- James P. Alles
- layout keys (as James Alles)
- Brenda Burns
- ink and paint artist
- Bonnie Callahan
- background artist
- Christine Clayton
- ink and paint artist (as Kristine Clayton)
- Kimberly Conte
- ink and paint artist
- Audrey Covello
- ink and paint artist
- Martin Crossley
- xerographer
- Chris Cuddington
- overseas animation director
- Suzette Darling
- color key artist
- Richard Daskas
- background artist
- Etsuko Fujioka
- ink and paint artist
- Al Gmuer
- background supervisor
- Jonathon E. Goley
- background artist (as Jonathan Goley)
- Beth Goodwin
- animation checker
- Lori Hanson
- ink and paint artist
- Robert M. Kalafut
- background artist (as Robert Kalafut)
- Christine Kingsland
- ink and paint artist
- Alison Leopold
- ink and paint supervisor
- Jerry Loveland
- key background artist
- Tim Maloney
- background artist (as Timothy Maloney)
- Marlene Robinson May
- animation director (as Marlene May)
- Ron Myrick
- animation director
- Meling Pabian
- ink and paint artist
- Jo Anne Plein
- ink and paint artist
- Nelda Ridley
- final checker
- Craig Robertson
- key background artist
- Leonard Robledo
- background artist
- Ron Roesch
- layout keys
- Lydia Swayne
- ink and paint artist
- Maryann Thomas
- background artist
- Patricia Torocsik
- ink and paint artist
- Richard Wilson
- xerographer
- Star Wirth
- xerographer