- Aurelia Abate
- visual effects: BUF (as Aurélia Abate)
- Lucile Abiven
- visual effects artist: The Orphanage
- Nithyan Abraham
- visual effects supervisor: The Orphanage
- Gino Acevedo
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Steve Adamson
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Poorva Adarkar
- 3d artist: The Orphanage
- Alia Agha
- matchmove lead: ILM
- Ben Aickin
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Andrew Ainscow
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Nicolas Aithadi
- supervisor: MPC
- Tim Alexander
- visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Paul Alexiou
- visual effects producer: MPC
- Eric Alley
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Robert Allman
- cg sequence supervisor: Framestore-CFC (as Rob Allman)
- Shadi Almassizadeh
- visual effects: The Orphanage (as Farshad Shadi Almassizadeh)
- Johnny Alves
- visual effects: BUF
- Christoph Ammann
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Nicolas Anastassiou
- visual effects editor: ILM (as Nic Anastassiou)
- Florent Andorra
- visual effects: BUF
- Lynn Andrews
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Stephen Aplin
- animator: ILM (as Steve Aplin)
- David Armitage
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Chris Armsden
- render wrangler: MPC
- Joakim Arnesson
- lead digital artist: ILM
- Joe Arnold
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Jaume Arteman
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Rosie Ashforth
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Oliver Atherton
- visual effects: Double Negative
- David Aulds
- rotoscope artist: Framestore-CFC
- Sergio Ayrosa
- compositor: MPC (as Sergio Aryosa)
- Trang Bach
- rotoscope artist: ILM
- Henry Badgett
- compositor: MPC
- Lance Baetkey
- rotoscoping lead: ILM
- Art Bagdasaryan
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Kevin Baillie
- visual effects: The Orphanage
- Richard Baker
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Felix Balbas
- character rigging supervisor: Framestore-CFC
- Christopher Balog
- technical support: ILM
- Michael Balog
- digital artist: ILM
- Traci Balthazor
- digital effects: The Orphanage
- Margaret Barber
- compositor: MPC
- Craig Bardsley
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Giacomo Bargellesi
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Reuben Barkataki
- roto/prep artist
- Justin Barrett
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Daniel Barrow
- visual effects production manager (as Dan Barrow)
- Sebastien Beaulieu
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Pete Bebb
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Xavier Bec
- visual effects: BUF
- Lizi Bedford
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore CFC
- Paul Beilby
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Rob Bekuhrs
- digital artist: The Orphanage
- Matt Bell
- character rigger: Framestore-CFC (as Matthew Bell)
- Michael Bell
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Laurent Benhamo
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Sara Bennett
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Stephen Bennett
- rotoscope artist: Framestore-CFC
- James Benson
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Hege Berg
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Eric Bermender
- technical support: ILM
- Niki Bern
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Nicolas Bernard
- visual effects: BUF
- Rodrigo Bernardo
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Christophe Bernaud
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Carl Bianco
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Nic Birmingham
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Ari Rapkin Blenkhorn
- software development: ILM (as Ari Blenkhorn)
- Brendan Body
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Roger Bolton
- compositor: MPC
- Marcus Boos
- visual effects coordinator: The Orphanage
- Virginie Bourdin
- concept artist: MPC
- Jon Bowen
- visual effects: Double Negative (as Jonathan Bowen)
- Timothy Brakensiek
- digital artist: ILM
- Paul Brannan
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Hayley Brazelton
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC (as Hayley Collins)
- Hernán Bressan
- cg supervisor: The Orphanage
- Cecile Tecson Broas
- digital compositor
- Nicola Brodie
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Steve Brooke Smith
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Jill Brooks
- visual effects producer: ILM
- Jason Brown
- digital artist: ILM
- Tripp Brown
- digital artist: ILM
- Wendell Bruno
- assistant DMR editor (IMAX version)
- Ken Bryan
- cg modelling supervisor: ILM
- Daire Bryne
- technical support: Framestore-CFC (as Daire Byrne)
- Pierre Buffin
- visual effects supervisor
- Andrew Bull
- miniature crew: Cinesite (as Andy Bull)
- David Bullock
- software development: ILM
- Simon Bunker
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Simon Burchell
- previsualization editor
- Tim Burke
- additional visual effects supervisor
- Kevin Campbell
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Paul Campbell
- technical support: ILM
- Mario Capellari
- digital artist: ILM
- Jordi Cardus
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Simon Carlile
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Tami Carter
- digital artist: ILM
- Federico Cascinelli
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Joe Ceballos
- matte painter: ILM
- Stephane Ceretti
- visual effects: BUF (as Stéphane Ceretti)
- Lawrence Chandler
- previsualization artist: ILM (as Larry Chandler)
- Kai Chang
- technical support: ILM
- Fred Chapman
- CG modeller & character rigging: MPC
- Simon Cheung
- cg modeller: ILM
- Eddie Chew
- visual effects supervisor: The Orphanage
- Ian Christie
- digital artist: ILM
- Evangelos Christopoulos
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC (as Evan Christopoulos)
- Paul Churchill
- digital artist: ILM
- Rohan Claassen
- visual effects (as Rohan Claassan)
- Tony Clark
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Richard Clarke
- visual effects supervisor: Double Negative
- Emily Cobb
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Isabel Cody
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Debra Coleman
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Ian Comley
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Ryan Cook
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Dennis Cooper
- visual effects: The Orphanage
