- Tony Abejuro
- matchmove lead: MPC
- Lucile Abiven
- visual effects coordinator
- Darrell Abney
- senior modeler/texture artist
- Gokcer Adli
- matchmove artist
- Nidhi Agarwal
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Rohit Agarwal
- roto animation artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Ritesh Aggarwal
- stereoscopic supervisor
- Laide Agunbiade
- senior technical director: lighting
- Shane Aherne
- senior technical director: Rising Sun Pictures
- Zohaib Ahsan
- junior lighting artist: Cinesite
- Juan Antonio Alamo
- visual effects artist: Base Black
- Holly Aldersley
- roto/prep artist
- Oliver Allen-Wielebnowski
- stereoscopic supervisor: Prime Focus
- Laia Alomar
- visual effects coordinator
- Jordan Alphonso
- stereo depth artist
- Holli Alvarado
- flame artist
- Terence Alvares
- digital compositor
- Tony Ambles
- visual effects artist (as Juan Antonio Amblés)
- Joan Amer
- lighting technical director
- Bruno Amezcua
- visual effects artist
- Paul Amiras
- assistant vfx hotographer: Cinesite
- Ron R. Anantavara
- director of technology: I.E. Effects
- Etienne Andlau
- stereoscopic conversion compositor
- Edward Andrews
- digital paint and roto artist: Double Negative
- Nigel Ankers
- lead effects technical director: MPC
- Christopher M. Anthony
- technical director (as Christopher Anthony)
- Christopher Antoniou
- character animator: Cinesite
- Roger Apolinar
- stereoscopic roto artist: The Base Studio
- Paul Arion
- layout artist: MPC
- Spencer Armajo
- flame artist
- Jörundur Rafn Arnarson
- visual effects artist
- Gabriel Arnold
- effects technical director: MPC
- Vaughn Arnup
- roto supervisor
- Tricia Henry Ashford
- visual effects producer
- Ambrish Ashish
- paint compositor / stereo compositor
- Mathieu Assemat
- visual effects artist
- Myles Asseter
- digital artist: modeler
- Tony Atherton
- effects technical director: Framestore
- Davey Atkinson
- stereoscopic conversion compositor
- Nicholas Atkinson
- VFX data coordinator
- Jonathan Attenborough
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Jim Aupperle
- lighting technical director
- Guray Ayaokur
- matchmove lead (as Guray Ayaokur)
- Adam Azmy
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Nithin Babu
- roto artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Navid Bagherzadeh
- digital artist
- Jörg Baier
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Negin Bairami
- senior texture painter
- Radoslav Bakalov
- senior character modeler / track/matchmove artist
- Michael Baker
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Richard Baker
- stereo supervisor
- P. Balaji
- digital artist
- Balakrishnan
- jr compositor: oysterr digital india
- Mahesh Balakrishnan
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Priyanka Balasubramanian
- stereoscopic producer
- Valdimar Baldvinsson
- animator: Framestore
- Daniel Baldwin
- matchmove artist
- Jon Baldwin
- stereoscopic compositor: stereoscopic conversion (as Jonathan Robert Baldwin)
- Sanjay Baliga
- rotoanim artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Luke Ballard
- roto/prep artist: Double Negative
- Jesse Balodis
- senior texture artist
- Subhrojyoti Banerjee
- visual effects artist
- George Barbour
- technical director: Double Negative
- Adam Barnett
- technical support
- Patrick Barrett
- visual effects compositor: stereoscopic conversion
- Hernan Barros
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Dan Bartolucci
- flame artist: Lola vfx
- Sam Bassett
- lead compositor: MPC London
- Claudio Bassi
- digital compositor: Baseblack
- Travis Baumann
- compositing supervisor: Gradient Effects
- Ines Baumgartner
- track/matchmove artist
- Bob Baxter
- matchmove artist
- Robin Beard
- compositing sequence supervisor: Double Negative
- Nicolas Beaufays
- digital compositor: MPC
- Paul F. Becker
- stereoscopic producer: Gener8
- Stuart Becker
- stereoscopic conversion lead
- Michael Becki
- layout td
- Robert Beckwith
- pipeline technical assistant: Tippett Studio
- Lizi Bedford
- crew manager: Framestore
- Leah Beevers
- technical animator
- Dila Beksac
- digital artist: The Base Studio
- Adrian Bell
- shader writer
- Katie Bell
- visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
- Paula Bell
- lead prep artist
- Richard A.M. Bell
- lighting technical director: Cinesite
- Jaelyn May Belle
- stereoscopic compositor (as Jason Richardson)
- Gregory Bellis
- matchmove artist: Animal Logic
- Chris Bending
- crowd technical director
- Richard Bendo
- stereoscopic compositor
- Michele Benigna
- senior compositor: Cinesite
- Frank Benton
- stereoscopic production manager
- Prabir Bera
- senior stereoscopic compositor
- Gloria Bernabeu
- digital compositor
- Jan Berner
- effects td: Cinesite
- Jeremy Berruel
- modeler
- Sam Berry
- rigger: MPC
- Melissa Best
- lead stereo compositor: Gener8
- Ediga c Bharath
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Sourajit Bhattacharya
- roto artist / stereo compositor
- Arwinder Singh Bhurji
- lead matchmove artist
- Chase Bickel
- digital compositor
- Khandu Bidkar
- rotoscope artist: prime focus
- Luke Bigley
- roto/prep artist: Double Negative
- Muhittin Bilginer
- visual effects technical director: Double Negative
- Bineesh
- senior matchmove artist
- Kanishk Deb Biswas
- roto/animation artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Frederik Valentin Bjerre-Poulsen
- rigging technical director
- Brad Blackbourn
- stereo supervisor
- Peter Blackburn
- junior compositor / paint/roto artist: Cinesite
- Michael Blain
- r&d developer
- Gerald Blaise
- digital artist
- Vincent Blin
- flame artist: Lola Visual Effects
- Andrej Blom
- lighting artist: Cinesite
- Julian Bloomfield
- visual effects coordinator
- Joel Bodin
- previs artist
- Stacey Boiselle
- motion capture producer: Audiomotion Studios
- Julien Bolbach
- environment lead: MPC
- Axel Bonami
- sequence lead compositor: MPC London
- Anto Bond
- modeler
- Cyrille Bonjean
- digital compositor
- Daniel Booty
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Parismita Borah
- stereoscopic compositor: Prime Focus (as Porismita Borah)
- Nicolas Borens
- digital compositor
- Michael Borhi
- senior surfacing artist
- Lucie Bories
- digital compositor: MPC
- Mark Bortolotto
- digital compositor
- Sudeepto Bose
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company, London
- Jonathan Bot
- digital compositor
- Guy Botham
- visual effects executive producer: Lola Visual Effects
- Zakaria Boumediane
- texture artist: mpc
- Virginie Bourdin
- art director
- Scott Bourne
- digital paint & roto artist
- Damien Bouvier
- matchmove artist: Peanut FX
- David A.T. Bowman
- lead compositor: BaseBlack
- Paul Boyd
- visual effects artist
- James Braid
- technology: Double Negative
- Franz Brandstaetter
- digital compositor
- Kane Brassington
- roto artist
- Sheldon Brathwaite
- stereo compositor
- Benjamin Bratt
- roto/prep artist
- Michael Brazelton
- compositor: MPC
- Ben Breckenridge
- stereographer/stereoscopic supervisor
- Dan Breckwoldt
- senior compositor: MPC
- Jared Brient
- sr. lighting td: MPC
- Daniel Briney
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Matthew Bristowe
- stereoscopic producer: Prime Focus Film
- Jonathan Brouillat
- shader writer
- Zack Broussard
- visual effects artist (stereoscopic conversion)
- Ben Brown
- matchmove artist
- Kari Brown
- senior effects technical director: Cinesite
- Robin T. Brown
- lead digital paint & roto artist
- Nik Brownlee
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Edward Brugge
- visual effects artist
- Stuart Bruzek
- stereoscopic compositing lead
- Rob Bryson
- roto/prep artist: MPC
- Marc Brzezicki
- stereoscopic compositor
- Izet Buco
- digital compositor
- Lukasz Bukowiecki
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Matthew Bullock
- digital modeler: Double Negative
- Andrew Bunday
- pipeline supervisor
- Jordan Burbank
- production assistant: Sassoon Film Design
- Nicole Burch
- stereoscopic roto artist: The Base Studio
- Simon Burchell
- supervising pre-visualization editor
- Kate Burgess
- stereoscopic compositor
- Patrick Michael Burke
- compositor
- Tim Burke
- visual effects supervisor
- Richard Burnside
- matchmove artist: Double Negative / matchmove supervisor: Double Negative
- Julian Burt
- roto animation
- Henry Bush
- pipeline lead
- Greg Butler
- visual effects supervisor: MPC
- Roisin Byrne
- production accountant: Cinesite
- Nathaniel Caauwe
- stereoscopic roto lead
- Andrew Cadey
- visual effects technical director
- Howard R. Campbell
- lead lighting artist
- Kevin Campbell
- digital artist / visual effects
- Georgia Cano
- stereoscopic compositor
- Keanan Cantrell
- lighting td: The Moving Picture Company
- Pete Capelluto
- head of pipeline
