- Lisa Abbate
- controller: Image Engine
- Jaclyn Abrahante
- visual effects coordinator
- Keith Acheson
- visual effects artist
- Oliver Adranghi
- compositor: Framestore
- Mukund Agicha
- matchmove artist
- Jose Gregorio Aguilar
- tracking lead
- Lydia Aguilar
- compositor: dneg
- Wakeel Ahmad
- matchmove & rotoanimation
- Ahsan Uddin Ahmed
- element qc artist
- Kauser Ahmed
- digital compositor: double negative
- Marisa Ahn
- paint and roto lead: Framestore
- Adonis Ahogle-Bouchet
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Umesh Ajayakumar
- dneg
- Balakrishnan Alagarsamy
- digital compositor: double negative
- Ashar Alam
- texture artist: DNEG
- Anjel Alcaraz
- paint & compositing artist: Stereo D
- Ben Alepko
- effects technical director: Image Engine
- Lee Alexander
- layout supervisor: Image Engine
- Pierre Alexander
- visual effects coordinator
- Maria Asim Ali
- compositor
- George Andrew Allan
- senior previsualisation artist: nvizible
- Rene Allegretti
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Corey Allen
- assistant paint lead: Stereo D
- Jon Allen
- Postvis Supervisor: Proof, Inc
- Ryan Allen
- compositor
- Alexandre Allman
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Luis Almazan
- compositor
- Natalia Altavilla
- Visual Effects Line Producer
- Carlos Alvarez
- compositor: DNEG
- Ohkba Ameziane-Hassani
- groom supervisor: method studios
- Peter Amies
- stereo 3d conform editor
- Abhishek Amin
- lookdev lead
- Paul Amiras
- layout td: Double Negative
- Anuj Anand
- post-visualization compositor: NVIZAGE
- Mats Andersen
- visual effects producer: Rebel Unit VFX
- Tobias Grønbeck Andersen
- Lead FX Technical Director
- Jarrod Anderson
- creature technical director
- Mario Anger
- character/creature modeler: Image Engine
- Mara Angioletti
- roto/paint artist
- Shawn Annets
- artist manager
- Nairye Apelian
- visual effects project manager: Rodeo FX
- Milos Aradanin
- visualization artist: previs and postvis - The Third Floor
- Isabel Arboleya
- visual effects coordinator: DNEG
- Andres Alvarez Argalle
- environment artist: Rodeo FX
- Andrea Arghinenti
- digital artist supervisor: Image Engine
- Paul Arion
- global head of layout: Double Negative
- Cole Armstrong
- element qc artist: stereo d
- Oliver Armstrong
- compositing supervisor: Framestore
- Matthieu Arnauld
- digital matte painter
- Adam Arnot
- compositor: Framestore
- Avi Arora
- qc artist
- Jyoti Arora
- department coordinator: roto paint and outsource
- Karen Arredondo Lopez
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- François Arseneau
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Jahan Arsi
- visual effects artist
- Raghuwanshi. Arun Singh
- clean-up/prep artist: @Anibrain VFX Studio
- Stewart Ash
- Previsualization Supervisor
- Caleb Ashmore
- model/texture lead: Method Studios
- Jonathan Atkins-Potts
- visual effects artist (as Jonathan Atkins)
- Vincent Aupetit
- visualisation supervisor: The Third Floor
- Jolan Auzeby
- fx artist
- Rohan B.
- texturing artist
- Alireza Babarahimloo
- compositor: Dneg
- Thomas Baber
- visual effects artist
- Thomas Bacanu
- compositor: Double Negative
- Patrick Bacon
- fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Austin Baerg
- layout artist: Rodeo FX
- Carlo Alberto Bagliolid
- lighting td
- Harveen Bahia
- assistant data wrangler
- Muhammad Junaid Baig
- rendering supervisor
- Darren Bailey
- operations coordinator: Stereo D
- Cheryl Bainum
- Head of Los Angeles studio: Rodeo FX
- Michael Baker
- digital compositor
- Michael Jeff Baldemoro
- background prep supervisor: Image Engine
- Tom Balogh
- visual effects editor: nvizible
- Balu V
- matchmove and rotoanim artist
- Shayna Banaag
- visual effects coordinator: Method Studios Vancouver
- Sébastien Bance
- fx artist / fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Peiman Bandari
- compositor
- James Banville
- technology support: Rodeo FX
- Krishnkant Baraskar
- Line Producer
- Guillaume Baratte
- creature fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Swapnil Baravalia
- digital artist
- MarÃa Barbadillo
- FX TD: framestore
- Murray Barber
- visual effects supervisor: Milk VFX
- Magali Barbé
- previs artist (as Magali Barbe)
- Lorna Barnshaw
- visual effects artist: Clear Angle Studios
- Neill Barrack
- Compositor: Framestore
- Scott Bartels
- lead matchmove artist: Framestore
- Keith Barton
- technical support: Milk Visual Effects
- Rohan Barve
- visual effects artist
- Aaron Baudin
- effects technical director
- Danielle Baudin
- visual effects coordinator (as Danielle Pickup)
- Alexis Baudoin
- creature technical director
- Jesse Bechard
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Monica Bechu
- depth artist: Stereo D
- Lizi Bedford
- visual effects head of production
- Rohan Bediskar
- prep supervisor: Double Negative
- Loïc Beguel
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Manoranjan Behera
- project coordinator: DNEG
- Jo Ann Cordero Belen
- senior compositor: method studios
- Maxime Beliveau
- fx artist: Framestore
- Maciej Benczarski
- lead fx td: Method Studios
- Sydney Benedet
- depth artist: Stereo D
- Nadir Bennac
- lead data wrangler: additional photography
- Jean Bennamias
- visual effects artist: framestore
- Brian N. Bentley
- technical director
- Olav Bergsvik
- visual effects artist: Rebel Unit VFX
- John Bernard
- line producer: visual effects Paris plate unit
- David Berrocoso
- effects technical director: Double Negative
- Chris Berry
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Suzanne Bertrand
- chief financial officer: Rodeo FX
- Aaron D. Beyer
- visual effects artist
- Dheeraj Bhadani
- lead software developer
- Suraj Bhagat
- compositor
- Uttham Bhalaykar
- roto/prep artist
- Avinash Bhandary
- compositing supervisor
- Udit Bhardwaj
- vfx artist: visual effects
- Harshit Bhargava
- texture Artist
- Jatin Bhavsar
- visual effects production manager
- Yogesh Bhavsar
- rigging technical director: Double Negative
- Manthan Bhayani
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Rohan Bhingarde
- pipeline td
- Daniel Bigaj
- senior digital compositor: Image Engine
- Zaheer Bijapure
- bodytrack & matchmove Dneg
- Muhittin Bilginer
- senior visual effects technical director: Double Negative
- Michael Billette
- effects technical director: Image Engine
- Patcha Binginapalli
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Richard Binnington
- department production assistant-fx: double negative
- Oliver Blackaby
- data i/o technician
- Timothy Blake
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX (as Tim Blake)
- Olivier Blanchet
- compositing supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Kevin Blaney
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Josh Bleeze
- department production assistant: DNEG
- Jamie Blyth
- rigging td
- Robert Bock
- visual effects director of photography: Rodeo FX
- Melissa Boily
- texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Nastasia Bois
- texture artist: milk-vfx
- Jeremy Boissinot
- environment artist: Rodeo FX
- Ariane Boisvert
- lead cg coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Audrey Boivin
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Chris Bojan
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Nagarjuna Bollapalli
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Alex Bonacci
- senior stereo compositor
- Olivia Evelyn Bond
- visual effects production manager
- George Bootman
- visual effects assistant coordinator
- Harsh Borah
- lead modeler: Dneg
- Swapnil Borawake
- Creature FX TD: Framestore
- Dawid Borkiewicz
- lead lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Matthew Boston
- animator: Double Negative
- Anne Bot
- depth artist
- Marie-Pierre Boucher
- global production manager: Rodeo FX
- Zakaria Boumediane
- envrionment td: framestore
- Jonathan Bourdua
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Robert Bourgeault
- lighting lead
- Mikaella Bouzaglo
- line producer
- Jason Bowers
- compositing supervisor
- Mounika Boyapati
- visual effects
- Sreekanth Boyapati
- visual effects senior production manager / visual effects
- Anton Brand
- animation td
- Ryan Brassington
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Crystal Bretz
- modeler/texture artist: method studios
- Emilien Breuillier
- visual effects: Rodeo FX
- Cordell Briggs
- paint & roto artist: Method Studios
- Mario Brioschi
- digital compositor
- Arnaud Brisebois
- visual effects supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Will Broadbent
- previsualization artist: Proof, Inc
- Nick Brown
- stereographer
- Randy Brown
- digital compositor
- Stuart Brown
- postvis artist: Proof, Inc
- Alexander T.H. Browne
- visual effects artist
- Lee Brunet
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Cody Brunty
- visual effects artist
- Marc Brzezicki
- stereoscopic supervisor: DNEG
- Alexander Bucknell
- matchmove
- Izet Buco
- vfx compositor: Double Negative
- Ranjith Buddolla
- texture artist
- Joan Buhigas
- creature td
- Delphine Buratti
- in house compositor
- Sophie Burie
- creature effects technical director
- Tim Burke
- production visual effects supervisor
