- Shaun Friedberg 'Pyrokinesis'
- senior animation technical director
- Nathan Abbot
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Marco Abbruzzese
- senior compositor: Why Worry Production
- Christian Acuña
- production coordinator
- Matthew Adams
- lead digital compositor: weta digital
- Olivia Adams
- senior environment artist
- Mayur Dadarao Adhau
- visual effects producer: RM
- Lydia Aguilar
- stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
- Ahsan Uddin Ahmed
- element qc artist
- Fazil Ahmed
- lead creature technical director
- Alexandre Aillet
- lead artist: Cinesite
- Matt Aitken
- visual effects supervisor: Weta Digital
- Matt Akey
- executive producer: : Legend 3D
- Mashi Akiyama
- senior layout artist: MPC
- Bushra Al
- technical director
- Bushra Al
- technical director
- Tristan Alarcon
- Assistant Technical Director: Weta Digital
- Stacy Albrecht
- visual effects coordinator
- Dennis Albus
- shading and rendering technical director: Trixter Film
- Anjel Alcaraz
- lead stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
- Aldo Aldana
- digital compositor
- Carlos A. Alfaro Jr.
- stereo compositor
- Conrad Allan
- matte painter
- Xavier Allard
- senior graphic artist: BUF
- Corey Allen
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Mark Edward Allen
- senior fur groomer: Weta Digital
- Michael Allen
- visual effects artist
- Rachel Allen
- postvis coordinator: The Third Floor
- Ryan Allen
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Juan Pablo Allgeier
- lead environments: Digital Domain (as Juan Pablo Allgier)
- Stephanie Alvarado
- visual effects artist
- Luiz Amaral
- rigger: Scanline VFX
- Shudhdodhan Milind Ambhore
- finaling compositor-artist: Deluxe Stereo D
- Jongjun An
- senior compositing artist
- Anuj Anand
- compositor: Cinesite
- Anandhaiyappan
- roto/prep artist: Botvfx
- David Anastácio
- visual effects artist: Mackevision (as David Anastacio)
- Dane Anderson
- 3d production support: Legend 3D
- Eric Andrusyszyn
- lead compositor: MPC
- Gerald Ang
- generalist technical director: Image Engine
- Malcolm Angell
- visual effects sequence manager: Weta Digital
- Kelly Antaya
- roto/paint artist: Legend 3D
- Syed Arafath Apsar
- roto/paint/matchmove department manager: Scanline VFX
- Aaron Arendt
- layout artist: Scanline VFX
- Georgy Arevshatov
- senior texture artist: Weta Digital
- Charlie Armstrong
- compositor
- Anthony Arnoux
- vfx artist: Cinesite
- Avi Arora
- quality control / stereo compositor
- Radu Arsith
- modeling artist: Trixter Film
- Prabesh Aryal
- stereo artist
- Saqib Ashraf
- effects technical director
- Daniel Ashton
- digital imaging technician: WETA Digital
- Graham Ashworth
- environments technical director
- Suzie Askham
- matchmove artist: Cinesite
- Mike Aslin
- animator
- James Aston
- vfx artist: Cinesite
- Atanas Atanasov
- modelling td: MPC
- Delano Athias
- visual effects artist: previz
- Ruben Athouel
- lighting/lookdev technical director: Digital Domain
- Alex Auriol
- animation supervisor: why worry production
- Patrice Avery
- producer: HALON
- Remus Avram
- pipeline engineer: Trixter Film
- Lin Ayetut
- lead lighting td: Image Engine Design Inc. / senior lighting td: Image Engine Design Inc.
- Dan Ayling
- camera td
- Amir Azar
- digital production administrator: Digital Domain
- Emi Baba
- compositor: Scanline VFX
- Mathieu Bacchous
- stereo paint artist: Stereo D
- Matthias Backmann
- junior compositor: LUXX Studios
- Adam Bacon
- roto/paint artist
- Jessica Bagby
- stereo compositor
- Rami Bahsous
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Michael Bain
- environment shader technical director: Weta Digital
- Kamaljit Bains
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Heath Baker
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Leslie Baker
- senior technical director
- Lucas Baker
- stereoscopic compositor
- Friska Bako
- animator: Cinesite
- Sam Balzer
- junior concept artist
- Gretchen Bangs
- visual effects artist
- Mark Barber
- lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Carlo Barbera
- roto/prep artist
- H.R. Barnett
- stereo production support: Legend 3D
- Juan Barrales
- visual effects artist
- Alan Bartholomew
- stereo artist
- Sonia Bass
- camera technical director
- Miguel Basulto
- digital compositor
- Mark Battle
- stereoscopic quality control
- Monica Rodriguez Bautista
- digital compositor
- Rubén Bautista
- visual effects artist: Cinesite
- Arthur Bayard
- environment artist
- Bryn Bayliss
- visual effects artist
- Sebastien Beaulieu
- lighting technical director
- Monica Bechu
- depth artist: Stereo D
- Lyse Beck
- compositing dept manager: Weta Digital
- Frank Belina
- layout supervisor
- James Bell
- visual effects artist: Weta Digital
- William Bell
- modeller: MPC
- Pedro Paulos Bellini
- rigger
- Gregory Bellis
- camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Nathan Benner
- stereo compositor
- Brian N. Bentley
- technical director
- Lara Berners
- compositing department manager
- Alessio Bertotti
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Teresa Berus
- visual effects coordinator
- Maxime Besner
- compositor: Cinesite
- Paulo Biajante
- effects technical director: MPC
- Ben Bigiel
- modeler
- Michael Billette
- environment lead: Image Engine
- Steven Billette
- rigger: Image Engine
- Mohsen Bizar
- visual effects artist
- Aaron Black
- concept artist: Weta Digital art dept
- Olle Black
- digital compositor (as Olle Petersson)
- Andrea Block
- visual effects producer: LUXX Studios
- Johannes Bogenhauser
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Joao Bogossian
- compositor
- Martin Bohm
- visual effects artist: Image Engine
- Wiebke Bohm
- lighting td: MPC Vancouver (as Wiebke Sprenger)
- Florin Boieriu
- senior compositor: Weta
- Ioan Boieriu
- senior effects technical director: ScanlineVFX
- Jimmy-Lee Boisvert
- production support: Cinesite
- Falk Boje
- lead digital matte painter: MPC
- Sara Bold
- visual effects coordinator
- Sebastian Bommersheim
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Alex Bonacci
- stereoscopic compositor
- Austin Bonang
- postvis artist: The Third Floor
- Daisy Bonar
- digital artist
- Pierre Bonnette
- visual effects artist
- Don Boogert
- production support: Cinesite
- Loganathan Boopathy
- visual effects artist
- Nick Booth
- digital imaging supervisor: weta digital
- Philip Borg
- lighting td: Cinesite
- Rene Borst
- senior matte painting artist:Mackevision
- Chloe Bostian
- digital compositor
- Luke Botteron
- vfx editor: digital domain
- Kevin Bouchez
- compositor
- Moss Bowering-Scott
- production assistant: weta digital
- Chris Bowers
- previsualization artist
- Matt Boyer
- lead matchmove artist: Cinesite
- Richard Boyle
- lead rigger: Cinesite
- Tatjana Bozinovski
- compositor: Scanline VFX
- Markus Brackelmann
- concept artist: Trixter Film
- Adam Bradley
- rotoscope head of department: Weta Digital
- Neal Bradshaw
- 3d scan technician: Gentle Giant Studios
- Derek Brady
- senior layout technical director
- Derrek Brajkovich-Horn
- lead data wrangler
- Lee Bramwell
- onset department hod: Weta Digital
- Alex Branton
- 2d pipeline supervisor
- Douglas Braun
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Justin Brekke
- production operations manager: MPC
- Stefan Brenner
- visual effects coordinator:Mackevision
- John Brennick
- compositor: Digital Domain
- Kristie Breslin
- senior production manager assets: Weta Digital
- Laura Brewer
- stereo compositor (as Laura Massingham)
- Decharne Brian
- lighting artist: Cinesite
- Stephane Brisson
- paint and roto
- Dean Broadland
- pipeline supervisor
- Hugh Brompton
- visual effects coordinator
- Ryan Brooks
- digital artist
- Ryan Brouckxon
- stereo compositor
- Jason M. Brown-Skovira
- stereoscopic artist
- Steven Browning
- cg modeller
- Blair Brownlee
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Ed Bruce
- visual effects supervisor: SSVFX
- Boris Bruchhaus
- senior fx technical director: MPC
- Joerg Bruemmer
- digital compositor: weta digital
- Eloi Brunelle
- compositor: Cinesite
- Andre Bruto
- DN Compositor: MPC
- Sule Bryan
- compositor: Cinesite
- Bragi Brynjarsson
- compositor
- Matthias Buehler
- pipeline developer: city engine: Scanline VFX
- Barbara Buenrostro
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Pierre Buffin
- visual effects lead supervisor: BUF
- Sirius Buisson
- lighting td
- Nimoul Nims Bun
- senior rigger (as Nimoul Bun)
- Dominik Burbaum
- rigger: Trixter Film
- Jan Burda
- senior compositor:Mackevision
- Cuco Bures
- senior nuke technical director (as Jaime Burés Cuco)
- Bryan Burger
- digital production manager: Scanline VFX
- Heiko Burkardsmaier
- visual effects executive producer:Mackevision
- Andy Burmeister
- lead camera technical director
- Daniel Burridge
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Matthew Burrows
- roto artist
- Paul Burton
- lighting td: Cinesite
- Amirah Busairi
- bg prep artist
- Barbara Busch
- sr. lighting artist
- Todd Busch
- visual effects editor
- Eamonn Butler
- animation director: Cinesite
- Kurt Butler
- modeler
- Naomi Butler
- compositor: Cinesite
- Sam Buys
- digital asset manager: weta digital
- Melanie Byrne
- visual effects producer: Cinesite
- Roisin Byrne
- production support: Cinesite
