- Navale Abhishek
- 3d visual effects
- Susavan Aditya
- digital artist: MPC
- Reetu Aggarwal
- junior 3d artist: Clear Angle Studios
- Ajesh.k.t
- prep supervisor
- Arif Akca
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Shekar Alle
- digital artist: MPC
- Itamar Aloni
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Haffiz Anwar
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Pétur Arnórsson
- lead digital artist: MPC (as Petur Arnorsson)
- Anish Arumairaj
- digital artist: MPC
- Balabaskarachandran Arun
- digital compositor
- Mohammed Aseem
- 2d supervisor: MPC
- Mathieu Assemat
- head of cg
- Nikki Atkinson
- previs supervisor
- Vivek Aurora
- visual effects production: MPC
- Mark Anthony Austin
- postvis artist (as Mark Austin)
- Carlos Aviles
- software and technology support: MPC
- Ed Babb
- digital matte painter (as Ed Loverock Babb)
- Vikas Bableshwar
- lead digital artist: MPC (as Vikas Babaleshwar)
- Rajneesh Bahukhandi
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Bhavika Bajpai
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Suzette Barnett
- in-house compositor
- Andrew Barry
- compositing lead: SSVFX
- Vincent Barré
- digital artist: MPC (as Vincent Barre)
- Scott Bartels
- visual effects texture photographer
- Gunjan Baruah
- digital artist: MPC
- Michael Batty
- lidar scanning tech
- Edward Bauman
- assistant visual effects coordinator
- Leah Beevers
- head of creative operations: MPC
- Ludovic Begue
- digital artist: MPC
- Benjamin Bes
- digital artist: MPC
- Aman Bhagat
- digital artist: MPC
- Aniket Bhagat
- digital artist: MPC
- Manish Bhainiya
- compositor: Compositor
- Prakhar Bhatnagar
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Venkatesh Bhoomkar
- digital artist: MPC
- Swadhin Biswal
- senior compositor: MPC
- Koushik Biswas
- key asset td, mpc
- Lydia Bland
- visual effects coordinator
- Stefanie Boensch
- visual effects production: MPC
- Amelie Boiron
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Lisa Bolan
- creative supervision: Elastic Design
- Daisy Bonar
- compositor
- Ellie Nicole Bones
- visual effects production assistant
- Nilutpal Boruah
- matchmove & roto artist
- Emma Brady
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Ed Bruce
- visual effects supervisor: SSVFX
- Smit Bunkar
- digital artist: MPC
- Alexis Cabone
- digital artist: MPC
- Moisés Cambra
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Lauren Camilleri
- software and technology support: MPC
- Mia Campbell
- visual effects trainee: BFI Film Academy
- Ãscar Carámbano
- lead digital artist: MPC (as Oscar Carambano Macias)
- Varsha Chaudhari
- digital artist: MPC
- Pratik Chaudhary
- visual effects artist
- Yogesh Chautel
- visual effects production manager
- Valmik Chavan
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Dipak Chetry
- lead digital artist: MPC
- James Chew
- digital artist: MPC
- Keval Chheda
- visual effects production: MPC
- Ugandhar Chilakuri
- digital artist: MPC
- Tishar Chile
- digital artist: MPC
- Lynn Cho
- design and animation: Elastic Design
- Balkrishan Choudhary
- texture & lookdev artist
- Matt Chávez-Delgado
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Davide Cioffi
- previs artist
- Oli Clarke
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Doug Clinch
- systems engineer: SSVFX
- Diana Cobo
- visual effects production manager: SSVFX (as Diana Cobo Castrillo)
- James Cooper
- lead data wrangler
- Beauman Coty
- Senior Compositor
- Justin Coulon
- visual effects artist
- Nicholas Cruz
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Raffisen D.
