- Laide Agunbiade
- digital compositor
- Zohaib Ahsan
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Tosin Akinwoye
- effects technical director: Double Negative
- Johan Alfort
- paint/prep artist: Double Negative
- Kris Anderson
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Scott R. Anderson
- assistant colourist: Double Negative
- Kanika Andrew
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Monifa Andrew
- visual effects coordinator
- Gerald Ang
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Mario Anger
- Visual Effects Artist: Double Negative
- Tim Angulo
- visual effects director of photography / visual effects director of photography: New Deal Studios (as Timothy E. Angulo)
- Yasunobu Arahori
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Robin Aristorenas
- visual effects artist
- Oliver Atherton
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Nithin Babu
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Eric Bachtiar
- studio data assistant
- Alexandre Bain
- digital artist: Double Negative / prep artist: Double Negative
- Kamilla Bak
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Michael Jeff Baldemoro
- roto/prep artist: Double Negative
- Daniel Baldwin
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Thomas Banner
- compositor
- Zeljko Barcan
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Adam Barnett
- technical support: Double Negative
- Bruno Baron
- cg sequence supervisor: Double Negative
- Tom Barrett
- visual effects editor
- Linda Barsotti
- visual effects coordinator
- Jenny Basen
- visual effects line producer: Double Negative
- Claudio Bassi
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Craig Bates
- assistant technical director: Double Negative
- Jamie Baxter
- opticals
- Dirk Becker
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Sebastian Becker
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Susanne Becker
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Adrian Bell
- shader writer
- Katie Bell
- production support
- Michele Benigna
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Rodrigo Bernardo
- systems engineering
- Otto Betancourt
- model unit gaffer: New Deal Studios / model unit key grip: New Deal Studios
- Scott Beverly
- special effects senior technician: New Deal Studios
- Avinash Bhandary
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Udit Bhardwaj
- vfx artist: visual effects
- Elham Binsenin
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Gerald Blaise
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Andrej Blom
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Mark Boorer
- research and development
- Jonathan Bot
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Tom Bracht
- cg sequence supervisor: Double Negative
- James Braid
- technology: Double Negative
- Hayley Brazelton
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Adam Broderick
- visual effects artist
- Colin P. Brown
- colorist (as Colin Brown)
- Joe DeWalt Brown
- visual effects: New Deal Studios
- Christina Bruce
- fx technical director: Double Negative
- Patrick Michael Burke
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Thomas J. Burton
- technical director
- Atiqah Busairi
- Paint: visual effects
- Rashabh Butani
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Luke Butler
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Daniel Caffrey
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Ignacio Caicoya
- compositor: Double Negative
- Matt Cameron
- roto artist
- Keanan Cantrell
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Keanan Sean Cantrell)
- Jon Capleton
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Aaron Carey
- research and development
- Michael Cashmore
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Elohim Cervantes Tampus
- prep artist: Double Negative, Singapore
- Kamelia Chabane
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Caroline Chai
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Adeline Chan
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Wayne Chan
- roto/prep artist: Double Negative
- Josh James Chappell
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Benjamin Charles
- assistant colourist: Double Negative
- Abhishek Chaturvedi
- roto and paint artist: Double Negative
- Lai Lok Chau
- digital artist: Double Negative
- John Abraham Chempil
- paint/prep artist: Double Negative
- Jon Chesson
- compositor: Double Negative
- Ricky Cheung
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Cheow Hong Chia
- Paint & Roto Artist
- Laurence Chong
- matchmover: Double Negative
- Caleb Choo
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Bun Yue Choy
- digital artist: Double Negative
- A.J. Christensen
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Andrea Chua
- rotoscoping artist
- Kenneth Chua
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Sim Chuan Xiong
- roto/prep artist
- Martin Ciastko
- compositing sequence lead
- Kirsty Clark
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Nicolae-Gheorghe Cojocaru
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Tom Collier
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Chris Cooper
- matchmove supervisor: Double Negative
- Ian Copeland
- digital compositor
- Jean-Nicolas Costa
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Christopher Michael Coupe
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Christopher Coupe)
- Jaume Creus
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Joshua Cushner
- motion control operator: New Deal Studios
- Martin Cutbill
