- Carter Pramudya A.
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Florine Abad
- animator: Image Engine
- Gaku Abe
- digital artist: Digital Frontier
- John Aberdein
- motion capture technical manager: Imaginarium Studios
- Aleksandra Acic
- digital compositor
- Hiroyuki Adachi
- visual effects project manager: Studio Gooneys
- Kevin Adams
- storyboard artist: The Third Floor
- Jérémy Ageron
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Fazil Ahmed
- lead creature effects technical director: Image Engine (as Fazil Ahmed Basheer Ahmed)
- Jun'ichi Akimoto
- visual effects supervisor: Transistor Studio (as Junichi Akimoto)
- Keren Albala
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Ben Alepko
- lighting artist: Image Engine
- Michael Allen
- compositor: Image Engine
- Andrew Allingham
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Angel Alvarez
- matte painter
- Noah Sage Amrani
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Alexey Andreev
- lead environment artist: Platige Image
- Charles Andrieux
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Gerald Ang
- lighting artist: Image Engine
- Kanta Arai
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Mehran Armando
- 3d scan model: Tredd Furia
- Pétur Arnórsson
- senior modeler
- Marie-Pier Avoine
- texture artist: Image Engine
- Achraf Ayadi
- digital artist: Unit Image / visual effects technical director: unit image
- Aleksandar Babic
- texture & shading artist: Crater Studio
- Damian Bajowski
- concept artist: Platige Image
- Cassandra Bakic
- visual effects production manager: Crater Studio
- Jon Baldwin
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Manuela Balk
- senior compositing artist
- Chris Banal
- it manager: Image Engine (as Christophe Banal)
- Rosemary Bannister
- 3D scan model: Luna's Attendant (as Rosie Bannister)
- Thomas Baratte
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Piotr Barejko
- effects artist: Image Engine
- Rafal Bartnik
- shading artist: Platige Image
- Paul Barton
- programmer: The Imaginarium Studios
- Roman Bataev
- character effects technical director
- Daniel Baybutt
- Motion Capture Tracker: The Imaginarium Studios
- Hugh Behroozy
- lighting lookdev artist
- Jo Ann Cordero Belen
- compositor: Image Engine (as Jo Ann Belen)
- Corey Belina
- animator: Image Engine
- Marianne Bell
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Xie Ben
- digital artist
- Rich Best
- Data wrangler: The Imaginarium Studios
- Aitzol Bilbao Enbeita
- rigging technical director
- Miguel Barron Bilbao
- look development artist: Image Engine
- Steven Billette
- rigger: Image Engine
- Greg Blackford
- 3d scan model: Luche Lazarus
- David Bohorquez
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Dominique Boidin
- visual effects supervisor: Unit Image
- Stacey Boiselle
- motion capture producer: Audiomotion Studios
- József Bosnyák
- character artist
- Adrian Bouchet
- 3d scan model: Titus Drautos
- Robert Bourgeault
- lighting supervisor: Image Engine
- Bo Bragason
- 3d scan model: Young Luna
- Elise Braud
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Lilian Bravo
- visual effects line producer: Image Engine
- Alexandre Bretheau
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Anna Broster
- digital continuity
- Nimoul Nims Bun
- rigger: Image Engine
- Sophie Burie
- lead character effects artist: Platige Image
- Amirah Busairi
- junior creature effects artist
- Barbara Busch
- lighting artist: Image Engine
- Vajda Bálint
- digital compositor: Puppetworks
- Léon Bérelle
- visual effects supervisor: Unit Image
- John Caldwell
- previsualization editor: The Third Floor
- Aisling Callaghan
- picture model: Selena
- Jon Campling
- 3d scan model
- Antoine Cerqueus
- motion capture team: Unit Image
- LluÃs Danti Cespedes
- animator: Image Engine
- Quentin Chaillet
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Napassara Chaisukdamrong
- simulation coordinator: The Monk Studios
- Jaroslava Chalasova
- texture artist: Image Engine
- Saranyu Chanasrisataporn
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Weerapot Chaoman
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Pascal Chappuis
- head of technical production: Image Engine
- Dhiraj Chaudhari
- pipeline technical director
- Jose Chaves
- digital artist: Toneplus
- David Chen
- compositor: Image Engine
- Howard Chen
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Jane Chen
- digital matte painter: Image Engine
- Yusue Chen
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- David Cheung
