Cast & Crew

Directed by

Mark Dindal

Writing Credits

Mark Dindal
(story by) &
Mark Kennedy
(story by)
Steve Bencich
(screenplay by) &
Ron J. Friedman
(screenplay by) &
Ron Anderson
(screenplay by)


Zach Braff
Chicken Little
Garry Marshall
Buck Cluck
Don Knotts
Mayor Turkey Lurkey
Patrick Stewart
Mr. Woolensworth
Amy Sedaris
Foxy Loxy
Steve Zahn
Runt of the Litter
Joan Cusack
Abby Mallard
Wallace Shawn
Principal Fetchit
Harry Shearer
Dog Announcer
Fred Willard
Melvin - Alien Dad
Catherine O'Hara
Tina - Alien Mom
Patrick Warburton
Alien Cop
Adam West
Ace - Hollywood Chicken Little
Mark Walton
Goosey Loosey
Mark Dindal
Morkubine Porcupine / Coach (voice)
Dan Molina
Fish Out of Water
Joe Whyte
Rodriguez / Acorn Mascot / Umpire (voice)
Sean Elmore
Kirby - Alien Kid
Evan Dunn
Kirby - Alien Kid
Matthew Josten
Kirby - Alien Kid
Kelly Hoover
Mama Runt
Will Finn
Hollywood Fish
Dara McGarry
Hollywood Abby
Mark Kennedy
Hollywood Runt
Brad Abrell
Additional Voices
Tom Amundsen
Additional Voices
Steve Bencich
Additional Voices
Greg Berg
Additional Voices
Julianne Buescher
Additional Voices
David Cowgill
Additional Voices
Terri Douglas
Additional Voices
Chris Edgerly
Additional Voices
Amanda Fein
Additional Voices
Caitlin Fein
Additional Voices
Pat Fraley
Additional Voices
Eddie Frierson
Additional Voices
Jackie Gonneau
Additional Voices
Archie Hahn
Additional Voices
Jason Harris
Additional Voices
Brittney Lee Harvey
Additional Voices
Brian Herskowitz
Additional Voices
Mandy Kaplan
Additional Voices
Nathan Kress
Additional Voices
Anne Lockhart
Additional Voices
Connor Matheus
Additional Voices
Mona Marshall
Additional Voices
Scott Menville
Additional Voices
Rene Mujica
Additional Voices
Jonathan Nichols-Navarro
Additional Voices
Paul Pape
Additional Voices
Aaron Spann
Additional Voices
Pepper Sweeney
Additional Voices
Linda Begonja
Marija Mama Vanzemaljac
Scott Conrad
(voice) (uncredited)
Nina Kaic
Lija Lisic
Mile Kekin
Gojko Hrabric
Mia Krajcar
Aba Kvakic
Edo Maajka
Gradonacelnik Puran Sepuric
Sven Medvesek
Profesor Merino
Igor Mesin
Josip Tata Vanzemaljac
Kresimir Mikic
Pilic Milic
Ivica Zadro
Papa Milic
Ljubo Zecevic
Ravnatelj Hvatic

Produced by

Peter Del Vecho
associate producer
Randy Fullmer

Music by

John Debney
(score composed and conducted by)

Editing by

Dan Molina

Casting By

Matthew Jon Beck
Mary Hidalgo
Jen Rudin

Production Design by

David Womersley

Art Direction by

Dan Cooper
co-art director
Ian Gooding

Production Management

Pawel Araszkiewicz
production associate (as Pawel Araszkewicz)
Bill Barry
assistant production manager
Michael Baum
production department manager: shot finaling
Lesley Addario Bentivegna
assistant production manager
Philip M. Cohen
production department manager: story
Nicole P. Hearon
assistant production manager
Katherine A. Irwin
assistant production manager
Monica Lago-Kaytis
assistant production manager
Paul S.D. Lanum
production manager (as Paul Lanum)
Meredith McIvor
production manager
Tracey Miller-Zarneke
assistant production manager
Charlene Moncrief
production department manager: story
Sue Bea Montgomery
post-production manager
Berenice Robinson
post-production director (as Bérénice Robinson)
Jason I. Strahs
assistant production manager
Peter John Vaughan
assistant production manager
Jennifer Christine Vera
production department manager: shot finaling
Fred Weinberg
assistant production manager
Makul Wigert
assistant production manager
David Stainton
president: Walt Disney Feature Animation (uncredited)

