- Kevin Aguirre
- previsualization artist
- Malcolm Aitchison
- technical support team lead
- Evrim Akyilmaz
- matchmover
- Hovig Alahaidoyan
- matte painting and concept art team: Weta Digital
- Jessica Alcorn
- compositor: The Orphanage
- Eric Algren
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Casey Allen
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Judy Alley
- visual effects: production, Weta Digital
- Stan Alley
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Jon Allitt
- massive supervisor: Weta Digital
- Eric Almeras
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Alp Altiner
- matte painter: Hydraulx
- Alexandra Altrocchi
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots (as Alexandra Wolbach)
- Svend Andersen
- database administrator
- Adrienne Anderson
- visual effects production manager: The Orphanage
- Malcolm Angell
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Daphne Apellanes-Ackerson
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (as Daphne R. Apellanes-Ackerson)
- Joe Ardent
- technical director
- Deb Asch
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Daniel Ashton
- scanning and recording technician (as Dan Ashton)
- Mia Askew
- textures team: Weta Digital
- Dave Asling
- miniature effects supervisor
- Jeff Atherton
- visual effects coordinator: Hydraulx
- Derrick Auyoung
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Jarrod Avalos
- matchmove artist
- Alvise Avati
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Jean-Luc Azzis
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Michael Bain
- senior camera technical director: Weta Digital (as Mike Bain)
- Cheryl Bainum
- executive producer: HATCH
- Robert Baldwin
- matte painting and concept art team: Weta Digital
- Scott Balkcom
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Bill Houston Ball
- dynamics artist: Hydraulx (as Bill Ball)
- Michael Baltazar
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Zeljko Barcan
- motion capture: technical advisor
- Ron Barr
- digital opticals
- Dana Basinger
- software: The Orphanage / systems: The Orphanage
- Joe Bauer
- facility visual effects supervisor
- Peter Baustaedter
- matte painting and concept art team: Weta Digital
- Jamie Baxter
- matte painter/compositor
- Scott E. Baxter
- digital effects artist: Hydraulx
- Kelly Bechtle-Woods
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Lyse Beck
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Cory Bedwell
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Kathleen Beeler
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Thad Beier
- visual effects: Hammerhead Productions
- Hamish Bell
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Kevin Bell
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Paula Bell
- senior digital paint artist
- Philip Benn
- dynamics artist: Hydraulx (as Phillip Benn)
- Niki Bern
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Shweta Bhatnagar
- matchmove artist: Weta Digital / visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Erik Bierens
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital (as Eric Bierens)
- Danielle Birch
- visual effects: production, Weta Digital
- R. Edward Black
- Inferno artist: Hydraulx (as Edward Black)
- Christopher Bonnstetter
- dynamics artist: Hydraulx (as Pink Bobsledder)
- Nick Booth
- scanning and recording supervisor
- Guy Botham
- visual effects executive producer: Lola Visual Effects
- Kirstin Bradfield
- compositor: The Orphanage
- Adam Bradley
- roto/paint artist: Weta Digital
- Monique Bradshaw
- information technology supervisor: Weta Digital
- Lee Bramwell
- camera supervisor: Weta Digital
- Brent Breedveld
- previsualization supervisor
- Kristie Breslin
- pre-production manager: Weta Digital (as Kristie Breslin Husson)
- Jared Brient
- lighting: Hydraulx
- Simon Brown
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Matthew Bullock
- models team: Weta Digital
- Joerg W. Bungert
- compositing team: Weta Digital (as Joerg Bungert) / digital colourist
- Clare Burgess
- visual effects: production, Weta Digital
- Kate Burgess
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Jose Burgos
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Shannan Burkley
- matte painting: Hydraulx
- Jeremy F. Butler
- character animation: Hydraulx (as Jeremy Butler)
- Julian R. Butler
- creatures team: Weta Digital (as Julian Butler)
- Robert Byrne
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Kirk Cadrette
- character animation: Hydraulx
- Daniela Calafatello
- modeler: The Orphanage
- Diane Caliva
- visual effects editorial supervisor: The Orphanage
- Owen Calouro
- matchmover: The Orphanage
- Sonia Calvert
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Paul Campion
- textures team: Weta Digital
- Cedric Enriquez Canlas
- models team: Weta Digital (as Cedric Canlas)
- Pete Capelluto
- pipeline engineer
- Korey J. Cauchon
- visual effects coordinator: Hydraulx (as Korey Cauchon)
- George Cawood
- title designer / visual effects supervisor
- Nicholas Cerniglia
- digital artist
- Stephen Chan
- visual effects set assistant
- Can Chang