- Rhodem Regner Capilla
- roto artist (as Rhodem R. Capilla)
- Tim Caplan
- visual effects producer: Union VFX
- Francesco Capone
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Marco Carboni
- crowd sim lead: MPC
- Helen Carr
- paint and rotoscope artist
- James Carson
- matchmover
- Montana Casey
- digital compositor
- Tom Castellani
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Elohim Cervantes Tampus
- senior roto artist
- Kamelia Chabane
- visual effects artist
- Philip Chacko
- paint/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Anthony Chadwick
- visual effects artist
- Ian Chaffardet
- animator (as Ibrahim Chaffardet) / matchmover (as Ibrahim Chaffardet)
- Aleksandar Chalyovski
- vfx td: Double Negative (as Alexander Chaliovski)
- Maria Chamberlain
- digital artist: digital restoration
- Chase Champagne
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Adrian Chan
- visual effects supervisor
- Manjoe Chan
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Ashish Chandok
- paint artist (stereoscopic conversion)
- Malavika Chandrakanth
- paint and roto artist
- Anoop Chandran
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Shyamsundar Chandrasekaran
- senior paint artist: Tata Elxsi
- Jerly Chang
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Thom Chang
- matchmove artist: double negative
- Paul Chapman
- digital compositor: Baseblack
- Matthieu Chardonnet
- senior effects technical director
- Sayan Chattopadhyay
- stereoscopic compositor
- Satyendra Chaturvedi
- digital artist
- Uriel Chavez
- rotoscope artist: The Base Studio
- Fiona Chilton
- visual effects producer: Tippett Studio
- Daniel Chirwa
- compositor: Cinesite
- Navin Chitta
- stereo paint artist: prime focus
- Jeremy Cho
- digital paint & roto artist
- Nicolas Chombart
- lighting td
- Sudarshan Chopde
- Additional VFX
- Charles Chorein
- lighting technical director
- Tim Chou
- stereoscopic compositor: Gener8
- YouJin Choung
- compositor: Tippett Studio
- Michael Christophersson
- matchmove artist: Framestore (as Michael Todd)
- Benjamin Chrysler
- rotoscope supervisor
- Mei Chu
- rotoscope artist
- Daniel Chung
- stereoscopic rotoscope artist
- Martin Ciastko
- sequence lead: Cinesite
- Mike Cisneros
- stereoscopic roto artist: The Base Studio
- Edith Clara
- matchmover lead / tracking lead
- Kirsty Clark
- digital compositor
- Craig Clarke
- visual effects supervisor
- Trent Claus
- flame artist
- Jeff Clifford
- research and development: Double Negative
- Anita Clipston
- stereoscopic compositor
- Roberto Clochiatti
- lighting technical director: Double Negative
- Alex Coble
- rotoscoper/compositor: Animal Logic
- Riccardo Coccia
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Isabel Cody
- previs animator
- Json Cole
- visual effects artist
- Esme Coleman
- stereo compositor
- Ross Colgan
- senior data operator: Cinesite
- Paul Connaughton
- matchmove artist: Cinesite / tracking artist: Cinesite
- Michael Connor
- roto/prep artist: Double Negative
- Tristan Connors
- digital artist
- Paolo Consorti
- effects technical director
- Traian Constantinescu
- digital compositor: MPC
- Kingsley Cook
- visual effects coordinator: Warner Bros
- Ian Cope
- stereoscopic producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Dan Copping
- senior layout artist: MPC
- Simon Corbaux
- layout artist
- Sam Corcoran
- software developer: MPC
- Will Correia
- digital artist: Baseblack
- Francesco Cosatti
- compositor: Cinesite
- Zoe Cousins
- data operator: Cinesite
- Cleber Coutinho
- data operator: Cinesite
- Mitch Crease
- digital compositor
- Anna Creasy
- visual effects coordinator: Rising Sun Pictures
- Sarah Cripps
- visual effects coordinator (as Sarah Middleton)
- Chris Crowell
- compositor
- John Cruise
- view-d editor
- James Cundill
- view-d editor
- Eoghan Cunneen
- assistant technical director
- Anthony D'Agostino
- stereoscopic compositor
- Nick Dacey
- visual effects editor: Double Negative
- Aimee Dadswell
- visual effects producer: Framestore (as Aimee Dadswell-Davies)
- Rif Dagher
- stereo head of r&d: Pixelmagic
- Ingrid-Elin Dahl-Olsen
- research and development: Double Negative
- Oliver Dale
- matchmove/rotoAnimation
- Michaela Danby
- digital compositor
- Nicola Danese
- lead effects technical director: MPC
- Francesca Dare
- paint/roto artist: Double Negative
- Edward L. Dark
- visual effects coordinator
- Christopher Davies
- matchmover: MPC
- Michael Davies
- digital effects
- Adam Davis
- head of crowd sim
- Amy Davis
- prep artist: Framestore
- Samual Dawes
- roto/prep artist: double negative
- Graham Day
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Mark Day
- systems administrator: Framestore
- Aurore de Blois
- digital compositor
- Alan De Castro
- stereoscopic compositor: Sassoon Film Design
- Florent de La Taille
- animator
- Ana Claudia De Modesti
- stereoscopic roto artist
- Júlio Cesar de Modesti
- stereoscopic roto artist
- Samadrita Deb
- visual effects artist
- Sharma Deep
- stereoscopic compositor
- Christopher DeFaria
- visual effects executive
- Zelko Dejanovic
- digital compositor / stereoscopic conversion
- Jorge del Valle
- previs artist
- Jake Delaney
- stereoscopic coordinator
- Nicolas Delbecq
- senior effects technical director: Double Negative
- Kevin Delee
- digital artist
- Caroline Delen
- digital artist
- Stanley A. Dellimore
- head of layout: MPC
- Sarah Delucchi
- matchmove artist
- Alan Denton
- data manager: Sassoon Film Design
- Steven Denyer
- visual effects artist
- Dhananajay Deore
- Roto Artist
- Jason DeParis
- match move artist / visual effects artist
- Del DePierro
- digital compositor
- Gordan Derbogosijan
- stereo compositor
- Dani Devereux
- matte painter
- Ciaran Devine
- fx technical director: Framestore
- Thomas Devorsine
- lighting technical director
- Beth Dewhirst
- stereo production coordinator: Gener8
- Fabrice Di Cicco
- matchmove artist: Peanut FX
- Sandro Di Segni
- visual effects artist
- Julien Dias
- digital compositor
- Darren Ray J. Diaz
- roto artist
- Craig Dibble
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Sylvan Dieckmann
- sequence supervisor
- Victor DiMichina
- stereo production manager: Pixel Magic
- Chloe Do
- matchmove animator: Sassoon Film Design
- Komal Dogra
- visual effects artist
- Kaori Doi
- lighting & lookdev technical director: Double Negative
- Ferran Domenech
- animation supervisor: MPC / previs supervisor: Warner Brothers
- Faith Domingo
- rotoscope artist
- Est Donnelly
- production coordinator
- Greg Dora
- stereoscopic compositor
- Alana Douglas
- visual effects artist
- Tom Dow
- lead layout artist: MPC
- Christopher Downs
- lighting technical director
- Markus Drayss
- visual effects technical director: Double Negative
- Lucy Drewett
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Andrey Drogobetski
- digital compositor
- Luke Drummond
- digital compositor
- Patricio Ducaud
- visual effects artist
- Julien Ducenne
- digital compositor: MPC
- Christophe Duflaut
- digital compositor
- Alejandro Dumas
- rotoscope animator
- Lorna Dumba
- visual effects department manager: MPC
- Ashley-Martin Dunn
- stereoscopic roto artist
- Ryan Dutour
- digital compositor
- Thomas Dyg
- sequence lead: Cinesite
- Kishan E. Chandran
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Bruno Ebe
- visual effects technical director
- Carl Edlund
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Gracie Edscer
- vfx production manager: MPC
- Lola Edun
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- David Edwards
- roto artist: Animal Logic
- Kaley Edwards
- production assistant
- Richard Edwards
- stereo coordinator: Warner Bros
- Dadi Einarsson
- visual effects supervisor: Framestore Reykjavik
- Zahraa El Tatari
- stereoscopic coordinator
- David Elices
- stereoscopic compositor
- Karen Elliott
- stereoscopic conversion compositor
- Jane Ellis
- visual effects coordinator
- Stephen Ellis
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Chris Elmer
- lighting/look development artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Stephen Elson
- visual effects producer: baseblack
- Dan Elvins
- data operator: Cinesite
- Robin Emerson
- pipeline technical director
- Andrew Emmerson
- stereoscopic compositor
- Zsuzsanna Erdei
- matchmove artist: Peanut FX
- Airyque Ervin
- rotoscope artist: The Base Studio
- Csaba László Eröss
- visual effects coordinator
- Jérome Escobar
- effects technical director: MPC
- Daniel Evans
- head of shaders: Framestore
- Jo-Ann Evans
- visual effects 3D production supervisor: Warner Brothers
- Michele Fabbro
- fx technical director: Framestore
- Péter Farkas
- digital compositor: Baseblack
- Daniele Federico
- pipeline td
- Amy Felce
- senior matchmove artist (as Amy Lloyd)
- Fathima Feminò
