- Jesus Aguilar
- animal trainer: rooster
- Flora Amanda
- stand-in (as Amanda Fresquez)
- Karen Aragon
- covid coordinator
- Karin Aragon
- covid testing coordinator
- Lana Bowen
- certified animal safety representative
- Tamara Brock
- animal trainer (as Tamara Reynolds)
- Lisa Brown
- head animal wrangler
- Alex Castillo
- loop group / voice actor
- Mike Chavez
- animal trainer
- Bernardo Cubria
- loop group
- Charles Duran
- traffic control
- Heather Fielding
- studio teacher
- Julia Floyd
- set production assistant
- Ari Gallegos
- acting coach: Eduardo Minett'
- Katia Gianopoulos
- production secretary
- David Goodin
- production accountant
- Aaron Grossman
- set production assistant
- Barbara Harris
- loop group (as Barbara Iley)
- Krista Harris
- medic
- Rebecca Hilliard
- production coordinator
- Lucas Hogue
- horse wrangler
- Nancy G. James
- craft service (as Nancy James)
- Brendon Kehoe
- snake removal technician
- Anthony Kerum
- caterer: Tony's Food Service
- Mara Kerum
- caterer: Tony's Food Service
- Lee Lewin
- studio teacher
- Ruth Livier
- loop group
- Eddie Locks
- assistant to executive in charge of production
- Will McCausland
- production assistant
- Darin McCormick-Millett
- titles by (as Darin Millett)
- Danielle Melendez
- health safety officer
- Megan Mieduch
- assistant: Mr. Moore
- Jessica Montoya
- spanish translator
- Daniel Mora
- loop group
- Carlos Moreno Jr.
- loop group
- Allie Moreno
- loop group (as Alejandra Moreno) / voice actor (as Alejandra Moreno)
- Sylvie Mortenson
- second assistant accountant
- Stacie Motobo
- first assistant accountant
- Vivianne Nacif
- loop group
- Levi Nunez
- loop group
- Christopher V. Olguin
- set medic
- Kaelin Omerod
- C-19Testing Supervisor
- Jessica Pacheco
- loop group
- Emmanuel Pappas
- physical production coordinator: Warner Bros Pictures
- Pablo Paz
- stand-in
- Zac Pitre
- covid compliance production assistant
- Kyle Pond
- craft service
- Josh Prather
- animal trainer
- James Pratt
- animal trainer (as Jim Pratt)
- Carlo Pratto
- vice president: production finance, Warner Bros Pictures
- William Michael Redman
- audio description narrator
- Jeff Reynolds
- first assistant accountant
- Alejandro S. Rodriguez
- covid compliance manager (as Alejandro Rodriguez)
- Isaac Rodriguez
- covid compliance officer
- Eddie Santiago
- loop group
- Gabriella Sayour
- 2nd Assistant Accountant
- Bruce Schluter
- titles
- Cynthia Seabock
- production secretary
- Brendan Shepherd
- assistant production coordinator
- Alison R. Smith
- animal trainer (as Alison Smith)
- Autumn Soliman
- accounting clerk
- Monty Stuart
- animal trainer
- Cathy Trope
- researcher
- Cristofer Uribio
- caterer: Tony's Food Service
- Joseph Valverde
- Cast
- Bernardo Verela
- caterer: Tony's Food Service
- Alison Wisecarver
- assistant accountant
- Bryan Yentz
- localization coordinator
- Margareta Young
- craft service
- Habib Madison
- actress (uncredited)
- Joseph Valverde
- cast (uncredited)