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Dhruvkumar Dadhaniya
- matchmove artist
- Payal Dani
- head of creative operations: MPC
- Giles Davies
- character supervisor: MPC
- David De Somma
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Ranjan De
- digital artist: MPC
- Kunjal Hasmukh Dedhia
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Guillaume Depierre
- digital artist: MPC
- David Derail
- software and technology support: MCP
- Sebastien Desnoyelles
- digital matte painter: MPC
- Joseph Devenney
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Suvam Dey
- digital artist: MPC
- Sukanya Dhariya
- digital artist: MPC
- Kameliya Dimitrova
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Alex Drinkall
- capture technician: Clear Angle Studios
- Aakanksha Dubey
- visual effects coordinator / visual effects production: MPC
- Shabbeer Dudakula
- digital compositor
- Darragh Duffy
- head of visual effects pipeline: SSVFX
- Mihai Dumbravescu
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Anthony Durand
- cg supervisor: MPC
- Debolina Dutta
- compositor
- Csaba László Eröss
- visual effects coordinator
- Marilyne Fleury
- head of creative operations: MPC
- Julia Friedl
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Carl Frytz
- post vis artist
- Ronan Gantly
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Marco Genovesi
- head of digital environments
- Anjal George
- digital artist: MPC
- Lucas Paul Louis Germain
- digital artist: MPC
- Mohip Ghosh
- digital artist: MPC
- Shubhra Neel Ghosh
- digital artist: MPC (as Shubhra Ghosh)
- Amy Gibson
- Visual Effects Assistant Coordinator
- Rishabh Gondane
- compositor: MPC Film
- Tim Gustav Harald Goransson
- digital artist: MPC
- Christina Graham
- visual effects executive producer: MPC
- Philip Greenlow
- visual effects executive producer: MPC
- Maxime Guillemin
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Gil Hacco
- rigging td: MPC/Technicolor
- Dhananjay Hajare
- digital artist: MPC
- Jerry Hall
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Simon Halpern
- post-visualization artist
- Rameez Hameed
- digital artist: MPC (as Hameed Ramees)
- Thierry Hamel
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Giles Harding
- visual effects on-set supervisor: shadow unit
- Jake Harrell
- senior modeller: MPC
- Ben Harrison
- head of production: MPC
- Robert Hartigan
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- M.D. Washim Hasan
- digital artist: MPC (as Md. Washim Hasan)
- Edward Healy
- visual effects production: MPC (as Ed Healy)
- Patrick Hernandez
- senior visual effects coordinator
- Tom Hisbergue
- digital artist: MPC
- Gavin Hoffman
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Katie Hooten
- head of studio: MPC LA
- Sharan Kumar Hosur
- lead digital artist: MPC (as Sharan Kumar)
- James Hurlburt
- design and animation: Elastic Design
- Badi Rukhsarbanu Hushenbhai
- visual effects artist
- Kaamini Ibrahim
- visual effects production: MPC
- Eddy Idriss
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Sanaz Imanzadeh
- digital artist: MPC
- David Jackson
- data wrangler
- Abhishek Jadhav
- digital artist: MPC
- Satish Jadhav
- digital artist: MPC
- Shashank Jadhav
- senior compositor: MPC Film
- Vishal Jadhav
- digital compositor: MPC
- Priyanshu Jadon
- grooming artist
- Salome Jaffee
- postvis artist (as Salome Iravani)
- Simon Jago
- VFX assistant data wrangler
- Deepak Jalesh
- visual effects production: MPC
- Gintautas Janulis
- visual effects artist
- Christian Jelen
- previs artist
- Zhongwei Jin
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Cyril John
- visual effects production: MPC
- Lesley c Johny
- roto artist: MPC
- Ashwin Joshi
- digital compositor: MPC
- Sunil Kadam
- digital artist: MPC
- Ajesh Kanakkanthodiyil
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Abhishek Kandari
- digital artist: MPC
- Arunan Kannan
- software analyst: MPC
- Mahesh Kanneboina
- digital artist: MPC
- Ashwani Kar
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Bhardwaj Karthik
- digital artist: MPC (as Karthik Bhardwaj)
- Adam Keane
- visual effects production assistant: SSVFX
- Alireza Khodatars
- cg artist: SSVFX
- Ivan Khomenko
- concept artist: MPC
- Hee-eun Kim
- digital artist: MPC (as Hee Eun Kim)
- Maheswari Kiran
- visual effects production: MPC