- stereoscopic compositor
- Bruno Fernandes
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Tito Fernandes
- stereo layout artist
- Via Fernandez
- digital artist: The Base Studio
- Via Fernandez
- digital artist
- Dominique Fiore
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Igor Fiorentini
- digital compositor
- Greg Fisher
- head of animation: MPC
- Jack Fisher
- visual effects
- Jay Fleming
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Joss Flores
- digital compositor
- Brad Floyd
- lead compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- John Follmer
- stereoscopic conversion executive producer: VenSat America
- Adam Folse
- stereo depth artist
- David Forsbrey
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Q Fortier
- head of technology: Tippett Studio
- James Foster
- digital compositor
- Matt Fox
- head of production: Framestore
- Zack Fox
- stereo conversion coordinator: IE Effects
- Page Frakes
- color pipeline supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Boominathan Frances
- matchmove artist
- Wes Franklin
- lookdev artist / lighting td: MPC
- Jordan Freda
- visual effects producer: The Base Studio
- Lachlan French
- digital tracking/matchmove artist
- Miles Friedman
- visual effects coordinator: Lola VFX
- Jeremy Fries
- roto/animation artist
- Sarah Fuller
- look development/lighting artist
- Amy Furey
- data operator: Cinesite
- Laetitia Gabrielli
- look dev artist
- Jigesh Gajjar
- matchmove supervisor: The Moving Picture Company
- Aron Galabuzi
- digital paint artist: Prime Focus
- Murray Gale
- visual effects production assistant: Cinesite
- Javier Gallego
- digital compositor
- Edwin Gamez
- stereoscopic roto artist
- William Gammon
- lead compositor
- Mayur Gangasagar
- stereo compositor & element compositing
- Subbulakshmi Ganthimathinathan
- visual effects artist
- Juan Edgardo Garcia
- rotoscope artist: Sassoon Film Design
- Mohit Garg
- Stereo Roto Artist: Prime Focus
- Benn Garnish
- character animator: Cinesite
- Caroline Garrett
- cg manager: Cinesite
- Adam Gascoyne
- visual effects supervisor union vfx
- Sarah Gatefield
- junior matchmove artist: Framestore
- Nikos Gatos
- lighting supervisor: Cinesite
- Robert Geisler
- roto artist
- Marco Genovesi
- head of matte painting: MPC
- Jack George
- visual effects production coordinator
- Saneesh George
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Clement Gerard
- lighting sequence lead: Double Negative
- Nikhil Ghoorbin
- scanning and recording technician
- Kunal Ghosh Dastider
- senior effects technical director: MPC
- Jackson Gichuki
- stereoscopic artist
- Walter Gilbert
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Safiya Gili
- stereoscopic conversion artist co-lead
- Ivan Girard
- concept artist: Cinesite
- Matthew Glen
- visual effects editor
- Frederikke Glick
- paint artist
- Melissa Goddard
- stereoscopic conversion compositor
- Steven Godfrey
- visual effects artist
- Erick Godreau
- stereo compositor
- Jitesh Gohil
- digital artist: MPC
- Rui Gomes
- systems administrator: Framestore Iceland
- Lisa Gonzalez
- lead modeller
- Kyle Goodsell
- digital compositor
- Zachary Goodson
- track/matchmove artist
- Azzard Gordon
- cgi modeler: Double Negative
- Mark Gostlow
- compositor: Framestore
- Andrew Gough
- motion capture specialist
- A.B. Govardhan
- lead matchmove artist
- Sofus Graae
- visual effects coordinator
- Charlotte Gray
- digital artist: digital restoration
- Luke Gray
- lead stereo compositor: Prime Focus / roto artist: MPC
- Robert Grbevski
- lead technical director
- Aoife Greenham
- lead stereoscopic compositor
- Gavin Gregory
- visual effects coordinator
- Donald Gremillion II
- stereo depth artist: Pixel Magic
- Dave Griffiths
- lead compositor
- Jeff Grigsby
- visual effects: Gradient Effects
- Chloe Grysole
- visual effects producer: Cinesite
- Natalia Gubareva
- roto artist/compositor: Animal Logic
- Scott Gudahl
- digital artist
- Omar Gudjonsson
- compositor
- Diego Guerrero
- lead lighting technical director: MPC London
- Viraj Gulati
- digital compositor (as Rajan Gulati)
- Vinod Gundre
- senior stereoscopic compositor
- Ben Gunsberger
- computer graphics supervisor: Animal Logic
- Dong Guo
- stereoscopic conversion lead
- Gourav Gupta
- Stereo Artist
- Sirish Babu Gurrala
- roto supervisor: Prime Focus 3D
- Carl Guyenette
- rotoscope artist
- Amélie Guyot
- matchmove supervisor: Peanut FX
- Gil Hacco
- matchmove lead: Sassoon Film Design [us]
- Crystal Hadcroft
- visual effects editor: MPC
- Jason Hadley
- Stereo Compositor
- Venetia Hadley
- compositor: Cinesite (as Venetia Penna)
- Lee Hahn
- digital production manager
- Bruno Hajnal
- lighting artist: Cinesite
- Jerry Hall
- digital compositor
- Luan Hall
- roto artist
- Robert J. Hall
- paint/prep artist
- Chris M. Halstead
- digital compositor (as Chris Halstead)
- Paul Haman
- matchmove supervisor: Sassoon Film Design
- Joseph Hamdorf
- visual effects animator: Tippett Studio
- Raphael Hamm
- digital compositor / visual effects: Double Negative
- Adam Hammond
- digital compositor / visual effects: Double Negative
- Fay Hancocks
- visual effects line producer: Double Negative
- Sam Hanover
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Kristina Marie Hansen
- rotoscope artist (as Kristina Nunez-Hansen)
- Pete Hanson
- studio manager: Double Negative
- Ryu Harada
- generalist technical director
- Michael Harden
- vfx edit assistant
- Kayleigh Harding
- visual effects coordinator
- John Hardwick
- visual effects artist
- Will Hardwick
- visual effects artist
- Mark Harmon
- stereo compositor
- Brandon Harr
- lidar scanning: LiDAR VFX
- Jason Harris
- visual effects artist
- Ben Harrison
- stereoscopic vfx coordinator
- Claire Harrison
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Gavin Harrison
- creature lead technical director: Double Negative
- Mark Harrison
- senior lighting technical director
- Will Harrower
- research and development: Double Negative
- Chris Hart
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Simon Haslett
- lead compositor and designer
- Andy Hass
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Arnaud Havart
- environment artist: MPC
- Michael Havart
- digital environment artist
- Steve Hawken
- compositor: Cinesite
- Ed Hawkins
- digital effects supervisor
- James Hays III
- stereoscopic roto artist: The Base Studio
- Leanne Hayward
- visual effects editor: Double Negative (as Leanne Young)
- Adam Hazard
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Karsten Hecker
- imaging engineer
- Oliver Heinrich
- digital compositor: MPC
- Nicole Hekel
- compositor
- Richard Helliwell
- senior render wrangler: Cinesite
- Kieron Helsdon
- environment lead
- Rachael Hender
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Julio Del Rio Hernandez
- lead animator
- Joshua Herrig
- lead lighting/ look development artist
- Laurent Herveic
- modeler
- Rebecca Heskes
- digital artist
- Jan Heusler
- digital compositor: MPC
- Grant Hewlett
- visual effects supervisor: Cinesite
- Matthew James Hill
- visual effects producer: opening sequence
- Sara Hilmarsdóttir
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Sean Hince
- motion capture animator: motion capture unit
- Cristian Hinz
- visual effects artist
- Martin Hjalmarsson
- compositor
- Thomas Rotohiko Hobman
- technical animator: MPC
- Tom Hocking
- compositor / visual effects: Double Negative
- Victoria Hodson
- matchmove artist
- Dylan Holden
- stereoscopic roto artist
- Rebecca Holdstock
- tracking artist: Cinesite (as Rebecca Miller)
- Duncan Holland
- visual effects coordinator: Baseblack
- Tim Holleyman
- digital matte painter: MPC
- Rudi Holzapfel
- visual effects supervisor: Baseblack
- Jason Horley
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Russell Horth
- lead artist: compositing: Framestore
- Ben Houston
- visual effects engineer
- Julian Howard
- layout technical director
- Ritchie Hoyle
- roto animator
- Jack Hughes
- in-house compositor / set matchmove technician
- Ãlex Huguet
- digital artist
- Antony Hunt
- executive producer: Cinesite
- Jess Hunt
- paint & roto artist
- Matthew Hunt
- visual effects artist
- Robert Husted
- data manager: Sassoon Film Design
- Julian Hutchens
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Louise Hutchinson
- visual effects co-ordinator: Cinesite
- Michael Illingworth
- visual effects: Vine
- Nicholas Illingworth
- effects technical director: Double Negative (as Nik Illingworth)
- Chris Ingersoll
- digital compositor
- Laura Ingram
- compositor
- Amanda Instone
- visual effects artist
- Jonna Isotalus
- digital compositor
- Velichko Ivanov
- senior stereoscopic compositor
- Albena Ivanova
- stereoscopic compositor
- Christopher Ivins
- stereoscopic compositor: ICO
- Lakshmi J.K.
