- Matthew Adams
- technical director: color and lighting, SPI
- Douglas Addy
- associate technical director: 3D color and lighting
- Arturo Aguilar
- cloth & hair
- Benjamin Aguillon
- lead color and lighting technical director (as Ben Aguillon)
- Tom Allen
- digital effects artist
- Bill Anastas
- digital production manager
- Andrew Anderson
- cloth & hair: SPI
- Grant Anderson
- computer graphics supervisor: 3D (as Grant Madden Anderson)
- Tom Armbruster
- motion capture
- Oliver Arnold
- senior lighter
- Neil Atkins
- senior technical director: cloth and hair, SPI
- Jonah Austin
- digital artist
- Steve Avoujageli
- lead effects animation technical director
- Erika Bach
- 3D scanning assistant coordinator
- Leslie Baker
- senior technical director: color and lighting
- Patrick Ballin
- visual effects assistant editor: SPI
- Alfredo R. Barcia
- 3D color and lighting artist (as Alfredo Barcia)
- Joachim Barnreuther
- color & lighting artist
- Kelly Barschig
- recruiter: SPI
- Peter Bas
- senior compositor: stereoscopic conversion
- Lynn Basas
- color & lighting artist
- Gavin Baxter
- technical director: cloth/hair
- Dugan Beach
- cloth & hair: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Cory Bedwell
- matte painter
- Bill Beemer
- motion capture systems operator
- Laurent Ben-Mimoun
- matte painting
- Jeff Benjamin
- senior production services technician
- David Bennett
- tracker: Imagemotion
- Mannix Bennett
- matte painting
- Dimitre Berberov
- effects animation
- Jeffrey Bernstein
- cloth & hair
- Theodore Bialek
- cg supervisor (as Theo Bialek)
- Andrea Biklian
- NTI coordinator / associate production manager
- Pete Billington
- cg supervisor
- Brian Blasiak
- associate technical director: 3D color and lighting
- David Bleich
- matte painter
- Douglas Bloom
- visual effects
- David J. Blumenfeld
- character pipeline lead
- Jorge Bobadilla Jr.
- lighting technical director
- Scott Bogoniewski
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Erik J. Borzi
- senior technical director: lighting & compositing, SPI
- Katherine Bouglai
- digital effects artist
- Yanick Bourgie
- texture artist: SPI
- Christian Bouyer
- character modeler
- Tim Brandt
- look development technical director: SPI
- Dennis Bredow
- texture supervisor
- Matthew Douglas Brown
- senior production services technician: SPI (as Matt Brown)
- Max Bruce
- cg supervisor
- Wendell Bruno
- assistant DMR editor (IMAX version)
- Bruce Buckley
- modeller: environments
- John Bunt
- 3D color and lighting artist
- Christopher Burdorf
- senior software engineer
- Won Young Byun
- character rigger / character setup
- Thelvin Cabezas
- color and lighting lead (as Thelvin Puravida Cabezas)
- Dan Camp
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI (as Daniel Camp) / technical animator: SPI
- Aaron Campbell
- lead rigger: body rigging
- Aimee Campbell
- cloth & hair (as Aimee Lavares)
- Zac Campbell
- digital artist
- Daniel Carbo
- associate production manager
- Chris Carignan
- pipeline technical director
- Eric Carney
- layout artist
- Regina Carney
- digital coordinator / visual effects coordinator
- Taide Carpenter
- digital coordinator / look development coordinator
- Joseph Cavanaugh
- effects animator
- Josè Cervera
- visual effects artist: Genialogic FX s.u.