- compositor: The Orphanage
- Jung Min Chang
- models team: Weta Digital
- Robert Chapin
- visual effects: Hammerhead Productions
- Mike Chapman
- technical director: The Orphanage
- Hamish Charleson
- visual effects technical support: Weta Digital
- Daniel Chavez
- visual effects assistant coordinator
- Andy Chen
- dynamics artist: Hydraulx
- Peter Chen
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Tim Cheng
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Simon Cheung
- models team: Weta Digital
- Fiona Chilton
- visual effects producer: The Orphanage
- YouJin Choung
- compositor: The Orphanage (as Youjin Choung)
- Evan Christie
- rotoscope artist
- Daniel Chuba
- visual effects: Hammerhead Productions
- Matt Ciaglia
- animator / title designer
- Adam Cobabe
- creatures team: Weta Digital
- Seth Cobb
- digital effects artist
- Brian Conlon
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Rob Conn
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital (as Robert Conn)
- Peter Connelly
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- J. Todd Constantine
- matchmove artist: Weta Digital / visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital (as Todd Constantine)
- Paul Conway
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Cameron Coombs
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Shane Cooper
- software developer / visual effects software engineer
- Joshua Cordes
- animation supervisor: Hydraulx
- Chris Cortese
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Dan Cox
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Daniel James Cox
- matte painting and concept art team: Weta Digital (as Daniel Cox)
- Nick Crew
- visual effects assistant coordinator
- Jim Croasdale
- senior paint artist
- Becki Cross Trujillo
- visual effects plate producer (as Becki Trujillo)
- Samuel M. Dabbs
- digital compositor
- Rif Dagher
- research and development
- Enid Dalkoff
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Mark Davies
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Gerald de Dios
- Production Assistant: The Orphanage
- Yoshi DeHerrera
- 3D laser scanning
- Graeme Demmocks
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Sean Devereaux
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Ross DeYoung
- technical director: The Orphanage (as Ross Deyoung)
- Marco Di Lucca
- models team: Weta Digital
- Jamie Dixon
- visual effects: Hammerhead Productions
- Tim Dobbert
- matchmove supervisor: The Orphanage
- Jonny Doig
- production coordinator: Weta Digital
- Hugo Dominguez
- roto/paint artist: Weta Digital
- Clayton Douglas
- visual effects artist
- Rebecca Downes
- matte painting and concept art team: Weta Digital
- Steve Dubin
- visual effects producer
- Greg Dunn
- software: The Orphanage / systems: The Orphanage
- Shawn Dunn
- animation technical supervisor: Weta Digital
- John 'Duke' Duquesnay
- facility manager: Hydraulx (as Duke Duquesnay)
- Frank Dürschinger
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital (as Frank Duerschinger)
- William J. Earl
- models team: Weta Digital (as William Earl) / technical artist
- Erich Eder
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Andrew Edwards
- inferno artist: Hydraulx (as Andy Edwards)
- Christopher Edwards
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Dustin Edwards
- production assistant: Hydraulx
- Samuel Edwards
- render wrangler
- Michelle Eisenreich
- visual effects: Hammerhead Productions
- Mohsen Eletreby
- visual effects editor: Hydraulx (as Moshen Eletreby)
- Nino Ellington
- resource technical assistant: The Orphanage
- Nicholas Elwell
- visual effects office production assistant
- M.B. Emigh
- inferno artist: Hydraulx (as MB Emigh)
- Katharine Evans
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Paul Everitt
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Ramahan Faulk
- models team: Weta Digital
- Christine Feistl
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Jessica Fernandes
- digital models department manager: Weta Digital
- Deak Ferrand
- Galactus concept designer: HATCH
- Landis R. Fields IV
- technical director: The Orphanage
- Kristina Flach
- visual effects: production, Weta Digital
- Paul Flanagan
- animator: effects and lighting artist: Weta Digital
- Patrick Flannery
- operator: Spheron, Hydraulx
- Jason Fleming
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Ben Forster
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Dan Foster
- visual effects plate producer
- Fiona Foster
- pre-production manager
- Marissa Fraering
- visual effects: [hy*drau"lx]
- Zachary Franks
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Fortunato Frattasio
- digital effects artist: Hydraulx
- Nick Fredin
- previsualization animator
- James French
- previsualization animator
- Maki Fukumoto
- motion capture editor: Giant Studios
- Nick Gabchenko
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital (as Nikolay Gabchenko)
- Eric Gambini
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Jason Gandhi
- research and development
- Sally Gardiner
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Diego Garzon
- technical director: The Orphanage
