- Holly Allen
- production engineer
- Henry F. Anderson III
- consulting director
- Amy Anderson
- assistant to producers: UK
- Terri Anderson
- finance: accounting and operations (as Terri Vicdomino)
- Brian K. Aspinwall
- assistant to producers: USA (as Brian Keith Aspinwall)
- Helen Atkinson Wood
- adr group
- Rosalind Ayres
- adr group
- Steve Baker
- research and development
- Karen Barnash
- production supervisor: central dept.
- Julian Barnes
- adr group
- Richard M. Barnes
- technology supporter
- Tom Barnes
- film technical director
- Sean Barrett
- adr group
- Neal Barry
- adr group
- Maureen Beatty
- production assistant
- Karim Bennai
- assistant
- Callie May Bennett
- adr group
- Todd Bergstrom
- human resources
- Will Bilton
- research and development
- Rob Blau
- production engineering supervisor
- Luke Booker-Morel
- adr group
- Jacen Bridges
- virtual studio coordinator
- Greg Bulman
- systems engineer
- Eduardo Bustillo
- research and development
- Connor Byrne
- adr group
- Michael Cady
- editorial systems engineer
- Grant Callaghan
- technical resource administrator
- Patrick Canning
- production coordinator
- Lans Carstensen
- systems engineering manager
- Jason Carter
- finaling production coordinator
- Mitch Carter
- adr group
- Ariandy Chandra
- title designer
- Scott Chapin
- engineering system administrator
- Kristen D. Chidel
- production executive
- Mike Cooper
- development executive
- Michael Coronado
- hardware engineer
- David Cowgill
- adr group
- Stephen Critchlow
- adr group
- Michael Cutler
- senior systems adminstrator
- Mike Cutler
- systems engineer
- Kenneth Danziger
- adr group
- Sanjay Das
- director of research and development
- Mick De Falco
- animatic aritist
- Adam Rhys Dee
- adr group
- John Detke
- systems engineer
- Rachel Devenport
- on-line publicist: UK
- Neil Dickson
- adr group
- Brendan Donnison
- adr group
- Erin J. Elliott
- training and technical development (as Erin Condy)
- Lucie England-Duce
- adr group
- Laurie England-Puce
- adr group
- Kevin D. Engle
- assistant to producers: USA
- Anthony Esposito III
- trainer
- Bart Feliciano
- systems administrator
- Dean Ferris
- assistant to producers: UK
- Faye Firkins
- adr group
- G. Mark Fitzgerald
- production assistant
- Pilar Flynn
- story supervisor
- Emmanuel 'Manny' Francisco
- technology manager (as Emmanuel C. Francisco)
- Paul Franz
- technical resource administrator
- Ryan Garcia
- production assistant
- Loretta Gavin
- adr group
- Sharon Gavin
- adr group
- Reid Gershbein
- research and development
- Jean Gilpin
- adr group
- Jorge Juan González
- senior system administrator / senior systems administrator
- Jay Grace
- trainer
- Darin K. Grant
- head of production technology
- Darin Grimes
- marketing
- Eric Griswold
- research and development
- Eddie Guerra
- production assistant
- Juli Gumbiner
- technical resource supervisor
- Caroline Hague
- production assistant: uk
- Ryan Harris
- adr group
- Charlie Hayes
- adr group
- Abigail Haylett
- adr group
- Michael J. Henderson
- production engineer
- April Henley
- production assistant
- Stephanie Huber
- administrative assistant
- Adam Hunt
- adr group
- Vicki Hunter
- finance/accounting: administration & finance
- Andrew Jack
- dialect coach: Hugh Jackman
- Mark Jackels
- production engineer
- Toby James
- epk producer
- Geoffrey Jarrett
- technical resource administrator
- Martin Jarvis
- adr group
- Micah Kafka
- production assistant
- Scott Kilty
- systems administrator
- Daniel Kirksey
- resource administrator
- Matthias Klages
- voice dubbing
- Andrea Montana Knoll
- production coordinator
- Ross Krothe
- technical resource administrator
- Hans Ku
- alliance manager
- Chris Kuser
- creative executive
