- Mimi Abers
- digital compositor
- Tim Aidley
- motion control software engineer
- Paul Alexiou
- editorial assistant: Double Negative
- Robert Allman
- technical director: Framestore CFC (as Rob Allman)
- Terence Alvares
- digital effects artist
- Christoph Ammann
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- David Andrews
- animation supervisor
- Christopher M. Anthony
- cg effects supervisor (as Christopher Anthony) / lead effects technical director: MPC (as Christopher Anthony)
- Jaume Arteman
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Rosie Ashforth
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Oliver Atherton
- roto & cleanup
- Philippe Aubry
- inferno artist
- Erika Bach
- 3D scanning assistant coordinator
- Henry Badgett
- compositor: MPC
- Lance Baetkey
- paint/roto artist
- Andrew Baggarley
- data wrangler: MPC
- Al Bailey
- digital compositor: ILM
- Katharine Baird
- digital roto and paint supervisor
- Chris Baker
- visual effects film editor: MPC
- Richard Baker
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Felix Balbas
- rigging supervisor: Framestore CFC / technical director: Framestore CFC
- Michael Balog
- lead digital cloth simulation artist: ILM
- Craig Bardsley
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Giacomo Bargellesi
- junior compositing artist: Framestore CFC
- Steve Barnes
- visual effects artist: Cinesite
- Daniel Barrow
- visual effects coordinator
- Angela Barson
- compositor: MPC
- William Bartlett
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- Tim Baxter
- film recording: Capital FX
- Richard Bazley
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Sebastien Beaulieu
- digital effects artist
- Paul Beaumont
- visual effects production accountant: MPC
- Susanne Becker
- compositor: MPC
- Lizi Bedford
- coordinator: Framestore CFC
- Cory Bedwell
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Judith Bell
- compositor: MPC
- Miles Bellas
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Laurent Benhamo
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- John Benn
- film line-up: Cinesite
- Sara Bennett
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- Dan Bethell
- research & development supervisor: MPC
- Paul Birkett
- roto artist
- Nic Birmingham
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Philip Bland
- digital paint artist
- Brendan Body
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Stella Bogh
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Matt Bouchard
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- David A.T. Bowman
- compositor: Framestore CFC (as David Bowman)
- Steve Braggs
- CG lighting & effects artist
- Will Braithwaite
- shader writer: MPC
- Paul Brannan
- effects technical director: MPC
- James Breen
- film librarian: Cinesite
- Decharne Brian
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- Andre Brizard
- compositor: MPC
- Alex Broeckel
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Jon R. Brown
- match move technician
- Ronn Brown
- matte painter: Framestore CFC
- Dhyana Brummel
- CG lighting and effects artist: ILM
- Wendell Bruno
- assistant DMR editor (IMAX version)
- Danny Brunton
- digital compositor
- Simon Bunker
- technical director
- Simon Burchell
- previs editor
- Ross Burgess
- match move technician: Framestore CFC
- Tim Burke
- production visual effects supervisor
- Andy Burrow
- scanning manager
- Mark Buschbacher
- recording technician: Cinesite
- Astrid Busser-Casas
- digital compositor: MPC
- Scott Camera-Smith
- visual effects
- Colin Campbell
- digital compositor
- Warwick Campbell
- digital compositor
- Huseyin Caner
- visual effects supervisor
- Tom Carrick
- render wrangler: MPC
- Mark Casey
- additional visual effects supervisor
- Frederic Cervini
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Joshua Chapel
- digital artist: ILM
- Fred Chapman
- rigger: MPC
- Leila Chesloff
- digital artist
- Vanessa Cheung
- matte artist: ILM
- Lee Chidwick
- data management
- Paul Churchill
- digital effects artist
- Rohan Claassen
- visual effects (as Rohan Claassan)
- Craig Clarke
- compositor: MPC
- Richard Clarke
- visual effects supervisor: Double Negative
- Simon Clutterbuck
- cgi supervisor
- Isabel Cody
- animator: MPC
- Dani Cohen
- compositor
- Angela Cole
- modeller
- Debra Coleman
- digital compositor
