- Shaik Akram Ahamad
- visual effects artist (segment "vfx")
- Kaevski Aleksandar
- tracking & layout artist (as Aleksandar Kaevski)
- Marie Angoulvant
- environment artist
- Maya Attieh
- vfx editor
- Zaid Babeel
- vfx production manager: Frontier VFX
- Tanaya Baidya
- visual effects coordinator
- Eric Barrailler
- compositing artist
- Maddelen Beracierto
- compositing artist
- Malen Beracierto
- Digital Compositor Frontier VFX
- Francis Bernard
- tracking & layout artist
- Vinayak Bhardwaj
- compositor
- Akshay Bhosale
- vfx roto/paint supervisor: Outpost VFX
- Jon Biggins
- visual effects supervisor
- Antoine Blanc
- fx artist
- Eve Bolotova
- vfx on-set scanning technician
- Pierre Bonnette
- visual effects artist
- Hugh Brazier
- compositing artist
- Stuart Bruce
- vfx editor
- Julian Bryant
- onset compositing supervisor
- Aude Cabannes
- digital compositor
- Andrew Ceci
- compositor
- Samuel Charbonneau-Bouffard
- Compositing Artist: Frontier VFX
- Jin Yan Cheng
- CG Supervisor
- Alberto Chinea
- digital compositor: Frontier VFX
- Isabelle Clermont
- lead VFX editor
- Cyril Conforti
- lead paint & rotoscopy
- Evelyne Cote
- compositing supervisor
- Elie Côté
- compositing artist
- Kirstie Deane
- visual effects producer
- Tara Desimone
- VFX executive producer
- Jeff Dillon
- sequence lead compositor
- Zoran Dimanovski
- lead paint & rotoscopy
- Serhat Dogan
- Digital Matte Painter
- Shubham Dubey
- paint and rotoscopy artist
- Valérie Dugas
- digital compositor
- Zhavier Dumont
- compositing artist
- Nancy Duran
- digital compositor
- Diogo Esteves
- Digital Matte Painter
- Francine Fontaine
- visual effects producer
- James Furlong
- Digital Matte Painter
- Christian Gaumond
- fx artist
- Pooja Gawade
- paint and rotoscopy artist
- Sairaj Ghag
- Assistant Production Manager
- Siddhant Ghag
- Project Coordinator: Digikore Studios/NetFx
- Marlen Gil
- compositing artist (as Monica Marlen Gil Guitierrez)
- Nicole Glen
- compositing supervisor
- Nancy Gonzalez
- digital compositor
- Utkarsh Gupta
- Lead Compositor
- Metin Güngör
- dmp supervisor
- Chris Hawkes
- digital compositor
- Misael Martinez Hernandez
- compositing artist: Frontier VFX (as Misael Martinez)
- Christopher Holloway
- Lighting Artist: Frontier VFX
- Max Horton
- colourist
- Ciprian Iorga
- compositor: NetFx
- Ratin Jadyar
- paint and rotoscopy artist
- Luc Julien
- compositing supervisor
- Ali Kholdebarin
- compositing artist
- Jin Yong Kim
- tracking & layout artist
- Jordan Taeyoung Kim
- tracking & layout artist
- Beeram Krishna
- compositing artist
- Aishwarya L.
- visual effects manager (as Aishwarya Lakshminarayana)
- Anaïs Lacoste
- compositing artist
- Pascale Lamoureux-Miron
- compositor
- Dinesh Layek
- paint and rotoscopy artist
- Peter Lazarov
- compositing artist
- Ambrose Lee
- additional paint & roto lead
- Jim Lewis
- on-set vfx supervisor
- Martin Lipmann
- visual effects supervisor
- Leon Pascal Lopes
- paint artist
- Alexander Maldoff
- VFX Production Manager
- Roberta Mangiapane
- Pipeline developer
- Eve Mansfield
- junior compositing artist
- Boris MartÃnez
- Lead Compositor / lead compositing artist (as Boris Martinez Castillo)
- James McPherson
- compositing artist
- Alexandre Melançon
- VFX pipeline TD
- Nick Miller
- VFX sequence producer
- Rabinarayan Mishra
- paint and rotoscopy artist (as Rabi Mishra)
- Pritam Moday
- paint and rotoscopy artist
- Conrad Moody
- CG Artist
- Cynthia Mourou
- visual effects producer
- Sumit Mukherjee
- additional paint & roto lead
- Nitish Naik
- Central Production Manager
- Amol Nalage
- paint and rotoscopy artist
- Alireza Nasr
- 3D modeler
- Alexander Naud
- VFX Production Manager
- Catalin Niculescu
- cg character supervisor
- Camilo Olarte
- compositing artist
- Abhinav Pareek
- Digital compositor: Frontier VFX
- Aniket Parsekar
- production manager (segment "vfx")
- Jyoti Patil
- paint and rotoscopy artist
- Pete Phillips
- digital compositor (as Peter Phillips)
- Julian Posteraro
- VFX Production Coordinator / visual effects coordinator
- Francis Prince
- compositing artist
- Atharv Pujari
- VFX Production Assistant
- Yue Qiao
- lighting artist
- Shitian Qiu
- environment artist: Frontier VFX
- John Quarrell
- Virtual Production Lead
- Lynne Rader Lewis
- VFX production assistant (as Lynne Rader)
- Justin Rader
- Lead Compositor
- Spencer Read
- visual effects coordinator
- Marri Naresh Reddy
- paint and rotoscopy artist
- Owen Revell
- compositing artist
- Jordanne Richards
- compositing artist
- Amber Ronaldson
- CG Production Assistant
- Rebecca Rose
- pre-visualisation artist
- Justin Rosen
- Senior Software Engineer
- Valérie Roussin-Potvin
- digital compositor
- Nicolas Sabourin-Beausoleil
- Lead compositor: Frontier VFX
- Amey Sakpal
- Associate Head Of Production
- K L Sateesh Varma
- compositor
- Logan Schwartz
- VFX pipeline lead
- Kk Shaji
- digital compositor
- Jeff Shank
- visual effects artist
- Joshua Sherrett
- Lead Generalist: Frontier VFX / tracking & layout artist
- Rayane Smayra
- VFX Production Manager
- Corey Smith
- compositing artist
- Pawan Solanki
- paint and rotoscopy artist
- Richard Spence
- technical director
- Chhawari Suraj
- compositor: visual effects
- Cedric Joel Tchouta Tchoubith
- compositing artist (as Cédric Joel Tchouta Tchoubith)
- Dharminder Thakur
- paint and rotoscopy artist (as Dharmendra Thakur)
- Alan Thorpe
- VFX sequence production manager
- Ben Toogood
- cg supervisor
- Ikegaki Toru
- lead lighting artist (as Marcelo Toru Ikegaki)
- Alexandre Tremblay
- compositing supervisor
- Yves Tremblay
- compositing artist
- Luke Tucker
- VFX production manager
- Jan Vavrusa
- digital matte painting
- Amélie Verhaegen
- vfx editor (as Amelie Verhaegen)
- Bijun Zhuge
- junior compositing artist