- Elena Alexa
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Valerie Ames
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Silvio Astarita
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Stephanie Azam
- special thanks
- Manfred Becker
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Cyril Cannizzo
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Cathy Chung
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Jericca Cleland
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Shari Cohen
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Morgan Cowie
- special thanks
- Jen D.T.
- special thanks
- Pierre Da Silva
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Simon Daley
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Maël Davan-Soulas
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Lynn de Vlieger
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Thierry Dechilly
- the producers & directors would like to thank (as Thierry De Chilly)
- Paya Kulas Demsky
- in memory of
- Shlomo Demsky
- in memory of
- Peter Denomme
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Claire Di Carlo
- special thanks
- Robert Doherty
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Stephan Drappel
- special thanks
- Pierre Drouot
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- George Elliott
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Catherine Estèves
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Mical Feiner-Rosenthal
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Michelle Gagnon
- special thanks
- Chana Gajest
- in memory of
- Gita Gajest
- in memory of
- John Gajest
- in memory of
- Moshe Gajest
- in memory of
- Perale Gajest
- in memory of
- Stephen Gallop
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- John Galway
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Rafael Garcia
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Rémi Gauthier
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Miek Geiregat
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Sylvia Geist
- special thanks
- Delphine Gleize
- special thanks
- Armelle Glorennec
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Mathew Goldstein
- special thanks
- Jen Gordon
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Laurent Grégoire
- the producers & directors would like to thank (as Laurent Gregoire)
- Andras Hamori
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Marion Harris
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Gregor Hutchison
- in memory of
- Howard Huxa
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Jason Huynh
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Eric Jacquot
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Michel Saint Jean
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Kelly Jenkins
- special thanks
- Jonathan Kier
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Lindy King
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Claus Toksvig Kjaer
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Anton Kras
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Abraham Kulas
- in memory of
- Chana Elka Kulas
- in memory of
- Chaya Rosa Kulas
- in memory of
- Perla Kulas
- in memory of
- Rivkah Kulas
- in memory of
- Shepsyl Kulas
- in memory of
- Shimon Kulas
- in memory of
- Velvel Kulas
- in memory of
- Yitzchak Kulas
- in memory of
- Barbara Larose
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Johanne Larue
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Annie Lavoix
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Jay Lee
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Benjamin Leib
- in memory of
- Tyler Levine
- special thanks
- Josh Lieberman
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Wes Lui
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Anne Mathieu
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Liz Mendl
- special thanks
- Nick Meyer
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Kiran Saeed Mirza
- special thanks
- Joey Monterio
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Chris Munro
- special thanks
- Keira Munro
- special thanks
- Savanna Munro
- special thanks
- Valérie Mussault
- special thanks
- Anne Olivet
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Tyler Pacana
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Paul Parvulescu
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Kelly Payne
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Scarlett Pettyjohn
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Erin Phillips
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Christina Piovesan
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Michel Plazanet
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Erwin Provoost
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Meg Pruce
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Karla Puttemans
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Patrick Puzenat
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Francesca Quaradeghini
- special thanks
- Elizabeth Radshaw
- special thanks
- Noah Elias Rana
- special thanks
- Soraya Fatima Rana
- special thanks
- Jan Roekens
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Isaac Rosenberg
- special thanks
- Jordan Rosenberg
- special thanks
- Leila Rosenberg
- special thanks
- Oz Rosenberg
- special thanks
- Sheldon Rosenberg
- special thanks
- Tabetha Rosenberg
- special thanks
- Jadwiga Rotsaert
- special thanks
- Maurice Rotsaert
- special thanks
- Cécile Salin
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Elizabeth Simpson
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Thomas Sonsino
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Karsten Stöter
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Melissa Taylor
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Aramis et Théodore
- special thanks
- Robin Turack
- special thanks
- Karen Van Hellemont
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Dominique Vignet
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Anne Vincent
- the producers & directors would like to thank
- Mat Wilcox
- special thanks
- Carl Wilson
- special thanks
- Jax Zheng
- special thanks