- 3d scan model: Pruvia Colpus (as David Chun Cheung)
- Charmaine Childs
- compositor: Image Engine
- German David Urresti Chiu
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Brian Choi
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Byung Joo Choi
- animator: Image Engine
- Phawin Chokethaweesak
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Tanoo Choorat
- simulation model support: The Monk Studios
- Robert Chrzanowski
- shading artist: Platige Image
- Pete Coggeshall
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Daryl Cole
- r&d: Toneplus
- Samuel Compain
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Carmelida Condemi
- lighting artist: Image Engine
- Tristan Connors
- modeler: Image Engine
- J. Todd Constantine
- previsualization supervisor: The Third Floor
- Jean-Nicolas Costa
- compositor: Image Engine
- Jim Coudroy
- cloth effects supervisor: Unit Image
- Krisztián Csanki
- lighting and compositing artist: Digic Pictures
- Calbac Cyrill
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Oscar Dahlén
- visual effects artist
- Gil Darnell
- 3d scan model: Clarus Amicitia
- Alessandro de Cristofaro
- capture editor: The Imaginarium Studios
- Matthieu Gouget De Landres
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Chris Debski
- lighting artist: Platige Image (as Krzysztof Debski)
- Vladisavljevic Dejan
- texture & shading artist: Crater Studio
- Antonin Delboy
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Alberto Della Regina
- effects artist: Image Engine
- Zsolt Demeter
- render wrangler: Puppetworks
- Lukasz Derda
- render wrangler: Platige Image
- Yohann Deunf
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Shirish Dhadve
- digital artist: Riva Animation
- Aabid Dhamani
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Raffael Dickreuter
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Benjamin Diebling
- motion capture team: Unit Image
- Célia Digard
- visual effects production manager: Unit Image
- Olga Djurdjevic
- texture & shading artist: Crater Studio (as Djurdjevic Olga)
- Emi Doi
- digital artist: Digital Frontier
- Balazs Drenkovics
- lead of effect unit
- Daniel Dresser
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Julian Dropsit
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Vincent Dufour
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Tony Dugard
- cg supervisor: Unit Image
- Clementine Dupont
- creature effects technical director: Image Engine
- Florent Duport
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Witek Duraj
- pipeline technical director: Platige Image
- Sylvain Duroyon
- creature effects technical director: Image Engine
- Romain Durr
- pre-viz & layout
- Daniel Duwe
- compositor: Image Engine
- Marie Ebersolt
- office team: Unit Image
- Christopher Edwards
- previsualization creative director: The Third Floor
- Nikoletta Ekker
- 3d generalist
- Tamer Eldib
- modeler: Image Engine
- Matteo Elezi
- 3d scan model: Young Noctis
- Janeen Elliott
- compositor: Image Engine
- Daniel Elophe
- compositing supervisor: Image Engine
- Omar Espinosa
- digital artist: Toneplus (as Omar Espinosa Rojas)
- Winston Fan
- compositor
- Ãdám Farkas
- senior shading technical director: Digic Pictures
- Andrew J. Farrell
- animator: Image Engine
- Ants Farrell
- mocap ad Imaginarium Studios
- Valeriya Fedoseeva
- digital artist: Toneplus
- John Paul Felipe
- creature effects technical director: Image Engine
- Bálint Ferenc
- cg developer: Digic Pictures
- Michal Firek
- effects technical director: Platige Image
- Nathan Fitzgerald
- lead animator: Image Engine
- Julia Flanagan
- animator: Image Engine
- Adrien Flanquart
- look development artist: Image Engine
- Cheri Fojtik
- lead texture artist: Image Engine
- Joel Foster
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Lucien Fostier
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Florence Fournier
- motion capture team: Unit Image
- Marcos Francos
- effects technical director
- Kevin Franczuk
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Raffael Frank
- modeler: Image Engine
- Eduardo Franz
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Mauro Frau
- art director: Digic Pictures
- Ryoji Fujita
- effects artist: Image Engine
- Alex Fuller
- lighting artist: Image Engine
- Sarah Fuller
- look development artist: Image Engine
- Nehal Gala
- surfacing artist
- Michal Gamrat
- lead pipeline technical director: Platige Image
- David Gant
- 3d scan model: Iedolas Aldercapt
- Raphael Gaudin
