- Tarik Abdel-Gawad
- motion control robots: Bot & Dolly
- Ben Aickin
- compositor: Framestore
- Tolu Aina
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Vladislav Akhtyrskiy
- lead compositor: Framestore
- William Alexander
- cg lighting lead: Framestore
- Nikhil M. Anand
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Valeria Andino
- stereo manager: Prime Focus Film (as Valeria Ardino)
- Nigel Ankers
- cg effects lead: Framestore
- Daniele Antinolfi
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Kristian Antonelli
- previsualisation artist: Framestore
- Andrea Arghinenti
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Charlie Armstrong
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Myles Asseter
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Sven Assmuss
- animator: Framestore
- Atanas Atanasov
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Vincent Aupetit
- previsualization artist
- Matthias Baas
- research and development: Framestore
- Atal Bacchani
- matchmove supervisor
- Emma Bacon
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Tigran Badalyan
- compositor: Framestore
- Negin Bairami
- texture artist: Framestore
- Michael Baker
- rotoscope lead: Framestore
- Richard Baker
- senior stereographer: Prime Focus Film
- Mark Bakowski
- compositing supervisor: Framestore
- Manjusha Balachandran-Hall
- technical previsualisation: Framestore (as Manjusha Balachandran)
- Harry Bardak
- cg sequence supervisor
- Benoit Bargeton
- animator: Framestore
- Matthew Barnett
- render support: Framestore
- Tom Baskaya
- lead compositor: Framestore
- David Bates
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Daniel Batt
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Matt Beale
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Paul Beilby
- cg lighting supervisor
- Adrian Bell
- shading: Framestore
- Kevin Bell
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Laurent Benhamo
- animator: Framestore
- Charlie Bennett
- matte painter: Framestore
- Jeremy Berruel
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Mark Berry
- render support: Framestore
- Jourdan Biziou
- previsualisation artist: Framestore
- Michael Blain
- research and development: Framestore
- Francois Bleibel
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Vincent Bonnet
- research and development: Framestore
- Michael Borhi
- texture artist: Framestore
- Michele Bosi
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Scott Bourne
- rotoscope lead: Framestore
- Tim Bowman
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures (as Timothy Bowman)
- William Brand
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Matthew Bristowe
- head of production: Prime Focus Film
- Laurie Brugger
- rigging lead: Framestore
- Michael Brunet
- lead animator: Framestore
- Lukasz Bukowiecki
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Helen Bunker
- compositor: Framestore
- Will Burdett
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Kate Burgess
- compositor: Framestore
- Paul Burton
- environment technical director: Framestore
- Henry Bush
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Billy Butler
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Kendra Byrne
- motion control robots: Bot & Dolly
- Bryon Caldwell
- animator: Framestore
- Alexander Cameron
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Angus Cameron
- additional stereographer
- Felipe Canfora
- environment technical director: Framestore
- Pete Capelluto
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Miguel Carballal
- compositor: Framestore
- Simon Carlile
- technical previsualisation: Framestore
- Ronan Carr Fanning
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Sophie Carroll
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Fiona Carruthers
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Ãscar Carámbano
- animator: Framestore (as Oscar Carambano)
- Mark Casey
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Tom Castellani
- stereo manager: Prime Focus Film (as Tom Castellini)
- Jeremy Celeste
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- Manjoe Chan
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Phoenix Chan
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Blandine Chanteur
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- Anthony Chappina
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Prathmesh Chaukekar
- stereo rotoscope artist: prime focus
- Ching-Yi Chen
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Albert Cheng
- previsualisation artist: Framestore
- Eddie Chew
- previsualisation artist: Framestore
- Sebastien Chort
- cg lighting artist: Framestore (as Sebastian Chort)
- Michael Christophersson
- rotoscope artist: Framestore (as Michael Todd)
- Tony Clark
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Joel Clarke
- technical robot assistant
- Chris Clough
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Esme Coleman
- stereoscopic compositor
- Ian Comley
- look development lead
- Chris Cook
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Mathew Cooling
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Ian Cope
- visual effects producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Richard Courtman
