- Jennifer Allen
- business & legal affairs
- Jake Baumgart
- rights & clearances
- Alberto Beguerie
- software engineer
- Anthony Bell
- software engineer
- Leslie Bell
- business & legal affairs
- Karina Benesh
- pipeline associate producer
- Cher Bentley
- production support
- Leslie Chinchilla
- business & legal affairs
- Yadira Davis
- production accountant
- Jeff Deckman
- production support
- Harald Galinski
- production accountant
- Eileen Goldstein
- production support
- Raymond Gonzalez
- business & legal affairs
- Lindsey Gui
- operations
- Lisa Hallbauer
- creative services producer
- Amanda Holliday
- desktop technician
- Danzer Koehler
- desktop technician
- Brenna Kraus
- graphics and titles supervisor
- Lauren Lance
- desktop technician
- Jenna Levine
- production support
- Denise Martinez
- business & legal affairs
- Tamara Miles
- production support
- Jed Miller
- software engineer
- Estell Moore
- software engineer
- Shanon Muir
- business & legal affairs
- Dante Muñoz
- desktop technician
- Eileen Nakamura-Smith
- production support
- Kevin Porterfield
- pipeline supervisor
- Rachel Ryan
- Asset Manager
- Debbie Sleeper
- pipeline engineer
- Adrienne Steinbaum
- graphics and titles
- Niko Sumcad
- production support
- Kira Tirimacco
- production support
- Ed Whetstone
- pipeline supervisor
- Athena Wingate
- production accountant