- Sue Adnopoz
- background artist (as Susan Adnopoz)
- John Ahern
- layout artist
- Eugene Ahn
- assistant animator
- Sung Chul Ahn
- assistant animator
- Robert Alvarez
- animator
- Leyla C. Amaro Nodas
- xerox checker (as Leyla Pelaez)
- Barry Anderson
- animator
- Kurt Anderson
- layout supervisor
- Craig Armstrong
- layout artist
- Elizabeth Arons
- assistant animator
- Rich Arons
- animator
- Rose Arra
- cel service
- Robert Avery
- xerox checker
- Lada Babicka
- painter
- Janet Heerhan Bae
- assistant animator (as Hee Rhan Bae)
- Carlos Baeza
- layout artist
- Arland Barron
- animator
- Bill Barry
- character designer
- Vincent Bassols
- animator
- Dawn Bates
- painter
- Greg Battes
- background artist
- Keith Baxter
- character designer
- Christine Beck
- cel service
- Estelle Beck
- cel service
- Carole Beers
- animator (as Carole A. Beers)
- Barbara Benedetto
- assistant layout supervisor
- Earl Rock Benedetto
- assistant layout artist
- Munir Bhatti
- assistant animator
- Joe Binggeli
- background artist (as Joseph Binggeli)
- Phyllis Bird
- painter
- Tom Bird
- character designer (as T. Bird)
- Patricia Blackburn
- animation checker
- Russell Blandino
- painter
- Mary Bloomquist
- production assistant: assistant animation
- Bonnie Blough
- painter
- Gino Bonilla
- cel service
- Sherree Bonnell
- cel service
- Sheldon Borenstein
- assistant animator
- Marie Boughamer
- painter
- Bob Bransford
- animator
- Rhonda Brown
- cel service
- Patricia Browne
- mark-up
- Jan Browning
- final checker (as Janice Browning)
- Al Budnick
- background artist
- Marlene Burkhart
- xerox checker
- Steve Butz
- background artist (as Steven Butz)
- Tim Callahan
- background artist
- Shirley Carlstrom
- cel service
- Derek Carter
- background artist (as Derek Parks Carter)
- Daryl Casper
- painter
- Douglas Casper
- xerographer
- Kathi Castillo
- layout artist
- John Cataldi
- assistant animator (as Consuelo Cataldi)
- Lillian A. Chapman
- assistant animator (as Lillian Chapman)
- Ruben Chavez
- background artist
- Chang Yei Cho
- assistant animator (as Chang Yei Kim)
- Hee Ja Cho
- layout artist (as Hee-Ja Cho)
- Hyunsook Cho
- layout artist
- Won Ki Cho
- layout artist (as Won-Ki Cho)
- Moon Choi
- animator
- Sung In Chon
- assistant animator
- Chris Chu
- assistant animator
- Curtis Cim
- layout artist
- Charlotte Clark
- final checker
- Pat Clark
- animator (as Patrick Clark)
- Casey Clayton
- ink and paint special effects
- Mimi Clayton
- painter
- Merry Kanawyer Clingen
- assistant animator (as Merry Clingen)
- Diana Coco
- key assistant animator (as Diana Falk)
- Warren Coffman
- xerographer
- Joann Cohn
- painter
- Karen Comella
- paint lab assistant
- Chris Conklin
- ink and paint special effects (as Christine Conklin)
- Gary Conklin
- background artist
- Tom Cook
- animator (as Thomas R. Cook)
- Victor Cook
- assistant animator
- Tom Coppola
- layout artist (as Thomas Coppola)
- Sheila Cornell
- painter
- Jesse Cosio
- animator
- Jenifer Costin
- assistant layout artist
- Lorraine Couzzi
- final checker
- Patricia Cowling
- painter
- Elena Marie Cox
- painter (as Elena Cox)
- Laura Craig
- painter
- Doug Crane
- animator
- Shana Curley
- assistant animator
- Sybil Cuzzort
- painter
- Florida D'Ambrosio
- cel service
- Sharon Dabek
- painter
- Kim Dahl
- painter
- Lea Dahlen
- animation checker
- Jennifer Damiani
- animation checker
- Mari Daugherty
- painter
- James A. Davis
- animator
- Zeon Davush
- retake director
- Daniel de la Vega
- animator
- Alberto De Mello
- layout artist (as Alberto DeMello)
- Thomas E. Decker
- assistant animator (as Tom Decker)
- Chris Dent
- animator
- Helena DiGerolamo
- cel service
- Lou DiGerolamo
- cel service supervisor (as Louis DiGerolamo)
- Marcia Kimura Dougherty
- assistant animator (as Marcia Kimura)
- Betty Doyle
- assistant animator
- Geno DuBois
- painter (as Jean DuBois)
- Dave Dunnet
- background artist (as David A. Dunnet)
- Larry Eikleberry
- character design assistant supervisor
- Margaret Elia
- cel service
- Tom Ellery
- background artist
- Joe F. Elliott
- assistant layout artist (as Joe F. Elliot)
- Dianne Erenberg