- Fabrice Ceugniet
- character pipeline
- Alan Chan
- look development technical director
- Andy Chan
- digital stereoscopic compositor: IMAX 3D
- Clara Chan
- lead color & lighting artist
- Joshua Chapel
- color & lighting artist
- François Chardavoine
- software engineer: SPI
- Pierre Chastain
- character rigger
- Pablo Chavez
- layout artist: rough layout / technical animator
- Jerome Chen
- senior visual effects supervisor
- Ling Chen
- technical director: 3D color and lighting
- Jack Cheng
- character pipeline
- Benjamin Cheung
- character rigger / senior technical animator
- Richard Chiu
- digital compositor
- Young Duk Cho
- digital effects artist
- Joong-ryang Choi
- hair/cloth technical director (as Joong Ryang Choi)
- Kate Choi
- senior color and lighting artist (as Kate 'Kyoung' Choi)
- Jeff Chung
- Lighting and compositing artist
- Sun Chung
- 3D color and lighting artist
- Seth Cobb
- compositor: 3D
- Patrick Cohen
- computer graphics supervisor
- David Conlon
- lighting technical director
- Zachary Connolly
- resource specialist
- Bertrand Cordier
- senior lighting technical director: SPI
- James Crossley
- character animator
- Christian Cunningham
- lead color and lighting technical director
- Kevin Cushing
- layout artist: rough layout
- Johanna D'Amato
- visual effects coordinator
- Mike Dalzell
- digital artist
- Scott Danielson
- motion capture
- Henry Darnell
- character modeler
- Alan Davidson
- computer graphics supervisor: 3D adaptation, SPI / pipeline supervisor: 3D
- Brian C. Davis
- senior effects animation technical director: SPI
- Yoshi DeHerrera
- laser scanning
- Jorge del Valle
- character rigger / technical animator
- Owen Demers
- look development lead / texture paint lead
- Debbie Denise
- executive visual effects producer
- Mark DeSousa
- cloth/hair team lead (as Mark E.A. DeSousa)
- Matt Dessero
- technical director: color and lighting, SPI
- Jerome Desvignes
- senior visual effects supervisor
- Ross DeYoung
- effects animation (as Ross De Young)
- Theo Diamantis
- digital stereoscopic compositor: IMAX
- Joe DiCesare
- matte painter (as Joseph DiCesare)
- Joseph DiLallo
- character rigger / character setup
- Jeff Dillinger
- lead technical director: color and lighting (as Jeffrey R. Dillinger)
- Danielle DiMarco Barto
- digital coordinator / visual effects coordinator (as Danielle DiMarco)
- Benjamin Dines
- senior production services technician: SPI
- James Doherty
- senior character modeler
- Brian Doman
- layout supervisor
- Andrea Donnelly
- integration artist: Imagemotion / senior technical animator
- Matt Dougan
- digital effects artist
- Kirsten Drummond
- color & lighting artist (as Kristen Drummond)
- Amy Duarte
- color & lighting artist (as Amy Edwards) / lighting technical director: SPI (as Amy W. Wong)
- Brian Ducharme
- lighting artist: Genialogic-fx
- Kurt Dufresne
- technical animator: SPI / tracking: Image Motion
- Minh Duong
- modeler: environments
- Frederic Durand
- color & lighting artist
- Timothy Eaton
- visual effects editor: SPI (as Tim Eaton)
- Jeffrey Edwards
- cloth & hair
- Kelly Eisert
- digital coordinator
- Shari B. Ellis
- animation production coordinator / digital coordinator
- Barbara Ellison
- cloth and hair technical director
- Steve Emerson
- digital compositor
- Firat Enderoglu
- character pipeline technical director
- Chris Endicott
- character animator: SPI
- Rob Engle
- stereographer & 3D digital effects supervisor: SPI
- Eyal Erez
- effects animator
- Edwin Fabros
- character texture painter / texture artist
- Xou Fang
- tracking: Image Motion
- Ron Fatato
- character modeler
- Daniel Fazel
- technical director: lighting/compositing
- Craig Feifarek
- lead production services technician: SPI
- Kevin Field
- associate production manager: 3D
- Jack Finlin
- digital coordinator / visual effects coordinator
- Ronald A. Fischer
- technical lead: Imagemotion (as Ronald Fischer)
- Darren P. Fisher
- 3D color and lighting artist (as Darren Fisher)
- Nishira Fitzgerald
- tracking: Image Motion