- Tom Conneely
- scanning operator: Cinesite
- Peter Connelly
- lead compositor: MPC
- Mike Connolly
- digital compositor: Baseblack
- Grant Connor
- digital artist / digital compositor: Cinesite
- Andrea Conticelli
- digital compositor
- Ryan Cook
- digital effects artist
- Jay Cooper
- compositing sequence supervisor: ILM
- Laurent Cordier
- texture artist: cinesite
- Stephen Coren
- digital effects artist
- Michelle Corney
- visual effects line producer: MPC
- Theresa Corrao
- production visual effects producer
- Gary Couto
- stereoscopic compositor
- Fran Cunningham
- visual effects production runner: MPC
- Emanuele D'Arrigo
- lead effects technical director: MPC
- Andrew Daffy
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Bruce Dahl
- animator
- Sean Danischevsky
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Philipp Danner
- digital compositor: Baseblack
- Charles Darby
- matte painter
- Marion Davey
- visual effects coordinator
- Lorelei David
- visual effects editor: ILM
- Evan Davies
- visual effects artist
- Giles Davies
- match move technician: MPC
- Martin R. Davison
- digital compositor
- Alexandra Day
- visual effects scheduling
- Adrian De Wet
- compositing supervisor: Framestore CFC
- Robert Deas
- motion control rig technical director: Framestore CFC / technical director: Framestore CFC
- Jean-Claude Deguara
- animator: MPC
- Max Dennison
- matte artist: ILM
- Stephane Deverly
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Ciaran Devine
- effects technical director: MPC
- Keith Devlin
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Jerome Dewhurst
- digital lab operator: Framestore CFC
- Michael Di Como
- cg supervisor
- Caine Dickinson
- lighting supervisor: MPC
- Ben Dishart
- texture artist
- Ferran Domenech
- animator: MPC
- Andrew Doucette
- character animator: ILM
- Sarah Dowland
- producer: Framestore CFC
- Sarah Dowland
- visual effects producer: framestore
- Loring Doyle
- roto artist: Cinesite
- Brian Ducharme
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- Rob Dunbar
- visual effects
- Catherine Duncan
- visual effects producer: Cinesite
- Robert Duncan
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- Wayde Duncan-Smith
- character rigger: Framestore CFC
- David Dunsterville
- motion control rig designer: Framestore CFC
- Lester Dunton
- digital process projection
- Simon Dye
- compositor: MPC
- Mike Eames
- animation supervisor: Framestore CFC
- Dave Early
- digital matte painter: Cinesite
- Paddy Eason
- visual effects supervisor: MPC
- C. Michael Easton
- animator: ILM
- Areito Echevarria
- compositing supervisor: Framestore-CFC / digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- Clwyd Edwards
- modeling technical director: MPC
- Stuart M. Ellis
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Chris Elson
- compositor: MPC
- Michael Elson
- head of production: MPC
- Stephen Elson
- visual effects producer: Baseblack
- Simon Emanuel
- first assistant director
- Nick Epstein
- render wrangler: Framestore CFC
- James D. Etherington
- digital compositor
- Joe Eveleigh
- render wrangler: MPC
- Simon Eves
- software development: ILM
- Brian Eyre
- animator: MPC
- Oliver Faldo
- digital i/o
- Leigh Ann Fan
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- James Farrington
- 3D character animator: Framestore CFC
- Tom Fejes
- digital artist
- Ian Fellows
- lead compositor: MPC
- Greg Fisher
- senior animator: MPC
- Ben Flatter
- bidding coordinator
- Niall Flinn
- effects technical director: MPC
- Steven Forrester
- additional visual effects editor: Framestore CFC
- Brad Fox
- technical director: ILM
- Ian Frost
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- David Fuhrer
- digital artist: ILM
- Pawl Fulker
- pre-visualisation artist
- Nick Gabchenko
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Bradley Gabe
- creature technical director
- Juan Jesús GarcÃa
- pre-visualization artist: Framestore CFC
- Brian Gee
- technical director
- Richard Gentner
- digital imaging operator
- Bill George
- visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Daniela Giangrande
- visual effects production assistant: Warner Brothers
- Filippo Giansante
- vfx artist: Framestore CFC
- Tim Gibbons
- digital compositor
- Neil Glasbey
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Matthew Glen