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Will Van Dao
- digital artist: Double Negative (as William Van Dao) / roto artist: double negative
- Francesca Dare
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Jon Datema
- digital set designer
- Kirsty Davies
- visual effects coordinator (as Kirsty Davies-Bhakar)
- Robert John Davies
- research and development / research and development: Double Negative
- Fon Davis
- crew chief: New Deal Studios
- Samual Dawes
- digital compositor: Double Negative (as Sam Dawes) / on-set image acquisition
- Sarah de Schot
- digital paint artist: Double Negative
- Iacopo Di Luigi
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Sylvan Dieckmann
- research and development / research and development: Double Negative
- Rodrigo Dorsch
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Miles Drake
- technical support: Double Negative
- Seth Dubieniec
- cg sequence supervisor: Double Negative
- Daniel Duwe
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Thomas Døhlen
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Bruno Ebe
- lead digital artist: Double Negative (as Bruno Ebé)
- Chris Eborn
- technical support: Double Negative
- Favian Ee
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Marijn Eken
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Kevin Elam
- visual effects producer
- Sze Jia Eng
- visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
- Joe Engelke
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Marco Aurélio Engelmann Santos
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Marco Engelmann Santos)
- Wayne England
- visual effects artist
- Jenni Eynon
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Jonathan Faber
- lead modelmaker / senior workshop technician: New Deal Studios
- Gianpietro Fabre
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Carl Fairweather
- visual effects artist
- Finella Fan
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Péter Farkas
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Liam Farnham
- layout technical director: Double Negative
- Tito Fernandes
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Tito Fernandez)
- David Fernández Girón
- lead digital artist: Double Negative (as David Fernandez)
- Catarina Ferreira
- paint/prep artist: Double Negative
- Ricardo Ferreira
- digital compositor
- Luciana Fintelmam
- prep artist
- Adrien Flanquart
- lead digital artist: Double Negative (as Adrian Flanquart)
- Yong Xian Foo
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- William Foulser
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Adam Francis
- motion control technician
- Paul J. Franklin
- production visual effects supervisor (as Paul Franklin)
- Roland Friedrich
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Raphaël Gadot
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Adam Gailey
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Allison Gardner
- visual effect production manager
- Nathan Gardner
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Chetan Gaur
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Pablo Giménez
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Walter Goh
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Harrison Goldstein
- visual effects line producer: Double Negative
- Ana Gomes
- compositor: Double Negative / digital artist: Double Negative
- Igor González
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Igor Gonzalez Velar)
- Rachel Gregson
- digital artist: Double Negative
- John Gresko
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Andrew Guest
- lead digital artist: Double Negative (as Andy Guest)
- Crystal Hadcroft
- visual effects editor: Double Negative
- Shramana Haldar
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Faraz Hameed
- previsualization supervisor
- Laurent Hamery
- cg lighting supervisor (as Laurent Hammery) / cg lighting supervisor
- Raphael Hamm
- compositing sequence supervisor: Double Negative
- Garritt Hampton
- motion control technician
- Sam Hanover
- lidar technician: Double Negative
- Pete Hanson
- studio manager: Double Negative
- Oliver Harding
- research and development: Double Negative
- Mick Harper
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Chris Hawthorne
- senior modeler: New Deal Studios
- Jamie Haydock
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Richard Hayward
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Ewoud Heidanus
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Richard O. Helmer
- special effects senior technician: New Deal Studios
- Ngoc Heng
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Henry Hiah
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Ben Hicks
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Nic Hodgkinson
- digital artist: Double Negative: digital compositor
- Melvin Hong
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Sam Horgan
- assistant colourist: Double Negative
- Pete Howlett
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Pei-Zhi Huang
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Graham Hudson
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Jon Hudson
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Ian Hunter
- visual effects supervisor: New Deal Studios
- Praveen Ilangovan
- pipeline technical director: Double Negative
- Vladimir Isailovic
- lighting technical director
- Muhammad Hidayat Bin Isnin
- roto artist: double negative
- Matthew Jacques
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Prerana Jaiswal
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Oliver James