- Kaitlen Burns
- qc artist
- James Burr
- Previsualization Artist
- Daniel Burridge
- stereoscopic compositor
- Maria Busco
- effects technical director: DNEG
- Jake Bush
- visual effects artist
- Jessica Bédard
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Nicholas Cabana
- animation supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Jasmine Cadavid
- cg coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Andrew Cadey
- visual effects artist
- Inês Caiola
- visual effects production assistant
- Rob Caisey
- visual effects pa
- Pedro Cal
- digital compositor: METHOD
- Adriano Calafiore
- digital compositor
- Moray Caldwell
- digital compositor
- David Cam
- roto artist: Image Engine
- Angus Cameron
- stereographer
- Francesc Camos
- texture artist
- Margaret Cardell
- visual effects coordinator
- Margot Cardinael
- Lighting technical director
- Dan Carpenter
- lead stereo compositor: DNEG
- Caleb Carr
- compositor: Image Engine
- Helen Carr
- digital compositor (as Helen Bernard)
- Marc-André Carrier
- roto/paint artist
- Carlos Carrillo
- environments technical director
- Brendan Carroll
- fx td
- Sarah Cauchois
- Head of Production: The Third Floor
- Cecile Cazes
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Kutay Cengil
- 3d modeller: texture artist: Method Studios
- Dmitrijs Cernagovs
- fx technical director
- Ieva Cerps
- stereo compositor
- Thana Cha
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Marie Soleil Chabot
- crowd artist: Rodeo FX
- Amit Kumar Chahal
- texture artist (segment "vfx")
- Gordon Champ
- postvisualization modeler: Proof, Inc
- Cori Chan
- lookdev artist
- Eric K. Chan
- digital compositor
- Miguel Chan
- tracking & matchmove: Method Studios
- Vikas Chandel
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Pratheesh Chandran
- digital compositor: double negative
- Josee Chapdelaine
- creature effects artist: Rodeo FX
- Moïse Charest
- environment artist: Rodeo FX
- Julie Charron
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Bas Chatmaleerat
- compositor: Framestore
- Tamar Chatterjee
- fx supervisor
- Jigar Chauhan
- digital effects
- Rajat Chawla
- stereo finaling artist
- Anwei Chen
- visual effects producer
- Marine Chene
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Teddy Cheong
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Rosemary Chester
- compositor
- Nicolas Chevallier
- visual effects supervisor: Framestore
- Simon Chicoine
- texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Murali Krishna Chintapalli
- effects technical director: Double Negative (as Chintapalli MuraliKrishna)
- Yi-Hsuan Kent Chiu
- senior texture artist: Image Engine
- Nigel Simba Chivaka
- render wrangler: Framestore
- Rupesh Chogale
- visual effects artist
- Jean Choi
- lighting artist
- Youngwoo Choi
- visual effects artist
- Julian Chong
- digital compositor
- Laurence Chong
- Matchmover: Method
- Gaël Chopin
- lead digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Shravan Choudaripeta
- compositor (as Sravan Chowdarypeta)
- Ishwar Chougule
- prep artist
- Matthew Choy
- look development artist
- Kevin Christensen
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Lemire Christopher
- Tracking: Framestore
- Jahanzaib Chughtai
- rigging artist: Rodeo FX
- Janice Chun
- visual effects artist: Lola VFX
- Dan Churchill
- digital compositor
- Sam Churchill
- postvis supervisor: Nvizible
- Davide Cioffi
- Previs Animator
- Adriano Cirulli
- digital compositor
- Alan Clappison
- environment technical director: Framestore
- Jimi Clark
- department manager roto/paint & outsource
- Erik Classen
- compositor: dneg
- Aaron Clement
- previs artist: The Third Floor
- Chris Clough
- modeller: Framestore
- James Clowater
- lead stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Marie Clémence
- visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Marie-Joëlle Clément
- visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Valérie Clément
- quebec studio manager: Rodeo FX
- Nicky Coats
- visual effects line producer
- Diana Cobo
- visual effects coordinator
- Jordi Collet-Texido
- effects artist
- Veronique Comeau
- texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Juliette Compignie
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Peter Connelly
- lighting td
- David Connely
- onsite scanning and processing supervisor: clear angle studios
- Hannah Connolly
- visual effects coordinator
- Emily Cook
- visual effects line producer: Double Negative
- Sean Cooper
- colour scientist
- Stephanie Cooper
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Rachel Copeland
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- David Cordon
- visual effects production manager: Framestore
- André Correia
- FX Technical Director at DNEG
- William Cote
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Laura Coté
- texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Roel Coucke
- CG lighting supervisor: Double Negative
- Francois Couette
- lighting supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Christopher Michael Coupe
- effects technical director: Double Negative
- Jadrien Cousens
- lead matte painter
- Yannick Couture
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Patrick Couturier
- rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX
- Daniel Cowley
- on-set vfx
- David Crane
- senior paint artist: Stereo D
- Jean-Michel Cristofaro
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Jack Crocker
- Visual Effects Coordinator: Framestore
- Alastair Cross
- Lighting & Lookdev TD
- Francois Croteau
- lead matte painting artist: Rodeo FX
- Tucker Cullinan
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Martyn 'Moose' Culpitt
- visual effects supervisor: Image Engine
- Alex Cumming
- senior compositor
- Elliesse Cuniff
- senior production coordinator
- Andy Cuthbert
- pipeline td: DNEG
- Romain Côte
- texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Magdalena Dadela
- modeler
- Dominic Daigle
- environment supervisor: Rodeo FX
- DeeJay Daljeet Singh
- senior prep artist: Dneg
- Maude Emilie Dallaire
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Yuki Danura
- rigger: Rodeo FX
- Anais Dappe
- visual effects artist
- Cheryl Darbey
- roto animator
- Odelia Dardashti
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Varuna Darensbourg
- finaling supervisor: stereo D
- Samantha Dark
- department manager: Framestore
- Patrick David
- head of 2d: Rodeo FX
- Philippe David
- lead lighting technical director: Framestore
- Cara Tallulha Davies
- visual effects producer: Image Engine
- Robert John Davies
- pipeline supervisor
- Jayson Davis
- visual effects artist: Lola VFX
- Mathieu De Saint Jores
- assistant technical director: framestore
- Chris Debski
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Kevin Decatoire
- concept artist
- Rémi Decroix
- rigging artist: Rodeo FX
- Jake Dee-McKoy
- manager ingest/delivery & final qc: Stereo D
- Elise Deglau
- Character FX lead
- Lauren Degrain
- roto/paint artist
- Camille Deguire
- visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Christophe Dehaene
- digital compositor
- Vance Dehne
- roto/paint artist
- Christian Carlos Camacho del Carpio
- rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX
- Marianne Del Rosario
- vfx & augmentation artist
- Vanessa Delarosbil
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Natalie Delfs
- layout artist
- Peter Dell
- Green Screen
- Quentin Delsart
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Gianluca Dentici
- digital compositor: framestore
- Julien Depredurand
- fx lead: Image Engine
- MatÃas Derkacz
- compositing supervisor
- Rohan Desai
- global head stereo
- Saurabh Deshmukh
- lighting td
- Saurabh Deshpande
- roto: stereo d
- Antoine Desilets
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Vincent Desjardins
- rigging supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Marc Desmarais
- lead texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Nicolas Desmet
- lead compositor: framestore
- Mark DeSousa
- visual effects executive producer: Anibrain (as Mark E.A. de Sousa)
- Vuk Despotovic
- element qc manager: Stereo D
- Gopinath Devendran
- roto artist
- Joshua Devenyi
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Santosh Kumar Dey
- Matchmove Supervisor: DNEG
- Sujoy Dey
- digital compositor
- Vittorio Di Toro
- modeler: Framestore
- Belen Diaz Ripa
- Assistant Technical Director
- Kenneth Dietrich
- digital compositor
- Plamen Dimitrov
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Catherine Dion
- fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Sachin Divkar
- Texture Artist: double negative
- Bhavya Dixit
- lead stereo compositor
- Nacho Doctor
- effects technical director: Double Negative
- Andrew Dohan
- digital compositor
- Federico Dominguez
- visual effects coordinator
- Peter Mark Dorosz
- compositor
- Rodrigo Dorsch
- compositing sequence supervisor: Double Negative
- Maksim Doslo
- visual effects artist: Rodeo FX
- Andrew Draper
- visual effects department manager: Framestore
- Alex Drinkall
- capture technician: Clear Angle Studios
- Brent Droog