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Antonio Covelo Peleteiro
- matchmove artist: Framestore (as Antonio Covelo)
- Tylie Cox
- assistant visual effects coordinator
- Jean-Baptiste Cumont
- animator: Framestore
- Eoghan Cunneen
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Gordon Curtis
- cg lighting lead: Framestore
- Amy Davis
- compositor: Framestore
- Scott Dawkins
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Mario de Dios
- animator: Framestore
- Gordon Spencer De Haseth
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- José Luis de Lucas
- animator: Framestore (as Jose Luis de Lucas 'Pepe')
- Jo De Mey
- rotoscope artist: Framestore (as Joe De Mey)
- Michelle Dean
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Tabitha Dean
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Virginie Degorgue
- texture artist: Framestore
- Sylvain Degrotte
- cg simulation supervisor
- Claire Denwood
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore (as Claire Galpin)
- Laura Dias
- cg lighting lead: Framestore
- Sara Diaz
- cg effects artist: Framestore / cg modeller: Framestore
- Sylvan Dieckmann
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- Rico Dober
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Clym Dodds
- data operator: Framestore
- Oz Dolphin
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Kye Dorricott
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Wayde Duncan-Smith
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Yann Dupont
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- Florence Durante
- matte painter: Framestore
- Lexie Durbridge
- visual effects production manager: Framestore (as Lexie Busby)
- Thomas Dyg
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Carl Edlund
- matte painter: Framestore
- Dadi Einarsson
- previsualisation supervisor: Framestore
- Phil Eldridge
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Marco Aurélio Engelmann Santos
- compositor: Framestore (as Marco Engelmann Santos)
- Selcuk Ergen
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Lars Erik Eriksen
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Alexander Eriksson
- compositor: Framestore
- Karl Erlandsen
- animator: Framestore
- Daniel Evans
- head of shading: Framestore
- Matthew Evans
- assistant technical director: Framestore
- Robert E. Evans
- rotoscope artist: Framestore (as Robert Evans)
- Shayne Farrier
- stereo manager: Prime Focus Film
- Federico Favaro
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Daniel Favini
- texture artist: Framestore
- Jonathan Fawkner
- additional visual effects supervisor: Framestore
- Daniele Federico
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Eric Feng
- motion capture technical director: Framestore
- Oliver Fergusson-Taylor
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Ricardo Ferreira
- digital compositor
- David Fish
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- James D. Fleming
- lead compositor: Framestore (as James Fleming)
- Nicola Fontana
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- Guillaume Fradin
- cg effects lead: Framestore
- Roland Friedrich
- compositor: Framestore
- Ben Frost
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Kai Gadd
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Aldo Gagliardi
- animator: Framestore
- Graham Gallagher
- Senior animator: Framestore
- Rob Garner
- compositor: Framestore
- Sarah Gatefield
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Daniel Gerhardt
- animator: Framestore
- Danny Geurtsen
- texture artist: Framestore
- Mauro Giacomazzo
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Luke Gibbard
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Thomas Girdwood
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Alessandro Gobbetti
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Jose Luis Gomez Diaz
- pipeline technical director: Framestore (as Jose Gomez)
- Antoine Goncalves
- matte painter: Framestore
- Marcus Goodwin
- visual effects production manager: Framestore
- Sam Gordon
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Matthieu Goutte
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Richard Graham
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Adeline Grange
- animator: Framestore
- Eoin Greenham
- stereo manager: Prime Focus Film
- Theodor Groeneboom
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Sirish Babu Gurrala
- roto supervisor: Prime Focus 3D
- Ben Guthrie
- motion capture supervisor: Framestore
- Christopher Haldane
- matchmove artist: Framestore (as Chris Haldane)
- Jonny Hall
- animator: Framestore
- Robert J. Hall
- stereo manager: Prime Focus Film (as Robert Hall)
- Asa Hammond
- motion control robots: Bot & Dolly
- Pierre-Loic Hamon
- rigging lead: Framestore
- Nicholas Hampshire
- pipeline technical director
- Sam Hancock
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Steve Hardy
- cg effects artist: Framestore (as Stephen Hardy) / on set technical director
- James Harmer
- stereo camera layout: Framestore
- Ben Harrison
- stereo manager: Prime Focus Film
- Michael Haslam
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Jack Hawkes
- lead data wrangler / visual effects coordinator