- Nagaraju Kn
- digital artist: MPC
- Rahul Kothari
- digital artist: MPC / senior compositor: MPC India
- Bitravenkata Krishnachaitanya
- digital artist: MPC
- Ben Krolick
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Ayush Kumar
- digital compositor (credit only)
- Kiran Kumar
- head of creative operations: MPC
- Ramakant Kumar
- digital artist: MPC
- Shiva Kumar
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Sp Mohit Kumar
- digital artist: MPC (as Mohit Kumar)
- Vinod Kumar
- digital artist: MPC
- Chanate Kungsapiwattana
- digital artist: MPC
- Jakub Kupcik
- digital artist: MPC
- Björn Kähler
- digital artist: MPC (as Bjoern Kaehler)
- Leandre Lagrange
- visual effects concept artist
- Ryan Lalonde
- senior production operations engineer
- Josh Lange
- postvis supervisor
- Trisha Langill
- software and technology support: MPC
- Piers Larchet
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Evan Larimore
- design and animation: Elastic Design
- Martina Lauria
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- David Lieberman
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Miguel Angel Lizarraga Hijar
- digital artist: MPC
- Miguel Lizarraga
- digital matte painter
- Sophie Luto
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Kurt Maclachlan
- visual effects recruiter: MotusVFX
- Ryan Magid
- asset artist: MPC/Technicolor
- Oliver S. Magno
- digital artist: MPC (as liver Magno)
- Caoimhe Maguire
- visual effects producer: SSVFX (as Caoimhe Maguire)
- Pramod Mahangare
- digital artist: MPC
- Roshan Maharjan
- digital compositor: MPC Film
- Karanveer Mahendru
- Matchmove & RotoAnim
- Chittaranjan Mahto
- digital artist: MPC
- Suryakant Mahunta
- lead compositor
- Uddipta Maitra
- digital artist: MPC
- Keith Malone
- lead matchmover: SSVFX
- Ãric Maltais
- lead digital artist: MPC (as Eric Maltais)
- Jo Manawa
- visual effects department manager: MPC
- Florian Manceau
- digital artist: MPC / key layout artist: MPC
- Srikanth Mangipudi
- digital artist: MPC
- Jing Marshall
- postvis coordinator
- Matthew Marshall
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Luc-Ewen Martin-Fenouillet
- cg supervisor: MPC
- Patrick Martini
- digital artist: MPC
- Sabrina Martins
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Asahel Abisaà MartÃnez MartÃnez
- digital artist: MPC
- Vasudha Mayekar
- Assets Lead
- Alan Z. McCurdy
- vfx assistant editor (as Alan McCurdy)
- Garvin McGoldrick
- visual effects systems engineer: SSVFX
- Daryl McMahon
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Vita Medelyte
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Sarah Medley
- visual effects production: MPC
- Sina Mehralinia
- digital artist: MPC
- Adamya Mehta
- matchmove & roto artist: Trace VFX
- Mishaal Memon
- visual effects trainee: BFI Film Academy
- Mary Meng
- visual effects production: MPC
- Chloé Mesnage
- lead digital artist: MPC (as Chloe Mesnage)
- Veronique Messier Lauzon
- head of production: MPC (as Veronique Messier-Lauzon)
- Nidhin Mohan
- Lead compositor / lead digital artist: MPC
- Vashishta Mohit
- senior compositor: MPC
- Daniel Moody
- visual effects production manager
- Niall Mooney
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Alan Morales
- senior postvis artist
- Geraldine Morales
- visual effects contracts manager: Walt Disney Studios
- Benoit Moranne
- digital artist: MPC
- Vikrant More
- key matchmove artist: visual effects
- Sarah Moussaif
- visual effects digital producer: MPC
- Matthew Mullarkey
- in-house compositor
- Naresh Munda
- digital compositor
- Lidia Romero Munoz
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Stefan Müller
- digital artist: MPC (as Stefan Muller)
- Jayasurya N
- software analyst: MPC Film
- Manjunatha N
- Roto Artist: MPC film
- Pat Nadeau
- visual effects production: MPC (as Patric Nadeau)
- Rakeshkumar Nadipelli
- digital artist: MPC
- Devendra Naghate
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Rudresh Naik
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Johnny Nam
- digital artist: MPC
- Pratik Mukherjee Nanai
- Lead Asset TD : MPC (as Pratik Mukherjee)
- Rahul Nath
- visual effects production: MPC
- Liam Neville
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Andre Nugroho
- digital artist: MPC
- Kelly O'Flaherty
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Jayaprakash P.J.