- Ian Cope
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Theresa Corrao
- visual effects producer (as Theresa R. Corrao)
- Roger Cowland
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Alexandra Coxon
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Brenda Coxon
- model unit producer: Cinesite
- Catherine Craig
- texture artist: ILM
- Alastair Crawford
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Julie Creighton
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Tim Crosbie
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Ciaran Crowley
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Darren Cullis
- previsualization artist
- Tiffany Cullum
- technical support: Cinesite
- Alex Cumming
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Mark Curtis
- compositor: MPC
- Mike Cusack
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Matthew D'Angibau
- miniature crew: Cinesite (as Matthew d'Angibau)
- Emanuele D'Arrigo
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Sean Danischevsky
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Philipp Danner
- compositor: MPC
- Haslina Dasley
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Lorelei David
- technical support: ILM
- Scott David
- digital artist: ILM
- Giles Davies
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Nicholas J. Davis
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Adrian De Wet
- compositing supervisor: FrameStore-CFC (as Adrian de Wet)
- Virginie Degorgue
- texture artist: Framestore-CFC
- Max Dennison
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Natasha Devaud
- digital artist: ILM
- Stephane Deverly
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC (as Stéphane Deverly)
- Keith Devlin
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Candace Di Talamo
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Caine Dickinson
- supervisor: MPC
- Richard Diver
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Ferran Domenech
- supervisor: MPC
- Jennifer Sorem Dowell
- software development: ILM (as Jennifer Suter)
- Sarah Dowland
- visual effects producer: Framestore-CFC
- Sarah Dowland
- visual effects producer: framestore
- David S. Dranitzke
- visual effects producer: The Orphanage (as David Dranitzke)
- Lecia Drysdale
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Laura Dubsky
- digital scanning and recording: Cinesite
- Richard Ducker
- digital artist: ILM
- Rob Dunbar
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Robert Duncan
- compositor: Framestore-CFC (as Rob Duncan) / miniature crew: Cinesite (as Rob Duncan)
- Wayde Duncan-Smith
- character rigger: Framestore-CFC
- Jody Echegaray
- visual effects: The Orphanage
- Areito Echevarria
- compositing supervisor: FrameStore-CFC
- Selwyn Eddy
- matchmove artist: ILM (as Selwyn Eddy III)
- Clwyd Edwards
- supervisor: MPC
- Laurens Ehrmann
- visual effects: BUF
- Michael Bruce Ellis
- visual effects: Double Negative (as Mike Ellis)
- Stuart M. Ellis
- animator: Framestore CFC (as Stuart Ellis)
- Nick Epstein
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- James D. Etherington
- visual effects: Double Negative (as James Etherington)
- Joe Eveleigh
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Michele Fabbro
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Oliver Faldo
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Nathan Fariss
- visual effects: The Orphanage
- James Farrington
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Conny Fauser
- digital artist: ILM
- Jonathan Fawkner
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Dan Feinstein
- rotoscope artist: ILM
- Ian Fellows
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Amanda Finkelberg
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Marco Fiorani Parenzi
- compositor: MPC
- Nathan Fleming
- technical support: ILM
- Niall Flinn
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Lianne Forbes
- matchmover: Framestore-CFC
- Christian Foucher
- digital artist: ILM
- Evan Fraser
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Simon French
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC / matchmover: Framestore-CFC
- Ian Frost
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Pawl Fulker
- supervising previsualisation artist
- Joe Fulmer
- model stage crew: ILM
- Leslie Fulton
- animator: ILM
- James Furlong
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Martin Gabriel
- visual effects producer: Cinesite
- William Gammon
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Manuel J. García
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Marcelo G. GarcÃa
- visual effects supervisor
- Jason Geiger
- technical support: ILM
- Willi Geiger
- digital artist: ILM
- Mikael Genachte-Lebail
- visual effects: BUF (as Mikael Genachte-Le Bail)
- Angela Giannoni
- digital artist: ILM
- Rohit Gill
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Matthew Glen
- visual effects editor
- Julian Gnass
- compositor: MPC
- Steven Godfrey
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Sally Goldberg
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Ben Goldschmied
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Richard Gomes
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Lisa Gonzalez
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Maria Goodale
- matchmover: ILM
- Tom Goodenough
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Kyle Goodsell
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- David Gordon
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Adrian Graham
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Gavin Graham
- visual effects: Double Negative
- José Granell
- model unit supervisor: Cinesite
- Maria Granell
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Miguel Granell
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Vanessa Gratton
- visual effects: Double Negative (as Vanessa Boyce)
- David M. Gray
- visual effects coordinator: ILM (as David Gray)
- Ronnie Green
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Elysia Greening
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Gavin Gregory
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Bryant Terrell Griffin
- matte painter: ILM (as Bryant Griffin)
- Pablo Grillo
- animation supervisor: Framestore CFC
- Pawel Grochola
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Jessica Groom
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Branko Grujcic
- digital artist: ILM
- Ummi Gudjonsson
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Indira Guerrieri
