- Mimi Abers
- digital artist: ILM
- Jude Adamson
- lead sequence lighter: Rhythm & Hues (as Judith Adamson)
- Alia Agha
- 3D matchmove artist: ILM
- Dave Allum
- modeller: motion control & model unit (as David Allum)
- Alfonso Alpuerto
- digital character animator: SPI
- Ana Maria Alvarado
- previsualization: SPI
- Marilyn Anderson
- TA manager: Mill Film
- David Andrews
- animation supervisor: ILM
- Stephen Aplin
- animator: ILM
- Cynthia Aragon
- rotoscoping lead: SPI (as Cynthia E. Aragon)
- Eric Armstrong
- animation supervisor: SPI
- Daniel Ashton
- film operator: Cinesite (as Dan Ashton)
- Nicholas Atkinson
- visual effects editor: Mill Film (as Nick Atkinson)
- Oona Ball
- modeller: motion control & model unit (as a different name)
- Tom Barrett
- visual effects editor
- Angela Barson
- sequence compositor: MPC
- Alistair Bell
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Scott Benza
- animator: ILM
- Jim Berney
- visual effects supervisor: SPI
- Anita Bevelheimer
- digital compositor
- Mark Beverton
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Matt Blackwell
- digital artist: ILM
- Nigel Blake
- senior workshop technician: motion control & model unit
- Steven Blakey
- effects animator: SPI
- Rudi Bloss
- animator: ILM (as Wolf-Rüdiger Bloss)
- James Bluma
- assistant visual effects editor: SPI
- Rod G. Bogart
- software research & development: ILM (as Rod Bogart)
- Michael Bradley
- electrician: motion control & model unit
- Timothy Brakensiek
- creature developer: ILM
- Patrick Brennan
- lead digital artist: ILM
- Terry Bridle
- senior modeller: motion control & model unit
- Johnny Brosman
- coordinator: motion control & model unit
- Jon R. Brown
- visual effects matchmover (as Jon Brown)
- Steve Brown
- senior plasterer: motion control & model unit (as Steven Brown)
- Tom Bruno Jr.
- cloth & hair: SPI
- Andrew Bull
- 3D motion control previs: motion control unit (as Andy Bull)
- Simon Burchell
- assistant visual effects editor
- John Butiu
- character modeler: SPI
- Scott Camera-Smith
- visual effects
- Aimee Campbell
- matchmover: SPI (as Aimee E. Campbell)
- Grady Campbell
- color & lighting: SPI
- Jeremy Cantor
- lead CG character animator: SPI
- Brian Cantwell
- 3D matchmove artist: ILM
- Tim Caplan
- I/O supervisor: Mill Film
- Allen Cappuccilli
- visual effects editor: SPI (as Alan Cappuccilli)
- Derek Carlson
- lead technical assistant: SPI
- Anthony Ceccomancini
- systems research engineer: SPI
- Jason Chalmers
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Alan Chan
- look development lead: SPI
- Yeen-Shi Chen
- cg modeller: Rhythm & Hues
- Sophia Chowdhury
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Amy Christensen
- 3D matchmove artist: ILM
- Jeffrey Cilley
- digital color timing / senior film scanning and laser film recording technician
- Kyle Clark
- lead CG character animator: SPI
- Steve Clarke
- painter: motion control & model unit (as Steven Clark)
- John Clinton
- producer: digital visual effects, SPI (as John F. Clinton III)
- Allison Coit
- visual effects production assistant: SPI
- Tony Coldham
- plasterer: motion control & model unit
- Rich Cole
- visual effects coordinator
- Clint Colver
- color & lighting: SPI (as Clinton Colver)
- Ryan Cook
- digital artist: ILM
- Colin Coull
- colot timer: Mill Film
- Joyce Cox
- visual effects producer: Rhythm & Hues
- Doug Creel
- effects animator: SPI
- Beth D'Amato
- digital paint lead: ILM / rotoscope lead: ILM
- Johanna D'Amato
- CG production technician: ILM
- Matthew D'Angibau
- motion control operator: motion control unit
- Bryan Davis
- CG production technician: ILM
- Nick Davis
- second visual effects supervisor
- Gabe de Kelaita
- Production support: ILM
- Steven Deahl
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Lisa Deaner
- lead high speed compositor: SPI
- Rob Delicata
- visual effects producer: motion control unit
- Lou Dellarosa
- animator: ILM
- Debbie Denise
- visual effects executive producer: SPI
- Mark DeSousa
- cloth & hair: SPI (as Mark E.A. De Sousa)
- Keith Devlin
- compositor: Cinesite
- Michael Di Como
- lead digital artist: ILM
- Gavin Digby
- compositor: Cinesite
- Jenny Dodwell
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Christina Drahos
- digital artist: ILM
- Robert Duncan