- lighting artist: Image Engine
- Farzad Ghodrati
- cloth & hair simulation artist
- Jessica Giang
- layout artist: Image Engine
- Mariusz Gietkowski
- lighting artist: Platige Image
- Satoshi Gonokami
- technical support: Digital Frontier
- Trevor Goring
- storyboard artist: The Third Floor
- Oleksandr Gorodyskyi
- character effects artist: Platige Image
- Patrice Gracia
- lighting artist: Digic Pictures
- Matthew Graves
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Melissa Gray
- visual effects production manager: Image Engine
- Josh Gridley
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Jason Gross
- lighting artist: Image Engine
- Dominik Gruca
- animator: Platige Image
- Michal Gryn
- environment artist: Platige Image
- Benoit Grynberg
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Laura Guerreiro
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Amandine Guiffard
- office team: Unit Image
- Tamás Gulyik
- digital compositor
- Krisztián Gulyás
- digital compositor
- Udit Gupta
- digital compositor
- Péter Gurszky
- digital compositor
- Adam Guzowski
- lead effects technical director: Platige Image
- Oliver Gyani
- 3d scan model: Axis Arra
- John Haddon
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Jason M. Halverson
- compositor: Image Engine (as Jason Halverson)
- Noah Hamdan
- compositor / digital matte painter: Image Engine / environment technical director / lighting technical director
- Hamza.as
- character effects artist
- Evan Harbuck
- digital artist / previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Ashraf E. Hassan
- visual effects supervisor: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Alice Haswell
- reference camera operator
- Hiromichi Hayashi
- digital artist: Stealthworks
- Laurent Helmlinger
- animation supervisor: Unit Image / motion editing supervisor: Unit Image
- Sandro Henriques
- compositor: Image Engine (as Sandro de Barros Henriques)
- Greg Herbert
- chief financial officer: Image Engine
- David Herfindahl
- animator: Image Engine
- Oliver Hermann
- motion capture tracker
- Toyokazu Hirai
- digital artist: Transistor Studio
- Ed Holdsworth
- compositor
- Viktor Holló
- lead pipeline developer: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Zoltán Hollósy
- rigging technical director
- Greg Holmes
- chief executive officer: Image Engine
- Jesse Parker Holmes
- effects artist: Image Engine
- Daiji Hori
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Kou Hoshina
- technical director: Digital Frontier
- Péter Hostyánszki
- lead lighting and compositing artist: Digic Pictures
- Philippe Hotte
- visual effects artist: 3d generalist
- Min-Pin Huang
- compositor
- Noel Huang
- digital artist
- Thomas Hudson
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Chew Gian Hwa
- digital artist: Illusionist Animation Studio
- Andrew Hwang
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Kahye Hwang
- animator: Image Engine
- Denis Iansson
- cloth td: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Wojciech Idzi
- lead shading artist: Platige Image
- Takuya Iida
- technical director: Digital Frontier
- Ivan Imanishi
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Yosuke Inomata
- modeler: Image Engine
- Vispi Irani
- effects supervisor: Mumbai
- Toshio Ishida
- technical director: Digital Frontier
- Hiroki Ishikawa
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Anatolii Iudanov
- visual effects technical director: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Tomomi Iwabuchi
- digital artist: Digital Frontier
- Joanna Iwan
- animator: Platige Image
- Travis Jack
- visual effects production manager: Image Engine
- Xavier Jacolot
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Amit S. Jadhav
- compositing lead
- Ryan Jadoui
- cg modeler: Unit Image / digital artist: Unit Image
- Annie Jan
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Dawid Januszek
- character effects artist: Platige Image
- Wanchat Jarusean
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Manovigianek Jehman
- pipeline technical director / system & technology: Image Engine
- Lim Ying Jie
- visual effects project manager: Illusionist Animation Studio
- Brooke Johnston
- picture model: Nyx's Mother
- Taylor Jones
- 3d scan model: Tavern Owner
- Tim Jones
- compositor: Image Engine
- Brenainn Jordan
- motion capture
- Milos Jovanovic
- technical director: Crater Studio
- Petar Jovovic
- visual effects supervisor: Crater Studio
- Marcin Jozwiak
- render wrangler: Platige Image
- Karumbaiah K.G.