Art Department

John Alvin
poster artist
Thomas Cardone
visual development artist
Karen deJong
visual development artist (as Karen de Jong)
Colin Eckart
visual development artist
Sean Eckols
visual development artist
Johnny Fisk
character maquettes
Natalie Franscioni-Karp
visual development artist
Mac George
Kent Gordon
digital art specialist
Nathan Greno
additional story artist
Carol Hayden
visual development artist (as Carol C. Hayden)
Alessandro Jacomini
visual development artist / visual development artist: Walt Disney
Adolph Lusinsky
visual development artist
Kelly McGraw
visual development artist
Gregory C. Miller
visual development artist
Joseph C. Moshier
character designer
Kevin Nelson
visual development artist
Jeff Ranjo
visual development artist (as Jeffery R. Ranjo)
Dan Read
visual development artist
Michelle Lee Robinson
visual development artist
Leonard Robledo
visual development artist
Corey D. Smith
character sculptures
Kyle Strawitz
visual development artist
Matsune Suzuki
visual development artist
Umakanth Thumrugoti
visual development artist
Casey Coffey
storyboard artist (uncredited)
David Feiss
storyboard artist (uncredited)
Todd Kurosawa
storyboard artist (uncredited)
Scott Morse
additional story artist (uncredited)
Sean Song
storyboard artist (uncredited)

Sound Department

James Ashwill
foley mixer
Dan Cubert
production sound mixer
André Dias
dubbing mixer
Christopher Flick
foley supervisor
David E. Fluhr
re-recording mixer
Linda Folk
adr editor / dialogue editor
Gabriel Guy
sound recordist
Doc Kane
adr mixer
Adam Kopald
sound effects editor
Christian P. Minkler
re-recording mixer
Dan O'Connell
foley artist
Chris Pinkston
assistant sound editor (as Christopher Pinkston)
James A. Sandweiss
dialogue engineer / sound technologist
Jeff Sawyer
foley editor / sound effects editor
Robert L. Sephton
sound designer / supervising sound editor
F. Scott Taylor
first assistant sound editor
Thomas Whiting
supervising adr editor (as Thomas G. Whiting)
Stephen W. Potter
stage engineer (uncredited)

