- Ian Abando
- story artist
- Olivier Adam
- set designer
- Didier Ah-Koon
- story artist
- Fred Alves
- character modeler (as Frédéric Alves-Cunha)
- Steve Alves
- character animator
- Hichem Arfaoui
- character animator
- Salem Arfaoui
- character animator
- Hervé Arphi
- character rigger
- Jérôme Arthuis
- render wrangling lead
- Pierre Avon
- supervising animator
- Julien Badoil
- colorist
- Damien Bapst
- layout artist
- Benoit Bargeton
- character animator
- Nicolas Bauduin
- supervising animator
- Francois Belliart
- matte painter (as François Belliart)
- Guillaume Benamout
- matte painter
- Arnaud Berthier
- character animator
- Vincent Blanqué
- lighting artist
- François-Xavier Bologna
- supervising animator
- Nathalie Bonnin
- fur and hair development
- Francois Bordez
- character modeler (as François Bordeau)
- Pierre Bottai
- crowd animator
- Démian Boude
- lighting artist
- Guillaume Boudeville
- sets and props rigging lead
- Nicolas Brack
- lighting supervisor
- Christophe Brejon
- lighting artist (as Christopher Brejon de Lavergnée)
- Nicolas Brice
- sets and props rigger
- Clare Brooks
- art production supervisor
- Cécile Brossette
- character animator
- Frédéric Bruna
- character rigger
- Marek Buchwald
- animator
- Nimoul Nims Bun
- character rigger (as Nimoul Bun)
- Cédric Burkarth
- lighting artist
- Hendel Butoy
- animator
- Florent Cadel
- lighting artist
- Daniel Callaby
- character animator
- Sergio Casas
- colorist
- Marc Antoine Cesari
- character modeler
- Christoph Charriton
- set designer (as Christophe Charriton)
- Brice Chevillard
- crowd animator
- Pierre Chomarat
- animator
- Franck Clarenc
- sets and props modeler (as Frank Clarenc)
- Jean-Denis Coindre
- matte painter
- Antoine Collet
- character animator
- Thibault Collonges
- sets and props modeler
- Nicolas Combecave
- character rigging lead
- Nicolas Coppolani
- sets and props surfacing
- Jérôme Cordier
- lighting artist
- Anne Coulet
- character surfacing
- Lionel Cuendet
- lead lighting artist
- Simon Cuisinier
- character animator
- Rafael Curulla
- finaling production supervisor (as Rafaël Curulla)
- Thomas Dairain
- lighting artist
- Emmanuelle de Amézaga
- fur and hair development
- Bertrand De Becque
- lighting artist
- Axelle De Cooman
- set dressing supervisor
- Laurent de la Chapelle
- animation supervisor
- François Debonnet
- character surfacing
- Mike Defeo
- 3d character development (as Michael Defeo)
- Luc Degardin
- character animator
- Jonathan del Val
- character animator
- Patrick Delage
- character animator
- Eric Delbecq
- additional story artist
- Christophe Delisle
- character animator
- Bruno Dequier
- animation director
- Claudine Despeiroux
- character rigger (as Claudine Desperoux)
- Maxime Devanlay
- layout artist
- Vincent Devay
- character animator (as Vincent Ehrhart-Devay)
- Guillame Dhont
- character animator (as Guillaume Dhont)
- Axel Digoix
- character animator
- Katarina Djordjevic
- character modeler
- Selim Draia
- lead lighting artist (as Selim Draïa)
- Ephraïm Drouet
- lighting artist
- Jérémie Droulers
- character surfacing
- Pierre-François Duhamel
- character animator
- Damien Duprat
- character animator
- Romain Durr
- layout artist
- Moïse Essame
- crowd animator
- Eric Favela
- story artist
- Victor Fleury
- final layout artist
- Audrey Fobis
- animator / character animator
- Greg Foret
- sets & props modeler (as Grégoire Foret)
- Ben Fournet
- character surfacing
- Benoit Fournol
- lighting artist