- Geoff Heatley
- technical previsualisation: Framestore
- Karsten Hecker
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Eoin Hegan
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Ngoc Heng
- texture artist: Framestore (as Ngoc Hoa Heng)
- Warwick Hewett
- visual effects production manager: Framestore
- Mark Hills
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Sam Hodge
- cg supervisor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Victoria Hodson
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Adam Holmes
- technical robot assistant
- Daren Horley
- texture artist: Framestore
- Jason Horley
- matte painting supervisor: Framestore
- Max Horton
- digital colorist
- Vincent Houze
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Andy Howard
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Charles Howell
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Shawn Hull
- previsualisation artist: Framestore
- Jess Hunt
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Jessica Amber Hurst
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Paul Hurwitz
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Paul Ingram
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Jamie Isles
- cg lighting lead: Framestore
- Sasha Leigh Izadpanah
- rotoscope artist: Framestore (as Sasha Izadpanah)
- Alex Jackson
- production tools: Framestore
- Abby Jacobsen
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Anna V. James
- visual effects production manager (as Anna Panton)
- Jakub Jezek
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Christopher Django Johnston
- technical previsualisation: Framestore (as Christopher Johnston)
- Aled Rhys Jones
- compositor: Framestore
- Dennis Jones
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Gareth Jones
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Joao Jorge
- research and development: Framestore / shading: Framestore
- Christian Kaestner
- compositor: Framestore
- Per Karefelt
- research and development: Framestore
- Ravi Krishna Kasumarthy
- rotoscope artist: Framestore (as Ravi Kasumarthy)
- Ervin Kaszap
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Aristomenis Katzagiannakis
- production tools: Framestore
- Lucinda Keeler
- visual effects coordinator
- Oliver Kellmann
- motion control operator
- Uzma Khalid
- cg lighting lead: Framestore (as Uzma Curtis)
- Andy Kind
- cg lighting lead: Framestore
- Paul Kirwan
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Noah Klabunde
- cg lighting lead: Framestore
- Bastian Klucker
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Rikki Knight-Trembath
- rigging artist: Framestore (as Rikki Knight Trembath)
- Aziz Kocanaogullari
- animator: Framestore
- Sidney Kombo
- animator: Framestore
- Jakob Kousholt
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Dan Kunz
- motion capture technical director: Framestore
- Laurent Laban
- animator: Framestore
- Arianna Lago
- compositor: Framestore
- Ben Lambert
- cg modelling supervisor
- Jorel Latraille
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Chris Lawrence
- cg supervisor
- Daniel Lawrence
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Jose Lazaro
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Rickie Leach
- compositor: Framestore (as Anthony Richard Leach)
- Aaron Lear
- compositor: Framestore
- Claudia Lechen
- compositor: Framestore
- Shahar Levavi
- animator: Framestore
- Jami Levesque
- shading: Framestore
- Beren Lewis
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Aysha Ley
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Bonnie Lin
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Jeff Linnell
- motion control robots: Bot & Dolly
- Henrik Linnet
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Sarah Lister
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Fiona Liu
- research and development: Framestore
- James Liu
- pipeline lead technical director: Framestore
- Jose 'Pep' Llado
- animator: Framestore (as Pep L. Llado)
- Russell Lloyd II
- simulation lead: Framestore (as Russell Lloyd)
- Stein Lotveit
- animator: Framestore (as Stein Loetveit)
- Gregory Louden
- cg effects artist: Framestore (as Greg Louden)
- David Louis
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Patrick Lowry
- environment technical director: Framestore
- Christina Lum
- texture artist: Framestore
- Stephen MacKershan
- cg lighting lead: Framestore
- Steve MacPherson
- chief technology officer: Framestore (as Steve Macpherson)
- Benjamin Magaña
- cg lighting artist: Framestore (as Benjamin Magana)
- Emil Malm
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Trisha Manbeck
- motion capture technical director: Framestore
- Brett Margules
- animator: Framestore
- Antonio Marra
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Gary Marshall
- motion capture technical director: Framestore
- Jose Martin
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Paul Martin
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Olivier Martiny
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- Ian Mathews
- texture artist: Framestore
- Giacomo Matteucci
- compositor: Framestore
- Richard McBride
- visual effects supervisor
- Lauren McCallum
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore (as Lauren Knowlon-Parry)
