- Fernanda S. Abarca
- surfacing artist
- Motohisa Adachi
- effects developer
- Deepa Agarwal
- texture artist
- Evrim Akyilmaz
- visual effects artist
- Stephanie Alpert
- visual effects production coordinator
- Andrew Anderson
- additional character effects: DreamWorks Animation
- Charles Anderson
- visual effects artist
- Patrick Angell
- surfacing technical director
- Shinsaku Arima
- visual effects artist
- Chris Armsden
- lighting technical director
- Nicholas Augello
- character effects artist
- Ricky Baba
- surfacing artist
- David Badgerow
- final layout artist
- David Bailey
- matte painter
- Jasper M. Baltzersen
- paint fix artist: PDI/DreamWorks
- Kelly Barschig
- recruiter: DWA
- Michael Baula
- stereo paint fix artist
- Dugan Beach
- character effects animator: DreamWorks Animation
- Matthew Beightol
- stereo paint fix artist
- Sucheta Bhatawadekar
- lighter
- Nafees Bin Zafar
- senior software engineer
- Herve Bizira
- technical director
- Steven Blakey
- visual effects artist
- Cathy E. Blanco
- lighting technical director
- Alan Blevins
- lighting technical director
- Silviu Borac
- senior fx r&d engineer
- Margarita Bratkova
- research and development
- Gregory Brentin
- principal engineer
- Billy Brooks
- lighting artist (as William J. Brooks)
- Jason Brubaker
- additional compositing: 2D sequence production
- Wes Burian
- surfacing supervisor
- Craig Cannon
- stereo paint fix artist: PDI/DreamWorks
- Jessica Canter
- surfacing artist
- Justin Carcasole
- lighting technical director
- Mark T. Carlson
- effects engineer
- Onny P. Carr
- lighting artist / visual effects artist
- Gregg Carrier
- software engineer
- Zachary Carter
- visual effects
- Scott Cegielski
- visual effects
- Kevin Chang
- character fx technical director (as Kevin Chaohwa Chang) / visual effects technical director (as Kevin Chaohwa Chang)
- Chloe Chao
- research and development
- Wes Chilton
- visual effects artist
- Hermann Chong
- media tools engineer
- Tim Chrismer
- additional lighting technical assistant
- Jonathan Ciscon
- lighting technical artist
- Martin Costello
- supervising character technical director
- Bart Coughlin
- lead character technical director
- Christian Cunningham
- lighting artist
- Lawrence D. Cutler
- global department head: DreamWorks Animation Studio Management
- Matthew Davies
- production technology
- Brian C. Davis
- visual effects artist
- Kwesi Davis
- production engineer
- Gilbert Davoud
- global character technical director
- Greg Denton
- additional technical director
- Sandy Dong
- surfacing artist
- Willem Drees
- stereoscopic supervisor
- David Drell
- character technical director
- Dale Drummond
- lead lighter
- Brian Ducharme
- lighting artist
- Daniel Eaton
- lighter
- Christopher Lynn Edwards
- lighting technical artist
- Avedis Ekmekjian
- lighting artist
- Erin J. Elliott
- crowds artist
- Charles Ellison
- modeler
- Marcus Erbar
- character effects technical director
- Cassandra Fanning
- stereo paint fix artist
- Michael Farley
- digital artist
- Sean Fennell
- crowd lead artist
- Rebecca Fletcher
- layout technical director
- Louis Flores
- visual effects lead
- Nathan Fok
- character effects artist
- Edwin Fong
- surfacing artist: Dreamworks Feature Animation
- Grace Fong
- technical director
- Julien Forest
- lighting artist
- Ted Forgrave
- character technical director
- Paul Franz
- effects technical director
- Jennifer Fung
- research and development
- Akash Garg
- fx engineer
- Jack Geckler
- crowd animator
- Amber Geisler
- stereo paint fix artist
- Jonathan Gibbs
- global lead
- Francesco Giroldini
- shot lighting artist
- Shane Glading
- lighting artist
- Juan Gonzalez
- final layout artist
- Darin K. Grant
- head of production technology
- Nishkar Grover
- Production Engineer
- Bill Gumina
- paint fix artist
- Glen Gustafson
- lighter
- Lei Han
- lighting artist
- Udai Haraguchi
