- Nathan Adabadze
- for Media Finance Capital
- Jonny Anderson
- facilities
- Christina Bulbrook
- head of legal: automatik
- Paula Byrden
- film clearances
- Louise Cavanagh
- legal services: northern ireland screen
- Sarah-Jane Colgan
- company manager: Blinder Films
- Nicky Coyle
- funding executive: northern ireland screen
- Alan Crozier
- facilities manager
- Rebekah Davis
- trainee director
- Ursula Devine
- development executive: NI screen
- Ivan Doherty
- unit medic
- Jonathan Gorner
- for Media Finance Capital
- Suzanne Harrison
- funding manager: northern ireland
- James Hickey
- chief executive: FÃs Ãireann/Screen Ireland
- Evan Horan
- production executive: blinder films
- Ruth Hunter
- production legals: republic of ireland: matheson
- Kevin Jackson
- supervising production accountant
- Sarah Kirkland
- additional medic
- Rose Laget
- legal services: lee & thompson llp: media finance capital
- Ioana Lazareanu
- for Media Finance Capital
- Jonny Lee
- facilities
- Gemma Levinson
- associate producer: automatik
- Stephen Lockhart
- medic: additional photography
- Abbie Long
- production legals: northern ireland: millar mccall wylie
- Nicola Lyons
- production manager: northern ireland screen
- Caoilfhionn MacEoin-Manus
- production trainee (as Caoilfhionn Maceoin-Manus)
- Linda Martin
- director of finance & corporate services: northern ireland screen
- Aileen McCauley
- business affairs executive: screen ireland
- Cian Mcelhone
- business affairs manager: screen ireland
- Teresa McGrane
- deputy ceo: screen ireland
- Ayrton McGurgan
- production assistant: additional photography
- Mary McVey
- marketing manager: northern ireland screen
- Terry Megarry
- health & safety advisor
- Christos Michaels
- legal services: lee & thompson llp: media finance capital
- Ali Moshref
- film finances
- Liam O'Connor
- production accountant
- Kevin O'Kane
- production runner
- John O'Sullivan
- production insurance: media insurance brokers
- Sarah Reed
- catering assistant: film & media catering
- Andrew Reid
- head of production: northern ireland screen
- Connor Richmond
- production co-ordinator
- Louise Ryan
- marketing & communications manager: screen ireland
- Emma Scott
- production & distribution manager: screen ireland
- Daniella Shafai
- assistant production co-ordinator
- Jackie Smith
- catering assistant: film & media catering
- Tara Smith
- production legals: republic of ireland: matheson
- Lee Stone
- legal services: lee & thompson llp: media finance capital
- Beth Thompson
- catering assistant: film & media catering
- Clare Tolan
- cashier
- Colin Trainor
- caterer: film & media catering
- Marlon Vogelgesang
- associate producer: media finance capital
- Kieron J. Walsh
- company director: blinder films
- Richard Williams
- chief executive: northern ireland screen