- Abril
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Mark Adams
- international technical team
- Adeline
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Ajay
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Megan Albert
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Nicole Albertson
- publicist: Pixar studio team
- Megan Alderson
- international coordinator
- Andrea Aleman
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Alexander
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Collin Allen
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Daniel Alvarez
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Tlaloc Alvarez
- systems support: mac and windows, Pixar studio team
- Amelie
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Allysa Amundson
- administration: Pixar studio team
- James Theodore Andereggen
- facility operations: Pixar studio team (as James Andereggen)
- Erik Anderson
- theatrical mastering specialist
- Melissa Anderson
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Mark Andrews
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Lindsay Andrus
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Alexis Angelidis
- global technology engineer
- Anthony A. Apodaca
- theme parks: Pixar studio team
- Oliver Aquino
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Aria
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Arjun
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Michael Arndt
- additional story material
- Jim Atkinson
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Aubrey
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Audrey
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Autumn
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Avery
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Axel
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Ayla Mae
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Krissy Bailey
- publicist: Pixar studio team
- David Baraff
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Dana Batali
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Andrew Beall
- production senior manager: Pixar
- Beatrice
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Meghan Benafield
- administration: Pixar studio team (as Meghan E. Langham)
- Benjamin
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- John Bennett
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Courtney Bergin
- production office manager
- Eric Bermender
- systems support: storage, Pixar studio team
- Britney Best
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Dale Bewley
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team
- Jonathan Bianchi
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Brad Bird
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Bryan Bird
- systems support: storage, Pixar studio team
- Michael Blackmon II
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Malcolm Blanchard
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Sequoia Blankenship
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Kelly Bonbright
- consumer products/interactive/publishing: Pixar studio team
- Patty Bonfilio
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Sunya Boonyatera
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Liz Borges-Herzog
- university and archives: Pixar studio team (as Liz Borges-Herzog Welburn)
- Katrin Bratland
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Jaclyn Brodsky
- rendering manager (as Jaclyn Simon)
- Ryan Broek
- production finance head
- Shaun Brown
- systems support: data management, Pixar studio team
- Joel Bruck
- systems manager: Pixar studio team
- Jon Bryant
- production office assistant
- Don Bui
- pre-production and asset based engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Eoin Bullock
- rendering coordinator (as Eoin Convery Bullock)
- James Burgess
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Ryan Burns
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Andrew Butts
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Wesley Callow
- systems support: administration and operations, Pixar studio team
- Trish Carney
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Antony Carysforth
- global technology engineer
- Nancy Garretson Case
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Daryn Cash
- systems support: mac and windows, Pixar studio team
- Marco Castellanos
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Marlon Castro
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Ed Catmull
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Daniel Chang
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Juei Chang
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Charley
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Kyle Charley
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Julian Y.C. Chen
- pre-production and asset based engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Leila Chesloff
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Kevin Chesnos
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Paul Chideya
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Charles Choo Jr.
- international editorial (as Charles Choo)
- Pamela J. Choy
- production senior manager: Pixar
- Per Christensen
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Christopher JD
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Christopher RU
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Pauline Chu
- titles production coordinator
- Oliver Chung
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Keri Shawn Cicolani
- theme parks: Pixar studio team (as Keri Cicolani)
- Cléas
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Richard Cogger
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Deborah Coleman
- publicist: Pixar studio team
- Mary Coleman
- creative development
- Chris Collins
- systems support: media systems, Pixar studio team
- Colton
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Colton Jace
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Lauren Conca
- documentary and home entertainment production: Pixar studio team
- Clinton Cook
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Keith Cormier
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Margo Coughlin Zimmerman
- feature relations coordinator (as Margo Zimmerman)
- Jeremy Cowles
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Kate Cronin
- render pipeline team
- J. Darion Cuevas
- systems support: mac and windows, Pixar studio team
- Bena Currin
- global technology engineer
- Lars R. Damerow
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team
- James G. Dashe
- systems support: mac and windows, Pixar studio team
- Emily Davis
- creative development
- Emily Davis
- creative development
- Ray Davis
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Joachim De Deken
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Daniel Deitz
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Delphine
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Ricky Der
- systems support: hardware, Pixar studio team
- Tony DeRose
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Kim Diaz
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Peggy Dollaghan
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Michael Douglass Jr.
