- Paul Abadilla
- end title sequence by
- Mark Adams
- international technical team
- Collin Allen
- systems support: web development, pixar studio team
- Tricia Andres
- talent strategy and operations: Pixar studio team
- Maeve Andrews
- additional voices
- Mark Andrews
- senior leadership team: Pixar / story consultant
- Judith Angulo
- Pixar University: Pixar Studio Team
- Anthony A. Apodaca
- theme parks: Pixar studio team
- Steve Apostolina
- additional voices (as Stephen Apostolina)
- Michael Arndt
- story consultant
- Jim Atkinson
- shading, lighting, and fx and rendering: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Asad Ayaz
- executive vice president: head of marketing
- Kimberly Bailey
- additional voices
- Sola Bamis
- additional voices
- David Baraff
- assets and infrastructure: software research and development
- Megan Bartel
- story manager
- Andrew Beall
- production department head: Pixar
- Dan Berman
- systems engineer
- Brad Bird
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Bryan Bird
- storage: support, Pixar studio team
- Nic Bishop
- systems engineer
- Steve Blum
- additional voices
- Kelly Bonbright
- additional voices / script supervisor
- Katrin Bratland
- RenderMan development
- Ryan Broek
- Production Finance Lead
- Shaun Brown
- systems engineer
- Joel Bruck
- systems management: Pixar Studio Team
- James Burgess
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Erin Collins Butler
- senior assistant: pixar studio team
- Iván Mauricio Calderón
- Software Engineer
- Wesley Callow
- systems coordinator
- Trish Carney
- pixar university: Pixar studio team
- Enrico Casarosa
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Marlon Castro
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Ed Catmull
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Juei Chang
- software research and development: presto animation system
- Leila Chesloff
- marketing creative services
- Kelley Choi
- pixar university: Pixar Studio Team
- Per Christensen
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- June Christopher
- additional voices
- Keri Shawn Cicolani
- theme parks: Pixar Studio Team
- Robert Clotworthy
- additional voices
- Mary Coleman
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Lindsey Collins
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Teresa Conaty
- systems support: administration and operations, Pixar studio team
- Kathleen Cosby
- pixar university: Pixar studio team
- Margo Coughlin Zimmerman
- feature relations manager
- David Cowgill
- additional voices
- Keith L. Craig
- distribution
- Wendy Cutler
- additional voices (as Wendy E. Cutler)
- Lars R. Damerow
- principal systems engineer
- Pamela Darrow
- production department head: Pixar
- Emily Davis
- production coordinator: titles and end credits / production maangement coordinator
- Rebecca Davis
- additional voices
- Ronnie Del Carmen
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Tony DeRose
- inclusion streategies: Pixar studio team
- Debi Derryberry
- additional voices
- Bryan Dluhy
- additional voices
- Pete Docter
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Kimberly DomÃnguez
- senior digital operator
- Terri Douglas
- additional voices
- Robin Atkin Downes
- additional voices (as Robin Atkin-Downes)
- Tom Duff
- researcher: software research and development
- Greg Dykstra
- additional voices
- David Eberle
- software engineer
- Arik Ehle
- marketing
- Paul Eiding
- additional voices
- Amy Ellenwood
- executive assistant to the director
- Emily Engie
- assistant production accountant / production coordination
- Ted Evans
- additional voices
- Tyler Fazakerley
- management: systems, Pixar studio team
- Brian Fee
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Richmond Felton
- creative coordinator
- Heather Feng
- administration (as Heather Feng-Yanu)
- Dave Fennoy
- additional voices
- Laura Finell
- production coordinator
- Kurt Fleischer
- researcher: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Lisa Fletcher
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Jennifer Crystal Foley
- additional voices
- Julian Fong
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- John Henry Frankenhauser
- production support engineer
- Christine Freeman
- archives and exhibitions: Pixar studio team
- Mandy Freund
- consumer products/interactive/publishing: Pixar studio team
- Eddie Frierson
- additional voices
- Adam Fuchs
- database administrator (as Adams Fuchs)
- Kristi Gamble
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Sally Garbarini
- pixar production department head
- Briana Gardner
- publicist
- Grant Gatzke
- technical lead: systems, Pixar studio teamtechnical lead: systems, Pixar studio team
- Lauren Gaylord
- archives and exhibitions: Pixar studio team
- Sara Geimer
- recruiter
- Grace Geller
- additional voices
- Alisa Gilden
- management: systems, Pixar studio team
- Jean Gilpin
- additional voices
- Timothy Glass
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Dominic Glynn
- senior scientist
- Emily Goldsborough
- production coordinator: international
- Jackie Gonneau
- additional voices
- Winston O. Good
- software engineer
- Lauren Goralski
- pixar studio team: documentary & home entertainment production
- Richie Gordon
- additional voices
- Roger Gould
- theme parks: Pixar studio team
- F. Sebastian Grassia
