- Razzak Ahmad
- spot boy: India
- Mehmood Ali
- lighting technician
- Abdul Aziz Amlani
- generator hire: Malaysia
- Rizwan Latif Ansari
- lighting technician
- Babloo
- steadicam operator (as Bablu)
- Ruhaizad Bin Ahmad
- sparks
- Mazlan Bin Hamzah
- sparks
- Mohd. Ayub Bin Ibrahim
- jimmy jib assistant: Malaysia
- Khairudin Bin Mohamed Yusoff
- sparks
- Megat Zaini Bin Tun
- gaffer: Malaysia
- Ravi Kiran Boyidapu
- camera attendant
- Yuk Hoy Cheong
- director of photography: Malaysia
- Umesh Kumar Choudhary
- equipment attendant: 435 camera
- Julie Conte
- second assistant camera: Paris
- Sachin Dawande
- lighting technician
- Bijitesh De
- first assistant camera
- Mulchand Dedhia
- gaffer
- Sampath Kumar Dupati
- second assistant camera
- Anand Kumar Ekbote
- focus puller
- Faizal
- best boy grip (as Fazal)
- Catherine Georges
- first assistant camera: Paris
- Abheet Gidwani
- publicity still photographer
- Mukund Gupta
- other
- Raju Jagdakale
- equipment attendant: 435 camera
- Dharmendar Jaiswal
- camera attendant
- Javed
- assistant grip (as Javed Ahmed)
- Joe Jennings
- skydiving camera operator
- Nilesh Joshi
- camera attendant
- Raja Mukhriz Bin R. Ahmad Kamaruddin
- director of photography: second unit, Malaysia (as Raja Mukhriz Bin R. Ahmed Kamaruddin)
- Mahesh Kamle
- jimmy jib attendant
- Kee Hoe Kelvin
- first assistant camera: Malaysia (as Chong Kee Hoe)
- Fazal Khan
- best boy grip
- Hafiz Khan
- jimmy jib attendant
- Manoj Kumar Khatoi
- camera operator
- Narayan Kittu
- lighting technician (as K. Narayan)
- Harindra Kotain
- spot boy: India (as Harindra Kotian)
- T. Hari Krshnan
- spot boy: India
- Ashok Kumar
- equipment attendant: 435 camera
- Olivier Leblanc
- key grip for Swiss jib: Paris
- Huat Kim Lim
- second assistant camera: Malaysia
- Romain Léo
- assistant grip for Swiss jib: Paris
- Jagarnath Mandal
- spot boy: India
- Alex Mitchel
- equipment attendant: 435 camera
- Arun Narayane
- lighting technician
- Shashi Narayane
- lighting technician
- Shashikant Narayane
- lighting technician
- Madhu Neelakandan
- director of photography: second unit (as Neelkantan Madhu Nair)
- Naryaan S. Nege
- equipment attendant: 435 camera
- Mutheiya Pandian
- jimmy jib attendant
- Sunil Patel
- equipment attendant: 435 camera
- Namdev Patil
- spot boy: India
- Francis Pereira
- spot boy: India
- Ramu S. Prajapati
- equipment attendant: 435 camera
- Dinesh Raithatha
- lighting technician
- Suri Ramasamy
- best boy grip (as Suri)
- Surthamudu Ramasamy
- key grip
- B.V. Ravi Kiran
- second assistant camera
- Vikram Waddi Reddy
- camera attendant
- Hervé Rousset
- key grip: Paris
- Kamlesh Saadrani
- gaffer (as Kamlesh Sadrani)
- Mohd. Hamid Mohd Safi
- lighting technician
- Chotelal Sahu
- jimmy jib attendant
- Suresh Salavakar
- equipment attendant: 435 camera
- Sanjay Sami
- key grip
- Jean Pierre Sartor
- gaffer: Paris
- Saiman Sebastian
- jimmy jib assistant: Malaysia
- Subhash Segwan
- lighting technician (as Shubhash Sigwan)
- Sivakumar Sekar
- grip crew
- Brijkishore Shah
- spot boy: India
- Hafiz Shah
- lighting technician
- Kamleshchand Sharma
- lighting technician
- Aarif Sheikh
- assistant grip (as Asraf Sheikh)
- Anwar Sheikh
- lighting technician
- Maran Subramaniam
- best boy gaffer (as K.S. Manimaran Subramaniam)
- Rajesh Tanwar
- steadicam operator
- Sekar Veerapan
- best boy grip
- Saravana Babu Vengedesan
- grip crew
- Ganesan Veramuthoo
- sparks
- Basu Nityanand Viswas
- lighting technician
- Parixit Warrier
- assistant to director of photography: second unit
- Dinesh Yadav
- camera attendant
- Suresh Yadav
- lighting technician