- Hélène Bécourt
- vfx line producer: Cinesite
- Sébastien Bélec
- lighting artist
- Allan Cabal
- animator
- Howard Cabalfin
- roto paint supervisor: digital domain
- Denny Cahill
- digital compositor: Screen Scene
- Kristaan Cain
- senior fx td
- Pedro Cal
- digital compositor: MPC
- Josh Callahan
- stereo artist: Legend3D
- Louise Calloni
- vfx coordinator: Cinesite
- Doug Campbell
- sr. compositor
- Dylan Campbell
- digital compositor
- Andy Campion
- production coordinator: weta digital
- Paul Campion
- matte painter
- Thomas Campos
- 3d generalist
- Can Baris Candan
- depth artist
- Alessandro Cangelosi
- cg supervisor: why worry production
- Andre Cantarel
- cg model supervisor
- Adrien Cappai
- fx artist
- Miguel Carballal
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Eric Cardenas
- visual effects: stereoscopic compositor
- Curtis Cardwell
- previs artist
- Jessica Carrington
- visual effects coordinator
- Steve Casa
- 3d scan technician
- Nicolás Casanova
- lead compositor: legend 3d
- Silvio Castagna Muscella
- matchmover: why worry production
- Gerardo Castellanos
- environment artist: Trixter Film
- Paco Castillo
- digital compositor: MPC
- Enrique Sandoval Castro
- digital compositor: Scanline VFX
- David Catalano
- compositor: why worry production
- Edward Catley
- motion capture tracker: weta digital
- Olivier Cauwet
- visual effects supervisor: BUF
- Harun Celebi
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- Irfan Celik
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- Melissa Cell
- technical director: Digital Domain
- Giulia Celli
- roto artist: why worry production
- Jake Cenac
- camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Nicholas Cerniglia
- senior visual effects artist: Factory VFX
- Craig Cesareo
- lead pipeline td: Legend3D
- Martin Chabannes
- visual effects artist
- Julien Chagnon-Zimmerly
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Jaroslava Chalasova
- texture artist
- Scott Chambers
- compositing supervisor: WETA Digital
- Matthew Chan
- stereo compositor
- Solene Chan-lam
- texture artist: MPC
- Nardeep Chander
- effects technical director: digital domain
- Malavika Chandrakanth
- digital compositor
- Anoop Chandran
- matchmove & rotoanim artist: Mpc
- Will Chang
- digital paint/rotoscope artist: weta digital
- Pascal Chappuis
- visual effects head of technical production: Image Engine
- Victor Chassaigne
- modeller: Cinesite
- Rajat Chawla
- 3d compositor
- Marlene Chazot
- software developer: MPC
- Meagan Chechalk
- post production: pa
- Marine Chene
- visual effects coordinator
- Tim Cheng
- visual effects artist: digital painter
- Anthony Chiang
- visual effects artist
- Nicholas Chilelli
- element qc artist: Stereo D
- Jacky Chiu
- paint and prep artist
- Gak Gyu Choi
- modeller: Weta Digital
- Hyemee Choi
- lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Jinhwan Choi
- lead effects artist: Secret Lab
- Jong Jin Choi
- senior technical director
- Wonmok Mark Choi
- rotoscope artist
- Soomin Chon
- effects technical director: Moving Picture Company
- Tina Thitinuch Chongko
- paint artist: weta digital
- Janny Chou
- visual effects coordinator
- Bradley Chowning
- International Outsource Trainer
- Eric D. Christensen
- visual effects supervisor: Factory VFX
- Zach Christian
- digital matte painter: digital domain
- Michael Chrobak
- visual effects artist
- Marvin Chua
- lighting technical director: mpc
- Sane Chung
- visual effects
- Sara Ciceroni
- compositor: why worry production
- Daniele Ciraolo
- digital artist: why worry production
- Carlos Ciudad
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Danny Clark
- postvis artist: The Third Floor (as Daniel Clark)
- Graham D. Clark
- stereographer
- Peter Clayton
- animator: Cinesite
- Roberto Clochiatti
- lighting supervisor: Image Engine
- Chris Clough
- modeller: Cinesite
- Charles Cohen
- depth artist
- Charles H. Cohen
- Depth Artist
- Michael Coldewey
- executive producer: Trixter Film
- Tamira Coldewey
- production secretary: Trixter Film
- Sam Cole
- compositing supervisor: weta digital
- Federico Colella
- motion graphic artist: why worry production
- Carlos Conceicao
- digital compositor: scanline
- Peter Connelly
- lighting artist: weta digital
- Tristan Connors
- senior modeller
- Niko Conte
- fx/flowline
- Vernessa Cook
- motion editor
- Stephen Timothy Cooney
- visual effects artist
- Shane Cooper
- senior r&d engineer
- Claudia Coppa
- digital compositor: Why Worry Production / digital compositor: why worry production
- Natalino Cordeiro
- render wrangler: Trixter Film
- Joshua Cordes
- visual effects artist
- Laurent Cordier
- texture artist: Cinesite
- David Cordon
- visual effects production coordinator: MPC
- Tommaso Corona
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Adrian Corsei
- cg supervisor: Trixter Film
- Nestor Costa
- fx technical director at cinesite
- Ivan Costarrosa Rios
- look development artist: Trixter Film / senior lighting td
- Brenton Cottman
- head of matte painting: Weta Digital
- Gabriel Couture-Bojanowski
- paint & roto artist: Cinesite
- Sarah Cowhey
- virtual art dept production assistant: Weta Digital
- Sam Cox
- senior layout artist: MPC
- Kenneth Coyne
- visual effects producer: Screen Scene
- Jan Philip Cramer
- animation director: Digital Domain
- David Crane
- stereoscopic compositor
- Doug Creel
- fx artist: weta digital
- Jim Croasdale
- senior paint artist: weta digital
- Steve Cronin
- texture artist: Weta Digital
- Tim Crowson
- lighting artist: MPC
- Kevin Culhane
- animator: Digital Domain
- Martyn 'Moose' Culpitt
- visual effects supervisor: Image Engine
- Alice Cumbaa
- vfx coordinator: Cinesite
- Graham Cunningham
- stereo artist
- Matt Cunningham
- head of systems
- Rocky Curby
- previs artist
- Sanchia Currie
- visual effects coordinator: Trixter
- Grahame Curtis
- modeller: Cinesite
- Nathalie Cyr
- visual effects coordinator: Raynault VFX
- Adam Czuprak
- production support: Cinesite
- Etienne Daigle
- compositor supervisor: Cinesite
- Viviane Dall'Agnol
- visual effects artist
- Nick Damico
- senior effects artist
- Ashish Dani
- matte painter
- Philipp Danner
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Varuna Darensbourg
- lead stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Sashwata Das
- stereoscopic lead
- Tomas Davidovic
- rendering researcher
- Cara Tallulha Davies
- visual effect production manager: Image Engine
- Jonathan Davies
- lead effects technical director: Cinesite
- Amber Davy
- visual effects coordinator
- Daphne De Jesus
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Carlos Patrick De Leon
- visual effects artist: layout lead
- Jo De Mey
- stereo preparation supervisor: Cinesite
- Gianluca De Pasquale
- lead compositor: why worry production
- Rachel Pieper Decker
- stereo i/o coordinator (as Rachel Decker)
- Jake Dee-McKoy
- senior production coordinator: Stereo D
- Virginie Degorgue
- digital matte painter: Cinesite
- Yoshi DeHerrera
- 3d scanning supervisor: Gentle Giant Studios
- Christian DeiÃ
- lead pipeline technical director: Scanline VFX
- Marianne Del Rosario
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Stanley A. Dellimore
- global head of layout: MPC
- Marie-Charlotte Derne
- visual effects artist
- Greg Derochie
- compositor
- Ayla Dervis
- stereoscopic artist: stereo d
- Kunal Desai
- modeller: Cinesite
- Saurabh Deshpande
- roto: stereo d
- Varadarajan Desikan
- element qc artist: Stereo D
- Brad Desjardins
- roto/paint artist: Legend 3D
- Jason Desjarlais
- layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Louis Desrochers
- fx/td: Cinesite
- Rustin Devendorf
- stereoscopic technical director: StereoD
- Etienne Devillée
- visual effects artist
- Craig Dibble
- lead render systems engineer: MPC
- Matt Dicken
- junior digital artist: LUXX Studios
- Timothy Diem
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Rod Dimayuga
- animator
- Eshan Dissanayake
- roto/paint artist: Legend 3D
- Mira Djovcos
- additional vfx production manager: Trixter Film
- Roland Dobson
- digital compositor: MPC
- Andrew Dohan
- stereoscopic compositor
- Oz Dolphin
- fx/td: Cinesite
- Tracie Donais
- digital compositor: cinesite
- Ian Doss
- Scanline: vfx photographer
- Telsyn Doucette
- visual effects production assistant
- George Douglas
- paint/roto: Cinesite
- Keegen Douglas
- compositing supervisor: image Engine (as Keegan Douglas)
- Christopher Downs
- cg supervisor
- Vadim Draempaehl
- cg artist: Screen Scene
- Bogdan Draghici
- visual effects artist (as Draghici Bogdan)
- Kristen Drewski
- vfx coordinator: ScanlineVFX
- Paz Drimer
- digital production administrator: digital domain
- Tom Driscoll
- vfx editor: Legend 3D
- Marc Droske
- rendering research and development: weta digital
- Fred Duarte
- stereo coordinator
- Geer DuBois
- postvis artist: The Third Floor
- Bogdan Dubovyk
- senior modeler: Scanline VFX
- Brian Ducharme
- digital compositor
- Maxime Ducharme
- matchmove artist
- Nicolas Dufort
- technical director: Digital Domain
- Wayde Duncan-Smith
- fx/td: Cinesite
- Frederic Dupere
- matte painter: Raynault VFX
- Adrien Dupont
- lighting td
- Daniel Dupre
- compositor
- Sandra Duque
- stereoscopic compositor
- Guillaume Dureux
- graphic artist: BUF
