- Shereen Alheidary
- background artist
- Adrian Ambrosio
- background artist
- Rosie Andrews
- storyboard artist
- Niels Bach
- layout
- Lenny Biesemans
- animator
- Guillaume Bissieres
- key animator
- David Bols
- posing
- Giovanni Braggio
- animator
- Pierre Breton
- layout
- Wouter Bruneel
- additional character design
- Bartel Buneel
- additional character design
- Daniel Cacouault
- concept artist
- David Cady
- intern
- Yijia Cao
- background artist
- Mylène Cominotti
- animator
- Lucas Daveau
- background artist
- Paul De Blieck
- animator
- Armance de Bonis
- pre-production design team
- Esther de Buretel de Chassy
- intern
- Charlotte De Geeter
- background artist
- Therese de Crombrugghe de Looringhe
- animator
- Tom De Vis
- fx designer
- Camille Decroly
- additional character design
- Juliette Degrève
- background artist / layout
- Sophie Devautour
- posing
- Hans Devolder
- layout
- Hanne Dewachter
- animator / posing
- Nelly Dispaux
- animator
- Kaj Driesen
- background artist
- Joke Duwaerts
- character & prop design
- Jakob Fløtre Eiring
- storyboard assistant
- Samiha Elgani
- character & prop design
- Lise Fearnley
- studio producer
- Adèle Frechou
- animator
- Sara Gianassi
- layout
- Landi Giulia
- animator
- Sofie Gjengstø
- intern
- Zoé Hardy
- animator
- Camiel Hermans
- posing
- Ada Hernaez
- background artist
- Myra Sofia Hild
- animator
- Sunniva Fluge Hole
- character designer
- Marcus Hoogveld
- pre-production design team / set designer
- Mathieu Jadin
- animator / posing
- Audrey Lacolonge
- intern
- Sylvie Lacroix
- background and color supervisor
- Maxime Lambert
- animator
- Pierre le Brun
- posing
- Thierry Lechien
- background and color supervisor
- Océane Lecoutre
- digital animation
- Sarah Lefébure
- intern
- Stephan Lentz
- animator
- Elise Leonard
- background artist
- Marta de la Vega Lobo
- layout
- Nikolai Lockertsen
- concept artist
- Mireia Lopez Ivern
- animator
- Adriano Lorusso
- character & prop design
- Arthur Loyen
- background artist
- JoaquÃn Madrid
- animator
- Sarah Menheere
- posing lead
- Mateo Merino Sergio
- animator
- Solène Michel
- animator / posing
- Ragna Nordhus Midtgard
- production manager
- Ian Oosterlinck
- technical layout
- Alba Palacios
- animator
- Maïckel Pasta
- pre-production design team
- Maxime Pelletier
- background artist
- Laura Piette
- animator
- Jorge Pozo
- animation supervisor
- Marika Ravindran
- pre-production design team
- Tonje Skar Reiersen
- studio producer
- Olivier Senny
- additional character design / character & prop design
- Grégory Simon
- background artist
- Dyveke Skold
- lead storyboard artist
- Laura Soret
- animator
- Sjur Ikutomi Sorli
- storyboard artist
- Hana Stoffels
- intern
- Stian Sollid Sydsæter
- storyboard artist
- Janos Szabo
- animator
- Saida Tilkin
- background artist
- Wim Tilkin
- character & prop design
- Silvia Godsk Tirone
- intern
- Julia Torjak
- junior character designer
- Lucile Tourret
- animator
- Sarah Vanderhaegen
- intern
- Elena Velasco
- animator
- Pascal Vermeersch
- animation director
- Stefan Vermeulen
- posing
- Bob Wolkers
- posing
- Lorène Yavo
- animator