- Chrys Aldred
- visual effects supervisor
- Shaikh Nisar Ali
- visual effects producer
- Jonathan Altenmüller
- compositing artist: Accenture Song
- Alugurirahul
- compositor
- Jonathan M. Anderson
- visual effects coordinator
- William Wright Anderson
- visual effects producer: Lola Visual Effects
- Angel Angelov
- digital matte painter
- Fabricio de Vasconcellos Baessa Antonio
- visual effects supervisor
- Eric W. Araujo
- effects supervisor
- Rousselos Aravantinos
- digital artist
- Kundoo Aurindum
- visual effects: DNEG
- D Venkatesh Babu
- digital compositor
- Rohith Bade
- digital compositor
- Anthony Baptiste
- fx technical director
- Praveen Bareria
- 2D Supervisor
- Debajit Barman
- visual effects editor
- Geoffrey Basquin
- visual effects supervisor: BUF
- Travis Baumann
- visual effects artist: In House
- Alfie Bazley
- visual effects production assistant
- Kleisi Begaj
- visual effects
- Manoranjan Behera
- visual effects line producer
- Natasha Belle
- Layout Lead
- Georgia Benjamin
- visual effects coordinator
- Philipp Benner
- fx artist: accenture song vfx
- David Bessette
- lead compositor
- Elliot Best
- visual effects editor
- Shridhar Bhat
- visual effects artist: Outpost vfx
- Vaughn Bien III
- visual effects editor
- Nick Booth
- digital imaging supervisor: weta fx
- Magno Borgo
- matchmove artist
- Adam Bradley
- roto hod: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Sudeep Ranjan Brahma
- compositor
- Jamie Briens
- head of pipeline: Redefine
- Pankaj Brijlani
- layout lead: ReDefine
- Harun Celebi
- cg artist: Accenture Song
- Manish Chavan
- vfx compositor
- Sam Chen
- compositing supervisor
- Xuejie Cheng
- fx td
- Yana Chervenyashka
- Digital Matte Painter / digital matte painter
- Prasanth Chundakkattil
- lookdev td
- Erik Classen
- compositor: Redefine
- David Clifton
- visual effects artist
- Ryan Coleman
- senior roto artist: Weta FX
- Heather Costa
- digital compositor
- Francois Cote-Paquet
- fx td: BUF
- Adrianna Nielle Davies
- visual effects production manager
- Amy Davis
- digital compositor: WetaFX
- André de Beer
- visual effects editor
- Mauricio de Oliveira
- compositing supervisor: Accenture Song (as Mauricio Oliveira)
- Simon Deighton
- digital compositor
- Antoine Delauney
- visual effects artist: BUF
- Stanley A. Dellimore
- global head of cg
- Saurabh Deshmukh
- look development TD: credited
- Sujoy Dey
- digital compositor
- Youssef Dhane
- visual effects artist
- Neeraj Dhote
- compositor
- Jack Dorst
- visual effects associate producer: Lola Visual Effects
- Stefani Doychinova
- visual effects coordinator
- Matthew Dravitzki
- visual effects producer: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Dave Duarte
- lead capture technician: Clear Angle Studios
- Samaël Dubuc
- visual effects artist (as Audrey Ann Dubuc)
- Christophe-Olivier Dupuis
- senior VFX artist: BUF
- Promito Dutta
- visual effects coordinator
- Felix Flad
- matte painting artist: Accenture Song
- Hermione Francis
- visual effects coordinator
- Glenn Fredric
- survey & photo technical director: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Natalie Fritz
- visual effects production supervisor: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Emanuel Fuchs
- visual effects supervisor: Accenture Song
- Clemence Gagnon
- VFX Production Assistant
- Caraline Gao
- matte painter: ReDefine
- Ankush Garud
- compositor
- Thierry Gendron-Blais
- digital compositor
- Bhupesh Ghagare
- prep/paint artist
- Gaurav Ghatge
- prep artist
- Roshan Ghatkar
- Lookdev TD
- Valentina Ghriringhelli
- compositor / digital compositor: Outpost VFX
- Darwin Go
- compositing supervisor: Park Road VFX
- Neelesh Gore
- Head of CG
- Alex Grau
- head of cg: Outpost VFX
- Yash Gurav
- roto artist: visual effects
- Veselin Gyurov
- fx td
- Sven Hagl
- junior cg artist: accenture song vfx
- Timo Hanczuk
- compositing artist: Accenture Song
- Giles Harding
- visual effects supervisor
- Paul Harling
- head of it production services : Weta FX
- Keagan Harris
- compositor
- Daniel Hartlehnert
- compositing artist: Accenture Song
- Moritz Hausler
- senior fx artist: Accenture Song
- Quentin Hema