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Vijay Sukumar P.T.
- senior compositor: MPC
- Aditya Pandey
- digital artist: MPC
- Someshwar Pandey
- digital artist: MPC
- Sebastian Ballesteros Paniagua
- visual effects production: MPC
- Sivapranav Panicker
- software and technology support: MCP (as Sivaprauag Panicker)
- Subrat Panigrahi
- compositor
- Nilesh Parsade
- digital artist: MPC
- Sachin Patekar
- lead digital artist: MPC (as Sachin Shantaram Patekar)
- Bhavik B. Patel
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Trushna Patel
- vfx editor: MPC
- Girish Patil
- digital compositor: MPC
- Jahangir Patil
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Nived Patil
- digital artist: MPC
- Rajit Chander Patnaik
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Bibhu Prasad Pattnayak
- visual effects production: MPC (as Bibhu Pattnayak)
- Mayur Pawar
- compositor / digital artist: MPC
- Petko Petkov
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Dominic Pigeon
- software and technology support: MCP
- Aishwarya Pillay
- digital artist: MPC
- Maryanne Pittman
- visual effects art department producer
- Daniel Pons
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Andrei D. Popa
- design and animation: Elastic Design (as Andrei Popa)
- Pradeep Pradhan
- digital artist: MPC
- Kiran Prasad
- head of production: MPC
- Balaji Kutty Premkumar
- digital artist: MPC
- Kasnoor Mahammad Rafiulla
- digital artist: MPC
- Simirag Raghavan
- software and technology support: MCP
- Mahendrakar Raghunath
- digital artist: MPC
- Gaurav Rai
- Matchmove & Roto-Anim Artist MPC
- Pallavi Rai
- digital artist: MPC
- Vipin Raj
- digital artist: MPC
- Rohini Rajendran
- Visual Effects Artist at MPC
- Ravi Rajesh
- digital artist: MPC (as Rajesh Ravi)
- Appala Raju N.