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Sharon Dovas
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Andy Dreyfus
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Gigi Dueñas
- consumer products/interactive/publishing: Pixar studio team
- Tom Duff
- researcher: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Sarah Dunham
- documentary and home entertainment production: Pixar studio team
- Jennifer Dunlap
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Eden
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Paul Edmondson
- pre-production and asset based engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Heather Eisner
- development: Pixar studio team
- Elaina
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Elise
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Elizabeth
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- George Elkoura
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Robert Ell
- infrastructure: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Ella
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Amy Ellenwood
- development: Pixar studio team
- Ellie
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Nino Ellington
- render pipeline group
- Ellis
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Emery
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Laurence Emms
- global technology engineer
- Rachel Ergas
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Eva
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Evan
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Evelyn
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Edwin Fabian
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- McKay Farley
- infrastructure: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Tyler Fazakerley
- management: systems, Pixar studio team
- Marlena Fecho
- rendering and optimization artist
- Brian Fee
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Heather Feng
- administration: Pixar studio team (as Heather Feng-Yanu)
- Joanna Feng
- franchising
- Gregory Finch
- management: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Finley
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Ryan Finley
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Fisher
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Kurt Fleischer
- researcher: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Lisa Fletcher
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Philip Floetotto
- pre-production and asset based engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Julian Fong
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Christopher Ford
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Catherine Foreman
- consumer products/interactive/publishing: Pixar studio team
- Alana Forrest
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Elise Foss
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Tim Fox
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Dana Frankoff
- management: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Christine Freeman
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Mandy Freund
- consumer products/interactive/publishing: Pixar studio team
- Stephen Friedman
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Joseph Frost
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team
- Tiffany Reno Fung
- systems support: financial systems, Pixar studio team
- Matthew Gagnebin
- facility operations: Pixar studio team (as Matt Gagnebin)
- Brianne Gallagher
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Kristi Gamble
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Daniel Garcia
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Briana Gardner
- publicist: Pixar studio team
- Jonathan Garson
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Adam Gates
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Grant Gatzke
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team
- Liz Gazzano
- theme parks: Pixar studio team
- Gemma
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Georgia
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Jessica Giampietro McMackin Harvill
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team (as Jessica Harvill)
- Alisa Gilden
- systems manager: Pixar studio team
- Timothy Glass
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Matthias Goerner
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Tolga Goktekin
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team (as Tolga Göktekin)
- Roger Gould
- theme parks: Pixar studio team
- Grace
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Robert Graf
- rendering and optimization artist
- Valerie Graf
- administration: Pixar studio team
- Philip Graham
- rendering and optimization artist
- Joshua Grant
- render pipeline technical lead (as Josh Grant)
- F. Sebastian Grassia
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Gray
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Brian Green
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Marc S. Greenberg
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Stephen Gregory
- theme parks: Pixar studio team
- Greta
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Aaron Grimm
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Richard Guo
- business and legal affairs: Pixar studio team
- Jonathan Hadden
- systems support: backups, Pixar studio team
- Thomas Hahn
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Stephanie Hamilton
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team (as Stephanie Brooke Hamilton)
- Cherie Hammond
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Robert Hamrick
- systems support: animation support, Pixar studio team
- Hannah
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Harper
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Mark Harrison
- systems support: data management, Pixar studio team
- Nathaniel Harting
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Valerie Hathaway
- finance: Pixar studio team
- David R. Haumann
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Hayley
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Hazel
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Florian Hecht
- researcher: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Cristina Maurodopulos Hecker
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Jamie Hecker
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- James Herbert
- translation director
- Mark Hessler
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Kentaro Hinoki
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Michael Hitson
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Dan Hoffman
- systems support: mac and windows, Pixar studio team
- Heidi Holman
- theme parks: Pixar studio team
- Shawn Hovis
- systems support: telecom, Pixar studio team
- Nancy Howard
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Ryan Howe
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Ian Hsieh
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Ling Hsu
- systems support: administration and operations, Pixar studio team
- Hayley Iben
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Yoichi Ichinose
- music appearance
- Jose Ignacio
- systems support: backups, Pixar studio team (as Jose Richard Ignacio)
- Imogen
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Thomas Indermaur
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team
- Isaac
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Shriram Neelakanta Iyer