- digital artist
- Matt Jacobs
- visual effects supervisor
- Vahram Jacobs
- stereoscopic compositor
- Marius Andre Jacobsen
- stereo converting / tracking
- Aanand Jadhav
- visual effects artist
- Prashant Jadhav
- rotomation arist
- Andrew Luis Jagtap
- stereo production
- Suzanne Jandu
- digital compositor
- Jason Paul Jansky
- animation
- Christopher Jaques
- roto/prep artist: double negative
- Christopher Jarvis
- stereoscopic compositor: I.E. Effects
- Daniel Jeantou
- technical support
- Sivaprakash Jeevanantham
- digital artist
- Nathan Jennings
- digital artist
- Hanjoo Jeong
- effects technical director: MPC
- Chris Jestico
- visual effects department manager: MPC
- Olivier Jezequel
- digital compositor
- Adam Jhani-Stephens
- studio assistant
- Zhi Jin
- compositor
- Helen Johnson
- digital compositor
- Ross Johnson
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Christopher Django Johnston
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Ingrid Johnston
- visual effects producer: Animal Logic
- Keith Jones
- digital compositor
- Marc Jones
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Owen Jones
- matchmove supervisor
- Simon P. Jones
- lighting lead: Moving Picture Company
- Philip Joslin
- lead stereo compositor
- Alroy Jovi
- rotoscope artist: Prime Focus
- Nicolas Joyen-Conseil
- roto artist
- Jason Jue
- stereoscopic compositor
- Kirk Jung
- matchmove/layout: Tippett Studio (as Kirk Larkins)
- Sarah Juniper
- compositor: Baseblack
- Dinesh K. Bishnoi
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Rajesh Kumar K.V.
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Theivendran Kabelan
- visual effects
- Christian Kaestner
- 2D supervisor: Framestore
- Pratik Kalani
- lead stereo compositor
- Noushad Kallingal
- visual effects artist
- Jeffrey Kalmus
- stereographer: ICO VFX
- Barry Kane
- rendering supervisor
- Mel Kangleon
- lead colourist
- Jeevith Kanth
- roto/animation artist: MPC
- Ranajoy Kar
- roto/animation artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Per Karefelt
- senior research & development engineer
- Michael Karp
- matchmove artist
- Alban Kasikci
- digital compositor
- John Kay
- CG animator: MPC
- Mohsin Kazi
- digital compositor
- Jacob Kebodeaux
- stereo depth artist
- James D. Kelly
- visual effects photographer: MPC
- John Kelly
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Kat Kelly
- stereoscopic conversion artist co-lead
- Matt Kelly
- digital stereoscopic compositor
- Stephanie C. Kelly
- digital compositor
- Jeremy Kelly-Bakker
- visual effects artist
- Henry Kemplen
- visual effects assistant editor
- Lim Ken
- matchmove artist
- Abbie Kennedy
- matchmove artist: Double Negative (as Abbie Smith)
- David Kenneth
- stereoscopic executive producer: I.E. Effects
- Annabelle Kent
- digital compositor
- Nicolas Kermel
- digital compositor
- Alex Kerridge
- visual effects production assistant
- Bernhard Kerschbaumer
- visual effects artist
- Aslam Khader Hayath
- senior matchmove artist: MPC Bangalore (as K.H. Aslam)
- Asim Khan
- generalist td: Baseblack
- Sevendalino Khay
- lead digital matte painter: Cinesite
- Atul Khurana
- stereoscopic conversion
- Elaine Kieran
- shader writer: double negative
- John Kilshaw
- lead fx artist
- Erin Eunsung Kim
- visual effects coordinator
- Hong Kim
- match move artist: Sassoon Film Design
- SeungJang 'Jack' Kim
- lead modeler
- Tom Kimberley
- digital compositor: MPC
- Andy Kind
- vfx supervisor: Framestore
- Noah Klabunde
- lighting technical director
- Niels Kleinheinz
- rigger (as Niels Roscher)
- Dominik Klotz
- rotoscope artist: The Base Studio
- Daniel Kmet
- animator: MPC
- Dorian Knapp
- previs artist: Double Negative
- Jonathan Knight
- sequence compositing supervisor: Double Negative
- Dinesh Kokirkar
- Paint Artist
- Marcin Kolendo
- digital compositor
- Lev Kolobov
- on-set visual effects support / senior visual effects compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Rohit Korgaonkar
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Lars Kramer
- camera td / visual effects artist
- Richard Kratt
- stereoscopic conversion
- Benjamin Krebs
- digital compositor
- Andreas Krein
- digital compositor: stereoscopic
- Michal Kriukow
- senior modeler
- Mark Kronstein
- editorial: Sassoon Film Design
- Morgan Krutz
- visual effects artist
- Jola Kudela
- digital compositor
- Swapnil Kulkarni
- stereoscopic conversion lead
- Vikram Kulkarni
- digital compositor
- Sujay Kumar G.
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Binod Kumar
- Stereo Roto Artist
- N. Chiranjeevi Eswar Kumar
- visual effects artist
- Praveen Kumar
- roto and paint (as Kumar Praveen)
- Rajnish Kumar
- visual effects artist
- Amit George Kuruvilla
- effects td: Cinesite
- George Kyparissous
- lighting artist: Cinesite
- Leandre Lagrange
- digital artist
- Sean Lahiff
- visual effects editor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Sabine Laimer
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Erran Lake
- data wrangler
- Toby Langley
- assistant production manager: Prime Focus
- Cam Langs
- digital effects supervisor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Douglas Larmour
- visual effects sequence lead
- Greg LaSalle
- facial motion capture supervisor
- Lorenzo Lavatelli
- effects technical director
- Aaron M. Lawn
- lighting lead: MPC
- Stafford Lawrence
- animator
- Isaac Layish
- sequence compositing supervisor: Double Negative
- Guillaume Le Gouez
- digital compositor
- Michael F. Le
- rotoscope artist
- Tracey Leadbetter
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Aaron Lear
- paint & roto artist
- Rick Leary
- cg supervisor: Double Negative
- Daniel Leatherdale
- paint/roto artist: Double Negative
- Florent Lebrun
- environment artist
- Youen Leclerc
- lighting td: Cinesite
- Adrian Lee
- visual effects technical director: Double Negative (as Ed Lee)
- Key Hyung Lee
- effects technical director: double negative
- Ming-Chia Lee
- effects technical director: double negative
- Robbie Lee
- visual effects editor: Baseblack
- Steven Lees-Smith
- support engineering supervisor: animal logic
- Max Leonard
- visual effects coordinator: Lola Visual Effects
- Philippe Leprince
- shading research and development: Double Negative
- Jean-François Leroux
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Benoit Leveau
- software developer
- Julien Leveugle
- lead stereoscopic compositor
- Julian Levi
- visual effects executive producer: MPC
- Michael Levine
- lead cloth technical director: Rising Sun Pictures
- Riley Liao
- rotoscope artist: Gener8
- David Lieberman
- stereoscopic conversion compositor co-lead
- Anu Liikkanen
- paint/prep artist
- Scott Lissard
- stereo depth artist
- Jules Lister
- visual effects production coordinator: Double Negative
- Steven Lloyd
- senior compositor
- Zachary Lo
- compositor
- Jacqueline Lockley
- digital compositor (as Jacqui Purkess)
- Keir Longden
- junior lighting artist: Cinesite
- Luciano Lopes
- digital compositor
- Einer Lopez
- rotoscope artist: Gener8
- Gabriel Lopez
- stereo compositor
- Lydia Lopez-Arteaga
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Beatriz Lorenzo
- effects technical director
- Ashley Losada
- matchmover
- Charlotte Loughnane
- visual effects producer: Double Negative
- Steven Lovell
- roto artist: MPC
- Leah Low
- matchmove lead: Double Negative
- Rosella Lucherino
- stereoscopic compositor
- Sophie Luto
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Michael Lyle
- bodytracking supervisor: Double Negative
- Jamie Madill
- visual effects engineer
- Arman Mafi
- stereoscopic compositor
- Kevin Mah
- effects technical director: MPC
- Raj Mahendran
- technical support
- Liam Major
- rotoscope artist
- Daniel Malig
- stereoscopic compositor
- Jay Mallet
- motion control cameraman
- Shivam Mallick
- stereo compositor
- Finbar Mallon
- data operator: Cinesite
- Brian Malmstrom
- digital artist / roto lead: The Base Studio
- Rajesh Manayil
- animator/matchmove artist
- Mariana Mandelli
- visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
- Christina Mandia
- rotoanim artist: MPC
- Manikandan
- lead paint/prep artist
- Govindan Manivannan
- roto artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Virgil Manning
- visual effects artist
- Thomas Mansencal
- digital artist
- Laura Marcato
- data operator: Cinesite
- Mitchell Marciales
- track/matchmove artist
- Sophie Marfleet
- roto/prep artist
- Giorgio Marino
- digital compositor: MPC
- Anthony Mariya
- lead stereoscopic compositor: Prime Focus
- Eric Marko
- matchmove artist: Tippett Studio
- Filipe Marques
- stereo compositor: Animal Logic
- Lilly Heart Marriott
- matchmove artist (as Terry Marriott)
- Christopher Marshall
- previs artist: MPC
- Nick Marshall
- roto/paint artist: Double Negative
- Mel Martin
- visual effects coordinator
- Neil Martin
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Will Martindale
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Fran Martinez
- digital compositor
- Jérôme Martinez
- environment artist: MPC
- Abner MarÃn
- visual effects artist
- Stephen Mascarenhas
- stereoscopic conversion
- Daniel Maskit
- digital artist
- Dan Mason
- visual effects artist
- Shawn Mason
- digital compositor: MPC
- Francisco Massanet
- rotomation assistant lead
- Rachel Matchett
- head of production: MPC
- Jenna Mateo
- stereoscopic compositor
- Sean Mathiesen
- visual effects supervisor: rising sun pictures
- Javad Matoorian-Pour
- compositor
- Karin Mattsson
- animator: Double Negative
- David Mayhew
- lead hair and fur artist: MPC
- Alan McCabe
- lighting artist: MPC
- Peregrine McCafferty
- matchmove supervisor: Peanut FX
- Marianne McCarney
- visual effects artist
- Jason McDonald
- previs animator: MPC
- Ben McEwan
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Jonathan Mcfall
- visual effects artist
- Marlin McGlone
- technical support
- Ian McGonigal
- research and development: Double Negative
- Scott McInnes
- matte artist
- Ray McIntyre Jr.