- digital artist: ILM
- Alex Guri
- compositor: MPC
- Frederique Gyuran
- visual effects: BUF (as Frédérique Gyuran)
- Qian Han
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Giles Hancock
- matte painting supervisor: ILM
- David Hanks
- matchmover: ILM (as Dave Hanks)
- Nicholas Hannah
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jason Hannen-Williams
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC (as Jason Williams)
- Tony Hannington
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- John Hansen
- digital artist: ILM
- Pete Hanson
- visual effects: Double Negative
- John Hardwick
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Bruce Harris
- compositor: MPC
- Kit Harrison
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Jeremy Hattingh
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Jack Haye
- co-modeller: ILM
- R. James Healy
- animation and effects artist: MPC
- Robert Hemmings
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Matthew Hendershot
- visual effects: The Orphanage
- Charley Henley
- supervisor: MPC
- Sandro Henriques
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Guillaume Herent
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Geoff Heron
- senior special effects technician: ILM
- Alex Hessler
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Sean Heuston
- compositor: MPC
- Grant Hewlett
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Jeremy Hey
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Frederic Heymans
- matchmover: Framestore-CFC (as Frederic Haymans)
- Shawn Hillier
- digital artist: ILM
- David Hisanaga
- digital artist: ILM
- Charity Hobbs-Wood
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Mark Hodgkins
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Julian Hodgson
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Henrik Hoffgaard
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Robert Hoffmeister
- digital artist: ILM
- Paul Hogbin
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Robin Hollander
- compositor: MPC
- Vlad Holst
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Natalie Homewood
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Garrett Honn
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Jason Horley
- matte painting supervisor: Framestore-CFC
- Uel Hormann
- supervisor: MPC
- Greg Horswill
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Russell Horth
- compositor: MPC
- Jen Howard
- digital artist: ILM
- Greg Howe-Davies
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Caroline Howes
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore CFC
- Roger Huang
- technical support: ILM
- Benjamin Huber
- matte painter: ILM (as Ben Huber)
- Matt Hughes
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC (as Matthew Hughes)
- Nathan Hughes
- texture artist: Framestore-CFC
- Simon Hughes
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Antony Hunt
- model unit executive producer: Cinesite
- Peg Hunter
- digital artist: ILM
- Michael Illingworth
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Claire Inglis
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Alex Ireland
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Graham Jack
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Mike Jamieson
- digital artist: ILM
- Merrin Jensen
- visual effects producer: MPC
- Brad Jerrell
- model stage crew: ILM
- Keith Johnson
- animator: ILM
- Phil Johnson
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Bryan Jones
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Edward Jones
- technical support: ILM (as Ed Jones)
- Theo Jones
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Pete Jopling
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Peter Joslin
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Zoran Kacic-Alesic
- software development: ILM
- Elijah Ilyas Kaduji
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC (as Ilyas Kaduji) / visual effects supervisor (as Ilyas Kaduji)
- Barry Kane
- software/technical support: MPC
- Matt Kasmir
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite / compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Daniel J. Kelly
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite (as Dan Kelly)
- Paddy Kelly
- visual effects matchmove technician
- Archie Kennedy
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Lee Kerley
- software/technical support: MPC
- John Kilshaw
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Andy Kind
- cg sequence supervisor: Framestore-CFC
- Chris King
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Balazs Kiss
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Katrin Klaiber
- digital artist: ILM
- Edmund Kolloen
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Arek Komorowski
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Dean Koonjul
- compositor: MPC
- Michael Koperwas
- digital artist: ILM
- Ben Kovar
- Concept Artist
- Dan Kripac
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Mark Kuggeleijn
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Serena Lam
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Ben Lambert
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- François Lambert
- digital artist: ILM
- Jean-Claude Langer
- texture artist: ILM
- Jeroen Lapre
- digital artist: ILM (as Jeroen Lapré)
- Pedro Lara
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Colin Laski
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Dan Lavender
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Nicola Lavender
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Chris Lawrence
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Jeremy Lazare
- animator: MPC
- Tracey Leadbetter
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Lenny Lee
- digital artist: ILM
- Paul Lee
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Sung-Hun Lee
- digital artist: ILM (as Seunghun Lee)
- Grant Legassick
- compositor: MPC
- Bruno Lesieur
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Joe Leveson
- matchmover: Framestore-CFC
- Gavin Lewis
- texture artist: Framestore-CFC
- James Lewis
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Gawain Liddiard
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Fredrik Limsater
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite (as Fredrik Limsäter)
- Kenneth Littleton
- visual effects artist: The Orphanage
- Joshua Livingston
- matchmover: ILM
- Patricia Llaguno
- compositor: Framestore CFC
- Shelly Lloyd-James
- visual effects model unit production assistant: Warner Bros.