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Tsukasa Izumi
- translator
- Heather D.C. Jackson
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Patrick James
- international technical team
- Jennie Jensen
- business and legal affairs: Pixar studio team
- Michael B. Johnson
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Michael Stewart Johnson
- systems support: telecom, Pixar studio team
- Jennifer Johnston
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Christine Jones
- systems support: web development, Pixar studio team
- Derrick Jones
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Maren Jones
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Molly Jones
- consumer products/interactive/publishing: Pixar studio team
- Kheron Jones-Kassing
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Mark Joseph
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Julian
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Christina F. Julian
- documentary and home entertainment production: Pixar studio team
- Kaiya
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Peter Kaldis
- systems support: unix, Pixar studio team
- Tony Kaplan
- documentary and home entertainment production: Pixar studio team
- Karter
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Neha Kaul
- marketing strategy
- Ryan Kautzman
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Jim Kennedy
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Andrew Kensler
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Brandon Kerr
- global technology lead
- Charlie Kilpatrick
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Jason Kim
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Ken Kim
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Chris King
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- John Kirkman
- senior technology team: Pixar
- Karen Kiser
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Elyse Klaidman
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Elissa Knight
- assistant to the producer
- Cory Knox
- systems support: mac and windows, Pixar studio team (as Cory Ander Knox)
- Nick Kolidakis
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Alexander Kolliopoulos
- rendering supervisor
- Sara Kosuth
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Manuel Kraemer
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team (as Manuel Kramer)
- Boris Krasnoiarov
- render pipeline team
- Tia W. Kratter
- university and archives: Pixar studio team (as Tia Wallace Kratter)
- Venkateswaran Krishna
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Stephen Krug
- sweatbox coordinator
- Matt Kuruc
- global technology engineer
- Peter Kutz
- global technology intern
- Candice Kuwahara
- production office assistant
- Kyle
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Laila
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Susanne Lally
- publicist: Pixar studio team
- Renee Lamri
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Kate Lardiere
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Chris Lasell
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team
- Daniel Lasry
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- John Lasseter
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Warren Latimer
- systems support: media systems, Pixar studio team
- David M. Laur
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Joanna Laurent
- systems support: media systems, Pixar studio team
- Mélanie Laurent
- voice dubbing: French
- Leslie Law
- systems support: hardware, Pixar studio team
- Charlotte Le Bon
- voice dubbing: French
- Heegun Lee
- global technology engineer
- Leia
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Robin Leigh
- Mastering Supervisor
- Gilles Lellouche
- voice dubbing: French
- Phred Lender
- pre-production and asset based engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Doug Letterman
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Brett Levin
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Danielle Rae Levin
- administration: Pixar studio team
- Ryan Levin
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Shana Levin
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Gillian Libbert
- production senior manager: Pixar (as Gillian Libbert-Duncan)
- Yun Lien
- render pipeline team
- Lilly
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Linda
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Matthew Lindahl
- systems support: animation support, Pixar studio team (as Matthew Muhili Lindahl)
- Michelle Liu Chung
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Hsiao H. Liu
- facility operations: Pixar studio team (as Hsiao Liu)
- Holly Lloyd
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Michelle Lopez
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Oliver Lopez
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Darla Lovrin
- systems support: web development, Pixar studio team
- John Robert Loy
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team (as John Loy)
- Lucy
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Aaron Luk
- pre-production and asset based engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Luke
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Edward Luong
- pre-production and asset based engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Sue Maatouk-Kalache
- management: software research and development, Pixar studio team (as Sue Maatouk Kalache)
- Gerisa Macale
- administration: Pixar studio team
- Khyati Madaan
- Marketing: India
- Madeline
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Madison
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Mlinzi Majigiza
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Makena
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Sureena Mann
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Alyssa Mar
- production office assistant
- Marcus
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Lourdes Marquez Alba
- production senior manager: Pixar
- Serena Martinez
- business and legal affairs: Pixar studio team (as Serena Dettman)
- Matilda
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Matthew
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Maxime
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Steve May
- senior technology team: Pixar
- Maya
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Lori McAdams
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Kiera McAuliffe
- production office assistant
- Arthur McDade III
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Kyle McDaniel
- pre-production and asset based engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Erin McGarry
- human resources: Pixar studio team (as Erin McGarry Krueger)
- Lorien McKenna
- additional production support
- Meara
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Deneb Meketa
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Jennylyn Mercado
- human resources: Pixar studio team (as Jennylyn Mercado Huynh)
- Erin Merchant
- systems support: mac and windows, Pixar studio team (as Erin M. Merchant)
- Merritt
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Andreas Merten
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Laura Meyer
- title designer
- Mark Meyer
- researcher: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Mia
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Cherise Miller
- administration: Pixar studio team
- Erica Milsom