- lead fx artist
- Laurence Drouilly
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Matthieu Druaud
- FX Technical Director: double negative
- Zach du Toit
- environments td
- Florence Dubin
- digital matte painter / matte painter: Framestore
- Florian Dubois
- digital compositor
- Nico Duce
- fx td: method studios
- Brian Ducharme
- digital compositor
- Peter Dudley
- compositor
- Elisabeth Dugnas
- digital compositor
- Bryony Duncan
- visual effects
- Robert Duncan
- second unit visual effects supervisor
- Kyle Dunlevy
- animation supervisor
- Frederic Dupere
- lead matte painter
- Remi Dupont
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Mathieu Dupuis
- lead digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Sandra Duque
- vfx production coordinator
- Florence Durante
- matte painter
- Luigi Duranti
- fx td: Framestore
- John Durney
- compositor
- Debolina Dutta
- visual effects artist
- Amit Kumar Dwivedi
- Bodytrack TD: Double Negative
- Diana Eadie
- previs artist: The Third Floor (as Diana Morawski)
- Jason Jay Edwards
- Senior Modeler (as Jason Edwards)
- Richard Edwards
- Stereo Producer: DNEG
- Janeen Elliott
- senior compositor: Image Engine
- Ronald Ellis
- paint artist: Stereo D
- Daniel Elophe
- compositing supervisor: Image Engine
- Jack Elworthy
- capture lab td: Framestore
- Georg Engebakken
- lead postvisualization artist: Proof (as Georg Engenbakken) / postvis modeler: Proof (as Georg Engenbakken)
- Edmond Engelbrecht
- cg supervisor: Image Engine
- Jenn Epstein
- lead digital compositor: DNEG
- Valentina Ercolani
- lead rigger: Framestore
- Lars Erik Eriksen
- head of paint and roto: Framestore
- Nicola Ernst
- visual effects coordinator
- Csaba László Eröss
- visual effects coordinator
- Melissa Espina
- assistant line producer: 3D conversion
- Peter Evemy
- matchmove artist
- Gianpietro Fabre
- texturing lead: Framestore
- Jennifer Fairweather
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Marc Falardeau
- visual effects coordinator
- Andrea Falcone
- Senior Creature Effects Technical Director
- James Farrington
- postvis artist: Nvizage/Proof/Framestore
- Scott M. Fedor
- digital compositor / digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Andrew Fensom
- lead compositor: Double Negative
- Jaime Fernandez Muro
- CG generalist Td
- Victor Manuel Fernandez
- lead stereoscopic compositor
- Rogiero Fernández
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Deak Ferrand
- matte painting artist: Rodeo FX
- Patrice Ferron-Craig
- cg artist: Rodeo FX
- Tom Ferstl
- lead rigger: Framestore
- Emelia Fiell
- technology production manager: Framestore
- Maike Fiene
- Previsualization Artist
- Vincent Fiere
- lead matte painter: Image Engine
- Patrick Finn
- lighting td: DNEG
- Paul Flanagan
- effects technical director: Method Studios Vancouver
- Jonathan Fleming-Bock
- lead lookdev artist / lookdev artist: Rodeo FX
- Maree Fletcher
- visual effects artist: Method Studios
- Matt Flicker
- effects technical director
- Durante Florence
- environment artist: Rodeo FX
- Joakim Flåten
- matte painter (as Joakim Flaten)
- Cheri Fojtik
- lead texture artist
- Ellie Follows
- postviz artist
- Les Foor
- lead element qc artist
- Jak Ford
- VFX Editor: DNEG
- Greg Foret
- layout artist: Rodeo FX
- Sergio Fornasieri
- generalist td
- Jesse Forsey
- rotoscope artist
- Samantha Fosado
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Lucien Fostier
- compositing technical director
- Xavier Fourmond
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Charlotte Frackowiak
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Elliot Francoeur
- ressources manager: Rodeo FX
- Andy Fraser
- postviz artist
- Laura Frasnelli
- 3d generalist: Proof, Inc
- Dave Freeman
- concept artist: Double Negative
- Michel Frenette
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Florian Friedmann
- rigging lead
- Lindsey Fry
- visual effects artist: Lola VFX
- Kyoko Fukushima
- Compositor: DNEG
- Sarah Fuller
- digital artist
- Amber Fullwood
- vfx data wrangler
- William Gabriele
- rigging technical director: FRAMESTORE
- Laetitia Gabrielli
- visual effects artist
- Alexandre Gagne
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Jean-Francois Gagne
- lead digital compositor
- Carl Gagnon
- modeler: Framestore
- Aman Gahlot
- visual effects artist
- Stephen Gallop
- VP & GM: Stereo D
- Vikas Ganer
- roto and paint lead: Method Studios
- Mayur Gangasagar
- creative lead
- Julio Tovar Garcia
- element qc artist: stereo d
- Mailys Garcia
- matte painter & concept artist: Rodeo FX (as Maïlys Garcia)
- Stuart Gardiner
- visual effects artist/lidar technician: Clear Angle Studios
- Anshul Gattani
- production coordinator: Stereo D
- Manuel Gaudreau
- lead set dressing artist: Rodeo FX
- Christian Gaumond
- fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Hugo Gauvreau
- lead digital compositor
- Saurabh Gavankar
- Matchmove Artist
- Iñaki Gegúndez Vicente
- senior cg generalist td: Nvizage
- Daniel Georgiou
- lighting technical director: Double Negative
- Natalia Germi
- texture artist
- Sheik Ghafoor
- rigging artist: image engine
- Christelle Giboin
- creature fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Matt Gibson
- previsualization artist: Proof, Inc
- Benoit Gielly
- Character Rigging
- Alexandre Giguère
- rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX
- Gabriel Giguère
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Marcos Gil Granja
- digital compositor: Proof, Inc
- K.G. Ginu
- modeling artist
- Ãve Giordani
- rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX
- Luc Girard
- visual effects artist
- Sam Girdler
- visual effects department production manager: DNEG
- Utkarsh Giri
- visual effects artist
- Adley Glemaud
- digital compositor
- Frédéric Godbout
- layout artist
- Parag Godse
- digital matte painter: double negative
- Meenakshi Goel
- paint prep artist
- Antoine Goethals
- digital compositor
- Cyrille Gohier
- digital compositor: framestore
- Prasad Gokinapalli
- visual effects line producer
- Adam Goldstein
- texture artist
- Frederique Gollain
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Moises Gomez Gonzalez
- matchmove artist
- Igor González
- effects technical director: DoubleNegative
- Maria Eugenia González
- creature FX artist / visual effects artist
- Catarina Gonçalves
- compositor: DNEG
- Martin Gorbea Sanchez
- layout artist: Rodeo FX
- Namita Gotephode
- visual effects artist manager
- Olivier Goulet
- lead environment artist: Rodeo FX
- Nalini Goyal
- rotoanimation artist
- Megan Graham
- senior stereo compositor
- Callum Grant
- render support
- Kari-Lyn Gravel
- assistant stereo manager: Stereo D
- Luke Gray
- pipeline technical director: DNEG
- Ashlin Green
- Stereo Coordinator
- Kritteka Gregory
- production coordinator
- Christopher Grifasi
- digital compositor (as Chris Grifasi)
- Theodor Groeneboom
- visual effects artist: Rebel Unit VFX
- Jack Grundy
- digital compositor
- Benjamin Guay
- environment artist
- Mikhail Gubkin
- effects technical director
- Alexandre Guerre
- visual effects artist
- Binning Singh Gugandeep
- paint & roto artist: framestore (as Gugandeep Singh)
- Jean-Sebastien Guillemette
- look dev supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Shreyas Gujrati
- digital compositor
- Gunas
- stereo compositor
- Holly Gunn
- depth lead: Stereo D
- Sian Gunningham
- studio assistant: double negative
- Dong Guo
- stereo compositor
- Vijaypratap Gupta
- visual effects artist
- Nicolas Guyon
- digital compositor
- Charlie Habanananda
- digital grading artist: framestore
- Jim Hagarty
- visual effects artist
- Swapnil Hajgude
- Stereo Compositing Supervisor
- Thomas Haley-Hermiz
- technical director: Stereo D
- Matt Hallen
- vfx artist: DNEG
- Harry Hamblin
- assistant vfx editor: DNEG
- Nicholas Hampshire
- pipeline technical director
- Angela Han
- digital compositor: framestore
- Woo Seok Han
- BG Prep Artist
- Nick Hanks
- layout supervisor: DNEG / layout supervisor: double negative
- Patrick Harboun
- cg build supervisor
- Krishnadev Hariprasad
- line producer
- Noel Harmes
- compositor: Proof, Inc
- Mick Harper
- effects artist: Double Negative
- Rio Harrington
- lead stereoscopic compositor
- Rick Harris
- lidar technician: Clear Angle Studios
- Philip Harris-Genois
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Steve Harrison
- previsualization artist: Proof, Inc
- Peter Hart
- head of matchmove and layout: Method Studios
- Jon Hartley
- modeller: Framestore
- Jared Hasselbach
- visual effects artist
- Moritz Hausler
- fx td: Image-engine
- Dustin Hayes
- senior element qc artist
- Laura Jean Healey
- virtual camera assistant: Nvizage
- Oliver Hearsey
- senior layout artist: Image Engine
- Alex Heffner
- visual effects and augmentation lead
- Ethan Helms
- stereoscopic compositing lead
- K Hemanth
- senior stereoscopic compositor (as Hemanth Reddy Kovvuri)
- Robert Hemmings
- previs creature animation specialist: Proof Inc
- Marie-France Henri
- digital compositor
- Joachim Henriksen
- editorial io assistant
- Tristan Hey
- stereo 3d data manager
- Jani Hiren
- lighting td: DNEG
- Christopher Hodge