- Kim Loan-Do
- technical support: Framestore-CFC (as Kim Loan Do)
- Andrew Lockley
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Sarah Lockwood
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite / visual effects: Double Negative
- Thomas Loeder
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- David Lomax
- cg supervisor: Framestore CFC
- Roz Lowrie
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Patrick Lowry
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Sam Lucas
- 3d digital artist: Cinesite
- Steve Lynn
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Natalie MacDonald
- digital compositor: MPC
- Sean MacKenzie
- lead digital artist: ILM
- Jody Madden
- technical support: ILM
- Angela Magrath
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Jay Mallet
- motion control: The VFX Co. Ltd.
- David Man
- compositor: MPC (as David Yiu Chung Man)
- Tony Man
- compositor: MPC (as Tony Yiu Keung Man)
- Chris Mangnall
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC (as Chris Magnall)
- Virgil Manning
- animator: ILM
- Christian Manz
- compositing supervisor: FrameStore-CFC
- Alyson Markell
- co-modeller: ILM
- Tia L. Marshall
- digital artist: ILM (as Tia Marshall)
- Kevin Martel
- animator: ILM
- Justin Martin
- cg sequence supervisor: Framestore-CFC
- Tom Martinek
- lead digital artist: ILM
- Marcel Martinez
- digital artist: ILM
- Helena Masand
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Barth Maunoury
- animator: Framestore CFC
- David Mayhew
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Luca Mazzoleni
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Phil McCabe
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Oliver McCluskey
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Ken McGaugh
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Les McGee
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Steve McGee
- compositor: MPC
- Steve McGillen
- roto and paint artist
- Noel McGinn
- technical support: ILM
- Nakia McGlynn
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC (as Nakia Mcglynn) / lighting technical director: MPC
- Adam McInnes
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- James McKeown
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Alasdair McNeill
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Gurel Mehmet
- texture artist: Framestore-CFC
- Rebecca Melander
- texture artist: Framestore-CFC
- Ivan Mena
- visual effects: Double Negative (as Ivan Mena Tinoco)
- Rob Menzer
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Craig Mepham
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Tory Mercer
- digital artist: ILM
- Evonne Merlicek
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Christophe Meslin
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Stuart Messinger
- visual effects producer: MPC
- Adrian Metzelaar
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Ellie Meure
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Mark Michaels
- vfx supervisor: Double Negative
- Ivor Middleton
- cg supervisor: Cinesite
- Nathan Middleton
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Jessica Millar
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC (as Jessica Braun)
- Jon Miller
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Alice Mitchell
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Jim Mitchell
- visual effects supervisor
- John Moffatt
- visual effects supervisor: Double Negative
- Terry Molatore
- lead texture artist: ILM
- Jack Mongovan
- rotoscope artist: ILM
- Ivan Moran
- compositing supervisor: Framestore
- Rafael Morant
- lighting artist: MPC
- Fernanda Moreno
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Karl Morgan
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Saybian Morgan
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Richard Morris
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Michelle Motta
- rotoscope artist: ILM
- Duncan Mude
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Catherine Mullan
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Colette Mullenhoff
- software development: ILM
- Melissa Mullin
- matchmover: ILM
- Norah Mulroney
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- John Murphy
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Stephen Murphy
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC / cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Alex Muth
- assistant visual effects editor: Framestore-CFC
- Tristan Myles
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Shoban Narayanan
- digital artist: The Orphanage
- Stephane Naze
- visual effects: BUF (as Stéphane Nazé)
- Dan Neal
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Helen Nesbitt
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Roxanne Newsham
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Geoff Newton
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Steve Nichols
- animator: ILM
- Digna Nigoumi
- motion control: The VFX Co. Ltd.