- digital artist
- Andy Harbeck
- surfacing artist
- Daniel Hashimoto
- compositing lead: 2D sequence production (as Daniel 'Hashi' Hashimoto)
- Christian Hatfield
- character effects supervisor (as Christian A. Hatfield)
- Matt Head
- visual effects artist
- Stephen Heidelberg
- character effects artist
- Brad Herman
- crowds supervisor
- Greg Hettinger
- surfacing artist
- George Ho
- lighter
- Robert Holder
- lighting artist
- Carl Hooper
- visual effects artist
- Kevin Hoppe
- lighter
- Bobby Huebel
- lighting technical assistant
- John Hughes
- visual effects artist: Dreamworks
- Lok Ming Hwa
- lead lighting artist
- C. Jin Im
- lighting artist
- Aaron James McComas
- effects animator
- Lucas Janin
- effects animator
- Ian Jenkins
- lighting
- Gregory Jennings
- lighter
- Brandi Johnson
- surfacing lead
- Michael Cadwallader Jones
- visual effects animator
- Kaishin Kam
- technical director
- Kurt Kaminski
- lighting artist
- Jeff Kasunic
- lead lighter: DreamWorks
- Patrick Kelly
- software engineer
- Blaine Kennison
- lighter
- Matthew Kiefer
- lighting technical artist
- Lisa Kim
- lead lighter
- Soo Kyung Kim
- lighting artist
- Soo Jin King
- surfacing artist
- Ginka Kostova
- lighting artist
- Parashar Krishnamachari
- shader writer
- Amy Sun Kwa
- technical director
- Soongu Kwon
- modeler
- Stanley Kwong
- lighting artist
- Josh LaBrot
- layout artist
- Rachel Lagdao
- layout artist
- Kenny Lam
- lighting and compositing technical director (as Ken Lam)
- Claire Lawrence-Slater
- character fx artist
- Jaemin Lee
- visual effects artist
- John J.S. Lee
- lighter: DWA
- Li-Ming 'Lawrence' Lee
- head of effects
- Erin Lehmkühl
- digital effects artist
- Matthew Leishman
- character fx technical director
- Edwin R. Leonard
- chief technology officer: Dreamworks Animation Technology (as Edwin R. Leonard)
- Jim Leuper
- effects engineer
- Hamilton Lewis
- rough layout artist
- Lyndon Li
- lighting artist
- Jin Liou
- global lead
- Benjamin Lippert
- surfacing artist
- Seth Lippman
- crowds artist
- Fabio Lissi
- production engineer
- Suzi Little
- character effects artist (as Susan Polk Little)
- Francis Liu
- production testing
- Kieron Cheuk-Chi Lo
- lighting artist
- Igor Lodeiro
- cg supervisor / lighting supervisor
- Michael Losure
- visual effects artist
- Ilia Lyons
- character effects technical director (as Ilia Standish)
- Shri Bindhu Madhav
- stereo compositor
- Cara Malek
- production testing
- Marco Marquez
- stereo paint fix artist
- Mark J. Matthews
- research and development fx engineer
- Jason Mayer
- lead effects artist
- Mark A. McGuire
- global department head
- M. Scott McKee
- cg supervisor / lighting supervisor
- Phil 'Captain 3D' McNally
- stereoscopic supervisor
- Moiz Merchant
- crowd technical director
- Anthony Meschi
- stereo paint fix artist
- John R. Miller
- technical director
- Marc Miller
- lead lighter
- Tom Molet
- global character technical director
- Taylor Moll
- surfacing artist
- Cesar Alejandro Montero Orozco
- surfacing artist
- Jonathan Fletcher Moore
- lighting artist
- Madhavi Marigold Muppala
- lead technical director
- Ken Museth
- principle engineer
- Michael Necci
- lighting supervisor
- Rob Nitsch
- senior character effects developer
- Sean W. Nolan
- character technical director
- Mark Nonnenmacher
- matte painter
- Kevin Ochs
- supervising character technical director
- Haengsook Oh
- modeler
- Kiem Ching Ong
- visual effects artist
- William Opdyke
- visual effects artist
- Mark Orme
- matte painting compositor
- Tanner Owen
- crowd animator
- Patrick A. Palmer
- production engineering
- Andrea Paolino
- digital artist
- Rupali Parekh
- lighting artist
- Alex Parkinson
- visual effects supervisor
- Luca Pataracchia
- effects animator
- Pranay Patel
- surfacing technical director
- Mary Payne
- digital artist
- Andrew Pearce
- director of reseach and development