- Daniel Duwe
- digital compositor: Image Engine
- William Dwelly
- layout technical director: Scanline VFX
- Gwendolyn Dyk
- roto/paint artist: Legend 3D
- Ãmit Dönmez
- senior animator: Trixter Film
- Scott Eade
- head of layout: MPC Vancouver
- Areito Echevarria
- head of FX: Weta Digital
- Kelly Eckstein
- visual effects artist
- Samuel Edwards
- lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Leif Einarsson
- postvis artist
- Yasmine El-Ghamrawy
- digital compositor
- Tamer Eldib
- senior modeler
- Kelsey Elias
- stereo compositor: Legend3D
- Janeen Elliott
- senior compositor: Image Engine
- Brett Ellis
- visual effects artist: digital domain
- Jane Ellis
- visual effects coordinator: Cinesite
- Marion Eloy
- graphic artist: BUF
- Volker Engel
- production visual effects supervisor
- Thomas Enjalbert
- animator: Cinesite
- Jeremy Erb
- production assistant Legend3D: visual effects
- Gizem Ersavas
- concept artist: Trixter Film
- John Paul Escobar
- assistant: vfx editor: Legend 3D
- Sohrab Esfehani
- visual effects artist: Cinesite
- Melissa Espina
- assistant production manager: 3D conversion
- Jack Evans
- lighting lead
- Robert E. Evans
- visual effects producer
- Stephen Evans
- lighting td: weta digital
- Maeve Eydmann
- digital matte painter: Cinesite
- Paul John Faeldo
- stereo compositor: Stereo D (as Paul Faeldo)
- Florent Falipou
- technical director: BUF
- Andrew Farris
- senior compositor
- Luca Fascione
- head of rendering
- Kathryn Fay
- lead stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Alessandro Feliciani
- rigger: Trixter Film
- Eric Feng
- r&d developer
- Kate Fenton
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Chloe Feodoroff
- visual effects coordinator
- Maxime Ferland
- digital artist: cinesite
- Bruno Fernandes
- lead compositor: Cinesite
- Jessica Fernandes
- art department producer
- Omar Fernandes
- lead artist
- Charles Fernandez
- depth artist: stereo d
- Victor Manuel Fernandez
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Lauren Fernandez-Morrell
- paint artist
- Rogiero Fernández
- digital compositor: MPC
- Elisa Mar Ferre
- digital compositor
- George Ferris
- roto/paint artist: Legend3D
- Will Fife
- lead creature effects technical director
- Kelly Fischer
- visual effects: Scanline
- Alexander Fisk
- production coordinator: Stereo D
- Adrien Flanquart
- visual effects artist
- Andrew Flatt
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Daniel Flavelle
- depth artist
- Dadrian Flavors
- visual effects data i/o coordinator
- Alana Fleming
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Ryan Flick
- assets department manager: Scanline VFX
- Megan Flood
- visual effects artist: roto/paint artist
- Cheri Fojtik
- lead texture artist
- Les Foor
- lead element qc artist
- Tim Forbes
- creature td: Weta Digital
- Jeremiah Forkkio
- postvis artist: The Third Floor
- Peter Forsyth
- lighting td: Cinesite
- Eric Fortin
- layout artist: Cinesite
- Lucien Fostier
- senior compositing technical director
- Ludovic Fouche
- senior camera td
- Michael Fournier
- visual effects editor: MPC
- Frederick Fowles
- Head of Rigging
- Richard Fox
- digital compositor
- Josiane Fradette
- visual effects producer: Raynault VFX
- Raffael Frank
- modeler
- Jonathan Freisler
- lead effects artist
- Fabian Fricke
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- Travis Fruci
- element qc artist: Stereo D
- Mara Fröhlich
- visual effects coordinator: Trixter Film
- Carlos Fueyo
- cg lead: Uncharted Territory
- Cinthia Fujii
- visual effects: previs Artist
- Paul Fuller
- fx artist: ScanlineVFX
- Sarah Fuller
- visual effects artist
- Anthony Fung
- visual effects artist
- Amy Furey
- effects layout: cinesite
- Benoit Gadreau
- technical director: BUF
- Thorsten Gaetz
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- Phalguni Gala
- effects technical director: MPC
- Jason Galeon
- lead lighting TD: Weta Digital
- Micah Gallagher
- compositor: ScanlineVFX
- Stefan Galleithner
- lead cg artist
- Stephen Gallop
- VP & GM: Stereo D
- William Gallyot
- surfacing technical director: Weta Digital
- Mayur Gangasagar
- senior stereo compositor & element Compositing
- Caraline Gao
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Anthony Garcia
- paint & roto supervisor: Legend 3D
- Julio Tovar Garcia
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Emmanuel GarcÃa GarcÃa
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Juan C. GarcÃa
- visual effects consultant: mistvfxstudio
- Caroline Garrett
- vfx line producer: Cinesite
- Alvaro Gasco
- modeling artist: Trixter Film
- Rosanna Gasparro
- accountant: Why Worry Production
- Nikos Gatos
- lead lighting artist: Cinesite
- Raphael Gaudin
- lighting td: image engine
- Patricia Gaumond
- compositor: Cinesite
- Bryan Gauna
- vp of technology
- Andreas Gebauer
- lead compositor
- Joshua Gengler
- lead element qc artist
- Michelle George
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Tobias Gerdts
- lead compositor: LUXX Studios
- Chris J. Gerrard
- paint artist
- Neil Ghaznavi
- digital compositor (as Neil Safeer Ghaznavi)
- Yub Raj Ghimire
- system engineer: Trixter Film
- Ashraf Ghoniem
- lead effects technical director: Weta Digital
- Nikhil Ghoorbin
- production support: Cinesite
- Jack Shahram Ghoulian
- head of it: Uncharted Territory
- Mathew Giampa
- compositor: Scanline VFX
- Paolo Giandoso
- concept artist: Trixter Film
- Filippo Giansante
- senior digital artist: Trixter Film
- Roger Gibbon
- digital matte painter: Cinesite
- Justas Giedraitis
- lighting td
- Ulf Gieseler
- modeling artist: Trixter Film
- Herod Gilani
- visual effects artist: lighting technical director
- Olivier Gilbert
- design artist: BUF
- Matthew E. Gill
- roto department manager: Stereo D
- Jen Gillespie
- r&d dept manager
- Emma Gilli
- digital matte painter: Cinesite
- Kenneth Gimpelson
- head of assets research and development
- Andre Giordani
- matchmove & rotoanimation & layout: Cinesite
- Christian Godzik
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- Michael Gomes
- cfx artist
- Richard Gomes
- visual effects artist
- Em Michelle Gonzales
- visual effects (as Emily M. Gonzales)
- Claudio Gonzalez
- creature cloth td
- Lisa Gonzalez
- asset supervisor
- Mariana Gorbea
- senior cg modeller
- Pedram Goshtasbpour
- senior animator
- Satyanarayana Gottapu
- mpc
- Guillaume Goudreault
- lighting td: Cinesite
- Kelsey Gow
- lead roto prep artist
- Christina Graff
- visual effects producer: CHE
- Paul Graff
- visual effects supervisor: CHE
- Megan Graham
- stereoscopic compositor
- Charlotte Gray
- software production manager
- Vanessa Gray
- marketing assistant: weta digital
- Andrew Greenlee
- previsualization artist
- Ryan Greenwood
- stereo compositor
- Anthony Gregory
- roto/paint artist: Legend 3D
- Bryan Grill
- visual effects supervisor: Scanline VFX
- Nicholas Grobler
- vfx lighting technical director
- Jason Gross
- lighting artist
- Jörn GroÃhans
- visual effects supervisor:Mackevision
- Christopher Grutzmacher
- systems admistrator
- Chloe Grysole
- production support: Cinesite
- Sandra Guarda
- animator: Cinesite
- Ummi Gudjonsson
- lead layout artist
- Glenn Guenette
- stereo compositor: Stereo D (as Glen Guenette)
- Luis Guggenberger
- concept artist: Trixter Film
- Nicolas Guiraud
- visual effects artist
- Xin Steve Guo
- layout td: MPC
- Gabriel Güeiros
- dn compositor
- Christian Haas
- visual effects supervisor: LUXX Studios
- Michael Habenicht
- compositing td: Trixter Film
- Venetia Hadley
- compositor: Cinesite
- Markus Hagemeier
- senior vfx coordinator: ScanlineVFX
- Joe Hagg
- 3D/VFX Marketing Executive
- Ashley Hakker
- stereo compositor
- Shramana Haldar
- roto/paint artist: Cinesite
- Robert J. Hall
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Martin Halle
- senior fx technical director: Flowline artist
- Tyler Halle
- lead stereo compositor
- Matt Hallen
- visual effects artist: MPC
- Karen Halliwell
- rigging: Cinesite
- Katie Hamberger
- visual effects artist
- Noah Hamdan
- environment td/digital matte painter
- Ãric Hamel
- lead digital matte painter: Cinesite
- David Hampton
- fx department manager: Weta Digital
- Nick Hanks
- lead layout artist: Cinesite
- Jan Hansen
- junior editor: LUXX Studios
- Aleksandar Hardi
- digital compositor: MPC
- Kyle Hardin
- lead stereoscopic artist
- Bryant Hardwick
- shader td
- Adam Harriman
- senior on-set technical director: Weta Digital
- Dylan Harris
- post viz artist
- Dan Harrod
- lead compositor: Cinesite
- Alex Hartunian
- depth artist: Legend3D
- Toby Haruno
- senior animator: Weta Digital
- Patrick Haskew
- postvis supervisor: The Third Floor
- Ken Hau
- digital compositor: Screen Scene
- Dustin Hayes
- element qc artist
- Jasper Hayward
- lighting assistant technical director: Weta Digital
- Dave Head
- cg artist: Screen Scene
- Jan Hektor
- 3d generalist: Trixter Film
- Ethan Helms
- stereo compositor
- Quentin Hema
- digital paint hod: Weta Digital
- Aeon Henderson
- Scanline
- Rachel Herbert
- lighting td: Weta Digital
- Mathias Herbster
- look development artist: Trixter Film
- Laurent Herveic
- modeller: Weta Digital
- Julia Heseltine
- sr stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Afif Heukeshoven
- Senior Camera Technical Director