- Peter Lavin
- adr group
- Jeff Lee
- systems engineer
- Edwin R. Leonard
- chief technology officer (as Ed Leonard)
- James Lester
- adr group
- Luke Lester
- adr group
- Jim Leuper
- effects engineer
- Larry S. Lile
- engineering systems administrator
- Nicholas Long
- research and development
- Chloe Ludwick
- adr group
- Alina Lynden
- assistant to producers: UK
- Michael Lynn
- production coordinator
- Mark Macready
- resources administrator / technical resource administrator
- Rich Marco
- systems engineer
- Romney T. Marino
- technology coordinator
- Terrence Masson
- consultant
- Lise Mayer
- writer: additional material
- Neil McCaul
- adr group
- Tom McGrath
- creative consultant
- Diane Mercer
- adr group (as Deanne Mercer Dennis)
- Corrin Milewski
- research and development supervisor
- John R. Miller
- systems administrator
- Peter C. Miller
- software quality assurance
- Kris Milne
- adr group
- Kristopher Milnes
- adr group (as Kris Milnes)
- Steven Moder
- editorial systems manager
- Ray Hansel Morales
- production coordinator
- Stacey Moreno
- production supervisor: effects / production supervisor: lighting
- Olivier Mouroux
- junior unit publicist
- Adria Munnerlyn
- credits and titles administrator
- Paula J. Newman
- adr group (as Paula Jane Newman)
- Jamie Norton
- adr group
- John-Joe O'Connor
- adr group
- Rory O'Connor
- adr group
- John O'Sullivan
- systems administrator / systems engineer
- Liska Ostojic
- assistant to producer / sweatbox coordinator
- Paul Parmer
- editorial systems engineer
- Harbor Peoples
- office manager: technology
- Thomas Pew
- adr group
- Maddie Planer
- adr group
- Jess Platt
- dialect coach
- Jason Lee Pope
- assistant to producers: USA
- Francesco Prando
- Italian dubbing: Roddy
- Moira Quirk
- adr group
- Kristina Reed
- production executive
- Stacy Rentel
- technical manager
- Daniel Rich
- systems engineer
- Joshua F. Richards
- research and development
- Darren Richardson
- adr voice artist
- Dee Austin Robertson
- production coordinator
- Michelle Rogers
- assistant to producers: USA (as Michelle Hall-Rogers)
- Stephen E. Ross
- systems administrator
- Charlie Russell
- adr group
- Angel G. Salinas
- surfacing coordinator
- Donald Schmidt
- research and development
- Jason Scott
- trainer
- Jake Seage
- adr group
- Michael Sehgal
- head of training
- Kirk Shalosky
- production accountant
- Carla Shelley
- management team
- Paige Simmons
- adr group
- Kira Shea Smithson
- production office coordinator
- Evan Smyth
- principal software engineer
- Steven Sorensen
- technical resource administrator
- Allen Stetson
- technical director
- Kenichiro Tanaka
- research and development
- Aditi Tanna
- adr group
- Munira Tayabji
- technical director (as Munira M. Bhaiji)
- Ben Taylor
- technical resource administrator
- Alvin Tenpo
- operations system administrator
- Mark M. Tokunaga
- manager of digital resources
- Tim Toll
- systems engineer
- Tracey Ullman
- creative consultant
- Neel Upadhye
- production assistant
- William Vanderpuye
- adr group
- Joe Vitale
- production assistant
- Jason Voegele
- production assistant
- Monica Vulcano
- adr group
- Makiko Wakita
- story production assistant
- Charley Walters
- production communication
- Larry Weisberg
- production office coordinator
- Andy White
- editorial systems engineer / technical supporter
- Diz White
- adr group
- Michael J. Wilhelmi
- technical director (as Michael Wilhelmi)
- Mark R. Wilkins
- technical director
- Jason Williams
- research and development
- Daniel Yu
- research and development
- Alexandra Ducocq
- executive assistant: hugh jackman (uncredited)
- Michael Lachance
- creative executive (uncredited)
- Karen A. Oliver
- consumer products (uncredited)