- Kyle McCulloch
- additional compositing supervisor: Framestore
- Declan McGuire
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Scott McInnes
- matte painter: Framestore
- Gavin McKenzie
- compositor: Framestore
- Sarah McLauchlan
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jan Meade
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Alex Meddick
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Horacio Mendoza
- cg effects lead: Framestore
- Ian Menzies
- motion control operator
- Aron Merritt
- motion capture technical director: Framestore
- Christophe Meslin
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Adrian Metzelaar
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Ellie Meure
- compositor: Framestore
- Claire Michaud
- cg lighting lead: Framestore
- Jarl Midelfort
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Mark Millena
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Adrian Millington
- previsualisation artist: Framestore
- Chirag Mistry
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Yann Moalic
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- László Molnár
- texture artist: Framestore (as Laszlo Molnar)
- Steven Moor
- environment technical director: Framestore
- Danielle Morley
- visual effects production manager: Framestore
- Ben Morris
- additional visual effects supervisor: Framestore
- Michael Mulholland
- additional cg supervisor: Framestore (as Mike Mulholland)
- Adriano Mulè
- compositor: Framestore (as Adriano Mule)
- Irene Navarro
- matte painter: Framestore
- Leo Neelands
- compositor: Framestore
- Bruce Nelson
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Devdatta Nerurkar
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Nick Newberry
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Dale Newton
- lead animator
- Jeff Newton
- cg environment lead: Framestore
- James Nicholl
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Gary Noble
- assistant technical director: Framestore
- David J. Nolan
- rotoscope artist: Framestore (as David Nolan)
- Barry O'Brien
- stereo manager: Prime Focus Film
- Robert O'Neill
- environment technical director: Framestore
- Richard Ollosson
- associate visual effects producer: Framestore
- Mark Osborne
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- Sam Osborne
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Marcus Ottosson
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Premamurti Paetsch
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Guo Kun Pan
- render support: Framestore (as Kun Pan)
- Steve Pang
- visual effects editor
- Emanuele Paris
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Jasper Parker Trenfield
- animator: Framestore (as Jasper Parker-Trenfield)
- Adam Parker
- compositor: Framestore
- Chris Parks
- stereoscopic supervisor
- Florian Parrot
- animator: Framestore
- James Parsons
- data operator: Framestore
- Adam Paschke
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Ben Paschke
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Diego Pastor Bartoli
- matchmove artist: Framestore (as Diego Pastor)
- Bhaumik Patel
- technical previsualisation: Framestore
- Lorna Paterson
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Sujeet Patil
- paint artist: prime focus
- Russell Pawson
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- John Peck
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Stuart Penn
- cg sequence supervisor
- Manuel Perez
- compositor: Framestore
- Menelaos Peristeridis
- paint artist: Prime Focus Film London
- Billy Perry
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Rajiv Perseedoss
- assistant technical director: Framestore
- Max Persson
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- Andy Phillips
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Nick Pill
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Adrian Pinder
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Milen Piskuliyski
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Jean Poh
- animator: Framestore
- Marine Poirson
- cg lighting lead: Framestore
- Rick Poley
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Lee Chan Popo
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Adam Potter
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Martin Preston
- head of research and development: Framestore
- Eddie Prickett
- animator: Framestore
- Duncan Ransom
- animator: Framestore
- Sagar Rathod
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Adam Redford
- texture artist: Framestore
- Siân Rees
- rotoscope artist: Framestore (as Sian Rees)
- Sam Remfry
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Robin Reyer
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- Marc Rice
- compositor: Framestore
- Rob Richardson
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Johannes Richter
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Reinhold Rittinger
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Bjarni Robert Bragason
- lead compositor: Framestore (as Bjarni Bragason)
- Paul Roberts
- render support: Framestore
- Dave Robinson
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Philip J. Robinson
