- Marco Abbruzzese
- additional visual effects supervisor
- Victoria Abel
- animator: Spin VFX
- Marie Afriat
- chief operating officer: The Yard VFX
- Saikrishna Aleti
- fx artist
- Neishaw Ali
- visual effects executive producer
- Olivia Anagnost
- compositor
- Craig Andujar
- visual effects executive: Legendary Pictures
- Chris Ankli
- tracking & layout artist: Spin VFX
- Alex Auriol
- digital artist
- Aymeric Aute
- visual effects supervisor: The Yard VFX
- Adam Baker
- animator: Spin VFX
- Tuhina Barat
- VFX: Lighting Dept Production Cordinator - Spin VFX
- Harry Bardak
- head of visual effects: The Yard VFX
- Charine Bederar
- visual effects producer: Goldcrest VFX
- Barb Benoit
- compositing artist: Spin VFX
- Jasmir Guay Bergevin
- cg: department manager (as Jasmir Guay Begevin)
- Julia Blackwell
- visual effects production manager: Spin VFX
- Constant Bourgon
- visual effects editor: The Yard VFX
- Kevin Brennan
- digital compositor: Spin VFX
- Mark Brown
- senior previs animator: Argon
- Abby Callard
- vfx producer: scanning, Spin VFX
- Emanuele Camilli
- key artist
- Damien Carr
- senior vice president: 3D Production - Legendary Entertainment
- Emmanuel Carranza
- fx artist
- Mathieu Caré
- digital compositor: The Yard VFX
- Noémie Cauvin
- matte painting supervisor : The Yard VFX
- Mariia Charkina
- cg department manager: spin vfx
- Wei-Lin Chen
- model & texture artist: Spin VFX
- Arpita Chikodikar
- visual effects artist
- Sourabh Chougule
- visual effects artist
- Luca Cimino
- lead 3d artist
- Ivan Cipriani
- compositing supervisor
- Ross Clark
- 3d scanning supervisor
- Daniel Cohen
- Senior Compositor
- Tiphaine Courbo
- compositor: The Yard VFX
- Pierre D'oncieu
- lead compositor
- Manuel De Candia
- digital compositor
- Julie Dijoux
- visual effects production coordinator: The Yard VFX
- Brandy Drew
- visual effects producer (as Brandy Handelman)
- Stephan Dumoulin
- digital compositor: The Yard VFX
- Frank Eagan
- senior assets artist: Argon
- Laurens Ehrmann
- senior visual effects supervisor: The Yard VFX
- Michael Bruce Ellis
- visual effects supervisor
- Bryan T. Evans
- Sr. Tracking and layout Artist / senior tracking artist
- Fabian Nowak
- head of fx: The Yard VFX
- Elias Fattal
- CG Producer: spin vfx
- Sébastien Fauchère
- compositing supervisor: The Yard VFX
- Chiara Feriani
- digital compositor
- Hanna Fisher
- lighting artist
- Hannah Fisher
- lighting artist
- Giorgia Fortunato
- visual effects coordinator
- Melissa Franco
- Visual Effects: Legendary Pictures
- Garry David Frost
- senior visual effects coordinator
- Antoine Gandon
- cg artist: The Yard VFX
- Camilla Garofalo
- key artist
- Jade Gautier
- visual effects editor: The Yard VFX
- Rahim Gilani
- lighting artist: Spin VFX
- Mike Gilbert
- lead environment artist: Argon
- Gregory Ginsburger
- visual effects head of Asset: The Yard VFX
- Florian Gourdin
- visual effects compositor: The Yard VFX
- Jim Hagarty
- compositor
- Michael Halley
- animator: Spin VFX
- Victoire Hamel
- visual effects coordinator: The Yard VFX / visual effects production assistant: The Yard VFX
- Jerome Hartman
- senior lighter
- Jory Holt
- Compositing Artist: SPIN VFX
- Mitch Hounslow
- lead visual effects editor
- Adam Hulbert
- digital artist: visual effects
- Inna Itkin
- lighting supervisor
- Robbie Janda
- visual effects executive: Netflix
- Alix Johnson
- 3d scanning technician
- Camille Juge
- digital compositor: The Yard VFX
- István Veress Kovács
- senior matte painter
- Nick Kubik
- asset artist: spin vfx
- Erin Langford
- Visual Effects Executive
- Nil Lasquety
- lighting artist: Spin VFX
- Marshall Lau
- vfx editorial: Spin VFX
- Matthew Lawrence
- graphics production
- Aurelia Lebain
- Matte Painter
- Mathieu Legros
- lead compositor
- Kevin Lobo
- Layout Artist: visual effects
- Alejandra Viejo Lopez De Roda