- stereo fx supervisor: Pixel Magic
- Chris McLaughlin
- technical director: Double Negative
- Fiona McLean
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Rick McMahon
- visual effects artist
- James McPherson
- digital compositor
- Dan McRae
- senior stereoscopic conversion prep artist
- Paul McWilliams
- lighting technical director
- Keziah Meah
- visual effects artist: Double Negative (as Keziah Bailey)
- Antonio Meazzini
- digital compositor
- Alex Meddick
- visual effects editor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Greg Meeres-Young
- lighting/shot technical director
- Gurel Mehmet
- concept artist: Double Negative
- Jignesh Mehta
- effects department manager
- Sagar Mehta
- visual effects artist
- Tobias Meier
- lighting artist: Cinesite / lighting technical director: Cinesite
- Abigail Mendoza
- visual effects coordinator
- Charlotte Merrill
- compositor
- Károly Mesterházy
- environment technical director: MPC
- Andre Metello
- character technical director: double negative
- Ellie Meure
- digital compositor
- Dennis Michel
- stereographer: I.E. Effects
- Ellen E. Miki
- digital compositor
- Michael Milano
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Mark Millena
- digital paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Kate E. Mills
- visual effects production coordinator: Animal Logic
- Marzena Milowska
- paint & roto artist
- Giacomo Mineo
- digital compositor
- Carlos Miras Sepulveda
- vfx elements supervisor
- Sangita Mistry
- compositor: Double Negative
- Tamara Tai Mitchell
- digital compositor: Rising Sun Pictures (as Tamara Mitchell)
- John Moffatt
- visual effects supervisor
- Buhas Mohammedunny P.
- digital artist: MPC (as Buhas Mohammedunny)
- Vikram Mohan
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Farhad Mohasseb
- senior compositor
- Young Joon Mok
- digital compositor
- László Molnár
- visual effects artist
- Stephen Molyneaux
- digital artist
- Dele Momoh
- ligthing & rendering technical director
- Oliver Money
- visual effects producer
- Massoud 'Ollie' Monsef
- matchmove artist: stereoscopic conversion
- Olivier Montero
- roto/animation artist
- Fernanda Moreno
- cg artist: Double Negative
- Louis Morgan
- data operator: Cinesite
- Michael Morley
- stereo compositor
- Stephen Moros
- matchmove artist
- Dafydd Morris
- layout artist: MPC
- Giuseppe Motta
- senior lighting technical director
- Brad Moylan
- lead stereo compositor: Pixel Magic
- Vamsi Krishna Mudraboina
- visual effects artist
- Prasenjit Mukherjee
- roto/paint artist
- Chris Mulcaster
- modelling and texturing: Cinesite
- James Mulholland
- visual effects artist: BaseBlack
- Bradley Mullennix
- technical director: I.E. Effects
- Christopher Mullins
- animator: Tippett
- Norah Mulroney
- digital compositor / stereoscopic conversion
- Adriano Mulè
- digital compositor
- Katy Mummery
- visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
- Atyeb Muneer
- stereo compositor
- Brian Murphy
- stereoscopic compositor
- Shane Murphy
- roto artist
- Sandra Murta
- layout artist: MPC
- Jesh Krishna Murthy
- visual effects (as Jesh Murthy)
- Dominica Myles
- digital matchmove artist: Animal Logic
- Annie Nakamura
- digital compositor: Double Negative (as Annie V. Wong)
- Ross Nakamura
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Jeff Nakao
- visual effects artist
- Nandhakishore
- senior matchmove artist
- Anita Naufal
- stereoscopic compositor
- Evgueni Naverniouk
- rotomation artist: Gener8
- Gregory Nazarian
- stereoscopic compositor
- Leo Neelands
- senior compositor: Cinesite
- Devesh Neema
- roto artist: prime focus
- Ryan Neff
- matchmove artist
- Marlene Nehls
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Shaan Nelson
- rotoanim artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Paul Nendick
- head of technology: Baseblack
- Geng Tong Neo
- matchmove artist: Double Negative Singapore
- Mervyn New
- visual effects artist
- Stephen Newbold
- digital compositor: MPC
- Alana Newell
- digital compositor (as Alana Aranki)
- Elliot Newman
- asset supervisor
- Stella Hui Sze Ng
- matchmove lead (as Ng Hui Sze Stella)
- Antony Nguyen
- digital artist
- Habib Niazi
- visual effects artist: double negative
- Dillan Nicholls
- digital compositor: MPC
- Carlos-Christian Nickel
- senior lighting technical director
- Luke Niejadlik
- motion capture technician
- Timo-Pekko Nieminen
- 3d artist
- Tiziano Niero
- motion control assistant operator
- John Niforos
- lead visual effects artist
- Jamie Niman
- technical animator: MPC
- Nirshid
- roto/prep-comp supervisor
- Madhok Nisha
- roto artist: MPC
- Thomas Nittmann
- visual effects producer: Lola Visual Effects
- James Noorani
- visual effects editorial assistant: mpc
- Victor Norberg
- digital compositor
- Fredrik Nordbeck
- end credits designer
- Kevin Norris
- roto/paint artist: Double Negative
- Emma Norton
- visual effects producer
- Marion Nove-Josserand
- lighting artist: Cinesite
- Brian Nugent
- digital compositor
- Dameon O'Boyle
- technical animator (as Dameon Boyle)
- Barry O'Brien
- stereoscopic supervisor: Prime Focus
- Diarmaid O'Connor
- senior mocap technician: Audiomotion
- Tom O'Flaherty
- previs animator
- Jim O'Hagan
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Cian O'Laoi
- view-d editor
- Noel O'Malley
- tracking artist: Cinesite
- Conor O'Mara
- visual effects artist
- Timothy P. O'Shea
- production executive: The Base Studio
- Conrad Olson
- compositor
- Robert Olsson
- matte painter
- Alban Orlhiac
- senior texture artist: Double Negative
- Elaine Ormes
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Nathan Ortiz
- digital effects artist
- Sam Osborne
- digital compositor
- Valerio Oss
- digital compositor: Union VFX
- Matthew Ovens
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Manish Pachauri
- roto & paint artist
- Sharon Packer
- crowd technical director
- Prashant M. Padol
- rotomation artist: Anibrain
- Premamurti Paetsch
- effects/crowd technical director: Rising Sun Pictures
- Daniel Painter
- roto/compositor: Animal Logic
- Chris Paizis
- matchmove supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Amanda Pamela
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Guo Kun Pan
- render support: Framestore
- Suresh Pandi
- roto artist: MPC
- Blaise Panfalone
- visual effects coordinator
- Gurpreet Singh Pannu
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Zissis Papatzikis
- visual effects
- Alexandra Papavramides
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Keshav Parab
- roto artist : Prime Focus
- Priyank Parekh
- rotoscopy artist: Tata Elxsi
- James Parente
- cloth technical director: Rising Sun Pictures
- Puja Parikh
- matchmove lead: The Moving Picture Company
- Emanuele Paris
- visual effects artist
- Adam Parker
- prep artist: Framestore
- Clark Parkhurst
- visual effects supervisor: Lola VFX
- Jim Parsons
- senior compositor: Cinesite
- Steve Parsons
- compositor
- Lawrence Pasion
- character modeler: Cinesite
- Annsh Patel
- stereo production manager
- Kartik Rajul Patel
- cleanup artist
- Nikul Patel
- visual effects
- Radhika Patel
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Vishal Patel
- effects td: Cinesite
- Bhushan Patil
- digital compositor
- Yadnyesh Patil
- rotoscopy: TATA ELXSI VLC
- John A. Patterson
- effects td: Cinesite
- Aragon Pawson
- compositor
- Christopher Payne
- vfx editorial assistant: Double Negative
- Eloise Rachael Payne
- rotoscope artist: Double Negative
- Simon Payne
- visual effects
- Soren Bendt Aaboe Pedersen
- visual effects artist (as Soeren Bendt Pedersen)
- Justin Peer
- set matchmove technician
- Laurie Pellard
- studio: double negative
- Cecile Peltier
- digital compositor: MPC
- Eric Peltier
- visual effects
- Anshul Pendse
- rendering technical director: MPC
- Caleb Pennypacker
- matchmove artist
- Miriam Pepper-Parsons
- senior matchmove artist: Cinesite (as Miriam Pepper)
- Enrico Perei
- senior digital compositor
- Ana Sofia Mestre de Almeida Pereira