- Nicholas Gaul
- models team: Weta Digital
- Janice Genn
- visual effects on-set data coordinator
- Greg Gibson
- software: The Orphanage / systems: The Orphanage
- David Gladstein
- matchmover: The Orphanage
- Greg Gladstone
- compositor / effects animator
- Moritz Glaesle
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Peter Godden
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Lisa Goldberg
- digital producer: 20th Century Fox
- Ned Gorman
- digital producer
- Rich Grande
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage
- Darrel Green
- resource manager: Hydraulx
- Jon Green
- matte painter: The Orphanage
- Don Greenberg
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- John Griffith
- previsualization artist
- Belinda Griffiths
- textures team: Weta Digital
- Jason Grindlay
- technical support
- David 'Rudy' Grossman
- senior lighting technical director: Hydraulx (as Rudy Grossman)
- Miguel A. Guerrero
- modeling: Hydraulx (as Miguel Guerrero)
- Mark Haenga
- models team: Weta Digital
- Christian Haley
- matte painting and concept art team: Weta Digital
- Anne Hall
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Ben Hall
- systems administrator
- Keith Hamakawa
- visual effects production supervisor
- David Hampton
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Makiko Handa
- models team: Weta Digital
- Chris Haney
- dynamics supervisor: Hydraulx
- Jason Hannen-Williams
- technical director: The Orphanage
- Jonathan Harman
- cg supervisor: The Orphanage
- Chris Harvey
- previsualization supervisor
- Josh Hatton
- dynamics artist: Hydraulx
- Ed Hawkins
- compositing team: Weta Digital (as Edward Hawkins)
- Niles Heckman
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots (as Jon Niles Heckman)
- G.G. Heitmann Demers
- compositing team: Weta Digital (as GG Heitmann)
- Quentin Hema
- paint supervisor: Weta Digital
- Allen Hemberger
- effects lead: Weta Digital
- Tulio Hernandez
- lighting: Hydraulx
- Jeff Heusser
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Tim Hey
- compositing team: Weta Digital (as Timothy Hey)
- Christian Hipp
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Richard Hirst
- compositor: Hydraulx / paint and rotoscope artist
- Maung Maung Hla Win
- layout technical director
- Alan Hodges
- motion capture editor
- Dark Hoffman
- matte painting: Hydraulx
- Chad Hofteig
- previsualization artist
- Matt Holland
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Jeremy Hollobon
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Shaina Holmes
- digital compositor
- John Homer
- creatures team: Weta Digital
- Sunghwan Hong
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage
- Richard Hopkins
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Grant M. Hortin
- modeler: The Orphanage
- Erin Horton
- visual effects: production, Weta Digital
- Kathryn Horton
- visual effects: production, Weta Digital
- Michael Horton
- visual effects office production assistant
- David Houghton-Williams
- compositing team: Weta Digital (as David Houghton)
- Jamee Houk
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Sandy Houston
- rotoscope supervisor: Weta Digital
- Wayne Howe
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Josiah Holmes Howison
- digital compositor
- Victor Huang
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Roja Huchez
- models team: Weta Digital
- Gus Hunter
- matte painting and concept art team: Weta Digital
- Michael Larry Hutchinson
- resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (as Michael Hutchinson)
- Tom L. Hutchinson
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots (as Thomas Hutchinson)
- Atsushi Imamura
- modeling: Hydraulx
- Chris Ingersoll
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Yasamin Ismaili
- visual effects coordinator: Hydraulx
- James Jacobs
- creatures team: Weta Digital
- Mike Jahnke
- previsualization animator
- Kimberly Jase
- visual effects accountant
- Scott Jepson
- software support: Hydraulx
- Lars Johansson
- creatures team: Weta Digital
- Aimee Johnson
- visual effects artist
- Amiee Johnson
- technical director: The Orphanage
- Danny Jones
- senior roto/paint artist
- Justin Jones
- visual effects: Hammerhead Productions
- Tobin Jones
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Marchand Jooste
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Zack Judson
- dynamics artist: Hydraulx (as Zack Detox Judson)
- Sean Kaczmarek
- visual effects office production assistant
- Patrick Kalyn
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Carl Kaphan
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Michelle Kater
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage
- Michael Griffin Kelly
- visual effects production assistant: The Orphanage (as Michael Griffin-Kelly)
- Mike Kelly
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Chris J. Kenny
- rotoscope artist
- Josh Kent
- character animator: Hydraulx
- Jenny Kess
- visual effects production runner: Weta Digital
- Scott Kilburn
- visual effects: Hammerhead Productions
- John Kilkenny
- visual effects executive: Fox
- Jin Yong Kim
- matchmover: The Orphanage