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Raul Rodriguez Romeo
- motion control operator (as Raul Rodriguez)
- James Rose
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Nick Ross
- production tools: Framestore
- Eryn Roston
- motion capture technical director: Framestore
- Alex Rothwell
- shading: Framestore
- Rajat Roy
- stereo manager: Prime Focus Film
- Ryan Rubi
- simulation artist: Framestore
- David Russell
- research and development: Framestore
- Liam Russell
- lead animator: Framestore
- Rajeev Sahu
- visual effects artist
- Stephanie Saillard
- compositor: Framestore
- Freddy Salazar
- cg lighting lead: Framestore
- Juan Salazar
- compositor: Framestore
- Sam Salek
- plate dimensionalisation lead: Framestore
- Juan-Luis Sanchez
- simulation lead: Framestore (as Juan Luis Sanchez)
- Steven Sandles
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Anthony Luigi Santoro
- lead compositor: Framestore (as Anthony Santoro)
- Joaquim Santos
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Nico Scapel
- rigging supervisor: Framestore
- Laurel Schneider
- motion control robots: Bot & Dolly
- Romain Bivar Segurado
- cg modeller: Framestore (as Romain Segurado)
- Prathap Sekar
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Armando Sepulveda
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Steve Sexton
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Matthew Shaw
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Ken Shimizu
- simulation artist: Framestore
- David Shirk
- senior animation supervisor
- Poya Shohani
- visual effects
- Alfonso Sicilia
- animator: Framestore
- Andrew Silke
- previsualisation artist: Framestore
- David Simpson
- compositor: Framestore
- Kishore Singh
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Nitin Singh
- stereo senior coordinator: Prime Focus World
- Matina Skouteri
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Anthony Smith
- compositing supervisor
- Laurence Smith
- texture artist: Framestore
- Maxwell Smith
- matchmove artist: Framestore (as Max Smith)
- Max Solomon
- animation supervisor
- Donia Sonkor
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Henry South
- texture artist: Framestore
- Penn Stevens
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Jamie R. Stewart
- cg lighting artist: Framestore (as Jamie Stewart)
- Jack Straw
- assistant technical director: Framestore
- Elwaleed Suliman
- animator: Framestore
- Sandy Sutherland
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Alexander Swann
- rotoscope artist: Framestore (as Alex Swann)
- Anna Swift
- visual effects department manager
- Stefano Tabacco
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Ruggero Taschini
- visual effects artist
- Hollie Taylor
- matchmove artist: Framestore / rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Mark Taylor
- texture artist: Framestore
- Vincent Techer
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Jacob Telleen
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Damien Thaller
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Simon Thistlethwaite
- lead animator: Framestore
- Daniel Thompson
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Ian P. Thompson
- pipeline technical director: Framestore (as Ian Thompson)
- Michael Adam Thompson
- simulation artist: Framestore (as Michael Thompson)
- Dominic Thomson
- visual effects artist
- Otto Thorbjørnsen
- compositor: Framestore (as Otto Thorbjornsen)
- Gunnhildur Thorkelsdottir
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Thanos Topouzis
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Elena Topouzoglou
- compositor: Framestore
- Andrea Tozzo
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Gareth Tredrea
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Kris Tucknott
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Mark Tudor-Williams
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Altug Tumer
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Jonathan Turner
- rotoscope lead: Framestore
- Matthew Twyford
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Arda Uysal
- previsualisation artist: Framestore
- Leigh van der Byl
- texture artist: Framestore
- John van Leeuwen
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Lars Vanderbijl
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Jim Vanns
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Jon Veal
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Dan Victoire
- rotoscope artist: Framestore
- Duarte Victorino
- cg effects artist: Framestore
- Mathieu Vig
- lead animator
- Lars Vinther
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Maximilian-Gordon Vogt
- cg modeller: Framestore (as Max Vogt)
- Mark Wainwright
- texture artist: Framestore
- Alexis Wajsbrot
- cg effects supervisor
- Andy Walker
- additional cg supervisor: Framestore
- Claire Walker
- matchmover
- Fiona Walkinshaw
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Nathan Walster
- senior r&d artist
- Adam Ward
- render support: Framestore
- Dan Warder
- simulation artist: Framestore
- Tim Webber
- visual effects supervisor
- Daphna Wegner
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Holger Wenzl
- texture artist: Framestore
- Bernard Wicksteed