- Alexander Hewitt
- junior animator
- Kimberley Hickey
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Emily Fay Higgins
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Hamish Hill
- visual effects artist
- Dee Hipp
- senior visual effects td (as David Hipp)
- David Hirst
- head of lighting: MPC
- Dennis Ho
- compositor: Trixter Film
- David Hodgins
- visual effects supervisor: Digital Domain
- Andrew Hodgson
- modeller: MPC
- Benjamin Hoellrigl
- matte painter:Mackevision
- Finlay Hogg
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Amy Hollywood Wixson
- visual effects executive producer
- Jesse Parker Holmes
- effects techincal director
- Julie Holmes
- layout td: ScanlineVFX
- Matt Holmes
- supervising visual effects editor
- Daniel Hones
- compositor: Trixter Film (as Daniel Seeger)
- Sunghwan Hong
- lead compositing artist
- Courtney Hooper
- compositing department coordinator: Weta Digital
- Lisa Hooper
- paint artist
- Edan Hopper
- visual effects coordinator
- Christoph Horch
- matte painter: LUXX Studios
- Niall Horn
- effects technical director: Scanline VFX
- Patrick Horne
- visual effects artist
- Shailey Horton
- visual effects artist
- Julian Howard
- layout artist: Cinesite
- Heather Howell
- python developer: Legend 3D
- Josiah Holmes Howison
- senior compositor: ScanlineVFX
- Chung-Yin Hsieh
- compositor
- Mike Hsu
- effects technical director: MPC
- Florian Hu
- senior FX technical director: Weta Digital
- Jonas Huerta
- visual effects data wrangler
- Neil Hughes
- visual effects production assistant
- Karen E.M. Hulse
- lighting artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Antony Hunt
- production support
- Alexander Hupperich
- lead 3d artist: LUXX Studios
- Eric Hurt
- visual effects artist
- Felix Hörlein
- fx artist: Trixter Film
- Jan Hübel
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Corrado Ianiri
- motion capture editor: Weta Digital
- Julius Ihle
- look development artist: Trixter Film
- Sachin Ilamkar
- digital artist
- Hasan Ilhan
- lead lighting and lookdev: Scanline VFX
- Ivan Imanishi
- research & development: Image Engine
- Ryan Ingram
- digital matte painter
- Yosuke Inomata
- modeler: Image Engine
- Giorgio Iovino
- digital matte painter: why worry production
- Azadeh Iranban
- rigging td: Scanline VFX
- David Ireland
- technical director: Legend 3D
- Jill Isner
- software development manager: Stereo D
- Jonna Isotalus
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Rick Ives
- ncam operator
- Liana Jackson
- vfx editor
- Zave Jackson
- compositor: Cinesite
- Ali Jafargholi
- environment technical director / layout software developer: MPC
- Siddarth Jambhulkar
- stereo compositor
- Mel James
- senior texture artist: Weta Digital
- Seok Ryan Jang
- compositor: scanline vfx
- Jess Jansen
- stereoscopic artist
- Jakub Jeziorski
- pipeline td: Scanline VFX
- Zayn Jinah
- stereoscopic production assistant: Stereo D / stereoscopic production coordinator: Stereo D
- Arthur Jing
- proxy 3D modeller: Weta Digital
- Chawalit Jirattikansakul
- matchmove artist
- Erik Johnson
- stereoscopic artist
- Ross Johnson
- head of production: MPC
- Sarah 'Jo' Johnson
- lighting artist: MPC
- Tim Johnson
- department manager: StereoD
- Gios Johnston
- head of creatures: Weta Digital
- Danny Jones
- lead paint artist
- Jeremy Jones
- finaling qc artist: Stereo D
- Joseph Jones
- previs artist
- Justin Jones
- stereoscopic supervisor
- Marc Jones
- matchmove supervisor: Image Engine
- Daniel A. Judah
- production coordinator
- Kimberly Julien
- visual effects coordinator
- Mark Julien
- digital compositor
- Rajesh Kumar K.V.
- matchmove and rotoanim artist
- Niels Peter Kaagaard
- modeller: Cinesite
- Adam Kabbeke
- visual effects
- Malgorzata Kaca
- visual effects roto artist
- Sunil Kadam
- modeller: MPC
- Steven Kaelin
- stereoscopic compositor
- Lindsey Kaiser
- creative services manager
- Sandip Kalsy
- Senior Lighting Technical Director
- Anurag Kapil
- matchmove and rotoanim artist
- Kavita Kapri
- visual effects artist
- Jose Julian Karam Lopez
- senior digital compositor: MPC
- Aleksej Karasov
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- Vasilis Karatziva
- vfx coordinator: Cinesite
- Stephen Karl
- camera / matchmove artist
- Sandro Kath
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Santosh Katkar
- finaling supervisor
- Naoki Kato
- fx td
- Andrew Kaufman
- research & development: Image Engine
- Zoran Kazic
- digital artist: LUXX Studios
- Patrick Keenan
- compositor: Digital Domain
- Don Kemmer
- visual effects coordinator
- Matthew Kemper
- compositing supervisor: Legend 3d/stereo
- Seth Kenlon
- visual effects
- Andrew Kennedy
- technical assistant: Stereo D
- Simon Kenny
- visual effects producer: MPC (as Simon David Kenny)
- Marcel Kern
- fx lead: Scanline VFX
- Patrick Kern
- animator: Trixter Film
- Simon D. Kern
- stereographer
- Suchitra Keshri
- texture artist: Image engine Design Inc
- Katharina KeÃler
- visual effects production manager: Scanline VFX
- Cindy Khoo
- head of digital production: Scanline VFX
- Thilo Kienle
- animation lead: LUXX Studios
- Julia Kietzmann
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Cenk Cevdet Kilar
- effects technical director / senior fx td
- Ryan Kilbane
- compositor: stereo d
- Ki-Hyun Kim
- fx td: weta digital
- Young Jin Kim
- roto & prep artist
- Ashleigh-Jean King
- rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Fern King
- rotoscope artist
- Nicholas T. King
- post-viz designer
- Diane Kingston
- vfx coordinator: Cinesite
- Andrew Kinnear
- compositor: Cinesite
- Tohda Asuka Kinney
- visual effects (as Asuka Tohda Kinney)
- Doron Kipper
- integration artist
- Balazs Kiss
- senior lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Ryan Kitagawa
- compositor
- John Kitching
- digital compositor: weta digital
- Joel Kittle
- modeling supervisor: Scanline VFX
- Heike Kluger
- compositor:Mackevision (as Heike Hendl)
- Jonas Kluger
- visual effects editor:Mackevision
- Dorian Knapp
- animator: Trixter Film
- Oliver Koch
- matte painter:Mackevision
- Paco Ramos Koch
- software engineer: digital domain
- Teck Chee Koi
- fx td: weta digital
- Lenz Kol
- compositor: digital domain
- Christopher Kollar
- digital compositor: LUXX Studios
- Carsten Kolve
- digital supervisor: Image Engine
- Sidney Kombo
- senior animator: Weta Digital
- Jayzica Kong
- visual effects artist (as Jessica Kong)
- Sean Konrad
- compositing/cg supervisor
- Allie Koppel
- head of finance: The Third Floor
- Michelle Korczak
- compositor: Digital Domain
- Muzaffer Korkut
- fx/td: Cinesite
- Henry Kormos
- junior compositor: LUXX Studios
- Philip Korsika
- visual effects: lighting technical director
- Martin Kossmann
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- Peter Kostandelos
- visual effects rotoscope artist
- Jessica Koubi
- pipeline td/rigging td
- Makoto Koyama
- senior animator: Weta Digita
- Iwona Krainer
- recruiter: Trixter Film
- Lars Kramer
- matchmoving artist
- Simone Kraus Townsend
- animation supervisor: Trixter Film
- George Krauter
- matte painter/texture artist
- Andreas Krieg
- lead lighting and look development artist: Trixter Film
- Robert Kriegel
- matte painter: Trixter Film
- Hannes Krieger
- digital effects artist: Scanline VFX
- Anna Kriegl
- rigger: Trixter Film
- Uma Krishnamurthy
- head of production
- Gopi Krishnan
- visual effects
- Lon Krung
- texture artist: weta digital
- Norman Krüsmann
- effects artist: Digital Domain 3.0
- Stephanie Ku
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Alexey Kuchinski
- compositor: Trixter Film (as Alexey Kuchinsky)
- Markus Kuha
- digital compositor
- Deep Kumar
- digital artist
- Manish Magesh Kumar
- Element QC Artist: Stereo D
- Ramyanth Kumar
- matchmove and rotoanim artist: mpc
- Vishishth Kumar
- roto/paint/matchmove department manager: Scanline Vfx
- Nicha Kumkeaw
- digital compositor
- Anaïs Lacoste
- compositor: Cinesite
- Kosta Lagis
- visual effects artist
- Sweekim Lai
- shading td
- Alison Lake
- digital compositor: MPC
- Alain Lalanne
- vfx producer: Cinesite
- Yann Laliberte
- compositor: Cinesite
- Marc Landrain
- digital artist
- Felix Dario Lang
- render wrangler: Trixter Film
- Marc H. Langbein
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- Evan Langley
- compositor
- Carmen Lantsheer
- production secretary: Trixter Film
- Michael Lanzensberger
- senior vfx compositor: weta digital
- Jillian Largoza
- visual effects production assistant: Digital Domain (as Jillian Barayang)
- Etienne Laroche
- cg artist: Raynault VFX
- Mike Larrabee
- paint supervisor
- Vicki Lau
- postvis artist
- Rachel Laurenson
- roto artist
- Mathias Lautour
- lead look development artist
- Lorenzo Lavatelli
- lead effects technical director: Weta Digital
- Jesus Lavin
- lead compositor
- Claire Lawrence-Slater
- CFX Shot Artist
- Julius Lechner
- simulation supervisor: Scanline VFX
- Michael Lederhuber
- lighting artist: Trixter Film
- Daniel Lee
- compositor
- Paul Lee
- animator: Cinesite / visual effects artist
- Paul Lee
- visual effects artist
- Soon Ngee Chris Lee
- compositor
- Youngwook Lee
- stereo compositor
- Yusong Lee
- texture artist: image engine
- Benoit Legros
- compositor: Cinesite
- Erik Lehmann
- senior modeller: Image Engine