- Ruben Flores
- lighting technical director
- Sing-Choong Foo
- rendering consultant
- Allen Foster
- cloth & hair
- Layne Friedman
- computer graphics supervisor: 3D
- Henrik Fält
- effects animation lead
- Julie Garcia
- 3D color and lighting artist
- Jack Geckler
- integration artist: Imagemotion / technical animator
- Brian Gee
- color and lighting artist
- Filippo Giansante
- 3d artist: SPI
- John Giffoni
- cloth & hair
- Jasun Giles
- tracking: Image Motion
- Peter Giliberti
- animator
- Ryan Gilleland
- associate production manager
- Paul Gimm
- lighting and compositing technical director: SPI
- Shane Glading
- lighting technical director
- Maribeth Glass
- compositor: 3D
- David Godwin
- technical director
- Heather J. Goguen
- assistant accountant
- Kelly Hartigan Goldstein
- character animator
- Allen Gonzales
- matte painting
- Juan Gonzalez
- 3D color and lighting technical director / final layout artist
- Demian Gordon
- motion capture supervisor
- Keith B.C. Gordon
- senior technical director / shader writer
- Jim Gorman
- digital compositor
- Dylan Gottlieb
- lighting & compositing technical director: SPI / look development td: SPI / senior character modeler: SPI / senior texture painter: SPI
- Richard Grandy
- character setup supervisor (as Rick Grandy)
- Lara B. Grant
- digital coordinator: SPI (as Lara Grant)
- Jim Green
- color & lighting artist
- Daniel Greenstein
- senior production services technician
- Stephen Gressak
- character rigger
- Svetla Gressak
- color & lighting artist
- Julie Groll
- associate production manager
- Glen Gustafson
- look development / texture painter
- Brian Gyss
- associate technical director: color and lighting, SPI
- Derek Haase
- associate technical director: color and lighting
- Brian Hall
- software engineer
- Brian Hamblin
- editorial technical production manager: SPI
- Yasser Hamed
- shader writer
- Willi Hammes
- color and lighting lead
- Johnny Han
- effects animation technical director (as John Han)
- Steven Hansen
- lighting atd: SPI
- Joe Harkins
- senior character rigger
- Joseph M. Harkins
- character rigger
- Ed Harmon
- previsualization artist: 3D
- Cody Harrington
- effects animator
- Toby Haruno
- senior character animator: SPI
- Sho Hasegawa
- senior effects technical director: SPI
- Dennis James Hauck Jr.
- motion capture technology lead
- Parag Havaldar
- lead software engineer / technical developer: Imagemotion
- Alan Hawkins
- character animator
- Daniel Hayes
- associate technical director: 3D color and lighting
- Buzz Hays
- senior visual effects producer: 3D
- Chris Hebert
- special still photography
- Michael Heinz
- 3D color and lighting artist
- Benjamin Hendricks
- 3D color and lighting artist
- Jongwoo Heo
- effects animator
- Garman Herigstad
- senior technical director: SPI
- Ryan Heuett
- pre-visualization artist
- Nick Hiatt
- matte painting
- Kasumi Higuchi
- 3d color and lighting artist
- Jep Hill
- cg supervisor
- Jim Hillin
- 3D color and lighting artist
- George Ho
- technical director: color and lighting
- John Hod
- character pipeline
- Andrew Hofman
- effects animation
- Bob Homami
- 3D lighter / compositor
- Ki Jong Hong
- modeler: environments
- Marc Horsfield
- lead effects animator
- Rob House
- senior technical director: cloth and hair
- Caleb J. Howard
- visual effects
- Vita Pei-Ying Hsieh
- associate lighting & compositing technical director: 3D color and lighting, SPI
- Nickie Huai
- lighting artist
- Will Huang
- production assistant: 3D
- Chris Hung
- color & lighting artist / sequence technical director
- Dartayous Hunter
- tracking: Image Motion
- Jason Hunter
- motion capture
- Jessica Amber Hurst
- technical director: cloth/hair (as Jessica Hurst)
- Chris Hurtt
- character animator
- Adnan Hussain
- hair/cloth technical director
- Josh Hutchins
- technical animator / tracker: Imagemotion
- Shô Igarashi
- cloth and hair supervisor
- Adrian Iler
- look development artist (as Adrian S. Iler)
- Ian Jenkins
- digital artist: color and lighting, SPI
- Eugene Jeong