- lead tracker
- Noël Hoffman
- visual effects coordinator
- Ed Holdsworth
- digital compositor
- Rosemma Hollis
- roto/paint artist
- Ady Holt
- Creature FX TD
- Justin Holt
- texture supervisor: Method Studios
- Russell Hopwood
- compositor / visual effects
- Sam Horgan
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Jason Horley
- concept artist: ILM
- Shailey Horton
- digital compositor / roto/paint lead
- Shih Ling Huang
- previs/layout artist: Dneg
- Manon Huez
- pre-visualization artist
- Thomas Hullin
- head of Munich studio: Rodeo FX
- Chrismac Hwang
- matchmove/tracking artist: Framestore
- Seung Rok Hwang
- matchmove artist: Method Studios
- Nile Hylton
- lead crowd technical director: double negative
- Carole-Anne Hébert
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Phinehas Iaboni
- depth artist: Stereo D
- Marco Iannaccone
- rigging/Techanim supervisor
- Ahmed Ibrahim
- visual effects artist
- Djordje Ilic
- environment technical director: Framestore
- Ivan Imanishi
- research & development: Image Engine
- Paul Ingram
- environments technical director
- Michitaka Inoue
- digital artist
- Sonia Alexia Ioannou
- postvis artist: Warner Bros
- Ludovic Iochem
- head of digital matte painting
- Ciprian Iorga
- digital compositor
- Hans Olov Alexander Isaksson
- digital matte painter: Framestore (as Alexander Isaksson)
- Balakrishna Isunuri
- matchmove: DNEG
- Anirudh Iyengar
- render technician: Method Studios
- Adam Jackson
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Charlotte Jacobson
- Framestore
- Nicolas Jacques
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Ravi Jadaun
- visual effect artist
- Snehal Jadhav
- roto
- Swapnil Jadhav
- digital artist
- Santosh Jakkam
- matchmove: Double Nagitive Visual Effects
- Gabriel Jalbert
- visual effects line producer
- Gilbert James
- stereoscopic producer
- Grzegorz Jankowski
- grooming artist: Method Studios
- Shruti Janu
- animator: Framestore
- Marion Jardin
- visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Sumit Singh Jaswal
- compositing supervisor
- Kishor Sitaram Jat
- visual effects artist
- Tommy Jaw
- lighting technical director
- Tankodra Jaykishan
- visual effects artist: Matchmove & Rotoanim
- Jbrown
- effects animator (as Jeremy Brown)
- Naomi Jeanneteau
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Jack Jenkins
- prep artist: DNEG
- Frank Jentner
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Ojas Jhalani
- visual effects artist
- Jan Jinda
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Helen Johnson
- compositor
- Phil Johnson
- vfx runner
- Jeremy Jones
- finaling qc artist: Stereo D
- Brenainn Jordan
- Creature TD: DNEG
- Pooja Jori
- digital compositor
- Susanna Josef
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Abhimanyu Joshi
- bodytrack artist: Double Negative
- Ashutosh Joshi
- visual effects production manager
- Ãtienne Jubinville
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Vicki Juhasz
- compositor
- Chaehyeon Lee Julie
- digital compositor
- Guillaume Julien
- environment td: DNEG
- Morten Frølich Jæger
- senior creature artist: DNEG
- Trilok Singh Kachhawa
- build supervisor
- Steven Kaelin
- stereoscopic compositor
- Lindsey Kaiser
- stereo executive producer
- Yousif Al Kamali
- creature fx td: framestore
- Raghavendra Kamath
- stereo production manager
- Mel Kangleon
- lead colourist: Technicolor
- R. Kannan
- visual effects artist
- Anurag Kapil
- rotoanimation artist
- Vasilis Karatziva
- visual effects department production manager: Double Negative
- Ervin Kaszap
- creature fx td: Image Engine
- Preet Katta
- paint and roto: framestore
- Rishi Kaul
- animator: Image Engine
- Vishal Kaushal
- digital compositor
- John Keates
- visual effects artist: Proof, Inc.
- Ciarán Keenan
- previs producer: Nvizage
- Adam Kelway
- digital compositor: Image Engine
- Andrew Kennedy
- technical director: Stereo D
- Vimal Kerketta
- Creature Modeler
- Suchitra Keshri
- texture artist: : Image engine Design Inc
- Thorsten Kesse
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Hemant Khairnar
- lead compositor
- Shanu Khalifa
- rotomation
- Rahul Khambre
- senior compositor
- Aman Nasir Khan
- supervisor: tracking and matchmove (as Khan Aman)
- Sagar Khorasia
- roto artist
- Navjin Khosravi
- creature fx td: Framestore
- Thomas Kidd
- prep artist: DNEG
- Ryan Kilbane
- stereo compositor: stereo d
- Jini Mijin Kim
- stereoscopic compositor: Deluxe
- Mi Jung Kim
- lighting artist: visual effects
- Andy Kind
- visual effects supervisor
- Alexander Kirk
- Lead Digital Matte Painter
- Dominik Kirouac
- lead fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Richard Klein
- Postvis Modeler: Proof, Inc
- Terry Klopfenstein
- element qc senior artist/compositor
- Bastian Klucker
- Lead Creature FX
- Heike Kluger
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX (as Heike Hendl)
- Amanda Knight
- visual effects coordinator
- Roo Knight-Jones
- visual effects resources manager (as Rory Jones)
- Lubomir Kocka
- visual effects artist
- Florian Koebisch
- effects technical director: DNEG
- Julianna Kolakis
- senior texture artist
- Chandranath Koley
- lighting artist
- Carsten Kolve
- digital supervisor: Image Engine
- Yuliia Kondratova
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Robin Konieczny
- lead environments artist
- Lexi Koome
- visual effects coordinator
- Andrei Korovkin
- Model & Texture Artist: Method Studios
- Jacob Koslosky
- generalist td: Rodeo FX
- Ben Kovar
- Concept Artist
- Remko Kram
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Mathew Krentz
- digital supervisor: Method Studios
- Wayne Kresil
- lead modeler: framestore
- S. Gopi Krishna
- compositor
- Julie Kubbillun
- munich studio manager: Rodeo FX
- Tanya Kular
- digital compositor
- Nachiket Kulkarni
- depth artist: Stereo D
- Annurup Kumaar
- matchmove and rotoanimation technical director: Double Negative
- Sujay Kumar G.
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Dhiraj Kumar
- Paint artist
- Vishal Kumar
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Melanie La Rue
- visual effects producer: Rodeo FX
- Matthieu Labbe
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Charles Labbé
- compositing supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Arnaud Laberge
- paint & roto artist
- Jonathan Laborde
- lead fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Erran Lake
- data wrangler
- Ganesh Lakshmigandan
- effects technical director
- Hugo Lalonde
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Alan S.L. Lam
- Lead Environment TD: Framestore
- Alyson Lamontagne
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Pascale Lamoureux-Miron
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Kevin Landry
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Sam Lane
- visual effects editor: DNEG
- Isabelle Langlois
- vp production: Rodeo FX
- Rudy Langoux
- fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Mathieu Lapierre
- environment artist: Rodeo FX
- Louis-Charles Lapointe
- visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Marina Larose
- lookdev artist: Rodeo FX
- Allyn Lawson
- creature fx td
- Mélanie Le Bloa
- digital compositor: framestore
- Cedric Le Poullennec
- cfx artist
- Aaron Lear
- digital compositor: framestore
- Marc Lebuis
- layout supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Claudia Lechen
- compositor: Framestore
- Christie Lee
- lighting td: framestore
- Jeeho Lee
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Marco Lee
- visual effects artist: Clear Angle Studios
- Phoenix Woung-Bi Lee
- effects technical director: Framestore
- Sun Lee
- matte painter: Lola VFX
- Youngwook Lee
- stereo compositor
- Daniel Lee-Poy
- stereo compositor:Stereo D
- Matta Leelakranthi
- digital artist (as Leela Kranthi)
- Thomas Lefebvre
- fx lookdev lead: Framestore
- Eric D Legare
- senior rigging td
- Julien Legay
- visual effects artist
- Tati Leite
- visual effects artist: Lola VFX
- Christopher Leloup
- vfx compositor
- Janek Lender
- post-visualisation supervisor: NVIZ
- Alana Lennie
- lighting technical director: framestore
- Jimmy Leung
- fx td: framestore
- Ariel Levental
- compositor: framestore
- Michael Levine
- senior creature effects technical director
- Riley Liao
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Aulo Licinio
- animation supervisor: framestore
- Seth Lickiss
- stereoscopic compositor
- Tord Liljedahl Tønnesen
- compositor: Proof, Inc
- Edy Susanto Lim
- creature supervisor: method studios
- Ivan Lima
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Emma Liu
- compositor: image engine
- Patricia Llaguno
- digital compositor
- David Lo
- hair technical director
- Benjamin Loch
- cg supervisor
- Beaumont Loewenthal
- visual effects assistant editor
- Prasad Aaksha Lohith
- model td: Double Negative
- Reilly Lohr
- senior texture painter / texture painter
- Florianne Lopez
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Kumbu-Ki-Lutete Lord Ted Mabika
- visual effects
- Charlotte Loughnane
- executive producer: DNEG
- Kate Lowe
- techrun: DNEG
- Zachary V. Lowe
- senior texture artist: visual effects
