- Lindsay Adams
- senior compositor
- Steven Adams
- vfx executive producer
- Steve Agland
- art direction and look development
- Alicia Aguilera
- digital compositor
- Tim Ahern
- visual effects
- Shigeki Ao
- senior modeler
- Charlie Armstrong
- 2d supervisor
- Vaughn Arnup
- roto/paint and 3d tracking supervisor
- Daniel Ashton
- film recording technician: Weta Digital (as Dan Ashton)
- François-Xavier Aubague
- visual effect production manager
- Nacho Barahona
- modeler: Animal Logic
- Xavier Bec
- head of software: BUF
- Djelloul Bekri
- visual effects: BUF
- Emmanuel Blasset
- additional cg supervisor
- Kevin Blom
- effects technical director
- Julien Bolbach
- visual effects: BUF
- Mark Boorer
- data technician: Animal Logic
- David Booth
- digital effects artist
- Nick Booth
- film recording supervisor: Weta Digital
- Jonathan Bot
- digital compositor: Animal Logic
- Xavier Bourque
- digital compositor: Animal Logic
- Paul Braddock
- digital artist / 3D supervisor
- Dan Breckwoldt
- lead compositor
- Pierre Buffin
- artistic supervisor: BUF
- Thibault Bunoust
- visual effects: BUF
- Ean Carr
- compositor
- Rowan e Cassidy
- conceptual artist (as Rowan Cassidy)
- Korey J. Cauchon
- visual effects producer: Animal Logic
- Camille Cellucci
- visual effects producer
- Scott Chambers
- compositor
- Fabien Charbonnier
- system administrator: BUF
- Sam Chynoweth
- vfx edit assistant
- Bodie Clare
- matchmove lead
- Glenn Cone
- visual effects artist (as Glen Cone)
- Sean Coonce
- digital compositor: Animal Logic
- Chris Cooper
- research & development lead
- Daniel James Cox
- visual effects concept and matte artist: Animal Logic
- Michael Crippin
- surface/texture artist
- Jeff d'Izarny
- visual effects: BUF (as Jean-François D'Izarny)
- Jayandera Danappal
- fx artist: Animal Logic
- Dexter Davey
- compositor
- Mark Andrew De La Garza
- senior lighting technical director: Animal Logic
- Eric Desaulniers
- tracker
- Antoine Deschamps
- visual effects supervisor: BUF
- Carla Diamond
- visual effects producer: BUF
- Craig Dibble
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Jeff Driver
- digital effects artist: modeler
- Blake Druery
- digital artist
- Laura Dubsky
- compositor
- Eric Durst
- visual effects supervisor
- Soren Dyne
- visual effects artist
- Chris Ebeling
- digital compositor
- Laurens Ehrmann
- visual effects: BUF
- Pierre Escande
- visual effects producer: BUF
- Audrey Ferrara
- visual effects: BUF
- Peter Fisher
- visual effects producer: Postmodern Sydney
- Brad Floyd
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Alex Fry
- lead compositor
- Morgane Furio
- co-visual effects supervisor
- Peter D. Georges
- research & development: Animal Logic
- Daniela Giangrande
- visual effects coordinator: Animal Logic
- Ivan Girard
- visual effects: BUF
- Alicia Gleeson
- visual effects editor
- Lucinda Glenn
- visual effects coordinator
- Yoel Godo
- visual effects: BUF
- Joel Goodman
- technical director
- Matt Greig
- senior compositor: Animal Logic
- Toby Grime
- main titles designer
- Eric Guaglione
- animation director: Animal Logic
- Michael Halford
- matte painter
- Marius Hanganutiu
- visual effects
- David Hansen
- animator
- Mark Harmon
- compositor
- Jason Hawkins
- digital compositor
- Marcus Herrick
- senior compositor / visual effects editor
- Luke Hetherington
- head of production: Animal Logic
- Timothy Hoffman
- visual effects
- Asta Honkavaara
- visual effects production manager
- Timo Huber
- digital compositor: Animal Logic
- Andras Ikladi
- senior vfx technical director
- Danielle Immerman
- visual effects production manager (as Danielle Rubin)
- Yujin Ito
- fx artist
- Andrew Jackson
- visual effects supervisor
- Bhakar James
- animation lead
- Paul Jewell
- FX technical director: Animal Logic
- Ingrid Johnston
- visual effects production manager: Animal Logic
- Matt Jones
- fx supervisor
- Stewart Jones
- character technical director
- Christopher Kerr
- data operations: Animal Logic (as Chris Kerr)
- Paul Kirwan
- digital compositor
- Michal Kriukow
- senior modeler
- Nicolas Labbe
- render farm operator: BUF
- Anguerran Lagallarde
- visual effects: BUF
- Martin Larrivée
- digital compositor
- Julien Leveugle
- digital compositor
- Simon Lewis
- fx technical director
- Christopher Lexington
- Senior Lighting TD
- Max Liani
- art direction and look development
- Nick Lines
- digital artist
- Owen Longstaff
- rotoscope artist: Animal Logic
- Joachim Loubeau
- render farm operator: BUF
- Ruth-Anne Loveridge
- cg modeler
- Sandrine Lurde
- visual effects: BUF
- John Ma
- visual effects coordinator
- Annet Mackie
- matte painter (as Annette Vandenberg)
- Chad Malbon
- visual effects producer
- Peter Marin
