- Philip Edward Alexy
- lead technical animator
- David W. Allen
- visual effects previsualization (as David Wallace Allen)
- Karen Ansel
- digital effects supervisor: Mobility
- Goyo Aranaga
- computer graphics designer: "Weebo" (as Gregory Aranaga)
- Daniel Arkin
- visual effects editor
- Chris Armstrong
- digital effects animator: ILM
- Katharine Baird
- digital paint/rotoscope artist
- Howard E. Baker
- animation supervisor
- Felix Balbas
- technical director: ILM
- James Balsam
- motion control camera operator
- Jeff Barnes
- executive producer: ComputerCafe
- Andy Barrios
- inferno artist: Rainmaker Digital Pictures
- Allen Battino
- art director
- Brian Battles
- Inferno artist: Rainmaker Digital Pictures
- Jean-Paul Beaulieu
- technical assistant
- Jeffrey Benedict
- digital effects artist
- Tom Bertino
- visual effects supervisor
- Stewart Birnam
- software developer: ILM
- Matt Bouchard
- visual effects technical assistant: ILM
- Brigitte Bourque
- digital compositor: Rainmaker Digital
- Mike Bozulich
- animator: ComputerCafe
- Constance Bracewell
- cgi animator
- Steve Braggs
- computer graphics supervisor: ILM
- Patrick Burns
- unit production manager: additional visual effects unit
- Darrin Butts
- animator: DQI
- Jessi Chang
- visual effects animator: DQI
- Daniel Chuba
- visual effects producer
- Thomas Clary
- digital production manager: POP Film
- John Clinton
- visual effects producer
- Marc Cooper
- digital effects artist: ILM
- Robert Cooper
- lead puppeteer: Weebo
- David Crawford
- Inferno compositor: POP Film
- Randy Crawford
- best boy grip
- Julie Creighton
- visual effects production staff
- Peter Crosman
- visual effects supervisor
- Christopher Cundey
- digital effects artist
- Michael Curtis
- digital compositor
- Andrea D'Amico
- digital visual effects producer: POP film
- Doug Delaney
- scanning and recording
- Natasha Devaud
- digital artist
- Sean Dever
- lead animator: Hammerhead
- Jamie Dixon
- visual effects supervisor: Hammerhead Productions
- Andrew Doucette
- character animator: ILM
- Mitchell S. Drain
- compositing supervisor: CFX
- David Ebner
- digital effects supervisor: ComputerCafe
- Curtis Edwards
- animator
- Steve Emerson
- data manager
- Raul Essig
- cg artist
- Charles W. Francis
- visual effects accountant: second unit
- Mark Franco
- visual effects executive producer: Rainmaker Digital
- David Fuhrer
- digital artist: CFC
- Vicki Galloway-Weimer
- visual effects producer: ComputerCafe (as Vicki Weimer)
- Jennifer German
- compositor
- Howard Gersh
- digital effects artist
- Angela Giannoni
- visual effects: title sequence
- Ray Gilberti
- effects director of photography: Mambo Sequence / motion control live action camera operator
- Kelly Granite
- visual effects compositor
- Michael Hardwick
- first assistant cameraman: ILM
- John Helms
- digital artist: ILM
- Amy Henderson
- model maker
- Joe Henke
- animator
- Glenn Hiramatsu
- digital artist: ComputerCafe
- Christer Hokanson
- visual effects editor
- Darin Hollings
- digital effects supervisor
- Ron Honn
- art director: ComputerCafe
- Oliver Hotz
- animator: ComputerCafe
- Tony Hudson
- animator: ILM
- John Huikku
- digital compositor: DQI
- Karen Idelson
- digital compositor
- Michael G. Jackson
- cg artist (as Michael Guy Jackson)
- Evan Jacobs
- miniatures producer: Vision Crew Unlimited
- Patrick Jarvis
- digital painter: ILM
- Michelle Jefferson
- visual effects
- Randy Jonsson
- matchmover: ILM
- Sandra Ford Karpman
- visual effects supervisor
- Paul Kavanagh
- animator: ILM
- Muqeem Khan
- visual effects artist
- Daryl Klein
- digital artist: DQI
- Heather Knight
- animator: ILM
- Joshua I. Kolden
- animator
- Hayden Landis
- digital effects artist
- David Latour
- animator: ILM
- Fireball Tim Lawrence
- visual effects concept artist (as Tim Lawrence)
- Scott Leberecht
- visual effects art director
- Brian Lindamood