- design and engineering leadership: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Brian Green
- pixar university: Pixar studio team
- Marc S. Greenberg
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Samantha Gurash
- assistant to producers
- Jonathan Hadden
- systems support: backups, Pixar studio team
- Thomas Hahn
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Valerie Hathaway
- finance: Pixar studio team
- David R. Haumann
- pixar university: Pixar studio team
- Aurica Hayes
- Systems Engineer
- Chris Haynes
- production assistant: lighting department / production assistant: production office
- Sarah Jo Helton
- production department head: Pixar
- Kathryn Hendrickson
- story manager
- Christophe Hery
- Software Research & Development Design & Engineering Leadership
- Mark Hessler
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Jesse Hiram
- stereography operator
- Joshua Hollander
- pixar university: Pixar studio team
- Emily Ann Horton
- media marketing intern: FYC
- Shawn Hovis
- systems support: unix
- Nancy Howard
- production department head: Pixar
- Ling Hsu
- systems analyst
- Karen Huie
- additional voices
- Justine Huxley
- additional voices
- Candy Ibarra
- additional voices
- Jose Ignacio
- backups: support, Pixar studio team (as Jose Richard Ignacio)
- Heather D.C. Jackson
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Patrick James
- international technical team
- Jacy Johnson
- production coordinator
- Michael B. Johnson
- story and editorial: software research and development: Pixar studio team
- Amanda Deering Jones
- production coordinator
- Mike Jones
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Peter Kaldis
- unix: support, Pixar studio team
- Jake Kaplan
- story production assistant
- Morgan Karadi
- additional executive assistant to the director
- Jim Kennedy
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Chris King
- visual effects technical lead
- John Kirkman
- senior technology team: Pixar
- Andrew Kishino
- additional voices
- Elyse Klaidman
- archives and exhibitions: Pixar studio team
- Cory Knox
- mac and windows: support, Pixar studio team (as Cory Ander Knox)
- Kristian Kobe
- publicist: Germany
- Tia W. Kratter
- pixar university: Pixar studio team (as Tia Wallace Kratter)
- Daniela Kriston
- researcher
- Phil LaMarr
- additional voices (as Phil Lamarr)
- Jeff LaPensee
- additional voices (as Jeff Lapensee)
- Brian Larsen
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Chris Lasell
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team
- John Lasseter
- senior creative team: Pixar
- David M. Laur
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Phred Lender
- story and editorial: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Pat Lentz
- additional voices
- Marcella Lentz-Pope
- additional voices
- Gillian Libbert
- production department head: Pixar (as Gillian Libbert-Duncan)
- Holly Lloyd
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- A.J. LoCascio
- additional voices (as AJ Locascio)
- Suz Loshin
- development manager
- Kyle Lovrien
- core engineering
- Darla Lovrin
- web development: Systems
- Yuri Lowenthal
- additional voices
- John Robert Loy
- core engineering: software research and development, Pixar studio team (as John Loy)
- Sue Maatouk-Kalache
- management: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Gerisa Macale
- production coordinator
- Angus MacLane
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Austin Madison
- additional voices
- Mark Manca
- renderman development: pixar studio team
- Bhawan Manish
- dubbing actor (as Manish Bhawan)
- Alyssa Mar
- production coordinator
- Lourdes Marquez Alba
- production department head: Pixar
- Steve Mason
- theme parks
- Ted Mathot
- production artist / story supervisor
- Steve May
- senior technology team: Pixar
- Lori McAdams
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Daniel McCoy
- shading, lighting, fx & rendering
- Scott Menville
- additional voices
- Piotr Michael
- additional voices
- Cherise Miller
- administration: Pixar studio team
- Melanie Minichino
- additional voices
- Matthew Minke
- dolly grip: promo
- Max Mittelman
- additional voices
- Gary Monheit
- presto animation system: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Douglas Monsalud
- craft services, Cafe Luxo, Pixar Studio Team
- BoB 'Naked BoB' Morgan
- backups: support, Pixar studio team (as Bob Morgan)
- Jim Morris
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Terry Lee Moseley
- systems support: Pixar studio team
- Desiree Mourad
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- David Munier
- shading, lighting, fx and rendering: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Tiajha Nakahara
- Pixar University: Pixar Studio Team
- Kitty Newton
- additional voices
- Teddy Newton
- additional voices
- Jonathan Nichols-Navarro
- additional voices (as Jonathan Nichols)
- Shannon Ryan Nicosia
- marketing: Pixar Studio Team (as Shannon Nicosia)
- Peter Nye
- production software: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Edgar A. Ochoa
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Eben Ostby
- production department head: Pixar (as Eben F. Ostby)
- Nina Ozier
- additional voices / story coordinator
- Karen Paik
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Silvia Palara
- Creative Services
- Mark Pananganan
- telecom: support, Pixar studio team
- Paul Pape
- additional voices
- Jack Paulus