- digital paint hod: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Steve Holmes
- visual effects marketing: Outpost VFX
- Katie Hoyt
- visual effects coordinator: Netflix
- Huck Hur
- head of layout: ReDefine
- Matt Hutchins
- digital compositor
- Aaron Ibañez Ferris
- lighting artist: DNEG Montreal
- Fergus Jack-Hinton
- compositor: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Taleb Jlelati
- visual effects coordinator : DNEG
- Adam Johannesson
- data i/o: DNEG
- Stanley Jones
- digital compositor
- Sijo Joseph
- visual effects manager
- Vijay Suresh Kadam
- lead lookdev artist
- Bonnie Kanner
- visual effects executive producer: Digikore Studios
- Adithya Kashyap
- lead matchmove/roto artist
- Tim Keene
- visual effects producer
- Paddy Kelly
- visual effects executive: Netflix
- Sanjay Khandelwal
- modeling artist
- Denis Klimenko
- lighting td: dneg
- Matt Knight
- visual effects producer
- Dina Kossivas
- visual effects
- Pranil Kotkar
- matchmove artist
- David Krepelka
- fx artist: Accenture Song
- Ayush Kumar
- digital compositor (credit only)
- Juluri Anil Kumar
- digital compositor
- Pardeep Kumar
- layout lead
- Sirangi Sampath Kumar
- compositor
- Marcin Kummer
- compositing artist: Accenture Song
- Alexandra Lanzensberger
- digital imaging technician: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Daniel Larrosa
- senior fx artist: Outpost VFX
- Mathias Larserud
- visual effects artist
- Malte Lauinger
- animation artist: Accenture Song
- Ambrose Lee
- roto/paint artist
- Sun Lee
- matte painter: Lola Visual Effects
- Jake Lunt Davies
- concept design
- Matthew Lutes
- compositor: ReDefine
- Philippe Lépine
- visual effects producer: BUF
- Stephanie MacCarthy
- visual effects artist
- Rajesh Madishetty
- 2d supervisor
- Lee Maher
- visual effects coordinator: Freelance
- Nicolas Maillard
- senior VFX artist: BUF
- Deepa Makhija
- compositing supervisor
- Sameer Malik
- visual effects supervisor
- Rohit Manuel
- lighting artist
- Darvin K. Manwah
- digital compositor
- Paul Markarian
- visual effects coordinator
- Lutz Marquardt
- visual effects production manager: Accenture Song
- Gus Martinez
- visual effects associate supervisor: Accenture Song
- Alexey Mazurenko
- head of lighting department
- Duncan McWilliam
- CEO Outpost VFX
- Florian Militello
- visual effects modeler: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Carlos Miras Sepulveda
- compositing supervisor
- Matthieu Molina
- visual effects artist
- Abhishek More
- visual effects producer
- Matt Mueller
- senior head of optical department: Weta Digital
- Jass Mun
- digital artist: DNEG
- Surabhi Mundra
- visual effects artist
- Ryan E. Murphy
- visual effects artist
- Jason G. Myers
- technical resource manager: Dneg
- Megha Nagar
- Production Coordinator: Redefine
- Nishant Narang
- Lead Compositor
- Rukshan Ara Nasrin
- compositor: visual effects
- Aga Neter
- visual effects production manager: Weta FX
- Teni Noravian
- digital compositor: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Bartlomiej Olejniczak
- CG Supervisor: DNEG Montreal
- Nino Oz
- compositor
- Krishna Chaitanya Palakollu
- compositor
- Nicole Palucsis
- digital compositor
- Swapnil R. Panchal
- Artist Manager: Redefine
- Jiyoon Park
- Matte Painter: Redefine
- Ashwin Pawar
- visual effects coordinator
- Julian Payne
- rotoscope artist / visual effects artist
- Tobias Pfeiffer
- visual effects editor: Accenture Song
- Ezra Pike
- compositor
- Jose Alberto Pino
- application support engineer: credited
- Giorgio Pitino
- head of 2d: Outpost VFX
- Marie Gabrielle Plante
- Department Production Manager
- Matthieu Presti
- fx supervisor: DNEG
- Nina Pries
- compositing artist: Accenture Song
- Santosh Pulluru
- compositor (as Santhosh Pulluru)
- Bipin Vilas Ramgir
- visual effects artist
- Kokkera Naga Srinivasa Rao
- compositor
- Iggy Rau
- visual effects producer: Accenture Song
- Manoj Kumar Rauta
- Texture and Lookdev Artist: ReDefine
- Manali Rawale
- visual effects artist
- Matthew Reis
- i/o
- Peter Rogers
- visual effects coordinator
- Gabriel Rose
- visual effects production assistant
- Callum Ruddleston
- data wrangler
- Shiva krishna Sadhanala