- Nicholas Kim
- digital compositor
- Whitney Kitchen
- previsualization producer
- Jamal Knight
- digital compositor (as Jason Knight)
- Sergei Koudriautsev
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital (as Sergei Koudriavtsev)
- Alex Kramer
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Lars Kramer
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Dmitri Krasnokoutski
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Michal Kriukow
- modeler: The Orphanage
- Daniel Kruse
- camera tracking: Hydraulx (as Dan Kruse)
- Bill Kunin
- compositing supervisor: Hydraulx
- Paulina Kuszta
- visual effects coordinator
- Benjamin Kutsko
- digital compositor
- Ivan La Rosa
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Keith Lackey
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Jessica Lai
- matchmover: The Orphanage (as Jessica Y.C. Lai)
- David H. Lam
- software: The Orphanage (as David Huynh Lam) / systems: The Orphanage (as David Huynh Lam)
- Andrew Lambert
- tech support
- Alexandra Lanzensberger
- compositing team: Weta Digital (as Alex Lanzensberger)
- Shandy Lashley
- visual effects assistant coordinator
- Gary Laurie
- camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Jason Lazaroff
- effects lead: Weta Digital
- Diana K. Lee
- matchmover: The Orphanage
- Soyoun Lee
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage
- Woei Lee
- compositor: The Orphanage (as Woei Hsi Lee)
- Eric Leidenroth
- motion capture editor
- Phillip Leonhardt
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Joe Letteri
- senior visual effects supervisor: Weta Digital
- Shahar Levavi
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Dan Levitan
- visual effects: Hammerhead Productions (as Daniel Levitan)
- Greg Lewis
- animation team: Weta Digital (as Gregory Lewis)
- Elizabeth Liddell
- executive assistant: Hydraulx
- Erik Liles
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Adam Lisagor
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Gresham Lochner
- digital compositor
- Zoe Lord
- roto/paint artist
- Ryan Lorie
- camera tracking: Hydraulx
- Blaine Lougheed
- lead visual effects set coordinator/matchmover / visual effects on-set data coordinator
- Justin Louis
- camera tracking: Hydraulx
- Ruth-Anne Loveridge
- models team: Weta Digital
- Susan Luciani
- visual effects matchmover: London
- Robyn Luckham
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Brian Lutge
- visual effects: Hammerhead Productions
- Jeff Luther
- visual effects production coordinator: The Orphanage
- Natalie MacDonald
- compositing team: Weta Digital (as Natalie Macdonald)
- Keith MacGowan
- digital compositor (as Keith Macgowan)
- Aidan Mackesy
- matchmove artist: The Orphanage
- Dawn Brooks Macleod
- visual effects coordinator: Fox Studios (as Dawn Brooks)
- Tibor Madjar
- models team: Weta Digital
- Carol Madrigal
- motion capture editor
- Matt Magnolia
- visual effects assistant coordinator: 20th Century Fox (as Matthew Magnolia)
- Jade Mansueto
- software support: Weta Digital
- Tessa Mapp
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- William H.D. Marlett
- visual effects assistant coordinator (as William Marlett)
- Geordie Martinez
- technical director: character set-up
- Stuart T. Maschwitz
- visual effects supervisor: The Orphanage (as Stu Maschwitz)
- Megumi Matsuoka
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Richard Matsushita
- visual effects: Hammerhead Productions
- Raphael Matto
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Michael J. McAlister
- additional visual effects supervisor (as Michael McAlister)
- Richard McBride
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Ian McCamey
- visual effects editor: The Orphanage
- Lindsay McFarlane
- visual effects matchmover: London
- John W. McInnis
- pre-viz artist
- Scott McLain
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Bradley McLaughlin
- character animation: Hydraulx
- Brian McMillin
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Tony Meagher
- visual effects producer: Hydraulx
- Jennifer Meislohn
- visual effects executive : 20th Century Fox
- Ximena Melendez
- visual effects office production assistant
- August Meredith
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Andrea Merlo
- creatures team: Weta Digital
- Meredith Meyer-Nichols
- visual effects production manager: Weta Digital
- Scott Michelson
- executive producer: Hydraulx
- Neil Michka
- animator: The Orphanage
- Tom Mikota
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital (as Thomas Mikota)
- Simon Millanta
- layout and matchmove artist: weta digital
- Erick Miller
- head of technology: digital creatures, Hydraulx
- Keith Miller
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Seth F. Miller
- digital paint artist: Weta Digital (as Seth Miller)
- Saki Mitchell
- compositing team: Weta Digital (as Masaki Mitchell)
- Suzanne Mitus-Uribe
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Kaori Miyazawa
- models team: Weta Digital
- Fatima Mojaddidy
- visual effects: Hammerhead Productions
- Young Joon Mok
- compositor: Hydraulx (as Young Mok)
- James Moore
- models team: Weta Digital