- Valerie Loyer
- texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Jordan Lucchino
- stereoscopic compositor
- Richard Lukacs
- vfx dailies operator
- Jakob Lundbye
- visualisation artist: NVIZ
- Daniel Lupien
- texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Bruno Lévêque
- environment td: Image Engine
- Philip Lücke
- digital compositor
- Susan Ma
- integration department manager: Method Studios
- Hugh Macdonald
- virtual camera operator: Nvizage
- Laura Macfadyen
- matte painter: Image Engine
- Arnaud Machtou
- lighting & lookdev technical director: framestore
- Jonathan Mack
- visual effects artist: Method Studios
- Melanie Mack
- matchmove artist: Method Studios
- Nick Macmillan
- environment technical director: Framestore
- Ruairidh MacNeill
- cg modeler: framestore
- Damien Macé
- environments artist: Framestore
- Amy Madigan
- production coordinator: Stereo D
- Jeronimo Maggi
- FX technical director: Method Studios
- Ravi Mahapatro
- line producer: Stereo D
- Rajendra Maharana
- compositor
- Marion Mahu
- creature fx supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Thomas Maier
- visual effects artist
- Ioanna Mailli
- fx td: DNEG
- Guillaume Mainville
- lead look development td: Framestore
- Isabelle Mainville
- texture lead
- Dipen Majmundar
- matchmove & bodytracking artist: DNEG
- Carson Majors
- production show coordinator
- Yael Majors
- assistant finaling supervisor
- Vincent Febriyanto Mak
- stereoscopic compositing lead
- Laurent Makowski
- lookdev artist: Rodeo FX
- Kevin Maliakal
- visual effects production manager (as Kevin Malaikal)
- Hadrien Malinjod
- compositor: Warner Bros. in-house
- Siddharth Malviya
- prep artist (as Siddharthmalviyaa)
- Alessandro Mameli
- roto/paint artist
- Ranadeep Mandal
- senior fx td
- Akash Mangavkar
- visual effects production manager
- Dean Mangion
- matchmove artist: Image Engine
- Loris Mantello
- visual effects technical director
- Christian Manz
- production visual effects supervisor
- Marilou Marchand
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Paris Marin
- Visualisation Artist
- Julia Markó
- visual effects production coordinator: DNEG
- Jason Marlow
- matchmove supervisor
- Brandon Martin
- lighting td
- Carolyne Martin
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Dominic Martin
- digital artist
- Olivier Martin
- matte painting artist: Rodeo FX
- Ross Martin
- 3D scanning technician
- Lucie Martinetto
- rigging td
- Riccardo Mascia
- digital compositor: framestore
- Joseph Masellis
- stereo conversion production coordinator
- Daniel James Mason
- matchmove artist: Method Studios
- Riley Massender
- visual effects artist
- Mark Masson
- rigging: Rodeo FX
- Jean-François Massé
- visual effects photographer: Rodeo FX
- Alessandro Mastandrea
- compositor
- Jack Matchette
- vfx production assistant
- Vibhas Mathkar
- digital matte painter: DNEG
- Tomoka Matsumura
- senior modeler
- Leelakranthi Matta
- Matchmove artist
- Matthew Crowe
- layout artist: DNEG
- Christoph Matthiesen
- look development td: Dneg
- Amaury Matu
- pipeline td
- Natalia Matveenko
- visual effects artist: Lola VFX
- Daniel Maund
- fx technical director: Double Negative
- Eric Mc Guire
- environment artist: Rodeo FX
- Colin McBain
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Graham McBride
- depth artist
- Ross McCabe
- look development supervisor
- Jolene McCaffrey
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Nathan McConnel
- animation supervisor: Framestore
- Mark McCormack-Douglas
- stereoscopic compositor
- Ben McEwan
- senior compositor: Image Engine
- Owen McGonigle
- visual effects artist
- Brooke McGowan
- compositor: framestore / paint and roto artist: framestore
- Mike McGuinness
- Senior Previs Artist: Nvizage
- Scott McInnes
- vfx concept artist
- Bradleigh McKay
- previs artist: Rodeo FX
- David McKay
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Aimee McKinney
- visual effects coordinator
- Keziah Meah
- build supervisor: Double Negative (as Keziah Bailey)
- Liam Meakins
- stereo assistant paint lead
- Himanshu Meena
- layout td: Double Negative
- Philip Melancon
- crowd td: Framestore
- Marco Menco
- character lead: Image Engine
- Horacio Mendoza
- fx supervisor: Framestore
- Lewis Menga
- visual effects editorial lead: Rodeo FX
- Zohra Mennaceur
- visual effects coordinator : DNEG
- Massimo Meo
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Rebecca Mercurio
- visual effects coordinator
- Pierre-Edouard Merien
- modeler
- Aron Merritt
- visual effects lead data wrangler
- Alexandra Merritt-Gambrill
- depth artist: Stereo D
- Jeremy Mesana
- animation supervisor: Image Engine
- Sarah Mesmacre
- texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Kaushik Metkar
- visual effects coordinator
- Mathieu Meynard
- lighting technical director
- Rahul Mhaskar
- production coordinator
- David Michaels
- cg supervisor
- Janna Miller
- stereo show coordinator: Stereo D
- Lizz Miller
- depth supervisor
- Maurice Miller
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Jorge Miranda
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Nelson Miranda
- visual effects artist
- Ankur Mishra
- visual effects artist
- Alice Mitchell
- digital compositor
- Annie Mitchell
- visual effects artist
- Eric A. Mitchell
- Dneg
- Scott Mitchell
- visual effects
- Sayani Mitra
- matchmove technical director
- Akmal Mlahaili
- compositor
- Sean A. Mockler
- matchmove artist: framestore
- Shauna Mohan
- stereo coordinator: Stereo D
- Carlo Monaghan
- compositing supervisor: Method Studios
- Oliver Money
- Head of Production: DNEG
- Alberto Montañés
- digital compositor: Method Studios
- John Montefusco
- groom td: Framestore
- Carlos Montero Sánchez
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Santi Montero
- matchmove artist
- Christopher Montesano
- pipeline supervisor (as Chris Montesano)
- Daniel Moody
- senior visual effects coordinator
- Jeremy Mooney-Somers
- tech supervisor: Double Negative
- Jenny Moorehead
- Vinayak More
- visual effects: Texture Artist
- Sébastien Moreau
- visual effects executive producer: Rodeo FX
- Isabelle Morello
- digital matte painter: framestore
- Ben Morgan
- compositing lead: Image Engine
- Emmanuelle Morin
- layout artist: Rodeo FX
- Gabriel Morin
- look dev artist: Rodeo FX
- Olivier Barbes Morin
- visual effects shooting: Rodeo FX
- Yan Morin-Dubuisson
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Jean-Francois Morissette
- lead matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Claire Morris
- element qc compositor
- Fabienne Mouillac
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Ãlvaro Moya
- digital compositor
- Darcie Muangman
- visual effects producer (as Darcie Tang)
- Didier Muenza
- lead environment artist: Framestore
- Deep Mukherjee
- digital compositor
- Oriane Mulleras-El Atmani
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX / lighting technical director: Rodeo FX
- Aj Mulley
- vfx production assistant: DNEG
- Jack Mumford
- postvis modeler: Proof, Inc
- Jass Mun
- layout artist: Rodeo FX
- Chris Munns
- colourist: DNEG
- Jenesta Munro
- texture artist (as Jenesta Smith)
- Masakazu Murakami
- FX artist: Method studios
- Ersan Musa
- previs artist: The Third Floor Inc
- Vitalii Musatov
- digital compositor: Framestore (as Vitaly Musatov)
- Javier Muñoz
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Ephraim Mwakandu
- digital compositor: Proof, Inc
- Károly Mátyás
- Animator: Framestore
- Jeff Nadwidny
- roto/paint: Department Lead
- Shaikh Naeem
- artist: tracking and matchmove (as Naeem Basheeruddin Shaikh)
- Double Nagative
- Modelling/Texturing TD
- Ashley Nagy
- Environment TD
- Raghavendra Naik
- visual effects artist
- Sunny Nair
- matte painter
- Avais Najar
- digital compositor: visual effects
- Ali Nakipoglu
- software developer
- Nandini Nambiar
- lookdev td: Framestore
- Nishant Narang
- digital compositor
- Swarnadeep Nath
- visual effects artist
- Gabriel Naveau
- digital compositor: framestore
- Varshini Naveen Kumar
- visual effects artist: digital artist - DNEG
- Naveenprabhu
- digital compositor
- Suman Nayak
- digital compositor
- Devesh Neema
- stereoscopic team lead
- Sophie Newton
- assistant colourist: DNEG
- Lucas John Ng
- visual effects coordinator
- Emmanuelle Ngan Sing
- visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Aline Ngo
- vfx recruiter
- Jarrod Nichols
- stereo compositor
- Valérie Nicol
- head of finance: Rodeo Fx
- David Nielsen
- lead groom td: Framestore
- Neela Nitesh
- stereo compositor
- Rajendra Nitturu
- stereo compositor
- Chris Nix
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Mike J. Nixon
- visual effects artist
- Guillaume Noel
- digital compositor
- Clare Norman
- visual effects executive producer: Milk Visual Effects
- Brandon Norris
- art department producer: Framestore
- Abdelkader Nouar
- creature fx td: Framestore
- Sylvain Nouveau
- fx supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Barry O'Brien
- stereo supervisor: DNEG
- Adam O'Brien-Locke
- global production supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Steven O'Connor
