- Mimi Abers
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Barbara Affonso
- chief model maker: ILM
- Alia Agha
- location matchmove supervisor: ILM
- Shadi Almassizadeh
- digital artist: ILM
- Chris Armstrong
- animation supervisor (as Christopher Armstrong)
- Al Bailey
- computer graphics artist
- Charles Bailey
- chief model maker: ILM (as Charlie Bailey)
- Katharine Baird
- lead digital paint artist: ILM
- Carol Bauman
- chief modelmaker
- Chris Bayz
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Mat Beck
- visual effects supervisor: Light Matters/Pixel Envy
- Kathleen Beeler
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Linda Bel
- lead animator: ILM
- Tory Belleci
- model maker
- Scott Benza
- animator: ILM
- Don Bies
- chief model maker: ILM
- Aron Bonar
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Josh Book
- digital effects artist
- Patrick Brennan
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Kim Bromley
- visual effects producer: ILM
- Billy Brooks
- digital effects artist: ILM
- Ronn Brown
- digital matte artist: ILM
- Carey Burens
- visual effects assistant editor
- Jodi Campanaro
- compositor: Light Matters/Pixel Envy
- Geoff Campbell
- digital model supervisor
- Mario Capellari
- digital artist
- Andrew Cawrse
- digital modeler: ILM
- Lanny Cermak
- matchmove artist: ILM
- Christopher Claisse
- visual effects coordinator
- Robbie Clot
- practical effects: ILM
- James Clyne
- concept designer
- Caitlin Content
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Jay Cooper
- compositor: ILM
- Lynne Coyer
- visual effects production assistant: Pacific Title Digital
- Chris Crowell
- compositor: Pacific Title Digital
- Scott David
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Scott David
- compositor
- Fon Davis
- chief model maker: ILM
- Sandy DellaMarie
- visual effects coordinator: Pacific Title Digital
- David Deuber
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Bryan Dewe
- model maker: ILM
- Jeff Doran
- lead compositor: ILM
- Andrew Doucette
- animator: ILM
- David S. Dranitzke
- miniature stage manager: ILM (as David Dranitzke)
- David Drzewiecki
- director of photography: second unit
- John Duncan
- lead model maker
- Timothy Eaton
- visual effects editor: ILM
- Chris Eckardt
- compositor: Light Matters/Pixel Envy
- Robert Edwards
- model maker: ILM
- Judy Elkins
- visual effects coordinator: Light Matters/Pixel Envy
- Gonzalo Escudero
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Raul Essig
- cg artist
- Stefen Fangmeier
- creative advisor: ILM / visual effects co-supervisor
- Mark Fiorenza
- model maker
- Chris Flynn
- compositor: Pacific Title Digital
- Dave Fogler
- model maker: ILM (as David Fogler)
- Debbie Fought
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM (as Deborah Fought)
- Adam Francis
- motion control technician
- Mark Freund
- visual effects supervisor: Pacific Title Digital
- Todd Fulford
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Bill George
- visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Brian Gernand
- model project supervisor: ILM
- George Gervan
- rotoscope artist: Pacific Title Digital
- Richard Gervan
- rotoscope artist: Pacific Title Digital
- Tim Gillet
- model maker: ILM (as Tim Gillett)
- Dan B. Goldman
- CG supervisor: ILM (as Dan Goldman)
- John Goodson
- concept designer: ILM
- Sam Granat
- visual effects production assistant: ILM
- Andrew 'Spanky' Grant
- animator: ILM (as Andrew Grant)
- David M. Gray
- visual effects coordinator: ILM (as David Gray)
- Caroleen 'Jett' Green
- digital matte artist: ILM (as Jett)
- Erik Grieve
- computer support
- Cam Griffin
- digital paint and rotoscope artist
- Cameron Griffin
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- James Hagedorn
- computer graphics artist: ILM (as Jim Hagedorn)
- Nelson Hall
- modelmaker
- Michael J. Halsted
- matchmove supervisor: ILM (as Michael Halsted)
- Jason Hanel
- visual effects coordinator: Pacific Title Digital
