- Ben Johnson
- Superman
- Wesley Clark
- Batman
- Laura Jerdak
- Wonder Woman
- Alex Niforatos
- The Flash
- Sly Clayton
- Green Lantern
- Paige Awtrey
- Supergirl
- Ruselis Aumeen Perry
- Darkseid
- Greg Farinelli
- Sinestro
- Sydney Stewart
- Batgirl
- J. Giordano
- Lex Luthor
- Key Dieck
- The Joker
- Catherine McGuire
- Martha Kent
- Shale Le Page
- Jonathan Kent
- Bruce Carter
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Cooper Hoag
- Bane
- Collin Blackford
- Young Clark Kent
- Nicole Cooke
- Lois Lane
- Tobi Kano
- Thug 1
- Dan Moen
- Thug 2
- Preston Morgan
- Thug 3 / Parademons
- Kim Almacen
- Linda Park
- Kendra Buck
- Drusilla
- Bruce R Carter
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Gary J. Neuger
- James Gordon
- Justin Weinzierl
- Jimmy Olsen