Visual Effects by

Arthur Argote
lighting and compositing
Joel Aron
digital production supervisor
Robert Bagley
digital imaging supervisor
Al Bailey
digital artist: ILM
Casey James Basichis
compositor artist (as Casey Basichis)
Anders J.L. Beer
character technical director
Vladimir Bogak
production software engineer
Rob Bonstin
visual effects
Edward Derian Boyke
render i/o administrator
Kenneth Brain
sequence lead
Matt Brumit
lead digital artist
Ted Burge
rendering software engineer
T.J. Burke
digital artist
John Butiu
character modeler: Disney Feature Animation
Roberto Calvo
lighting technical director
Scott Camera-Smith
animation and compositing (as Scott Smith)
Colin Campbell
digital artist: ILM
Jesus Canal
character technical director
Mario Capellari
digital artist
Ean Carr
digital artist: ILM
Lauren Carr
technical director
Christine Castellano
visual effects coordinator
Dan Chaika
effects animator
Kai Chang
digital artist: ILM
Peter Chesloff
digital artist
Vanessa Cheung
digital artist
Jon Childress Farmer
digital artist: ILM (as Jon Farmer)
Glen Claybrook
character technical director
Zachary Cole
digital artist
D. Wallace Colvard
compositor / lighter
Ian J. Coony
effects animator
Michael Cordova
digital artist
Chris Cowan
senior character modeler
Kevin Coyle
compositing technical director
Catherine Craig
digital model painter
Jill Daly
production software engineer
Lorelei David
visual effects editor: ILM
Peter DeMund
effects animator
Del DePierro
stereo compositor
James DeValera Mansfield
effects animator (as James DeV. Mansfield)
Lino DiSalvo
Sean Eckols
lighting and compositing artist
Janeen Elliott
3D digital artist: ILM
Bill Fadness
visual effects supervisor
Tamara Alejandra Faralla
assistant technical director
Daniel Fazel
lighting and compositing
Lisa Fisher
digital artist
Haskell Friedman
lighting & compositing
Kevin Geiger
cg supervisor
Angela Giannoni
digital compositor: ILM
Steve Goldberg
visual effects supervisor
Sean Goldman
assistant technical director
Ramiro Gomez
rigging lead (as Ramiro Camilo Gomez)
Branko Grujcic
digital artist
Mark Hammel
technical director
Frank Hanner
character technical director
Bruce Heller
visual effects artist
Kela Hicks
stereoscopic artist
Paul Hill
visual effects producer: 3D version: ILM
Nicholas Hoppe
effects animator
Wen-Chin Hsu
digital artist: ILM
Shyh-Chyuan Huang
effects animator
Benjamin Huber
digital artist: ILM
John Huikku
lighting & compositing
Paul Huston
digital artist
Roger Huynh
compositor / lighter
Alessandro Jacomini
sequence lead / sequence lead: Walt Disney
Mike Jamieson
digital artist: ILM
Sarahjane Javelo
digital artist: ILM
Sean Jenkins
senior technical director
Mohit Kallianpur
look development technical director / sequence lead
Michael Kaschalk
effects animator
Chris Keene
Ted Kierscey
effects animator (as Ted C. Kierscey)
Darren Kiner
lighting/shot finaler
Katrin Klaiber
digital artist: ILM
Russell Koonce
digital artist
Michael Kuehn
character finaling lead / skinning lead
Gregor Lakner
digital artist
Donna Lanasa
digital artist: ILM
Claire Lawrence-Slater
assistant technical director
Brian Leach
sequence lead
Kevin Lee
effects animator (as Kevin K. Lee)
Mark Lefitz
lighting and compositing
C.J. LePage
render i/o administrator