- lead digital artist: MPC (as Appala Raju Nali)
- Rajarajan Ramakrishnan
- head of creative operations: MPC
- Sandesh Ramdev
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Ashleigh Ramirez
- visual effects assistant coordinator
- Akshath Rao
- visual effects artist
- Sambasiva Rapeti
- digital artist: MPC (as Raapeti Sambasiva)
- Rajesh Rasappa
- Senior Compositor
- Raghuprasad Ravichandran
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Chatta Ravikumar
- digital artist: MPC
- Sanda Ravindharreddy
- digital artist: MPC
- Arka Ray
- compositor
- Tom Reagan
- visual effects editor
- K. Rajesh Reddy
- digital artist: MPC (as Rajesh Reddy)
- Shakeelur Rehman
- digital artist: MPC
- Maximilian Reid
- postvis coordinator: MPC/Technicolor
- Kristian Rejek
- lead digital artist: MPC (as Kristian Daniel Rejek)
- Jorge Robles
- visual effects systems engineer: SSVFX
- Ajay Roshan F
- visual effects coordinator: MPC (as Ajay Roshan)
- Christoph Roth
- visual effects producer: MPC
- Isabelle Roy
- head of studio: MPC
- Tanusree Roy
- visual effects artist
- Eduardo Royo
- previs artist
- Kaveh Ruintan
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Jean-Marc Rulier
- 3d scanning specialist
- Carlos Sa
- design and animation: Elastic Design
- Preetam Saha
- digital artist: MPC
- Rahul Saha
- senior compositor
- Subhasish Saha
- digital artist: MPC
- Siripuram Saikiran
- digital artist: MPC
- Sagar Sajith
- digital artist
- Sajeer Abdul Salam
- compositing supervisor: MPC India
- Farid Sandoval
- visual effects concept artist
- Miguel Santos
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Miguel V. Santos
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- B.S. Rajkumar Sapate
- matchmove lead: Technicolor creative studios
- Kuridi Sarath
- digital artist: MPC
- Nick Sargent
- head of technical animation
- Amritendu madhab Sarkar
- digital compositor (credit only)
- Kranti Sarma
- head of studio: MPC
- Andrew D. Scarrott
- previs artist
- Ingo Schachner
- digital artist: MPC
- Joydip Sen
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Sajith Sethumadhavan
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Nathaniel Seymour
- postvis artist: The Motion Picture Company and Technicolor
- Virendra Kumar Shah
- visual effects artist
- Apurva Raj Kumar Sharma
- visual effects production: MPC (as Apruva Sharma)
- Arun Sharma
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Gaurav Sharma
- Compositing lead : MPC
- Krishnam Sharma
- digital artist: MPC / senior paint/prep artist
- Niteesh Sharma
- digital artist: MPC
- Andrew Shawley
- witness camera operator
- Vivek Shedge
- Senior Camera Tracking Artist
- Aoife Short
- visual effects systems engineer: SSVFX
- Albin Siby
- digital artist: MPC
- Satish Kumar Singh
- visual effects artist
- Sargurunathan Sivalingam
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Joe Smith
- digital artist: MPC
- Patrick Smith
- Head of Visualization: MPC
- Shane Smith
- imaging engineer
- William Smith
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Selvakumar Somasundaram
- digital artist: MPC
- Arvind Sounderrajan
- digital artist: MPC
- Sandro Spennati
- digital artist: MPC
- Lydia Spry
- visual effects coordinator
- Kathleen Squire
- visual effects texture photographer
- Varun Sreekanth
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Jampala Srinadh
- digital artist: MPC
- Francis St-Denis
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Christophe St-Pierre Paradis
- lead digital artist: MPC (as Christophe Paradis)
- Arek Stefaniak
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Damien Stumpf
- visual effects supervisor: MPC
- Artem Sukach
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Angelia Tai
- visual effects production: MPC
- Amelie Talarmain
- digital artist: MPC
- David Taritero
- visual effects executive
- Stanislav Tatarenkov
- digital artist: MPC
- Fabio Tavares Nunes
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Vijaykumar Thirunavukarasu
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Dave Thomas
- digital compositor: SSVFX
- Tyson Thomas
- digital artist: MPC
- Robert Thompson
- pipeline technical director: SSVFX
- Robert C. Thompson
- pipeline technical director: SSVFX
- Sanal Tm
- digital artist: MPC
- Sarah Tulloch
- visual effects producer
- Greg Tully
- visual effects systems engineer: SSVFX
- Shaileshkumar Vajjaramatti
- digital compositor
- Brice Vallee
- digital artist: MPC