- painter (as Diane Erenberg)
- Betsy Ergenbright
- painter
- Robert Erhart
- xerographer
- Gina Evans
- painter
- Kathleen I. Evans
- painter (as Kathleen Irvine)
- Lillian Evans
- animator (as Lil Evans)
- Derek Eversfield
- animator
- Heidi Ewing
- xerox checker
- Ben Farish
- animator
- Beverly Felix
- painter
- Marcia Fertig
- retake director
- Phyllis Fields
- painter
- Wendie Fischer
- assistant animator
- Gareth Fishbaugh
- xerographer
- Tania Francisco
- painter (as Tania Burton)
- Kevin Frank
- layout artist
- John Fredriksen
- painter
- Joyce Frey
- painter
- James Fujii
- animator
- Vicki Gaffney
- painter
- Rene Garcia
- background artist
- Alison Gefre
- cel service (as Ann Gefre)
- Chuck Gefre
- paint lab repairs (as Charles Gefre)
- Peter Gentle
- painter
- Mike Genz
- assistant animator
- Michael Gerard
- animator (as Michael R. Gerard)
- Linda Gerlach
- painter
- Rita Giddings
- ink and paint special effects
- Kathryn Gilmore
- xerographer (as Kathy Gilmore)
- Staci Gleed
- painter
- Maria Gonzalez
- painter
- Dean Gordon
- background artist
- Steven E. Gordon
- animator
- Mea Gorman
- animation checker
- Mary Grant
- painter
- Lennie K. Graves
- animator
- Valerie Green
- painter
- Ann Guenther
- background artist
- Julio Guerrero Leon
- animator
- Judith Guest
- cel service
- Carolyn Guske
- painter
- Mary Jane Hadley
- painter
- Evelyn Hairapetian
- painter
- Carl Hall
- animator (as Carl Philip Hall)
- Veronica Halmos
- painter
- Lee Halpern
- animator
- Ed Haney
- layout artist
- Laurie Hanson
- animation checker
- Laurel Harper
- final checker
- Ko Hashiguchi
- assistant animator
- Frank J. Hawk
- animator
- June Hayes
- cel service assistant supervisor
- Herb Hazelton
- character design supervisor (as Herbert A. Hazelton)
- Lisa Hazlewood
- painter
- Mike Hazy
- scene planning supervisor
- Anna Helquist
- paint lab repairs
- Dale Hendrickson
- character designer
- Karen Hepburn
- final checker
- Rhonda L. Hicks
- final checker (as Rhonda Hicks)
- Todd Hoff
- assistant animator
- Richard Hoffman
- animator
- Kent Holaday
- assistant animator
- Karen Hooper
- painter
- Odin Hor
- painter
- LaVera Hoyes
- assistant animator
- Dorma Hughes
- painter
- Janette Hulett
- painter (as Janette Hulette)
- Hae Sook Hwang
- assistant animator
- Tim Ingersoll
- assistant animator
- Sue Inglis
- scene planning assistant supervisor
- Patrick Joens
- key assistant animator
- Chan Woo Jung
- assistant animator (as Chan Jung)
- Victoria Kaiser
- painter
- Robert M. Kalafut
- background artist
- Karenia Kaminski
- layout artist
- Myung Kang
- assistant animator
- Ervin Kaplan
- color director (as Ervin L. Kaplan)
- David Karp
- painter
- Ellen Kashan
- assistant layout artist
- Diane Keener
- character design supervisor
- Karen Keener
- assistant to character design supervisor
- Beryl Kemper
- assistant animator
- Kathlyn Kephart
- painter
- Chrystal Klabunde
- layout artist
- Nancy Kniep
- assistant animator (as Nancy Kneip)
- Aundre Knutson
- animator
- Rick Kohlschmidt
- assistant animator (as Rich Kohlschmidt)
- Tsuguyuki Kubo
- character designer (as Tsugu Kubo)
- Thomas Kurucz
- painter (as Tom Kurucz)
- Mimi Kwon
- painter
- Sung Moon Kwon
- assistant animator
- Cynthia Lalla
- animation checker (as Cynthia Goode)
- Marsh Lamore
- animator
- Kristin Lande
- painter
- Boowon Lee
- assistant animator (as Boo Won Lee)
- Jang Woo Lee
- animator
- Young Ok Lee
- assistant animator
- Rick Leon
- animator
- Denise Link
- painter
- Jim Logan
- assistant animator
- Christina Long
- painter
- Ernesto Lopez
- animator
- Briz Lotz
- layout artist
- Ashley Lupin
- head of ink and paint special effects (as Ashley S. Lupin)
- Annet Mackie
- final checker (as Annette Vandenberg)
- Istvan Majoros
- layout artist
- Tim Maloney
- background artist
- Staci Maniskas
- painter
- Kim Manley
- painter
- Mircea Mantta
- animator (as Mircea Manta)
- Jules Marino
- assistant animator
- Deborah Mark
- painter
- Maxine Markota
- animation checker
- Judie Martin
- character designer
- Teresa Martin
- assistant animator (as Terri Martin)
- Lorenzo Martinez