- Clare Norman
- visual effects producer: Cinesite
- Paul Norris
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Emma Norton
- visual effects producer
- Rich Nosworthy
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Dameon O'Boyle
- visual effects: Double Negative (as Dameon Boyle)
- Tabitha O'Connell
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Kevin O'Connor
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Mike O'Neill
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Robert O'Neill
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Kevin O'Sullivan
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Cenay Oekmen
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Artemis Oikonomopoulou
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Alfie Olivier
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC (as Alfred Olivier)
- Mark Osborne
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- James Ousley
- digital artist: IMAX DMR version
- Gruff Owen
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Matthew Packham
- compositor: MPC (as Matt Packham)
- Kevin Page
- matte painter: ILM
- Sona Pak
- visual effects editorial: Double Negative
- Erik Pampel
- technical support: ILM
- Michael Parkin
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Thaddeus Parkinson
- technical support: ILM
- Jim Parsons
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Martin Parsons
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Tom Partridge
- assistant visual effects editor: Framestore-CFC
- David Pearson
- model unit first assistant: Cinesite
- Anthony Peck
- rotoscope artist: Framestore-CFC (as Tony Peck)
- Arnaud Pecqueur
- digital matte painter: MPC / texture painter: MPC
- Claire Pegorier
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Benoit Pelchat
- matte painter: ILM
- Craig Penn
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Paul Perrott
- animator: Framestore CFC (as Porl Perrott)
- Dan Perry
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Richard Perry
- previsualization artist
- Daniel Pettipher
- technical support: Cinesite (as Dan Pettipher)
- David Phillips
- compositor: MPC (as Dave Phillips)
- Adrian Pinder
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Dan Piponi
- software development: ILM
- Jakub Pistecky
- animator: ILM
- Fred Place
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Ed Plant
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Matthieu Poirey
- animator: Framestore CFC (as Mattieu Poiry)
- Melvin Polayah
- matchmover: Framestore-CFC
- Mike Pope
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Travis Porter
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Tim Pounds-Cornish
- visual effects producer: MPC
- Glen Pratt
- compositor: MPC
- Alex Prichard
- visual effects: The Orphanage
- Andrew Proctor
- miniature crew: Cinesite (as Andy Proctor)
- Olivier Pron
- visual effects: BUF
- Cristina Puente
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Stefan Putz
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Sirio Quintavalle
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Farhan Qureshi
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Samy Ben Rabah
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Charlotte Raffi
- visual effects: BUF
- Guillaume Raffi
- visual effects: BUF
- Anthony Randolph
- technical support: ILM
- Nick Rasmussen
- software development: ILM
- Andrew Rawling
- cg sequence supervisor: Framestore-CFC
- Steve Rawlins
- animation supervisor: Dragon, Ship and World Cup, ILM
- Tom Reed
- CG modeller & character rigging: MPC
- Max Rees
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Sandra Reis
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Mark Richardson
- compositor: MPC
- Paul Riddle
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Laurent-Paul Robert
- visual effects: Double Negative
- James Roberts
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Katherine Roberts
- visual effects: Double Negative
- John Roberts-Cox
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Andy Robinson
- senior compositor: Cinesite
- Dave Robinson
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Guillaume Rocheron
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Darren Rodriguez
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Elsa Rodriguez
- rotoscope artist: ILM
- In-Ah Roediger
- animator: Framestore CFC
- Adam Rogers
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- John Rogers
- gaffer: Cinesite
- Amanda Ronai-Dahle
- digital artist: ILM (as Amanda Ronai)
- Patric Roos
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Susan Ross
- texture artist: ILM
- Jonathan Rothbart
- visual effects: The Orphanage
- Andrew Russell
- technical support: ILM
- Jesse Russell
- visual effects: The Orphanage
- Alex Rutherford
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Pedro Sabrosa
- compositing supervisor: FrameStore-CFC
- Marc Sadeghi
- visual effects: The Orphanage
- Lucas Salton
- visual effects: BUF
- Steve J. Sanchez
- compositor: MPC (as Steve J Sanchez)
- Gustavo Sanchez-Perez
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite (as Gustavo Sánchez-Pérez)
- Mike Sanders
- technical support: ILM
- Bob Santos
- technical support: ILM
- Elsa Santos
- texture artist: Framestore-CFC
- Steve Sauers
- digital artist: ILM
- Alexander Savenko
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Cal Sawyer
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Jeremy Sawyer
- rotoscope artist: Framestore-CFC
- Robin Saxen
- cg producer: Framestore CFC
- Carlo Scaduto
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Claude Schitter
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Eduardo 'Lalo' Schmidek
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC (as Eduardo Schmidek)
- Frederic Schmidt
- digital artist: ILM
- Jakob Schmidt
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Philip Schneider
- software development: ILM
- Alex Schott
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Michele Sciolette
- 2d digital artist: Cinesite
- Denis Scolan
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- David Scott
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Alexander Seaman
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC (as Alex Seaman)
- Jerry Sells
- digital artist: ILM
- Foad Shah
- visual effects: Double Negative
- John Sharp
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Chris Shaw
- motion control supervisor
- Matthew Shaw
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Ben Shepherd
- visual effects supervisor: MPC
- Tomoko Shin
- compositor: MPC (as Jisook Tomoko Shin)
- David Short
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Benson Shum
