- Arthur Argote
- lighting and compositing
- Joel Aron
- digital production supervisor
- Robert Bagley
- digital imaging supervisor
- Al Bailey
- digital artist: ILM
- Casey James Basichis
- compositor artist (as Casey Basichis)
- Anders J.L. Beer
- character technical director
- Vladimir Bogak
- production software engineer
- Rob Bonstin
- visual effects
- Edward Derian Boyke
- render i/o administrator
- Kenneth Brain
- sequence lead
- Matt Brumit
- lead digital artist
- Ted Burge
- rendering software engineer
- T.J. Burke
- digital artist
- John Butiu
- character modeler: Disney Feature Animation
- Roberto Calvo
- lighting technical director
- Scott Camera-Smith
- animation and compositing (as Scott Smith)
- Colin Campbell
- digital artist: ILM
- Jesus Canal
- character technical director
- Mario Capellari
- digital artist
- Ean Carr
- digital artist: ILM
- Lauren Carr
- technical director
- Christine Castellano
- visual effects coordinator
- Dan Chaika
- effects animator
- Kai Chang
- digital artist: ILM
- Peter Chesloff
- digital artist
- Vanessa Cheung
- digital artist
- Jon Childress Farmer
- digital artist: ILM (as Jon Farmer)
- Glen Claybrook
- character technical director
- Zachary Cole
- digital artist
- D. Wallace Colvard
- compositor / lighter
- Ian J. Coony
- effects animator
- Michael Cordova
- digital artist
- Chris Cowan
- senior character modeler
- Kevin Coyle
- compositing technical director
- Catherine Craig
- digital model painter
- Jill Daly
- production software engineer
- Lorelei David
- visual effects editor: ILM
- Peter DeMund
- effects animator
- Del DePierro
- stereo compositor
- James DeValera Mansfield
- effects animator (as James DeV. Mansfield)
- Lino DiSalvo
- animator
- Sean Eckols
- lighting and compositing artist
- Janeen Elliott
- 3D digital artist: ILM
- Bill Fadness
- visual effects supervisor
- Tamara Alejandra Faralla
- assistant technical director
- Daniel Fazel
- lighting and compositing
- Lisa Fisher
- digital artist
- Haskell Friedman
- lighting & compositing
- Kevin Geiger
- cg supervisor
- Angela Giannoni
- digital compositor: ILM
- Steve Goldberg
- visual effects supervisor
- Sean Goldman
- assistant technical director
- Ramiro Gomez
- rigging lead (as Ramiro Camilo Gomez)
- Branko Grujcic
- digital artist
- Mark Hammel
- technical director
- Frank Hanner
- character technical director
- Bruce Heller
- visual effects artist
- Kela Hicks
- stereoscopic artist
- Paul Hill
- visual effects producer: 3D version: ILM
- Nicholas Hoppe
- effects animator
- Wen-Chin Hsu
- digital artist: ILM
- Shyh-Chyuan Huang
- effects animator
- Benjamin Huber
- digital artist: ILM
- John Huikku
- lighting & compositing
- Paul Huston
- digital artist
- Roger Huynh
- compositor / lighter
- Alessandro Jacomini
- sequence lead / sequence lead: Walt Disney
- Mike Jamieson
- digital artist: ILM
- Sarahjane Javelo
- digital artist: ILM
- Sean Jenkins
- senior technical director
- Mohit Kallianpur
- look development technical director / sequence lead
- Michael Kaschalk
- effects animator
- Chris Keene
- modeler
- Ted Kierscey
- effects animator (as Ted C. Kierscey)
- Darren Kiner
- lighting/shot finaler
- Katrin Klaiber
- digital artist: ILM
- Russell Koonce
- digital artist
- Michael Kuehn
- character finaling lead / skinning lead
- Gregor Lakner
- digital artist
- Donna Lanasa
- digital artist: ILM
- Claire Lawrence-Slater
- assistant technical director
- Brian Leach
- sequence lead
- Kevin Lee
- effects animator (as Kevin K. Lee)
- Mark Lefitz
- lighting and compositing
- C.J. LePage
- render i/o administrator
- Michael Leung
- lighting and compositing