- senior simulation artist
- Pavee Kaewmafai
- simulation model support: The Monk Studios
- Michal Kaleniecki
- layout artist: Platige Image
- Hayato Kanayama
- digital artist: Transistor Studio
- Chou Shao Kang
- animator: Image Engine (as Shao-Kang Chou)
- Curtis Kang
- motion capture specialist
- Yumiko Kano
- visual effects production coordinator: Digital Frontier
- Prariwat Kaseewong
- simulation model support: The Monk Studios
- Naoki Kato
- effects artist: Image Engine
- Sumiko Katsuki
- animator: Image Engine
- Toshiyuki Katsumura
- visual effects project manager: Toneplus
- Yosuke Katsumura
- r&d: Toneplus
- Andrew Kaufman
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Balázs Kerek
- senior shot td: Digic Pictures
- Suchitra Keshri
- texture artist: Image Engine
- Michael Kessler
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Imran Khan
- compositor
- Bartlomiej Kik
- layout artist: Platige Image
- Soo Kyung Kim
- lighting artist: Image Engine
- Takumi Kimura
- pipeline supervisor
- Casey Kirkpatrick
- environment modeler
- Arnold Kiss
- rigging technical director
- Looi Wai Kit
- digital artist: Illusionist Animation Studio
- Takeshi Kitamura
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Pál Klemm
- lead of movie division: Digic Pictures
- Amanda Knight
- visual effects production manager: Image Engine
- Mai Koda
- visual effects project manager: Toneplus
- Yuto Koike
- digital artist: Digital Frontier
- Anjith Kolakkot Kenathi
- senior character effects artist
- Chandranath Koley
- lighting artist
- Carsten Kolve
- digital effects supervisor: Image Engine
- Naoki Kondo
- cg supervisor: Toneplus
- Jasbeer Kootbally
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Dawid Kopestynski
- compositing artist: Platige Image
- Allie Koppel
- head of finance: The Third Floor
- Takeru Kosaka
- visual effects director
- Gorana Kovacevic
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Tomasz Kowalczyk
- motion capture technical director: Platige Image
- Rémi Kozyra
- visual effects supervisor: Unit Image
- David Attila Kristaly
- shot td (as Kristály Dávid)
- Mateusz Kruczala
- lead character technical director: Platige Image
- Supawadee Krudsuk
- simulation coordinator: The Monk Studios
- Christine Krumpholz
- animator: Image Engine
- Robert Kudera
- environment artist: Platige Image
- Grzegorz Kukus
- cg supervisor: Platige Image
- Hazuki Kumada
- visual effects project manager
- Daniel Kwon
- motion capture specialist
- Dorian L'Heritier
- digital artist / digital artist: Toneplus
- Anett Lakatos
- hair td: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Attila Lakatos
- shot technical director
- Nicolas Lambelin
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Dávid Lantos
- rigging technical director
- Foam Natnicha Laohachaiaroon
- intern character technical director
- Mathias Lautour
- lead look development artist: Image Engine
- Jesus Lavin
- compositor: Image Engine
- Jacek Lazowski
- pipeline technical director: Platige Image
- Joanna Lee
- animator: Image Engine
- Yusong Lee
- texture artist: Image Engine
- Erik Lehmann
- modeler: Image Engine
- Carlos D. Lemus
- effects supervisor
- Sadudee Lerskullawat
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Michael Levine
- creature effects technical director: Image Engine
- David H.E. Lin
- visual effects production manager: Toneplus
- Roger Liu
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Bernard Lizon
- layout artist: Image Engine
- Maksim Ljubenkovic
- lighting technical director: Crater Studio
- Nell Lloyd-Malcolm
- HMC technician
- Clementine Lo
- effects artist: Image Engine
- EungHo Lo
- modeler: Image Engine (as Eung Ho Lo)
- Rajavel Loganathan
- compositor: Image Engine
- Arthur Loiseau
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Alex Lombardi
- fx artist: Image Engine
- Juan David Lopez
- lead compositor: Image Engine (as David Lopez)
- Javier Lopez-Duprey
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Geoff Lou
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Zachary V. Lowe