- digital visual effects supervisor: CFC
- Nika Dunne
- digital paint: ILM
- Russell Earl
- digital artist: ILM
- Dave Early
- lead digital matte artist: Mill Film
- Selwyn Eddy
- 3d matchmove supervisor: ILM (as Selwyn Eddy III)
- Curtis Edwards
- cloth & hair: SPI (as Curtis 'NZ' Edwards)
- Paul Edwards
- visual effects producer: Mill Film
- Julia Egerton
- compositing artist: CFC
- Sander Ellers
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Mike Ellis
- film recording engineer: ILM
- Michael Elson
- head of production: MPC
- Raul Essig
- digital artist: ILM
- Ricardo Evangelista
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Fred Evans
- model sculptor: motion control & model unit
- Trevor Eve
- painter: motion control & model unit
- Jonathan Fawkner
- compositing artist: CFC
- Daev Finn
- lead sequence lighter: Rhythm & Hues
- James Flux
- color & lighting: SPI
- Mickey Flynn
- electrician: motion control & model unit (as Micky Flynn)
- Doug Forrest
- high speed compositor: SPI
- Crys Forsyth-Smith
- visual effects producer: SPI
- David E. Franks
- digital asset coordinator
- Mike Frevert
- digital artist
- Derek Friesenborg
- digital character animator: SPI
- Quentin Frost
- color & lighting: SPI
- Lisa Garner
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Dawn Gates
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Marcia Gay
- visual effects production supervisor
- Joshua Geisler-Amhowitz
- digital matte painter: SPI
- Jennifer German
- senior compositor
- Paul Giacoppo
- creature supervisor: ILM
- Tracey Gibbons
- visual effects post-production supervisor
- Scott Gibson
- rigger: motion control & model unit
- Kevin Gilmartin
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Adam Glasman
- digital colourist: CFC
- Matthew Glen
- additional visual effects editor (as Matt Glen)
- Meher Gourjian
- cloth & hair: SPI
- Jason Greenblum
- lead digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Charlotte Greenwood
- model sculptor: motion control & model unit
- Cam Griffin
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Gerald Gutschmidt
- computer graphics supervisor: ILM
- Roger Guyett
- visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Joanne Hafner
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Jennie Hall
- visual effects coordinator
- Mark Hall
- look development: SPI (as Mark R. Hall)
- Yan Hammond
- motion control operator: motion control unit
- Piers Hampton
- bidding producer: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
- Emma Hanson
- model sculptor: motion control & model unit
- John Hardwick
- digital compositor
- Jordan B. Harris
- digital character animator: SPI (as Jordan Harris)
- Philip Harrison
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Laurence Harvey
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Jeff Hatchel
- digital artist: ILM
- Ed Hawkins
- sequence compositor: MPC
- Christopher Hayes
- modeller: motion control & model unit (as Chris Hayes)
- Jane Headford
- sculptor/modeller
- Wendy Hendrickson
- 3D matchmove artist: ILM (as Wendy Hendrickson-Ellis)
- Nick Hendy
- electrician: motion control & model unit
- Jenny Heppenstall
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Garman Herigstad
- cloth & hair: SPI
- Rebecca Heskes
- viewpaint artist: ILM
- Christopher Hobbs
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Martin Hobbs
- visual effects producer: MPC
- Sofia Hodges
- visual effects coordinator
- Richard E. Hollander
- visual effects supervisor: Rhythm & Hues
- Katja Hollmann
- scanning and recording operator: Cinesite
- Greg Horswill
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Peter Seymour Howell
- modeller: motion control & model unit (as Peter Seymour-Howell)
- Kevin Hudson
- CG character modelling lead: SPI
- John Hughes
- studio head: Rhythm & Hues
- Angela Hunt
- visual effects producer: Mill Film
- Antony Hunt
- visual effects executive producer: Mill Film
- Peg Hunter
- digital artist: ILM
- Greg Hyman
- visual effects editor: ILM
- Sean Hyunin Lee
- lead sequence compositor: Rhythm & Hues (as Sean Lee)
- Shô Igarashi
- cloth lead: SPI
- Chas Jarrett
- CGI animation supervisor: MPC
- Paul Jessel
- lead CG character animator: SPI
- Drew Jones
- visual effects executive producer: CFC
- Robert Jones