- character rigger (as Eugene Ilyoung Jeong) / senior technical animator
- Mike Jiang
- color and lighting technical director
- Jeffrey Johnson
- 3D color and lighting artist
- Michael Juarez
- cloth/hair technical director: SPI
- Chris Juen
- senior visual effects producer
- Barry Kane
- look development artist / technical director
- Yun Geuk Kang
- lead character modeler
- Joanie Karnowski
- lead previsualization artist: 3D
- Oded Kassirer
- technical animator: motion capture / tracker: Imagemotion (as Oded Yusef Kassirer)
- Yiotis Katsambas
- integration pipeline technical director: Imagemotion / senior technical animator
- Miku Kayama
- senior color and lighting technical director
- Kevin Kelm
- technical director: cloth/hair
- Michael Kennedy
- color & lighting artist
- David Kersey
- cloth and hair lead / cloth/hair td
- Seunghyuk Kim
- effects animation technical director
- Shilpa Kirpalani
- 3D color and lighting artist / compositor: 3D
- Noah Klabunde
- lighting and compositing lead: SPI (3D version)
- Martin A. Kline
- visual effects art director (as Martin Kline)
- Brian Kloc
- associate lighting technical director
- Tom Kluyskens
- visual effects
- MacDuff Knox
- senior technical director: color and lighting
- Peter Konig
- sculptor
- Susan Kornfeld
- texture artist (as Susan M. Kornfeld)
- Stephen Kowalski
- senior systems architect
- Zsolt Krajcsik
- effects animation
- Harald Kraut
- layout artist: rough layout
- Megan Kreiner
- senior production services technician: SPI (as Megan Orosz)
- Mark Krentz
- environment modeling supervisor / modeling supervisor: props
- Ergin Kuke
- visual effects artist
- Takashi Kuribayashi
- cloth & hair
- Louisa Kwan
- associate production manager: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Daniel La Chapelle
- lead digital effects artist / lead effects animator (as Daniel LaChapelle)
- Bill LaBarge
- effects animation lead (as Bill La Barge)
- Josh LaBrot
- integration artist: Imagemotion / visual effects technical animator
- Dax LaFleur
- cloth/hair technical director: SPI
- Eric Lalumiere
- integration pipeline technical director: Imagemotion / senior motion capture integration technical director
- Kenny Lam
- senior technical director: color and lighting, SPI
- Lea Lambert
- visual effects production manager: animation
- Virginie Lamotte
- digital compositor (Imax 3D version)
- Mike Laubach
- lead rigger: facial rigging (as Michael Laubach)
- In Soo Lee
- cloth & hair
- Jang Chol Lee
- texture artist: creatures and environments, SPI (as Jang Lee)
- John J.S. Lee
- lighting technical director: SPI (as John J. Lee)
- Stephanie C. Lee
- digital coordinator
- Sun Jin Lee
- character modeler
- Carlos D. Lemus
- effects animator: 3D (as Donis Lemus) / technical director: SPI
- Daniel Leung
- color & lighting artist
- Michael Leung
- lighting and compositing
- Michael Levine
- cloth/hair team lead
- Mickey Levy
- digital production manager: 3D
- Janice Lew
- cloth & hair
- Lyndon Li
- color & lighting
- Christo Libraridian
- cloth & hair
- Chad Lichty
- layout artist: rough layout / technical animator
- P. Alex Lim
- technical director: cloth/hair: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Kuan Lin
- lead technical director: color and lighting
- Robin A. Linn
- director of animation production
- Kathryn Liotta
- associate production manager (as Kathryn Liotta-Couture)
- Mark Lipsmeyer
- tracking: Image Motion
- Francis Liu
- look development supervisor
- Michael Lloyd
- matte painter
- Dave Lo
- hair and cloth technical director: SPI
- Kieron Cheuk-Chi Lo
- lead color & lighting artist
- Kimberly Nelson LoCascio
- visual effects executive (as Kimberly K. Nelson)
- Chris Logan
- cloth & hair lead (as Christopher Alex Logan)
- Gus Lopez
- motion capture
- Jacqui Lopez
- visual effects producer (as Jacqueline M. Lopez)
- Timothy Loughran
- associate production manager
- Jarred Love
- character rigger
- Nick Loy
- lighting and compositing technical director (as Nicholas Loy)
- Stephen Lunn