- Andrew Hardaway
- CG technical director: ILM
- Brian Ali Harding
- rotoscope artist: Light Matters/Pixel Envy (as Brian Harding)
- Michael Hardwick
- first assistant cameraman: ILM
- Aaron Haye
- modelmaker: ILM
- Maureen Healy
- digital painter: Pacific Title Digital
- Wendy Hendrickson
- matchmove artist: ILM (as Wendy Hendrickson-Ellis)
- Geoff Heron
- lead pyrotechnician: ILM
- Scott Hill
- visual effects editor
- Edward Hirsh
- co-visual effects supervisor: ILM (as Ed Hirsh)
- David Hisanaga
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Ivo Horvat
- digital matte artist: ILM
- Heather Hoyland
- compositor: Pacific Title Digital
- Peggy Hrastar
- model maker: ILM
- Dorne Huebler
- digital compositor: ILM
- Grant Imahara
- chief model maker: ILM
- Polly Ing
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Erich Ippen
- sequence supervisor
- Jiri Jacknowitz
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Alex Jaeger
- visual effects art director: concept design/animatics, ILM
- Rod M. Janusch
- visual effects
- Mike Jobe
- model maker: ILM (as Michael Jobe)
- Samson Kao
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Rob A. Kelly
- assistant visual effects coordinator: Light Matters/Pixel Envy (as Rob Kelly)
- Stephen Kennedy
- digital compositor (as Steve Kennedy)
- Ken Satchel King
- animator: ILM (as Ken King)
- Karen Klein
- rotoscope artist
- Simon Knights
- computer graphic artist
- Hilmar Koch
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Ed Kramer
- sequence supervisor
- Marshall Richard Krasser
- compositing supervisor: ILM (as Marshall Krasser)
- Jean-Claude Langer
- viewpaint artist: ILM
- Jennifer Law-Stump
- compositor: Pacific Title Digital (as Jennifer Law)
- Lenny Lee
- developer: ILM
- Mark Lefitz
- digital effects artist
- Janet Lewin
- associate visual effects producer
- Erik Liles
- senior animator: Light Matters/Pixel Envy / senior compositor: Light Matters/Pixel Envy
- Jonathan Litt
- digital artist: ILM
- Victoria Livingstone
- animator: ILM
- Craig Lyn
- digital artist
- Michael Lynch
- chief model maker: ILM
- Ross MacKenzie
- visual effects coordinator: Light Matters/Pixel Envy
- Dawn Brooks Macleod
- assistant visual effects coordinator: Light Matters/Pixel Envy (as Dawn Brooks)
- Jodie Maier
- matchmove artist: ILM
- Michal Makarewicz
- animator: ILM
- Stuart T. Maschwitz
- digital artist: ILM (as Stuart Maschwitz)
- Ian McCamey
- editorial technical assistant: ILM
- Mark 'Crash' McCreery
- art director
- Scott McNamara
- chief model maker: ILM
- Carl Miller
- motion control camera operator
- Richard Miller
- model maker: ILM / sculptor
- Michael Min
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Rodney Montague
- visual effects producer: Pacific Title Digital
- Amanda K. Montgomery
- visual effects coordinator: ILM (as Amanda Montgomery)
- David Manos Morris
- matchmove artist: ILM
- Jim Morris
- general manager: ILM
- Michelle Motta
- technical assistant: ILM
- Melissa Mullin
- digital artist
- Dave Murphy
- model maker: ILM (as David Murphy)
- Paula Nederman
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- C. Andrew Nelson
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Ben Nichols
- model maker
- Luke O'Byrne
- miniature coordinator: ILM
- Michael Olague
- visual effects gaffer
- Rina Osamura
- 3D animator: Light Matters/Pixel Envy
- David Parrish
- digital artist
- Chris Paxson
- motion control technician
- Alan Peterson
- model maker: ILM
- Patrick Phillips
- compositor: Pacific Title Digital
- Bruce Powell
- digital artist
- Mark Powers
- animator: ILM
- Tony Preciado
- chief model maker: ILM
- Henry Preston
- computer graphics sequence supervisor: ILM
- Tom Proost
- model maker: ILM (as Thomas Proost)
- Ricardo Ramos
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Philippe Rebours
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Christopher Reed
- model maker: ILM
- Erich Rigling
- concept artist: ILM / concept designer: ILM
- Massimiliano Rocchetti