- David Fourrage
- character modeler
- Martin Fuller
- additional story artist
- Valerie Gabriel
- final layout supervisor
- David Galante
- character modeler
- Hélène Galtier
- sets and props surfacing
- Mathieu Gautier
- character modeler
- Gabriel Gelade
- character animator
- Gregory Georges
- colorist (as Grégory Georges)
- Laura Giardini
- set dresser
- Nicolas Gibut
- character animator
- Jean-Charles Gonin
- character animator
- Carter Goodrich
- character designer
- Jérôme Gordon
- character modeling supervisor
- Mael Gourmelen
- additional character designer (as Maël Gourmelen)
- Hortense Goyard
- sets and props modeler
- Adeline Grange
- character animator
- Romain Grillon
- fur and hair development
- Clément Griselain
- colorist
- Benoit Guillaumot
- character animator
- Sophie Guillois
- lead lighting artist
- Eric Guillon
- character designer
- Laurent Guittard
- character modeler
- Valérie Hadida
- animator
- Julien Hassenforder
- layout artist
- Basile Heiderscheid
- character animator
- Jean Hemez
- supervising animator
- Kevin Herbrich
- character modeler
- Guillaume Herent
- character animator (as Guillaume Hérent)
- Elodie Hickson
- sets and props modeler
- Gontran Hoarau
- animator
- John Holmquist
- additional story artist
- Guylo Homsy
- layout lead (as Guy-Laurent Homsy)
- Cameron Hood
- additional story artist
- John Hreich
- lighting artist
- Aurelien Hulot
- sets and props modeler (as Aurélien Hulot)
- Jean-Marc Imele
- sets and props rigger
- Vicky Jenson
- animator
- Fabrice Joubert
- story artist
- Laperdrix Julien
- lighting assistant technical director
- Silke Jäger
- character animator
- Jin Kabore
- character rigger
- Mike Kim
- story artist
- Antoine Kinget
- crowd animator
- Sebastien Kunert
- character animator
- Maxime Labate
- layout artist
- Elodie Labbe
- lighting artist
- Thomas Laffin
- animation coordinator
- Aurélie Lagneau
- character rigger
- Vanessa Lamblet
- sets and props surfacing
- Jimmy Laplaige
- fur and hair development
- Francois Launet
- set modeling supervisor (as François Launet)
- Paul Lavau
- crowd animator
- Mathieu Le Meur
- character rigging supervisor
- Vincent Le Moigne
- final layout artist (as Vincent Lemoigne)
- Delphine Le Roch
- senior finaling production supervisor
- Vincent Le Ster
- character animator
- Yannick Lecoffre
- lighting artist
- Maxime Leduc
- sets and props surfacing
- Pierre Leduc
- animation director
- Catherine Catie Lee
- lighting artist (as Catie Lee)
- Vincent Lemaire
- character animator
- Alexandre Xiaoguang Li
- character animator
- Adrien Soyty Liv
- character animator
- Wassila Lmouaci
- layout production supervisor
- Pierre Lopes
- sets and props surfacing
- Habib Louati
- story artist
- Christophe Lourdelet
- story artist
- Olivier Luffin
- character hair and fur supervisor
- David Lux
- story artist
- Romain Silva Macedo
- lighting artist
- Paul Mager
- additional character designer / set designer
- Frédéric Mainil
- fur and hair development
- Anaïs Mallégol
- crowd animator
- Jérémie Mamo
- sets and props modeler (as Jérémy Mamo)
- Mickael Mandonnet
- lighting artist
- Gaël Matchabelli
- character animator
- Sarah Matuszak
- character surfacing
- Eric Mauhourat
- character rigging lead (as Eric Skjold Mauhourat)
- Quentin Max
- crowd animator
- Hank Mayo
- animator
- Glenn McCoy
- Story Artist / additional story artist
- Mathieu Menard
- character animator (as Mathieu Ménard)
- Jessica Meunier
- layout production supervisor
- Steve Moore