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Peter Joslin
- electrician: motion control & model unit
- Jennifer Juen
- visual effects digital coordinator: SPI
- Tex Kadonaga
- modeler: Rhythm & Hues
- Ross Kameny
- software developer: SPI
- Michael Kanfer
- associate visual effects supervisor (as Michael D. Kanfer)
- Joanie Karnowski
- lead matchmover: SPI
- Paul Kavanagh
- animator: ILM
- Morgan Kelly
- animator: ILM
- Ian Kerr
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Marvin Kim
- character modeller: SPI
- MacDuff Knox
- look development lead: SPI
- Hilmar Koch
- CG sequence supervisor: ILM
- Susan Kornfeld
- texture painter: SPI
- Zsolt Krajcsik
- effects animator: SPI
- Marshall Richard Krasser
- compositing supervisor: ILM (as Marshall Krasser)
- Daniel Kuehn
- visual effects animation production manager: SPI
- Daniel La Chapelle
- cloth & hair: SPI (as Daniel Lachapelle)
- Harry Lam
- 2D compositing supervisor: Rhythm & Hues (as Hoiyue 'Harry' Lam)
- Mark Lambert
- cg supervisor: SPI
- Paul Lambert
- Inferno artist: Cinesite
- David C. Lawson
- look development lead: SPI
- James Do Young Lee
- rotoscoping: SPI (as James Doyoung Lee)
- Simon Lee
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Robert Legato
- production visual effects supervisor
- Lyndon Li
- color & lighting: SPI
- Benjamin Lishka
- color & lighting: SPI (as Benjamin F. Lishka)
- Lauren A. Littleton
- visual effects production manager: SPI (as Lauren Ann Littleton)
- Francis Liu
- look development (as Francis P. Liu)
- John Lockwood
- compositor: Cinesite
- Roger Lofting
- financial liaison: Mill Film / legal liaison: Mill Film
- David Lomax
- CG supervisor: Mill Film
- Steve Loveday
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Ulf Lundgren
- visual effects artist
- Darren Lurie
- hair lead: SPI
- Skye Lyons
- visual effects digital coordinator: SPI
- Jean Baptiste Lère
- visual effects digital coordinator: SPI
- Jodie Maier
- 3D matchmove artist: ILM
- Michal Makarewicz
- animator: ILM
- Jay Mallet
- motion control operator: motion control unit
- Alyson Markell
- digital modeller: ILM
- Tia L. Marshall
- digital artist: ILM (as Tia Marshall)
- Seth Maury
- CG supervisor: SPI
- Jason McDade
- digital character animator: SPI
- Paul McGhee
- digital color timer: SPI
- Chuck McIlvain
- technical assistant: SPI
- M. Scott McKee
- color & lighting: SPI
- James McKeown
- modeller: motion control & model unit (as a different name)
- Jeff McLean
- lead sequence compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Jim 'Big Dog' McLean
- sr. lighting and compositing artist
- Jim 'Cerberus' McLean
- color & lighting: SPI
- Ian McWilliams
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Jon Meakins
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Bob Mercier
- 3D sequence lead: Rhythm & Hues
- Mark Michaels
- composite supervisor: Cinesite
- Ray Moody
- motion control operator: motion control unit
- Karl Mooney
- visual effects supervisor: Mill Film
- Sarah Moore
- color & lighting: SPI
- Raquel Morales
- texture painter: SPI
- Greg Morgan
- senior workshop technician: motion control & model unit
- Lauren Morimoto
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- David Manos Morris
- 3D matchmove artist: ILM
- Jim Morris
- general manager: ILM
- Michelle Motta
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Duncan Mude
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Michael Mulholland
- 3D modelling & lighting animator: Cinesite (as Mike Mulholland)
- Del Murphy
- stagehand: motion control & model unit
- John Murphy
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Karen M. Murphy
- visual effects producer
- Peter Muyzers
- lead technical director: MPC
- Sei Nakashima
- concept artist
- Maks Naporowski
- character development: animator: SPI (as Maksymillan Naporoski)
- Craig Narramore
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Ronald Nash
- plasterer: motion control & model unit
- Jonathan Neill
- 3d modeling & lighting animator: Cinesite
- Peter Nicolai
- animation coordinator: ILM / visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Rachel Nicoll
- lead digital matte artist: Mill Film
- Digna Nigoumi
- encoding crane operator: motion control unit / motion control operator: motion control unit