- 3d environment capture specialist
- Olivier Lukaszczyk
- digital compositor
- George Macri
- Visual Effects Executive Producer: spin vfx
- Christopher Malacaman
- VFX Editor: Spin VFX
- Dino Stephen Mano
- asset artist
- Ivaylo Marinov
- visual effects compositor: Goldcrest VFX
- Daniel Martin
- compositing artist: Spin VFX
- Gabriel Martinez
- cg artist : The Yard VFX
- Julien Martins
- digital compositor: The Yard VFX
- François Masle
- digital compositor
- Eric Mattson
- matte painter
- Jason McDonald
- previs supervisor: Argon
- Dolores McGinley
- visual effects supervisor: Goldcrest
- Alasdair McNeill
- compositor: Host VFX
- Juan Diego Medellin
- tracking & layout artist: Spin VFX (as Diego Medellin)
- Matteo Mellini
- digital compositor
- Craig Mepham
- senior previs animator: Argon
- Eric Austin Mercado
- lead compositing artist: Spin VFX
- Ashley Merla
- cg department manager: Spin VFX
- Léo Natta
- digital compositor: The Yard VFX
- Francesco Novaga
- key artist
- Brenda Nunan
- cg department manager: Spin VFX
- Kellie O'Sullivan
- matte painter: spin vfx
- Ryoma Omichi
- tracking & layout artist: Spin VFX
- Hadrien Palanca
- fx td: The Yard VFX
- Tiziano Palumbo
- environment artist
- Diego Panadisi
- visual effects producer
- Marco Panetta
- key artist
- Alessandra Panichi
- fx artist
- Elisa Perez
- visual effects producer: The Yard VFX
- Teddy Peterson
- animator: Spin VFX
- Jeremy Pierre
- senior compositor: The Yard VFX
- Rob Pizzey
- digital colorist
- Cody Poag
- digital compositor
- Bert Poole
- head of cg: Spin VFX
- Nathan Powell
- visual effects artist
- Suzanne Powell
- matte painting artist: Spin VFX
- Matt Ralston
- cg department manager: SpinVFX
- Stevie Ramone
- compositing artist: Spin VFX (as Steve Ramone)
- Subodhana Ranatunga
- visual effects editor
- Sagar Rathod
- senior previs animator: Argon
- Rishi Reddy
- fx artist : Spin VFX (as Pakanati Reddy)
- Ed Rigg
- vfx wrangler
- Jelisa Samuel
- compositor : Spin VFX
- Rahil Sanghani
- compositor: Spin VFX
- Christian Saraullo
- visual effects
- Liscar Scott
- asset artist: spin vfx
- Bruno Serre
- Digital Matte Painter
- Maurizio Sestito
- vfx editor
- Vikas Kumar Sharma
- visual effects artist: SpinVFX
- Tim Sibley
- effects supervisor: Spin VFX
- Alessio Simondi
- cg supervisor
- David Simpson
- On-set visual effects supervisor
- Gautam Singh
- model supervisor: spin vfx
- Manjeet Singh
- camera tracking
- Rahul Kumar Singh
- asset artist: spin vfx
- Darryl Stawychny
- 3d scanning technician
- Marc Steinberg
- model & texture artist: Spin VFX
- Tyler Patrick Stevens
- visual effects editor: credited
- Stedman Tam
- vfx editorial: Spin VFX
- Julien Tassan
- post-production cg artist: The Yard VFX
- Edward Taylor IV
- visual effects supervisor
- Cyril Tchernomordik
- head of cg: The Yard VFX
- Guillaume Thebault
- cg artist: The Yard VFX
- Alexandros Theodosiou
- compositor: Host VFX
- Kaiser Thomas
- Matte Painter
- Justin Tillett
- digital compositor / visual effects artist
- Mathieu Trevisan
- 3d generalist: The Yard VFX
- Robin Trickett
- Bidding Producer: visual effects
- Sai Chand Uddandam
- compositor: SpinVFX
- Diana Maria Udrescu
- visual effects artist
- Jacopo Valeri
- visual effects editor
- Richenda Wheeler
- senior previs animator: Argon
- Virginie Wintrebert
- head of production: The Yard VFX
- David James Wood
- cyberscanning technician
- Nikoleta Wood
- visual effects coordinator
- Vanessa Zighetti
- digital compositor
- Ata Can Akdeniz
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Olufemi Aroyewun
- asset artist (uncredited)
- Christopher Hutchinson
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Jonathan McFaul
- assets department manager: Spin VFX (uncredited)
- Prameet Paul
- asset artist (uncredited)
- Quentin Wallaert
- asset artist: spin vfx (uncredited)