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Dominic Sidoli
- visual effects: Double Negative
- John Sigurdson
- digital artist: ILM
- Serdar Simga
- digital matte painter: MPC / texture painter: MPC
- John Slattery
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Alex Smith
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Colin Smith
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Jason Smith
- digital artist: ILM
- Ryan Smith
- technical support: ILM
- Wayne Smith
- assistant visual effects editor
- Douglas Smythe
- cg supervisor: ILM (as Doug Smythe)
- Sharonne Solk
- animator: ILM
- Drew Solodzuk
- dmr editor: IMAX version
- Max Solomon
- animation supervisor: Framestore-CFC
- Cameron Sonerson
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jamshed Soori
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Sarah Soulsby
- compositor: MPC
- Kevin Sprout
- digital artist: ILM
- Richard Stammers
- additional visual effects supervisor
- Jon Stanley
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Simon Stanley-Clamp
- visual effects supervisor: Cinesite
- Julia Stannard
- visual effects producer: MPC (as Julia Wigginton)
- Jim Steel
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Penn Stevens
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Marc Stevenson
- 3D digital artist: Cinesite
- Nigel Stone
- director of photography: Cinesite
- Barny Stoppard
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Julien Stuart-Smith
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- David Sudd
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Robert Sullivan
- video operations supervisor: Animal Logic
- Pat Sweeney
- director of photography: model unit, ILM (as Patrick Sweeney)
- Christopher Sweet
- visual effects: Double Negative (as Chris Sweet)
- David Swift
- digital matte painter: MPC / texture painter: MPC
- Nicholas Symons
- visual effects: Double Negative (as Nick Symons)
- Giuseppe Tagliavini
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Henri Tan
- technical support: ILM
- Masahiko Tani
- matte painter: ILM
- Ben Taylor
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Mike Terpstra
- visual effects: The Orphanage
- Bill Thomas
- miniature crew: Cinesite
- Christopher Thomas
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC (as Chris Thomas)
- Gemma Thompson
- visual effects producer: MPC
- Zelda Tinska
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Steve Tizzard
- compositor: MPC
- Jan Toensmann
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Mathilde Tollec
- visual effects: BUF
- Gavin Toomey
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Sanju Travis
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Nigel Trevessey
- model workshop supervisor: Cinesite
- Patrick Tubach
- compositing supervisor: ILM
- Mark Tudor-Williams
- matchmove supervisor: Framestore-CFC
- Liam Tully
- visual effects: Double Negative
- James Turner
- software/technical support: MPC
- Matthew Twyford
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Yusei Uesugi
- matte painter: ILM
- Johan Van Den Dorpe
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Gert Van Dermeersch
- 2d digital artist: Cinesite (as Gert Van Der Meersch)
- Sean Varney
- visual effects artist
- Todd Vaziri
- digital artist: ILM
- David Vickery
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Lars Vinther
- visual effects editor: Framestore-CFC
- Tim Waddy
- animator: ILM
- Victor Wade
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Niki Wakefield
- visual effects: Double Negative
- John Walker
- digital artist: ILM
- Jo Walls
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Karen Wand
- 2D digital artist: Cinesite
- Ian Ward
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Sharon Warmington
- visual effects: Double Negative (as Sharon Peng)
- Neil Weatherley
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Robert Weaver
- computer graphics supervisor: ILM
- Tim Webber
- visual effects supervisor: Framestore CFC
- Danny Webster
- hod rigger: Cinesite
- Toby White
- visual effects matchmove technician
- James Whitlam
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Andrew Wilkin
- previsualisation artist
- Royston Willcocks
- 3d digital artist: Cinesite
- Stephen Willey
- technical support: Framestore-CFC
- Ronnie E. Williams Jr.
- digital artist: ILM (as Ronnie Williams Jr.)
- Barry Williams
- lead matte artist: ILM
- Guy Williams
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Mark Williams
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Dan Wills
- visual effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jonathan Wills
- animator: effects and lighting artist, MPC
- Corrina Wilson
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Kate Windibank
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Carrie Wolberg
- technical support: ILM
- Ammann Christine Wong
- compositor: Framestore-CFC (as Christine Wong) / compositor: MPC (as Christine Wong)
- Eric Wong
- character rigging supervisor: ILM
- Daniel Wood
- visual effects: Double Negative (as Dan Wood)
- Gemma Wood
- visual effects coordinator: MPC (as Gemma James)
- Helen Wood
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Jennifer Wood
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Max Wood
- CG modeller & character rigging: MPC
- Melody Woodford
- matchmove and rotoscoping: MPC
- Lisa Woodland
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Malcolm Woolridge
- motion control: The VFX Co. Ltd. (as Malcolm Wooldridge)
- Ged Wright
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Kris Wright
- technical support: ILM (as Kristopher Wright)
- Tiffany Wu
- visual effects: The Orphanage
- Rich Yeomans
- visual effects coordinator: Warner Brothers (as Richard Yeomans)
- Jeffery Yost
- software development: ILM (as Jeffrey Yost)
- Robin D. Young
- technical support: ILM (as Robin Young)
- Trevor Young
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Scott Younkin
- digital artist: ILM
- Christian Zeh
- compositor: Framestore-CFC
- Matthias Zeller
- cg lighting artist: Framestore-CFC
- Patrick Zentis
- digital matte painter: Cinesite
- Anthony Zwartouw
- previsualization assistant editor
- Christopher Abeyta
- production accountant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Andreas Adamek
- matte painter (uncredited)
- Deepa Agarwal
- rotoscope artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jance Allen
- compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Simon Allmark
- visual effects editor (uncredited)
- Kristi Valk Almassizadeh
- matte painter: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jerry Andrews
- motion control operator (uncredited)
- Vaughn Arnup
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Jerome Bacquet