- senior technical director: color and lighting (as Stephen R. Lunn)
- Danie Lupovici
- integration artist: Imagemotion
- Tom Lynnes
- effects animation
- Skye Lyons
- digital producer
- Rob MacKenzie
- senior technical animator
- Colin Mann
- senior production services technician
- Steve Matson
- matte painting lead
- Sarah Mattes
- integration artist: Imagemotion
- Corey Mayne
- associate technical director: SPI: 3D color and lighting
- Heather McCann
- motion capture script supervisor
- Jason McDade
- layout artist: rough layout
- Kenn McDonald
- animation supervisor
- John McGee
- texture artist
- Shannon McGee
- senior technical director: color and lighting, SPI
- Ian Jude McIntosh
- digital coordinator (as Ian J. McIntosh) / visual effects coordinator (as Ian McIntosh)
- Cory McMahon
- effects animator
- John J. Meehan
- lead layout artist: rough layout (as John Meehan)
- Gustav Melich
- senior technical director: SPI
- Justin Mettam
- previsualization artist
- Will Meyer
- associate lighting technical director
- Shaun Michel
- digital coordinator / visual effects coordinator
- Marc Miller
- lighting technical director: 3D adaptation
- Damon Milman
- technical director: cloth/hair
- Sosh Mirsepassi
- software engineer
- Hiroyuki Miyoshi
- pipeline research and development: 3D (as Hiro Miyoshi)
- Leah Montagnino
- visual effects still photographer (as Leah Hardstark)
- Lennon Montejo
- tracking: Image Motion
- Sarah Moore
- lighting & compositing: SPI
- Juan Carlos Moreno Rogel
- production services specialist
- Koji Morihiro
- animator
- Patrick Paul Mullane
- matte painting
- Michael L. Mumbauer
- directors layout artist (as Michael Mumbauer)
- Adil Mustafabekov
- texture/matte painter
- Howie Muzika
- modeler: environments
- Chris Nabholz
- lighting and compositing technical director: SPI
- Maks Naporowski
- animator
- Ashok Nayar
- senior production services technician: SPI
- Paul Newberry
- senior character animator: SPI
- Linh Nguyen
- senior production services technician
- Briana Nuttall
- digital artist: IMAX
- Matthew O'Callaghan
- image motion tracking
- Jordan O'Leary
- senior production services technician
- Scott O'Neil
- digital coordinator: 3D
- Erik Ober
- color & lighting artist
- Jorge Obregon
- 3D lighting/compositing
- Christos Obretenov
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Joshua Ochoa
- lead facial integrator
- Robert Davis Oh
- film recording technician
- Maxx Okazaki
- environment modeler
- Stephen Olsen
- tracker: Imagemotion
- Nancy Ong
- motion capture production manager
- Ellery Ortiz
- lighting technical director: Real D and IMAX 3D
- Siegfried Ostertag
- effects animation
- Peter Palombi
- pipeline research and development: 3D
- Ivo Panayotov
- robot technician
- Sathyan Panneerselvam
- previsualization artist: Iceblink Studios
- James Park
- color & lighting artist (as James H. Park)
- S. Scott Parrish
- character pipeline technical director
- Luca Pataracchia
- effects technical director
- John Patton
- effects animation
- Cara Paul
- color & lighting technical director
- Peter Pelisek
- compositor: IMAX
- Mylène Pepe
- pipeline research and development: 3D
- Debra Peri
- senior effects animator (as Mark Story)
- Robin Petersson
- character modeler
- Nicholas Petrella
- development specialist
- Aaron Pfau
- character rigger / senior technical animator
- Sean Phillips
- digital effects supervisor
- Jamie Pilgrim
- effects animator
- Jayson Price
- senior character animator
- Thomas Pushpathadam
- effects animator (as Tom Pushpathadam)
- The-Hung Quach
- human texture lead / look development lead
- David Quirus
- 3D lighting and compositing
- Ken Ralston
- visual effects design consultant
- Gregory Wade Reynolds
- effects animation
- Jay Reynolds
- shader writer
- Steve Rheinfrank
- character modeler
- George Richman
- digital compositor/lighting: 3D
- Gary Roberts
- motion capture
- Eric Robinson
- roto department head: IMAX (as D. Eric Robinson)
- Gwendelyn Robson
- animator
- Patrick J. Rodriguez
- mocap technician
- Craig Edward Rogers Jr.