Michael Leung
lighting and compositing
John M. Levin
layout artist: ILM
Richard Liukis
digital lighting and compositing artist
Adolph Lusinsky
sequence lead
Sean MacKenzie
stereoscopic artist: ILM
Mauro Maressa
animator / effects designer
Ken Marschall
digital compositor: ILM
David Marsh
visual effects: ILM
Gregory Martin
character finaler / modeler
Tom Martinek
senior technical director
Dale Mayeda
effects supervisor
Jake Maymudes
digital artist
Phil 'Captain 3D' McNally
Mike 'Moe' Merell
cgi animator
Robert L. Miles
lighting and compositing
Candice Miller
character technical director
Ramon Montoya Vozmediano
rendering software engineer
Myles Murphy
digital effects artist
Jimmie Nelson
look development technical director
Paul Newell
layout department software
Simon O'Connor
effects animator
Jeffrey Odell
digital artist
Kyle Odermatt
cg supervisor
Maggie Oh
digital effects artist: ILM
Yuko Okumura
lighting and compositing artist
Benoit Pelchat
digital artist
Amy Pfaffinger
lighting artist
Eric Powers
technical supervisor
Heather Pritchett
look development technical director
Ben Radcliffe
lighting & compositing
Ricardo Ramos
digital artist
Dan Read
Michelle Lee Robinson
look development artist
Leonard Robledo
texture & shading artist
Robert Rosenblum
effects animator
Alan Rosenfeld
visual effects coordinator
Jason Rosson
digital effects artist: ILM
Jeff Sadler
lighting technical director
Wally Schaab
digital lighting artist
Steven Seed
senior systems administrator
Rene Segura
digital compositor: ILM
Miguel Sepulveda
senior software engineer
Nelson Sepulveda
digital artist: ILM
Chris Serenil
systems administrator
Mark Siegel
sequence lead
Colum Slevin
visual effects
Brad Smith
render I/O administrator
Corey D. Smith
modeling lead
Russell L. Smith
character technical director
Chris Springfield
lighting and compositing artist
James Stapp
modeler / modeler/sculptor
Russ Sueyoshi
digital effects artist
Kee Nam Suong
effects animator
Matsune Suzuki
David Tanner
lighting and compositing
Stephanie Taubert
Umakanth Thumrugoti
sequence lead
Alan Trombla
software development: ILM
Katie Tucker-Fico
lighting and compositing
Tara Handy Turner
technical support lead
Todd Vaziri
digital artist: ILM
Cesar Velazquez
effects animator
Marlon West
effects animator
Kathy White
shot lighting artist
Joe Whyte
cg modeler
Chris Winters
lighting and compositing
Bruce Wright
effects animator
Kris Wright
visual effects coordinator: ILM (as Kristopher Wright)
Daniel Zizmor
stereo technical director
Lori Arnold
visual effects associate producer (uncredited)
Jeffrey Benedict
digital effects artist: ILM (uncredited)
Colin Davidson
research and development (uncredited)
Richard Ducker
digital artist (uncredited)
Howard Gersh
digital artist (uncredited)
François Lambert
digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
W. Regan McGee
digital artist (uncredited)
Ken Nielsen
senior technical director (uncredited)
George Sakellariou
production engineering: ILM (uncredited)
Misty Segura-Bowers
digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
Joseph Suen
digital compositor: ILM (uncredited)
Patrick Tubach
digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
Eric Voegels
digital artist: ILM (Disney 3D version) (uncredited)