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Max Williams
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Susannah Marie Williams
- simulation artist: Framestore (as Sue Williams)
- Dan Wills
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Mark Wilson
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- Sally Wilson
- texture artist: Framestore
- Katherine Wisdom
- cg modeller: Framestore
- Jasmine Wong
- texture artist: Framestore
- Graham Wood
- cg lighting artist: Framestore
- Tom Woodall
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Joe Worthington
- assistant technical director: Framestore (as Joseph Worthington)
- Wei Xing Yong
- animator: Framestore
- Natalie Young
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Xavier Zahra
- previsualisation artist: Framestore
- Christian Zeh
- lead compositor: Framestore (as Wolf Christian Zeh)
- Valur ZophonÃasson
- rotoscope artist: Framestore (as Valur Zophonias)
- Ajesh.k.t
- paint lead (uncredited)
- Maria Asim Ali
- stereo compositor: stereoscopic conversion (uncredited)
- Oliver Allen-Wielebnowski
- stereoscopic lead (uncredited)
- John Anderholm
- pipeline technical director (uncredited)
- Richard Anderson
- concept artist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Arunraj
- paint/prep artist (uncredited)
- Stefan Ash
- paint & roto artist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Davey Atkinson
- stereo artist: Prime Focus World (uncredited)
- Adam Azmy
- digital compositor: Framestore (uncredited)
- Matthew Ball
- prep artist (uncredited)
- Jesse Balodis
- texturing and modeling (uncredited)
- Hernan Barros
- stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Peter Bartfay
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Tyler Bartley
- concept artist (uncredited)
- Eric Bates
- animator: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Jeremy Bazin
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Lizi Bedford
- visual effects: Head of crewing framestore (uncredited)
- Olivier Beierlein
- shader writer: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Amy Bentley
- data wrangler (uncredited)
- Siobhan Bentley
- visual effects production manager: Framestore (uncredited)
- Rich Best
- data wrangler: Prime Focus World (uncredited)
- Moti Biran
- compositor (uncredited)
- Frederik Valentin Bjerre-Poulsen
- rigger (uncredited)
- Gabriel Blanco
- pipeline engineer (uncredited)
- Zachary Bloom
- scanning and digital film mastering: Framestore (uncredited)
- Daniel Borg
- prep artist (uncredited)
- Chris Bouchard
- vfx engineer (uncredited)
- Damien Bouvier
- matchmove artist: Peanut FX (uncredited)
- Louise Brand
- head of operations: 4DMax (uncredited)
- Sheldon Brathwaite
- stereo compositor (uncredited)
- Andrew Brittain
- stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Bragi Brynjarsson
- roto artist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Marc Brzezicki
- stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Daniel Buhigas
- lighting technical director (uncredited)
- Charles Bunnag
- digital colorist (uncredited)
- Francesco Canonico
- animator (uncredited)
- Francesco Capone
- stereo technical director (uncredited)
- Marie Castrie
- visual effects line producer: Framestore CFC (uncredited)
- Anthony Chadwick
- previz (uncredited)
- Mike Chambers
- visual effects consultant: Bot & Dolly (uncredited)
- Kavitha Chockalingam
- stereo conversion artist (uncredited)
- Hyemee Choi
- senior lighting artist (uncredited)
- Pranjal Choudhary
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Sean Ip Fung Chun
- assistant reference photographer (uncredited) / visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- Ross Clark
- visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- Emma Lian Cooper
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Stephanie Cooper
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Michael Crippin
- texturing/layout (uncredited)
- John Cruise
- view-d editor (uncredited)
- James Cundill
- senior view-d editor (uncredited)
- Jose Augusto David
- view-d artist (uncredited)
- Cara Tallulha Davies
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Jake Delaney
- stereoscopic coordinator (uncredited)
- Emmanuel Delange
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Rob Delicata
- motion control (uncredited)
- Varadraj Deorukhkar
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Michael Dillon
- digital intermediate producer (uncredited)
- Harriet Donington
- business development producer: Nvisible (uncredited)
- Karen Elliott
- stereoscopic conversion compositor (uncredited)
- Robin Emerson
- senior globa stereo pipeline technical director (uncredited)
- Andrew Emmerson
- stereoscopic lead (uncredited)
- Zsuzsanna Erdei
- matchmove artist: Peanut FX (uncredited)
- Fathima Feminò
- digital paint artist: prime focus (uncredited)
- Juan Flores
- colorist assist (uncredited)
- Steven Forrester
- additional visual effects editor: Framestore (uncredited)
- Carlos Fuensalida
- systems engineer (uncredited)
- Pawl Fulker
- pre-visualization artist (uncredited)
- Aron Galabuzi
- senior paint artist (uncredited)
- Eric Gambini
- head of camera: RSP (uncredited)
- Anshul Gattani
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Stephen George Jr.
