- Adel Abada
- lighting & compositing artist
- Lia Abbate
- production infrastructure: Sony Picture Animation
- Jon Aghassian
- lighting & compositing artist
- Arturo Aguilar
- cloth and hair artist
- Kurt Albrecht
- production infrastructure: Sony Picture Animation
- Vinicio Alvarez
- development specialist
- Jesse Andrewartha
- shader pipeline td
- Neil Atkins
- senior cloth/hair technical director: SPI
- Kilian Aulenbacher
- matte painter
- Steve Avoujageli
- effects animator
- Michael Ball
- software engineer
- Alison Middaugh Barger
- cloth and hair artist
- Lynn Basas
- look development artist / senior technical director: lighting and compositing, SPI
- James Battersby
- visual development artist
- Chad Belteau
- character setup td / senior rigger, lighter, and compositor
- Mannix Bennett
- matte painter
- Matthew Benson
- visual effects artist
- Jeffrey Bernstein
- cloth and hair artist
- John Bevelheimer
- matte painter
- Shane Birdsill
- development support / technical production coordinator: SPI
- Brian Blasiak
- senior lighting and compositing technical director
- Chris Bolwyn
- visual effects artist
- Tim Brandt
- look development artist (as Timothy Brandt)
- Samantha N. Brown
- training & artist development (as Samantha Brown)
- Armin Bruderlin
- software supervisor
- Alyssa Brule
- stereo layout artist
- Tom Bruno Jr.
- rough layout artist (as Thomas Bruno) / senior character animator: SPI / senior layout artist: SPI
- Christopher Burdorf
- software engineer
- Maxx Burman
- matte painter
- Shane Cauchi
- lighting & compositing artist
- Joseph Cavanaugh
- effects animation lead
- Clara Chan
- look development artist
- Joshua Chapel
- lighting & compositing artist
- François Chardavoine
- pipeline architect
- Alan Chen
- lead lighting artist (as Alan Zhongnan Chen)
- Steve Childers
- rough layout artist
- Sun Chung
- matte painter
- Patrick Clark
- software engineer
- Brian A. Coffee
- character effects technical director / cloth and hair artist / layout/visual effects technical director
- Moti Cohen
- software supervisor
- Tim Coleman
- character setup supervisor (as Timothy Coleman)
- David Conlon
- look development lead
- Alejandro Conty
- rendering engineer
- Simon Corbaux
- senior cfx td
- Nicolle Cornute
- texture painter (as Nicolle Cornute-Sutton)
- J.C. Cornwell
- training & artist development
- Sean Corzo
- character pipeline td
- Murilo Coutinho
- software lead
- Stéphane Couture
- rough layout artist (as Stephane Couture)
- Dan Cox
- lighting & compositing artist
- Gregory Culp
- lighting and compositing technical director
- Larry Danielle
- pst / texture painter
- Sumit Das
- animation pipeline td
- Alan Davidson
- software engineer
- Marc-Andre Davignon
- software engineer
- Natalie DeJohn
- visual effects coordinator
- Dominic del Castillo
- cloth and hair artist
- Debbie Denise
- senior management SPI
- Stefano Di Noia
- lighting & compositing artist
- Joseph DiLallo
- character setup td
- Danny Dimian
- cg supervisor
- Benjamin Dines
- digital resource apm
- Dale Drummond
- lighting & compositing artist
- Steven Dugaro
- software engineer (as Steven Peter Dugaro)
- Yann Dupont
- lighting & compositing artist
- Angela M. Eliasz
- lighting & compositing artist (as Angela Eliasz)
- Scott Englert
- character setup td
- Daniel Erickson
- stereo 3D technical director / stereo layout artist
- Cat Rowe Farquharson
- color assist (as Cat Rowe)
- Paul Fedor
- texture painter
- James Fetter
- look development artist
- Benjamin Fiske
- effects animator
- Michael Ford
- cg supervisor
- Richard Forman
- pst (as Richard A. Forman)
- Kristy Lynn Fortier
- animation coordinator
- Denise Blakely Fuller
- matte painter (as Denise Blakely-Fuller)
- Tasio Garcia
- software engineer
- Sam Gebhart
- texture painter
- Paxton Gerrish
- character setup td
- Pooya Ghobadpour
- lighting & compositing artist
- Ruth Gibson
- artist management
- Tad A. Gielow
- software lead (as Tad Gielow)
- Matt Giovingo
- lighting & compositing artist