- visual effects editor
- Julian Gnass
- compositor: MPC
- Richard Gomes
- digital effects artist
- Tom Goodenough
- animator: MPC
- Jeff Gordon
- system support engineer
- Barrie Gower
- creature effects
- José Granell
- model unit supervisor
- Jack Greasley
- programmer: Framestore CFC
- Rosemarie Greer
- DMR supervisor (IMAX version)
- Scott Griffin
- producer: Framestore CFC
- Pablo Grillo
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Thomas Guerrier
- visual effects
- Roger Guyett
- production visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Venetia Hadley
- scanning operator: Cinesite (as Venetia Penna)
- Andy Hague
- visual effects editorial
- Anne Hall
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Matt Hallen
- digital compositor
- Michael J. Halsted
- digital effects artist: ILM
- Yan Hammond
- motion control operator
- Giles Hancock
- matte artist: ILM
- Jason Hannen-Williams
- visual effects artist (as Jason Williams)
- Pete Hanson
- studio manager: Double Negative
- Michael Harrison
- compositor: MPC
- Dan Harrod
- digital artist
- Douglas Harsch
- visual effects: Cinesite
- Peter Hartwig
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Jeremy Hattingh
- digital compositor
- Kimberly Headstrom
- digital paint/rotoscope artist
- R. James Healy
- effects technical director: MPC
- Robert Hemmings
- animation supervisor: MPC
- Charley Henley
- compositing supervisor: MPC
- Sandro Henriques
- rotoscoper: Cinesite
- Nicolas Hernandez
- character modeller: Framestore CFC
- Sean Heuston
- compositor: MPC
- Grant Hewlett
- lighting technical director: Cinesite
- Tim Hey
- compositor: MPC
- Kela Hicks
- digital compositor
- Matt Hicks
- lead rigger: MPC
- Rob Hill
- rotoscope artist
- Pamela Hobbs
- matte painter/compositor
- Mark Hodgkins
- senior technical director: Framestore CFC
- Robert Holder
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Matt Holland
- compositor: MPC
- Katja Hollmann
- digital lab supervisor: Lipsync Post
- Jae Cheol Hong
- creature technical director
- Jason Horley
- digital matte artist: Framestore CFC
- Ian House
- lead lighting technical director: MPC
- Gill Howe
- head of production development: Cinesite (as Gillian Roberts)
- Lorea Hoye
- visual effects production manager
- Guy Hudson
- motion control rig supervisor: Framestore CFC
- John Hughes
- digital effects artist: Cinesite
- Matt Hughes
- character modeller: Framestore CFC
- Angela Hunt
- senior producer: Framestore CFC
- Antony Hunt
- executive producer: Cinesite
- Ina Hurst
- animator: MPC
- Paul Huston
- matte artist: ILM
- David Hyde
- technical director: Cinesite
- Michael Illingworth
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Marco Iozzi
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Alex Ireland
- digital compositor
- Zoe Izzard
- data operator
- Allan Torp Jensen
- matchmove artist: Cinesite
- Merrin Jensen
- visual effects producer: MPC
- Lorraine Johnson
- scanning supervisor: Cinesite
- Simon Johnson
- scanning operator: Cinesite
- Darren Jones
- digital imaging engineer
- Drew Jones
- executive producer: Framestore CFC
- Ken Mitchel Jones
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Randy Jonsson
- layout artist: ILM
- Olivier Junquet
- effects technical director: MPC
- Elijah Ilyas Kaduji
- digital effects artist (as Ilyas Kaduji)
- Mel Kangleon
- digital colourist: Warner Bros. (as Melissa Kangleon)
- Paul Kavanagh
- lead animator: ILM
- Peng Ke
- digital effects artist
- Lucinda Keeler
- data operation assistant: Framestore CFC
- Elizabeth Maxwell Keith
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Paddy Kelly
- visual effects matchmove technician
- Lee Kerley
- shader writer: MPC
- Neesha Khan
- data operator
- Sevendalino Khay
- digital matte painter
- Steven Anthony Khoury
- lighting technical director
- Greg Killmaster
- creature technical director
- John Kilshaw
- visual effects
- Soo Kyung Kim
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Tom Kimberley
- digital compositor: MPC
- Andy Kind
- lighting supervisor: Framestore CFC
- Angela King
- match move technician: Framestore CFC
- Chris King
- match move technician: Framestore CFC
- Amber Kirsch
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Balazs Kiss
- lighting techical director / texture artist: MPC
- Joel Kittle