- film recording
- Andrew Rose
- EOG system operator: SPI / associate technical director: 3D color and lighting, SPI / technical animator: SPI
- Toby Rosen
- visual effects technician
- Joseph Rosensteel
- color & lighting artist
- Elliot Rosenstein
- cloth/hair technical director: SPI
- Justin R. Rotolo
- character rigger / character technical director
- Matthew Rubin
- technical animator / tracker: Imagemotion (as Matt Rubin)
- Juan Rubio
- color & lighting artist
- Anthony Ruey
- 3D visual effects coordinator / digital coordinator / digital resource manager / visual effects coordinator
- Jason Rush
- technical animator/mocap artist / tracker: Imagemotion
- J.R. Salazar
- Imagemotion integrator
- Rosendo Salazar
- color and lighting lead
- Juwana Samman
- 3D color and lighting artist
- Nancy Sandberg
- visual effects accountant
- Julian Sarmiento
- digital modeler: environments
- Mag Sarnowska
- digital compositor: IMAX
- Elizabeth Schafer Knovick
- digital coordinator (as Elizabeth Schafer)
- Brett Schroeder
- character animator
- York N. Schueller
- character rigger (as York Naylor Schueller) / character technical director
- Tom Schultz
- cloth/hair technical director: SPI (as Thomas Schultz)
- Kino Scialabba
- matte painting
- Sande Scoredos
- training & artist development
- P. Kevin Scott
- senior character animator: SPI
- Remington Scott
- CG supervisor: special projects
- Madeleine Scott-Spencer
- modeler: Gentle Giant Studios (as Scott Spencer)
- Jeremy Selan
- software engineer
- Vincent Serritella
- effects animation lead
- Gaël Seydoux
- motion capture
- Ben Seymour
- associate production manager
- Jeff Shank
- color & lighting artist / digital effects lead
- Min-Zhi Shao
- software engineer: SPI
- Steven S. Shapiro
- effects animator: 3D
- Randy Sharp
- senior modeler
- Dan Sheerin
- character pipeline / senior technical animator
- Thomas Shim
- integration artist: Imagemotion
- Tomoko Shin
- lighting
- Peter Shipkov
- cloth & hair (as Petar Shipkov)
- Jason Simmons
- cloth technical director: SPI / hair technical director: SPI
- Brad Simonsen
- digital production manager (as Brad S. Simonsen)
- Keith Sintay
- senior animator
- Karl Sisson
- technical director: 3D color and lighting, SPI
- Joseph Slomka
- color scientist
- David Alexander Smith
- look development artist (as David A. Smith)
- Kevin Andrew Smith
- lead shader writer
- Marc Smith
- 3D scanning
- Drew Solodzuk
- dmr editor (IMAX version)
- Nic Spier
- digital artist
- Jeremy Squires
- 3D lighting lead
- Tom St. Amand
- animator: sony pictures imageworks
- Sean Stanek
- motion capture producer: SPI
- Jessica Stebbins
- assistant technical director (as Jessica Noll) / associate technical director: color and lighting
- Marc Steinberg
- modeler: environments
- Brian Steiner
- computer graphics supervisor
- Jeff Stern
- cg supervisor
- Orde Stevanoski
- color & lighting technical director
- Paul Stodolny
- lighting technical director
- Brian Stokes
- character pipeline technical director: SPI
- Joe Strasser
- look development technical director: SPI
- Erik Strauss
- software production manager
- Carin-Anne Strohmaier
- visual effects editor
- Baudouin Struye
- look development artist
- Rich Suchy
- environment modeler / senior character modeler
- Youngsam Suh
- effects animator
- Kenji Sweeney
- color & lighting artist
- Eric Tablada
- color & lighting artist
- Emi Tahira
- integration artist: Imagemotion / technical animator
- Suan Ching Tan
- lighting technical director (as Suan Tan) / look development / texture artist: human texture
- Aaron Tankenson
- recruiter: SPI
- Edward Taylor IV
- character modeling supervisor: SPI
- Amy Taylor
- cloth/hair technical director (as Amy Taylor-Pressley) / technical animator: SPI
- J. Todd Taylor
- character rigger / character setup
- Sunny Teich
- technical director: cloth/hair
- Chikako Terashita
- 3D color and lighting artist
- Joseph Thomas
- cloth & hair: SPI
- Mathew Thomas
- digital effects artist (Imax 3D version)
- Malcolm Thomas-Gustave
- cloth/hair technical director
- Judy Thomason