- compositor: Double Negative (as Ana Mestre)
- Nuno Nisa Pereira
- visual effects technical director: MPC
- Jonathan Perez
- matchmove artist
- Victor Perez
- digital compositor
- Menelaos Peristeridis
- paint artist: Prime Focus London
- Angelo Perrotta
- compositor: Cinesite / senior compositor and comp td
- Josh Peterson
- stereoscopic roto artist
- Matteo Petricone
- compositor: Cinesite (as Petricone Matteo) / digital compositor: Cinesite (as Petricone Matteo)
- Daniel Pettipher
- production manager: Cinesite
- Sean Pfeiffer
- roto artist: Lola VFX
- Andy Phillips
- rigger
- Brad Phillips
- stereoscopic compositor: I.E. Effects
- Kate Phillips
- visual effects producer: Baseblack
- Rob Pieke
- senior software engineer: MPC
- Kevin Pierce
- lead compositor
- Nick Pill
- digital effects artist
- Michael Pilling
- digital artist
- Jorge Pimentel
- lighting & lookdev technical director
- James Pina
- stereoscopic roto supervisor
- Andrew Pinson
- digital paint & roto artist: Framestore (as Andy Pinson)
- George Plakides
- visual effects artist
- Ed Plant
- visual effects artist
- Marine Poirson
- lighting technical director
- Jason Pomerantz
- production supervisor (IMAX version)
- Pietro Ponti
- lead artist: Double Negative
- Lee Chan Popo
- paint and roto artist
- Kate Porter
- digital compositor
- Tim Pounds-Cornish
- visual effects production manager
- Donna Poynton
- roto/prep lead: MPC
- Ashvini R. Prabhu
- compositor
- Rajasekar Prince
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Richard Pring
- view-d editor
- Emily Probert
- stereo compositor: Animal Logic
- Jean-Colas Prunier
- head of department: MPC
- Ramprasad Puli
- visual effects artist
- James Purdy
- visual effects coordinator
- Ryan Purnell
- compositor: ICO VFX
- Katherine Pursey
- visual effects artist
- Eugene Purugganan
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Sonny Pye
- digital compositor
- Simon Pynn
- matchmove supervisor: Double Negative
- Maickel Quinet
- paint & roto artist
- Simon Rafin
- digital compositor
- Søren Ragsdale
- cg lighting artist: Double Negative
- Shahriar Rahman
- stereoscopic compositor
- Chandraji Tharanga Rajakaruna
- stereoscopic compositor
- Velmurugan Rajamani
- stereo roto artist: EFX
- Komal Rajput
- tracking & matchmove artist
- Vikas Rajput
- art lead
- Ramkumar Raju
- digital artist
- Ludovic Ramisandraina
- effects technical director: MPC
- Carlos Calle Ramos
- visual effects artist
- Nick Rampling
- digital artist
- Rebecca Ramsey
- visual effects producer: Gradient Effects
- Mayec Rancel
- effects technical director
- Eliza Pelham Randall
- vfx supervisor: View-D & Feature VFX Training & Production, Prime Focus
- Ambrish Rangan
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Jennah Rasmussen
- department manager
- Satish Ratakonda
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Ankitsingh Rathor
- stereoscopic compositor
- Ravindra Singh Rathore
- compositor
- Daniel Rauchwerger
- digital compositor / visual effects: Double Negative
- Dipak Raval
- roto/prep artist
- Julien Record
- digital compositor
- Satya Reddy
- compositor
- Pratik Redkar
- stereo
- Cory Redmond
- lighting technical director
- Richard R. Reed
- compositing lead: Double Negative
- Sam Reed
- visual effects artist
- Tom Reed
- head of rigging: MPC
- Siân Rees
- paint & roto artist
- Julia Reinhard
- compositing lead: Double Negative
- Kristian Rejek
- digital compositor: MPC
- Mike Rhone
- visual effects technical director: Double Negative
- Marc Rice
- paint & rotoscoping supervisor
- Tania Richard
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Rob Richardson
- effects artist
- Dean Richichi
- compositor
- Rob Ride
- matchmove artist
- Chad Ridgeway
- stereoscopic roto artist: The Base Studio
- Martin Riedel
- digital compositor: MPC
- Christopher Riemann
- digital compositor: Gradient FX
- Jordi Riera
- software developer: MPC
- Viktor Rietveld
- fx supervisor
- Rory Riggins
- track/matchmove artist
- Laszlo Rikker
- stereoscopic compositor
- Adriano Rinaldi
- lead effects technical director: MPC
- Wesley Roberts
- 2d artist: Double Negative / visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Andy Robinson
- digital effects supervisor: Cinesite
- Philip J. Robinson
- matchmove artist
- Brian Rogers
- visual effects producer/3D production supervisor: IE Effects
- Suresh Rohit
- visual effects coordinator
- Gal Roiter
- lighting technical director: Double Negative
- Daniel Roizman
- stereoscopic pipeline
- Austin Ronald
- roto/prep artist
- Charles Rose
- cg supervisor
- Tara Roseblade
- digital compositor
- Gavin Round
- 3D production supervisor: Warner Brothers
- Julien Rousseau
- digital compositor
- Isabelle Rousselle
- senior digital matte painter: MPC
- Craig Rowe
- digital compositor
- Trevor Rowland
- stereoscopic technical art director
- Tumi Rufai
- stereoscopic compositor
- Rosi Ruiz
- stereoscopic conversion lead artist
- Karl Rumpf
- stereo conversion production manager: ICO VFX
- Katya Ruslanova
- compositor: Cinesite (as Ruslanova Katya) / digital compositor (as Ruslanova Katya)
- Leigh Russell
- texture artist
- Timothy Russell
- cg artist: Double Negative
- James Rustad
- visual effects artist
- Andrey Ryabovichev
- concept artist
- Niki Ryan
- compositor: Double Negative (as Niki Turpin)
- Sajeev Sadanandan
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Rajeev Sahu
- visual effects artist
- Stephanie Saillard
- digital compositor
- Florian Salanova
- lighting technical director: Double Negative
- Rhys Salcombe
- modeller: Double Negative
- Miguel A. Salek
- visual effects
- Sam Salek
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Avi Salem
- compositor (stereoscopic conversion)
- Bhushan Salgaonkar
- rotoscope artist: Prime Focus
- Alessandro Salis
- stereoscopic compositor
- Matthew Salisbury
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Peter Salter
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Sean Samuels
- digital matte painting artist: MPC
- Olov Samuelsson
- compositor: Double Negative
- Steven Sandles
- cloth lead: MPC
- Jim Sandys
- senior animatronic model designer
- Mohan Sangeeth
- production coordinator: MPC
- Sable Sanjiv
- senior stereoscopic compositor
- Sribalaji Santharam
- digital artist
- B.S. Rajkumar Sapate
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Kyri Saphiris
- production accountant: Cinesite
- A.K. Saravanan
- matchmove artist
- Swapnil Sargade
- visual effects artist
- Tarkan Sarim
- digital artist: MPC
- Aniruddha Satam
- roto/prep artist: Double Negative
- Harshad Sawant
- roto artist: prime focus
- Geoff Sayer
- senior compositor
- Sabrina Scalfari
- visual effects line producer: MPC
- Lena Scanlan
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- William Schaeffer
- digital compositor (as Bill Schaeffer)
- Matthias Scharfenberg
- research and development
- Jeremy Schichtel
- visual effects artist
- Jordan Schilling
- digital compositor: MPC
- David Schnee
- compositing supervisor: Tippett Studio
- David Schrijn
- rotoscope artist
- Julie Schultz
- visual effects coordinator (as Julie Podolski)
- Jamie Schumacher
- stereoscopic conversion lead
- Tom Schwarz
- rendering technical director
- Michele Sciolette
- head of visual effects technology: Cinesite
- Paul Scott
- compositor
- Simon Scott
- animation editor: MPC
- Andy Scrase
- matchmove supervisor (as Andrew E. Scrase)
- Alexander Seaman
- effects animation supervisor: Double Negative
- Robert Seaton
- lighting td
- Pedro Seixas
- stereoscopic paint artist
- Debapriya Senanayak
- compositor
- Felix Serwir
- stereoscopic conversion compositor
- Nidhi Seth
- production coordinator
- Gianfranco Sgura
- digital compositor
- Aatesh Shah
- systems engineer: Framestore
- Swati Shamsundar Malu
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Steven Shapiro
- stereoscopic compositor
- Michael Sharck
- stereoscopic conversion compositor
- Maryam Sharifi
- stereoscopic conversion compositor