- cyber scanning technician
- Katrin Klaiber
- digital compositor: ILM
- Ryan Knowles
- data operator / visual effects production runner: MPC
- Edmund Kolloen
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Arek Komorowski
- roto artist: Cinesite
- Russell Koonce
- digital effects artist
- Dean Koonjul
- compositor: MPC
- Michael Koperwas
- lead digital modeler: ILM
- Antonis Kotzias
- digital artist
- John Kozak
- systems administration
- Robert Krupa
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Robert Kuczera
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Paul Lada
- visual effects artist
- Zoe Lamaera
- digital compositor
- Anders Langlands
- shader writer: MPC
- Cam Langs
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Kimberly Lashbrook
- compositor: MPC
- Stuart Lashley
- digital compositor
- Jessica Laszlo
- digital compositor
- Nicola Lavender
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Kwok Law
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Ken Lawrence
- visual effects technical resources: MPC
- Jeremy Lazare
- supervising animator: MPC
- Toan-Vinh Le
- digital artist
- Tracey Leadbetter
- coordinator: Framestore CFC
- Christopher Learmonth
- visual effects editor: Cinesite
- Philippa Leathers
- data operator
- Tim Ledbury
- texture artist: MPC
- Kerry Lee
- layout & matchmove supervisor: ILM
- Seung-Hun Lee
- creature technical director
- Sunny Lee
- creature technical director
- Philippe Leprince
- motion control rig technical director: Framestore CFC
- Bruno Lesieur
- lead lighting technical director: MPC
- Daniel Leung
- technical director
- Melissa Lin
- digital artist: ILM
- Martin Lipmann
- digital effects artist
- Richard Little
- digital compositor
- Jing Jing Liu
- lighter
- Patricia Llaguno
- junior compositing artist: Framestore CFC
- David Lloyd
- render engineer
- Shelly Lloyd-James
- visual effects production assistant: Warner Bros.
- Daniel Lobl
- lead digital artist
- John Lockwood
- visual effects supervisor: Machine
- David Lomax
- CG supervisor: Framestore CFC
- Stuart Love
- lead lighting technical director: MPC
- Roz Lowrie
- head of visual effects editorial: Framestore CFC
- Patrick Lowry
- render wrangler: Framestore CFC
- Anthony Lucero
- visual effects
- Daniel Macarin
- lead cgi artist
- Alasdair MacCuish
- digital scanning and recording producer: Lipsync Post
- Euan K. MacDonald
- digital effects supervisor: ILM
- Natalie MacDonald
- compositor: MPC
- Steve MacPherson
- visual effects technical manager: MPC
- Greg Maguire
- creature supervisor: ILM
- Jay Mallet
- motion control operator
- Tony Man
- digital compositor / rotoscoping artist: MPC
- Jules Mann
- concept artist: ILM
- Julian Mann
- head of research and development: MPC
- Rebecca Manning
- data operation assistant: Framestore CFC
- Virgil Manning
- animator
- Christian Manz
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- David Marsh
- visual effects: ILM
- Andrew Marshall
- research and development: MPC
- Gary Marshall
- render wrangler: MPC
- Helena Masand
- match move technician: Framestore CFC
- Marian Mavrovic
- digital compositor
- Luca Mazzoleni
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Jolene McCaffrey
- compositor: MPC / digital compositor: MPC
- Jason McCallum
- digital artist
- Vicky McCann
- digital cloth simulation artist
- Gavin McCarron
- scanning operator: Cinesite
- Matthew McCosker
- digital effects artist
- Will McCoy
- digital compositor: ILM
- Nikki McDade
- match move technician: Framestore CFC
- Jason McDonald
- animation supervisor: MPC
- Andrew McEvoy
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Colin McEvoy
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Steve McGillen
- roto and paint artist
- Noel McGinn
- visual effects
- Adam McInnes
- digital compositor
- Jennifer McKnew
- digital matte artist: ILM
- Dan McRae
- junior digital lab operator: Framestore CFC
- Gurel Mehmet
- digital matte painter: Framestore CFC
- Jennifer Giovanna Meire
- senior compositor: Framestore CFC (as Jennifer Herbert)
- Joel Meire
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Ivan Mena
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Tim Mendler
- motion control operator
- Rob Menzer
- miniature crew
- Ian Menzies
- motion control rig motion control: Framestore CFC
- Mark Michaels