- Prasanna Vantagodi
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Lino Varghese
- blendshape artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Kakara Venkatesh
- digital artist: MPC
- Aman Verma
- digital artist: MPC
- Rob Vigorito
- compositing td
- Luis Villegas
- 2d supervisor: MPC
- Vishnu Vimal
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Maria Vineeta
- software and technology support: MCP
- Harish Vishwakarma
- asset artist: mpc
- Mason Weigel
- assistant visual effects coordinator
- Hayden White
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Elizabeth Willaman
- visual effects production manager
- Wineeth Wilson
- 2d supervisor: MPC
- Max Wood
- visual effects supervisor
- Gigo Xavier
- digital artist: MPC
- Andrew M. Young
- color pipeline supervisor / techincal director / visual effects artist
- Kumar Abheesht
- digital matte painter (uncredited)
- Itamar Aloni
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Krishna c Athul
- digital resource analyst (uncredited)
- Moahammed Basheer Majitha Azarudeen
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Alannah Belanger
- visual effects central production manager: MPC (uncredited)
- Pascal Blais
- head of animation department (uncredited)
- Auralie Blanchette
- 3d environment artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Matteo Borgomanero
- visual effects data wrangler: ap unit (uncredited)
- Kirean Boughan
- visual effects senior coordinator: MPC (uncredited)
- Louise Brand
- photogrammetry character scanning (uncredited)
- Kevin Buno
- digital matte painter (uncredited)
- Moisés Cambra
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Yongjoon Choi
- techanim artist (uncredited)
- Rachel Clarke
- lighting artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Thomas Clary
- visual effects bidding producer: MPC (uncredited)
- Matthew Collins
- visual effects editor (uncredited)
- Luke Colson
- main title (uncredited)
- Nicholas Cruz
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Alexander Dewar
- capture technician: Clear Angle Studios (uncredited)
- Ashwini Dey
- senior prep artist (uncredited)
- Arindam Dhar
- compositing technical director (uncredited)
- Craig Dibble
- lead render systems engineer: MPC (uncredited)
- Bhardwaj Divyanshu
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Dave Duarte
- capture technician: Clear Angle Studios (uncredited)
- Rao Eshwar
- compositor: MPC India (uncredited)
- Dean Faulder
- layout td: MPC (uncredited)
- Ella Fitzhugh
- Visual Effects Production: MPC (uncredited)
- Alonso Benavente Fortes
- production operations engineer: MPC (uncredited)
- Jeremy Freeberg
- postvis artist: MPC/Technicolor (uncredited)
- Qian Gagné
- lighting artist (uncredited)
- Mohamed Ghouse
- Senior Compositor: MPC, Montreal (uncredited)
- Sam Gough
- 3d scanning technician (uncredited)
- Prakash Goyal
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Akshay Gs
- software analyst: MPC (uncredited)
- Rick Harris
- digital artist: 3d scanning, Clear Angle Studios (uncredited)
- Daniel Hazeltine
- visual effects artist: Clear Angle Studios (uncredited)
- Isaac Hingley
- postvis artist: MPC/Technicolor (uncredited)
- Sam Holloway
- screening support: MPC (uncredited)
- Rebecca Hopkinson
- lighting artist (uncredited)
- Poppy Hunter
- scanning technician: Clear Angle Studios (uncredited)
- Vincent Italia
- cg supervisor (uncredited)
- Ayush Jain
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Shruti Janu
- senior animator: MPC (uncredited)
- Sam Johnston
- 2d supervisor: SSVFX (uncredited)
- Brandon Lee Karcher
- character effects artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Ella Kean
- production assistant (uncredited)
- Caitlin Kennedy
- postvis artist: MPC/Technicolor (uncredited)
- Jadeesh Kodiyil
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Eric A. Kohler
- visual effects executive producer: SSVFX (uncredited)
- Brittany Koller
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Navaneeth Krishna
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Yashwanth Kuntamukkala
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Chun Hei Kwok
- compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Melanie Lanza
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Martina Lauria
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Barbara Lavia
- visual effects editor (uncredited)
- Marco Lee
- visual effects artist: Clear Angle Studios (uncredited)