- software development supervisor: Double Negative
- Trystan James
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Jeffrey Jasper
- digital effects supervisor: New Deal Studios
- Chris Jestico
- visual effects company scheduler
- Therese Johansson
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Helen Johnson
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Aled Rhys Jones
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Caroline Journo
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Byung Gun Jung
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Kate Katz
- model maker: New Deal Studios
- Matthew Kee
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Suraj Kaur Khalsa
- vfx production supervisor: Warner Bros
- Benjamin Khan
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Yuko Kimoto
- digital artist: Double Negative
- David Kirchner
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Alexander Kirk
- digital artist: Double Negative / digital matte painter
- Gábor Kiss
- animator: Double Negative
- Dorian Knapp
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Anne Putnam Kolbe
- visual effects executive
- Stanislav Kolev
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Jayzica Kong
- senior prep artist: Double Negative Singapore (as Jessica Kong)
- Elicia Koo
- paint & roto artist
- Andreas Krein
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Ju Hee Kwon
- effects/lighting technical director: Double Negative
- Mary Lapena
- prep artist: Double Negative
- Mike Larrabee
- lead painter
- Firdaus Ab Latif
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Choon Ming Lau
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Isaac Layish
- compositing sequence supervisor: Double Negative
- Matthew Leach
- r&d / studio assistant
- Claudia Lechen
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Johnny Lee
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Jean-François Leroux
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Frederik Lillelund
- lighting technical director: Double Negative
- Chew Teng Lim
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Chewteng Lim)
- Wayne Lim
- digital artist: Double Negative / matchmove lead: Double Negative
- Kew Lin
- roto artist: Double Negative
- Katie Linahon
- production coordinator: New Deal Studios (as Katie Garcia)
- Cedric Ling
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Dan Ling
- technical support: Double Negative (as Danny Ling)
- Pierson Lippard
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Jules Lister
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Catherine Liu
- visual effects production supervisor
- Kimberly Nelson LoCascio
- visual effects executive: Legendary Pictures
- Andrew Lockley
- visual effects supervisor: Double Negative
- Alice Locuratolo
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Esther Lopez Rodriguez
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Zoe Lord
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- David Lowry
- animation supervisor
- Bret Lu
- matte painter
- Will Lucas
- visual effects
- Maximillian McNair MacEwan
- visual effects coordinator
- Garry Maddison
- digital color timer: Double Negative
- Vaibhav Marathe
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Vaibhav A. Marathe)
- Riccardo Mascia
- roto artist: Double Negative
- Giacomo Matteucci
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Daniel Maund
- fx technical director: Double Negative
- T. George McArdle
- model unit gaffer: New Deal Studios (as Tim McArdle) / model unit key grip: New Deal Studios (as Tim McArdle)
- Andrew McEvoy
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Antonio Meazzini
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Cedric Menard
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Steve Miller
- visual effects editor
- Nicolas Millot
- roto artist: Double Negative
- Nafisah Mohamed
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Vikram Mohan
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Rafael Morant
- concept artist
- David Moraton
- effects technical director: double negative
- Thomas Morgan
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Matt Moroughan
- New Deal Studios SFX Unit
- Mary Mullan
- roto artist: Double Negative
- Tristan Myles
- compositing sequence supervisor: Double Negative
- Amit Narwani
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Anton Nazareth
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Dan Neal
- cg supervisor: Double Negative
- Geng Tong Neo
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Gengtong Neo)
- Nick New
- cg effects supervisor (as Nicholas New)
- Evan Ng
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Gretel Ng
- visual effects coordinator
- Joan Ng
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Tien Nguyen
- visual effects production assistant
- Daniel Nicholson
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Michael Holm Nielsen
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Aaron Noordally
- roto/prep artist
- Tristan North
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Mariluz Noto
- visual effects coordinator / visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
- Robert Nzengou-Tayo
- matchmove artist
- Jim O'Hagan
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Jack O'Kersey
- matchmove artist: Double Negative (as Jack Kersey)
- John O'Lone
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Yvonne Oh
- prep artist: Double Negative
- Marcus Olofsson
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Eunice Ong
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Cyrus Ongg