- Rahul Sharma
- digital artist
- Sanjeev Kumar Sharma
- Roto artist (as Sanjeev Kumar Sharma 2087)
- Sushant Sharma
- senior stereo compositor
- Chris Shaw
- visual effects supervisor
- Matthew Shaw
- digital compositor
- Steve Shearston
- effects td: Cinesite
- Rushikesh Shelar
- visual effects artist
- Sanket Shembekar
- stereoscopic compositor
- Ceylan Shevket
- head of techanim
- Nivrutti Shingole
- Stereo Roto Artist
- Swain Shiv
- visual effects artist
- Avdesh Shukla
- paint supervisor
- Shumandeb
- Additional VFX
- Davide Sibilia
- effects technical director: MPC
- Prasanna Siddharthan
- digital compositor: Gradient Effects
- Dominic Sidoli
- visual effects executive producer: Double Negative
- Brian Silva
- lighting technical director: Double Negative
- Joseph Silva
- lead artist: I.E. Effects
- Martin Simcock
- compositor
- Scott Simmons
- visual effects artist
- Christian Simon
- digital compositor: MPC
- Keith D. Simpson
- roto lead: The Base Studio
- Bruno Simões
- lead previs artist: MPC
- Scott Singer
- visual effects
- Chandan Singh
- compositor
- Nitin Singh
- production coordinator: paint & prep
- Tj Singh
- matchmove artist: Cinesite
- Akhauri P. Sinha
- vfx managing director
- Philip Sisk
- stereo compositor
- John Sissen
- lead tracking artist: Cinesite
- Karl Sisson
- digital matte painter: Cinesite / lighting technical director: Cinesite
- Jacob Slutsky
- lighting td
- Anton Smit
- visual effects
- Dane Allan Smith
- stereoscopic producer
- Jeremy Smith
- visual effects artist
- Sarah Smith
- visual effects coordinator: I.E. Effects
- Shane Smith
- imaging engineer
- Jean-David Solon
- concept artist: Cinesite
- Jeremy Son
- digital compositor
- Na Song
- senior modeler & texture artist: Cinesite
- Ryan Soule
- rotoscope artist
- Roy Soumyadipta
- roto animator
- Henry South
- cg modeler
- Danny Southard
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Chris Soyer
- visual effects artist
- John C. Sparks
- senior visual effects artist: MPC
- Reina Sparks
- digital matte painter: MPC
- Eliot Speed
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Jeff Speetjens
- digital artist
- Michael Spitzmiller
- lead stereoscopic compositor: Sassoon Film Design
- Elliot Staker
- matchmover: Cinesite
- Stephanie Jean Staunton
- digital compositor
- Richard Stay
- compositor
- Jim Steel
- senior digital compositor
- Petter Steen
- visual effects artist: Double Negative (as Petter Folkevall)
- Martin Stegmayer
- digital compositor
- Kasy Stein
- stereo compositor
- Noga Alon Stein
- visual effects coordinator
- Mark Stepanek
- senior lighting artist: Cinesite
- Laurence Stern
- tracker/matchmover
- Andy Stevens
- visual effects editor: Cinesite
- Charlie Stewart
- assistant visual effects editor: MPC
- Michele Stocco
- effects technical director: MPC
- Shelby Stong
- integration artist
- Sheldon Stopsack
- lighting supervisor: MPC
- Sean Stranks
- compositing supervisor: Double Negative
- Grant Street
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- David Philip Stripinis
- visual effects
- Maria Stroka
- vfx production manager
- Mary Stroumpouli
- roto/paint: Double Negative
- Mirek Suchomel
- visual effects compositor
- Aline Sudbrack
- effects technical director
- David Sullivan
- roto/paint supervisor
- Vinayaga Sundar
- digital artist: MPC
- Fredrik Sundqvist
- cg supervisor
- Richard Surridge
- render technical assistant
- Tammy Sutton
- stereographer/stereoscopic supervisor: Pixel Magic
- Simon Hjalti Sverrisson
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Alexander Swann
- digital paint & roto artist
- Philip Swart
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Makana Sylva
- stereoscopic compositor: Pixel Magic
- Nicholas Symons
- animator (as Nick Symons)
- Peter Szewczyk
- look development
- Albert Szostkiewicz
- effects technical director: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jeremy Séguin
- compositor: Cinesite / digital compositor
- Heiko Sülberg
- visual effects artist
- Ronald Tacsion
- rotoscope artist
- Jibraan Taimuri
- visual effects artist
- Neil Russell Tan
- rotoscope: Gener8
- Olcun Tan
- visual effects supervisor: Gradient Effects
- Sahil Tandial
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Jm Tangsoc
- rotoscope artist: Gener8
- Thomas Tannenberger
- visual effects producer: Gradient Effects
- Ruggero Taschini
- vfx td
- Michael Taylor
- production executive: Rising Sun Pictures
- Paul Taylor
- visual effects editor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Michelle Teefey-Lee
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Harihar Thaker
- stereo conversion artist
- Sawan Thakrar
- matchmove artist: Cinesite
- Damien Thaller
- lead digital matte painter
- Olivier Thibaut
- senior software developer: MPC
- Joseph Thomas M.
- matchmove artist
- Ben Thomas
- matchmove artist
- Christopher Thomas
- visual effects artist (as Chris Thomas)
- Promod Thomas
- digital artist
- Andrew K. Thompson
- paint/prep artist
- Nick Thompson
- stereoscopic coordinator
- Stephen Thornhill
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Samantha Thrupp
- vfx production coordinator: Animal Logic
- Richard Thwaites
- visual effects
- Andrew E. Tilles
- visual effects i/o: ICO VFX
- Ashley Tilley
- visual effects artist
- Raymond Tjernstrom
- visual effects
- Marie Tollec
- research & development: Double Negative
- Helder Tomas
- matchmove artist / tracking artist: Cinesite
- Christian Tomikowski
- digital compositor
- Chris Tomkins
- 3D support
- Mark Tompkins
- concept artist
- Alexander Toms
- compositor
- Josselin Tonnellier
- effects technical director: MPC
- Elena Topouzoglou
- digital compositor
- Oscar Tornincasa
- digital compositor
- James Tottman
- visual effects artist: MPC
- Will Towle
- camera tracker
- Patrick Trahan
- stereo depth artist
- Iva Trajkovic
- stereo conversion artist: Prime Focus
- Sanju Travis
- digital compositor
- Shreedhra Trehan
- rotoscopy: MPC
- Vipin Tripathi
- stereo roto artist
- Shannon Triplett
- vfx production coordinator: ICO VFX
- Christine Troianello
- roto/prep supervisor: MPC
- Chia-Chi Tseng
- stereoscopic compositor
- Eric Tsui
- generalist td: Baseblack
- James Turner
- vfx production assistant: MPC
- Jonathan Turner
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Barry R. Tuttle
- visual effects coordinator: The Base Studio
- Matthew Twyford
- visual effects supervisor: Baseblack
- Kat Tysoe
- studio: double negative: Double Negative
- Yuki Uehara
- flame artist
- Chris Ung
- digital effects artist: Double Negative
- Jon Uriarte
- digital compositor
- Nilesh Uttarwar
- compositor
- Gnanasundaram Vadivel
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Pan Vafeiadis
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Arturs Vaitilavics
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Janis Vaitilavics
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Mauricio Valderrama
- compositor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jonny Vale
- visual effects marketing: MPC
- Gianfranco Valle
- effects technical director
- Vladimir Valovic
- digital compositor: MPC
- Leigh van der Byl
- texture painter: The Moving Picture Company
- Jozef van Eenbergen
- pipeline developer
- Courtney Vanderslice
- executive producer: Cinesite
- Robert Vanderstelt
- stereoscopic compositor: I.E. Effects
- Jayme Vandusen
- stereoscopic compositor
- Cameron VanHook
- visual effects artist
- Carol VanHook
- stereoscopic lead
- Mohit Varde
- stereoscopic conversion artist: Prime Focus
- Sherin Varghese
- roto artist
- Vasantharajan.g.d
- matchmove artist
- Gianluca Vatinno
- research and development: Double Negative
- Frederick B. Vega
- pipeline technical assistant: Tippett Studio
- Sebastien Veilleux
- digital compositor
- Venkatakrishnan
- visual effects producer
- Damodaran Venkatesan
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Arpita Venugopal
- effects technical director: MPC
- Aurelio x. Vera Jr.