- texture artist: Image Engine (as Zachary Lowe)
- Emily Luk
- texture artist: Image Engine
- Lakusic Luka
- texture & shading artist: Crater Studio
- Ben Lumsden
- head of studio: The Imaginarium Studios
- Maxime Luère
- visual effects producer / visual effects supervisor: Unit Image
- Bruno Lévêque
- environment technical director: Image Engine (as Bruno Leveque)
- Connor Mackintosh
- 3d scan model: Young Ravus
- László Maczó
- senior previsualization artist: Prewizards
- Alexis Magaud
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Krisztian Majdik
- previsualization editor: The Third Floor
- Jacek Majewski
- environment artist: Platige Image
- Sonya Maltceva
- 3d scan model: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (as Sonia Maltceva)
- Matthew Maners
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Dorian Marchesin
- cg supervisor: Unit Image
- Maciej Markowski
- environment artist: Platige Image
- Guillaume Marques
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Alex Martin
- motion capture
- Brandon Martin
- lead lighting artist: Image Engine
- Clément Martin
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Fran Martinez
- compositor: Image Engine (as Francisco Martinez Raez)
- Greg Massie
- lighting artist: Image Engine
- Mark Masson
- rigging lead: Image Engine
- Roger Mathews
- previs/postvis artist: The Third Floor
- Hiroaki Matsumoto
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Tomoka Matsumura
- modeler: Image Engine
- Shingo Matsuyama
- digital artist: Digital Frontier
- Alfred Matthieu
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Arnaud Mavoka-Isana
- motion editor: The Imaginarium Studios
- Andrew McCartney
- animator: Image Engine
- Daniel McCue
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Tracey McLean
- digital matte painter: Image Engine
- Iain McLuckie
- cg supervisor
- Dallas Mecham
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Kevin Mecham
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Mate Medricky
- visual effects artist: ayout artist
- Alex Medvediev
- lighting artist: Platige Image
- Toufik Mekbel
- digital artist: Unit Image / visual effects artist
- Omar Meradi
- special effects supervisor: Unit Image
- Jeremy Mesana
- animation supervisor: Image Engine
- Stephane Michalski
- motion capture team: Unit Image
- Zuzana Mikus
- visual effects production manager: Image Engine
- Florian Militello
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Laura Millar
- motion capture team: Unit Image
- Gaëlle Minisini
- effects artist: Image Engine (as Gaelle Minisini)
- David Minor
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Yoshihito Misono
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Milovan Mladenovic
- visual effects executive producer: Crater Studio
- Benjamin Moity
- digital artist: Unit Image / motion capture animator: Unit Image
- Guillem Molina
- modeler: Image Engine
- Tamas Molnar
- effects artist: Puppetworks
- Bernadett Molnár
- digital compositor
- Anthony Mondelin
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Elizabeth Montes
- previsualization associate production manager: The Third Floor
- M. Russell Moore
- compositor: Image Engine (as Russell Moore)
- Allan Morel
- digital effects artist
- Hiroshi Mori
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Manpei Morino
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Tee Morris
- 3d scan model: Pruvia Colpus
- Ourania Mourta
- effects artist: Image Engine
- Ramzan Mulani
- senior animator
- Liam Mulvey
- 3d scan model: Libertus Ostium
- Auttasit Mungpasert
- simulation model support: The Monk Studios
- Takao Muraoka
- visual effects production coordinator: Digital Frontier
- Zsolt Máté
- 3d artist: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Tibor Nadas
- senior matte painter
- Keiko Nagashima
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Ashley Nagy
- digital matte painter / digital matte painter: Image Engine
- Zsófia Nagy
- production coordinator: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Sergii Nazarenko
- pipeline technical director: Platige Image