- Richard Northcroft
- sculptor/modeller
- Samuel Nunez
- lead matchmover: Rhythm & Hues
- Matt Oakley
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Pia Odell-Foster
- visual effects coordinator (as Pia Turchyn)
- Pete Oldroyd
- compositor: Cinesite
- Jeff Olm
- high speed compositor: SPI
- Joshua Ong
- Digital Artist: Industrial Light & Magic
- Khatsho John Orfali
- digital artist: ILM (as Kahtsho Orfali)
- Carolyn Oros
- character modeller: SPI
- Julie Orosz
- production manager: Rhythm & Hues (as Julie Orszo)
- Andrea Lackey Pace
- technical assistant: SPI
- David Palmer
- texture painter: SPI
- Dominic Parker
- supervising CG animator: CFC
- David Parrish
- color & lighting: SPI (as David A. Parrish)
- Stuart Partridge
- senior compositor
- Jamie Peters
- rigger: motion control & model unit
- Aaron Pfau
- lead creature developer: ILM
- Cary Phillips
- software research & development: ILM
- David Phillips
- digital compositor
- Franco Pietrantonio
- visual effects digital production manager: SPI
- Todd Pilger
- CG character set-up lead: SPI
- Domi Piturro
- chief creative officer and studio president: Paraform
- Danny Popkin
- camera tracking
- Bruce Powell
- digital artist: ILM
- Andrew Proctor
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Derrick Quarles
- lead film recordist: SPI (as Derrick Troy Quarles)
- Leigh Raby
- filmout manager: Mill Film
- Denise Ream
- animation producer: ILM / visual effects producer: ILM
- Kevin Reuter
- lead digital artist: ILM
- Simon Richardson
- digital compositor: 4K HDR Restoration
- Mark Rodahl
- visual effects producer: Rhythm & Hues
- Adam Rogers
- electrician: motion control & model unit
- John Rogers
- gaffer: motion control & model unit
- Christopher Romano
- visual effects
- Tomás Rosenfeldt
- lead effects artist: Rhythm & Hues (as Tomas Rosenfeldt)
- Sally Ross
- coordinator: motion control & model unit
- Susan Ross
- viewpaint supervisor: ILM
- Jason Rosson
- digital artist: ILM
- Cherie Rye
- cloth & hair: SPI
- Joe Salazar
- digital compositor
- Gregory Salter
- supervising compositor: MPC (as Greg Salter)
- Nicole Samarron
- CG production technician: ILM
- Brian Schindler
- digital character animator: SPI
- Jason Schleifer
- digital character animator: SPI
- Laura Scholl
- look development lead: SPI
- Eric Scott
- visual effects production coordinator: SPI
- Robbie Scott
- model unit supervisor (as Robert Scott)
- Jules Senior
- film editor & library: Cinesite
- Ralph Sevazlian
- cloth & hair: SPI
- Naz Shams
- cloth & hair: SPI
- Chad Shattuck
- lead sequence animator: Rhythm & Hues
- Chris Shaw
- 3D motion control previs supervisor: motion control & model unit
- Andy Sheng
- lead effects artist: Rhythm & Hues
- Rick Shick
- high speed compositor: SPI (as Richard Shick)
- Kevan Shorey
- machmove artist: SPI
- Bradley Sick
- modeler: Rhythm & Hues
- Karen N. Sickles
- animation coordinator: ILM (as Karen Sickles) / visual effects coordinator: ILM (as Karen Sickles)
- Dominic Sidoli
- visual effects producer: CFC
- Alex Smith
- compositor: Cinesite
- David Alexander Smith
- cg supervisor: SPI (as Dave A. Smith)
- Keith W. Smith
- digital character animator: SPI
- Kenneth Smith
- digital timing supervisor: ILM
- Brian Smithies
- senior modeller: motion control & model unit
- Evan Smyth
- software developer: SPI
- Alexander E. Sokoloff
- digital character animator: SPI (as Alexander Sokoloff)
- Aliza Sorotzkin
- color & lighting: SPI
- Jennifer Spenelli
- previsualization editor (as Jennifer Mangan)
- Natalie Staniforth
- sculptor/modeller
- Simon Stanley-Clamp
- compositing supervisor: Mill Film (as Simon Stanley Clamp)
- David Stephens
- effects lead: SPI (as David J. Stephens)
- Sam Stewart
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Nigel Stone
- director of photography: motion control & model unit
- Dee Storm
- assistant visual effects editor: SPI
- Steve Street
- 3D modelling & lighting animator: Cinesite
- Baudouin Struye
- look development lead: SPI
- Sebastian Sue
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Doug Sutton
- lead digital artist: ILM
- David Takemura
- visual effects plate supervisor
- Craig Talmy
- senior animation supervisor: Rhythm & Hues
- Paul Tappin
- plasterer: motion control & model unit
- Will Telford