- visual effects: BUF (uncredited)
- Andrew Baggarley
- data wrangler (uncredited)
- Natalie Baillie
- compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Mauricio Baiocchi
- animation supervisor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Mark Barber
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Robert Barker
- systems engineer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Judy Barr
- roto/prep artist (uncredited)
- Keith Barton
- production support: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Tim Baxter
- film recording: Capital FX (uncredited)
- Shyal Beardsley
- research & development (uncredited)
- Graham Bell
- digital artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Kieran Belshaw
- digital film recordist (uncredited)
- Paul Birkett
- digital rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Robert Bloom
- dmr supervisor: IMAX (uncredited) / senior digital artist (uncredited)
- Pavani Rao Boddapati
- matchmove artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Katherine Bouglai
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Ronan Broudin
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Jon R. Brown
- shoot matchmover: dailies (uncredited)
- Nik Brownlee
- digital artist: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Andrew Bunday
- render wrangler: MPC (uncredited)
- Delphine Buratti
- compositor (uncredited)
- Scott Camera-Smith
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Mario Capellari
- sequence supervisor (uncredited)
- Jon Capleton
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Carrie Cassada
- visual effects editor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Scott Chambers
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Lee Chidwick
- digital i/o (uncredited)
- Jeremy Cho
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- YouJin Choung
- compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Brendan Coffey
- systems engineer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Ross Colgan
- systems support: MPC (uncredited)
- Chryssa Cooke
- resource manager: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Alfonso Cottier
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Charles Darby
- matte paintings (uncredited)
- Luan Davis
- roto/prep artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Martin R. Davison
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Rob Delicata
- motion control (uncredited)
- Peter Demarest
- paint/rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Tim Dobbert
- matchmove supervisor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Clym Dodds
- render support: Framestore (uncredited)
- Martyn Drake
- systems: MPC (uncredited)
- Paul Driver
- data operative (uncredited)
- Olivier Dumont
- on-set visual effects supervisor: BUF (uncredited)
- Rama Dunayevich
- publicist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Louis Dunlevy
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Greg Dunn
- systems engineer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jonathan East
- render wrangler: Cinesite (uncredited)
- James Eggleton
- digital I/O: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Michael Elson
- head of production: MPC (uncredited)
- Trina Espinoza
- digital operations coordinator: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Raul Essig
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Daniel Evans
- shader writer: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Simon Eves
- head of software: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Kirsten Fazio
- bidding producer (uncredited)
- Anna Ford
- bidding coordinator: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Steven Forrester
- additional visual effects editor: Framestore CFC (uncredited)
- Grant Freckelton
- visual effects designer: Animal Logic (uncredited)
- David Gladstein
- resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Daniel Gloates
- senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Peter Godden
- digital artist: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Julien Goldsbrough
- compositor (uncredited)
- Rainer Gombos
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Lewis Guarniere
- data wrangler: MPC (uncredited)
- Venetia Hadley
- scanning and recording operator: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Andy Hague
- visual effects editorial (uncredited)
- Anne Hall
- lighting technical director (uncredited)
- Jonathan Harman
- compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Michael Harrison
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Guy Hauldren
- 3D scanning (uncredited)
- Trevor Hazel
- rotoscope artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Lionel Heath
- roto/prep: MPC (uncredited)
- Marcus Hindborg
- digital artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Kay Hoddy
- roto/prep artist (uncredited)
- Andrew Hogden
- data operator (uncredited)
- Robert Holder
- technical director: Framestore CFC (uncredited)
- Pete Howlett
- roto/prep artist (uncredited)
- Jessica Hsieh
- rotoscope artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Tony Hurd
- production operations manager: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Zoe Izzard
- data operator (uncredited) / digital film recordist (uncredited)
- Suzanne Jandu
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Sarahjane Javelo
- rotoscope artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Steve Jaworski
- compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Kevin Jenkins
- creature texture painter (uncredited)
- Joshua H. Johnson
- rotoscope artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Lorraine Johnson
- scanning and recording supervisor: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Simon Johnson
- scanning and recording operator: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Rafal Kaniewski
- digital compositor: Motion Graphics (uncredited)
- Nerissa Kavanagh
- visual effects producer: Animal Logic (uncredited)
- Daniel J. Kelly
- Inferno artist (uncredited)
- Christopher Kerr
- data operator (uncredited)
- Mina Kim
- rotoscope artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Perry M. Kimura
- digital film scanning and recording: EFILM (uncredited)
- Ryan Knowles
- data operator (uncredited)
- Heath Kraynak
- visual effects production assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- SangHun Kwon
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- David H. Lam
- resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Ivan Landau
- visual effects editor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Debbie Langford
- matchmove artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Dan Lavender