- Charlotte Nelson
- previsualization production manager: The Third Floor
- Aline Ngo
- vfx recruiter
- Duc Phil Nguyen
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Franck Nicolle
- motion capture team: Unit Image
- Luke Niejadlik
- systems manager
- Ismael Nieto
- creature effects technical director: Image Engine (as Ismael Nieto Cuesta)
- Dennis Niko
- senior compositor (as Denis Nikolayenia)
- Kenichiro Nishida
- digital compositor
- Suguru Nogami
- digital artist: Stealthworks
- Paulo Nogueira
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Ryan Nolan-Hieb
- layout technical director: Image Engine
- Masataka Nonaka
- digital artist: Studio Gooneys
- Sverker Nordqvist
- lead motion technical director
- Masataka Nose
- digital artist: Studio Gooneys
- Stephen Putra Nugroho
- pipeline technical director: Toneplus Animation / r&d: Toneplus
- David Nutley
- 3d scan model: Ravus Nox Fleuret
- Kihong Oh
- creature effects technical director: Image Engine
- Hironari Okada
- digital artist: Transistor Studio
- Ryan Oliva
- 3d scan model: Petra Fortis
- Daniel Orchard
- motion capture technician
- Mizuki Ozawa
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Monika Packowska
- visual effects production manager: Platige Image
- Miroslaw Paczkowski
- lighting artist: Platige Image
- Paul Parneix
- digital artist: Unit Image / visual effects artist
- Andrew Parnell
- animator: Image Engine
- Chaplais Pascal
- creature effects technical director: Image Engine
- Robert Pashayan
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Tausif Patel
- 3d scan model: Pelna Khara
- Przemyslaw Patyk
- environment artist: Platige Image
- Adriana Pawlowska
- pipeline technical director: Platige Image
- Arnaud Pecqueur
- digital matte painter: Image Engine
- Geoff Pedder
- look development artist: Image Engine
- Daniel Perez Ferreira
- effects technical director: Megalis/Black Relic
- Jonathan Perez
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Per Olof Petersson
- compositor: Image Engine
- Sandor Peto
- lead lighting & shading technical director: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Leela Petrie
- creature effects artist: Image Engine
- Chatchapol Phattanavorawat
- pipeline support: The Monk Studios
- Arnaud Philippe-Giraux
- digital artist: Unit Image (as Arnaud Philippe Giraux)
- Thanawat Phukumchai
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Johan Picard
- 3d scan model: Nyx Ulric
- Nicolas Pichon
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Lee Pierce
- compositor: Image Engine
- Lorenzo Pierfederici
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Stéphane Pierrisnard
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Mark Pinder
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Carmen Pinto
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Arkadiusz Piwiec
- environment artist: Platige Image
- Ostap Pochtarenko
- effects pipeline technical director: Platige Image
- Chakrit Pogun
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Yash Polke
- effects artist: Image Engine
- Barry Poon
- assets supervisor: Image Engine
- Xavier Pothron
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Anuchit Prapantwong
- character technical director
- Romain Privat de Fortunie
- effects artist: Image Engine
- Piotr Prokop
- visual effects executive producer: Platige Image
- Troy Provencal
- motion capture specialist
- Gabriela Pruszkowska
- creature effects technical director: Image Engine
- Vitalii Prykhodko
- visual effects artist
- Gabor Pulai
- lead lighting technical director
- Francois Dinh Quang
- animator: Image Engine
- Katarina Radic
- texture & shading artist: Crater Studio
- Milena Radovic
- texture & shading artist: Crater Studio
- Rabia Rahou
- visual effects artist
- Alma Ramirez
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Mauricio Revuelta
- digital artist / digital artist: Toneplus
- Léo Ribeyrolles
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Diego Riestra
- compositor: Image Engine
- Gregory Rizzi
- previsualization supervisor: The Third Floor