- Andrew Leighton
- data operator: Cinesite
- Snowy Leo
- lead lighting technical director: weta digital
- Sergio Leon
- pipeline engineer: Trixter Film
- Matt Leonard
- visual effects artist
- Mark Leone
- rendering research and development
- Phillip Leonhardt
- cg supervisor
- Yann Leroux
- digital compositor
- Nicolas Leroy
- lighting td: Cinesite
- Xavier Lestourneaud
- fx/td: Cinesite
- Joe Letteri
- senior visual effects supervisor: Weta Digital
- Alex Chun Yiu Leung
- visual effects artist
- Deborah Leunig
- visual effects intern
- Michael Levine
- senior creature effects technical director
- Didier Levy
- visual effects artist
- Maude Lewis
- postvis production manager: The Third Floor
- Andrew Lewitin
- previz animator
- Seth Lickiss
- stereoscopic compositor
- Tristan Lilien
- digital compositor: LUXX Studios
- Chi Jiajia Lim
- rotoscope artist: weta digital
- Daniel Ti Yan Lim
- matchmove artist: Cinesite
- Kim Lindqvist
- texture artist: MPC
- John Lindstein
- visual effects artist
- Matej Lipnik
- head of IT department
- Pauline Liquido
- compositor: MPC
- Simon Littlejohn
- postviz fx artist
- Andrew Livingstone
- roto/paint artist: Legend 3D
- Wendy Lloyd
- visual effects
- EungHo Lo
- senior creature modeler: image engine
- Thomas Sing Wai Lo
- modeler: weta digital
- Jason Locke
- camera td
- Harshada Lodha
- matchmove artist
- Rajavel Loganathan
- digital compositor
- Giuseppe Lombardi
- Senior Compositor: why worry production
- Danilo Lombardo
- lighting td: why worry production
- Kristen Longtin
- digital compositor
- Javier Lopez Vega
- system engineer: Trixter Film
- Michael Lorenzo
- modeller: Cinesite
- Gabriele Lori
- compositor: why worry production
- Mike Loucas
- roto/paint artist: Legend3D
- Ruth-Anne Loveridge
- modeler
- Zachary V. Lowe
- senior texture artist: credited
- Aaron Lucas
- digital production manager
- Jordan Lucchino
- stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
- Lucy Luong
- layout artist: Cinesite
- Nicholas Lutzko
- visual effects artist
- Fredrick Lyn
- lighting td
- Rob MacBride
- rotoscope artist
- Maximillian McNair MacEwan
- visual effects coordinator
- Esteban Ali Camacho Macias
- paint and roto (as Esteban Camacho)
- Thomas MacKenzie
- visual effects editor: MPC
- Kendrick MacNaughton
- stereo artist: legend 3d
- Ajay Madala
- element qc artist: Stereo D
- Shri Bindhu Madhav
- finaling supervisor
- Madhurimagupta
- stereo compositor: Deluxe Stereo D
- Siddhartha Maganti
- element qc coordinator
- Vittorio Maglione
- effects technical director: Weta Digital
- Felicia Mah
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Gokul Mahajan
- stereo compositing supervisor
- Vaibhav Laxman Mahajan
- finaling sec lead
- Ravi Mahapatro
- depth department manager: Stereo D
- Khoi Mai
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Mahesh Maity
- stereo artist
- Uwe Majer
- digital compositor: LUXX Studios
- Liam Major
- paint artist
- Carson Majors
- stereoscopic qc artist
- Yael Majors
- lead stereoscopic compositor
- Vincent Febriyanto Mak
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Daisuke Maki
- lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Aron Makkai
- lighting td: Cinesite
- Alexander Maldoff
- visual effects coordinator
- Teja Malla
- production support: Cinesite
- Zachary Mallett
- senior visual effects coordinator: Scanline VFX
- Tony Man
- digital compositor
- Dean Mangion
- matchmove artist: Image Engine
- Giovanni Manili
- modeler and texture artist: why worry production
- Ashley Manning
- visual effects producer: Secret Lab
- Vijay Manral
- visual effects artist: MPC
- Jade Mansueto
- layout software developer: Weta Digital / pipeline developer assets: Weta Digital
- Ali Mapar
- visual effects artist
- Amelie Marcoux
- vfx coordinator: Cinesite
- Indah Maretha
- digital compositor
- Sophie Marfleet
- digital compositor
- Howard Margolius
- senior visual effects technical director: cinesite
- Dida Marinova
- sr. stereo artist: Legend 3D (as Dida Tosheva)
- Jason Marlow
- lead camera td
- Marco Marterer
- junior digital artist: LUXX Studios
- Florian Martin
- supervising digital colorist
- Jose Martin
- lead rigging td
- Aldo Martinez Calzadilla
- modeler: Scanline VFX
- Andy Martinez Calzadilla
- digital artist
- Fran Martinez
- digital compositor: Image Engine
- Gus Martinez
- compositing artist:Mackevision
- Rudy Massar
- senior concept sculptor: MPC
- Pierre Masseron
- digital artist: BUF
- Mark Masson
- creature lead: Image Engine
- Nathan Mateo
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Roger Mathews
- postvis artist: The Third Floor
- Rebecca Matkaluk
- visual effects coordinator
- Tomoka Matsumura
- modeler: Image Engine
- Shelley Matsutani
- production: Weta
- Richard Matthews
- visual effects coordinator
- Eric Mattson
- matte painter
- Martin Matzeder
- fx artist: Trixter Film
- Dirk Mauche
- modeling artist: Trixter Film
- Marco Mazzelli
- compositor: why worry production
- Cody McCaig
- stereo artist
- Lauren McCallum
- head of production: MPC, London
- Michael McCarthy
- cg artist: Screen Scene
- Judy McClain
- visual effects coordinator: Uncharted Territory
- Matt McClurg
- previsualization supervisor: Pixomondo
- Chris McConnachie
- creature td: weta digital
- Mark McCormack-Douglas
- visual effects
- Donald McCorquodale
- visual effects artist
- Robert McDougall
- models department manager
- Marlin McGlone
- data operative
- Tom McHattie
- associate visual effects editor: Weta Digital
- Brody McIlveen
- matchmove artist: ScanlineVFX
- Jeff McIntyre
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Chris McLeod
- visual effects coordinator
- Rick McMahon
- senior visual effects artist
- David McPhail
- visual effects coordinator
- Liam Meakins
- stereoscopic compositor
- Sven Mecklenbroich
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Ramakrishna Medi
- digital artist: MPC
- Gurel Mehmet
- lead digital matte painter: Cinesite
- Gagan Mehta
- lead lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Tobias Meier
- environment artist: cinesite
- Gabriela Mejia
- visual effects artist
- Michael Melchiorre
- compositing supervisor
- Juan Melgoza
- sequence supervisor: Factory VFX
- Ronnie Menahem
- cg supervisor: Weta Digital
- Carlos Mendoza Jr.
- lead stereoscopic artist: stereoD
- Giuseppe Mercadante
- Producer: why worry production
- Noelle Merrick
- stereo manager: Stereo D (as Noelle Cyr)
- Jeremy Mesana
- animation supervisor: Image Engine
- Sheetal Meshram
- stereo compositor-Legend 3D
- Steffen Metzner
- compositing artist:Mackevision
- Kenneth Meyer
- animator
- Marco Meyer
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Philip Meyer
- shader td: Weta Digital
- Paolo Michelazzo
- digital matte painter: why worry production
- Tony Micilotta
- r&d lead: MPC
- Ivan Mickovic
- pipeline production manager
- Steve Mihaylov
- cg supervisor: Factory VFX
- Justin Mijal
- senior modeler: Uncharted Territory
- Ariana Miller
- element qc artist
- Lori C. Miller
- compositor: weta digital
- Scott Miller
- studio manager: Scanline VFX
- Kate E. Mills
- lighting department manager: Weta Digital
- Sean Mills
- lead modeller: Cinesite
- Radovan Milosevic
- visual effects artist
- Quay Mims
- visual effects artist
- Gaëlle Minisini
- fx artist-houdini
- Ryan Mintenko
- visual effects artist
- Ankur Mishra
- digital artist: MPC
- Minal Mistry
- matchmove artist: Cinesite
- Scott Mitchell
- visual effects: lead compositor
- Riley Mitchison
- stereoscopic compositor
- Bappa Mondal
- Stereo Compositor: Stereo D
- Mathew Monro
- lighting technical director: WETA Digital
- Christopher Montesano
- pipeline supervisor (as Chris Montesano)
- Summyr Montesanto
- lead stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- James Moore
- digital modeler
- Jim Moorhead
- digital artist
- Nathan Mooth
- visual effects intern: secret lab (as Nathanael Mooth)
- Mafe Cortés Mora
- vfx coordinator: Trixter Film
- Deepak More
- effects technical director
- Vikrant More
- matchmove artist: visual effects
- Yonathan Moreda
- postvis artist: Baraboom! Studios
- Stéphanie Morin
- cg artist: Raynault VFX
- Simon Dean Morley
- shader td
- Claire Morris
- element qc artist
- Eleanor Morris
- animation coordinator: weta digital
- Hugo R.A. Morris
- vfx sequence manager: Weta FX
- Mohsen Mousavi
- visual effects supervisor: Scanline VFX
- Dennis Mueller
- digital artist: LUXX Studios
- Matt Mueller
- senior head of optical department: Weta Digital
- Julia Mueller-Madaus
- digital compositor
- Tim David Mueller-Zitzke
- digital compositor: Uncharted Territory
- King Mugabi
- roto, paint, comp artist
- Yvonne Muinde
- matte painting supervisor
- Andrew Mukama
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Lionel Mullot
- technical director: BUF
- Masakazu Murakami
- simulation artist: Scanline VFX
- Nicholas Murphy
- visual effects supervisor: Screen Scene
- Nick Murphy
- vfx editor: head of editorial MPC Vancouver
- Alex Murtaza
- senior matte painter
- Scott Musselman
- stereoscopic compositor
- Christopher Myerchin
- stereoscopic compositor QC Supervisor
- Jason G. Myers
- data operations manager: cinesite
- Müller-Lundberg
- lighting td: Cinesite (as Thomas Müller) / senior lighting technical director: Cinesite (as Thomas Müller)
- Ajith Kumar N.