- documentary and home entertainment production: Pixar studio team
- Mina
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Josh Minor
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Angela Marie Mistretta
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Brynn Mohagen
- business and legal affairs: Pixar studio team
- Alex Mohr
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Emily Mollenkopf
- development: Pixar studio team
- Gary Monheit
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Douglas Monsalud
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Michelle Moretta
- administration: Pixar studio team (as Michelle Moretta Lightner)
- BoB 'Naked BoB' Morgan
- systems support: backups, Pixar studio team (as Bob Morgan)
- Jim Morris
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Terry Lee Moseley
- systems support: mac and windows, Pixar studio team
- Desiree Mourad
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Peter Moxom
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Hiroshi Mukoyama
- appeatance
- Claire Munzer
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Jane Murphy
- systems support: administration and operations, Pixar studio team
- Murray
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Kiel Murray
- creative development
- Taura Musgrove
- documentary and home entertainment production: Pixar studio team
- Mélodie
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- David Nahman-Ramos
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team
- Jean-Daniel Nahmias
- researcher: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Sowmya Natarajan
- management: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Marcos Navarrete
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Kacy Naylor
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Rosana Neciuk
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Shawn Neely
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Allison W. Nelson
- production office assistant
- Tom Nettleship
- researcher: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Shannon Ryan Nicosia
- marketing: Pixar studio team (as Shannon Nicosia)
- Pierre Niney
- voice dubbing: French
- Daniel Leaf Nunes
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Matthew Nydam
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Peter Nye
- pre-production and asset based engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Sabine O'Sullivan
- management: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Adrian Ochoa
- additional production support
- Edgar A. Ochoa
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Cory Omand
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Tanya Oskanian
- administration: Pixar studio team
- Eben Ostby
- production senior manager: Pixar (as Eben F. Ostby)
- Owen
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Karen Paik
- creative development
- Silvia Palara
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Mark Pananganan
- systems support: telecom, Pixar studio team
- Nicole Paradis Grindle
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Allison Parker
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Jack Paulus
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Eric Peden
- render pipeline team
- Lara Pendleton
- business and legal affairs: Pixar studio team (as Lara Lesieur Pendleton)
- Penelope
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Erica Perkins-Youman
- human resources: Pixar studio team (as Erica Perkins)
- Karen Perry
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Lane Pertusi
- pre-production and asset based engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Davide Pesare
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Bob Peterson
- additional dialogue / senior creative team: Pixar
- Stephanie Pham
- finance: Pixar studio team (as Stephanie Pham Aganon)
- Will Phan
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team (as Wil Phan)
- Anne Pia
- render pipeline manager
- Rebecca Pigg
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Peter Plackowski
- systems support: financial systems, Pixar studio team
- Bill Polson
- management: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- May Pon
- systems manager: Pixar studio team
- Thomas Porter
- senior leadership team: Pixar
- Tim Power
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Guido Quaroni
- senior technology team: Pixar
- Donna Quattropani
- theme parks: Pixar studio team
- Edgar Quinones
- systems support: media systems, Pixar studio team (as Edgar Quiñones)
- Julio Quintero
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Michelle Lindsey Radcliff
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Joey Roch Ramirez
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Maggie M. Randriamamonjy
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Adrienne Ranft
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Arun Rao
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Lee Rasé
- feature relations manager
- William Reeves
- global technology supervisor
- Zach Repasky
- render pipeline team (as Zachary Repasky)
- Corey Revilla
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Simon Rich
- additional story material
- Steven Ricks
- systems support: media systems, Pixar studio team
- Adrian Rico-Galvez
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Riley
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Benjamin Rillie
- systems support: mac and windows, Pixar studio team
- Justin Ritter
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Allan Rivera
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- RJ
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Robert
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Jayme Roderick
- creative development (as James Roderick)
- Jonathan Rodriguez
- consumer products/interactive/publishing: Pixar studio team
- Vivian Rodriguez
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Eric Rosales
- sweatbox coordinator
- Rosalind
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Kim Ross
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Juliet Roth
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Rowan
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Rob Rowe
- consumer products/interactive/publishing: Pixar studio team
- Trina M. Roy
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Kristina Ruud
- finance: Pixar studio team (as Kristina Ruud-Hewitt)
- Rylin
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Alli Sadegiani
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Eric Salituro
- render pipeline team
- Susan Salituro
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Sam
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- David Sameth
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Sara K. Sampson
- systems support: animation support, Pixar studio team (as Sara Sampson)
- Samuel
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Sanjay
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Gini Cruz Santos
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Katherine Sarafian
- development: Pixar studio team
- Sashi
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Florian Sauer
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Brian K. Saunders
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Brian Savery
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Dan Scanlon
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Auburn C. 'Aubie' Schmidt
- technical support: titles (as A.U.B.I.E.)