Camera and Electrical Department

Amy Pfaffinger
lighting technician
Dan Read
lighting technician
Suzy Zeffren
camera department coordinator

Animation Department

Jon Aghassian
character finaling artist
Tim Allen
Jason Anastas
Virgilio John Aquino
character finaling artist
Mark Anthony Austin
supervising animator: "Foxy Loxy" and "Goosey Loosey"
Dale Baer
Kathleen M. Bailey
character technical director
Thomas Baker
3-D layout artist
Lorenzo Russell Bambino
shot finaling
Jared Beckstrand
Doug Bennett
supervising animator: "Runt of the Litter" and "Fish out of Water"
Thomas Bisogno
Allen Blaisdell
digital layout artist
Roger Borelli
Rebecca Wilson Bresee
Eamonn Butler
animation supervisor
Darrin Butters
Darrin Butts
Lauren Carr
character finaling artist
Jerry Yu Ching
Glen Claybrook
character technical director
Charles Colladay
lighter / look development artist
Ian J. Coony
character motion technical director
Bob Davies
Kevin Deters
story artist
Mark Dindal
character designer
Lino DiSalvo
Adam Dykstra
Tom Ellery
character designer / story artist
Craig Elliott
character design
Mark R.R. Farquhar
Brian Ferguson
Ralph Fernan
Chadd Ferron
Marianne Camille Gorzyca
character finaling artist
Don Hall
character designer
Frank Hanner
character finaling artist
Randy Haycock
Mark Henley
3-D layout artist
Leland J. Hepler
Jason Herschaft
Nicholas Hoppe
character finaling artist (as Nicholas Sanger Hoppe)
Byron Howard
additional story artist (as Byron P. Howard)
Darrell W. Johnson
Clay Kaytis
animator: "Buck Cluck"
Mark Kennedy
head of story
Jin Kim
animator (as Sang-Jin Kim)
Alex Kupershmidt
Amy Lawson Smeed
Holger Leihe
Michael Lester
story artist
Hal Lewis
senior modeler
James Lopez
Kimberly Lorang
character finaling artist
Jason MacLeod
look development lead
Joe Mandia
Alex Mark
animator (as Alexander Mark)
Mike 'Moe' Merell
Mark Mitchell
animator (as Mark Alan Mitchell)
Terry Moews
layout supervisor
Rick Moore
layout artist
David B. Mooy
Joseph C. Moshier
character designer (as Joe Moshier)
Robert Neuman
layout artist
John Norton
story artist
William Otsuka
layout artist
Vera Pacheco
character finaling artist (as Vera Lanpher-Pacheco)
Ernest Petti
shot finaling
Nik Ranieri
supervising animator: "Buck Cluck"
Jeff Ranjo
character designer (as Jeffery R. Ranjo) / story artist (as Jeffery R. Ranjo)
Aurian Redson
additional story artist
Scott Robideau
Jason Ryan
supervising animator: "Chicken Little"
Henry Sato Jr.
Erik C. Schmidt
Yuriko Senoo
Michael Show
Tony Smeed
supervising animator: "Abby Mallard"
Marc Smith
Eric Strand
Raqi Syed
assistant technical director
animator: main tittle
Timothy Tompkins
character finaling (as Timmy Tompkins)
Helen Tse
character finaling artist
Chris Ure
additional story artist (as Chrisopher J. Ure)
Doug Walker
layout artist
Mark Walton
story artist
Dean Wellins
additional story artist
Chris Williams
story artist
Dougg Williams
Ellen Woodbury
John Yoon
character technical director
Dick Zondag
supervising animator: "Mayor Turkey Lurkey" and "Aliens"
Linda Bel
"Chicken Little" (uncredited)
David Brehm
animator (uncredited)
Robert Espanto Domingo
"Buck Cluck" (uncredited)
animator (uncredited)