- prep artist: Rotomaker (as Ajithkumar)
- Peter Nagle
- production support
- Duncan Nairn
- rotoscope artist
- Bernd Nalbach
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- Alessandro Nardini
- visual effects artist: Uncharted Territory
- Tom Narey
- pre-viz & layout: Uncharted Territory
- Amber Marie Naveira
- data manager: Weta Digital (as Amber Marie Smith)
- Makarand Nazirkar
- senior rigger: Image Engine Designs Inc
- Ben Neall
- previz artist
- Kenneth Nelson
- visual effects supervisor
- Mark Nelson
- postvis supervisor: The Third Floor
- Sebastian Ness
- senior matchmove artist
- Shannon Nettleton
- vp production: legend 3d
- Christine Neumann
- cg modeler
- Christine Neumann
- vfx production manager: Trixter Film
- Pete C. Newbauer
- visual effects artist
- Amanda Newby Fitzgerald
- visual effects coordinator (as Amanda Newby)
- Gary Newman
- lead texture artist: Cinesite
- Nicolette Newman
- texture artist: cinesite
- Aline Ngo
- vfx recruiter
- Carlos-Christian Nickel
- cg supervisor
- Catalin Niculescu
- rigger: digital domain
- Drew Nielsen
- senior visual effects coordinator
- Gustaf Nilsson
- compositor: Cinesite
- Siraphurin Nimmahnratanakul
- digital artist: MPC
- Geoffrey Niquet
- senior graphic artist: BUF
- Johnathan Nixon
- lead effects technical director: Weta Digital
- Sam Nixon
- Lead layout/integration artist
- Jack Nolan
- visual effects production assistant
- Thirupathi Nomula
- visual effects-MPC
- James P. Noon
- tracking
- Sam Norman
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Natasha North
- visual effects coordinator
- Matthew Novak
- lighting lead: Scanline VFX
- Chelsea Noyon
- lighting technical director
- Sabrina Nunes
- lighting/lookdev td: Cinesite
- John O'Connell
- 3d supervisor: Screen Scene
- Pete O'Connell
- compositor
- Sean O'Connor
- postvis artist: The Third Floor
- David O'Donnell
- lighting artist: Trixter Film
- Kevin O'Sullivan
- lead animator: Cinesite
- Carlos Oceguera
- animator: MPC
- Tomohiro Okita
- visual effects
- Melissa Olsen
- visual effects coordinator: mpc
- Conrad Olson
- compositor
- Paula Olszowska
- compositor
- Lalit Om Prakash
- team lead: Stereo D
- Ray Ooi
- digital paint artist
- Michelangelo Neri Orliani
- digital compositor
- Martin Orlowski
- lead motion r&d
- India Osborne
- project manager: BUF
- Raphael Oseguera
- lead roto/prep artist
- Andrew Osis
- dn compositor: MPC
- Jessica Ott
- animator: Cinesite
- Jojan P M
- senior pipeline software developer: MPC
- Sumit Pabbi
- lead effects technical director: MPC
- Benjamin Pablo
- stereo compositor: Legend3D
- Francisco Pacheco
- postvis artist: The Third Floor
- Emiliano Padovani
- head of shaders department: Weta Digital
- Filippo Paganoni
- lighting technical director: WETA Digital
- Christopher Page
- animator: Cinesite
- Gabe Page
- facility manager
- Shana-May Palmer II
- senior production coordinator: weta digital
- Roberto Palomeque
- compositor
- Diego Panadisi
- visual effects producer: Why Worry Production
- Frank Panzer
- concept artist: Trixter Film
- Mirco Paolini
- fx technical director: why worry production
- Jean-Francois Paquet
- texture artist: Cinesite
- Rajendra Parab
- matchmove artist
- Christian Paradis
- lighting td: Cinesite
- Frederike Parenteau
- visual effects coordinator
- Catherine Park
- compositor
- Kay Kyoung Park-Kim
- postvis artist (as Kyoung Kay Park)
- Massimo Pasquetti
- digital compositor: weta digital
- Dana Passarella
- stereoscopic compositor
- Joshil Patel
- compositor
- Devon Patterson
- digital production supervisor
- Matthieu Paugam
- lighting technical director: Cinesite
- Paul H. Paulino
- visual effects artist: Scanline VFX
- Negin Paydarfar
- digital compositor
- Russell Pearsall
- senior creature pipeline technical director
- Julia Lee Peat
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Christian Peck
- generalist: Scanline VFX
- Geoff Pedder
- look development
- Martin Pedreira
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Anna Peftitsi
- junior compositor: LUXX Studios
- Daniele Pellegrini
- lead pipeline technical director: why worry production
- Aymeric Perceval
- additional vfx supervisor: Cinesite
- Craig Pereira
- visual effects
- Lara Perez Takagi
- visual effects coordinator
- Cindy Perez
- digital artist: Stereo D
- Daniel Perez
- 3d generalist: ScanlineVFX
- Benjamin T. Perkins
- digital compositor
- Alex Perlstrom
- systems administrator: Scanline VFX
- Nick Perrotta
- stereoscopic compositor
- Matteo Petricone
- compositing supervisor: why worry production
- Leela Petrie
- rigger
- Fabiano Petroni
- senior animation technical director
- Valentin Petrov
- concept artist
- Daniel Pettipher
- production support: Cinesite
- Tobias Pfeiffer
- visual effects editor:Mackevision
- Roland Pfisterer
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Jean Joseph Philip
- lighting technical director
- David Jeffrey Phillips
- compositor
- Will Phillips
- matchmove artist: Trixter Film (as William Phillips)
- Phets Phonasa
- sr depth artist
- Brittany Piacente
- paint artist/stereo compositor
- Filippo Pierdicca
- 3d generalist: why worry production
- Ezra Pike
- element compositor: MPC: Acting lead
- Mark Pinheiro
- 2d supervisor: Screen Scene
- Luigi Pisciotta
- vfx coordinator: Trixter Film
- Jordan Pitchon
- animator: cinesite
- Audrey Planchard
- production coordinator: BUF
- Leonel Plasencia
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Viktor Plch
- lead artist: lighting
- Zsolti Poczos
- cg generalist (as Zsolt Poczos)
- Brian Pohl
- pre-visualization supervisor
- Vincent Poitras
- compositing supervisor: Raynault VFX
- Dan Pool
- Proxy Modeller: Weta Digital
- Barry Poon
- assets supervisor: Image Engine
- Jason Porath
- visual effects artist
- James Porter
- visual effects artist
- Tim Potter
- lead modeller: Cinesite
- Christian Poullay
- camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Severine Pozzo
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Abhishek Prasad
- senior lighting technical director
- Mathew Praveen
- lead lighting td: ScanlineVFX
- Jeremy Preissner
- systems administrator
- Brennan Prevatt
- visual effects artist
- Nina Pries
- compositing artist:Mackevision
- Kristina Prilukova
- visual effects producer: BUF
- Giuseppe Providenti
- compositor: why worry production
- Derek N. Prusak
- post production manager: Deluxe 3D/Stereo D
- Gabriela Pruszkowska
- creature technical director
- Ivan Prvulj
- fx artist: Scanline VFX
- Punniyakottiramalingam
- matchmove and rotoanim artist: MPC
- Franzisca Puppe
- vfx producer: Trixter Film
- Yu Qin
- paint & roto artist
- Darren Quah
- matte painter: Digital Domain and Scanline VFX
- Adam Quattrociocchi
- lead stereo artist: Legend3D
- Woreshmean Qudrat
- visual effects coordinator: Scanline VFX
- Carlos Quijada
- digital artist / visual effects artist
- Christopher Rabacal
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Sasha Racette
- visual effects
- Cindy Rago
- stereo producer
- Velmurugan Rajamani
- prep artist
- Murali Ramachari
- senior effects technical director: Weta Digital
- Keerthana Ramani
- technical director: Stereo D
- Adrian Ramirez
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Carlos Calle Ramos
- visual effects artist
- Pablovsky Ramos-Nieves
- lighting technical director: Scanline VFX
- Davee Ramos-San Diego
- compositor:weta digital
- Kade Ramsey
- digital paint artist: Weta Digital
- Ryan Ramsey
- lead stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
- Akshay Rana
- stereo compositor : Deluxe Stereo D
- Dastin Rauch
- junior animator: LUXX Studios
- Kisholay Ray
- production coordinator: stereo D
- Mathieu Raynault
- visual effects supervisor: Raynault VFX
- Tom Reagan
- visual effects editor
- Jason Reese
- systems administrator
- Matthias Reiche
- animator: Trixter Film
- Gábor Reikort
- senior environment artist: MPC
- Markus Reithoffer
- digital compositor: WETA Digital
- Simeon Remedios
- compositor
- Jun Ren
- layout artist: Cinesite
- Florent Revel
- layout artist
- Amélie Rey
- digital compositor: Raynault VFX
- Tyler Rice
- stereoscopic compositer
- Graham T. Richardson
- production assistant
- Whitney Richman
- stereo production supervisor
- Daniel Ricwulf
- production coordinator: Legend 3D
- Geoffroi Ridel
- concept artist
- Diego Riestra
- senior digital compositor: image engine
- Adriano Rinaldi
- head of effects: MPC
- Niels Rinke
- visual effects producer:Mackevision
- Saysana Rintharamy
- fx td: Scanline VFX
- Robert Rioux
- visual effects artist
- Genesis Rivas
- stereo compositor
- Jean-Pierre Riverin
- cg artist: Raynault VFX
- Jaime E. Riveros
- postviz artist (as Jaime Riveros)
- Manuel Rivoir
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Ariz Akhtar Rizvi
- stereo supervisor
- Grant Roa
- visual effects production runner: Weta Digital
- Andrew Roberts
- cg supervisor: Uncharted Territory
- Filippo Robino
- fx artist: Trixter Film
- Javier Roca