- Alessandro Pepe
- visual effects artist
- Jonathan Perkins
- visual effects coordinator
- Steve Petterborg
- lighting technical director
- Navin Pinto
- character effects artist: Dreamworks Animation
- Jason Pomerantz
- production supervisor: IMAX Version
- Bryan Poon
- character effects
- Jason Porath
- effects animator
- Gabriel Portnof
- lead lighter
- Andrew Pungprakearti
- digital effects artist
- Celambarasan Ramasamy
- production testing
- Joshua F. Richards
- crowds artist
- Andrew Richmond
- production coordinator: Lighting Department
- Paul Rivera
- matte painting compositor
- Eli Rod
- additional lead lighter
- Milton E. Rodriguez-Rios
- lead lighter
- Justin Rosen
- technical director
- Allen Ruilova
- visual effects artist
- Wade Ryer
- character technical director
- Kendal Sager
- character technical director
- Mohit Salunke
- digital compositor
- Amy McDonald Sandjideh
- research and development manager
- Nico Sanghrajka
- character technical director
- Marc Scott
- cg supervisor / lighting supervisor
- Benjamin Sergeant
- research and development
- Priyes Shah
- senior lighting and compositing artist
- Sameer Shah
- additional technical director
- Cory Shaw
- main title designer & animator
- Richard Shiba
- final layout supervisor
- Andrew Silvestri
- character effects artist (credit only)
- Lauren Simpson
- visual effects artist
- Ruhi Sinha
- technical director/ lighting artist
- Marty Sixkiller
- r&d supervisor
- Aaron Smith
- cg supervisor / lighting supervisor
- Brian Smith
- stereo paint fix artist
- Serge Sretschinsky
- supervising technical director
- Matt Steele
- character technical director
- Igor Stefanovic
- character technical director
- David Stodolny
- senior character animator
- Josh Stratton
- pipeline engineer
- Hong Suh
- digital artist (as Hong Suck Suh)
- Jeff Sullivan
- crowd animator
- Karthik Swaminathan
- Character Rigging Artists
- Kenji Sweeney
- lighting and compositing artist
- Marla Tanigawa
- matte painting compositor (as Marla Valentine)
- Amy Taylor
- character effects animator
- Panat Thamrongsombutsakul
- character effects artist
- Richard S.G. Thompson
- effects animator: Dreamworks
- James Thornton
- crowds developer
- Dave Tidgwell
- visual effects lead
- Erik Tillmans
- compositor
- Matt Titus
- visual effects
- John Truong
- lead character effects animator
- Tien Truong
- visual effects artist
- Adrian Tsang
- character technical director
- Lisa M. Tse
- lighter
- Mauricio Valderrama
- stereo paint fix artist
- Pablo Valle
- lighting supervisor
- Baptiste Van Opstal
- visual effects artist
- Kendra Vander Vliet
- final layout artist
- Benjamin Venancie
- lighting artist
- Henry Vera
- global lead
- Brent Villalobos
- production engineer
- Marko Vukovic
- senior lighting/compositing
- Dave Walvoord
- digital effects supervisor / head of lighting
- Jeff Wang
- character technical director
- Liang-Yuan Wang
- lighting supervisor (as Liang Yuan Wang)
- Victor Wang
- r&d technology
- Nathan Warner
- layout/previs artist
- Daniel Warom
- crowds developer
- Gina Warr
- lead lighting artist
- Matt Waters
- lighting technical assistant
- Jason P. Weber
- lead character effects developer
- Eugene Wen
- lighter
- Jeffrey Wike
- director of research & development
- Rhiannon Leffanta Wilhelmi
- layout artist
- Ron Williams
- character effects animator
- D'Lun Wong
- crowds artist
- Hock Wong
- character effects artist
- Laura Wood
- production engineer
- Stephen Wood
- visual effects animator
- Joanna Wu
- lead lighter
- Zhang Xiao
- visual effects artist
- Farid K. Yazami
- lighting & compositing (as Farid Khadiri-Yazami)
- Nate Yellig
- character effects artist
- Ji Hyun Yoon
- visual effects
- Sun Yoon
- matte painter
- Masahito Yoshioka
- visual effects
- Simon Yuen
- senior character technical director
- Franz Zach
- senior modeler
- Craig Dowsett
- modeler (uncredited)