- lead animation set-up: Rhythm & Hues
- Bill Tessier
- digital character animator: SPI
- George Theophanous
- motion control cameraman: motion control & model unit
- Bill Thomas
- model sculptor: motion control & model unit
- Cari Thomas
- visual effects producer
- Richard Thomas
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Brian Thompson
- CG character set-up: SPI
- Simon Thorpe
- graphic artist: motion control & model unit
- Gavin Toomey
- compositing artist: CFC
- Mark Topping
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Donna Tracy
- texture painter: SPI
- Peter G. Travers
- CG supervisor: SPI
- Christine Troianello
- paint artist: SPI
- Michael Trujillo
- senior video/hardware engineer: SPI
- Pauline Ts'o
- co-senior lighting supervisor: Rhythm & Hues (as Pauline T-so)
- Alex Tysowsky
- digital character animator: SPI
- Michelle Urbano
- matchmove lead
- Darren Urbaszewski
- character modeller: SPI
- Pepe Valencia
- lead co-character animator: SPI
- Jim Van der Keyl
- digital character animator: SPI (as James Van Der Keyl)
- Tom Vane
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Sean Varney
- visual effects artist
- Omz Velasco
- digital modeller: ILM
- Anthony Vice
- plasterer: motion control & model unit
- Heide Waldbaum
- visual effects digital coordinator: SPI
- Jan Walker
- modeller: motion control & model unit
- Tara Walker
- digital lab operator
- Tania Wanstall
- sculptor/modeller
- Gina Warr
- color & lighting: SPI (as Gina Warr-Lawes)
- Roland Watson
- visual effects production coordinator: Mill Film
- Simon Wearne
- previsualization editor
- David Weitzberg
- digital artist: ILM
- Ken Wesley
- lead digital artist: ILM
- Erin West
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Kelly Wilcox
- CG character set-up: SPI
- Todd Wilderman
- lead CG character animator: SPI
- Marc Wilhite
- creature developer: ILM
- Caroline Wilson
- motion control operator: motion control unit
- Chris Winters
- color & lighting: SPI
- Jonathan Wood
- look development: SPI
- Malcolm Woolridge
- cameraman: motion control unit (as Malcolm Wooldridge) / supervisor: motion control unit (as Malcolm Wooldridge)
- David Worman
- matchmover: SPI
- Gregory Yepes
- lead sequence lighter: Rhythm & Hues (as Greg Yepes)
- Kent Yoshida
- lead sequence animator: Rhythm & Hues
- Gary Abrahamian
- previs animation and final animation (uncredited)
- Erik Akutagawa
- scan/record manager (uncredited)
- Robert Allman
- technical director (uncredited)
- Hani AlYousif
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Stewart Anderson
- technical support: MPC (uncredited)
- Christopher M. Anthony
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Hunter Athey
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- John Attard
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Kenneth Au
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Leslie Baker
- senior technical director (uncredited)
- Steve Baker
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Giacomo Bargellesi
- technical assistant: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Dave Barnard
- systems engineer: Smoke & Mirrors, UK (uncredited)
- Steve Barnes
- digital compositor: MillFilm (uncredited)
- Keith Barton
- technical services: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Yakov Baytler
- senior technical director (uncredited)
- Susanne Becker
- digital artist (uncredited)
- John Bennett
- technical support: MPC (uncredited)
- Sara Bennett
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Kevin Bertazzon
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Lloyd Bettell-Higgins
- motion control operator (uncredited)
- Hitesh Bharadia
- digital artist: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Christian Boudman
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- David A.T. Bowman
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Helena Brackley
- model unit (uncredited)
- Sam Breach
- previsualisation (uncredited)
- Jonah Brennan
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Will Broadbent
- cg artist: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Sean Broughton
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Simon Brown
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Andy Burrow