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Karen Perry
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Bob Peterson
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Anne Pia
- management: systems, Pixar studio team
- Jacqueline Pinol
- additional voices (as Jacqueline Piñol)
- May Pon
- management: systems, Pixar studio team
- Allan Poore
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Thomas Porter
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Steve Purcell
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Guido Quaroni
- senior technology team: Pixar
- Edgar Quinones
- media systems: support, Pixar studio team
- Michael Ralph
- additional voices
- Kenya Randle
- production resource associate
- Brian Rankin
- safety & security
- Lee Rasé
- production department head: Pixar
- Steven Ricks
- Media Systems Engineer
- Jonas Rivera
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Gates Roberg-Clark
- assets and infrastructure: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Nick Robert
- production coordinator
- Lynwood Robinson
- additional voices
- Jonathan Rodriguez
- consumer products: interactive and publishing
- Vivian Rodriguez
- craft services: luxo café, Pixar studio team
- Kevin Rose-Williams
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Heidi Rosenfelder
- pixar university: Pixar studio team
- Rob Rowe
- special thanks
- Susanne Rublein
- systems assets administrator
- Aaron Russo
- unix systems administrator
- Kristina Ruud
- finance (as Kristina Ruud-Hewitt)
- Samantha Jane Samuels
- shot production coordinator
- Katherine Sarafian
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Beth Sasseen
- talent strategy and operations: Pixar Animation Studios
- Dan Scanlon
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Erika Schmidt
- development: Pixar studio team
- M.T. Silvia
- management: systems, Pixar studio team
- Elliot Simons
- business affairs & legal counsel
- Dennis Singletary
- additional voices
- Dylan Sisson
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Burton Siu
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development - Pixar Studio Team
- Nelson Siu
- unix: support, Pixar studio team (as Nelson Sette Siu)
- Andra Smith
- administration and operations: support, Pixar studio team
- Eliot Smyrl
- assets and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Jessica Snipes
- systems engineer
- Peter Sohn
- senior leadership team: Pixar / story consultant
- Marc Sondheimer
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- David Sotnick
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team
- Tasha Sounart
- theme parks: Pixar Studio Team
- Molly Speacht
- coordinator
- Mia Stapleton
- production assistant
- Heidi Stettner
- data management: support, Pixar studio team
- Alyson Stoner
- additional voices
- Joni Superticioso
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Pepper Sweeney
- additional voices
- Shane Sweet
- additional voices
- Tiffany Taira
- university and archives: pixar studio team
- Wendy Dale Tanzillo
- administration: Pixar studio team
- Fred Tatasciore
- additional voices
- Andy Thomas
- storage: support, Pixar studio team
- Paula Tiso
- additional voices
- Jenni Tsoi
- production department head: Pixar
- Maura Turner
- additional production support
- Toya Turner
- additional voices
- Usher
- additional voices (as Usher Raymond IV)
- Dirk Van Gelder
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Jeffrey Varga
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Christopher C. Walker
- technical lead: systems, Pixar studio team
- Deana Walker
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Annette Wang
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Freeson Wang
- software engineer
- Jay Ward
- consumer products: interactive and publishing - Pixar
- Deirdre Warin
- administration: Pixar studio team
- John Warren
- shading, lighting, fx & rendering / shading, lighting, fx and rendering
- Jesse Weglein
- technical director
- David Wehr
- management: Software Research and Development
- Clayborn Welch
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Ian Westcott
- unix desktop support: Pixar Studio Team
- Diamond White
- additional voices
- Scott Whyte
- additional voices
- Weera Tom Wichitsripornkul
- shading artist
- Chris Wiggum
- publicist
- Christine Wilcock
- production resource associate
- Sue Williams
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Ellen Willis
- promo production assistant
- Emily Wilson
- production coordinator
- Wally Wingert
- additional voices
- Wendy Wirthlin
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Matthew Wood
- additional voices
- Shannon Wood
- development: Pixar studio team
- Adam Woodbury
- engineering and design lead: Pixar
- Wayne Wooten
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Kelly Younger
- Story Trust
- David Yu
- core engineering: software research and development, Pixar studio team (as David G. Yu)
- Joe Zieja
- additional voices
- Noelle Zuber
- additional voices
- Carolina Ãngel
- production coordinator
- Ilke Demir
- software infrastructure intern (uncredited)
- James Ford Murphy
- promotional animation (uncredited)
- Edgar A. Ochoa
- logistics supervisor (uncredited)
- Gates Roberg-Clark
- software engineer (uncredited)
- Victoria Manley Thompson
- development (uncredited)
- Carol Moen Wing
- research librarian (uncredited)