- stereoscopic compositor
- Jeanette Vera
- rotoscope artist: The Base Studio
- Monica Verdu
- compositor: Cinesite
- Felipe Verdugo
- digital effects artist
- David Vickery
- visual effects supervisor: Double Negative
- Jesse Vickery
- character animator
- Duarte Victorino
- effects technical director: MPC
- Sarah D. Vigil
- stereoscopic rotoscope artist
- Nisha Vijayan
- visual effects coordinator
- Sukumaran Lalithambika Vijin
- senior roto/paint artist: MPC
- Johan Vikstrom
- compositor: MPC
- Dani Villalba
- lighting technical director: Double Negative
- Anthony Vingas
- stereoscopic roto artist
- Radu Vintila
- lead systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Keven Viragh-Begert
- visual effects artist
- Gopalarathinam Viswanathan
- digital artist
- Marion Voignier
- stereo compositor: Animal Logic
- Carlo Volpati
- digital artist
- Holger Voss
- digital effects supervisor: Cinesite
- Kenneth Voss
- roto/paint artist: Tippett Studio
- Victor Wagner
- visual effects artist
- Maggie Walby
- digital paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Nathan Walster
- visual effects artist
- Mette Walter
- visual effects
- Karen Wand
- compositor: Cinesite
- Tim Warnock
- matte painter
- Andy Warren
- visual effects artist
- Thomas Warrender
- digital artist
- Malcolm Watts
- matchmove
- Jeremy Webber
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Candice Weber
- roto artist
- Ollie Weigall
- compositor: Cinesite
- Diana Marie Wells
- digital effects artist
- Glenn Wells
- matchmove artist
- Jason Wen
- visual effects artist: MPC
- Holly Wenger
- matchmover lead / tracking lead
- Daniel Wennerholm
- stereoscopic conversion artist
- Neil West
- lighting td
- Kyle Wetton
- vfx production coordinator: MPC
- Andrew Wheater
- texture painter: Cinesite
- Vaughn White
- matchmove artist: Animal Logic
- James Whitlam
- visual effects executive producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Todd Widup
- senior rigger: MPC
- Ruth Wiegand
- rigger
- Aaron Wiesinger
- stereoscopic compositor
- Matthew Wigg
- visual effects editor: Rising Sun Pictures (as Matt Wigg)
- Ross Lee Wilkinson
- matchmove artist: double negative
- William Marshall Wilkinson
- assistant visual effects editor: Cinesite
- Tammy Willbourne
- digital compositor: Double Negative (as Tammy Smith)
- Amielia Williams
- production assistant: MPC (as Amie Cox)
- Edson Williams
- vfx technical supervisor: Lola Visual Effects
- Ben Wilson
- stereo compositor: Animal Logic
- Chris Wilson
- 3D lighting artist: MPC
- Kirsty Wilson
- visual effects production manager
- Blake Winder
- digital compositor: MPC
- Oliver Winwood
- effects technical director: MPC
- Martin Wiseman
- visual effects producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- David B. Wolgemuth II
- digital compositor
- Ammann Christine Wong
- sequence lead (as Christine Wong)
- Gemma Wood
- visual effects production manager (as Gemma James)
- Graham Wood
- matchmove artist
- Max Wood
- cg supervisor
- Rory Woodford
- digital modeler: MPC
- Keith Woodhams
- digital effects artist
- Alan Woods
- visual effects artist
- Michael Wortmann
- lead effects technical director
- Sammy Wu
- paint & roto artist
- Saxson Xavier
- matchmove artist: credited
- Gee Xiong
- lead stereo compositor
- Sunil Kumar Yadav
- stereoscopic roto artist
- Reza Ghulam Yahya
- rotoscope artist
- Zhou Yan
- matchmoving artist: 3D conversion China (as Yan Zhou)
- Alvin Yap
- effects technical director: Framestore
- Aviv Yaron
- vfx photographer: Cinesite
- Jeremy Yeo-Khoo
- digital artist
- Rich Yeomans
- visual effects production supervisor: Warner Brothers (as Richard Yeomans)
- Benjamin James Ying
- stereo compositor: Animal Logic (as Ben Ying)
- Fabien Yorgandjian
- modeling artist / texture artist
- Olly Young
- vfx turnover supervisor: Warner Brothers
- Rowan Young
- stereoscopic conversion/compositor: Gener8 3D (as Sarah K. Young)
- Tim Young
- digital compositor: Baseblack
- Victoria Albanese Young
- 3d vfx coordinator (as Victoria Albanese)
- Cobol Yu
- digital artist
- Borislava Zahova
- stereoscopic compositor
- Alessandro Zanforlin
- digital compositor: MPC
- Luca Zappala
- effects lead: Double Negative
- Jennie Zeiher
- bidding coordinator: Rising Sun Pictures
- Dan Zelcs
- lead rigger: MPC
- Mohand Zennadi
- senior technical director: lighting
- Rafael Zierhofer
- compositor
- Ian Abbott
- production support: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Kanika Andrew
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Rajesh Babu
- production coordinator (uncredited)
- Heath Baker
- compositor/paint & roto artist: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Keith Barton
- production support: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Amy Besate
- junior vfx coordinator (uncredited)
- Hanumantha Rao Bhogadula
- digital artist (uncredited) / visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Magno Borgo
- stereoscopic roto artist (uncredited)
- Dhiraj Brahma
- senior roto/prep artist: MPC India (uncredited)
- Tasha Brotherton
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Ethan Casper
- rotomation artist (uncredited)
- Max Jin Yaw Chan
- matchmove artist: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Christopher Chen
- 3D assets producer: Pangon Beijing (uncredited)
- Christopher Collis
- visual effects editorial assistant: MPC (uncredited)
- Rob Delicata
- motion control (uncredited)
- Clym Dodds
- Data Operator: Framestore (uncredited)
- Karthik Kumar Durairaj
- paint and prep artist: Future Works (uncredited)
- Debarghya Dutta
- lead stereo compositor (uncredited)
- Rob Geddes
- stereoscopic roto artist (uncredited)
- Eduardo Gonçalves
- stereoscopic roto artist (uncredited)
- Katie Goodwin
- visual effects editor: DNeg (uncredited)
- Adam Gritt
- effects software developer: MPC (uncredited)
- Jessica Grzech
- stereoscopic conversion compositor (uncredited)
- Emmanuel Guevarra
- rotomation artist: Gener8 (uncredited)
- Simon Herden
- junior visual effects artist: RSP (uncredited)
- Kay Hoddy
- senior paint and roto artist (uncredited)
- Chris Holmes
- production executive: ICO VFX (uncredited)
- Susan Immonen
- junior visual effects artist: RSP (uncredited)
- Prerana Jaiswal
- paint/prep artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Colin Jenken
- technical director (uncredited)
- Marek Jezo
- rotoscope artist: The Base Studio (uncredited)
- Dennis Jorolan
- systems administrator: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Uday Joshi
- vfx production assistant: MPC (uncredited)
- Nirmal Kumar
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Nicholas Lambert
- stereoscopic roto artist (uncredited)
- Tze Ken Lim
- matchmove artist: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Chris Liu
- production coordinator: Sassoon Film Design (uncredited)
- Taz Lodder
- technology support manager: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Rajavel Loganathan
- stereoscopic roto lead (uncredited)
- Armando Lombardo
- stereoscopic conversion artist (uncredited)
- Russell MacKenzie
- stereographic engineer (uncredited)
- Lou Mancilla
- Stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Bhogle Mandar
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Douglas McHale
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Christophe Meslin
- head of systems (uncredited)
- Mujammil Mulla
- roto prep (uncredited)
- Nicole Nagata
- compositor (uncredited)
- Davide Nicolosi
- Cloth TD: Framestore CFC (uncredited)
- Phil Outen
- compositor: Animal Logic (uncredited)
- Daniel Powter
- data lead: Animal Logic (uncredited)
- Mark Prusten
- lead compositor (uncredited)
- Shane Rabey
- compositor (uncredited)
- Balaji Ramakrishna
- digital artist, MPC, India (uncredited)
- Vaishali Rana
- stereo compositor (uncredited)
- Ron Rhee
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Rajat Roy
- senior compositor (uncredited)
- Fredrik Rönnvall
- systems administrator: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Ray Scalice
- general manager: Pixel Magic (uncredited)
- Arun Sharma
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Sarabjeet Singh
- stereo roto artist (uncredited)
- Gaurav Sutar
- compositor (uncredited)
- Thomas Sydnor
- stereoscopic rotoscope artist: The Base Studio (uncredited)
- David Tesch
- research & development software engineer (uncredited)
- Nick Thyssen
- compositor (uncredited)
- Nick van Diem
- technical support: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Vanessa Velasquez
- technology: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Helga Victoria
- matchmover: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Johan Walfridson
- pipeline technical director: Cinesite (uncredited)
- J. Thomas Wilson
- stereoscopic depth artist (uncredited)
- Cao Ye
- matchmove artist: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Edward Paul Yu
- matchmove artist: SFD (uncredited)