- digital lab operator: CFC (uncredited)
- Scot Byrd
- publicist: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Timothy Michael Cairns
- roto artist: SPI (uncredited)
- Mario Calamita
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Sean Callan
- technical assistant (uncredited)
- Beau Cameron
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Aimee Campbell
- cloth artist: SPI (uncredited)
- Kevin Campbell
- software developer (uncredited)
- Martin Chamney
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Damien Cheetham
- post production engineer: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Lee Chidwick
- digital i/o (uncredited)
- Zachary Cole
- technical support: ILM (uncredited)
- Daniel Aristoteles Collins
- systems/operations: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Grant Connor
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Danielle Conroy
- director of digital production: SPI (uncredited)
- Paul Conway
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Martin Cook
- rotoscope artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Simon Cox
- data operator: MPC (uncredited)
- Brandon Craig
- render supervisor: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Stuart Cripps
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Todd Daugherty
- render support: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Richard Davenport
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Alan Davidson
- senior technical director: SPI (uncredited)
- Paul Davies
- assistant colourist (uncredited)
- Yves De Bono
- special effects coordinator: CGI unit (uncredited)
- Virginie Degorgue
- model maker (uncredited)
- Neyda E. Dejesus
- visual effects senior technical assistant: SPI (uncredited)
- Michael Deming
- digital lab operator: CFC (uncredited)
- Thomas R. Dickens
- design lead: designed Norbert the Dragon for another studio, SPI (uncredited)
- Tony Diep
- high speed compositor: SPI (uncredited)
- Brian Dowrick
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Ditch Doy
- CG animator: MPC (uncredited)
- Stefan Drury
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited) / visual effects coordinator: MPC (uncredited)
- Simon Dunsdon
- animatics artist: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Dan Duran
- data operator: MPC (uncredited)
- Paddy Eason
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Areito Echevarria
- digital compositor: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Chris Elson
- rotoscope artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Richard Etchells
- data operator: MPC (uncredited)
- Greg Fisher
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Thomas F. Ford IV
- Inferno digital production (uncredited)
- Ben Forster
- 3D digital artist: MillFilm (uncredited)
- Martin Foster
- color and lighting: SPI (uncredited)
- Kayser Foyz
- data operator: MPC (uncredited)
- Pawl Fulker
- previsualisation supervisor (uncredited)
- James Furlong
- matchmover: Framestore CFC (uncredited)
- Andrew Garnet-Lawson
- matte painter: MPC (uncredited)
- Andy Gauvreau
- digital effects: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Sally Goldberg
- computer animator (uncredited)
- John Goodman
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Davina Gottschalk
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Katherine Granger
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Steve Gray
- rotoscope artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Jeff Grebe
- technical assistant: ILM (uncredited)
- Peter Grecian
- technical support: MPC (uncredited)
- Phil Green
- data operator (uncredited)
- Darrel Griffin
- data aupport: CFC (uncredited)
- Rosanne Gunn
- visual effects (uncredited)
- David Gutman
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Metin Güngör
- roto/prep artist (uncredited)
- Andy Hague
- visual effects editorial: CFC (uncredited)
- Robert Hall
- digital paint artist: CFC (uncredited)
- Taigne Hammock
- resource administrator (uncredited)
- Anthony Harris
- digital color timer (uncredited)
- Joey Harris
- technical assistant (uncredited)
- Nic Hatch
- CG artist: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Guy Hauldren
- 3d scanning (uncredited)
- Kieron Helsdon
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Robert Hemmings