- Kiel Gnebba
- fx td
- David Godwin
- lighting & compositing artist
- Allen Gonzales
- matte painting
- James Goodman
- effects animator
- Amy R. Gordon
- lighting apm
- Dipankar Goswamy
- cloth and hair artist
- Anett Gough
- artist management
- Stephanie Greco
- artist management
- Larry Gritz
- rendering engineer
- Dawn Guinta
- artist management
- Harry Gundersen
- lighting & compositing artist
- Dan Gutierrez
- training & artist development (as Daniel Gutierrez)
- Brian Hall
- software supervisor
- Aaron Hamman
- environmental modeler
- Todd Hara
- lighting & compositing artist
- Jeremy Harger
- lighting & compositing artist
- Paul Hargrave
- lighting and compositing artist
- Dan Haring
- lighting & compositing artist
- Matt Hausman
- cg supervisor
- Parag Havaldar
- software supervisor
- Joseph Hayden
- lighting & compositing technical director
- Mel Hayes II
- lighting & compositing artist (as Melvin L. Hayes II) / shot lighter
- Stephen Heidelberg
- cloth and hair artist
- Chad J. Hellmuth
- artist management (as Chad Hellmuth)
- Thomas Helman
- cloth and hair artist
- Karl Herbst
- cg supervisor
- Stefan Herz
- character pipeline td
- Dark Hoffman
- matte painter (as Dark L. Hoffman)
- Andrew Hofman
- effects animation lead
- Thomas Hollier
- lead lighting artist
- John Hood
- character pipeline supervisor
- Rob House
- cloth and hair artist
- Dave R. Howe
- lighting & compositing artist
- Amy Hronek
- animation pipeline td
- Amanda Hui
- visual effects coordinator
- Mark Hulshult
- pst
- Chris Hung
- senior technical director
- Adnan Hussain
- cloth and hair artist
- Stephen V. Hwan
- lighting & compositing artist
- Rod Ibanez
- cg supervisor
- Junko Igarashi
- software engineer (as Junko V. Igarashi)
- Katya Isichenko
- cloth and hair technical director
- Pasha Ivanov
- effects animator
- Chris Jolly
- lighting & compositing artist / visual effects artist
- Joey Kadin
- resource specialist
- David Kalbeitzer
- digital producer
- Lisa Kalmanson
- lighting & compositing artist
- Nori Kaneko
- texture paint supervisor
- Moon-Jung Kang
- lead character modeler (as Moon Jung Kang)
- Yiotis Katsambas
- pre-production pipeline supervisor / software supervisor
- Miku Kayama
- senior color and lighting technical director
- Chris Kazmier
- effects animator / visual effects artist
- Blaine Kennison
- lighting & compositing artist
- Lee Kerley
- shading engineer
- Darren Kiner
- lighting & compositing artist (as Darren D. Kiner)
- D.J. Kirkbride
- artist management
- Kevin Kitchel
- effects technical director
- Apryl Knobbe
- lead matte painter
- Lu Kondor
- development support
- Stephen Kowalski
- systems engineering supervisor
- Keiko Koyama
- associate production manager: SPI
- Daniel Kramer
- visual effects supervisor
- Mark Krentz
- model supervisor
- Dave Krieger
- software engineer
- Marissa Krupen
- matte painter
- Christopher Kulla
- rendering engineer
- Martin Kumor
- senior pipeline technical director
- Michael La Fave
- effects animator (as Michael Scott LaFave)
- Randy Lake
- senior management: SPI
- Lea Lambert
- artist management
- Lauren Lanster
- pst
- Jon Lanz
- lighting & compositing artist
- Mike Lasker
- cg supervisor (as Michael Lasker) / look development lead
- Dan Lavender
- lighting & compositing artist
- Nicola Lavender
- look development artist
- Steve LaVietes
- pipeline architect
- Claire Lawrence-Slater
- cloth and hair artist
- Umberto Lazzari
- software engineer
- Michelle Ledesma
- lighting coordinator
- Brian James Lee
- lighting & compositing artist
- David Jinyoo Lee
- pst
- Kang Sub Lee
- senior lighting and compositing technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks (as Kangsub Lee)
- Shun Sing Edward Lee
- senior lighting and compositing technical director
- Suki Lee
- matte painter
- Cottalango Leon
- software lead
- Tatchapon Lertwirojkul
- lighting and compositing artist
- Michael Levine
- cloth and hair artist
- Letia Lewis
- rough layout artist
- Natalie Lima
- development support