- imaging technician (uncredited)
- Safiya Gili
- stereoscopic conversion artist co-lead (uncredited)
- Frederikke Glick
- paint artist (uncredited)
- Rui Gomes
- system administrator: Framestore Iceland (uncredited)
- Alex Goodfellow
- matchmove artist: prime focus (uncredited)
- Luke Gray
- compositing technical director: Prime Focus (uncredited)
- Aoife Greenham
- lead stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Benjamin Guy
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Amélie Guyot
- matchmove supervisor: Peanut FX (uncredited)
- Charlie Habanananda
- digital grading artist (uncredited)
- Stefan Habel
- r&d technical director (uncredited)
- Swapnil Hajgude
- lead compositor (uncredited)
- Faraz Hameed
- previs artist: The Third Floor (uncredited)
- Jon Hartley
- assistant technical director: Framestore (uncredited)
- Jason Hayes
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Jeremy Hey
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Leo Hills
- pipeline technical director: Framestore (uncredited)
- Sean Robert Hogan
- pre-visualization: design (uncredited)
- Levon Hudson
- render wrangler (uncredited)
- Umar Adam Aziz Hussain
- marketing coordinator: Framestore (uncredited)
- Albena Ivanova
- stereo conversion artist (uncredited)
- Carl Jackson
- technical director (uncredited)
- Sam Jackson
- cyber scanning technician: 4DMax (uncredited)
- Gilbert James
- visual effects producer: Nvizible (uncredited)
- Daniel Jeantou
- system engineer: Framestore (uncredited)
- Mikael Jaeger Jensen
- reference photographer (uncredited)
- Nicolas Joyen-Conseil
- matchmove artist: Peanut FX (uncredited)
- Gregory Kalaitzis
- prep artist (uncredited)
- Matt Kasmir
- visual effects supervisor: Nvizible (uncredited)
- Kat Kelly
- stereo conversion colead (uncredited)
- Abhishek Janardan Kini
- Stereoscopic Compositor (uncredited)
- Niels Kleinheinz
- rigger (uncredited)
- Brandie Konopasek
- digital intermediate assistant producer (uncredited)
- Allie Koppel
- previsualization accountant: The Third Floor (uncredited)
- Rohit Korgaonkar
- stereoscopic conversion compositor (uncredited)
- Linda Hrönn Kristjánsdóttir
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Alexander Kubinyi
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Sean Lahiff
- visual effects editor: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Alain Lalanne
- animation producer: Framestore (uncredited)
- Greg LaSalle
- facial motion capture supervisor (uncredited)
- Delphine Laurent
- stereoscopic compositor: Prime Focus World (uncredited)
- Andrew Lawson
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Charles Le Guen
- sequence lead: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited) / sequence technical director: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Dora Schluttenhofer Lees
- 3d scanning specialist (uncredited)
- Duncan Lees
- head of 3D services: 4DMax (uncredited)
- Chun Ho Ray Leung
- modeller (uncredited)
- Hannah Lewis
- visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- David Lieberman
- stereoscopic conversion compositor (uncredited)
- Gabriel Lopez
- stereo compositor (uncredited)
- Gianluca Lopez
- stereoscopic conversion compositor: prime focus (uncredited)
- Lydia Lopez-Arteaga
- stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Timmy Lundin
- effects technical director: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Sophie Luto
- prep artist (uncredited)
- David Lyon
- matchmove artist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Philip Maddock
- head of match move: Prime Focus (uncredited)
- Rajendra Maharana
- prep artist (uncredited) / visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Tytus Majerski
- digital compositor (uncredited) / matte painter (uncredited)
- Sandeep Mane
- visual effects producer (uncredited)
- Chen Mao
- r & d software engineer (uncredited)
- Runyararo Mapfumo
- visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- Natanya Marks
- previsualization production coordinator: The Third Floor (uncredited)
- Stephen Mascarenhas
- stereoscopic conversion (uncredited)
- Jemmel Matheson
- stereo production runner (uncredited)
- Chiaki Matsubayashi
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Dora Maud
- photographer: 4DMax (uncredited)
- Peregrine McCafferty
- matchmove supervisor: Peanut FX (uncredited)
- Ben McEwan
- stereo compositor: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Andrew McGregor
- roto artist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Campbell McGrouther
- lighter: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Dan McRae
- prep artist (uncredited)
- Joel Meire
- pre-visualisation: Framestore (uncredited)
- Gus Melton
- view-d editor (uncredited)
- Simon Mercer
- matchmover: Framestore CFC (uncredited)
- Adam Miels
- pipeline technical director: nvizible (uncredited)
- Kara Misenheimer
- marketing producer: The Third Floor (uncredited)
- Udit Mohan
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Vashishta Mohit
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Sandrine Moniez
- prep artist (uncredited)
- Ramon Montoya Vozmediano
- rendering consultant (uncredited)
- Victoria Mowlam
- visual effects line producer: Framestore (uncredited)
- Atyeb Muneer
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Patrick Muylkens
- concept artist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Danielle Nadal
- production support: Framestore (uncredited)
- Tristan Alice Nieto
- stereoscopic artist (uncredited)
- Alena Nikitina
- roto artist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Ole-Aleksander Nordby