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Mark O'Kane
- virtual camera operator: Nvizage
- Ciaran O'Neachtain
- paint and roto artist: framestore (as Ciaran Neachtain) / roto and paint artist: framestore
- Tomohiro Okita
- visual effects
- Adele Olsauskaite
- postvis digital matte painter: Proof, Inc
- Alice Olson-Coons
- visual effects line producer
- Nguon Vissal Ong
- compositing supervisor: Rodeo FX (as Vis Ong)
- Alban Orlhiac
- head of texture: framestore
- Juanma Ortiz
- visual effects artist
- Raphael Oseguera
- roto department manager
- Chloé Ostiguy
- fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Pablo Otero
- matchmove/layout artist
- Mohamed Aït Ouyahia
- visual effects coordinator
- David Owen
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- David Owen
- modeler: Rodeo FX
- Matthew Ozerski
- Previs Editor at The Third Floor inc
- Simon Pabst
- R&D Lead: DNEG
- Stéphane Paccolat
- look development artist : Rodeo FX
- Chirag Padlekar
- bodytracking TD: DNEG
- Fraehan Pagdiwalla
- visual effects production manager: DNEG London
- Jeremy Paillotin
- concept artist
- Laurent Pancaccini
- cg supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Ashutosh Pandey
- compositor
- Bhavesh Pandey
- senior effects td
- Shailendra Kumar Pandey
- compositor: Framestore
- Steve Pang
- visual effects editor
- Niomie Papatens-Rochon
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Emese Papp
- creature fx
- Nikhil Parab
- Layout TD: Double Negative
- Om Parab
- matchmove supervisor
- Praveen Kumar Sharma Parasnath
- paint & prep artist: double negative
- Aakash Pardeshi
- stereo paint artist
- Phanie Parent
- compositor
- Yonggyu Park
- fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Chris Parks
- Stereoscopic Supervisor
- Rohan Parmar
- matchmove artist
- Asma Parvin
- matchmove artist
- Chaplais Pascal
- digital effects artist
- Lucas Pascale-Pallotta
- compositor
- Dana Passarella
- stereo compositing lead
- Tejas Patade
- Layout TD/Double Negative
- Andres Patarroyo
- previs artist
- Marzun Patel
- line producer
- Nikul Patel
- head of lidar: Clear Angle Studios
- Ratnesh Patel
- roto artist
- Matthew Patience
- compositor: Framestore
- Jeremy Patterson
- stereoscopic compositor
- Joe Pavlo
- visual effects artist
- Josh Payne
- visual effects
- Leo Pean de Ponfilly
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Henry Pearce
- lead 3d scanning technician: gentle giant studios
- Jessica Pearce
- production coordinator: Stereo D
- Geoff Pedder
- lead look development artist
- Kai Pedersen
- cg supervisor: Image Engine
- Martin Pedreira
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Dario Pedretti
- digital compositor
- Tom Pegg
- compositor: Double Negative
- Damien Peinoit
- modeler/texture artist
- Peter Pelisek
- matchmove artist : Method Studios
- Laurie Pellard
- visual effects
- Jennyfer Pellerin
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Martin Pelletier
- head of quebec studio: Rodeo FX
- Eric Pepin
- vp operations: Rodeo FX
- Ana Sofia Mestre de Almeida Pereira
- lead digital compositor: Method Studios
- Melvin Pereira
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Erika Perez Moreno
- digital compositor
- Cindy Perez
- compositor
- Ann Perreault
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Gabrielle Perreault
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Antoine Petitgand
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Zaid Petros
- visual effects artist
- Richard Pezzer
- previsualization artist: Proof, Inc
- Ignacio B. Peña
- animator: DNEG
- Carlos Pfister
- fx artist
- Duy Pham
- technical support: Image Engine
- Mathieu Phaneuf
- lead modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Sandy Phetchamphone
- finaling manager: Stereo D
- Maxime Philippon
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Thandiwe Philips
- visual effects line producer
- Bethany D. Phillips
- vfx recruiter
- Pete Phillips
- roto prep artist: milk-vfx
- Dominic Piché
- modeling supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Ezra Pike
- compositor: Double Negative
- Jacek Pilarski
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Melvin Mathew Pillai
- senior prep artist: double negative
- Sebastien Pincin
- digital compositor
- Andrew Pinson
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Gabriel Pires
- compositor: Image Engine
- Xenia Pirojenko
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Fred Place
- compositor
- Jack Plumridge
- Virtual Camera Assistant
- Nilesh Pobatti
- modeling artist: double negative
- Patrice Poissant
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Jason Pomerantz
- post production supervisor: Stereo D
- Vladimir Popovic
- Senior FX TD
- Samuel Porter
- assistant technical director
- Etienne Poulin St-Laurent
- matchmove supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Guillaume Poulin
- visual effects editor: Rodeo FX
- Becky Pownall
- visual effects producer
- Kiran Prabhu
- model td
- Kailash Prasad
- Model TD:DNEG
- Mahajan Prashant
- camera tracking td
- Jeremy Preissner
- sr. systems administrator: Legend 3D
- Padiyachi Premraj
- Roto Artist: visual effects
- Gary Priest
- previsualization artist: Proof, Inc
- Laurence Priest
- digital effects supervisor
- Francis Prince
- visual effects
- Stewart Probert
- production manager: Clear Angle Studios
- Ted Proctor
- vfx editor: image engine
- Thomas Proctor
- visual effects supervisor: DNEG
- Cedric Profijt
- environment TD: Framestore
- Paige Prokop
- visual effects coordinator / visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Howard Protheroe
- In house: Senior Compositor
- Jaime Provido
- technology resource administrator: Method Studios
- Laurence Provost
- Matte Painter Artist-Framestore
- Tim Pruce
- senior compositor: DNEG
- Arnold Pryada
- Previs Artist: Nviz
- Vivek Pundir
- Central Production Manager
- Albert Valls Punsich
- cg modeler
- Nick Purrier
- Image Engine / visual effects coordinator
- Rakesh Pusuluri
- digital compositor
- Simon Pynn
- matchmove supervisor
- James Pyper
- visual effects artist
- Paul Patrick Quinn
- vfx recruiter
- Steven Quinones-Colon
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Romina Rabti-Zolpirani
- render wrangler: Rodeo FX
- Nigel Rafter
- animator: DNEG
- Rajeev Raghavan
- depth artist
- Indreep Raha
- visual effects artist: DNEG
- Nordin Rahhali
- visual effects supervisor: method studios
- Manav Rai
- Post Production Coordinator
- Imran Ahmed Raichuri
- visual effects artist
- Roberto Raio
- animator
- Sathya Rajarajan
- compositor
- Pramod Rohidas Rajguru
- VFX Lighting Artist / vfx lighting artist
- Sreehari Ramakrishna
- visual effects artist: Dneg - Texturing Artist
- Parthasarathy Raman
- line producer: stereo d
- Keerthana Ramani
- technical director: Stereo D
- Ana Ramos Dominguez
- VFX Production Manager: Image Engine (as Ana Ramos)
- Carlos Calle Ramos
- visual effects artist
- Stefanie Ramsdale
- visual effects coordinator
- Ryan Ramsey
- senior stereoscopic compositor: Deluxe
- Ankush Rana
- stereo compositor
- Bhavesh Rank
- assistant supervisor stereo division : Prime Focus World
- Victoria Rank
- visual effects coordinator: Dneg
- Prabhamrit Raryan
- digital compositor
- Lisa Rasasombat
- lighting td
- RaviKota
- FX TD: Double Negative
- Kisholay Ray
- production coordinator
- David Raymond
- crowd artist: Rodeo FX
- Janine Razon
- stereo artist: Stereo D
- Clint Rea
- look development artist
- Julia Reinhard
- digital compositor
- Panya Ren
- Senior Lighting Artist: Method (as Phannya Ren)
- Emeric Renard
- Lighting Artist TD
- Mark P. Renton
- visual effects compositor
- Tristan Rettich
- senior texture painter
- Gustavo Henrique Ribeiro
- digital compositor
- Jordan Rice
- visual effects technical resource assistant
- Tyler Rice
- element qc
- Curtis Richardson-Smith
- animator
- Emma Rider
- visual effects coordinator
- Mnandi Ridley
- visual effects artist: Clear Angle Studios
- Benjy Riehl
- visual effects coordinator
- Viktor Rietveld
- fx artist: double negative
- Alyssa Ritz
- visual effects coordinator (as Alyssa Howald)
- Ariz Akhtar Rizvi
- senior stereo supervisor
- Sandra Roach
- postvisualization artist: Proof, Inc
- Evelyne Robert
- compositor
- Scott Robertson
- visual effects artist
- Matthew Robinson
- matchmove artist: framestore
- Eli Rod
- Lead Lighting TD: DNEG
- Lovell Rodricks
- visual effects artist
- Alexei Diez Rodriguez
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Johnny Roek
- effects technical director
- Christopher Rogers
- senior lookdev artist: Image Engine
- Couturiaux Romain
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Diego Romo
- texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Jaz Rongokea
- visual effects line producer: framestore
- Emily Roper
- lead cyber scanning technician
- Philip Rosado
- lead layout artist
- Alessio Rosio
- Previs artist / previs artist
- Amaury Rospars
- lighting technical director
- Marc-Olivier Rouleau
- pipeline technical director
- Marine Rousselet
- rotoscope and paint artist: Rodeo FX
- Rajat Roy
- global technical supervisor
- Dibyadoot Roychowdhury
- Post Production Coordinator