- visual effects
- Chris Rockwell
- visual effects accountant
- Raymond Rodriguez
- paint artist
- Tony Rodriguez
- stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
- Suresh Rohit
- assistant production manager
- Marvin Rojas
- postvis artist: The Third Floor
- Adrien Rollet
- visual effects
- Jason Ronzani
- postvis artist: The Third Floor
- David Rose
- lead compositor: scanline vfx
- Zachary J. Rose
- systems admistrator
- Justin Rosen
- lead production engineer
- Zack Rosenblatt
- visual effects assistant editor: MPC
- Frank Rosenkränzer
- visual effects artist: Mackevision
- Ari Ross
- lighting technical director: Weta Digital (as Aaron M. Ross)
- Marc A. Rousseau
- vfx executive producer: Cinesite
- Guillem Rovira
- digital matte painter
- Sue Rowe
- visual effects supervisor: MPC
- Alvin Roxas
- visual effects coordinator: Digital Domain
- Jonak Roy
- software development and support
- Merrin Ruck
- textures department manager: weta digital
- Jack Runyon
- visual effects editor: Legend 3D
- Caitlin Rupert
- postvis artist
- Croft Russell
- roto/paint artist: Legend 3D
- John Russell
- technical director: Legend 3D
- Kalman Ruszkai
- fx artist
- Eavan Ryan
- visual effects coordinator
- Kevin Ryan
- cg artist: Screen Scene
- Desiree Ryden
- fx/td: Cinesite
- Shirley Saccoccia
- visual effects
- Jagdeep Saggu
- paint & roto: Cinesite
- Diganta Saha
- systems administrator: Scanline VFX
- Ryo Sakaguchi
- flowline artist: Scanline VFX
- Toshihiro Sakamaki
- modeler (as Toshi Sakamaki)
- Salar Salahi
- stereo compositor
- Juan Ignacio Salgado
- senior compositor: Scanline VFX
- Katharina Salinger
- visual effects producer (as Katharina Koepke)
- Celestin Salomon
- lead texture artist: Cinesite
- Peter Salter
- camera technical director
- Kevin Sanders
- stereoscopic compositor
- Noemi Sanders
- digital compositor
- B.S. Rajkumar Sapate
- matchmove/rotomation lead
- Daniel Sarnowska
- fx td: Image Engine Design
- Minoru Sasaki
- digital matte paint artist
- Andrei Sathmar
- system engineer: Trixter Film
- Yukio Satoh
- head of pipeline
- Eevee Saucedo
- animator: Aaron Sims Company
- Alexander Savenko
- production support: Cinesite
- Luca Saviotti
- visual effects artist: why worry production
- Carlo Scaduto
- digital compositor
- Joe Scarr
- tp fx supervisor: Scanline VFX
- Stephan Schaefholz
- senior compositor:Mackevision
- Robert Schajer
- visual effects executive producer
- Erick Schiele
- visual effects artist
- Caterina Schiffers
- texture artist: weta digital
- Sebastian Schmall
- lighting artist: Trixter Film
- Katrin Schmid
- senior pipeline developer
- Cale Schmidt
- stereoscopic compositor
- Markus Schmidt
- modeler: Weta Digital
- Noah Schnapp
- character technical director
- Arvid Schneider
- look development: Cinesite
- Markus Schneider
- digital compositor
- Maxine Schnepf
- visual effects coordinator
- Lukas Schnorfeil
- rigger: Trixter Film
- Conor Schock
- digital compositor
- Daniel Schrepf
- stereoscopic roto supervisor
- Brett Schroeder
- senior animator: cinesite
- David Schrott
- junior digital artist: LUXX Studios
- Carsten Schulte-Braucks
- texturing artist: Trixter Film
- Brian Schultz
- paint supervisor: Stereo D
- Michael Schulz
- animator: LUXX Studios
- Carla Schwam
- visual effects production supervisor
- Sebastian Schäfer
- fx artist
- Jonathan Scott
- compositor / compositor: legend3d
- Liscar Scott
- stereo artist
- Madeleine Scott-Spencer
- texture artist: weta digital
- László Sebõ
- pipeline supervisor: Scanline VFX
- Vit Sedlacek
- digital compositor: LUXX Studios
- Ralph Segi
- software lead: LUXX Studios
- Juan Segura
- postvis artist: Baraboom! Studios
- Yulia Segura
- roto/paint artist: Legend 3D (as Yulia Levitas)
- Manuel Seifert
- lighting artist: Trixter Film
- Leila Sen
- production support: Cinesite
- Igor Senkin
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Jaeil Seo
- matte painter
- Martin Seu
- visual effects artist
- Karl Sevilla
- stereo artist: Legend3D
- Gianfranco Sgura
- senior compositor
- Khizar Shabir
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Manesh Shafiei
- media systems: Digital Domain / systems engineer: Digital Domain / systems support: Digital Domain
- Fiaz Shaikh
- modeling and sculpting artist: MPC
- Shareef Shanawany
- lighting artist / senior effects technical director
- Clayton Shank
- visual effects coordinator: Uncharted Territory
- Balakumaran Shanmugam
- stereo compositor
- Shwet Suman Sharma
- visual effects artist: Deluxe
- Jessica Sharp
- depth department manager: Stereo D
- Sam Sharplin
- lead digital modeler: Weta Digital
- Adam Shaw
- digital modeler: weta digital
- Vivek Shedge
- camera tracking artist
- Gary Shelley
- digital compositor
- Vinith Shetty
- lighting td
- Sohail Shimi
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Ehsan Shokrgozar
- technical director
- David Short
- lead creature technical director: weta digital
- Lynn Sibley
- roto/paint manager
- Matthew Sidebottom
- senior stereo compositor
- Pietro Silvestri
- vfx project manager: why worry production
- Christian Simon
- compositor: Cinesite
- Ben Simonds
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Marc-Olivier Simoneau
- compositor: Cinesite
- Jade Simpson
- senior stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Prabhdeep Singh
- production support: Cinesite
- Siddharth Singh
- vfx roto artist
- Maxime Sirven
- visual effects editor: Cinesite
- Kris Sison
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Joao Sita
- digital compositor: Image Engine
- Anna SitjÃ
- texture artist
- Coline Six
- head of production: BUF
- Miro Skandera
- previs artist
- David Skorepa
- lighting artist: Image Engine
- Matina Skouteri
- vfx coordinator: Cinesite
- Laila Sleiman Sanz
- recruiter: Trixter Film
- Brian Smallwood
- senior nuke compositor
- Bryan Smeall
- compositor: Digital Domain
- Irene Smirnova
- texture artist: Cinesite
- Cameron Smith
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Connor Smith
- DN Coordinator
- Corey Smith
- stereoscopic compositor
- Douglas Smith
- additional visual effects supervisor
- Joshua Smith
- stereo artist
- Katherine Smith
- visual effects assets producer: MPC
- Natalie Smith
- rotoscope artist: weta digital
- Nicole Smith
- roto/paint lead: Scanline VFX
- Parker Smith
- stereoscopic compositor
- Shane Smith
- imaging engineer
- Tammy Smith
- animator: Cinesite
- Ryan T. Smolarek
- visual effects plate and 2d supervisor
- Todd Smoyer
- assistant visual effects coordinator
- Andrew Smyth
- fx assistant technical director
- Christian Sommer
- ceo: Trixter Film
- Richard Sowerby
- paint/roto supervisor: Cinesite
- Marion Spates
- digital effects supervisor
- Jonas Sperl
- layout technical supervisor: Weta Digital
- Alicia Spilka
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- David Spotts
- element qc artist
- Tatampudi SrinivasaRaju
- senior texturing/lookdev td: MPC
- Pembrooke St. Cyr
- roto/paint artist: Legend3D
- Lukas Stabile
- senior production coordinator: Stereo D (as Luke Stabile)
- Simon Stanley-Clamp
- additional vfx supervisor: Cinesite
- Juri Stanossek
- visual effects supervisor:Mackevision
- Alexandra Stautmeister
- visual effects coordinator:Mackevision
- Clayton Allen Stearns
- 3d production support: Legend 3D (as Clay Stearns)
- David Steed
- senior data operator: Cinesite
- Jakob Jan Steffen
- render wrangler: Trixter Film
- Albrecht Steinmetz
- matchmove hod: Weta Digital
- Mark Stepanek
- lead lighting td: Cinesite
- Jacob Stephens
- layout head of department: Weta Digital
- Tim Stern
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Andy Stevens
- visual effects editor: Cinesite
- Billy Stever
- production support: Cinesite
- Aaron Patrick Stewart
- matchmover: Trixter Film
- Bernard Stock
- camera matchmove artist
- Yesod Stone
- production support: Legend 3D
- Perry Stoutt II
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Steve Stransman
- senior stereo production coordinator: Stereo D
- Greg Strasz
- visual effects supervisor: centropolis entertainment
- Til Strobl
- compositor: Trixter Film
- Max Stummer
- compositor: weta digital
- Errol Stussi
- i/o coordinator
- Sudhirvarma
- stereo digital compositor: StereoD
- Larissa Sudom
- paint & roto artist
- Iryna Sumanova
- roto/paint artist: Image Engine
- Wessley Summers
- stereo compositor
- Troy Summersett
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Jason Summersgill
- compositor: cinesite
- Chao-Lin Peter Sun
- visual effects artist (as Peter Sun)
- Romain Sunier
- technical director: BUF
- Lubos Gerardo Surzin
- matte painting artist weta digital
- Adrian Sutherland
- compositing supervisor
- Phoebe Sutherland
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Matthew Swanton
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Michael J. Sweetser
- stereo compositor: Legend3D
- Andrew Swihart
- previz
- Heiko Sülberg
- fx artist: Trixter Film
- Krishna Prasad T.
