- Katie Bierman
- production assistant
- Ted Cawrey
- business affairs services: Agrad Productions, Ingenious Media
- Nicole Dolwick
- production assistant
- Anthony Eikner
- armorer
- Cheryl Esser
- assistant to producer
- Matthew Grathwohl
- craft service
- Krista Johnston
- clearances
- Steve Koller
- key set production assistant
- Zak Kristofek
- production coordinator
- Jen McAdow
- production assistant
- Rae Niehaus
- production assistant
- Nick Pirrmann
- production assistant
- Alex Semerano
- tax & incentives accountant
- Greg Snodgrass
- business & legal affairs: Grindstone Entertainment Group
- Corrie Stookey
- production assistant
- Christopher J. Szuch
- Film Tax Credit Incentive Auditor and Advisor