- associate production manager
- Jon Tojek
- look development artist
- Syria Toliver
- lighting & compositing
- Dave Tonnesen
- technical director: cloth/hair (as David Tonnesen)
- David Tonnesen
- technical director: cloth/hair (as David Tonnesen)
- Michael Trull
- integration background lead: Imagemotion (as Mike Trull)
- Lisa M. Tse
- color & lighting artist (as Lisa Tse)
- Ryan Tulloch
- lighting technical director
- Cosku Turhan
- 3D color and lighting artist
- Corey Turner
- integration/technical animation supervisor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Pete Upson
- layout artist
- George Vajna
- second assistant DMR editor (IMAX version)
- Kristafer Vale
- character setup artist / character technical director
- Pepe Valencia
- senior character animator
- Jimmy Valladao
- look development artist
- Brad van Bodegom
- digital artist: stereoscopic conversion
- Olivier Van Zeveren
- lighting technical director: Imageworks
- Theo Vandernoot
- effects animation supervisor (as Theodore Vandernoot)
- Dana Vanhove
- digital production manager
- Nooshin Vegh
- digital coordinator (as Nooshin Siadatnejad)
- Darin Velarde
- technical animator / technical lead: Imagemotion (as Darin Andrew Velarde)
- Rickey Verma
- digital compositor
- Carlos A. Vidal
- lead technical director: color and lighting
- Bruno Vilela
- color & lighting artist
- Joe Viola
- senior production service technician
- Wendy Mashburn Vizard
- digital production manager: SPI (as Wendy Mashburn)
- Christopher Wachter
- effects animator (as Chris Wachter)
- Matt Wallin
- technical director
- Zac Wallons
- digital effects artist
- Christopher Walsh
- character animator
- Michael M. Walsh
- integration artist: Imagemotion (as Michael Walsh)
- Kevin Wang
- director layout artist / final layout artist / motion capture technical animator
- Matthew A. Ward
- layout artist / pre-visual animation lead
- Eric Warren
- character rigger
- Sandra Warren
- integration artist: Imagemotion
- Zack Weiler
- hair/cloth technical director
- Barry Weiss
- senior staff: SPI
- John Welborn
- senior production services technician
- Mark Wendell
- senior technical director: lighting & compositing, SPI
- Alex Whang
- environment modeler: SPI
- Dustin Wicke
- cloth & hair
- Marc Wilhite
- character rigger / character technical director: SPI
- Lyndsey Will
- lighting & compositing
- Von Williams
- integration artist: Imagemotion
- Scott Willman
- associate technical director: stereo color and lighting
- Jann Wimmer
- associate production manager / digital resource manager
- Magnus Wrenninge
- effects animation
- Matthew Wright
- motion capture production assistant
- Chris Y. Yang
- effects animator (as Chris Yang)
- Chris Yee
- cloth and hair lead
- Doug Yoshida
- senior technical director: color and lighting (as Douglas Yoshida)
- Teru Yoshida
- look development / senior color and lighting technical director
- Dustin Zachary
- character modeler
- Julie Zackary
- associate digital producer
- Nasheet Zaman
- associate technical director: 3D color and lighting
- Riccardo Zanettini
- senior technical director: color and lighting
- Fabio Zapata
- cloth & hair
- Mitch Zeitlin
- video editorial coordinator: SPI
- Yi Zhao
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Spencer Alexander
- character pipeline technical director (uncredited)
- Ted Alexandre
- senior systems engineer (uncredited)
- James Battersby
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Brenton Cottman
- matte painter (uncredited)
- Taigne Hammock
- resource administrator (uncredited)
- Michael Kennedy
- senior technical director: SPI (uncredited)
- Luis Labrador
- senior character modeler (uncredited)
- Andrew Leviton
- production assistant: 3D (uncredited)
- Andrea Lackey Pace
- manager of production services (uncredited)
- Peter Pace
- concept illustrator (uncredited) / look development painter (uncredited)
- Jake Rowell
- digital character consultant (uncredited)
- Kevin Schooler
- technical animator (uncredited)
- Patrick Witting
- effects animator: SPI (uncredited)