- Carlos Morales
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Hugo L. Morales
- previsualization animator (as Hugo Morales)
- Eileen Moran
- executive producer: Weta Digital
- Ben Morgan
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Jean-Francois Morissette
- matchmover / visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Daisuke Morita
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Jake Morrison
- visual effects supervisor: Hydraulx
- Raphael Mosley
- inferno artist: Hydraulx (as Raphael Mosely)
- Chris Moss
- visual effects
- Jonathan Moyes
- previsualization animator: visual effects
- Matt Mueller
- senior reference photographer / visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Yvonne Muinde
- matte painting and concept art team: Weta Digital
- Nicky Muir
- visual effects coordinator
- Gayle Munro
- production coordinator: Weta Digital
- Daniel A. Murray
- software engineer: Soho VFX
- Alfred Mürrle
- compositing team: Weta Digital (as Alfred Murrle)
- Kenneth Nakada
- visual effects conceptual designer
- Mike Nakamura
- visual effects office production assistant
- Anita Naufal
- camera tracking: Hydraulx (as Anita Edwards) / digital artist
- Cameron Neilson
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- C. Andrew Nelson
- digital effects artist
- Thomas Newman
- model maker
- Vinh Nguyen
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Will Nicholson
- digital effects artist
- Wolfgang Niedermeier
- senior camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Thomas Nittmann
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Stephen Nixon
- visual effects coordinator
- Mark Norrie
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- John Norris
- visual effects producer: The Aaron Sims Company
- Keven Norris
- texture supervisor: Weta Digital
- Alexander Nowotny
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital (as Alex Nowotny)
- Brian Nugent
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- John P. Nugent
- visual effects supervisor
- Cyndi Ochs
- Visual Effects Producer: Weta Digital
- James Ogle
- models supervisor: Weta Digital
- Carina Ohlund
- lighting and compositing: Hydraulx
- George Oliver
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Robert Olsson
- trainee matte painter: Hydraulx (as Rob Olsson)
- Darren Orr
- visual effects artist: SPY
- David A. Ostler
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital (as David Ostler)
- Toshiyasu Otsuka
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- David Owen
- rotoscope artist
- Andrea Palmer
- visual effects office production assistant
- Michael Pangrazio
- visual effects art director: Weta Digital
- Sujin Park
- models team: Weta Digital
- Clark Parkhurst
- visual effects coordinator: Hydraulx
- Chris Payne
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Russell Pearsall
- character rigging: Hydraulx (as Russell 'Riggins' Pearsall)
- Joaquin Pecheur
- digital compositor
- Hannah Peirce
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Maricela Perdomo
- modeler
- Antoinette Perez
- visual effects coordinator: Hydraulx
- Mike Perry
- cg supervisor: Weta Digital
- Dana Peters
- creatures supervisor: Weta Digital
- Christine Peterson
- junior compositor: The Orphanage
- Long-Hai Pham
- character animation: Hydraulx
- Susan Pickett
- visual effects coordinator
- Emrys Plaisted
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Brian Pohl
- previsualization supervisor
- Martin Preston
- research and development lead: Weta Digital
- Brennan Prevatt
- digital compositor
- Alex Prichard
- compositing supervisor: The Orphanage
- David Pritchard
- character animation: Hydraulx
- Ralph Procida
- compositor: The Orphanage
- Lucas Putnam
- visual effects editor
- Amir Qureshi
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Chris Radcliffe
- generalist: Hydraulx
- Ula Rademeyer
- textures team: Weta Digital
- Kevin Rafferty
- on-set visual effects supervisor: Weta Digital
- Danny Rafic
- visual effects editor
- Pascal Raimbault
- models team: Weta Digital
- Richard Raimbault
- models team: Weta Digital
- Arun Ram-Mohan
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Gerardo Ramirez
- previsualization artist
- Troy Ramsey
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Jennah Rasmussen
- visual effects: production, Weta Digital
- Alireza Razmpoosh
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Nathan Reidt
- cg modeling supervisor: The Orphanage
- Stephan Remstedt
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Marco Revelant
- models team: Weta Digital
- Eric Reynolds
- animation supervisor: Weta Digital
- Aaron Rhodes
- roto/paint supervisor: The Orphanage
- Mark Richardson
- compositing supervisor: Weta Digital
- Michael Richmond
- i/o support
- Matthew Riordan
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Serge Riou
- visual effects associate producer
- Gizmo Rivera
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Shaikh Rizwan
- roto/paint artist
- Trey Roane
- character animation: Hydraulx
- Shane Roberts
- concept artist: The Orphanage
- Troy Robinson
- 3d scanning technician: XYZ RGB Inc.