- compositor
- Justen Marshall
- software development manager
- Nicole Mather
- matte painter
- Matthew McCosker
- digital compositor: Animal Logic
- Andrew McDonald
- asset department supervisor: Animal Logic
- Robert McDougall
- production coordinator
- Graeme McGirr
- lighting technical director: Animal Logic
- Genevieve McMahon
- visual effects coordinator
- Tamara Tai Mitchell
- digital artist: Animal Logic (as Tamara Mitchell)
- Zac Morris
- visual effects artist
- Blake Muir
- digital compositor
- Bradley Mullennix
- previs lead
- Karen Murphy
- visual effects art director
- Zareh Nalbandian
- visual effects executive producer: Animal Logic
- Dylan Neill
- technical director
- Maxime Neko
- visual effects: BUF
- Martin Newcombe
- surfacing artist
- Alice Ngo
- texture artist
- An Nguyen
- software developer: Animal Logic
- Jamie Nimmo
- digital compositor: Animal Logic
- Tristan North
- lighting lead
- Joshua Nunn
- lighting technical director: Animal Logic
- Jongsu Oh
- digital artist: Animal Logic
- Alfie Olivier
- 3D supervisor / pre-visualization technical director
- David Orman
- data i/o operator: Postmodern
- Alex G. Ortoll
- senior compositor
- Loris Paillier
- visual effects: BUF
- Adrian Paul
- software developer: Animal Logic
- Davide Pesare
- senior shader writer
- Laurent Pierrat
- render farm operator: BUF
- Boris Plateau
- animator: BUF
- Nick Ponzoni
- digital compositor
- Christian Poullay
- matchmover
- Jeremy Pronk
- technical director: Animal Logic
- Eugene Purugganan
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Sébastien Quessy
- visual effects artist
- Orash Rahnema
- senior modeller
- Michael Ralla
- digital compositor: Animal Logic
- Will Reichelt
- 3d supervisor
- Alessandro Riberti
- lighting technical director
- Dean Richichi
- digital compositor
- Kim Rickard
- recruitment supervisor: Animal Logic
- Andrew Robinson
- visual effects executive producer: Postmodern Sydney
- Sascha Robitzki
- digital artist: FX: Animal Logic
- Benoit Roekens
- visual effects: BUF
- James Rogers
- visual effects supervisor: Postmodern
- Stephen Roucher
- film recording technician: Weta Digital
- Morten Rowley
- creative lead vfx
- Lucas Salton
- visual effects: BUF
- Jerome Samson
- head of render farm: BUF
- Elsa Santos
- concept artist
- Ron Schab
- render wrangler
- Florian Schroeder
- sequence lead compositor: Animal Logic
- Denis Scolan
- senior compositor: Animal Logic
- Ray Sena
- look development and effects / texture & shading artist
- Jeff Shank
- digital effects
- Evan Shipard
- digital matte painter: Animal Logic / visual effects art director: Animal Logic
- Bruce Sicard
- visual effects: BUF
- Olivier Sicot
- visual effects: BUF
- Jessica Clare Smith
- junior compositor / roto/prep artist
- Tim Sotiri
- lighting technical director: Animal Logic
- Christoph Sprenger
- research & development
- Debbie Steer
- visual effects coordinator: Animal Logic
- Grant Street
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Hayley Sullivan
- visual effects coordinator (as Hayley McInerney)
- Richard Sur
- lighting technical director: Animal Logic
- Lubos Gerardo Surzin
- matte painter
- Chris Swinbanks
- post services supervisor: Animal Logic
- Julien Tagodoe
- render farm operator: BUF
- Jo Ann Tan
- software development coordinator: animal logic
- Jonathan Taranto
- matte painter
- Paul Taylor
- visual effects editor
- Damien Thaller
- concept artist and senior digital matte painter
- Julien Thebault
- visual effects: BUF
- Alex Timbs
- head of it: animal logic
- Arnaud Trouvé
- software development: BUF
- Adam Trowse
- roto/prep artist
- Beck Veitch
- digital compositor: Animal Logic
- Dominique Vidal
- visual effects: BUF
- Jocelyn Vincent
- render farm operator: BUF
- Radu Vintila
- lead systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Ben Walker
- digital matte painter
- Tim Walker
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Andreas Wanda
- cg supervisor
- Kento Watanabe
- visual effects assistant editor
- Jeremy Webber
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Ryan Weston
- render wrangler
- Shonnan Wibrow
- roto/paint artist: Animal Logic
- Trevor Wide
- texture artist
- Tom Wild
- pipeline and database consultant
- Pete Williams
- film recording manager: Weta Digital
- Jamie Wood
- lead compositor
- David Woodland
- lead matte artist / lead matte painter
- Michael Wortmann
- effects technical director: Animal Logic
- Koji Yamaguchi
- digital compositor: Animal Logic
- Ramy Zaouai
- render wrangler: BUF Compagnie
- Wayne John Haag
- digital matte painter (uncredited)
- Toby Lewin
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Daniel Powter
- data services technician: Animal Logic (uncredited)