- Tommy Lupinacci
- visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- Sophie Luto
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Benjamin Léron
- environment artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Kevin Mah
- head of effects: MPC (uncredited)
- Varun Malik
- senior digital compositor (uncredited)
- Jean-Philippe Marchand
- lead matte painter: MPC (uncredited)
- Ben Marks
- visual effects staff coordinator: Walt Disney Studios (uncredited)
- Giovanni Mascherpa
- lead texture & lookdev artist (uncredited)
- Francesco Massaro
- digital compositor: SSVFX (uncredited)
- Helen McIlwrick
- visual effects artist: Clear Angle Studios (uncredited)
- Daryl McMahon
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- David McMahon
- asset modeler: MPC (uncredited)
- Luis Jorge Medina
- compositing supervisor (uncredited)
- Shane Miranda
- digital matte painter (uncredited)
- Clifford C. Moller
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Dario Morittu
- lighting artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Rohan Mukherjee
- digital artist: MPC India (uncredited)
- Karthigeyan Murugesan
- groom artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Niswal Nadh
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Jocelyn Nagat
- visual effects department manager (uncredited)
- Bébhinn Naughton
- visual effects coordinator: SSVFX (uncredited)
- Fryderyk Obuchowicz
- environment artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Javier Ortega
- Digital compositor: SSVFX (uncredited)
- Galina Pak
- technical animator: MPC (uncredited)
- Anatole Parent
- environment artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Harsh Patel
- matchmove & roto artist (uncredited)
- Pablo Perugorria
- imaging engineer: MPC (uncredited)
- Cath Postlethwaite
- visual effects production coordinator: MPC (uncredited)
- Vishnu Premachandran
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Troy Provencal
- 3d scanning technician (uncredited)
- Shanmuga Raja
- lead software developer: MPC (uncredited)
- Montserrat Ramirez
- lighting artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Palle Ranjith Kumar
- rigging artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Vishvesh Rathod
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Natwar singh Rathore
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Julia Reck
- animator: MPC (uncredited)
- Mnandi Ridley
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Amber Ronaldson
- visual effects department assistant (uncredited)
- Valentina Rosselli
- texturing and lookdev technical director (uncredited)
- Ivan R. Salinas
- data i/o (uncredited)
- Kuntal Sarkar
- modeler (uncredited)
- Smijith Sathian
- digital resource administrator: MPC Film (uncredited)
- Rahul Saxena
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Jacob Scamell
- digital matte painter (uncredited)
- Shyamchand
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Lew Silver
- department manager: MPC London (uncredited)
- Ganesh B. Singh
- matchmove & bodytrack lead: MPC (uncredited)
- Igor Skliar
- senior shader writer (uncredited)
- Ashish Raju Somkuwar
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Marcus Starling
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Arek Stefaniak
- compositing artist (uncredited)
- Aleksandra Stojanov
- digital compositor: SSVFX (uncredited)
- David Sudd
- postvis artist: MPC/Technicolor (uncredited)
- Musumuru Sudhasrinivas
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Rohit Suryawanshi
- key compositing artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Dey Tapajyoti
- texturing & lookdev artist (uncredited)
- Fabio Tavares Nunes
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Rohan Tirkey
- compositor: MPC India (uncredited)
- Connor Tracy
- postvis artist: MPC/Technicolor (uncredited) / visualization artist (uncredited)
- Sarah Trudelle
- r&d project manager: MPC (uncredited)
- Christine Uyemura
- key fx artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Srijith Vasudevan
- Lead Software Developer: MPC (uncredited)
- Ayyappadas Vijayakumar
- visual effects editor: MPC (uncredited)
- Haijing Wang
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Hazel Weatherall
- 3d scanning digital artist (uncredited)
- Aleksandar Yochkolovski
- cross-show lead lighting/lookdev: MPC (uncredited)
- Shannyn Zorab
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)