- Barnaby Robson
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Cabral Rock
- visual effects set assistant
- Anastasio Rodriguez
- software developer: Weta Digital
- Bernardo Rodriguez
- assistant visual effects editor: CafeFX
- Victor Rodriguez
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Karl Rogovin
- cg coordinator: Hydraulx
- Andrew Romine
- dynamics artist: Hydraulx
- Jaz Rongokea
- production: Weta Digital
- Stephen Roucher
- scanning and recording technician
- Luaan Ruaine
- visual effects: production, Weta Digital
- Jim Rygiel
- additional visual effects supervisor
- Marc Sadeghi
- visual effects executive producer: The Orphanage
- Eric Saindon
- visual effects supervisor: Weta Digital
- Marc-Andre Samson
- matte painter
- Brian Samuels
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Rick Sander
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Matthew Charles Santoro
- visual effects concepts designer: Hydraulx (as Matthew Santoro)
- Michael Sarkis
- layout technical director/matchmover
- Jennifer Lee Scheer
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital (as Jennifer Scheer)
- Bob Schneider
- digital intermediate editor
- Marcus Schoo
- software developer
- Jens Schwarz
- creatures team: Weta Digital
- Eric Schweickert
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Robert Scifo
- visual effects artist: Hammerhead Productions
- David Scott
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Brad Selkirk
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Jaeil Seo
- matte painting and concept art team: Weta Digital
- Joel Sevilla
- character animation: Hydraulx
- Laura Sevilla
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Adam Shand
- code operations manager
- Amy Shand
- visual effects coordinator
- Katie Shapiro
- visual effects office production assistant (as Katie Sadock)
- Glen Sharah
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Boyd Shermis
- additional visual effects supervisor
- Evan Shipard
- matte painting and concept art team: Weta Digital
- Anna Silvey
- textures team: Weta Digital
- Kawaldeep Singh
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital (as Kawaldeep Grewal)
- Nick Sinnott
- matchmove artist: Giant Killer Robots
- Gershom Sissing
- models team: Weta Digital
- Adam Slater
- layout artist
- Matt Sloan
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital (as Matthew Sloan)
- Lori Smallwood
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Bryan Smeall
- digital visual effects artist
- Cameron Smith
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Marc Smith
- 3D laser scanning
- Jed Soane
- software developer
- Ellen Somers
- visual effects producer (as Ellen M. Somers)
- Cameron Sonerson
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Greg Souers
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Eric Soulvie
- software support: Weta Digital
- Pierre Souvanna
- textures team: Weta Digital
- John C. Sparks
- dynamics artist: Hydraulx (as John Sparks)
- Katie Spinelli
- senior visual effects coordinator: Hydraulx (as Katie Eyster)
- Scott Squires
- production visual effects supervisor
- Albrecht Steinmetz
- senior camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Tim Stevenson
- animation team: Weta Digital (as Timothy Stevenson)
- John Stevenson-Galvin
- models team: Weta Digital
- Paul Story
- animation supervisor: Weta Digital
- Fenella Stratton
- visual effects runner
- Colin Strause
- visual effects designer: Hydraulx / visual effects supervisor
- Dave Strause
- technical support: Hydraulx
- Greg Strause
- visual effects designer: Hydraulx
- Linda Strause
- finance manager: Hydraulx
- Nigel Streeter
- visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- Petra Stueben
- senior rotoscope and paint artist
- Roxanne Sutherland-Valentine
- senior paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Matsune Suzuki
- models team: Weta Digital
- James Sweeney
- camera tracking: Hydraulx
- Stephanie Sweeney
- compositor: Hydraulx (as Stephanie Ide)
- Andre Taft
- previsualization artist
- Giuseppe Tagliavini
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Charles Tait
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Mark Tait
- cg supervisor: Weta Digital
- Hirofumi Takeda
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Bee Jin Tan