- visual effects supervisor: Double Negative
- Andy Middleton
- lead texture artist: MPC
- Ivor Middleton
- animator: Cinesite
- Mitch Mitchell
- head of imaging: Cinesite
- Todd Mitchell
- technical support: ILM
- Alberto Montañés
- compositor: MPC
- Ray Moody
- motion control
- Karl Mooney
- visual effects supervisor: Framestore CFC
- Ivan Moran
- compositor: Framestore
- Rafael Morant
- digital artist : MPC
- Ben Morgan
- compositor: MPC
- Jim Morris
- general manager: ILM
- Mike Morrison
- data operator: Framestore CFC
- Michelle Motta
- digital paint & rotoscope artist
- Catherine Mullan
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Melissa Mullin
- digital artist
- Steve Murgatroyd
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- Myles Murphy
- digital effects artist
- Steve Murphy
- technical director/ lighting artist / technical director: Framestore CFC
- Peter Muyzers
- computer graphics supervisor: MPC
- Catriona Naismith
- animator: MPC
- Salima Needham
- digital compositor
- Catherine Nelson
- digital compositor
- Helen Nesbitt
- junior compositing artist: Framestore CFC
- Rachel Nicoll
- digital matte painter: Cinesite
- Ken Nielsen
- lighting digital effects artist
- Charlie Noble
- visual effects supervisor: double negative
- Donal Nolan
- digital compositor
- Jennifer Maryam Nona
- CG lighting & effects artist: ILM (as Jennifer Nona)
- Clare Norman
- digital effects producer: Cinesite
- Paul Norris
- digital compositor
- Richard Northcroft
- sculptor (as Rick Northcroft)
- Emma Norton
- production visual effects producer
- Rich Nosworthy
- render wrangler: MPC
- Kevin O'Connor
- research and development: MPC
- Mike O'Neill
- render wrangler: Framestore CFC
- Paul Oakley
- digital artist
- Michael Olague
- visual effects gaffer
- Alfie Olivier
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Mark Osborne
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Kevin Page
- matte artist: ILM
- Maurizio Parimbelli
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Stephane Paris
- modeling technical director: MPC
- Michael Parkin
- model maker
- Alex Parkinson
- software developer: Framestore CFC
- Martin Parsons
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Simon Payne
- visual effects
- Claire Pegorier
- digital effects artist
- Martin Pengelly-Phillips
- pipeline setup lead: MPC
- Craig Penn
- senior animator: MPC
- Thibaut Petillon
- digital compositor (as Thibault Petillon)
- Daniel Pettipher
- production manager: Cinesite
- Chris Petts
- rigger: MPC
- Kevin Phelan
- digital scanning and recording producer: Lip Sync Post
- David Phillips
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- Adrian Pinder
- render wrangler: MPC
- Stuart Pitcher
- digital compositor
- Marnie Pitts
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Ian Plumb
- digital compositor
- Benjamin Porcari
- visual effects producer
- Rupert Porter
- line producer: Framestore CFC
- Travis Porter
- roto/digital paint artist
- Tim Pounds-Cornish
- visual effects editor: mpc
- Bruce Powell
- CG sequence supervisor
- Andrew Proctor
- model maker
- James Prosser
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Howard Protheroe
- digital artist: Machine
- Nick Provenzano
- technical support
- Andres Puente
- character setup
- Farhan Qureshi
- match move technician: MPC
- Samy Ben Rabah
- programmer: Framestore CFC
- Rudy Raijmakers
- animator: MPC
- Jane Ralston
- match move technician: Framestore CFC / technical director: Framestore CFC
- Matt Redhead
- technical assistant: Cinesite
- Tom Reed
- effects technical director: MPC
- Saul Reid
- junior technical director
- Rob Richardson
- render support
- Simon Richardson
- digital compositor: 4K HDR Restoration
- Paul Riddle
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Michael Ridgwell
- roto artist
- Anthony Rizzo
- digital effects artist
- Christian Roberton
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Richard Roberts
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- John Roberts-Cox
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Dave Robinson
- systems engineer
- Amy Robson
- visual effects producer: Machine
- Massimiliano Rocchetti
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Neil Roche
- animator: MPC
- Darren Rodriguez
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Craig Edward Rogers Jr.
