- Julie Adrianson-Neary
- digital compositor: ILM (2002 special version) (as Julie Adrianson)
- Tim Alexander
- additional VFX supervision: ILM (2002 special version)
- Stephen Aplin
- digital modeler: ILM (2002 special version)
- Trang Bach
- digital paint/rotoscope artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Al Bailey
- digital compositor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Charles Bailey
- chief model maker: ILM (as Charlie Bailey)
- Craig Barron
- matte photography assistant: ILM
- Dennis Becker
- stage technician: ILM (2002 special version)
- David Berry
- optical printer operator: ILM
- Rudi Bloss
- animator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jessie Boberg
- model maker: ILM
- Stella Bogh
- digital compositor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jean Bolte
- lead viewpaint artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Patrick Bonneau
- animator: ILM
- Colin Brady
- animation supervisor (2002 special version)
- Barbara Brennan
- lead digital compositor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Marty Brenneis
- model electronics: ILM
- Billy Brooks
- rebel unit artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Ronn Brown
- digital matte artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Dhyana Brummel
- technical support: ILM (2002 special version)
- Mark Buck
- model maker: ILM (2002 special version)
- Conrad Buff IV
- effects editorial supervisor: ILM (as Conrad Buff)
- Laura Buff
- production accountant: ILM (as Laura Kaysen)
- Mark Casey
- sabre cg artist: ILM
- Mei-Ming Casino
- VFX production assistant: ILM (2002 special version)
- Dave Childers
- stage technician: ILM
- Wade Childress
- equipment maintenance: ILM
- Minhee Choe
- animator: ILM
- Terry Chostner
- still photographer: ILM
- Bob Chrisoulis
- optical technician: ILM
- Mike Cochrane
- model maker: ILM (as Mike Cochrain)
- Harold Cole
- stage technician: ILM
- Kingston Cole
- VFX production assistant: ILM (2002 special version)
- Sam Comstock
- animation supervisor: ILM (as Samuel Comstock)
- Caitlin Content
- lead sabre cg artist: ILM
- Ryan Cook
- development CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jay Cooper
- compositor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Vince De Quattro
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Natalee Djokovic
- technical support: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jeff Doran
- compositing supervisor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Andrew Doucette
- animator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Dick Dova
- stage technician: ILM
- Don Dow
- camera operator: ILM
- Selwyn Eddy
- camera assistant: ILM (as Selwyn Eddy III)
- Camille Eden
- VFX production coordinator: ILM (2002 special version)
- John Ellis
- optical printer engineering: ILM
- Mike Ellis
- scanning operator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Robert Elswit
- camera operator: ILM
- Christopher Evans
- matte painting artist: ILM (as Chris Evans)
- Bob Finley III
- stage technician: ILM (as Bobby Finley III)
- Pat Fitzsimmons
- stage technician: ILM (as Patrick Fitzsimmons)
- Jon Foreman
- model maker: ILM (2002 special version)
- Warren Franklin
- production coordinator: ILM
- Miguel A. Fuertes
- animator: ILM (2002 special version) (as Miguel Fuertes)
- Joe Fulmer
- stage technician: ILM (2002 special version) (as Joseph Fulmer)
- Michael Fulmer
- chief model maker: ILM (as Mike Fulmer)
- Ryan Galloway
- cg artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Tim Geideman
- optical technician: ILM
- Bill George
- visual effects supervisor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Wayne Gilbert
- animator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Derek Gillingham
- viewpaint artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Bill Gilman
- digital compositor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Maria Goodale
- digital plate restoration: ILM (2002 special version)
- Ralph Gordon
- optical printer line-up: ILM
- Michele Gray
- digital plate restoration: ILM (2002 special version)
- Joanne Hafner
- digital paint/rotoscope artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- James Hagedorn
- digital compositor: ILM (2002 special version) (as Jim Hagedorn)
- Michael J. Halsted
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version) (as Michael Halsted)
- Andrew Hardaway
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Karl Herrmann
- camera assistant: ILM
- Clark Higgins
- video assist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Robert Hill
- first assistant camera: ILM (2002 special version)
- Christina Hills
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Edward Hirsh
- stage technician: ILM
- Greg Hyman
- visual effects editor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jerry Jeffress
- electronic systems design: ILM
- Lars Jensvold
- VFX assistant editor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Samson Kao
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Russell Koonce
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Neil Krepela
- matte photography: ILM
- Greg Kyle
- animator: ILM (2002 special version) (as Gregory Kyle)
- Geoffrey Lake
- greensman: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jeroen Lapre
- development CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- David Latour
- animator: ILM
- Lenny Lee
- creature developer: ILM (2002 special version)
- Gary Leo
- model electronics: ILM
- James Lim
- negative lineup: ILM (2002 special version)
- Sean MacKenzie
- digital compositor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jodie Maier
- 3D matchmover: ILM (2002 special version)
- Michal Makarewicz
- animator: ILM
- Greg Maloney
- digital compositor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Scott Marshall