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage
- Eric Tang
- creatures team: Weta Digital
- Taisuke Tanimura
- animation team: Weta Digital
- Craig Tanner
- visual effects editor
- Bryan Taylor
- compositor: Hydraulx (as Brian Taylor) / visual effects artist
- Noah Taylor
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Sandy Taylor
- visual effects: production, Weta Digital
- Tim Teramoto
- technical director: The Orphanage
- Shannon Thomas
- modeler: Weta Digital
- Joel Thompson
- previsualization compositor
- Clint Thorne
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Geoff Tobin
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital
- Brian Tolle
- matchmover: The Orphanage
- Shigeharu Tomotoshi
- senior lighting technical director: Hydraulx
- Gladys Tong
- computer graphics designer / video graphics designer
- Marc Toscano
- technical director: The Orphanage
- Matthew Trivan
- inferno artist: Hydraulx (as Matt Trivan)
- Denis Trutanic
- camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Greg Tse
- matchmover: The Orphanage
- Johnny Turco
- animator
- Nowell Valeri
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Phil Van Der Reyden
- senior paint artist
- Karla Ventocilla
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Weta Digital (as Karla Curby)
- Robert Vignone
- models team: Weta Digital
- Brent Villalobos
- software: The Orphanage / systems: The Orphanage
- Shawn Wallbridge
- systems administrator
- Sean Wallitsch
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Jonathan Wank
- compositor: The Orphanage
- Tim Ward
- render wrangler
- Francis Meade Warner
- visual effects assistant coordinator
- David Weinstein
- previsualization artist
- Matt Welford
- compositing supervisor: Weta Digital
- Chris Wells
- cg supervisor: Hydraulx (as Chris 'LH' Wells)
- Andy Whittock
- lighting and effects team: Weta Digital (as Andrew Whittock)
- Laura Elizabeth Wilcox
- digital compositor: Hydraulx
- Edson Williams
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Pete Williams
- i/o supervisor: Weta Digital
- Sarah Wilson
- visual effects production assistant
- Jonathan Winbush
- animator / title designer
- Rob Winfield
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Jessica Winters
- visual effects office production assistant
- Brian Wolf
- compositing team: Weta Digital
- Roger Wong
- creatures team: Weta Digital
- Loeng Wong-Savun
- inferno artist: Hydraulx (as Loeng-Wong Savun)
- Dione Wood
- visual effects coordinator
- Clare Woodford-Robinson
- models team: Weta Digital
- Tiffany Wu
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage
- Yoshiya Yamada
- modeling supervisor: Hydraulx
- Momo Yang
- matchmover: The Orphanage (as Heungmo Yang)
- Vince Yoshida
- model maker
- Ross Young
- technical director: The Orphanage
- Merchant Zahid
- visual effects artist
- Marzena Zareba
- matchmover: Weta Digital / visual effects artist: camera and layout, Weta Digital
- David Zbriger
- special visual effects: Giant Killer Robots
- Ken Zorniak
- visual effects
- Christian Zurcher
- previs artist
- Ryan Zuttermeister
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Rainer Zöttl
- models team: Weta Digital (as Rainer Zoettl)
- Spencer Armajo
- roto artist (uncredited)
- David Aughenbaugh
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Berj Bannayan
- software engineer: SOHO VFX (uncredited)
- Jeff Barnes
- visual effects executive producer: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Travis Baumann
- digital effects artist: Digiscope (uncredited)
- Ori Ben-Shabat
- compositor: Image Engine (uncredited)
- John-Michael Bills
- digital effects crew: Weta Digital (uncredited)
- Laurie Blavin
- senior recruiter: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Stefanie Boose
- visual effects producer: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Korey J. Cauchon
- visual effects producer: Hydraulx (uncredited)
- Stephen Craig
- visual effects assistant coordinator: Digiscope (uncredited)
- Colin Cunningham
- lighting artist: SOHO VFX (uncredited)
- Mark Della Rosa
- 3D animator: Soho VFX (uncredited)
- Warren Douglas
- 3D artist: Soho VFX (uncredited)
- Nadav Ehrlich
- 3D animator: Soho VFX (uncredited)
- Adam J. Ely
- digital artist: Giant Killer Robots (uncredited)
- Ian Fellows