- technical director
- Thomas Rosseter
- digital compositor: ILM (as Tom Rosseter)
- Adam Savage
- model maker: ILM
- Rasha Shalaby
- compositor: Pacific Title Digital
- Stacey Shear
- visual effects production assistant: ILM
- Amy Shepard
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Dave Sidley
- animator: ILM (as David Sidley)
- Mark Siegel
- model maker: ILM
- Dave Simmons
- digital compositor: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- David Simmons
- assistant compositor: Pacific Title Digital
- Jim Smentowski
- animatic artist: ILM (as James Smentkowski)
- Kenneth Smith
- digital color timing supervisor: ILM
- Kim Smith
- model maker
- Ben Snow
- associate visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Tom St. Amand
- animator: ILM
- Robert Stadd
- visual effects producer
- Sam Stewart
- visual effects production assistant: ILM
- Chris Stillman
- animatic artist: ILM (as Christopher Stillman)
- Katrina Stovold
- digital plate restoration: ILM
- Colin Strause
- 3D effects supervisor: Light Matters/Pixel Envy
- Greg Strause
- digital effects supervisor: Light Matters/Pixel Envy / digital effects / system supervisor: Light Matters/Pixel Envy / systems supervisor
- Doug Sutton
- computer graphics artist: ILM (as Douglas Sutton)
- Tony Suvannoparat
- rotoscope artist: Light Matters/Pixel Envy
- Blake Sweeney
- technical support
- Pat Sweeney
- visual effects director of photography: ILM (as Patrick Sweeney)
- Catherine Tate
- digital artist: ILM
- Chad Taylor
- sabre artist: ILM
- Miles Teves
- conceptual designer: ILM
- Kim Thompson
- animator: ILM
- Ryan Thompson
- digital effects
- Lynn Tigar
- digital painter: Pacific Title Digital
- James Tooley
- technical animation supervisor: ILM
- Alan Trombla
- software development
- Pat Turner
- miniature director of photography: ILM (as Patrick Turner)
- Yusei Uesugi
- digital matte artist: ILM
- Danny Wagner
- model maker: ILM (as Daniel Wagner)
- Mark Walas
- model maker: ILM
- Steve Walton
- chief model maker: ILM
- Susan M. Weeks
- CG artist: ILM (as Susan Weeks)
- R.D. Wegener
- matchmove artist: ILM
- Sunny Li-Hsien Wei
- digital modeler: ILM (as Li-Hsien Wei)
- Jeff Wells
- digital compositor: Pacific Title & Art Studio / digital effects artist: Pacific Title Digital
- Colie Wertz
- computer graphics artist: ILM (as Collie Wertz)
- Erin West
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Edson Williams
- 3D effects supervisor: Light Matters/Pixel Envy
- Scott Wirtz
- lead animator: ILM
- Ron Woodall
- lead viewpaint artist: ILM
- Ken Ziegler
- digital effects artist
- Rita E. Zimmerman
- computer graphics artist: ILM (as Rita Zimmerman)
- Lauren Abrams
- model maker: Industrial Light and Magic (uncredited)
- Wayne Baker
- vistavision camera assistant (uncredited)
- Anna Bies
- modelmaker (uncredited)
- Erik A. Candiani
- technical support (uncredited)
- Michael Cordova
- scanning and recording coordinator (uncredited)
- Christopher Dusendschon
- in-show optical process and effects compositor: THDX (uncredited) / mortised image end credit sequence: THDX (uncredited) / optical element to Panavision process: THDX (uncredited)
- Steven Emmert
- optical compositor: THDX (uncredited)
- Ray Gilberti
- effects director of photography (uncredited)
- Kirk Henderson
- concept artist (uncredited)
- Lloyd Hess
- technical support (uncredited)
- Patrick Jarvis
- digital painter: ILM (uncredited)
- Mike Leben
- motion control operator (uncredited)
- Matt Linder
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- W. Regan McGee
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Aaron Muszalski
- digital rotoscope and paint artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Derek N. Prusak
- live-action motion control operator (uncredited)
- George Sakellariou
- production engineering: ILM (uncredited)
- Ken D. Smith
- visual effects producer (uncredited)
- Dan Weeks
- software developer (uncredited)
- Ka-Ping Yee
- software developer (uncredited)