- model maker: ILM
- Tia L. Marshall
- digital compositor: ILM (2002 special version) (as Tia Marshall)
- Kevin Martel
- animator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Marcel Martinez
- digital compositor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Michael J. McAlister
- effects cameraman: ILM (as Mike McAlister)
- Roberto McGrath
- still lab technician: ILM
- Glen McIntosh
- animator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Richard McKay
- first assistant camera: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jennifer McKnew
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- John McLeod
- stage technician: ILM (as John McCleod)
- Christopher Minos
- animator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Ted Moehnke
- supervising stage technician: ILM (as T.E. Moehnke)
- Jack Mongovan
- animator: ILM
- David Manos Morris
- 3D matchmover: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jim Morris
- senior staff: ILM: 2002 special version
- Thaine Morris
- stage technician: ILM
- Dani Morrow
- 3D matchmove lead: ILM (2002 special version)
- Dennis Muren
- visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Duncan Myers
- optical technician: ILM
- Patrick T. Myers
- CG supervisor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Patrick Neary
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Julie Nelson
- animator: ILM (as Julie Nelson-Hewitt)
- Jennifer Maryam Nona
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version) (as Jennifer Nona)
- Kerry Nordquist
- still lab technician: ILM
- Michael Olague
- stage technician: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jeff Olson
- sequence producer: ILM (2002 special version)
- Frank Ordaz
- matte painting artist: ILM
- Randy Ottenberg
- model maker: ILM
- Michael Owens
- camera assistant: ILM (as Mike Owens)
- Ease Owyeung
- model maker: ILM
- Michael Pangrazio
- matte painting supervisor: ILM
- Suzanne Pastor
- model maker: ILM
- Mary Payne
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Lorne Peterson
- model shop supervisor: ILM
- Magali Rigaudias
- animator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Elsa Rodriguez
- digital paint/rotoscope artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Martin Rosenberg
- director of photography: ILM (2002 special version) (as Marty Rosenberg)
- Kim Ross
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version) (as Kimberly Ross)
- Mark Russell
- visual effects coordinator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Trish Schutz-Krause
- animator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Sandra Scott
- visual effects producer: ILM (2002 special version) (as Sandra L. Scott)
- Dave Sidley
- animator: ILM (2002 special version) (as David Sidley)
- Kenneth Smith
- digital color timing supervisor: ILM (2002 special version) / optical photography supervisor: ILM (as Kenneth F. Smith)
- Mike Smith
- equipment maintenance: ILM (as Michael Smith)
- Thomas G. Smith
- general manager: ILM (as Tom Smith)
- Sharonne Solk
- animator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Tom St. Amand
- go-motion figures: ILM
- Damian Steel
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Michael Steffe
- model maker: ILM
- Howard Stein
- effects editor: ILM
- Sam Stewart
- digital plate restoration: ILM (2002 special version)
- Peter Stolz
- stage technician: ILM
- David Sullivan
- digital paint/rotoscope artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Mitch Suskin
- optical effects coordinator (as Mitchell Suskin)
- Pat Sweeney
- camera assistant: ILM (as Pat Sweeny) / director of photography: ILM (2002 special version) (as Patrick Sweeney)
- David Tanaka
- visual effects editor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Catherine Tate
- sabre cg artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Lisa Todd
- VFX production coordinator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Peggy Tonkonogy
- animator: ILM
- Alan Travis
- digital plate restoration: ILM (2002 special version)
- Patrick Tubach
- digital compositor: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jan Van Buyten
- animator: ILM (2002 special version)
- Michael Van Eps
- lead digital paint artist: ILM (2002 special version) (as Mike Van Eps)
- Laurie Vermont
- production coordinator: ILM
- Eric Voegels
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Garry Waller
- animator: ILM
- Andy Wang
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- David Washburn
- 3D matchmover: ILM (2002 special version)
- David Weatherly
- animator: ILM
- Erin West
- digital paint/rotoscope artist: ILM (2002 special version)
- Jamy Wheless
- animator: ILM (2002 special version)
- John Whisnant
- 3D matchmover: ILM (2002 special version)
- Gene Whiteman
- optical printer engineering: ILM
- Terry Windell
- animator: ILM
- Kris Brown
- visual effects engineer: ILM (uncredited)
- Carey Burens
- visual effects assistant editor: ILM (2002 special version) (uncredited)
- Scott Caple
- animator: ILM (uncredited)
- Zachary Cole
- technical support: ILM (2002 special version) (uncredited)
- Bob Diepenbrock
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Ellen Lichtwardt Goodchild
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Stewart Lew
- Senior 3D Model Designer (uncredited)
- Peter Mitchell Rubin
- visual effects art director (2002 special version) (uncredited)
- Jeff Shank
- digital effects: ILM (2002 special version) (uncredited)
- Kirk R. Thatcher
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Marc Toscano
- CG artist: ILM (2002 special version) (uncredited)
- David Valentin
- visual effects production coordinator: ILM (2002 special version) (uncredited)
- Chris Walas
- Sculptor (uncredited)
- Hoyt Yeatman
- motion control photographer: DQI (uncredited)