- background design supervisor (as Lorenzo E. Martinez)
- Enrique May
- character designer
- Tom Mazzocco
- assistant animator
- James McArdle
- assistant animator
- David McBride
- background artist
- Linda McCall
- layout artist
- Beth Ann McCoy
- painter
- Alex McCrae
- layout artist
- Teri McDonald
- final checker
- Celeste McDonald-Perry
- painter (as Celeste Perry)
- Joe McDonough
- assistant animator
- Jim McLean
- layout artist (as James McLean)
- Burt Medall
- animator (as Burton Medall)
- Dan Mendoza
- xerographer
- Alfred Menendez
- cel service
- Walter Menendez
- xerographer
- Debbie Mihara
- painter
- Jean Miller
- mark-up
- Larry Miller
- assistant animator
- Bill Mims
- assistant animator
- Jane Misek
- assistant animator (as Jane Krupka)
- Flavia Mitman
- ink and paint supervisor
- Steven Dean Moore
- layout artist (as Steven Moore)
- Frances Moralde
- cel service (as Francisca Moralde)
- Susan Moreau
- painter
- Gale Morgan
- layout artist
- Mitzi Mucerino
- painter
- Terry Lee Mullen
- layout artist (as Terry Keil)
- Harlee Murphy
- painter
- Edward Murrieta
- assistant animator (as Edward Murrietta)
- Constantin Mustatea
- animator (as Costy Mustatea)
- Stephanie Myers
- ink ink and paint special effects
- Ken Nagel
- cel service
- Donna Narhuminti
- cel service
- Chris Naylor
- painter (as Christopher Naylor)
- Ann Neale
- painter
- Lana Nelson
- painter
- Marcus Nickerson
- layout artist
- Greg Nocon
- layout artist (as Gregorio Nocon)
- Marci Nordberg
- painter
- Jane Nordin
- animator
- Belle Norman
- painter
- Armando Norte
- background artist
- Jeanette Nouribekian
- painter
- Joan O'Brien
- assistant to ink and paint supervisor (as Joan F. O'Brien)
- Michael O'Connor
- animator (as Michael J. O'Connor)
- David O'Day
- layout artist (as Dave O'Day)
- Lisa O'Loughlin
- painter
- Tom O'Loughlin
- background artist
- Michael O'Mara
- layout artist
- Michael Oliva
- assistant animator
- Rolando Oliva
- background artist
- Eduardo Olivares
- animator
- June Olsen
- painter
- Garrett Omoto
- layout artist (as Garrett K. Omoto)
- Rosalina Ortiz
- xerographer
- Jong Won Park
- assistant animator
- Sparkie Parker
- paint lab repairs
- Don Parmele
- key assistant animator
- Ginny Parmele
- key assistant animator
- Catherine Parotino
- xerox checker
- Jeannie Paynter
- layout artist (as Jean Paynter)
- Chris Peterson
- character designer (as Christopher G. Peterson)
- Patricia Pettinelli
- painter
- Bruce Phillipson
- painter
- Marilyn Pierson
- painter
- Ronna Pincus
- painter
- Rocco Pirrone
- layout artist
- Sean Platter
- layout artist
- Doris Plough
- assistant animation supervisor (as Doris A. Plough)
- Cheryl Polakow
- assistant animator
- Michael Polvani
- assistant animator
- Linda Praamsma
- painter
- Bill Pratt
- animator (as William Pratt)
- Letha Prince
- head of mark-up
- Teresita Proctor
- cel service
- Donna Purcell
- painter
- Jeff Purves
- background artist
- Ric Quiroz
- character designer (as Rick Quiroz)
- Patricia Racine
- animation checker
- Virgil Raddatz
- animator (as Virgel Raddatz)
- Gale Raleigh
- painter
- Bonnie Ramsey
- painter
- Bev Randles
- animation checking supervisor
- Stephanie Rarin
- painter
- Frank Recinos
- assistant animator
- Nelson Recinos
- key assistant animator
- Bill Reed
- animator
- Dana M. Reemes
- animator
- Sharon Rehme
- painter
- Jean Remmel
- mark-up
- John Remmel
- xerox supervisor
- Bob Revell
- animation checker (as Robert Revell)
- Sally Reymond
- painter
- Young Kyu Rhim
- animator (as Young Q. Rhim)
- Colene Riffo
- painter
- Terri K. Ro
- assistant animator
- Dorothy Roberts
- painter
- Craig Robertson
- background assistant supervisor (as Craig D. Robertson)
- Keith Robinson
- animator
- Lenord Robinson
- animator
- Joe Roman
- animator
- Karen Rosenfield
- key assistant animator
- Maria Rosetti
- assistant animator
- Irma Rosien
- assistant layout supervisor
- Lori Rudman
- mark-up
- Chris Rutkowski
- assistant animator
- Harry Sabin
- character design assistant supervisor
- Raul Salaiz
- assistant animator
- Randy Sanchez
- assistant animation key coordinator
- Louise Sandoval
- animator
- Louis Scarborough Jr.