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Kirk Henderson
- concept artist (uncredited)
- Charley Henley
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Nicole Herr
- senior digital artist: SPI (uncredited)
- Lloyd Hess
- technical support (uncredited)
- Grant Hewlett
- digital artist: tracking (uncredited)
- Jep Hill
- technical director: SPI (uncredited)
- Jan Hogevold
- digital lab producer: CFC (uncredited)
- Phil Holland
- scanning & recording operator (uncredited)
- Ivo Horvat
- matte painter: SPI (uncredited)
- Adam Howarth
- visual effects: practical effects elements for post production inclusion (uncredited)
- Robin Huffer
- cg artist (uncredited)
- Simon Hughes
- scanning and recording supervisor (uncredited)
- Ian Hulbert
- digital artist: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Emma Ibbetson
- visual effects executive producer: smoke and mirrors (uncredited)
- Michael Illingworth
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Adam Inglis
- digital lab operator: CFC (uncredited)
- Elie Jamaa
- technical director: MPC (uncredited)
- Merrin Jensen
- digital lab operator: CFC (uncredited)
- Pete Jopling
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Matt Kasmir
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Theano Kazagli
- digital I/O: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Elizabeth Maxwell Keith
- shader writer (uncredited)
- Laurent Kermel
- technical director (uncredited) / texture supervisor (uncredited)
- Lance Kimes
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Andy Kind
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Stephen Kowalski
- senior systems engineer (uncredited)
- Michael La Fave
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Paul Ladd
- visual effects coordinator: Cinesite (uncredited)
- James Lamb
- digital effects producer: Smoke and Mirrors Productions Ltd, UK (uncredited)
- Douglas Larmour
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Aaron M. Lawn
- production services technician (uncredited)
- Phillip Leonhardt
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- John Leonti
- CG animator: MPC (uncredited)
- Suzi Little
- senior cloth technical director (uncredited)
- Raymond K.L. Liu
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Nick Lloyd
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Charlotte Loughnane
- data operator: MPC (uncredited)
- Stuart Lowder
- manager (uncredited)
- Roz Lowrie
- visual effects editorial: CFC (uncredited)
- Veronica Lüthcke
- matte monkey (uncredited)
- Alasdair MacCuish
- data operations manager: Cinesite, UK (uncredited)
- Joe Mancewicz
- animation setup (uncredited)
- Joe Mandia
- previsualization artist (uncredited)
- Julian Mann
- technical director: MPC (uncredited)
- Ethan Marak
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Scott Marriott
- digital paint artist: CFC (uncredited)
- Jeffrey Martin
- digital artist: SPI (uncredited)
- Jason McDonald
- animator (uncredited) / digital artist (uncredited)
- Adam McInnes
- digital compositor: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Joel Meire
- digital artist: CFC (uncredited)
- Gustav Melich
- digital artist: SPI (uncredited)
- Joel Román MendÃas
- production executive: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Ivor Middleton
- lead animator (uncredited)
- Justin K Miller
- production services technician (uncredited)
- Aung Min
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Simon Minshall
- scanning and recording (uncredited)
- Robert Moggach
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Amanda Morrison
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Jake Morrison
- senior lighting technical director (uncredited)
- Steve Murgatroyd
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Mike L. Murphy
- character animator (uncredited)
- Jeremy Nelligan
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Ian Nichols
- lidar operator (uncredited)
- Jessica Norman
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Paul O'Shea
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Dylan Owen
- data aupport: CFC (uncredited)
- Matthew Packham
- data operator: MPC (uncredited)
- Martin Parsons
- technical support: MPC (uncredited)
- Steve Parsons