- Rene Limberger
- software supervisor
- James S. Little
- senior effects technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Richard Liukis
- lighting & compositing artist
- Daniel Lobl
- cg supervisor
- George Longo
- modeler: Imageworks
- Sean Looper
- software engineer
- Jenna Lowhorn
- production infrastructure: Sony Picture Animation
- Carlos Lucas
- lighting & compositing artist (as Carlos Lucas Picazo)
- Mike Lyons
- software engineer
- Skye Lyons
- digital producer
- Jean Baptiste Lère
- digital producer
- Sam Marks
- look development coordinator
- Pam Marsden
- production infrastructure: Sony Picture Animation
- Adam Martinez
- shading engineer
- Ken Maruyama
- artist management
- Will McCrate
- lighting & compositing artist
- Kyle McGinnis
- character pipeline td
- Jennifer McKnew
- texture painter: SPI
- Garrick McLaughlin
- digital production manager
- Jim 'Big Dog' McLean
- sr lighting and compositing artist: SPI
- David B. Menkes
- lead lighting artist (as David Menkes)
- Lucas Miller
- software engineer
- Nikola Milosevic
- lighting & compositing artist
- Sosh Mirsepassi
- software supervisor
- Rick Mischel
- senior management SPI
- Alex Moaveni
- effects animator
- Geronimo Morales IV
- character pipeline td
- Juan Carlos Moreno Rogel
- software developer
- Frank Mueller
- character setup td
- Enrique Munoz
- lighting technical director and look development
- Alex Murtaza
- matte painter (as Alex Ali Murtaza) / senior matte painter
- Adil Mustafabekov
- matte painter
- Chris Nabholz
- senior lighting technical director: SPI
- Ricardo Nadu
- cloth and hair artist
- Kate Nagy
- character pipeline td
- Gregory Newman
- lead pst
- Adele Ng
- lighting/compositing artist
- Linh Nguyen
- final layout artist (as Linh Mai Nguyen Chan)
- Adrian Tehao Niu
- senior character technical director (as Adrian Niu)
- Christopher L. Nolan
- environmental modeler (as Christopher Nolan)
- Samantha Ofole-Prince
- artist management
- Ellery Ortiz
- stereo layout artist
- Andrew Osiow
- character pipeline td
- Andrea Lackey Pace
- resource manager
- Viviana Palacios
- lighting & compositing artist
- Scott Palleiko
- senior lighting technical director: SPI
- Peter Palombi
- software engineer
- Ivo Panayotov
- system engineer: SPI
- James Parente
- cloth and hair artist
- Ravindra Patel
- Lighting And Compositing Artist
- John Patrick
- character pipeline td
- Eric Peterson
- final layout artist
- Robin Petersson
- character modeler
- Aaron Pfau
- software supervisor (as Aaron Phau)
- Eric Provan
- lead character modeler
- Thomas Pushpathadam
- effects animator
- The-Hung Quach
- texture painter
- Winston Quitasol
- lighting & compositing artist
- Arun Ram-Mohan
- lead lighting & compositing artist
- Matthew George Rampias
- lighting & compositing artist
- J. Robert Ray
- software lead
- Donald Reich
- rough layout artist
- Jay Reynolds
- shading engineer
- Maryam Riahi
- stereo layout artist
- Sam Richards
- pipeline architect
- Sam Rickles
- effects animator
- Jordi Riera
- character pipeline td
- Ryan Roberts
- character setup td (as Ryan J. Roberts)
- Christopher Romano
- visual effects
- Mikki Rose
- cloth & hair lead
- Hunter Rosenberg
- cg modeler
- Eric S. Rosenthal
- visual effects artist (as Eric Rosenthal)
- Neil Rubenstein
- cloth and hair artist
- Rosendo Salazar
- lead lighting artist
- Richard Sandoval
- lighting & compositing: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Eric Sanford
- character modeler
- Nobuteru Sasagawa
- character modeler
- Brian D. Scott
- supervising animator
- Alvaro Segura
- visual effects artist
- Jeremy Selan
- software supervisor
- Mathew Selby
- software engineer
- Sheldon Serrao
- effects animator
- Vincent Serritella
- effects animation supervisor
- Rosie Server
- artist management
- Sameer Shah
- matte painter
- Dan Sheerin
- animation pipeline td
- Brian Silva
- lighting & compositing artist
- Jason Simmons
- effects animator
- Craig Frazer Simpson
- final layout artist
- Ed Siomacco Jr.
