
- Mariangela Suma
- visual effects coordinator: framestore
- Justin Summers
- previs/postvis artist
- Gaurav Sutar
- extraction artist: visual effects
- Ã
sa Svedberg
- lighter
- Anna Swift
- visual effects department manager
- Agata Szczepanska
- previs artist
- Jeremy Séguin
- digital compositor
- Rob Taheij
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Eric Tang
- rigging supervisor: Digital Domain 3.0
- Adam Tate
- visual effects coordinator
- Ari Teger
- previs/postvis artist: Digital Domain
- Sunny Teich
- lead effects td
- Rajasri Reddy Thalla
- paint and clean up artist
- Hayley Thomas
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Robert Charles Thomas
- effects artist: Digital Domain
- Brian Thomason
- visual effects: Digital Domain
- Oliver Thornton
- digital compositor
- Justin Tirado
- animator
- Rohan Tirkey
- stereoscopic supervisor: Prime Focus World India
- Sunil Kumar Tiwari
- digital compositor
- Constantine Todd
- previs supervisor
- David Toepfer
- technical operations manager: Method Studios
- Elena Topouzoglou
- compositor
- Aldrich Torres
- lighting artist: Digital Domain
- Vincent Touache
- rigger: framestore
- Dennis Toufexis
- visual effects artist
- Fabio Tovar
- previs/postvis artist
- Will Towle
- digital compositor
- Charlotte Townsend
- visual effects production assistant
- Duy Tran
- lead modeler: Framestore
- Sebastian Tran
- paint artist: Framestore
- Linda Tremblay
- digital compositor
- Gabriel Tremblay-Beauvais
- modeler consultant: Framestore
- Marie Tricart
- matte painter: framestore
- Michael Trinh
- visual effects coordinator
- Tom Truscott
- digital compositor
- Jillian Tsai
- visual effects coordinator
- Donald Tse
- digital compositor
- Eric Tsui
- post-vis artist
- Jessica Tue
- roto/paint artist: Digital Domain
- Jonathan Turner
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Emily Unruh
- previs production coordinator
- Jon Uriarte
- lead compositor
- Juan Valenzuela Alcaraz
- senior compositor: Digital Domain
- Jim Van der Keyl
- animator (as James Van Der Keyl)
- Gideon Vandegrift
- visual effects artist: digital domain
- Sherin Varghese
- compositing supervisor
- Dulce Velazquez
- character effects artist: Digital Domain
- Olga Velenta
- tracking artist
- Etienne Vernier
- tracking artist
- Alejandro Villabon
- digital compositor
- Jeremy Villemaire
- character effects artist
- Rafael Vormittag
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Matthew Voynovich
- associate production manager
- Andreas Vrhovsek
- fx artist: Framestore
- Paul M. Wagner
- vfx editor
- Wes Walcott
- stereoscopic editor: prime focus
- David Walker
- matchmove artist: framestore
- Jessica Wan
- digital compositor
- Zhi Wan
- environment td
- Pablo Wang
- stereo compositor
- Ruochen Wang
- compositor
- Sirui Wang
- Production Coordinator: Digital Domain
- Bhushan Warade
- rotomation artist
- Tim Ward
- senior lighting artist
- Neil Weatherley
- cg supervisor
- Wesley Welcomer
- facial performance capture artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Erik Werlin
- compositor
- Joseph West
- matchmove artist
- Catherine Westgate
- vfx line producer
- Brittany Wetzel
- stereo compositor: gener8
- Barnes Wheeler
- vfx editor: Framestore
- Ian W.S. White
- assets: Gener8
- Sean White
- character fx td: digital domain
- Stu Whitten
- motion capture animator
- Trevor Wide
- department supervisor: Digital Domain
- Geoff Wigmore
- compositor
- Luke Wilding
- modeller
- Amber Wilkins
- fx artist
- Edson Williams
- compositing supervisor: Lola Visual Effects
- Katie Williams
- roto/paint artist: Digital Domain
- Kevin J. Williams
- post-vis supervisor
- Rachel Williams
- senior lighting technical director
- Toby Winder
- animator
- Barringer Fox Wingard III
- model supervisor
- Jeff Wolverton
- visual effects artist
- Hock Wong
- post vis artist
- Alan Woods
- cg supervisor
- Harry Wormald
- lead digital matte painter
- Richard Worsley
- matchmove artist: framestore
- Joe Worthington
- lighting and look development technical director: Framestore
- Alexandra Wozniak
- texture artist
- Han Han Xue
- modeller
- Hiroyuki David Yabu
- animator
- Arjun Yadav
- showreel producer
- Vijay Kumar Yadav
- paint
- James Yeoman
- production manager: Clear Angle Studios
- Prince Yiadom
- visual effects artist: prep artist
- Andrew M. Young
- animator: end title sequence / online editor: end title sequence / stereo supervisor: end title sequence
- Douglas Zablocki
- digital compositor: Digital Domain
- Jahan Zeb
- i/o coordinator: Prime Focus
- Britt Zelinski
- production support (as Britt Zelinksi)
- XueChu Zhang
- compositor
- Tiffany Tingting Zhao
- compositor
- Joelle Xin Zhow
- senior matte painter: Framestore (as Joelle Zhow)
- Nicholas Zissimos
- compositor
- Sean Amlaner
- compositing supervisor: Lumeni Productions (uncredited)
- Morarji Bala
- Matchmove & Rotomation Supervisor (uncredited)
- Shridhar Bhat
- matchmove and rotoanim artist (uncredited)
- Jamie Blyth
- rigging td (uncredited)
- Sachin Kumar Brar
- stereo compositor (uncredited)
- Giovanni Bucci
- motion designer: main titles (uncredited)
- Ashwini Dey
- stereo paint artist (uncredited)
- Navdeep Dhamu
- render support: Framestore (uncredited)
- Clym Dodds
- Data Operator: Framestore (uncredited)
- James Gillett
- Ncam Assistant (uncredited)
- Joni Golley
- roto/paint artist (uncredited)
- Anthony Greco
- matchmove artist: framestore (uncredited)
- Colin T. Grey
- digital production administrator: Digital Domain (uncredited)
- Emmanuel Guevarra
- elements artists: Gener8 (uncredited)
- Swapnil Hajgude
- Stereo Supervisor (uncredited)
- Ken Mitchel Jones
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Alok Kumar
- compositor (uncredited)
- Deanna Louie
- asset producer (uncredited)
- Sarah Marikar
- compositor: Lola VFX (uncredited)
- Chiaki Matsubayashi
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Jayati Mittal
- DN Compositor (uncredited)
- Prakash Pathak
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Bhakti Patwardhan
- outsource producer: Digital Domain (uncredited)
- Prameet Paul
- asset artist (uncredited)
- Padiyachi Premraj
- Roto/Vfx (uncredited)
- Anand Ramesh
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Bhanu Pratap Rathore
- team lead (uncredited)
- Krishnam Sharma
- sr. paint/prep artist (uncredited)
- Sammy Shikaze
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Naveen Shukla
- compositor: Framestore (uncredited)
- Karen N. Sickles
- artist manager: Digital Domain (uncredited)
- Andrew Tennant
- studio support: Digital Domain (uncredited)
- Joseph Towe
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Jazmyn Whitman
- visual effects (uncredited)