- Amanda Aiken
- additional clean up: SellOut Animation
- Freya Allan
- additional clean up: SellOut Animation
- Marta Andreeva
- additional lay out character posing
- Andrés Arcos
- lay out & color background artist
- Juan Pablo López Arenas
- lay out & color background artist
- Lucy Ashworth
- additional clean up: SellOut Animation
- Amir Avni
- cleanup artist: Yowza Animation
- Chris Bailey
- animator
- Tom Bancroft
- character designer
- Stephane Baton
- lay out & background senior
- James Baxter
- animator
- Cyrielle Baylot
- clean-up artist/ink&paint artist
- Jeremie Becquer
- Animation Artist / animation artist
- Dana Benso Huguet
- clean up inbetweener (as Dana Benso)
- Estefania Bergzoll
- clean up lead
- Floyd Bishop Jr.
- animator
- Charles Bonifacio
- Animation Supervisor: "Krums & Ellingboes" (as Charlie Bonifacio)
- Giovanni Braggio
- animation artist
- James Bresnahan
- animator
- Harriet Buckley
- additional clean up: SellOut Animation
- Samuel Cabanac
- animation artist
- Rosa Medina Camarena
- ink and paint artist
- Scott Caple
- layout artist/background artist
- Jorge A. Capote
- Additional Animation / additional lay out character posing
- Jeremy Cardarelli
- assistant animator: Yowza Animation
- Cécile Carre
- animation artist / animator
- Alfredo Cassano
- animator lead
- Jaime Castañeda
- animator
- Pauline Champetier
- animator junior
- Andrew Chesworth
- animator
- Solene Chevaleyre
- lay out & background senior
- Pierre Chomarat
- animator
- Paul Chung
- animator
- Simone Cirillo
- animation artist
- Olivier Clert
- creative consultant / story artist
- Sandro Cleuzo
- animator
- Andrew Coats
- character designer
- Laura Cobo
- animator junior
- Paola Costigliola
- clean-up assistant
- Alberto Cotaina
- 3d animation artist
- Devin Crane
- character designer
- Daniel Crook
- Animation Artist / animation artist (as Daniel Thomas Crook)
- Silke Czarny
- 2d fx artist
- David Dangin
- layout artist
- Eric Darnell
- story artist
- Isabel De Diego
- ink & paint artist
- Cristina De Manuel López
- animator junior
- Maxime Delalande
- Animation Artist / animation artist
- Chiara Di Luzio
- clean up inbetweener
- Maria Torregosa Domenech
- animator
- Jorje Domingo
- Ink & Paint Artist
- Victor Ens
- Animation Supervisor: "Klaus"
- Henrik Evensen
- lay out & background senior
- Beatrice Diaz Fattorini
- clean up inbetweener/ink&paint artist
- Daniel Fernandez Casas
- clean up inbetweeners
- Pablo Zafre Fernandez
- ink and paint supervisor
- Anabel Fernández
- Clean up artist
- Javier Ferrer Erice
- additional 2d animation / assistant animator
- Nicola Finizio
- 2D FX artist
- Nicole Fortes
- 2d light & shadow artist
- Marianna Forti
- Clean up and inbetweening
- Tony Fucile
- animator
- Ana GarcÃa Gimeno
- Ink & Paint Artist
- José Antonio GarcÃa Villameriel
- 2D FX supervisor
- David Gau
- lay out & color background artist
- Clement Gerard
- animation artist
- Alberto Gomez
- story board senior
- Gabriel Gomez
- background supervisor
- Steven Pierre Gordon
- creative consultant
- Mael Gourmelen
- animator senior
- Carlos Grangel
- character designer
- Eve Guastella
- animation artist
- Vicki Haworth
- clean up supervisor: SellOut Animation
- Arturo Hernández Correas
- animation artist
- Joe Hick
- additional clean up: SellOut Animation
- Joshua Hill
- clean up artist
- Brad Hughes
- clean-up artist
- Vicky Jenson
- story artist
- Rapeepat Jewanarom
- animator junior
- Jeffrey Joe
- animator
- Lucie Julliat
- assistant animator
- Clay Kaytis
- animator
- Glen Keane
- character designer
- Lauren Kirkwood
- additional clean up: SellOut Animation
- Kamila Konczewska
- assistant animator
- Robert Koo
- story artist
- Julia Lama
- clean up assistant
- David Lamas
- 3d animation supervisor
- Charly Laurent
- 3D Layout Supervisor
- Justin Leach
- animator
- Javier Ledesma