- animator (as Louis S. Scarborough Jr.)
- Howard Schwartz
- head of final checking (as Howard F. Schwartz)
- Marty Schwartz
- assistant animator (as Martin Schwartz)
- Don Schweikert
- background assistant supervisor
- Sara Seaberry
- assistant head of mark-up
- Barbara Selkirk
- painter
- Susan Semer
- assistant layout artist
- Tom Shannon
- layout supervisor
- Kunio Shimamura
- animator
- Won Chul Shin
- assistant animator
- Karen Silva
- production clerk: assistant animation
- Mary Sime
- mark-up
- Joan Simmons
- painter
- Tom Sito
- animator
- Gay Smith
- painter
- Sheryl Ann Smith
- painter (as Sheryl Smith)
- Jay Won So
- animator
- Alice Solis
- painter
- Fumiko R. Sommer
- painter (as Fumiko Sommer)
- Kamoon Song
- animator
- Ann Sorensen
- paint lab technician
- Ken Southworth
- animator
- J. Michael Spooner
- background artist
- Kathy St. Germain
- painter
- Aaron St. John
- background artist (as Aaron F. St. John)
- Daniel St. Pierre
- background design supervisor (as Dan St. Pierre)
- Dean Stanley
- xerox checker
- Robert E. Stanton
- background artist
- Catherine Stein
- painter (as Cathy Stein)
- Paul Stephen
- xerographer
- Virginia Stevenson
- painter
- Christina Stocks
- painter (as Chris Stocks)
- Jim Stocks
- xerographer (as James Stocks)
- Virginia Stockton
- ink and paint special effects
- Monica Stroud
- layout secretary
- Lucy Tanashian-Gentry
- layout artist (as Lucy Tanashian)
- Louis Tate
- assistant animator
- Roxanne M. Taylor
- painter (as Roxie Taylor)
- David Teague
- assistant animator
- Carmi Teves
- xerox checker
- Sharon Thomas
- painter
- Marc Torres
- key assistant animator
- Michael Toth
- animator (as Michael 'Mike' Toth)
- Dee Tricarico
- painter
- Maureen Trueblood
- character designer
- Richard Trueblood
- animator
- Tuck Tucker
- assistant animator (as William Tucker)
- Bob Tyler
- animator (as Robert Tyler) / layout artist (as Robert Tyler)
- Gisele Van Bark
- assistant animator
- Sherri Vandoli
- painter (as Sheri Vandoli)
- Irma Velez
- mark-up
- Angelo Villani
- xerographer
- Joanne Villani
- xerox checker
- Dirk Von Besser
- painter
- Tran Vu
- assistant animator
- Mark Wallace
- background artist (as Mark R. Wallace)
- Stan Wallace
- assistant animator
- Terry Walsh
- assistant animator
- Curt Walstead
- layout artist
- Marty Warner
- layout artist
- Neal Warner
- animator
- Manon Washburn
- painter
- Don Watson
- background artist
- Debbie Weilhart
- painter
- Sherilan Weinhart
- layout artist
- Vance Welty
- assistant animator
- David West
- layout supervisor (as Dave West)
- Mark Westermoe
- layout artist
- Sherry Wheeler
- animator (as Sherry Dawn Wheeler)
- Larry White
- animator
- Phyllis White
- painter
- Vicki White
- animation checker
- Helen Whitman
- painter
- Kathy Wilbur
- painter
- Susan Wileman
- painter
- Dougg Williams
- animator (as Doug Williams)
- Allen Wilzbach
- animator (as Al Wilzbach)
- Patricia Wong
- layout artist
- Lee Wood
- ink and paint special effects
- Dave Woodman
- assistant animator
- Bruce Woodside
- animator
- Won Yoo
- assistant animator
- Miri Yoon
- assistant animator
- Eunice Ok Yu
- assistant animator (as Eun Ok Yu)
- Kathy Ziegler
- animation checking assistant supervisor
- William Ziegler
- xerox assistant supervisor
- Meli Zoie
- animator (as Mele Zoie)
- Janet M. Zoll
- xerox checker (as Janet Zoll)