- James Russell
- digital compositor
- Bryan Ryan
- previs casting coordinator: TTFL
- Solhee Ryu
- rigging artist: Method Studios Vancouver
- Vijayakumar S
- matchmove and rotoanim artist (as Vijayakumar.S)
- Maroun Saade
- rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX
- Hossein Sabouri
- stereo compositor
- Sagar Sadhu
- digital artist
- Rajeev Sahu
- visual effects supervisor
- Nischal Raaj Saini
- prep artist
- Emeric Saint-Germain
- matte painter/environment td: Framestore
- Shiv Sairam
- compositor
- Celestin Salomon
- texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Neha Samant
- department production manager
- Jorge Sanchez Fresno
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Sandeepchoudhary
- visual effects: Prep lead (as Choudharysandeep)
- Jan-Willem Sanderman
- visual effects coordinator: framestore
- Raphael Sandler
- junior visual effects editor: Framestore
- Matteo Sanna
- lead postvis animator: Nvizage
- Ignacio Santamaria
- previs artist
- Anthony Luigi Santoro
- compositing supervisor: Framestore
- Romeo Ulalan Santos
- digital compositor
- Hannes Sap
- compositor: Double Negative
- Ashwin Sareen
- render technician/data io: Method Studios Vancouver
- Agnimitra Sarkar
- Fx Td
- Mag Sarnowska
- digital compositor
- Sabin Sasidharan
- lead stereoscopy compositor: DNEG
- Rebecca Saunders
- vfx data wrangler: additional photography
- Khushnuma Savai
- compositor
- Andrew Savinskiy
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Hemant Parshuram Sawant
- digital compositor: visual effects
- Yashdeep Sawant
- fx lead
- Rahul Saxena
- matchmove & rotomation
- Sourabh Saxena
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Federico Scarbini
- senior texture artist: Framestore
- Jason Adam Schaefer
- visual effects supervisor: Lola VFX
- Eduard Schulze-Battmann
- fx technical director: DNEG
- Petra Schwane
- sequence lead: Framestore
- Angelika Schweitzer
- Technology Resource Lead
- Davide Scolari
- fx artist: Framestore
- Nicholas Seal
- postvisualization artist: Proof
- Mitchell Searle
- roto prep artist: milk-vfx
- Kevin Sears
- cg supervisor
- Ryan Sefton
- 3d artist
- Taruna Sehgal
- visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
- Manivannan Sekar
- digital artist
- Mikhail Semyonov
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX (as Semionov Mikhail)
- Anissa Senoussi
- digital matte painter
- Bryan Servante
- postvis artist: Proof, Inc
- Seshaprasad
- head of production: Dneg - India
- Khizar Shabir
- lead stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Rasoul Shafeazadeh
- matte painting supervisor: Method Studios
- Rushabh Shah
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Fiaz Shaikh
- Modeling Lead: Double negative
- Sabiha Shaikh
- visual effects coordinator
- Yi Shan
- creature td: Method Studios
- Suraj Shankhwar
- digital compositor
- Deepakkumar Sharma
- matchmove artist
- Dharmesh Sharma
- visual effects artist
- Prateek Sharma
- stereo supervisor
- Shivam Sharma
- lighting td
- Vineet Sharma
- fx td: DNEG
- Vivek Sharma
- digital compositor
- Cameron Sharp
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Chris Shaw
- visual effects supervisor: motion control
- Jon Shaw
- senior lighting td: Method Studios
- Nate Shaw
- visual effects artist
- Denys Shchukin
- fx supervisor: Image Engine
- Rob Shears
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Emad Sheikh
- digital compositor
- Gary Shelley
- roto/paint show lead
- Manohar Shetty
- lighting td
- Drew Shields
- tracking lead: method studios
- Sachin Shivkar
- Layout Lead
- Sneha Shukla
- character effects artist
- Guillaume Siadous
- environment artist: Rodeo FX
- Javed Siddiqui
- senior modeler: DNEG
- Michael Siegel
- visual effects artist
- Leonardo Sierra
- digital compositor: visual effects
- Luke Sikking
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Vishnu Simha
- 3d modeling artist: double negative
- Tamas Simmons
- visual effects line producer
- Jade Simpson
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Gabriella Sinella
- visual effects production assistant
- Abhay Singh
- lighting td: Double Negative
- Ankur Singh
- modeler: DNEG
- Ganesh B. Singh
- matchmove lead: DNEG
- Gaurav Singh
- visual effects artist
- Jagjeet Singh
- senior creature effects technical director
- Jasveer Singh
- Prep Artist
- Mohan Singh
- sr.matchmove artist
- Nitin Singh
- vfx department production manager
- Parteek Singh
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Pratik Pradeep Singh
- visual effects artist
- Shubham Singh
- visual effects artist
- Vinay Pratap Singh
- stereo compositor
- Yogesh Singh
- lighting td
- Niraj Kumar Sinha
- Stereo creative team
- Yanko Slavov
- post vis matchmove artist
- Billy Smith
- senior paint artist
- Billy Smith
- senior paint artist
- Jonty Smith
- visual effects artist: clear angle studios
- Joshua Smith
- compositor
- Matthew Smith
- modeler: Framestore
- Maxwell Smith
- environments technical director
- Parker Smith
- stereo compositor
- Anna Snizkova
- technical coordinator / visual effects
- Aakash Praful Solanki
- fx technical director
- Jordan Soler
- grooming artist
- Jordan Soles
- vp development & technologies: Rodeo FX
- Leon Li-Aun Sooi
- visual effects artist
- Ivan Sorgente
- digital compositor
- Arnaud Soulabaille
- digital compositor
- Tatampudi SrinivasaRaju
- sr texturing td: Double Negative
- Anshul Kumar Srivastava
- texture artist dneg
- Sonal Srivastava
- bodytrack artist
- Lukas Stabile
- production supervisor: Stereo D (as Luke Stabile)
- William Stanton
- cyberscanning lead: Clear Angle Studios
- Harrison Stark
- creature effects technical director
- Aleksandr Starkov
- fx artist: Rodeo FX / senior fx td
- Anthony Stedman
- texture artist: Rodeo FX / visual effects artist
- Federico Stefanini
- lighting td: Dneg
- Daniel Stenhouse
- visual effects artist
- Mark Stern
- visual effects executive producer: Lola Visual Effects
- Penn Stevens
- creature fx td: Framestore
- Jordan Stolearcius
- final qc
- Perry Stoutt II
- stereo artist: Stereo D
- Stefano Strabla
- creature modeler: Method Studios
- Steve Stransman
- Stereo Producer: Stereo D
- Eline Strijdonk
- effects technical director: Double Negative
- James Stuart
- lighting lead
- Chris Suddaby
- postvis artist: Proof, Inc
- Nandu Sulochanan
- digital compositor
- Iryna Sumanova
- roto/paint artist: Image Engine
- Quentin Sur
- previs lead: The Third Floor
- Ashutosh Surawshi
- roto artist: prime focus
- Yanti Suryati
- lighting technical director
- Filip Sustek
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Phoebe Sutherland
- visual effects line producer: Dneg
- Edward Swain
- visual effects: Postviz Animator
- Apurv Swami
- matchmove TD: DNEG
- Swarnadeep
- visual effects artist
- Michael J. Sweetser
- compositor: dneg
- Sarah Swick
- VFX Associate Producer: Method Studios
- Alexander Szabados
- lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Robert Szabo
- digital compositor
- Aleksander Szkudlarek
- FX TD: Method Studios
- András SzÅcs
- digital compositor
- Jeremy Séguin
- digital compositor
- Graham Tailleur
- Production Coordinator: Dneg Stereo
- Jibraan Taimuri
- visual effects artist
- Avadhoot Tambe
- lead matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Jerrod Tan
- roto/paint artist
- Mehrnaz Tanbakoosaz
- visual effects
- Dipak Tarpara
- vfx artist: Stereo D
- James Tavet
- matchmove artist: Image Engine
- Elena Tchijakoff
- rigging artist: Rodeo FX / visual effects artist: Rodeo FX
- Solene Tchijakoff
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Cedric Joel Tchouta Tchoubith
- digital compositor
- Sunny Teich
- lead effects technical director
- Sanket Tekam
- paint & compositing artist
- Chetan Thaker
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Sourav Thakkar
- Roto Supervisor (uncredited)
- Gauri Thakur
- lighting td
- Shashank Thakur
- model td: Double Negative
- Damien Thaller
- digital environment supervisor
- Nithya Thangamani
- visual effects artist
- Laeticia Theret
- texture
- Marc-Antoine Thibault
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Olivier Thibaut
- head of software: Method Studios
- Hayley Thomas
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Nacho Thomas
- environment/generalists supervisor: double negative
- James Thompson
- postvis artist: Proof, Inc
- Raghavi Arya Thota
- stereo compositor
- Marc Tingle
- lead environments technical director
- Andrew Tinkler
- stereo compositor
- Sterling Azure Tipton
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Rohan Tirkey
- stereoscopic supervisor: DNEG
- Eligijus Titas
- fx technical director
- Syria Toliver
- lighting artist: DNEG
- Alexander Toms
- digital compositor
- Connor Tong
- prep artist: DNEG
- Jeff Tong
- Model/Texture Artist: Method Studios
- Joshua Toonen
- compositor
- Alexandra Torelli
- rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX
- Saul Toresan
- visualization artist - previs and postvis: The Third Floor
- Roger Tortosa
- senior lighting technical director: DNEG
- Jessica Toucoula
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Mai-Anh Tran
- matte painting artist: Rodeo FX