- sr: Compositor
- David Sadler-Coppard
- visual effects supervisor: Outpost VFX
- Priyanka Saha
- senior layout td: Redefine/DNEG
- Pratik Sampat
- visual effects artist
- Matthew Sandoval
- head of department: env/gen
- Soumya Prasad Sarangi
- compositor
- Sarathkumar.ps
- matchmove: credited
- Diptendra Sarkar
- visual effects artist
- Diptendra Dhirendra Sarkar
- visual effects artist
- K L Sateesh Varma
- compositor
- Tobias Sautter
- senior effects technical director: Weta Fx
- Graham Saxby
- senior roto artist: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Raees Razzak Sayed
- visual effects coordinator
- Jodi Scanlan
- visual effects manager
- Tatiana Scarfo
- stereo production: DNEG
- Jason Adam Schaefer
- compositor
- Cassandra Schmit
- compositing artist: Accenture Song
- Julia Schramm
- compositing artist: Accenture Song
- Colin Scott
- cg artist: Accenture Song
- Nick Seabright
- digital compositor
- Sebastian Selg
- compositing artist: Accenture Song
- Alexandra Semenova
- lead lighting artist
- Kinsey Serpes
- visual effects modeling artist
- Jimit Shah
- Head of Department Prep & Roto
- Amjad Shaikh
- cg supervisor
- Balakumaran Shanmugam
- digital compositor
- Deepjyoti Sharma
- visual effects artist
- Amol Shelar
- Motion Graphic Artist
- Boyd Shermis
- visual effects supervisor
- Chia Yu Shih
- compositor: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Sainath Shinde
- visual effects line producer
- Tejas Shinde
- visual effects production coordinator
- Suraj Avinashrao Shrikhande
- sr Mattepainting Artist
- Neeraj Shrivastav
- Model TD
- Magda Sofia Viseu Silva
- cg artist: Accenture Song
- Marcela A. Silva
- senior compositor: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Kenny Smith
- compositor
- Grant Spencer
- head of resources: Outpost VFX
- Valasani Sreekanth
- digital compositor
- Keven Stapleton
- digital artist
- Igor Staritsin
- senior concept artist
- Albrecht Steinmetz
- matchmove hod: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Jamie Stitson
- digital compositor
- Til Strobl
- compositing artist: Accenture Song
- Chris Suddaby
- virtual art department lead
- Lee F. Sullivan
- visual effects associate supervisor
- Kondareddy Suresh
- visual effects
- Suryaji Suryavanshi
- Compositing Supervisor: DNEG Redfine
- Josh Sykes
- head of production: Outpost VFX
- Hirofumi Takeda
- compositing supervisor: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Santosh Tendulkar
- visual effects modeling lead
- Krystal Thompson
- Lookdev Production Manager: WetaFx
- Molly Tidd
- visual effects production assistant: Outpost VFX
- Tania Tiedemann
- surfacing td
- Vinay Tiwari
- environment Modeling TD
- Joshua Tong
- Roto Artist: WetaFX
- Svetlin Tsonev
- Enviroment Artist
- Matthew Unwin
- visual effects: Lola Visual Effects
- Bharg Vaidya
- senior Compositor:Redefine VFX
- Shaileshkumar Vajjaramatti
- digital compositor
- Ruben Valente
- cg artist: Accenture Song
- Valentina Ghiringhelli
- digital compositor
- Vanesa Vidakovic
- compositor: ReDefine
- Ayyappadas Vijayakumar
- visual effects editor: ReDefine VFX
- Subhash Chandran Vijayan
- visual effects lighting supervisor
- Vikram_Singh
- senior modeling artist
- Parikh Vishal
- Look Development Supervisor
- Chee Yen Wang
- visual effects line producer: 1920
- Kate Warburton
- Visual Effects Executive Producer: Outpost VFX
- Taylor Webber
- Junior compositor
- Martin Wellstein
- animation artist: Accenture Song
- Adam Wesierski
- matte painting artist: Accenture Song
- Erik Winquist
- visual effects supervisor: Weta Visual Effects NZ
- Martin Wiseman
- visual effects bidding producer: Weta FX
- Philipp Wolf
- visual effects executive producer: DNEG
- Joshua H. Wood
- modeller
- Tanya Woods
- fx production coordinator: ReDefine
- Steve Yedlin
- visual effects production supervisor: Rows of Numbers
- Hansu Zhan
- compositor
- Pablo Franquebalme Ãlvarez
- lighting artist
- Zina Al-Farsee
- department production coordinator: ReDefine (uncredited)
- Raul Tascon Macias
- lookdev artist: ReDefine (uncredited)
- Conan McKegg
- wrangler manager (uncredited)
- Vanessa Velasquez
- technology: DNEG (uncredited)