Casting Department

Betsy Bagg
casting coordinator
Micah Dahlberg
casting assistant
Terri Douglas
adr voice casting

Editorial Department

Jessica Ambinder-Rojas
additional editorial
Catherine Apple
associate editor
Robert Bagley
digital imaging post supervisor (as Robert H. Bagley)
Terry Claborn
color timer
Chris DeLaGuardia
color timer (as Chris De La Guardia)
Carol Folgate
first assistant editor
Noah Gift
avid engineer
Brent W. Hall
post-production coordinator (as Brent Hall)
Robert J. Hansen
transfer room operator
Mark A. Hester
additional editorial
Ellen Keneshea
additional editorial
Tim Mertens
additional editorial
Jamie Mitchell
trailer editor: home video
Jim Passon
color timer
Timothy Peeler
digital film colorist
Adam Sample
reversioning editor
Sean Someroff
editorial technician
Bruce Tauscher
digital color timing supervisor
April McMorris
digital intermediate producer (uncredited)

Music Department

Nico Abondolo
musician: bass
Eun-Mee Ahn
musician: violin
Wolfgang Amadeus
additional score recording by
Jeff Atmajian
additional orchestrations by
Rick Baptist
musician: trumpet
Chris Barrett
score recordist
Steve Becknell
musician: french horn
Frank Bennett
orchestrations by
Chris Bleth
Tom Boyd
musician: oboe soloist
Aleta Braxton
score vocalist
Tom Brown
music preparation
Nicholas Bucknall
musician: clarinet
Elin Carlson
Jeff Carson
score music editor
Gloria Cheng
soloist: piano
Kevin Connolly
Randy Crenshaw
Tim Davis
Sandy De Crescent
score contracted by
Lola Debney
score coordinator
Brad Dechter
supervising orchestrator
André Dias
engineer/mixer: Brazilian Portuguese Version
George Doering
Michael Dore
Carol Drake
musician: french horn
David Duke
musician: french horn
Steve Erdody
musician: cello
Mark Eshelman
scoring crew
Alan Estes
musician: percussion
Sarah Eyden
Olga FitzRoy
assistant music engineer
Dave Foster
music preparation
Marc Gebauer
scoring technician
Gregory Geiger
Earl Ghaffari
song music editor
Mark Graham
music copyist
Tom Hardisty
score recordist
Jim Harrison
score music editor
Greg Hayes
assistant music mixing engineer
J.J. Holiday
Steve Holtman
musician: trombone
Jonathan A. Hughes
music preparation
Jill Iverson
executive music assistant
Jake Jackson
assistant music engineer
Tommy Johnson
musician: tuba soloist
Elissa Johnston
score vocalist
Jo Ann Kane
music preparation
Alan Kaplan
musician: trombone
Kevin Kaska
additional orchestrations by
Daniel Kelley
musician: french horn (as Dan Kelley)
Randy Kerber
Andrew Kinney
additional orchestrations by
Nelson Kole
vocal coaching by
Christian Kollgaard
musician: bass
Sam Kriger
vocal coaching by
Armen Ksajikian
musician: cello
Steve Kujala
musician: flute
Nathaniel Kunkel
music mixer
Ana Landauer
musician: violin
Deniece LaRocca
pre-production music coordinator (as Deniece Hall)
Edie Lehmann Boddicker
Jon Lewis
musician: trumpet
Michael Lichtenauer
score vocalist
Peter Limonick
Jason Lloyd
scoring crew
Warren Luening
musician: trumpet
Tom MacDougall
music supervisor
Guy Maeda
Rene Mandel
musician: violin
Darrin McCann
musician: viola
Malcolm McNab
musician: trumpet
Adam Michalak
score recordist
Russ Miller
musician: drums & percussion
Chris Montan
executive music producer
Yvonne S. Moriarty
musician: french horn
Melanie Mullens Hoyson
score production supervisor
Shawn Murphy
score recorded and mixed by
Omar Naber
Don Nemitz
orchestrations by
Brian O'Connor
musician: french horn
Andrew Page
music production manager
Bobbi Page
vocal contractor
Sid Page
Lydia Paweski
music production coordinator
Victor Pesavento
music preparation
Bryan Pezzone
musician: piano soloist
John Reynolds
musician: french horn
Cassandra Richburg
musician: viola (as Lynne Richburg)
Michael Nomad Ripoll
guitarist (as Michael Ripoll)
Rafael Rishik
musician: violin
Steve Roberts
musician: clarinet (as Steven Roberts)
Ryan Robinson
scoring technical support engineer
Geraldine Rotella
musician: flute
Peter Rotter
orchestra contractor
Marni Sanders
Dan Savant
musician: trumpet
Steve Schaeffer
musician: percussion
Jim Self
musician: tuba
Jay Selvester
scoring cue mixer
Steve Shapiro
character performance tracks produced & arranged by
Jeanne E. Skrocki
musician: violin
Steven L. Smith
music preparation
Kurt Snyder
musician: french horn
Phyllis St. James
Sally Stevens
Siobhan Sullivan
music production assistant
George Thatcher
musician: trombone
James Thatcher
musician: French horn
Sebastian Toettcher
musician: cello
Doug Tornquist
musician: tuba
Cecilia Tsan
musician: cello
Michael Valerio
musician: Jazz Bass, Orchestra Bass
Alvin Veeh
musician: trombone
James Walker
musician: flute
Mike Watts
orchestrations by
Booker White
music preparation (as Booker White - Walt Disney Music Library)
Gerald White
Don Williams
musician: percussion
Jonathan Williams
musician: cello soloist
Reggie Wilson
songs contracted by
Robert Wolff
orchestra assembly by
Gavyn Wright
orchestra leader
Joe Zimmerman
music librarian
Andrew Dorfman
music editor: temp score (uncredited)
Nancy Gassner-Clayton
choir (uncredited)
The Hollywood Studio Symphony
music performed by (uncredited)
Frank Macchia
music transcriptor (uncredited)
Tom Raney
musician: percussion (uncredited)
Bruce White
musician: viola (uncredited)
Robert Wolff
scoring crew (uncredited)