- story artist
- Jérémie Moreau
- additional character designer
- Pauline Motard
- layout artist
- Jean-Pierrick Muggianu
- lighting artist
- Matthew Nealon
- story artist (as Matt Nealon)
- Eric Hao Nguy
- character rigger
- Thierry Noblet
- lead lighting artist
- Mark O'Hare
- story artist
- Eddy Okba
- crowd animator
- Gwénolé Oulc'hen
- character animator
- Sergio Pablos
- character designer
- Victor Pajot
- lighting artist
- Remi Parisse
- crowd animator (as Rémi Parisse)
- Marsha Park
- animator
- Elisabeth Patte
- supervising crowd animator
- Fred Peci-Evesque
- layout artist (as Frédéric Peci-Evesque)
- Yohan Pelladeaud
- character animator
- Titouan Perrot
- sets and props surfacing
- Yung Pham
- character animator
- Tony Phé
- character rigger
- Boris Plateau
- character animator
- Wilbert Plijnaar
- story artist
- Joy Poirel
- senior animation production supervisor
- Fabien Polack
- set surfacing supervisor
- Delphine Potevin
- sets and props surfacing
- Olivier Prigent
- lighting artist
- Patrick Pujalte
- character animator
- Pierre-André Pérucaud
- character rigger
- Guillaume Rajaona
- character modeler
- Ludovic Ramiére
- sets and props modeler (as Ludovic Ramière)
- Loïc Rastout
- set designer
- Mike Reiss
- story consultant
- Chris Renaud
- additional character designer
- Mary-Jean Repchuk
- animator
- Claude Ricros
- character animator
- Julien Rocchi
- lighting artist
- Gilles Roman
- sets and props modeler
- Alexandre Ronco
- character animator
- Dave Rosenbaum
- story supervisor (as David Rosenbaum)
- Laurent Rossi
- character animator
- Ludovic Roz
- character animator
- Céline Roz-Locatelli
- animation production supervisor
- Gaël Sabourin
- character animator
- Corentin Sacré
- character animator
- Stéphane Sainte-Foi
- animator
- Loic Salmon
- lighting artist (as Loïc Salmon)
- Ludovic Savonnière
- character animator
- Régis Schuller
- rough layout supervisor
- Charles Seignolle
- lighting coordinator
- Arnaud Servouze
- lighting artist
- Alexandra Skinazi
- sets and props production supervisor (as Alexandra Skinazi-Francart)
- Matthieu Skrovec
- finaling production supervisor
- Angela Smaldone
- sets and props modeler
- Julien Soret
- supervising animator
- Colin Stimpson
- colorist
- David Suarez
- final layout artist
- Virginie Taravel
- sets and props surfacing lead
- Cyril Thauvain
- sets & props modeler (as Cyril Thauvin)
- Marlene Thomas
- character production supervisor
- Philippe Tilikete
- additional character designer / general designer
- Arnaud Tisseyre
- lighting artist
- Max Tourret
- lead lighting artist
- Mathieu Trintzius
- character rigging lead
- Clementine Tronel
- crowd animator (as Clémentine Tronel)
- Benjamin Tussiot
- animator / crowd animator
- Nicolas Valade
- sets and props modeler
- Adam Van Wyk
- additional story artist
- Quentin Vandenbongaard
- sets and props surfacing
- Emmanuel Vergne
- supervising animator
- Damien Viatte
- lead lighting artist
- Anthony Voisin
- lighting artist
- Damien Zeelen
- character animator
- Christophe Brejon
- senior lighter (uncredited)
- Daniel Chong
- storyboard artist (uncredited)
- Bruno Etchepare
- animator (uncredited)
- Frank Forte
- storyboard artist (uncredited)
- Ryan Green
- story artist (uncredited)
- Ali Hamdan
- senior character technical director (uncredited)
- David Laverdure
- animator (uncredited)
- Angie Prindle
- animator (uncredited)
- Fawn Veerasunthorn
- story artist (uncredited)
- Henri Zaitoun
- layout artist (uncredited)