- additional story artist
- Ulric Leprovost
- lay out & color background artist
- Mary Lescher
- scene planner
- Aaron Lim
- animator
- Carlos Linares-Rivas RodrÃguez
- clean up assistant
- Elio Lischetti
- clean up supervisor
- Jorge Durán Llanos
- animation junior (as Jorge Duran) / animator junior
- Mireia Lopez Ivern
- assistant animator
- Valentin Lucas
- animation artist
- Carlos Luzzi
- animator
- Ole Christian Løken
- animator senior / senior animation
- Raquel Juan Maestre
- clean up inbetweener
- Sergio Mancinelli
- lay out & color background artist
- Pablo Manresa
- 3d animator
- José Mansuy
- animator
- Nicolas Marlet
- character designer
- Adrián Fuentes Marrupe
- ink and paint artist
- Edgar Martins
- Head of Story
- Sergio Martins
- Animation Supervisor: "Alva"
- Ãlvaro MartÃnez Bernardo
- ink and paint artist
- Christian Maymó
- clean up assistant
- Luis MejÃa
- lay out & background senior
- Armen Melkonian
- layout supervisor
- Fabiola Berton Mendoza
- lighting artist
- Joseph E. Merideth
- animator
- Mateo Merino Sergio
- animation artist
- Jamie Merry
- additional clean up: SellOut Animation
- Angelo Domenico Migliorisi
- ink and paint
- Rocio Mira
- ink and paint artist
- Ivan Miranda
- assistant animator
- Sergio Molinero
- clean up lead
- Borja Montoro
- additional animation
- Fernando Moro
- animator
- Alvaro Morote
- Additional Animator / Clean-up Assistant
- Jose Manuel Moriegar Muñoz Pardo
- Ink & Paint Artist
- Pablo Navarro
- animator
- Marina de Bustos Neddea
- Ink & Paint Artist
- Mark Nonnenmacher
- animator
- Tracy Nowocien
- animation artist
- Ruben Berkeley O'Reilly
- shot prep
- Daniel O'Sullivan
- animation artist
- Alex Orrelle
- creative consultant
- Sergio Pablos
- character designer
- Angel Pancorbo
- Junior Animator
- Paul Perrott
- 3D animation artist
- Caroline Piochon
- animator senior
- Eduardo Quintana Piñero
- additional animation artist
- John Pomeroy
- additional animation artist
- Giacomo Ponziani
- Clean up
- Ruben Procopio
- animator
- Patrick Pujalte
- inbetween and cleanup supevisor
- Marick Queven
- clean up supervisor
- Nuria RamÃrez González
- clean up lead
- Daniel Rebollo
- clean up inbetweener
- Slaven Reese
- Animation Supervisor: "Margu"
- Mary-Jean Repchuk
- animator
- Magda Richiusa
- clean up lead
- Giulia Riva
- clean up assistant
- Alberto Rodriguez
- additional storyboard senior
- EstefanÃa Romón
- clean up assistant
- John Sanford
- story artist
- Lynsey Schaschke
- additional clean up: SellOut Animation
- Joshua Schneider
- animator (as Joshua Scheneider)
- Torsten Schrank
- character design artist
- Tobias Schwarz
- animator senior
- Toby Schwarz
- senior animator
- Jean-Luc Serrano
- layout supervisor
- Michael Show
- animator
- Len Simon
- animator
- Simon J. Smith
- inbetween artist
- Richard Smitheman
- clean up supervisor
- David Soren
- story artist
- Betty Sourigues
- lay out & color background artist
- Juliet Stroud
- animator
- Yoshimichi Tamura
- Animation Supervisor: "Jesper"
- Marcel Tigchelaar
- additional animator
- Philippe Tilikete
- character designer
- Tugrul Tiryaki
- animation artist
- Marcel Tojo Zarragoitia
- 3d layout senior
- Karolina Tomaszewska
- additional clean up: SellOut Animation
- Cristina Ursachi
- clean up lead
- Mathilde Vachet
- animator
- Marc Valls Pla
- animation artist
- Jochem Van Gool
- animator lead
- David Vandervoort
- animator senior / senior animator
- Rafael Vera Jiménez
- assistant animator
- Lourdes Villagomez
- additional animation production coordinator
- Alain Vu
- animation artist
- Matt Williames
- lead animator
- Paul Williams
- additional animator (as Paul Raymond Williams) / animator
- Ellen Woodbury
- animator
- Alvise Zennaro
- animation artist
- Kathy Zielinski
- character designer
- James McCrimmon
- clean-up artist : Yowza Animation (uncredited)