- film recording
- Patric Roos
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Thomas Rosseter
- digital compositor
- Jean-Paul Rovela
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Alex Rutherford
- modeller
- Pedro Sabrosa
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- Matthew Sagar
- visual effects human resources: MPC
- Afonso Salcedo
- render wrangler
- Dave Salter
- film cutter: Framestore CFC
- Sandeepchoudhary
- digital artist (as Choudharysandeep)
- Rex Sander
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Steve Sauers
- lead digital cloth simulation artist: ILM
- Cal Sawyer
- head of data operation: Framestore CFC
- Carlo Scaduto
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Christoph Schinko
- 3D animator
- Frederic Schmidt
- digital effects artist: ILM
- Paul Schneider
- software development: ILM
- Petra Schwane
- digital compositor: Baseblack
- Michele Sciolette
- 2d technical director: Cinesite
- Sandra Scott
- visual effects producer
- Nicholas Seal
- digital compositor: Framestore CFC
- Jerry Sells
- digital compositor
- David Sewell
- digital effects artist
- Anthony Shafer
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Paul Sharpe
- digital artist
- Chris Shaw
- motion control supervisor
- Kevan Shorey
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- David Short
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Martyn Siddiqui
- systems engineer: MPC
- Dominic Sidoli
- visual effects producer: Double Negative
- Matina Skouteri
- junior digital lab operator: Framestore CFC
- Richard Smith
- computer systems support: ILM
- Ryan Smith
- visual effects
- Wayne Smith
- assistant visual effects editor
- Udo Smutny
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Jason Snyman
- digital effects artist
- Drew Solodzuk
- dmr editor (IMAX version)
- Max Solomon
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Jim Soukup
- matchmove artist: ILM (as James Soukup)
- Sally Spencer
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Kevin Sprout
- computer graphics supervisor: ILM
- Kevin Spruce
- character animator: Framestore CFC
- Paul Stamp
- data operation assistant: Framestore CFC
- Simon Stanley-Clamp
- visual effects supervisor: Cinesite
- Jim Steel
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Andy Stevens
- visual effects editor: MPC
- Paul Stocker
- data manager: MPC
- Nigel Stone
- photographer: model unit
- Hayley Easton Street
- texture painter: Framestore CFC (as Hayley Easton)
- Steve Street
- visual effects supervisor: Machine
- Maria Stroka
- film record coordinator: Framestore CFC
- Julien Stuart-Smith
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- David Sullivan
- paint/roto artist
- Mark Sum
- film manager: Cinesite
- Stephen Sutcliffe
- research and development: MPC
- Michael Talarico
- visual effects camera assistant
- Masahiko Tani
- matte artist: ILM
- Stephanie Taubert
- digital paint restoration
- Ljubica Temelkoska
- match move technician: Framestore CFC
- George Theophanous
- motion control camera
- Bill Thomas
- model maker
- Ben Thompson
- lead modeller: MPC
- Kim Thompson
- animator: ILM (as Kim Thompson-Steel)
- Clare Tinsley
- visual effects coordinator: Baseblack
- Jan Toensmann
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Syria Toliver
- digital compositor: MPC
- Ben Toogood
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Sanju Travis
- digital compositor (as Sanju Gupta-Travis)
- Gang Trinh
- animator: MPC
- Alan Trombla
- software development (as Alan Trombia)
- Mark Tudor-Williams
- match move technician: Framestore CFC
- Malin Tvedt
- compositor: MPC
- Christoph Unger
- digital matte painter: Cinesite
- Neil Van Der King
- rotoscope artist (as Neil Kingma)
- Gert Van Dermeersch
- digital compositor
- Courtney Vanderslice
- head of production: Cinesite
- Sean Varney
- visual effects artist
- Paola Varvaro
- digital cleanup artist
- Freddie Vaziri
- digital compositor: Cinesite Europe
- Pascale Ville
- digital compositor
- Lars Vinther
- visual effects editor: Framestore CFC
- Eugénie von Tunzelmann
- programmer: Framestore CFC
- Tim Waddy
- animator: ILM
- Oskar Wahlberg
- character rigger: Framestore CFC
- Niki Wakefield
- lead compositor: MPC
- Andy Walker
- technical director: Framestore CFC
- Tara Walker
- digital artist
- John Wallin
- matte painter: MPC
- Mark Wallman
- digital effects artist
- Kelly Walsh
- technical director: ILM
- Shawn Walsh
- color and lighting technical director: MPC
- Karen Wand
- digital compositor
- Rachel Ward
- senior animator: MPC
- Val Wardlaw
- visual effects supervisor: Baseblack
- Chris Watts
- compositor: MPC
- Jason Wen
- animator: MPC
- Derek Wentworth
- compositor: MPC
- Rus Wetherell
- digital effects artist: CFX
- Wendy Whaley
- digital compositor
- Simon Wicker
- matte artist: ILM