- prep/paint artist (uncredited)
- Sam Norman
- digital compositor: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Mariluz Noto
- visual effects production assistant: Framestore (uncredited)
- Luis Pages
- senior effects technical director: Framestore CFC (uncredited)
- Atul Palande
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Prakash Parmar
- paint artist (uncredited)
- Radhika Patel
- matchmove artist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Vishal Rajendra Patel
- stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Miriam Pepper-Parsons
- lead stereo matchmove artist: Prime Focus (uncredited)
- Melvin Pereira
- stereoscopic conversion: Prime Focus (uncredited)
- Will Phillips
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Marc Picco
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Kevin Power
- stereo conversion artist (uncredited) / stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Daniel Pozo
- animator (uncredited)
- Diego Prilusky
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Richard Pring
- view-d editor (uncredited)
- Abhinav Priyadarshi
- Roto and Prep Artist (uncredited)
- Simon-Pierre Puech
- digital compositor: Nvizible (uncredited)
- Sinisa Radosavljevic
- prep artist: Prime Focus Film (uncredited)
- Adrian Raistrick
- visual effects assistant (uncredited)
- Chandraji Tharanga Rajakaruna
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Janhavi Ramaswamy
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Natwar singh Rathore
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Florent Revel
- rough layout artist (uncredited)
- Jonathan Rhodes
- editorial assistant: View-d (uncredited)
- Diego Riestra
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC (uncredited)
- Troy Robinson
- uncredited
- David Ross
- runner: visual effects (uncredited)
- Justin R. Rotolo
- technical director (uncredited)
- Rosi Ruiz
- stereoscopic conversion lead (uncredited)
- Jean-Marc Rulier
- cyber scanning technician: 4DMax (uncredited)
- Marin Rymer
- visual effects production assistant: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Alessandro Sabbioni
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Jasdip Sagar
- prep artist (uncredited)
- Alessandro Salis
- digital paint artist (uncredited)
- Lucy Salter
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Nathan Santell
- previsualization producer: The Third Floor (uncredited)
- Raphael Santos
- prep artist: Prime Focus London (uncredited)
- Patrick Sarell
- animator (uncredited)
- Deven Saxena
- modeler (uncredited)
- Chris B. Schnitzer
- director of visual effects (uncredited)
- Katysha Seng
- 3d modeller: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited) / pipeline/tech administrator: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited) / render wrangler: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Roger Serrabassa Vilar
- prep artist: Prime Focus (uncredited)
- Felix Serwir
- prep artist (uncredited)
- Nidhi Seth
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Aatesh Shah
- systems engineer: Framestore (uncredited)
- Jeszen Shih
- crew manager (uncredited)
- Ian Simms
- stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Craig Skerry
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Glenn Snyder
- technical director (uncredited)
- Nick Soothill
- 3d scanning specialist (uncredited)
- Richard Sowerby
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Clay Sparks
- producer/artist: Lightstage (uncredited)
- Deepak Surendran
- stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Gaurav Sutar
- compositor (uncredited)
- Jeff Taylor
- first assistant director: visual effects elements (uncredited)
- Paul Taylor
- visual effects editor: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- David Tesch
- research & development software engineer (uncredited)
- Andrew K. Thompson
- prep artist (uncredited)
- Nick Thompson
- stereoscopic vfx coordinator (uncredited)
- Alan Tormey
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Iva Trajkovic
- stereo conversion artist: Prime Focus (uncredited)
- Taylor Tulip-Close
- lead data wrangler (uncredited)
- Lee Twohey
- 3D colorist assist (uncredited)
- Debesh Upadhyay
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Pan Vafeiadis
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Arturs Vaitilavics
- lead stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Vladimir Valovic
- digital compositor: Framestore (uncredited)
- John Van Der Zalm
- creature technical director: RSP (uncredited)
- Mohit Varde
- stereoscopic conversion artist: Prime Focus (uncredited)
- Maggie Walby
- digital paint & roto artist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Ruochen Wang
- compositing intern (uncredited)
- Chris Watts
- visual effects consultant (uncredited)
- Glenn Wells
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Mark Wendell
- animation supervisor: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Daniel Wennerholm
- lead stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Christoph Westphal
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Rachel Wheeler
- visual effects line producer (uncredited)
- Kenneth H. Wiatrak
- animator (uncredited)
- Guido Wilden
- workflow consultant (uncredited)
- Stephen Willey
- senior systems engineer (uncredited)
- Robert A. Willis
- roto/paint supervisor (uncredited)
- Julia Zahner
- paint and roto artist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Jennie Zeiher
- bidding producer: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)