- John M. Levin
- layout artist: ILM
- Richard Liukis
- digital lighting and compositing artist
- Adolph Lusinsky
- sequence lead
- Sean MacKenzie
- stereoscopic artist: ILM
- Mauro Maressa
- animator / effects designer
- Ken Marschall
- digital compositor: ILM
- David Marsh
- visual effects: ILM
- Gregory Martin
- character finaler / modeler
- Tom Martinek
- senior technical director
- Dale Mayeda
- effects supervisor
- Jake Maymudes
- digital artist
- Phil 'Captain 3D' McNally
- stereographer
- Mike 'Moe' Merell
- cgi animator
- Robert L. Miles
- lighting and compositing
- Candice Miller
- character technical director
- Ramon Montoya Vozmediano
- rendering software engineer
- Myles Murphy
- digital effects artist
- Jimmie Nelson
- look development technical director
- Paul Newell
- layout department software
- Simon O'Connor
- effects animator
- Jeffrey Odell
- digital artist
- Kyle Odermatt
- cg supervisor
- Maggie Oh
- digital effects artist: ILM
- Yuko Okumura
- lighting and compositing artist
- Benoit Pelchat
- digital artist
- Amy Pfaffinger
- lighting artist
- Eric Powers
- technical supervisor
- Heather Pritchett
- look development technical director
- Ben Radcliffe
- lighting & compositing
- Ricardo Ramos
- digital artist
- Dan Read
- compositor
- Michelle Lee Robinson
- look development artist
- Leonard Robledo
- texture & shading artist
- Robert Rosenblum
- effects animator
- Alan Rosenfeld
- visual effects coordinator
- Jason Rosson
- digital effects artist: ILM
- Jeff Sadler
- lighting technical director
- Wally Schaab
- digital lighting artist
- Steven Seed
- senior systems administrator
- Rene Segura
- digital compositor: ILM
- Miguel Sepulveda
- senior software engineer
- Nelson Sepulveda
- digital artist: ILM
- Chris Serenil
- systems administrator
- Mark Siegel
- sequence lead
- Colum Slevin
- visual effects
- Brad Smith
- render I/O administrator
- Corey D. Smith
- modeling lead
- Russell L. Smith
- character technical director
- Chris Springfield
- lighting and compositing artist
- James Stapp
- modeler / modeler/sculptor
- Russ Sueyoshi
- digital effects artist
- Kee Nam Suong
- effects animator
- Matsune Suzuki
- modeler
- David Tanner
- lighting and compositing
- Stephanie Taubert
- compositor
- Umakanth Thumrugoti
- sequence lead
- Alan Trombla
- software development: ILM
- Katie Tucker-Fico
- lighting and compositing
- Tara Handy Turner
- technical support lead
- Todd Vaziri
- digital artist: ILM
- Cesar Velazquez
- effects animator
- Marlon West
- effects animator
- Kathy White
- shot lighting artist
- Joe Whyte
- cg modeler
- Chris Winters
- lighting and compositing
- Bruce Wright
- effects animator
- Kris Wright
- visual effects coordinator: ILM (as Kristopher Wright)
- Daniel Zizmor
- stereo technical director
- Lori Arnold
- visual effects associate producer (uncredited)
- Jeffrey Benedict
- digital effects artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Colin Davidson
- research and development (uncredited)
- Richard Ducker
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Howard Gersh
- digital artist (uncredited)
- François Lambert
- digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
- W. Regan McGee
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Ken Nielsen
- senior technical director (uncredited)
- George Sakellariou
- production engineering: ILM (uncredited)
- Misty Segura-Bowers
- digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Joseph Suen
- digital compositor: ILM (uncredited)
- Patrick Tubach
- digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Eric Voegels
- digital artist: ILM (Disney 3D version) (uncredited)