- Chris Treichel
- director of production: Stereo D
- David Tremblay
- rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX
- Marc Tremblay
- environment artist: Rodeo FX
- Giuseppe Tripodi
- postvis modeler: Proof, Inc
- Rousselot de Saint Ceran Tristan
- visual effect artist: nvizible
- Genevieve Trottier
- visual effects artist
- Eric Tsui
- postvis artist: the third floor inc
- Christopher Tuleya
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Andrew Tulloch
- lead postvisualization artist: Proof, Inc
- Abdul Ahad Tunio
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Aurore Turbé
- texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Fausto Turcotte
- lookdev artist: Rodeo FX
- Robert Turnbridge
- visual effects coordinator
- James Turner
- VFX Producer: Milk Visual Effects
- Jonathan Turner
- lead digital compositor: Framestore
- Joshi Umang
- visual effects artist
- Bhaskaran Umesh
- software engineer
- Chris Upson
- vfx data wrangler: additional photography
- Aleksandr Uusmees
- creature effects technical director
- Viral Vadalia
- technical support
- Tangi Vaillant
- effects technical director: Framestore
- Ignacio Valencia Zúñiga
- layout artist: Rodeo FX
- Juan Valenzuela Alcaraz
- senior compositor: Framestore
- Felix Vallieres
- digital compositorlead: Rodeo FX
- Isha van Moort
- visual effects coordinator: framestore
- Louise Vanhelle
- visual effects coordinator
- Ville-Matti Vasama
- effects technical director: DNEG
- Simone Vassallo
- lead lighting td: Double Negative
- Vincent Vezina
- modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Fabrice Vienne
- cg supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Melisande Vigeant
- compositor: Dneg
- Patel Vikas
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Joseph Villa
- roto paint lead: Method Studios
- Vinay.isetti
- matchmove artist: Anibrain
- Antoine Vinette-Lambert
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Vipendra
- stereo roto artist
- Pratik Virash
- hair/fur groomer
- Jaime Visedo
- previs artist
- Vishal Sharma
- digital compositor
- Chetan Vishwakarma
- Matchmove Artist: DNEG
- Aude Vitrant
- department manager
- Delphine Volny
- visual effects coordinator
- Jonas Vonk
- visual effects artist
- Mael Vortemann
- digital compositor
- Kynan Voyeaud
- digital compositor: framestore
- Jean-Philippe Voyer
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Andreas Vrhovsek
- fx artist: Framestore
- Eva Wagner
- Roto/Prep Artist: DNEG
- Adam Walker
- visual effects artist
- David Walker
- Matchmove artist: Framestore
- Isaiah Walker
- roto/paint artist: Image Engine
- Shawn Walsh
- visual effects executive producer: Image Engine
- Kenson Wang
- digital compositor
- Pablo Wang
- digital compositor
- Dan Warder
- fx td
- Alex Wareham
- render support & data ops: Framestore London
- Sanford Warwick
- lead stereoscopic compositor/paint artist: stereo d
- Chris Waters
- digital compositor
- Hazel Weatherall
- 3d scanning digital artist
- Piotr Weiss
- fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Conal Wenn
- layout artist: Rodeo FX
- Conner Wessinger
- look development artist: Framestore
- Prasad Wharavadekar
- Matchmove artist / matchmove artist: DNEG
- George Wharton
- Compositor: DNEG
- Huw Whiddon
- compositor
- Bob White
- cg supervisor
- Tom Whitehead
- look development artist
- Marc Whitelaw
- digital compositor
- Chelsea Whittet
- creature fx technical director
- Aric Whittom
- stereoscopic compositor
- Amber Wilkins
- fx artist
- Robert A. Willis
- lead compositor
- Richard Stuart Wilson
- visual effects production manager
- Ryan M. Wilson
- stereoscopic artist
- Toby Winder
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Anna F. Winters
- assets production manager: image engine design, inc
- Eddy Wolfson
- stereo compositor
- Anja Woller
- previs production coordinator: The Third Floor
- Tom Wolstenholme
- visual effects artist
- Christine Wong
- finance director: Image Engine
- Jason Wong
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Pat Wong
- senior digital compositor: Titles Work
- Paul Wren
- visual effects artist
- Annabel Wright
- Senior Visual Effects Coordinator
- William G. Wright
- visual effects artist
- Dan Wrightsell
- creature fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Wendi Harris Wu
- rigger: Image Engine Design Inc.
- Dane Wylie
- assistant depth supervisor
- Saxson Xavier
- matchmove artist: Dneg
- Ami Yamauchi
- visual effects producer: Cheap Shot
- Farid K. Yazami
- Senior LookDev/Lighting
- Matt Yeoman
- lead compositor: Image Engine
- Prince Yiadom
- prep artist
- Donmill Yip
- modeler: Image Engine
- Jacob Yorke
- stereo compositor
- Olly Young
- production visual effects producer
- Tim Young
- in-house compositor: Tiny VFX
- Ngnodjom Yvan
- effects technical director: Framestore
- Indrit Zabzuni
- 3d artist
- Michael Zannetou
- release manager, production technology
- Alon Zaslavsky
- lead creature td: Image Engine
- Alvaro Zendejas
- digital compositor
- Tianquan Zhang
- paint artist: visual effects
- Kevin x.l Zhao
- digital compositor/stereo compositor: stereoD (as Xiao Zhao)
- Michal Zsigmund
- Texture Artist
- Piotr Zyla
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Abhijith Azhikkara
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Rajesh Babu
- associate producer (uncredited)
- Lorien Baquera
- Element QC artist: Stereo D (uncredited) / depth artist: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Gerald Bussink
- Effects Artist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Pascal Chappuis
- head of technical production: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Mei-Yu Chen
- lookdev artist: Method Studios (uncredited)
- Christophe Clermont
- data ops/software/systems support (uncredited)
- Mitchell Deeming
- pipeline td (uncredited)
- Clym Dodds
- Data Operator: Framestore (uncredited)
- Eddy Durnan
- department production: DNEG (uncredited)
- Rachel Elfassy-Bitoun
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore (uncredited)
- Manuel Feria
- digital compositor: Method Studios (uncredited)
- George Ferris
- digital compositor: DNEG (uncredited)
- Sabrina Gagnon
- visual effects producer: Framestore (uncredited)
- Matthew Gaskin
- stereo compositor: Stereo D (uncredited)
- James Gillett
- Motion Control Operator (uncredited)
- Sébastien Girard
- rigger (uncredited)
- Guy-Edwards Gonsalves
- department manager: Stereo D (uncredited) / technical artist: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Adèle Guilmin
- previsualization artist/animator (uncredited)
- Quentin Guittard
- cg technical director (uncredited)
- Thomas Scott Holland
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Matt Howsam
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Kenneth Jacobs
- system administrator: Nvizible (uncredited)
- Amit Jaiswar
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Bart Karon
- assistant technical director: Framestore (uncredited)
- Artur Katrancioglu
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Dayna Kelly
- layout artist: method studios (uncredited)
- Lina Khounvongsa
- stereo compositor (uncredited)
- Jiri Kilevnik
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX (uncredited)
- Shenyan Liu
- vfx editor: Gener8 (uncredited)
- Julia Lou
- software developer: DNEG (uncredited)
- Camila Marcus
- production coordinator: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Charles Masse
- crowd technical director: Framestore (uncredited)
- Chiaki Matsubayashi
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Erika A. McKee
- uncredited
- Tom Minor
- software developer: DNEG (uncredited)
- Marta Mintenko
- human resources: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Jonathan Niquet
- pipeline td: RodeoFX (uncredited)
- David O'Brien
- element qc senior artist/compositor: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Yadnyesh Patil
- rotoscopy (uncredited)
- Matt Pearson
- fx technical director (uncredited)
- Padiyachi Premraj
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Mattan Ram
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Bhanu Pratap Rathore
- team lead (uncredited) / visual effects (uncredited)
- Vijin Ravindran
- Software Developer: Double Negative Visual Effects (uncredited)
- Ghosh Sanjay
- texturing artist: Dneg (uncredited)
- Branan Sarveswaran
- element qc artist: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Davis Saunders
- creative director: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Alican Serbest
- postvis artist (uncredited)
- Kunal Madan Shirsate
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Kamaljeet Singh
- FX Technical Director (uncredited)
- Magalie St-Jean Ledoux
- matchmove tracking artist (uncredited)
- Tonya Strantzi
- pipeline technical director: Framestore (uncredited)
- Joseph Towe
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Amelie Tremblay
- visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX (uncredited)
- Vanessa Velasquez
- technology: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Lucy Wisada
- software developer (uncredited)
- Colin Yu
- stereographer (uncredited)