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Tyler Ott
- visual effects coordinator
- Simon Pabst
- research and development: Double Negative
- Graham Page
- compositing sequence supervisor
- Stephen Painter
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Camille Paleni
- compositor: Double Negative
- Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Shailendra Kumar Pandey
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Shailendra Pandey)
- Christos Parliaros
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Massimo Pasquetti
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- John Peck
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Leandro Pedroni
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Laurie Pellard
- technical support: Double Negative
- Philip Pendlebury
- technical support: Double Negative (as Phillis Pendlebury)
- Guy Penwill
- prep artist: Double Negative
- Luis Pereira
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Jonathan Perez
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Carlos Perez-Lopez
- technical support: Double Negative
- Kalle Peterson
- compositor
- Frank Petit
- digital compositor
- Will Phillips
- matchmove artist (as William Phillips)
- Alessandro Pieri
- prep artist: Double Negative
- George Plakides
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Ann Podlozny
- visual effects producer: Double Negative
- Pete Polyakov
- visual effects artist
- Travis Porter
- digital compositor
- Simon-Pierre Puech
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Ed Pulis
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Graeme Puttock
- visual effects line producer: Double Negative
- Simon Pynn
- matchmove supervisor: Double Negative
- Dione Quek
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Marko Radinkovic
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Sinisa Radosavljevic
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Karl Rapley
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Amardeep Rattan
- previsualization artist
- Luke Rawcliffe
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Ben Record
- miniature effects / senior workshop technician: New Deal Studios
- Julia Reinhard
- compositing supervisor: Double Negative
- Sullivan Richard
- matte painter: Double Negative
- Tania Richard
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Christy Richmond
- assistant visual effects editor
- Paul-George H. Roberts
- research and development: Double Negative
- Natalie Rocks
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Arron Roebuck
- modeler
- Scott Wesley Ross
- visual effects assistant editor
- Shaun Roth
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Sean Rowe
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Leigh Russell
- visual effects artist
- Timothy Russell
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Niki Ryan
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Niki Turpin)
- Olivier Ryard
- digital compositor: Double Negative - London
- Matt Sadler
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Thomas Salama
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Lucy Salter
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Kevin San
- digital artist: Double Negative / texture artist
- Gonzalo Sanchez
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Lui Sanchez-Fontillas
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Louise Fontillas) / prep artist: double negative
- David Sanger
- visual effects producer: New Deal Studios
- Leah Sargent
- production coordinator: new deal studios / visual effects coordinator: New Deal Studios
- David Schott
- visual effects artist
- Sebastian Schütt
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Andy Scrase
- lead digital artist: Double Negative (as Andrew Scrase)
- Amanda Seah
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Robert Seaton
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Brandon Seifert
- senior modeler: New Deal Studios (as Branden W. Seifert)
- John Seru
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Ryan E. Seymour
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Ryan Seymour)
- Upasana Shanker
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Gregory Shimp
- paint and roto (as Greg Shimp)
- Naveen Shukla
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Craig Shumard
- motion control technician / visual effects camera: New Deal Studios
- Anton Smit
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Eliot Speed
- visual effects artist
- Angelo Stanco
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Jim Steel
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Petter Steen
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Thomas R. Steiner
- digital compositor
- Katie Stetson
- visual effects coordinator
- Mary Stroumpouli
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Alan Stucchi
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Yanti Suryati
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Finlay Sutton
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Junaid Syed
- fx technical director
- Joanne Tai
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Gabriel Tan
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Jerrod Tan
- roto/paint artist
- Lynn Tan
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Raymond Tan
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Seng Kiat Tan
- matchmove artist: Double Negative (as Tan Seng Kiat)
- Theophane Tan
- matchmove
- Chris Tay
- prep artist: Double Negative
- Kenzo Tee