Additional Crew

Brett Achorn
software developer: Look Development Tools
Natalie Acosta
technical supporter
David A. Aguilar
software developer
Heidi Marie Andersen
software project manager
Ronald Arredondo
finaling artist
Luis Artola
senior software engineer: shot finaling tools
Robert L. Baird
additional story material (as Robert Baird)
Janet E. Berlin
technology crew
James Colby Bette
render i/o technical lead
Sara Bleick
opticals / titles (as S.J. Bleick)
Rik Bomberger
systems administrator
Stephen D. Bowline
software developper: XGen
Susan Bradley
title designer
Liza Breuninger
production accountant
Brad Brooks
technology production supporter
Letha L. Burchard
technology production supporter
Scott L. Burris
systems engineer
Mark R. Carlson
technology production supporter
David Carmon
motion capture dancer
William T. Carpenter
technology production supporter
Vicki Case
administrative manager
David J. Chung
production assistant
Amy L. Clark
production assistant
Kevin C. Constantine
technical support engineer
Tom Corrigan
technology crew
Angela Frances D'Anna
administrative support
Margaret A. Decker
software engineer (as Margaret Ann Decker)
Michael J. Dobson
technical support engineer (as Michael Dobson)
Brendan Duncan
senior software engineer
Sean Eckols
finaling artist
Chris Edgerly
additional voices
Carlos C. Estiandan
technology supporter: data services
Yun-Po Paul Fan
senior software engineer
David Patrick Flynn
systems engineer
Haskell Friedman
finaling artist
Michael M. Fukumoto
technical support engineer
Eric N. Garcia
image and data services (as Eric Nicholas Garcia)
Audrey Geiger-Ford
production assistant: animation & story (as Audrey Ellen Geiger)
Sarah Genevieve
production assistant
Shon Georgie
technical support engineer
Daniel Gerson
additional story material
Karl 'Krash' Goldshmidt
software developer: Shot Finaling Tools
Carlos Gonzalez-Ochoa
software engineer
Pascal Grapard
assistant to vice president of production
Thomas Greer
systems engineer
Aaron J. Greusel
network engineer
Leo Sulat Gullano
technical supporter (as Leo Gullano)
Paul Hildebrandt
software developer: Production Pipeline Tools
Jay D. Hilliard
systems engineer
Earl Huddleston
finaling artist
John Huikku
finaling artist
James P. Hurrell
graphics software developer / technology production supporter
Darrian M. James
avid technical support
Amindra Jayasinghe
technology crew
Andrea Johnson
production assistant
Marc Jordan
systems engineer
Kevin E. Keech
technology production supporter
Kimberly W. Keech
technology production supporter
Daniel C. Kim
technology production supporter
Joan Kim
finaling artist (as Joan Kim Anastas)
Michael D. Kliewer
technology crew
Frank William Knittel
assistant production accountant
Catherine Lam
technology production supporter
Collin Larkins
Production Assistant
Tracy Larson
production assistant
Arthur Lee
training supervisor
Mark Lefitz
finaling artist
Matthew E. Levine
software engineer
Buddy Lewis
assistant technical director
Chung-An Andy Lin
senior software engineer
Sandra Tsing Loh
additional dialogue
Nathan Massmann
production assistant
Michael McClure
technology crew
Stuart McDougal
production engineering
Dara McGarry
technical supporter
Josann McGibbon
additional screenplay material
Kelly McGraw
finaling artist
Steve McIlwain
production assistant
Mark A. McLaughlin
technology crew
Dayna B. Meltzer
technical support engineer
Yvett Merino
software engineer (as Yvett Merino Flores) / technology administration manager (as Yvett Merino Flores)
Christopher D. Mihaly
technical engineer / technology production supporter
Andy Milne
software engineer: Lighting/Rendering Tools
Jeff Nash
technology crew
Sara Parriott
additional screenplay material
John Robert Perry
software developer: Shot Finaling Tools
Ernest Petti
software developper: XGen
George Polchin
software developer: Lighting And Rendering Tools
Elkeer Zaldumbide Pratt
assistant technical director
Dan Read
texture painter
David Reynolds
additional dialogue
Michelle Lee Robinson
finaling artist
Marlin Rowley
senior software engineer
Matthew F. Schnittker
senior software engineer
Scott Seiffert
film marketing
Maxim Senin
consultant: senior software engineer: production management software
Jay Sloat
manager of technology
Clay Speicher
systems engineer
Robert Spier
technology production supporter
Chris Springfield
finaling artist
David Stainton
creative executive
Erica Starks
production assistant
Walt Sturrock
training manager
Joe Suzow
technology production supporter
Thomas V. Thompson II
software developper: XGen
Karen Rupert Toliver
production executive
Laurie Tracy
technology supporter: technical support engineering
Quoc Tran
technology supporter: animation/rigging (credit only)
Roy Turner
production pipeline tools
Erik Van Horn
training specialist
Debbie Vercellino
production assistant
Joanna Villamor
assistant to associate producer
Lewis Wakeland
Senior Software Engineer: Lighting/Rendering Tools
Kevin Waldvogel
animation resources & human resources
K.L. Connie Wang
assistant script clearance administrator (as Connie Wang)
Susan Wawer
assistant to producer and director
Howard Wilczynski
software developer: Production Pipeline Tools
Matthew Wilson
production assistant
Lisamarie Worley
assistant production accountant
Terence Worley
senior software engineer
Michael Zarembski
principal media engineer
David Carmon
dance reference: Runt of the Litter (uncredited)
Nick Corbett
digital cinema package (uncredited)
Christian M. Elsensohn
render i/o (uncredited)
Lorin Eric Salm
consultant: character movement (uncredited)
Ivan 'Flipz' Velez
dance reference: Chicken Little (uncredited)