- technical director: Framestore CFC (uncredited)
- Sebastien Le Neve
- digital artist: BUF (uncredited)
- Christopher Learmonth
- visual effects editor: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Seung-Hun Lee
- creature technical director: ILM (uncredited)
- Woei Lee
- compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Phillip Leonhardt
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Luke Letkey
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Ben Lewens
- miniatures crew: Cinesite Trainee (uncredited)
- Simon Lewis
- digital artist (uncredited) / rigging technical director (uncredited)
- Bryan Litson
- match move technician: MPC (uncredited)
- David Lloyd
- render engineer: MPC (uncredited)
- Ting Lo
- matchmove artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Hugh Macdonald
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Kevin Mains
- resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Stuart T. Maschwitz
- senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Elizabeth Matthews
- rotoscope artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jolene McCaffrey
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Jason McCallum
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Jan Meade
- projectionist: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Brian A. Metcalf
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Justin Mettam
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Kirsty Millar
- visual effects supervisor: Animal Logic (uncredited)
- Mitch Mitchell
- head of imaging: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Ray Moody
- motion control operator (uncredited)
- Jim Morris
- general manager: ILM (uncredited)
- Danielle Nadal
- digital i/o (uncredited)
- Stuart Nelhams
- visual effects film editorial: MPC (uncredited)
- Elliot Newman
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Davide Nicolosi
- Tracker: Moving Picture Company (uncredited)
- Luke O'Byrne
- visual effects executive producer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Noel O'Malley
- scanning and recording: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Michael Oregon
- systems engineer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Ellery Ortiz
- matchmove artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Michael Pangrazio
- matte painter: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Ingrid Parkes
- creature effects trainee (uncredited)
- Stuart Partridge
- senior compositor (uncredited)
- Eric Pascarelli
- visual effects set supervisor: second unit, Scotland (uncredited)
- Simon Payne
- technical director (uncredited)
- Peter Pelisek
- senior dmr artist: IMAX (uncredited)
- David Petry
- matchmove artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Daniel Pettipher
- production manager: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Stuart Pitcher
- visual effects supervisor (uncredited)
- Henriette Plum
- animation/matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Murray Pope
- visual effects executive producer (uncredited)
- Tristan Porter
- roto/prep artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Paul Raeburn
- digital compositor: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Farhez Rayani
- visual effects technical director: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Aaron Rhodes
- rotoscope supervisor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Rob Richardson
- render support (uncredited)
- Michael Ridgwell
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Martin Riedel
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Tim Riley
- digital effects artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Eric Robinson
- dmr artist: Imax (uncredited)
- Jim Robinson
- systems engineer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Guillaume Rocheron
- pre-production computer graphics supervisor: BUF (uncredited)
- Dennis Rogers
- first assistant cameraman: ILM (uncredited)
- Rajat Roy
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- James Russell
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- George Sakellariou
- production engineering: ILM (uncredited)
- David Scott
- concept artist: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Stan Seo
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Gaël Seydoux
- digital artist: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Dong Yeop Shin
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Emmanuel Shiu
- matte painter: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Mark Siew
- matchmove artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Marc Smith
- laser scanning (uncredited)
- David Stern-Gottfried
- resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Scott Stewart
- senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Rangi Sutton
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Geordie Swainbank
- compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Carsten Sørensen
- senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Martin Tardif
- lighting technical director (uncredited)
- Scott Taylor
- digital artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Tim Teramoto
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Dino Tomelden
- systems engineer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Sarah Tulloch
- visual effects production assistant: Warner Brothers (uncredited)
- Trevor Tuttle
- rotoscope artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Miquel Ubeda
- digtial compositor: MPC London (uncredited)
- Brent Villalobos
- resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Eugénie von Tunzelmann
- effects animator: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Tara Walker
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Carl Walters
- editorial supervisor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Ian Watson
- matchmover (uncredited)
- Roland Watson
- digital resources manager: MPC (uncredited)
- Ollie Weigall
- film assistant (uncredited)
- Rus Wetherell
- visual effects coordinator: CFX (uncredited)
- Andrew Whitehurst
- technical director: Framestore-CFC (uncredited)
- Simon Wilkinson
- digital and film post production (uncredited)
- Jeff Willette
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Caroline Wilson
- motion control operator (uncredited)
- Chris Wilson
- render wrangler: MPC (uncredited)
- Oliver Winwood
- data wrangler: MPC (uncredited)
- Kathy Wise
- digital systems manager (uncredited)
- Stuart Wishart
- visual effects engineer (uncredited)
- Jeremy Yabrow
- ATD manager: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Anna Yamazoe
- render wrangler: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Matthias Zeller
- technical director (uncredited)