- matchmove artist: Double Negative / visual effects artist
- Benoit Terminet Schuppon
- digital artist: Double Negative / matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Stephen Tew
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Jim Thibo
- visual effects camera: New Deal Studios (as James Thibo)
- Anthony James Thomas
- digital artist: New Deal Studios
- Ben Thomas
- roto artist
- Gavin Thomas
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Adrian Thompson
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Elaine Essex Thompson
- visual effects production supervisor
- Lee Tibbetts
- technical director: Double Negative
- Luis Tinoco
- digital compositor
- Jacky Toh
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Shermaine Toh
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Craig Tonks
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Oscar Tornincasa
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Fernando Tortosa
- research and development: Double Negative
- Timothy Trimmings
- visual effects coordinator / visual effects coordinator: double negative
- Kat Tysoe
- technical support: Double Negative
- Shraddha Uppu
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Nick van Diem
- rigging technical director: Double Negative
- Alejandro Vela-Castro
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Rahul Venugopal
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Eva von Overheidt
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Eva Matthes)
- Sebastian von Overheidt
- compositing sequence supervisor: Double Negative (as Sebastian Overheidt)
- Eugénie von Tunzelmann
- cg supervisor: Double Negative
- Christian Waite
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Ruiting Wang
- roto artist
- Joe Wehmeyer
- data wrangler / visual effects photographer
- Mark H. Weingartner
- visual effects director of photography
- Neil West
- digital artist: Double Negative / lighting technical director
- Huw Whiddon
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Tom Whitehead
- lead digital artist: Double Negative
- Kristofer Whitford
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Tom Whittington
- digital compositor
- Michael Wilbourn
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Chantelle Williams
- cg sequence supervisor: Double Negative
- Sam Williams
- digital compositor
- Simon J. Williams
- visual effects editor: Double Negative
- Blake Winder
- lead compositor: Double Negative
- Jamie Wong
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Kross Wong
- roto artist: Double Negative
- Leong Kit Wong
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Leongkit Wong)
- Sauyan Wong
- data i/o manger
- Lisa Alice Wood
- technical support: Double Negative (as Lisa Wood)
- Ryan John Woodward
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Ryan Woodward)
- Sammy Wu
- roto artist
- Cheng Yang
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Mark Young
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Ahmed Yousry
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Jun Xian Yue
- digital artist: double negative
- Patsy Yiu Ping Yuen
- digital artist: Double Negative (as Patsy Yuen)
- Yak Hong Yung
- digital artist: Double Negative
- Joseph A. Zaki
- visual effects: Double Negative
- Alessandro Zanforlin
- digital compositor: Double Negative
- Fabio Zangla
- cg sequence supervisor: Double Negative
- George Zargiannakis
- research and development: Double Negative
- Lye Zechari
- matchmove artist: double negative
- Monica Ãstbø ÃstgÃ¥rd
- visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
- Ian Abbott
- technology: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Africa Aguirre MartÃn
- data managing: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Tony Ambles
- software engineer (uncredited)
- Daniel Baker
- technology: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Michael John Baker
- roto/prep artist: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Randy Bosh
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Michael Brazelton
- digital artist: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Cori Chan
- lighting td: double negative (uncredited)
- Cookie Chee
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Wayne Er
- matchmove (uncredited)
- Marianna Ferrante
- pipeline developer: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Anshul Gattani
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Stephen George Jr.
- imaging technician (uncredited)
- Sundar Krishnamurthy
- research and development: double negative (uncredited)
- Ashwin Kumar
- rotoscoping (uncredited)
- Tracey Leadbetter
- production manager: visual effects (uncredited)
- Jean-François Leroux
- lead compositor: double negative (uncredited)
- Harshna Patel
- research and development (uncredited)
- Levi Ponce
- model maker: New Deal Studios (uncredited)
- Dan-hee Ryu
- concept artist (uncredited)
- Lauren Melody Shell
- model maker assistant: New Deal Studios (uncredited)
- Peter Sumner
- research and development: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Kwan Yew Tan
- digital artist: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Tayhwah Tang
- matchmove artist: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Joseph Towe
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Vanessa Velasquez
- technology: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Joseph West
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Sabrina Wichner
- model maker (uncredited)
- Conrad Wood
- visual effects: r&d, technology, studio, editorial & production support: Double Negative (uncredited)