- visual effects production assistant
- Kenneth Littleton
- digital effects supervisor
- Mark Alan Loso
- compositor
- Brian Lutge
- cg artist: DQI
- Tia L. Marshall
- digital effects artist
- Pierre Maurer
- model maker: M5
- John McCunn
- pipeline engineer
- Brandon McNaughton
- digital effects compositor
- Neil Michka
- character animator
- Carl Miller
- motion control camera assistant
- Michael Miller
- digital compositor
- Richard Miller
- sculptor
- Kama Moiha
- animator: ComputerCafe
- Amanda K. Montgomery
- Visual Effects Production Assistant: ILM
- Craig Mullins
- digital matte painter
- Marla Newall
- camera matchmover (as Marla Selhorn)
- Jesse Newman
- animator: ComputerCafe
- Daniel Novotny
- visual effects model maker
- Kim O'Donnell
- digital compositor
- Michael Olague
- visual effects crew
- Randy Ottenberg
- model maker
- Marlo Pabon
- digital compositing supervisor: DQI
- Danielle Plantec
- visual effects
- Ricardo Ramos
- digital effects artist
- Dave Rand
- digital artist (as David Rand)
- John Rauh
- digital compositor
- Bryant Reif
- animator: ComputerCafe / digital artist
- Lou Rubsamen
- key grip: motion control unit
- Kosta Saric
- visual effects editor: CFX
- Adam Savage
- visual effects
- William Schaeffer
- digital rotoscope (as Bill Schaeffer)
- Laura Schultz
- visual effects coordinator
- Candice Scott
- digital effects compositor
- Carl Seibert
- visual effects producer
- Nelson Sepulveda
- compositing supervisor: CFX
- Keith Shartle
- visual effects executive producer: DQI
- Dan Shumaker
- visual effects: technical director
- Brian A. Smeets
- digital artist
- Douglas Smith
- visual effects supervisor (as Douglas Hans Smith)
- James Harry Smith
- lead model maker
- Todd Staples
- digital effects animator: X.O. Digital Arts
- Rick Stern
- motion control camera assistant
- Matsune Suzuki
- model builder: DQI
- Michael Talarico
- motion control director of photography: Dream Quest Images
- Kim Thompson
- CG character animator: ILM
- Lynda Thompson
- visual effects producer (as Lynda Ellenshaw Thompson)
- James D. Tittle
- digital effects coordinator: CFX
- Christopher Townsend
- digital effects artist: ILM
- John Trunk
- video assist
- Trevor Tuttle
- model maker
- Tim Waddy
- cg animator
- David Wainstain
- special visual effects
- Dan A. Walker
- digital compositor: Dream Quest Images
- Gina Warr
- digital compositor
- Mark H. Weingartner
- additional gaffer: visual effects
- Carl Willat
- location visual effects supervisor
- Tommy Williamson
- digital effects supervisor: ComputerCafe (as Tom Williamson)
- Kevin Willmering
- digital compositor: DQI
- Heidi Zabit
- digital artist
- Travis Baumann
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Brian Begun
- scanning and recording technician: POP Film (uncredited)
- Frank A. Cappello
- animatics (uncredited)
- Matt Dessero
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Jeremy Hall
- senior software engineer (uncredited)
- Nelson Hall
- model maker (uncredited)
- Kyle J. Healey
- digital effects technician (uncredited)
- James Healy
- digital systems administrator (uncredited)
- Adam Howard
- digital effects compositor (uncredited)
- Mark Intravartolo
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Kent Johnson
- model maker (uncredited)
- Ken Satchel King
- character animator (uncredited)
- Jacques Levesque
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Jim Logiudice
- model maker: Dream Quest Images. (uncredited)
- Rick Lopez
- scanning and recording technician (uncredited)
- Geoff McAuliffe
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- David B. Mooy
- digital modeler (uncredited)
- Stephen Sobisky
- 3D modeling producer (uncredited)
- Stacey Weigert
- visual effects: Dreamscape Imagery (uncredited)
- Michael Wick
- set dresser: miniatures, ILM (uncredited)
- Eric Withee
- data manager: CFX (uncredited)