- senior data operator (uncredited)
- Simon Payne
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Craig Penn
- cloth dynamics: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Antoinette Perez
- visual effects coordinator: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Van Phan
- animator (uncredited)
- Mark Pinheiro
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Ian Plumb
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Ryan Pollreisz
- visual effects production assistant: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Alan Precourt
- technical director (uncredited)
- Rudy Raijmakers
- cg animator (uncredited)
- Dean Rasmussen
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Keith Roberts
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- John Roberts-Cox
- CG modeller: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Chad Rogers
- data support: CFC (uncredited)
- Craig Rowe
- technical assistant: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Amy Ryan Gunson
- technical director: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- George Sakellariou
- production engineering: ILM (uncredited)
- James Salter
- technical assistant: SPI (uncredited)
- John Sanders
- production services technician (uncredited)
- Mike Sanders
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Olivier Sarda
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Michael Q. Schmidt
- CG model: mountain troll, SPI (uncredited)
- Sean Schur
- visual effects supervisor (uncredited)
- Lopsie Schwartz
- texture painter: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Nick Seresin
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Jeff Shank
- digital effects: SPI (uncredited)
- Toby Shears
- modeler (uncredited)
- Ben Shepherd
- cg animator: MPC (uncredited)
- Jennifer Simonds
- digital lab operator: CFC (uncredited)
- Dan Smiczek
- technical animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Jason Snyman
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Richard Stammers
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Mark Stannard
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Kev Stenning
- laser scanning (uncredited)
- Andy Stevens
- visual effects camera assistant: Millfilm (uncredited)
- Jelena Stojanovic
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Hayley Easton Street
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Maria Stroka
- digital lab operator: CFC (uncredited)
- Jonathan Stroud
- technical director: MPC (uncredited)
- Lee F. Sullivan
- technical director: SPI (uncredited)
- David Sweeney
- Inferno assistant: Rhythm & Hues Studios (uncredited)
- Evan S. Tallas
- technical assistant (uncredited)
- Olcun Tan
- renderman software development (uncredited)
- Raoul Teague
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Kevin Tengan
- systems administrator (uncredited)
- Joseph Thomas
- matchmover (uncredited)
- Ben Thompson
- CG animator: MPC (uncredited)
- Andrew Titcomb
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Vincent Toscano
- software development (uncredited)
- Simon Trafford
- data operator: MPC (uncredited)
- Ben Turner
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Matthew Twyford
- compositing artist: CFC (uncredited)
- Courtney Vanderslice
- head of production: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Victor Wade
- digital paint artist: CFC (uncredited)
- Mark Wallman
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Val Wardlaw
- digital artist: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Darrin Wehser
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Barry Weiss
- senior staff: SPI (uncredited)
- Gabriel White
- 3D digital artist: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Royston Willcocks
- head of CG modelling: Mill Film (uncredited)
- Corrina Wilson
- digital paint artist: CFC (uncredited)
- Kathy Wise
- data operater (uncredited)
- Tom Wood
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)
- Aviv Yaron
- 2D technical director: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Gee Yeung
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Dustin Zachary
- modeler (uncredited)
- Serkan Zelzele
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Ziggy Zigouras
- digital compositor: MPC (uncredited)