- visual effects supervisor: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Tyler Fermelis
- texture artist: Giant Killer Robots (uncredited)
- Landis R. Fields IV
- effects technical director/rigger: Giant Killer Robots (uncredited)
- Diego Garzon
- technical director: Giant Killer Robots (uncredited)
- Rocco Gioffre
- visual effects supervisor: Svengali FX (uncredited)
- Kyle Gray
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Heather Han
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jon Hanzelka
- 3d modeler: Lidar Services (uncredited)
- Brandon Harr
- 3d modeler: Lidar Services (uncredited)
- Dion Hatch
- visual effects supervisor: Digiscope (uncredited)
- Roberto Hradec
- shader writer: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Anna Ivanova
- texture artist: Soho VFX (uncredited)
- Kwang Jib Kim
- visual effects production: Digitrove, Inc (uncredited)
- Athena Kouverianos
- production coordinator: SOHO VFX (uncredited)
- Shannon Krueger
- visual effects production assistant: CafeFx (uncredited)
- Bill Kunin
- lead Inferno artist: Hydraulx (uncredited)
- Jeremy Lang
- head of information technology: Custom Film Effects (uncredited)
- Cory Lee
- paint/rotoscope artist: Pixel Playground, inc. (uncredited)
- Don Lee
- visual effects supervisor: Pixel Playground (uncredited)
- Kim Lee
- visual effects producer: Pixel Playground (uncredited)
- Dan Levitan
- look development: Hammerhead Productions (uncredited)
- Daniel Lu
- character development: Soho VFX (uncredited)
- Allan Magled
- visual effects supervisor: Soho VFX (uncredited)
- Alex Manita
- visual effects artist: Soho VFX (uncredited)
- Greg Massie
- visual effects supervisor: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Paul Maurice
- lidar supervisor: Lidar Services (uncredited)
- Jeremy Mesana
- animator: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Phillip Moses
- production operations: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Bo Mosley
- modeling and texturing: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Peter Muyzers
- visual effects production manager: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Tom Nagy
- 3D animator: Soho VFX (uncredited)
- Jason Navarro
- systems engineer: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Thomas Nittmann
- visual effects producer: Lola Visual Effects (uncredited)
- Miguel Ortega
- character artist: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Mihaela Orzea
- digital compositor: Soho VFX (uncredited)
- Ann Podlozny
- visual effects producer: Sandbox (uncredited)
- Terron Pratt
- digital effects producer: Digiscope (uncredited)
- Jorge Razon
- lighting artist: Soho VFX (uncredited)
- Geoff Richardson
- compositor: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Mark Robben
- digital compositor: Pixel Playground (uncredited)
- Joe Sambora
- production assistant: Giant Killer Robots (uncredited)
- Madeleine Scott-Spencer
- modeler: Gentle Giant Studios (uncredited)
- Keith Sellers
- digital compositor: Soho VFX (uncredited)
- Joel Shaikin
- systems engineer: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Christopher Stack
- imaging supervisor: Digiscope (uncredited)
- Kenny Tam
- digital visual effects artist: SOHO VFX (uncredited)
- Blair Tennessy
- pipeline engineer: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Michael Tsai
- effects animator: Giant Killer Robots (uncredited)
- David Van Dyke
- visual effects producer: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Jamie Venable
- visual effects producer: Svengali FX (uncredited)
- Oskar Wahlberg
- lead lighter: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Sean Wallitsch
- inferno artist: Lola Visual Effects (uncredited)
- Shawn Walsh
- visual effects executive producer: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Chad Wiebe
- previsualization supervisor: Frantic Films (uncredited)
- Edson Williams
- visual effects supervisor: Lola Visual Effects (uncredited)
- Mark Williams
- senior research and development programmer: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Corrina Wilson
- lead compositor: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Shuichi Yoshida
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Ryan Zuttermeister
- visual effects coordinator: Lola Visual Effects (uncredited)