- Donald Schmidt
- rendering and optimization artist
- Erika Schmidt
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Zach Schneiderman
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Chris Schoeneman
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Peter T. Schreiber
- facility operations: Pixar studio team (as Peter Schreiber)
- Laurie Schrey
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Brenden Schubert
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Stefan Schulze
- pre-production and asset based engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Seohu
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Annabella Serra
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Glenn Seto
- craft services: Luxo Café, Pixar studio team
- Shaan
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Jonathan Ward Shade
- renderman development: Pixar studio team (as Jonathan Shade)
- Todd Shaiman
- global technology manager / production finance head
- John Shannon
- administration: Pixar studio team
- Krista Sheffler
- theme parks: Pixar studio team
- Chen Shen
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Sarah Shen
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Shom
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Siena
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Jody Weinberg Silverman
- business and legal affairs: Pixar studio team (as Jody Weinberg)
- M.T. Silvia
- systems manager: Pixar studio team
- Michelle Simons
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Dylan Sisson
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Burton Siu
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Nelson Siu
- systems support: unix, Pixar studio team (as Nelson Sette Siu)
- Brian Smits
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Eliot Smyrl
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Peter Sohn
- senior creative team: Pixar
- David Sotnick
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team
- Tasha Sounart
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Hasia Sroat
- publicist: Pixar studio team
- Andrew Stanton
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Stephan Steinbach
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Ryan Stelzleni
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Sean Stephenson
- systems support: web development, Pixar studio team
- Heidi Stettner
- systems support: data management, Pixar studio team
- Ross Stevenson
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team (as Ross Haldane Stevenson)
- Mike Sundy
- systems support: data management, Pixar studio team
- Joni Superticioso
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Raphael Suter
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Tiffany Taira
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Jon Tan
- consumer products/interactive/publishing: Pixar studio team
- Brian Tanaka
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Wendy Dale Tanzillo
- administration: Pixar studio team
- Susan T. Tatsuno
- production senior manager: Pixar (as Susan Tatsuno)
- Chris Taylor
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Takahito Tejima
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Tess
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Andy Thomas
- systems support: storage, Pixar studio team
- Oliver Thomas
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Rob Duquette Thompson
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Victoria Manley Thompson
- assistant to the director
- Scott Tilley
- consumer products/interactive/publishing: Pixar studio team
- Timothy
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Brian Torres
- facility operations: Pixar studio team
- Jenni Tsoi
- development: Pixar studio team
- Lee Unkrich
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Carl Jon Van Arsdall
- infrastructure: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Seth Van Booven
- administration: Pixar studio team
- Dirk Van Gelder
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Andrew Vernon
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Victor
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Shari Villarde
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Ryusuke Villemin
- global technology engineer
- Sophie Vincelette
- production senior manager: Pixar
- Rudy Vucelich
- systems support: backups, Pixar studio team (as Rudy Jason Vucelich)
- Walker
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Christopher C. Walker
- systems manager: Pixar studio team
- Deana Walker
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Nathan Wall
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Chelsea Walton
- documentary and home entertainment production: Pixar studio team
- Jessica Wan
- systems support: media systems, Pixar studio team
- Annette Wang
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Brandon Wang
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Carol Wang
- theme parks: Pixar studio team
- Jay Ward
- consumer products/interactive/publishing: Pixar studio team
- Peter Ward
- systems support: storage, Pixar studio team
- John Warren
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Douglas Waters
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Jason Watkins
- systems support: media systems, Pixar studio team
- Jesse Weglein
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- David Wehr
- management: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Emily Weihrich
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Clayborn Welch
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Ian Westcott
- systems support: animation support, Pixar studio team
- Chris Wiggum
- publicist: Pixar studio team
- Jim Wilhelmi
- systems technical lead: Pixar studio team
- Willa
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- William
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Sue Williams
- finance: Pixar studio team
- Willow
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Brad Winemiller
- promotional animation: Pixar studio team
- Wendy Wirthlin
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Adam Wood-Gaines
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Adam Woodbury
- engineering and design lead: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Melissa Woods
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Jamie Woolf
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Wayne Wooten
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Magnus Wrenninge
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Wyatt
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Wyatt Ray
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Richard Yoshioka
- look development: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- David Yu
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team (as David G. Yu)
- Meng Yu
- global technology engineer
- Zachary
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Nicholas Zehner
- systems support: financial systems, Pixar studio team
- Jack Zhao
- infrastructure: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Florian Zitzelsberger
- presto animation system and core engineer: software research and development, Pixar studio team
- Zoe
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Zoey
- production baby: Pixar studio team
- Timothy Zohr
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- D.R. Farquharson
- project manager: Deluxe Digital Cinema (uncredited)
- Matthias Klages
- voice dubbing (uncredited)
- Jessica KS
- production assistant (uncredited)
- Mike Lane
- client services (uncredited)
- Kyle Lovrien
- core engineering (uncredited)
- Lorien McKenna
- story manager (uncredited)
- Nicole Watt
- freelance creative (uncredited)