- Benjamin G. Roach
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Christophe Rodo
- effects supervisor: Square Enix
- Max Rodriguez
- creature effects technical director: Image Engine
- Marvin Rojas
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Sean Rourke
- previsualization editor: The Third Floor
- Thachapong Ruangroj
- character technical director
- Mike De Rubertis
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor (as Micheal Rubertis)
- Rafal Ruminski
- effects technical director: Platige Image
- László Ruska
- previsualization artist
- Satoshi Sagawa
- digital artist: Transistor Studio
- Hiroshi Saito
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Jun Saito
- visual effects production coordinator: Digital Frontier
- Mizuki Saito
- visual effects producer: Studio Gooneys
- Kazutake Saitô
- lead shotwork artist: Digital Frontier (as Kazutake Saito)
- Tsutomu Sakajiri
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Lukasz Salabura
- character technical director: Platige Image
- Patrick Sarell
- animator: Image Engine
- Kuntal Sarkar
- modeler
- Daniel Sarnowska
- effects artist: Image Engine
- Nobuteru Sasagawa
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Nicolas Sauval
- digital artist: Unit Image / effects technical director: Unit Image
- Komkrit Sawasdee
- character technical director supervisor: The Monk Studios
- Edward Saxby
- 3d scan model: Ardyn Izunia
- Linus Scheithauer
- witness camera operator
- Madita Schloeglmann
- facial capture technician
- Ludovic Schocron
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Arian Schouten
- animator: Image Engine
- André Schreiber
- environment artist: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Zsolt Sebok
- senior compositor: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Komson Seechan
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Wataru Senzaki
- visual effects production coordinator: Digital Frontier
- Maria Serrano
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Nimisha Sethi
- texture artist (as Nimishaa Sethi)
- Chad Shattuck
- animator: Image Engine
- Andrew Shawley
- reference camera operator: The Imaginarium Studios
- Denys Shchukin
- effects supervisor: Image Engine
- Kerry Shea
- previsualization producer: The Third Floor
- Ty Shelton
- modeler: Image Engine
- Yuta Shimizu
- visual effects supervisor: Image Engine
- Eri Shinato
- digital artist
- Kei Shiozawa
- visual effects artist
- Jia Loon Sim
- animator: Image Engine
- Chrystia Siolkowsky
- motion editor
- Bartosz Skrzypiec
- shading artist: Platige Image
- Michal Skrzypiec
- compositing artist: Platige Image
- Geri Smith
- lighting artist
- Patrick Smith
- previsualization supervisor: The Third Floor
- Lukasz Sobisz
- effects artist: Image Engine
- Vandy Sok
- motion capture specialist
- Laura Soriano MartÃnez
- modeler
- Wassamon Sripipat
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Mateusz Sroka
- shading artist: Platige Image
- Igor Staritsin
- senior concept artist matte painter
- Plavsic Stefan
- texture & shading artist: Crater Studio
- Murray Stevenson
- cg supervisor: Image Engine
- Devin Stoutley
- modeler: Image Engine
- Stefano Susco
- rigging technical director
- Tomek Suwalski
- compositing artist: Platige Image (as Tomasz Suwalski)
- Alexander Szabados
- lighting technical director
- Zaneta Szabat
- shading artist: Platige Image
- Mátyás Szabó
- lighting and compositing artist: Digic Pictures
- Péter Szabó
- lighting and compositing coordinator: Puppetworks
- Krisztian Szeibold
- lighting td: Image Engine
- Szabolcs Szmicsek
- visual effects artist
- Jeremy Szostak
- visual effects editor: Image Engine
- Koichi Tamura
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Sahasin Tangkijjavisuth
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Korrapat Tangsutthiwong
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Kate Tarbard
- head of studio operations: Image Engine
- Jenn Taylor
- lead animator: Image Engine
- Damien Thaller
- digital matte painting supervisor: Image Engine
- Dechathorn Thitikul