- visual effects line producer
- Mehdi Tadlaoui
- lead matchmove artist: Cinesite
- Kahu Taiaroa
- technical support engineer
- Graham Tailleur
- roto/paint artist: Legend3D
- Shirin Takallu
- element qc artist
- Katie-Louise Talbot
- fx/td: Cinesite
- Stedman Tam
- assistant vfx editor: Legend 3D
- Bee Jin Tan
- digital compositor: Scanline VFX
- Jerrod Tan
- roto/paint artist
- Olcun Tan
- visual effects supervisor: Secret Lab
- Shu Jun Anson Tan
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D (as Shu Jun Tan)
- Hanzhi Tang
- cg supervisor: Digital Domain
- Dipak Tarpara
- stereoscopic compositor
- Georgie Tatchell
- matchmove artist: Cinesite (as George Tatchell)
- Sandy Taylor
- senior production manager optical group
- Ben Taylor-Bryant
- visual effects artist: roto artist
- Vincent Techer
- senior lighting td
- Felix Telfer
- effects technical director
- Jamie Telfer
- camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Chris Templeman
- paint and rotoscope artist: WETA Digital
- Adrian Teng
- visual effects artist
- Masahiro Teraoka
- digital compositor
- Radley Teruel
- senior digital artist: FactoryVFX
- Sawan Thakrar
- animator: Cinesite
- Damien Thaller
- digital environment supervisor
- Mark Theriault
- lead fx artist
- Sylvain Theroux
- cg supervisor: Raynault VFX
- Raphael Thiery
- camera technical director: weta digital
- Gaetan Thiffault
- fx artist: ScanlineVFX
- Michael Thingnes
- compositing pipeline td: weta digital
- Andrew Thompson
- animator: Cinesite
- Ben Thompson
- senior lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Craig Thompson
- lead stereo artist
- Kelsey Thompson
- stereo production manager: Legend 3D
- Jithendran Thottupurath
- department manager: MPC
- Eric Timm
- stereoscopic compositor
- Andrew Tinkler
- stereo compositor
- Maria Todorov-Topouzov
- stereoscopic compositor
- Shermaine Toh
- senior paint artist: Scanline VFX
- Syria Toliver
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Helder Tomas
- on-set technical director
- Ruggero Tomasino
- digital compositor
- Brian Tong
- assistant vfx editor: Legend 3D
- Joel Tong
- digital compositor
- Georges Tornero
- digital compositor
- Aldrich Torres
- lighting artist: Digital Domain
- Ciro Totaro
- prep artist: Why Worry Production
- Sébastien Tourneux
- technical director: BUF
- Will Towle
- digital compositor
- Derek Tracy
- roto/paint compositor
- Olga Trailina
- visual effects coordinator
- Kathleen Tran
- io technician: Legend 3D
- Valentin Trasnea
- compositor: Cinesite
- Chris Treichel
- stereo line producer: north america - stereo d
- Marco Tripodi
- senior compositor: why worry production
- Denis Trutanic
- senior camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Przemek Trzandel
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- Tzung-Da Tsai
- software developer
- Pui-Ming Tsang
- paint & roto artist: Legend 3D
- Greg Tully
- head of engineering: SSVFX
- Cody Turcotte
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Arron Turnbull
- matchmove artist: Cinesite
- Georgios Tzoumas
- technical director: BUF
- Mathieu Tétrault
- lighting td: Cinesite
- Jimmy Uddo
- vfx editorial coordinator
- Panida Umrapal
- assistant vfx editor: Legend 3D
- Claudius Urban
- animator
- Alexander Urik
- fx artist: Scanline VFX
- Julian Utz
- modeling artist: Trixter Film
- Jonny Vale
- visual effects marketing: MPC
- Pepe Valencia
- postvis supervisor: Baraboom! Studios
- Dirk Valk
- visual effects artist
- Adrien Vallecilla
- generalist artist
- Kenneth Van Aken
- assistant technical director
- Leigh van der Byl
- texture painter: Cinesite
- Justin van der Lek
- digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Gert Van Dermeersch
- compositor: Cinesite
- Jozef van Eenbergen
- senior software developer: MPC
- Caprice VanArsdale
- stereo producer: Legend 3D
- Gideon Vandegrift
- visual effects artist: digital domain
- Kat VanderJagt
- digital production manager: Digital Domain (as Kat Elliott)
- Courtney Vanderslice
- vfx executive producer: Cinesite
- Norbert Varga
- visual effects
- Claudiu Vasadi
- system engineer: Trixter Film
- John D. Vaughan
- line producer
- Rohan Vaz
- visual effects artist (as Rohan Vaz)
- Ricardo Velez
- dn compositing artist lead
- Valeri Vidakovic
- lead roto/paint artist: Legend 3D
- Dominique Vidal
- senior graphic artist: BUF
- Anatoly Vladimirov
- production support: Cinesite
- Marion Voignier
- digital compositor
- Jan Volckmann
- digital compositor: Screen Scene
- Sören Volz
- compositor: Weta Digital
- Scott Vosbury
- compositor: Scanline VFX
- Holger Voss
- vfx supervisor: Cinesite
- Jonathan Vuillemin
- lighting td: Cinesite
- Lea Vuillemin
- paint/roto: Cinesite
- Michael Wachniak
- environment artist: MPC
- Ghanshyam Sureshbhai Waghela
- international lead: StereoD
- Scott Wakeford
- production support: Cinesite
- Erik Walker
- postvis artist: The Third Floor
- Erik Walker
- postvis artist: The Third Floor
- Scott Walker
- production support: Cinesite
- Sean Noel Walker
- cg supervisor: Weta Digital
- Will Wallace
- visual effects artist
- Jo Walls
- animator: Cinesite
- Christina Walrod
- support staff / visual effects accountant: uncharted territory
- Cait Walsh
- production assistant: Scanline VFX
- Shawn Walsh
- visual effects executive producer: visual effects
- Ed Walters
- compositor: Scanline VFX
- Michael Waltl
- 3d generalist: Trixter Film
- Chia-Ping Wang
- system administrator
- Felix Wang
- software engineer
- Gongjin Wang
- digital matte painter: cinesite
- Nancy Wang
- head of post production: Legend 3D
- Ben Warner
- lead compositor: WETA Digital
- Thomas Warrender
- digital artist
- Bastian Wartenberg
- senior effects technical director: Weta Digital
- Sanford Warwick
- stereoscopic compositor/paint artist: stereo d
- Chris Watkins
- sr environment artist: MPC (as Christopher Watkins)
- Martin Toby Watson
- layout td: Scanline vfx
- Shawn Wayman
- visual effects data wrangler
- Alex Webb
- compositor: Cinesite
- Ros Webb
- recruiter
- Joe Weidenbach
- software tools developer
- Ollie Weigall
- lead compositor: Cinesite
- Marc Weigert
- production visual effects producer
- Johannes Weiss
- visual effects artist: Mackevision
- Shelley Welch
- layout artist
- Philipp Welle
- matchmover: Trixter Film
- Glenn Wells
- camera technical director
- Martin Wellstein
- lead crowd td: LUXX Studios
- Mark Wendell
- cg supervisor
- Blair Werschler
- digital artist
- Adam Wesierski
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- David Allen West
- ncam operator
- Kyle Whaley
- element qc coordinator
- Trevor Wide
- artist lead: Digital Domain
- Julia Widmann
- management assistant: LUXX Studios
- Ruth Wiegand
- rigger: Trixter Film
- Remo Wieland
- Environment artist. MPC
- Luke Wilde
- vfx artist: Cinesite
- Ed Wilkie
- senior compositor: Scanline VFX
- Lyndsey Will
- roto/prep artist
- Katie Williams
- roto/paint artist: Digital Domain
- Robert A. Willis
- lead compositor
- Craig Wilson
- stereo production assistant: Legend 3D
- Ryan M. Wilson
- stereoscopic artist
- Jessica Wilson-Silas
- visual effects coordinator
- Marco Wilz
- visual effects artist:Mackevision
- Blake Winder
- lead compositor: Weta Digital
- Toby Winder
- animator: Cinesite
- Anna F. Winters
- visual effects asset production manager: Image Engine
- Teresa Winters
- layout lead: Weta Digital
- Alexander Wlk
- visual effects coordinator:Mackevision
- Elvy Wolfe
- vfx production assistant
- Jessica Wolff
- stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
- Christal Wolgamott
- visual effects producer: Factory VFX
- Shawn Paul Wolvin
- modeller: Cinesite
- Steve Won
- visual effects producer
- David Wong
- digital compositor: Mackevision
- Roger Wong
- facial technical director: Weta Digital
- Beck Woolhouse
- executive assistant: Weta Digital
- Simon Wottge
- animator: Cinesite
- Andy Wright
- wrangling department lead
- Peter M. Wu
- previsualization artist: MPC
- Klaus Wuchta
- senior compositor:Mackevision
- Dane Wylie
- depth artist
- Xye
- tracking
- Casey Yahnke
- digital compositor
- Howard Yan
- accountant: ScanlineVFX
- Edwin Yang
- roto/paint artist
- Momo Yang
- layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Asuha Yasuda
- matte painter: MPC
- Farid K. Yazami
- Senior 3D Generalist/LookDev/Lighting
- Jordan Yen
- stereo artist
- Matt Yeoman
- lead compositor: Image Engine
- Donmill Yip
- visual effects artist: Image Engine
- Jacob Yorke
- paint artist
- Marvyn Young
- vfx producer: Weta Digital
- Fuat Yueksel
- fx artist: trixter
- Volkan Yurdakul
- compositor: Cinesite
- Asim Zaidi
- senior rigger
- Daniel Zamora
- previsualization and layout
- Christian Zeiler
- digital compositor: Uncharted Territory
- Eva Zemaitis
- assistant visual effects editor: Legend 3D
- Russel Zenarosa
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Adrien Zeppieri
- digital matte painter: Cinesite
- Christian Zilliken
- visual effects artist: Mackevision
- Dominik Zimmerle
- visual effects supervisor: Trixter Film
- Moosuddee Zoubhair
- dn compositor: MPC
- Amelie Zunk
- environment technical director: MPC
- Najdovski Aleksandar
- paint artist (uncredited)
- Rajesh Babu
- production manager (uncredited)
- Darren Bailey
- operations assistant: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Jake Chapman-Olsen
- data wrangler: Weta Digital (uncredited)
- Simone De Salvatore
- concept artist (uncredited)
- Taylor Finan
- postvis production assistant: Halon Entertainment (uncredited)
- Anna Ford
- production support: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Philip Fraschetti
- senior paint artist: Weta Digital (uncredited)
- Guy-Edwards Gonsalves
- technical artist (uncredited)
- Ken Mitchel Jones
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Khader Hayathbasha Kareem
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Theresa Laurenson
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Kevin Luttman
- stereo compositor: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Sara Lynch
- production support: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Naren Naidoo
- senior digital paint artist: Weta Digital (uncredited)
- Prashanth Narayanan
- production manager: visual effects: 5Elements Entertainment (uncredited)
- Jack Nolan
- witness camera operator (uncredited)
- David O'Brien
- element qc compositor: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Glenn Osgood
- roto/paint artist: Legend3D (uncredited)
- Bhakti Patwardhan
- talent manager: Digital Domain (uncredited)
- Bandhavit Puangpikul
- tracking (uncredited)
- Cesar Quijada
- senior digital paint artist: Weta Digital (uncredited)
- Radhakrishnan
- prep/roto artist: BOT vfx (uncredited)
- Anand Ramesh
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Kranti Sarma
- head of studio: MPC (uncredited)
- Denys Shchukin
- senior effects technical director: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Karen N. Sickles
- artist manager: Digital Domain (uncredited)
- Bjoern Siegert
- rendering research and development (uncredited)
- Adam Tamblyn
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Luke Titley
- software engineer (uncredited)
- Joseph Towe
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Elena Velkova
- paint artist (uncredited)
- Andrea Weidlich
- rendering research and development (uncredited)
- Peter Ji Zheng
- pipeline developer (uncredited)