Gina Aarniokoski
special thanks
Melissa Aaron
special thanks
Jenny Aleman
special thanks (as Jenny Aleman-HOlman)
Gus Avila
special thanks
Betsy Bagg
special thanks
Karen Bailey
special thanks
Marie-Claude Banville
special thanks
Travis Beckner
special thanks
Janet Blazon
special thanks
Kathy Bond
special thanks
Tamara J. Bonnell-Truitt
special thanks
Charline F. Boyer
special thanks
Melissa Bradford
special thanks
Sheila Brown
special thanks
Chantal Beck Bumgarner
special thanks
Margien Burns
special thanks
John Butiu
special thanks
Scott Campbell
special thanks
Fox Carney
special thanks (as Fox F. Carney)
Ginger Wei-Hsien Chen
special thanks
Tenny Chonin
special thanks
Pam Coats
special thanks to
Gina Colbacchini
special thanks (as Gina 'Sunny' Colbacchini)
Brandy Contreras
special thanks
Angela Frances D'Anna
special thanks (as Angela D'Anna)
Sharon Danel
special thanks
Jim Dubensky
special thanks
Pamela Dugan
special thanks
Doug Engalla
special thanks
Nancy Evans
special thanks
Melissa Cole Fanfassian
special thanks (as Melissa Fanfassian)
Patti Ferrari
special thanks
Thomas J. Fico
special thanks
Jean-Luc Florinda
special thanks
Tad A. Gielow
special thanks (as Tad Gielow)
Joe Grant
in memory of
Tamara Khalaf
special thanks
Jon Lucas
special thanks to
Tom MacDougall
special thanks
Irene Mecchi
special thanks to
Colin King Miller
special thanks
Scott Moore
special thanks to
Bob Morgan
special thanks
Uri Okrent
special thanks
Tina M. Pedigo
special thanks (as Tina Pedigo Brooks)
Michelle Bochner Spitz
special thanks to (as Michelle Spitz)
Kris Taft
special thanks (as Kris Taft Miller)
Thalia Del Razo Tamariz
special thanks
Mark M. Tokunaga
special thanks
All Filters