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Cosic Tijana
- texture & shading artist: Crater Studio
- Phuwit Tipyakanont
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Shaila Tobin
- animator: Image Engine
- Thanapat Tommati
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Alexander Toms
- compositor: Image Engine
- Chau Tong
- production coordinator: The Third Floor
- Rene Toye
- visual effects editor: Image Engine
- Yûsaku Toyoshima
- visual effects executive producer: Digital Frontier (as Yusaku Toyoshima)
- Keisuke Toyoura
- visual effects producer
- Yosuke Toyoyama
- digital artist: Digital Frontier
- Adam Tredowski
- matte painter: Platige Image
- Ron Turner
- concept artist: Image Engine
- Jon Tyler
- motion capture supervisor: Imaginarium Stiudios
- Gábor Tóth
- lead compositor: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Róbert Tóth
- senior rigging technical director
- Alex Underwood
- lighting artist: Platige Image (as Alex Medvediev)
- Aaron Urquhart
- motion capture technician
- Sadanand Uware
- mocap artist
- István Vajda
- digital compositor: Puppetworks (as Vajda István)
- Yann Vanlerberghe
- creature effects technical director: Image Engine
- Vladan Djiri Vasiljevic
- texture & shading artist: Crater Studio
- Ruslan Vasylev
- modeler: Image Engine
- Jose Manuel Vega
- effects technical director: Megalis/Black Relic
- Gergely Velki
- digital compositor: Digic Pictures
- Vikram Verma
- visual effects executive producer
- Nitat Vimanjan
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Marion Voignier
- compositor: Image Engine
- Ilia Vorobev
- cloth td
- Ognjen Vukovic
- lighting technical director: Puppetworks Animation Studio
- Jovana Vulevic
- digital artist / texture & shading artist: Crater Studio
- Agata Waclawiak
- compositing artist: Platige Image
- Caleb Wagner
- visual effects
- Erik Walker
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Erik Walker
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Ross Wallis
- lighting artist: Image Engine
- Shawn Walsh
- visual effects executive producer: Image Engine
- Crystal Wan
- visual effects production manager: Image Engine
- Chia-Ping Wang
- system & technology: Image Engine / system administrator
- Kenson Wang
- compositor: Image Engine
- Tony Wang
- visual effects producer
- Chutinart Warunyuwong
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Dominik Wawrzyniak
- lead layout artist: Platige Image
- Piotr Weiss
- effects artist: Image Engine
- Sean Wicks
- visual effects coordinator / visual effects production manager: Image Engine
- Cameron Widen
- previsualization supervisor: Image Engine
- Anthony Winn
- storyboard artist: The Third Floor
- Anna F. Winters
- visual effects production manager: Image Engine
- Phop Wisedchitpol
- character technical director: The Monk Studios
- Rafal Wojcikowski
- lead render wrangler: Platige Image
- Maciej Wojtyna
- shading artist: Platige Image
- Tilly Wood
- 3d scan model: Sylva Nox Fleuret
- Casey Yahnke
- compositor: Image Engine
- Yûki Yamashina
- senior pipeline technical director (as Yuki Yamashina)
- Vincent Yan
- creature effects artist: Image Engine
- Kareem Yassih
- system & technology: Image Engine
- Matt Yeoman
- compositor: Image Engine
- Donmill Yip
- modeler: Image Engine
- Kei Yoneoka
- cg supervisor: Stealthworks
- Takehisa Yoshimura
- visual effects producer: Digital Frontier
- Nawel Younsi
- office team: Unit Image
- Edward Yueh
- cloth artist
- Alvin Chow Hoe Yuen
- digital artist: Illusionist Animation Studio
- Tomasz Zaborek
- shading artist: Platige Image
- Steven Zaharakis
- previsualization technical director: The Third Floor
- Jaroslaw Zawislinski
- pipeline technical director: Platige Image
- Robert Zelichowski
- environment artist: Platige Image
- Vladimir Zhovna
- effects technical director
- Fawzi Zidane
- digital artist: Unit Image
- Delphine Zombo Ngeleza
- digital artist: Toneplus
- Vijay Suresh Kadam
- texture artist (uncredited)
- An Nguyen
- computer graphics tools engineer: Visual Works Square Enix (uncredited)
- Vinay Kumar Valecha
- visual effects artist (uncredited)