- cloth & hair lead
- Joseph Slomka
- color scientist
- Brian K. Smith
- pst
- Geo Snelling
- software engineer
- Sharmishtha Sohoni
- senior lighting and compositing technical director
- Andrea Solis
- software engineer (as Andrea K. Solis)
- John C. Sparks
- cloth and hair artist (as John Spark)
- Bret St. Clair
- look development artist
- Diane St.Clair
- training & artist development
- Clifford Stein
- rendering engineer
- Brittany Stine
- lighting coordinator
- Bo Struye
- lighting & compositing artist
- Sungwook Su
- visual effects artist
- Elissa Sussman
- effects animation coordinator
- Karthik Swaminathan
- cloth and hair artist
- Prapanch Swamy
- lighting & compositing artist
- Leo Szew
- software engineer
- Billy Tai
- rough & final layout artist: Sony Picture Imageworks
- Kaz Tanaka
- color scientist / development specialist / software engineer
- Leanne K. Tanizawa
- lighting coordinator
- Martin Tardif
- lighting & compositing artist
- Judy Thomason
- production infrastructure: Sony Picture Animation
- Brian Thompson
- software engineer
- Peter Tieryas
- character setup td
- Daniel Tiesling
- pst
- Michael Todd
- cloth and hair artist
- Johnna Todesco
- lighting coordinator
- Jon Tojek
- cloth & hair: SPI / lighting & compositing artist
- Messrob Torikian
- final layout artist
- Donna Tracy
- texture painter
- Quan Tran
- lighting & compositing artist
- Ellen Trinh
- lighting & compositing artist
- Scott G. Trosclair
- lighting & compositing artist (as Scott Trosclair)
- Ryan Tulloch
- lighting and compositing technical director
- Corey Turner
- consulting stereographer: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Mehul Upadhyay
- pst (as Mehul Bharatkumar Upadhyay)
- Carolyn Uy
- senior technical director
- Paul Van Camp
- effects animator
- Theo Vandernoot
- effects animator
- Steven Vargas
- training & artist development
- Nooshin Vegh
- digital production manager
- Xavier Velazquez
- development specialist (as Xavier Angel Velazquez)
- Joe Viola
- lighting & compositing artist
- Wendy Mashburn Vizard
- artist management (as Wendy Mashburn)
- Eric Voegels
- cloth and hair artist
- Chris Waegner
- cg supervisor
- Paul Waggoner
- effects animator
- John B. Wallace
- texture painter (as John B. Wallace III)
- Brian Walters
- rough layout artist
- Ying Wei
- software engineer
- Jerry Weil
- lighting & compositing artist
- John Welborn
- software engineer (as John Bradley Welborn)
- Ken Wesley
- effects animator
- David Wiezer
- final layout artist
- Marc Wilhite
- character setup td
- Von Williams
- 3d stereoscopic supervisor
- Aaron Wilson
- effects animation lead
- Mark A. Wilson
- lighting & compositing artist
- Stephen Winters
- production services technician
- Patrick Witting
- effects animation supervisor
- Brian Wong
- software engineer
- Yezi Xue
- lighting & compositing artist
- Nara Youn
- animator
- Maryam H. Zadeh
- stereo layout artist
- Blair Zajac
- software supervisor
- Michael Zhang
- software engineer
- Kaichi Zhou
- software engineer
- Terry Ziegelman
- lighting & compositing artist
- Brian Adams
- lighting and compositing artist (uncredited)
- John Clinton
- co-producer: pre-production (uncredited)
- Taigne Hammock
- resource administrator (uncredited)
- Hannah Kent
- cloth & hair: Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)
- Sarah Moore
- lighting & compositing: SPI (uncredited)
- Kaitlyn Peplow Prestia
- cloth and hair technical director (uncredited)
- Joseph Rosensteel
- senior lighting and compositing technical director (uncredited)
- Zach Schipono
- development specialist (uncredited)
- Jeremie Winslow
- digital production manager: Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)