- Lisa Wild
- technical director
- Simon Wilkinson
- digital post production
- Royston Willcocks
- 3d supervisor: Cinesite
- Stephen Willey
- systems engineer
- Barry Williams
- matte artist: ILM
- Char Williams
- visual effects production runner: MPC
- Mark Williams
- software development: MPC
- Robert A. Willis
- digital film recordist
- Alex Wilmington
- systems engineer: MPC
- Oliver Winwood
- 3D technical assistant: Cinesite
- Kathy Wise
- digital systems manager
- Max Wood
- modeling technical director: MPC
- Melody Woodford
- match move artist
- Mike Woodhead
- match move technician
- Aubrey Woodiwiss
- junior digital lab operator: Framestore CFC
- Alison Wortman
- cg artist: Double Negative
- Jeff Wozniak
- digital compositor: ILM
- Annabel Wright
- junior digital lab operator: Framestore CFC
- Aviv Yaron
- 2D technical director: Cinesite
- Rich Yeomans
- visual effects coordinator: Warner Brothers (as Richard Yeomans)
- Susumu Yukuhiro
- lead digital matte artist
- Dean Yurke
- compositing sequence supervisor
- Gabriele Zucchelli
- senior animator: MPC
- Anthony Zwartouw
- previsualization editor
- Michael Alkan
- senior technical director (uncredited)
- Keith Barton
- technical services (uncredited)
- Dugan Beach
- digital cloth simulation artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Howard Berry
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Mike Bryant
- data I/O: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Kirsty Clark
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Tiffany Cullum
- 3D manager: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Johanna D'Amato
- visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- Paul Davies
- assistant colourist (uncredited)
- Vince De Quattro
- digital cloth simulation (uncredited)
- Rob Delicata
- motion control (uncredited)
- Martyn Drake
- systems: MPC (uncredited)
- Sebastien Dupuis
- junior compositor (uncredited)
- James Eggleton
- data management: Cinesite Europe (uncredited)
- Erik Ellefsen
- visual effects artist: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Stephen Enticott
- senior animator: Framestore CFC (previz) (uncredited)
- Daniel Evans
- digital effects artist: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Paul Flanagan
- match move technician: Framestore CFC (uncredited)
- Anna Ford
- bidding coordinator: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Jeremy Hall
- chief technology officer (uncredited)
- Simon Haslett
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Guy Hauldren
- 3D scanning technician (uncredited)
- Trevor Hazel
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Lloyd Hess
- technical support (uncredited)
- Alex Hessler
- systems engineer (uncredited)
- Nathan Hughes
- digital matte painter (uncredited)
- Simon Hughes
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Oliver James
- research & development: MPC (uncredited)
- Lance Johnson
- visual effects intern (uncredited)
- Ryan Kautzman
- software engineer: ILM (uncredited)
- Jeffrey Kember
- technical director (uncredited)
- Erin King
- rotoscope artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Paul Lambert
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Phillip Leonhardt
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Mattias Lindahl
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Stuart Lowder
- manager (uncredited)
- Steve Lynn
- technical support (uncredited)
- James McKeown
- modeller (uncredited)
- Paolo Mitton
- camera technical director (uncredited)
- Danielle Nadal
- digital i/o (uncredited)
- Ben O'Brien
- sabre artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Roma O'Connor
- bidding producer (uncredited)
- Noel O'Malley
- scanning operator: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Maggie Oh
- digital effects artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Pete Oldroyd
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Mayur Patel
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Paul Poetsch
- digital compositor: Baseblack (uncredited)
- Nigel Rafter
- technical director: Framestore (uncredited)
- Colin Rhodes
- compositor: Rising Sun Pictures (uncredited)
- Martin Riedel
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Amy Ryan Gunson
- technical director (uncredited)
- George Sakellariou
- production engineering: ILM (uncredited)
- Mike Sanders
- motion capture (uncredited)
- Florian Schuck
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Jonathan Smiles
- on set previz compositor (uncredited)
- Daniel L. Smith
- visual effects supervisor: IBC Digital (uncredited)
- Nicholas Symons
- pre-vis artist (uncredited)
- Maggie Walby
- digital i/o (uncredited)
- Caroline Wilson
- motion control operator (uncredited)
- Daniel Zizmor
- digital resource assistant (uncredited)