- Michael Keene
- MC Dalton
- Bri Ana Wagner
- Claire / Vee
- Ivy Salazar
- Stock Trader's Wife
- Alex Pusineri
- Francois
- James Alexander
- The CEO
- David Brisco
- Drifter
- Trenton Brisco
- Boat Loving Husband
- Ophélia Broaddus
- Girlfriend #2
- Luke Burroughs
- Psychiatrist
- Giovanni Cuiffi
- Young Dalton
- Kim Donohue
- Boat Hating Wife
- Sean Doyle
- The Old Master
- Autumn Garcia
- Young Claire
- Heathen
- Second Reaver
- Casey Keene
- Girlfriend #1
- Nixie Knox
- Dalton's Child
- Steve Konicki
- Handsome Security Guard
- Athena Koorn
- Stripper
- Darwin Mirasol
- Quiet Angry Man
- Erin Mirasol
- Less Quiet Angry Woman
- Adonis Morataya
- Associate #1
- Wild Mule
- Lead Reaver
- James Nickerson
- Stock Trader
- David Olson
- Dealer
- Adam Parsons
- Associate #2
- Rick Scaglione
- Rick
- Charles Tyrrell
- Bounty Hunter / Henchman
- Cheyenne Wise
- Sexy Barfly