Cast & Crew

Directed by

Butch Lukic
(director: Part I and III)
Dan Riba
(director: Part II)

Writing Credits

Rich Fogel
(written by: Part I and III) &
Rich Fogel
(story by: Part II) &
John Ridley
(teleplay: Part II) &
Dwayne McDuffie
(written by: Part III) &
Jerry Siegel
(creator: Superman) &
Joe Shuster
(creator: Superman) &
Bob Kane
(creator: Batman) &
William Moulton Marston
(creator: Wonder Woman)


Kevin Conroy
Maria Canals-Barrera
Phil LaMarr
Green Lantern
Susan Eisenberg
Wonder Woman
Carl Lumbly
J'onn J'onzz
Victor Rivers
Hro Talak
Peter Renaday
Councilor / Diplomat (voice)
Stan Ridgway
Communications Officer
Efrem Zimbalist Jr.
Richard Doyle
Big Brown Hawk
Larry Cedar
Radar Tech
Javier Grajeda
Hawk Sentry

Produced by

Rich Fogel
Shaun McLaughlin
line producer
Sander Schwartz
executive producer
Bruce Timm
James Tucker

Music by

Kristopher Carter
(music: Part II)
Michael McCuistion
(music: Part III)
Lolita Ritmanis
(music: Part I)

Editing by

Joe Gall

Casting By

Leslie Lamers
Andrea Romano

Production Management

Jay Bastian
executive in charge of production: Cartoon Network
Bonnie Buckner
post production supervisor
Margaret M. Dean
production supervision
Toshiyuki Hiruma
production supervision (as Toshi Hiruma)
Christopher Keenan
development and creative supervision
Andy Lewis
production management
MacGregor Middleton
assistant production manager
Howard Schwartz
production supervision
Linda Simensky
executive in charge of production: Cartoon Network
Linda Steiner
development and creative supervision
John Voralik
assistant production manager of technical operations

Art Department

Bret Blevins
storyboard (as Brett Blevins)
Ron Catiggay
bg key design
Joaquim Dos Santos
Maurice Edwards
bg key design
Gary Graham
Robert Haverland
bg key design
Dave Johnson
bg key design
Butch Lukic
Heather A. Maxwell
storyboard (as Ben Jones)
Rick Morales
Paul Rivoche
bg key design
Bob Smith
George Stokes
bg key design
Bruce Timm
Adam Van Wyk
Keith Weesner
bg key design

Sound Department

George Brooks
foley artist
Ed Collins
supervising recording engineer (as Edwin O. Collins)
Jeff O. Collins
recording machine operator
Kelly Foley Downs
adr editor (as Kelly Ann Foley) / dialogue editor (as Kelly Ann Foley)
Robert Hargreaves
re-recording engineer / sound effects design editorial
John Hegedes
re-recording engineer (as John K. Hegedes)
Carol Iverson
sound reading
Kerry Iverson
adr editor / dialogue editor
Mark Keatts
supervising adr editor (as Mark A. Keatts) / supervising dialogue editor (as Mark A. Keatts)
Mark Keefer
adr editor / dialogue editor
Fred Salinas
sound reading
Denise Whitfield
sound reading

Visual Effects by

Sol Jeun
digital director (as Sol Jeon)
Sung-ho Jo
digital director
Jeong Sook Lee
digital camera / digital

Animation Department

Artin Aghamalian
color key
Frank Andrina
animation timing director
Jong Myong Bae
model checker (as Jong Myung Bae)
Jan Browning
animation checking
Susan Burke
animation checking
Ruben Chavez
bg paint
Geno DuBois
director of ink and paint
Robert Fletcher
character and prop design
Chuck Gefre
animation checking
Shane Glines
character and prop design
Karl Jacobs
animation checking
Hoon Jeong
layout artist
Hang Bum Jo
layout artist
Baek Soo Kim
animation director
Jae Woo Kim
animation / layout artist
Richard Kim
bg paint
Young-Ho Kim
animation director (as Young Ho Kim)
Yun-Jae Ko
animation (as Jae Yun Ko)
Min Ku
animation (as Min Ku Lee)
Byoung Eui Kwak
animation (as Byung Eui Kwak)
Kim Kyung-ho
final checker (as Kyung Ho Kim)
Arthur Lee
character and prop design (as Art Lee)
Byungkyu Lee
animation (as Byung Kyu Lee)
Eun-Hee Lee
Moon Soo Lee
model checker
Sang Wan Lee
Young Hwan Lee
layout artist
Chuck Martin
animation checking
David McBride
lead bg paint (as Dave McBride)
Denise M. Mitchell
animation checking
Glen Murakami
character and prop design
Eric Nordberg
mark-up and painter
Ung-Hwan Oh
background (as Eung Hwan Oh)
Jin Suk Park
layout artist
Min Ho Park
final checker
Craig Robertson
bg paint
Justin Schultz
animation checking
Yang-Mi Sun
background (as Yang Me Sun)
Huh Sung-Man
animation director (as Sung Man Huh)
Tommy Tejeda
character and prop design
Bruce Timm
character and prop design / main title design
Kirk Tingblad
animation timing director
James Tucker
character and prop design
James T. Walker
animation timing director (as James Tim Walker)
Glenn Wai Lim Wong
character and prop design (as Glenn Wong)

Casting Department

Liz Carroll
casting administrator

Editorial Department

Illya Cano
assistant film editor: Part I
Tim Iverson
vice president of post production
Bradford Keatts
director of technical operations (as Bradford H. Keatts) / supervising on-line editor (as Bradford H. Keatts)
Michael Miscio
post production coordinator
Myra Owyang
assistant film editor: Part II and III
Tony Tedford
online editor

Music Department

Mark Mattson
music recorded by: Part I and III
Lolita Ritmanis
Mako Sujishi
music recorded by: Part II

Script and Continuity Department

Stan Berkowitz
series story editor
Rich Fogel
series story editor
Dwayne McDuffie
series story editor

Additional Crew

Susan Chieco
recording administrator
Michael Diaz
production administrator
Kyle Feeley
assistant to producers (as Kyle P. Feeley)
Nancy French
assistant to producers
Luisa Guzman
production accounting
Mosa Kaleel
production coordinator
Kathleen Keegan
production coordinator
Jim Moore
Jacqueline Olsommer
production administrator (as Jackie Olsommer)
Mary Parkinson
production administrator
Andrea Romano
voice direction
Amy E. Wagner
production administrator
Athena Wingate
production accounting (as Athena Christianakis)
Tommy Wojciechowski
production administrator (as Thommy Wojciechowski)
All Filters